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This is the server and admin component of the Yellr application
To make our moderator site you must have npm, bower, grunt, and ruby (for SASS compilation), installed. These instructions assume that you’re using bash.
sudo apt-get update
# This installs [nvm]( which is a node version manager
wget -qO- | bash
# installs v0.10.24 of node
nvm install v0.10.24
nvm use v0.10.24
# installs bower and grunt which is used for javascript make
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli
# ruby is used for sass compilation
sudo apt-get install ruby
sudo gem install sass
Once the you have all of those, simply run make
to compile all of the
frontend dependencies and if you’re going to do development, run make dev
to have grunt also watch all of your javascript and SASS files for changes.
git clone
cd yellr-server
make clean
make dev
Prior to getting your server started make sure you setup your own virtual environment and then run these commands.
cd yellr-serv/
$VENV/bin/python develop
$VENV/bin/initialize_yellr-serv_db development.ini
sqlite3 yellr-serv.sqlite < ./zipcodes/insert_zips_sqlite.sql
Note: there is a seperate zipcode sql file for production (postgresql server) called insert_zips.sql.
You will also need to install the ImageMagick tools.
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
sudo yum install imagemagick
go here for instructions:
Once imagemagick is installed, and you have configured you environment, you can run the development server:
$VENV/bin/pserve development.ini
Once you have done everything above, you can run the server with the following
cd yellr-server
cd yellr-serv
pserve developmentini
And that's it!