Let's start with one of the most quintessential tools, curl. The simplest curl
command fetches the html for a site. We'll use Speedrun to prompt for the url. The prompt syntax is ~~~Prompt Text~~~
curl ~~~Url~~~
When you click the Copy button, it will prompt you for the Url
. Once you're ready, click Ok to copy the command line to your clipboard.
You can customize the prompt by setting parameters using json5 syntax. This is the same as above, but with a default value.
curl ~~~Url {default:'ifconfig.me'}~~~
When you click the Copy button, it will prompt you for the Url
. Notice how it pre-fills the value with what you entered last time you set a Url
, or the default value if you haven't set a Url
before. This is so you always pick up where you left off. Click the button to the right to reset the value to the default.
Again, clicking the Ok button will copy the command line to your clipboard.
Downloading a file requires you to set both a Url
and a filename
. Here we'll assign the url to a variable url
and try and extract the filename from it using JavaScript with the ${}
syntax. If the Url
doesn't end with something with a file extension, it will default to output
. Notice how even though we define url
after attempting to extract the filename it still works. This is because variables are resolved at runtime and order doesn't matter.
curl -o ${/\.\w{1,4}$/.test(url)?url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/')+1):'output'} ~~~url=URL~~~
The tool imaginAIry can be used to generate AI images. If you look at the README you'll find an intense command line to mask part of an image and generate a new image. That command looks like this:
imagine \
--init-image pearl_earring.jpg \
--mask-prompt "face AND NOT (bandana OR hair OR blue fabric){*6}" \
--mask-mode keep \
--init-image-strength .2 \
--fix-faces \
"a modern female president" "a female robot" "a female doctor" "a female firefighter"
Let's wrap it for ease of use and give it default values and a few prompts with dropdowns:
imagine \
--init-image ~~~Image File {default:'pearl_earring.jpg'}~~~ \
-r ~~~Number of Images {type:'select', options:['1','5','10']}~~~ \
--mask-prompt "~~~Mask {default:'face AND NOT (bandana OR hair OR blue fabric){*6}'}~~~" \
--mask-mode keep \
--init-image-strength .2 --steps ~~~Steps {type:'select', options:['15','20','30']}~~~ \
"~~~Customization {default:'a modern female president'}~~~"