This repository is made for people struggling to make their first pull request. If you too are new to open source world, you're at the right place.
Fork this repository : Press on the fork button. This will create a copy of this repository on your github ID. This will lead you to a forked copy of this repository on your ID.
Clone the forked repository : Click on 'Code' button and copy the link. Move to a suitable location on your computer. Type the command below and wait for it to complete:
git clone <copied_link>
Editing : Simply add your name below everyone else's name in file. Save and exit.
Committing your changes : Type the following command to save your changes to the git repository on your computer.
git commit -m "Added <Your Name>"
- Pushing your changes: Type the following command to push changes to remote repository on your github account.
`` git push origin main
git pussh origin main
- Pull Request : Finally click on Compare and Pull Request button on your forked repository. Add a comment, and open pull request.
Congratulations! You've successfully generated your first pull request