copyright | lastupdated | subcollection | keywords | ||
2021-09-29 |
mqcloud |
connect, onprem, direct |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre}
{: #mqoc_connect_onprem_direct}
In order to directly connect an {{}} queue manager to an on-premises queue manager there are several steps to follow.
Create the queues in the MQ On Cloud queue manager.
- A remote queue to hold messages from the cloud application connected to a transmit queue.
- A local queue to hold responses from the on-premises queue manager requester channel.
Create the channels and authorizations to allow the MQ On Cloud queue manager to connect.
- The server channel - this channel will receive the initial connection from the on-premises queue manager, and will forward the messages from the transmit queue.
- A receiver channel - this channel will receive responses from the on-premises sender channel.
Create the queues in the on-premises queue manager.
- A local queue - this queue will hold messages destined for the on-premises application
- A remote queue - this queue is connected to a transmit queue to hold responses from the on-premises application destined for the cloud queue manager.
Create the channels and authorizations to connect to the MQ On Cloud queue manager.
- A requester channel - this channel corresponds to the server channel on the cloud - connected to the local queue.
- A sender channel - this channel corresponds to the receiver channel on the cloud queue manager - accepting messages from the transmit queue and forwarding them to the cloud queue manager.
Set up TLS security by giving the local queue manager the certificates to permit a trust relationship between the two queue managers.
Download full instructions here in PDF format.
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