copyright | lastupdated | subcollection | keywords | ||
2018-07-06 |
mqcloud |
admin, administartion, explorer, queue, manager |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre}
{: #mqoc_admin_mqexp}
MQ Explorer is an Eclipse-based tool for administering IBM MQ that you install on a machine of your choice and which connects remotely to one or more queue managers using a client connection. There are native installers for Windows and Linux 64-bit environments and it can be run on Mac OS via a Docker container as described in the prerequisites below.
Note The Eclipse plugin for MQ explorer on Mac OS does not, at the time of writing, support TLS connection. The administration channel for MQ on Cloud queue managers newer than version 9.2.1 revision 1 will have TLS enabled. These should be administered from Linux or Windows.
There are many actions you can perform through the MQ Explorer. You can:
- Connect to a queue manager
- Create a new queue
- Put a message onto a queue
- Browse a queue to view messages
- Delete a queue {:shortdesc}
{: #prereq_mqoc_admin_mqexp}
- An existing queue manager (for instructions, follow the creating a queue manager guide).
- You have permission to access queue managers within your IBM MQ service instance (for instructions, follow the configuring administrator access for a queue manager guide).
- An existing installation of IBM MQ Explorer. Download and installation instructions for Windows and Linux can be obtained from here and for Mac OS from here.
{: #getdetails_mqoc_admin_mqexp}
- Log in to the IBM Cloud console.
- Click on the 'hamburger menu'.
- Click Dashboard.
- Ensure that RESOURCE GROUP is set to All Resources.
- Locate and click on your IBM MQ service instance, found under the 'Services' heading.
- From the list of your queue managers, click on the one you want to administer.
- Make note of the Queue manager name, Hostname and Port values for use in the next steps.
- If you already know your MQ Username and IBM Cloud API Key, you can skip to the next section of this task. Otherwise, Click the Administration tab.
- Make a note of your MQ Username for future use.
- Note that you can edit your MQ Username at any time by following the Editing or removing the MQ username for an existing user or application guide.
- If you do not already have an existing IBM Cloud API key:
- Click Create IBM Cloud API Key.
- Click Show to display the API key to copy and save it for later, or click Download to store the API key in a file.
- Note that the API key generated in these steps is used to authenticate with IBM Cloud as the user who created it. Therefore, it should not be shared with any other users and should be stored securely.
- An API key created through the IBM MQ service can be reset from the queue manager Administration tab.
- Click Close.
{: #connect_mqoc_admin_mqexp}
Note: Please ensure that you have carried out the prerequisite steps listed above.
- Start IBM MQ Explorer.
- In the 'MQ Explorer - Navigator' panel, expand IBM MQ.
- Right click Queue Managers.
- Click Add Remote Queue Manager....
- Input the queue manager name you want to administer.
- Click Next.
- Input the Hostname you noted in step 2.
- Overwrite the Port number with the one you noted in step 2.
- Overwrite the server connection channel name with CLOUD.ADMIN.SVRCONN.
- Click Next.
- Click Next.
- Tick the checkbox for 'Enable user identification'.
- Untick the checkbox for 'User identification compatibility mode'.
- Type your MQ username as the user id.
- Click Finish.
- Paste your platform API key into the 'Password' text box.
- Click OK.
Your queue manager connection now appears under the Queue Managers folder in the 'MQ Explorer - Navigator' panel.
{: #createq_mqoc_admin_mqexp}
In the 'MQ Explorer - Navigator > IBM MQ > Queue Managers' view:
- Expand the entry for your queue manager.
- Right click Queues.
- Select 'New' > 'Local Queue...'.
- Type 'DEV.TEST.1' in the 'Name' text box.
- Click Finish.
- Click OK.
Your new queue appears in the list of queues.
{: #put_mqoc_admin_mqexp}
- Right click on queue 'DEV.TEST.1'.
- Click 'Put Test Message...'.
- Type in a test message in the 'Message data' text box.
- Click Put message.
- Click Close.
- Click Refresh in the 'Queues' panel.
You can see that the 'Current queue depth' for 'DEV.TEST.1' is now 1.
{: #get_mqoc_admin_mqexp}
- Right click on queue 'DEV.TEST.1'.
- Click 'Browse Messages...'.
- Confirm you can see your test message and then click Close.
{: #deleteq_mqoc_admin_mqexp}
- Right click on queue 'DEV.TEST.1'.
- Click 'Delete'.
- Click 'Delete'.
- Check the 'Clear all messages from the queue' box.
- Click Delete.
- Click OK.
You can see that queue 'DEV.TEST.1' has been removed from the list of queues.
{: #conc_mqoc_admin_mqexp}
You've successfully:
- Connected to a queue manager using MQ Explorer and have created a new test queue
- Put a test message onto the test queue and have browsed the test queue to view the test message
- Cleared and deleted the test queue to clean up
{: #next_mqoc_admin_mqexp}