Author: Nicco Ryan
A C# implementation of a basic Hash Table with methods for Getting Hash values, Adding nodes to the table, Getting nodes from the table and checking if the tables Contains a node.
Method | Summary | Big O Time | Big O Space | Example |
GetHash | Get a hashed integer for a given input string | O(1) | O(1) | table.GetHash("Nicco") |
Add | Add a key-value pair to the table | O(1) | O(1) | table.Add("Nicco", 24) |
Get | Get a value from the table by it's key | O(n) | O(1) | table.Get("Nicco") |
Contains | Check if the table contains a given key | O(1) | O(1) | table.Contains("Nicco") |
1.0: Created Hash Table class library. - 16 August 2020