This script will create the following resources (if enabled):
- Volumes
- Floating IPs
- Neutron Ports
- Instances
- Keypair
- Network
- Subnet
- Router
- Router Interface
- Loadbalancer
- Templates
- Security Group (Allow ICMP, 80/tcp, 22/tcp)
This example will, by default not create Volumes. This is to show how to enable resources via parameters. To enable Volume creation, set the disk__size_gb variable to a value > 10.
- username (your flexibleengine username)
- password (your flexibleengine password)
- domain_name (your flexibleengine domain name)
- You must have a ssh_pub_key file defined, or terraform will complain, see default path below.
- project (this will prefix all your resources, default=terraform)
- ssh_pub_key (the path to the ssh public key you want to deploy, default=~/.ssh/
- instance_count (affects the number of Floating IPs, Instances, Volumes and Ports, default=1)
- flavor_name (flavor of the created instances, default=s1.medium)
- image_name (image used for creating instances, default=Standard_CentOS_7_latest)
- disk_size_gb (size of the volumes in gigabytes, default=None)