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Randgalt edited this page Feb 21, 2013 · 6 revisions

Governator provides a mechanism to listen for injections and lifecycle state changes via the LifecycleListener interface. Add a binding to your listener in the Bootstrapping module.

You can bind multiple LifecycleListener instances. The BootstrapBinder has a method for binding LifecycleListener instances.

// to bind a LifecycleListener in the BootstrapBinder

 * Callback for injected instances
public interface LifecycleListener
     * When Guice injects an object, this callback will be notified
     * @param type object type being injected
     * @param obj  object being injected
    public <T> void objectInjected(TypeLiteral<T> type, T obj);

     * Called when an object's lifecycle state changes
     * @param obj the object
     * @param newState new state
    public void     stateChanged(Object obj, LifecycleState newState);