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File metadata and controls

116 lines (103 loc) · 5.45 KB

Metadata Fields

NkSIP allows the retrieval of specific information from requests, reponses, dialogs and subscriptions. The available options are defined here for:

Keep in mind that activated plugins can install aditional metadata fields. See the plugins documentation.

Request and Responses Metadata

Accesible when calling nksip_request:meta/2, nksip_response:meta/2 and when using the option meta in the requests sending functions.

Name Type Description
handle nksip:handle() Request or response's handle
srv_id nksip:srv_id() Internal Service name this request or response belongs to
srv_name term() User Service name this request or response belongs to
dialog_handle nksip:handle() Dialog's handle of this request or response
subscription_handle nksip_id() Subscription's handle of this request or response
proto nksip:protocol() Transport protocol
local {nksip:protocol(),inet:ip_address(),inet:port_number()} Local transport protocol, ip and port
remote {nksip:protocol(),inet:ip_address(),inet:port_number()} Remote transport protocol, ip and port
method nksip:method() Method of the request (undefined if it is a response)
ruri nksip:uri() RUri of the request
scheme nksip:scheme() Scheme of RUri
user binary() User of RUri
domain binary() Domain of RUri
aor nksip:aor() Address-Of-Record of the RUri
code nksip:sip_code() SIP Code of the response (0 if it as request)
reason_phrase binary() Reason Phrase of the response
content_type nksip:token() Content-Type header
body nksip:body() Body
call_id nksip:call_id() Call-ID header
vias [nksip:via()] Via headers
from nksip:uri() From header
from_tag nksip:tag() From tag
from_scheme nksip:scheme() From SIP scheme
from_user binary() From user
from_domain binary() From domain
to nksip:uri() To header
to_tag nksip:tag() To tag
to_scheme nksip:scheme() To SIP scheme
to_user binary() To user
to_domain binary() To domain
cseq_num integer() CSeq (numeric part)
cseq_method nksip:method() CSeq (method part)
forwards integer() Max-Forwards header
routes [nksip:uri()] Route headers
contacts [nksip:uri()] Contact headers
require [binary()] Tokens in Require header
supported [binary()] Tokens in Supported header
expires integer()|undefined Expires header
expired boolean() trueif the request has expired (looking at Expires and Date headers, or received date if missing)
event nksip:token()|undefined Token in Event header
retry_after integer()|undefined|error Retry-After header
refer_to nksip:uri()|error URL in Refer-To header
realms [binary()] Realms in authentication headers
rseq_num integer()|undefined RSeq header (numeric part)
rack {integer(),integer(),nksip:method()}|undefined RAck header
{header, Name} [binary()] Gets an unparsed header value
all_headers [{binary(),[binary()]}] Gets all headers and values

Besides this values, you can use any string() or binary() to the get that header's value (use allways lowercase).

Dialogs Metadata

Available when calling nksip_dialog:meta/2.

Name Type Description
handle nksip:handle() Dialog's handle
srv_id nksip:srv_id() Internal Service name this dialog belongs to
srv_name term() User Service name this dialog belongs to
created nksip_lib:timestamp() Creation date
updated nksip_lib:timestamp() Last update
local_seq integer() Local CSeq number
remote_seq integer() Remote CSeq number
local_uri nksip:uri() Local URI
raw_local_uri binary() Unparsed Local URI
remote_uri nksip:uri() Remote URI
raw_remote_uri binary() Unparsed Remote URI
local_target nksip:uri() Local Target URI
raw_local_target binary() Unparsed Local Target URI
remote_target nksip:uri() Remote Target URI
raw_remote_target binary() Unparsed Remote Target URi
early boolean() Early dialog (no final response yet)
secure boolean() Secure (sips) dialog
route_set nksip:uri()} Route Set
raw_route_set binary() Unparsed Route Set
invite_status nksip_dialog:status() Current dialog's INVITE status
invite_answered nksip_lib:timestamp()} Answer (first 2xx response) timestamp for INVITE usages
invite_local_sdp nksip:sdp()} Current local SDP
invite_remote_sdp nksip:sdp()} Current remote SDP
invite_timeout integer() Seconds to expire current state
subscriptions nksip:handle() Lists all active subscriptions
call_id nksip:call_id() Call-ID of the dialog
from_tag binary() From tag
to_tag binary() To tag

Subscriptions Metadata

Available when calling nksip_subscriptions:meta/2. All dialog options are available for subscriptions, and also:

Name Type Description
handle nksip:handle() Subscription's Id
status nksip_subscription:status() Subscription's current status
event nksip:token() Event header
raw_event binary() Unparsed Event header
class uac|uas Class of the event, as a UAC or a UAS
answered nksip_lib:timestamp()|undefined Time first NOTIFY was received
expires integer() Seconds reamaining to subscription expiration