Python 3.4 or higher is required.
You will need Protocol Buffers v.2.6.1
or higher installed on your system to use ONNX.
On Ubuntu, for example you can install protobuf using:
# apt update
# apt install protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
And on Mac OS you can install protobuf using Homebrew:
$ brew install protobuf
You can verify whether you have version >=2.6.1
installed using the command:
$ protoc --version
libprotoc 3.4.0
The other requirement is of course nGraph and nGraph's Python bindings. You can follow these instructions to build an nGraph Python wheel containing both.
Prepare System:
# apt update
# apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev python-virtualenv
# apt install build-essential cmake curl clang-3.9 git zlib1g zlib1g-dev libtinfo-dev unzip autoconf automake libtool
Clone nGraph's master
branch, build and install it into $HOME/ngraph_dist
$ cd # Change directory to where you would like to clone nGraph sources
$ git clone -b master --single-branch --depth 1
$ mkdir ngraph/build && cd ngraph/build
$ make
$ make install
Prepare a Python virtual environment for nGraph (recommended):
$ mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs && cd ~/.virtualenvs
$ virtualenv -p $(which python3) nGraph
$ source nGraph/bin/activate
(nGraph) $
Build Python package (Binary wheel) for nGraph:
(nGraph) $ cd # Change directory to where you have cloned nGraph sources
(nGraph) $ cd ngraph/python
(nGraph) $ git clone --recursive
(nGraph) $ export PYBIND_HEADERS_PATH=$PWD/pybind11
(nGraph) $ export NGRAPH_CPP_BUILD_PATH=$HOME/ngraph_dist
(nGraph) $ pip install numpy
(nGraph) $ python bdist_wheel
For additional information how to build nGraph Python bindings see:
Once the Python binary wheel file (ngraph-*.whl
) is prepared you can install it using pip.
For example:
(nGraph) $ pip install -U dist/ngraph_core-0.0.0.dev0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
You can check that nGraph is properly installed in your Python shell:
>>> import ngraph as ng
>>> ng.abs([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
<Abs: 'Abs_1' ([2, 3])>
Additionally check that nGraph and nGraph's Python wheel were both build with the NGRAPH_ONNX_IMPORT_ENABLE
from ngraph.impl import onnx_import
If you don't see any errors, nGraph should be installed correctly.
You can install ngraph-onnx using the following commands. Clone ngraph-onnx
sources to the same directory where you cloned ngraph
(nGraph) $ cd # Change directory to where you have cloned nGraph sources
(nGraph) $ git clone -b master --single-branch --depth 1
(nGraph) $ cd ngraph-onnx
(nGraph) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(nGraph) $ pip install -r requirements_test.txt
(nGraph) $ pip install -e .
(nGraph) $ pytest tests/ --backend=CPU -v
(nGraph) $ NGRAPH_BACKEND=CPU TOX_INSTALL_NGRAPH_FROM=../ngraph/python tox