This repo demostrates how a liquidation strategy works on Aave V2 Ethereum Mainnet using foundry.
1. Install foundry, if you haven't already.
Run the following command.
git clone
You can get one from Alchemy website for free.
Run the following command.
forge build
Replace <your alchemy rpc url>
with the Ethereum Mainnet RPC URL you get from step 1 and run the following command. This will run test/Liquidation.t.sol, a test contract for src/Liquidation.sol on the Ethereum Mainnet fork network on your local machine.
forge test -vv --fork-url <your alchemy rpc url> --fork-block-number 15780157 --mp test/Liquidation.t.sol
Expected Outputs
Running 4 tests for test/Liquidation.t.sol:LiquidationTest
[PASS] testCollateralAsset() (gas: 10099)
[PASS] testDebtBalance() (gas: 10061)
[PASS] testFlashloan() (gas: 727761)
Earned 25916384485813682 MKR
[PASS] testHealthFactor() (gas: 157336)
health factor 999477489095341547
Test result: ok. 4 passed; 0 failed; finished in 6.29ms