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NNF Container Workflow Tutorial


This repo contains an example MPI application that is built into a container that can be used for an NNF Container Workflow. The application uses the dynamic storage created by the workflow. The storage path is passed into the hello world application.

The overall process for creating a container workflow is as follows:

  • A container image is created from this repo
  • An NNF Container Profile is created on the NNF Kubernetes cluster:
    • The container image is specified in the profile along with the command to run
    • A required GFS2 storage is defined in the profile
    • The command also includes an environment
  • A Workflow is created and contains two directives:
    • Directive for the GFS2 filesystem (that matches the GFS2 storage name in the profile)
    • Directive for the container (that specifies the profile)
  • Workflow is progressed to the PreRun stage, where the container starts

Making a Container Image

To start, you must have a working container image that includes your application. This image and your application are used in the NNF Container Profile to instruct the container workflow to run your application. Adding an NNF Container Profile and container image may require elevated privileges. Please work with your system administrator to get these on your system.

The Dockerfile in this repository creates an example image that can be used to drive container workflows.

When building your own image, ensure it meets the following requirements coupled with your user application.


Any container image that is built must be available in an image registry that is available on your cluster. See your cluster administrator for more details.

In this example, we're using the GitHut Container Registry (, so your cluster must have internet access to retrieve the image.

MPI Applications

For MPI applications, the container must include the following:

  • open-mpi
  • MPI File Utils
  • ssh server
  • nslookup

The easiest way to do this is to use the NNF MFU (MPI File Utils) image in your Dockerfile:


Using this image ensures that your image contains the necessary software to run MPI applications across Kubernetes pods that are running on NNF nodes.

Writing an NNF Container Profile

Once you have a working container image, it's time to create an NNF Container Profile. The profile is used to define the storages that you expect to use with your application. It also defines how you run your application.


In this example, we are expecting to have 1 non-optional storage called DW_JOB_my_storage. If the storage is persistent storage, then it must start with DW_PERSISTENT rather than DW_JOB. Filesystem types are not defined here, but later in the DW directive.

kind: NnfContainerProfile
  name: demo
  namespace: nnf-system
    - name: DW_JOB_my_storage
      optional: false

The name of this storage must be present in the container directive - more on that later.

Container Specs

Next, we define the container specification. For MPI applications, this is done using mpiSpec. The mpiSpec allows us to define the Launcher and Worker containers.

kind: NnfContainerProfile
  name: demo
  namespace: nnf-system
    - name: DW_JOB_my_storage
      optional: false
              - name: nnf-container-example
                  - mpirun
                  - --tag-output
                  - mpi_hello_world
                  - "$(DW_JOB_my_storage)"
              - name: nnf-container-example

Both the Launcher and Worker must be defined. The main pieces here are to set the images for both and the command for the Launcher. Boiled down, these are just Kubernetes PodTemplateSpecs.

The container image tag may need to be changed from "master" to match the tag for your build.

Our mpi_hello_world application takes in a command line argument for the storage file path. We are using the name of the storage we defined above in the storages object to pass into our command:

                  - mpirun
                  - mpi_hello_world
                  - "$(DW_JOB_my_storage)"

For the full definition of the MPIJobSpec provided by mpi-operator, see the definition here. However, some of these values are overridden by NNF software and not all configurable options have been tested.

For a full understanding of the other options in an NNF Container Profile, see the nnf-sos samples and examples.

Creating a DW Container Workflow

With a container image and an NNF Container Profile, we are now ready to create a Workflow.

The workflow definition will include two DW Directives:

  1. #DW jobdw to create the storage defined in the profile
  2. #DW container to create the containers and map the storage/profile.

First, we'll create the storage. We will be using GFS2 for the filesystem:

#DW jobdw name=demo-gfs2 type=gfs2 capacity=50GB

Then, define the container. Note the DW_JOB_my_storage=demo-gfs2 argument matches what is in the NNF Container Profile and maps it to the name of the GFS2 filesystem created in the DW Directive above.

#DW container name=demo-container profile=demo DW_JOB_my_storage=demo-gfs2

Deploy Example to Cluster

Note: The Flux workload manager may take care of all or most of the steps in this section. This is the manual way of doing things. You may want to consult a Flux expert on how to drive a container workflow using Flux.

With a working Kubernetes cluster, the previous examples can be put together and deployed on the system. The files in this repository have done that.

Create the Profile and Workflow

Deploy the profile and create the workflow:

kubectl apply -f nnf-container-example.yaml

Assign Nodes to the Workflow

For container directives, compute nodes must be assigned to the workflow. The NNF software will trace the compute nodes back to their local NNF nodes and the container will be executed on those NNF nodes. The act of assigning compute nodes to your container workflow instructs the NNF software to select the NNF nodes that run the containers.

For the jobdw directive that is included, we must define the servers (i.e. NNF nodes) and the computes.

Update the servers and computes resources assigned to the workflow.

Note: you must change the node names in the allocation-*.yaml files to match your system. allocationCount must match the number of compute nodes being targeted for that particular NNF node. In the example, rabbit-node-1 is attached to compute-node-1 and compute-node-2, etc.

kubectl patch --type merge --patch-file=allocation-servers.yaml servers demo-container-0
kubectl patch --type merge --patch-file=allocation-computes.yaml computes demo-container

Progress Workflow

At this point, the workflow should be in Proposal state and Completed status:

$ kubectl get workflows
NAME                    STATE      READY   STATUS      AGE
demo-container   Proposal   true    Completed   12m

Progress the workflow to the Setup state and wait for Completed:

kubectl patch --type merge workflow demo-container --patch '{"spec": {"desiredState": "Setup"}}'
kubectl get workflows
NAME                    STATE   READY   STATUS      AGE
demo-container   Setup   true    Completed   12m

Progress to DataIn:

kubectl patch --type merge workflow demo-container --patch '{"spec": {"desiredState": "DataIn"}}'

Then PreRun:

kubectl patch --type merge workflow demo-container --patch '{"spec": {"desiredState": "PreRun"}}'

The PreRun state will start the containers. Once the containers have started successfully, the status will become Completed. Your application is now running via the launcher pod, which is instructing mpirun to run your application on the worker pods. When the compute nodes were assigned to the workflow in the Proposal state (via the computes resource), the NNF software traced the compute nodes to their local NNF nodes. In this case, it means two NNF nodes were selected, and a worker pod is running on each of them.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
demo-container-launcher-wcvcs   1/1     Running   0          5s
demo-container-worker-0         1/1     Running   0          5s
demo-container-worker-1         1/1     Running   0          5s

You can use kubectl to inspect the log to get your application's output:

$ kubectl logs demo-container-launcher-wcvcs
Defaulted container "nnf-container-example" out of: nnf-container-example, mpi-init-passwd (init), mpi-wait-for-worker-2 (init)
Warning: Permanently added '[demo-container-worker-1.demo-container.default.svc]:2222,[]:2222' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[demo-container-worker-0.demo-container.default.svc]:2222,[]:2222' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[1,0]<stdout>:Hello world from processor demo-container-worker-0, rank 0 out of 2 processors. NNF Storage path: /mnt/nnf/7f33f3bf-4559-4dda-892c-ff6148116a08-0, hostname: demo-container-worker-0
[1,0]<stdout>:Found indexed dir: /mnt/nnf/7f33f3bf-4559-4dda-892c-ff6148116a08-0/rabbit-node-1-0
[1,0]<stdout>:rank 0: test file: /mnt/nnf/7f33f3bf-4559-4dda-892c-ff6148116a08-0/rabbit-node-1-0/testfile
[1,1]<stdout>:Hello world from processor demo-container-worker-1, rank 1 out of 2 processors. NNF Storage path: /mnt/nnf/7f33f3bf-4559-4dda-892c-ff6148116a08-0, hostname: demo-container-worker-1
[1,1]<stdout>:Found indexed dir: /mnt/nnf/7f33f3bf-4559-4dda-892c-ff6148116a08-0/rabbit-node-2-0
[1,1]<stdout>:rank 1: test file: /mnt/nnf/7f33f3bf-4559-4dda-892c-ff6148116a08-0/rabbit-node-2-0/testfile
[1,0]<stdout>:rank 0: wrote file to '/mnt/nnf/7f33f3bf-4559-4dda-892c-ff6148116a08-0/rabbit-node-1-0/testfile'
[1,1]<stdout>:rank 1: wrote file to '/mnt/nnf/7f33f3bf-4559-4dda-892c-ff6148116a08-0/rabbit-node-2-0/testfile'

You can see that the Storage path is passed into the container application and printed to the log:

Hello world from processor demo-container-worker-1, rank 1 out of 2 processors. NNF Storage path: /mnt/nnf/100db033-c9f2-4cf8-b085-505aebf571c1-0, hostname: demo-container-worker-1

The next state is PostRun. When containers have exited cleanly, the status state will become Completed.

kubectl patch --type merge workflow demo-container --patch '{"spec": {"desiredState": "PostRun"}}'
$ kubectl get workflows
NAME                    STATE     READY   STATUS      AGE
demo-container   PostRun   true    Completed   13m
kubectl get pods
NAME                                   READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
demo-container-launcher-wcvcs   0/1     Completed   0          73s
demo-container-worker-0         1/1     Running     0          73s
demo-container-worker-1         1/1     Running     0          73s

You can then tear down the workflow:

kubectl patch --type merge workflow demo-container --patch '{"spec": {"desiredState": "Teardown"}}'

Once completed, the workflow and profile can be deleted. Again, you may need admin privileges to remove the NNF Container Profile.

kubectl delete -f nnf-container-example.yaml

Additional Info

Communicating with Compute Node Applications

Compute node applications will have the ability to communicate with container applications using ports. The container application can listen in on a port that is assigned to the NNF container. The port number is made available to the compute node application via environment variables.

Port assignment is not yet implemented to the containers running on the NNF nodes.