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Zendesk Source connector



Quickly test Zendesk Source connector.

Create an API token

In your Zendesk account, create a token:


How to run

Simply run:


Note: you can also export these values as environment variable

P.S: ZENDESK_USERNAME should have format email/token

Details of what the script is doing

Creating Zendesk Source connector

$ curl -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data '{
                    "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.zendesk.ZendeskSourceConnector",
                    "tasks.max": "1",
                    "": 1000,
                    "zendesk.auth.type": "basic",
                    "zendesk.url": "'"$ZENDESK_URL"'",
                    "zendesk.user": "'"$ZENDESK_USERNAME"'",
                    "zendesk.password": "'"$ZENDESK_PASSWORD"'",
                    "zendesk.tables": "tickets",
                    "zendesk.since": "'"$SINCE"'",
                    "key.converter": "",
                    "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
                    "value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
                    "confluent.license": "",
                    "confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers": "broker:9092",
                    "confluent.topic.replication.factor": "1",
                    "errors.tolerance": "all",
                    "errors.log.enable": true,
                    "errors.log.include.messages": true
          }' \
     http://localhost:8083/connectors/zendesk-source/config | jq .

Verify we have received the data in zendesk-topic-tickets topic:

$ docker exec broker kafka-console-consumer -bootstrap-server broker:9092 --topic zendesk-topic-tickets --from-beginning --max-messages 1


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    "description": "Hi team,\n\nPlease forward this to those not on this email, but were in the meeting or would like to see this recap.\n\n**Date:**\n2019-12-04\n\n**Topic:**\n\n**Attendees**\n\n-\n\n**Discussions**\n\n-\n\n**Action Items**\n\n-\n\n**Next Steps**\n\n-\n\nThanks!\n\nDan Cooper\u200b",
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N.B: Control Center is reachable at