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Client code for the Moggles project.
Released as a Nuget Package.

Retrieves feature toggles from source (Moggles or other application respecting the contract) and caches them in the application (where the package is installed) at a configurable period of time. Available for both .NET Core and .NET Framework.

  1. Installation
  2. Features
  3. Logging
  4. How to use?
  5. Testing
  6. Credits
  7. License


The package can be downloaded from NuGet.


  • The feature toggles are retrieved using an API provided in the configuration file by each application the package is installed in. Even though it was originally created for Moggles, the API can be replaced by any application respecting the contract.
    • A timeout period for the call can be configured, the default value is 30s.
  • The feature toggles are retrieved based on the Application and Environment.
  • The feature toggles are saved in the application cache and are refreshed hourly. The period of time in which the feature toggles are refreshed is configurable by adding a key in the application configuration file.
    • Feature toggles are saved in two cache entries, an expiring one and a persistent one.
    • If the call that retrieves the toggles fails, the persistent cache will hold the previous feature toggles values that are going to be used and the call will be retried every 3 minutes until successful.
    • If none of the cache entries are available, the default toggle value is false and an exception is logged in Application Insights.
  • Check if a feature toggle is enabled.
  • Get all feature toggle values.

In order to make use of the following features a Rabbitmq machine will need to be setup.

The following features are disabled by default, but they can be disabled by adding a key in the application configuration file (UseMessaging).

The message bus url, user and password will need to be provided in the application configuration file.

Force cache refresh

  • If the impact of a toggle needs to be visible prior to the new refresh time of the cache, a force cache event (triggered by Moggles) can be handled by the client.
  • MogglesClient will read the message from the queue and based on the Application and Environment matched by the configuration keys provided it will refresh the feature toggles values from the application. The expected message contract can be found here (the namespace of the contract class will also have to match).
  • The cache will be refreshed as soon as the message is published and read from the queue.
  • If the queue name for the event is not provided, a temporary queue will be created. (It will have a randomly assigned name & is going to be deleted when there are no consumers subscribed to the queue)

More information on how this feature is implemented can be found in the Moggles documentation.

Show deployed feature toggles

  • At application start, the client will search all assemblies for feature toggles and will publish a message containing the feature toggles found in the application. Moggles will receive the message and update the deployed status of the feature toggles. The published message contract can be found here (the namespace of the contract class will also have to match).
  • A list of assemblies that can be ignored in the search can be provided (ex: EntityFramework, System, log4net).

More information on how this feature is implemented can be found in the Moggles documentation.


Different information is logged in Application Insights:

  • An instrumentation key will need to be provided in order for this feature to be available.

    Exceptions logged Events logged
    The API call that retrieves the feature toggles fails When the cache entries are successfully refreshed
    When the FTs are not available (both cache entries are empty) When a force cache refresh event was handled
    When detecting the deployed feature toggles and one of the assemblies it searches in could not be loaded

Custom Logging

If Application Insights is not an available option or you want to log to another location:

    public class CustomLoggingService : IMogglesLoggingService
        public void TrackEvent(string eventName, string application, string environment)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public void TrackException(Exception ex, string application, string environment)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public void TrackException(Exception ex, string customMessage, string application, string environment)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
  • Call overload of ConfigureAndStartClient:
Moggles.ConfigureAndStartClient(loggingService: new CustomLoggingService());

How to use?

The configuration keys for MogglesClient will need to be provided in the application configuration file.

  • .NET Framework
    <!-- MogglesClient configuration keys-->

    <!--REQUIRED KEYS-->
    <add key="Moggles.ApplicationName" value="MogglesExampleApp" />
    <add key="Moggles.Environment" value="DEV" />
    <add key="Moggles.Url" value="" />

    <!--OPTIONAL KEYS-->
    <add key="Moggles.CachingTime" value="3600"/>
    <add key="Moggles.RequestTimeout" value="30"/>
    <add key="Moggles.ApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey" value="myInstrumentationKey"/>

    <!--Messaging features, also optional-->
    <add key="Moggles.UseMessaging" value = "true" />
    <add key="Moggles.MessageBusUrl" value="rabbitmq://myMessageBusUrl" />
    <add key="Moggles.MessageBusUser" value="user" />
    <add key="Moggles.MessageBusPassword" value="password" />
    <add key="Moggles.CacheRefreshQueue" value="my_cache_refresh_queue"/>
    <add key="Moggles.EnvironmentDetectorCustomAssembliesToIgnore" value="Assembly1, Assembly2"/>
  • .NET Core
"Moggles": {
    "ApplicationName": "MogglesExampleApp",
    "Environment": "DEV",
    "Url": "",

    "CachingTime": "3600",
    "RequestTimeout":  "30", 
    "ApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey": "myInstrumentationKey",

    //Messaging features, , also optional
    "UseMessaging": "true",
    "MessageBusUrl": "rabbitmq://myMessageBusUrl",
    "MessageBusUser": "user",
    "MessageBusPassword": "password",
    "CacheRefreshQueue": "my_cache_refresh_queue",
    "EnvironmentDetectorCustomAssembliesToIgnore": "Assembly1, Assembly2"
  • At application start Moggles.ConfigureAndStartClient() method has to be called. The method will initialize the client, will cache the feature toggles and it will publish the message with the deployed feature toggles.

    • The method will also return the configured client instance which can be registered and injected in the code. The registration step is only necessary if the GetAllFeatureToggles method is used:

      • .NET Framework


        using Autofac;  
        using MogglesClient.PublicInterface;  
        public void Application_Start()
          Moggles mogglesClient = Moggles.ConfigureAndStartClient();
      • .NET Core

        The IConfiguration object will have to be passed to the method.


        using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions;  
        using MogglesClient.PublicInterface;  
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
          Moggles mogglesClient = Moggles.ConfigureAndStartClient(Configuration);

      In controller:

      using MogglesClient.PublicInterface;  
      public FeatureToggleController(Moggles mogglesClient)
         _mogglesClient = mogglesClient;
  • Adding and using a feature toggle

    Each feature toggle needs to have a corresponding class that inherits from MogglesFeatureToggle. The feature toggle class name has to be the same as the feature toggle name returned from source (Moggles or other application respecting the contract):

    using MogglesClient.PublicInterface;
    namespace TestApp.FeatureToggles
        public class TestFeatureToggle: MogglesFeatureToggle


    if (Is<TestFeatureToggle>.Enabled)


In order to mock the feature toggles values Moggles.ConfigureForTestingMode() will have to be called before each test and a key will need to be added in the tests configuration file (TestingMode) together with the feature toggle value.

  • NET. Framework


    In configuration file:

      <add key="Moggles.TestingMode" value="true" />
      <add key="Moggles.TestFeatureToggle" value="true" />

    In this case TestFeatureToggle will have the same value in all tests.


    ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Moggles.TestingMode"] = "true";
    ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Moggles.TestFeatureToggle"] = "true";

    This option can be used to set TestFeatureToggle with different values in each test.

  • NET. Core

     var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

    In configuration file:

    "Moggles": {
      "TestingMode": "true",
      "TestFeatureToggle":  "true" 

    In this case TestFeatureToggle will have the same value in all tests.


    configuration["Moggles:TestingMode"] = "true";
    configuration["Moggles:TestFeatureToggle"] = "true";

    This option can be used to set TestFeatureToggle with different values in each test.


The initial insipiration was the feature toggle library created by Jason Roberts.


The project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0