diff --git a/lib/reload.js b/lib/reload.js
index b1483c0..cba224b 100644
--- a/lib/reload.js
+++ b/lib/reload.js
@@ -6,80 +6,83 @@ module.exports = function(options, reloadCallback) {
       async = require('async'),
       execFile = require('child_process').execFile,
       logger = require('./logger'),
-      processEnv = require('./process_env');
+      processEnv = require('./process_env'),
+      writeTemplates = require('./write_templates');
-  var configPath = processEnv.supervisordConfigPath();
-  var execOpts = {
-    env: processEnv.env(),
-  };
+  writeTemplates(function() {
+    var configPath = processEnv.supervisordConfigPath();
+    var execOpts = {
+      env: processEnv.env(),
+    };
-  logger.info('Begin reloading api-umbrella...');
-  execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'update'], execOpts, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
-    if(error) {
-      logger.error('supervisorctl update error: ' + error.message + '\n\nSTDOUT: ' + stdout + '\n\nSTDERR:' + stderr);
-      return false;
-    }
+    logger.info('Begin reloading api-umbrella...');
+    execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'update'], execOpts, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
+      if(error) {
+        logger.error('supervisorctl update error: ' + error.message + '\n\nSTDOUT: ' + stdout + '\n\nSTDERR:' + stderr);
+        return false;
+      }
-    var tasks = [];
+      var tasks = [];
-    if((_.isEmpty(options) || options.router) && config.get('service_router_enabled')) {
-      tasks = tasks.concat([
-        function(callback) {
-          logger.info('Reloading router-nginx...');
-          execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'kill', 'HUP', 'router-nginx'], execOpts, callback);
-        },
-        function(callback) {
-          logger.info('Reloading gatekeeper...');
-          execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'serialrestart', 'gatekeeper:*'], execOpts, callback);
-        },
-        function(callback) {
-          logger.info('Reloading config-reloader...');
-          execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'config-reloader'], execOpts, callback);
-        },
-        function(callback) {
-          logger.info('Reloading distributed-rate-limits-sync...');
-          execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'distributed-rate-limits-sync'], execOpts, callback);
-        },
-        function(callback) {
-          logger.info('Reloading log-processor...');
-          execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'log-processor'], execOpts, callback);
-        },
-        function(callback) {
-          logger.info('Reloading router-log-listener...');
-          execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'router-log-listener'], execOpts, callback);
-        },
-      ]);
-    }
+      if((_.isEmpty(options) || options.router) && config.get('service_router_enabled')) {
+        tasks = tasks.concat([
+          function(callback) {
+            logger.info('Reloading router-nginx...');
+            execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'kill', 'HUP', 'router-nginx'], execOpts, callback);
+          },
+          function(callback) {
+            logger.info('Reloading gatekeeper...');
+            execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'serialrestart', 'gatekeeper:*'], execOpts, callback);
+          },
+          function(callback) {
+            logger.info('Reloading config-reloader...');
+            execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'config-reloader'], execOpts, callback);
+          },
+          function(callback) {
+            logger.info('Reloading distributed-rate-limits-sync...');
+            execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'distributed-rate-limits-sync'], execOpts, callback);
+          },
+          function(callback) {
+            logger.info('Reloading log-processor...');
+            execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'log-processor'], execOpts, callback);
+          },
+          function(callback) {
+            logger.info('Reloading router-log-listener...');
+            execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'router-log-listener'], execOpts, callback);
+          },
+        ]);
+      }
-    if((_.isEmpty(options) || options.web) && config.get('service_web_enabled')) {
-      tasks = tasks.concat([
-        function(callback) {
-          logger.info('Reloading web-nginx...');
-          execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'kill', 'HUP', 'web-nginx'], execOpts, callback);
-        },
-        function(callback) {
-          logger.info('Reloading web-puma...');
-          execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'kill', 'USR2', 'web-puma'], execOpts, callback);
-        },
-        function(callback) {
-          logger.info('Reloading web-delayed-job...');
-          execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'web-delayed-job'], execOpts, callback);
-        },
-      ]);
-    }
+      if((_.isEmpty(options) || options.web) && config.get('service_web_enabled')) {
+        tasks = tasks.concat([
+          function(callback) {
+            logger.info('Reloading web-nginx...');
+            execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'kill', 'HUP', 'web-nginx'], execOpts, callback);
+          },
+          function(callback) {
+            logger.info('Reloading web-puma...');
+            execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'kill', 'USR2', 'web-puma'], execOpts, callback);
+          },
+          function(callback) {
+            logger.info('Reloading web-delayed-job...');
+            execFile('supervisorctl', ['-c', configPath, 'restart', 'web-delayed-job'], execOpts, callback);
+          },
+        ]);
+      }
-    if(tasks.length > 0) {
-      async.parallel(tasks, function(error) {
-        if(error) {
-          logger.error('Error reloading api-umbrella: ', error);
-          reloadCallback(error);
-        } else {
-          logger.info('Finished reloading api-umbrella');
-          reloadCallback();
-        }
-      });
-    } else {
-      reloadCallback();
-    }
+      if(tasks.length > 0) {
+        async.parallel(tasks, function(error) {
+          if(error) {
+            logger.error('Error reloading api-umbrella: ', error);
+            reloadCallback(error);
+          } else {
+            logger.info('Finished reloading api-umbrella');
+            reloadCallback();
+          }
+        });
+      } else {
+        reloadCallback();
+      }
+    }.bind(this));
diff --git a/lib/router.js b/lib/router.js
index 2f8942a..b217971 100644
--- a/lib/router.js
+++ b/lib/router.js
@@ -666,84 +666,8 @@ _.extend(Router.prototype, {
   writeTemplates: function(callback) {
-    var gatekeeperHosts = _.times(config.get('gatekeeper.workers'), function(n) {
-      var port = parseInt(config.get('gatekeeper.starting_port'), 10) + n;
-      return {
-        port: port,
-        host: config.get('gatekeeper.host') + ':' + port,
-        process_name: 'gatekeeper' + (n + 1),
-      };
-    });
-    var templateConfig = _.extend({}, config.getAll(), {
-      api_umbrella_config_runtime_file: this.configLoader.runtimeFile,
-      api_umbrella_config_args: '--config ' + this.configLoader.runtimeFile,
-      gatekeeper_hosts: gatekeeperHosts,
-      gatekeeper_supervisor_process_names: _.pluck(gatekeeperHosts, 'process_name'),
-      test_env: (config.get('app_env') === 'test'),
-      development_env: (config.get('app_env') === 'development'),
-      primary_hosts: _.filter(config.get('hosts'), function(host) { return !host.secondary; }),
-      secondary_hosts: _.filter(config.get('hosts'), function(host) { return host.secondary; }),
-      has_default_host: (_.where(config.get('hosts'), { default: true }).length > 0),
-      supervisor_conditional_user: (config.get('user')) ? 'user=' + config.get('user') : '',
-      mongodb_yaml: yaml.safeDump(_.merge({
-        systemLog: {
-          path: path.join(config.get('log_dir'), 'mongod.log'),
-        },
-        storage: {
-          dbPath: path.join(config.get('db_dir'), 'mongodb'),
-        },
-      }, config.get('mongodb.embedded_server_config'))),
-      elasticsearch_yaml: yaml.safeDump(_.merge({
-        path: {
-          conf: path.join(config.get('etc_dir'), 'elasticsearch'),
-          data: path.join(config.get('db_dir'), 'elasticsearch'),
-          logs: path.join(config.get('log_dir')),
-        },
-      }, config.get('elasticsearch.embedded_server_config'))),
-    });
-    var templateRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../templates/etc');
-    glob(path.join(templateRoot, '**/*'), function(error, templatePaths) {
-      async.each(templatePaths, function(templatePath, eachCallback) {
-        if(fs.statSync(templatePath).isDirectory()) { return eachCallback(); }
-        var installPath = templatePath.replace(/\.hbs$/, '');
-        installPath = installPath.replace(templateRoot, '');
-        installPath = path.join(config.get('etc_dir'), installPath);
-        var content = '';
-        // For the api_backends template, write an empty file, since we don't
-        // have the necessary API backend information yet. This template gets
-        // managed by the config_reloader worker process after things are
-        // started.
-        if(!_.contains(installPath, 'nginx/api_backends.conf')) {
-          content = fs.readFileSync(templatePath).toString();
-          if(/\.hbs$/.test(templatePath)) {
-            var template = handlebars.compile(content);
-            content = template(templateConfig);
-          }
-        }
-        mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(installPath));
-        fs.writeFileSync(installPath, content);
-        // Since the api_backends file gets written by the separate
-        // config-reloader process, make sure it's writable if that process is
-        // running as the less-privileged user.
-        if(_.contains(installPath, 'nginx/api_backends.conf')) {
-          if(config.get('user')) {
-            var uid = posix.getpwnam(config.get('user')).uid;
-            var gid = posix.getgrnam(config.get('group')).gid;
-            fs.chownSync(installPath, uid, gid);
-          }
-        }
-        eachCallback();
-      }.bind(this), callback);
-    }.bind(this));
+    var writeTemplates = require('./write_templates');
+    writeTemplates(callback);
   startSupervisor: function(callback) {
diff --git a/lib/write_templates.js b/lib/write_templates.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..019722d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/write_templates.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+'use strict';
+module.exports = function(callback) {
+  var _ = require('lodash'),
+      async = require('async'),
+      config = require('api-umbrella-config').global(),
+      fs = require('fs'),
+      glob = require('glob'),
+      handlebars = require('handlebars'),
+      mkdirp = require('mkdirp'),
+      path = require('path'),
+      posix = require('posix'),
+      yaml = require('js-yaml');
+  var gatekeeperHosts = _.times(config.get('gatekeeper.workers'), function(n) {
+    var port = parseInt(config.get('gatekeeper.starting_port'), 10) + n;
+    return {
+      port: port,
+      host: config.get('gatekeeper.host') + ':' + port,
+      process_name: 'gatekeeper' + (n + 1),
+    };
+  });
+  var templateConfig = _.extend({}, config.getAll(), {
+    api_umbrella_config_runtime_file: config.path,
+    api_umbrella_config_args: '--config ' + config.path,
+    gatekeeper_hosts: gatekeeperHosts,
+    gatekeeper_supervisor_process_names: _.pluck(gatekeeperHosts, 'process_name'),
+    test_env: (config.get('app_env') === 'test'),
+    development_env: (config.get('app_env') === 'development'),
+    primary_hosts: _.filter(config.get('hosts'), function(host) { return !host.secondary; }),
+    secondary_hosts: _.filter(config.get('hosts'), function(host) { return host.secondary; }),
+    has_default_host: (_.where(config.get('hosts'), { default: true }).length > 0),
+    supervisor_conditional_user: (config.get('user')) ? 'user=' + config.get('user') : '',
+    mongodb_yaml: yaml.safeDump(_.merge({
+      systemLog: {
+        path: path.join(config.get('log_dir'), 'mongod.log'),
+      },
+      storage: {
+        dbPath: path.join(config.get('db_dir'), 'mongodb'),
+      },
+    }, config.get('mongodb.embedded_server_config'))),
+    elasticsearch_yaml: yaml.safeDump(_.merge({
+      path: {
+        conf: path.join(config.get('etc_dir'), 'elasticsearch'),
+        data: path.join(config.get('db_dir'), 'elasticsearch'),
+        logs: path.join(config.get('log_dir')),
+      },
+    }, config.get('elasticsearch.embedded_server_config'))),
+  });
+  var templateRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../templates/etc');
+  glob(path.join(templateRoot, '**/*'), function(error, templatePaths) {
+    async.each(templatePaths, function(templatePath, eachCallback) {
+      if(fs.statSync(templatePath).isDirectory()) { return eachCallback(); }
+      var installPath = templatePath.replace(/\.hbs$/, '');
+      installPath = installPath.replace(templateRoot, '');
+      installPath = path.join(config.get('etc_dir'), installPath);
+      mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(installPath));
+      // For the api_backends template, we don't have the necessary API backend
+      // information yet, so just make sure it exists and is writable. This
+      // template gets managed by the config_reloader worker process after
+      // things are started.
+      if(_.contains(installPath, 'nginx/api_backends.conf')) {
+        // Make sure the file exists.
+        fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(installPath, 'a'));
+        // Make sure it's writable in case the config-reloader process is
+        // running as the less-privileged user.
+        if(config.get('user')) {
+          var uid = posix.getpwnam(config.get('user')).uid;
+          var gid = posix.getgrnam(config.get('group')).gid;
+          fs.chownSync(installPath, uid, gid);
+        }
+      // All other templates get parsed and written.
+      } else {
+        var content = fs.readFileSync(templatePath).toString();
+        if(/\.hbs$/.test(templatePath)) {
+          var template = handlebars.compile(content);
+          content = template(templateConfig);
+        }
+        fs.writeFileSync(installPath, content);
+      }
+      eachCallback();
+    }.bind(this), callback);
+  }.bind(this));