Lost backward compatibility. In order to make it work read this notice.
- Node id macify algorithm changed #170
- Corrections regarding issue #12 so that changes can be deployed without restarting node-red
- Automatically creating a new service and replacing the old one if the service type changed
- Automatically replacing an accessory with a new one if the accessory information changes (e.g. Name, Manufacturer, ...)
- Video Filter value in Camera Control is now optional #194 (can be empty, before it was generated if was empty)
- Removed updateReachability as it is deprecated (and doesn't make a difference)
- After Service selection in node configuration Category will be automatically set to default for Service
- Interface Name for Camera Service configuration
- Support for new TV Remote services
- Now first output is for onChange, second for onSet and third for camera snapshot. #200
- Sponsor Button on repository page
- Accessory Category in node configuration moved under Service selection
- Update node-red version in dependencies
- Camera Service source code to match newest improvements in homebridge-camera-ffmpeg
- Update to latest HAP-NodeJS
- Removed unnecessary accessory category from service node
- Removed fields Manufacturer, Serial Number and Model from linked service nodes
- Moved eslint and prettier configuration to package.json
- Added automatic linting on pre-commit