- Cheers,
- Stefano
diff --git a/doc/cuts/NNPDF30/dyprediction.pdf b/doc/cuts/NNPDF30/dyprediction.pdf
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Binary files a/doc/cuts/NNPDF30/dyprediction.pdf and /dev/null differ
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index 67a27653c7..0000000000
Binary files a/doc/cuts/NNPDF30/jetprediction.pdf and /dev/null differ
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-NNPDF phone conf
-Minutes 2014.05.22
-Experimental data
-* JR has provided the final version of the CMS jets
-FK tables
-Now, together with the C-factors that SC has produced, we have
-all the theory ready to fit the various jet datasets.
-* SC has produced also the missing C-factors from CMS, now
-everything is available. As expected, at the Tevatron the NNLOthres
-and NNLOexact for the gg channel are much closer than at the LHC,
-though we still might need to exclude the bin with highest rapidity.
-* We agreed to exclude D0 from the final dataset (needs IR safe cone algorithm
-at NNLO, different from the midpoint used in the data), though it
-will be interesting to see the numbers that Joao produces with
-* After some discussion, we agreed on the following criterion to exclude
-data from the NLO and NNLO fits
-Compare the difference between the NNLOthres and NNLOexact calculations
-in the gg channel. If the relative difference is smaller than the
-total experimental uncertainty, we include this data point
-in the fit, else we exclude it. So the inclusion criterion is
-( | NNLOthres_gg - NNLOexact_gg | / NNLOexact_gg ) <
-(sigma_exp / cv_exp )
-For jet data, this criterion is applied separately for each point
-in pt and rapidity.
-For the DY of course we have the exact NNLO QCD and NLO EW calculation,
-which are exact, but we also have the QED calculation (which has
-large uncertainties), so the criterion of inclusion is
-(sigma_exp / cv_exp )
-which basically excludes the bin with largest invariant mass,
-Mll > 200 GeV
-- NLO
-Compare the difference between the exact calculations at NNLO
-and NLO in the gg channel, with the experimental uncertainty.
-The criterion for inclusion in the NLO fit is
-( | NNLOexact_gg - NLOexact_gg | / NLOexact_gg ) <
-2 * (sigma_exp / cv_exp )
-Again, for jet data this is applied on a point by point basis,
-while for DY data it is applied to the average over
-a given mass bin.
-The idea is that while at NNLO we want to be conservative to allow
-biasing the fit with the wrong theory, at NLO we can be more relaxed
-since the difference between NLO and NNLO is an inherent theoretical
-uncertainty, we only want to avoid extreme cases where an abnormally large
-chi2 biases the minimization.
-* SC will take care of the implementation of these cuts in the filter:
-all the cuts choice should be available from the config file
-* With this, the NNPDF3.0 dataset is final. We agree to postpone
-the addition of any new dataset for when NNPDF3.0 is completed.
-The W pt data, which is now available, will make it into the
-NNPDF3.0 dataset (only in the NLO fit)
-Fitting Methodology
-* We are satisfied with the look-back method
-* Check suggested by LDD, the delta criterion, has been
-successfully demonstrated by Chris
-* The results show that with a suitable choice of delta,
-the 20K fit and the 100K look-back fits would look
-essentially the same
-* These tests suggest that delta=1 is a suitable value
-* The fit with delta=10 looks quite similar to the fit with delta=1,
-except that the distribution of training lengths look rather better
-(but no real physical improvement is improved)
-* But delta=0 and delta=1 they are exactly the same, but the effect
-is clearly small, specially at the level of PDFs, but visible at the
-level of chi2
-Also using delta=1 also helps in removing the occasional outliers
-* The delta test is consistent, but for our default fits we will use
-the simplest possible criterion, in this case delta=0
-The optimal value of delta might depend on the dataset
-and also we would still need to determine the optimal value of delta
-in the fits to experimental data
-* CD has also performed fits with different training fractions
-Our choice of ftr is close to being optimal, so these checks are also
-Fits to real data
-* We agreed on the following final default settings for the final fit
--> Fixed length, look-back stopping, 40K
-* JR will take care of running fits to real data with the final
-methodology and theory once the implementation of all kinematical
-cuts for jets and DY data is available
-* We discovered a trivial bug in the ATLAS high-mass DY in the
-EWK C-factors file that has been corrected
-* For CMSDY, EWK help except for the highest mass bin,
-where corrections are large and also where QED corrections
-(not included) are also large
-* We compared the the results provided by AG and MU from their
-data document
-Figure 12 of page 15
-with those of the Petriello, arxiv:1312.3972, like Fig. 9, and it looks
-like that our K-factors looks very difference
-QED and EWK tend to be anti-correlated in Petriello paper
-* We agreed of the need to recheck the comparison with the Petriello paper
-and our own FEWZ calculations. MU and AG will redo some of the
-plots in the Petriello paper as final cross-check
-* At the rapidity edges we also get funny behaviors
-We agreed to remove from the CMSDY2D the points at the highest rapidity,
-where cross-sections are very small and a small problem with systematic
-error might transate into a big mismatch between data and theory
-* So the summary of the agreed cuts for CMSDY
-- Common cuts NLO and NNLO
-Cut M > 200 GeV -> large QED corrections
-For each M bin, cut data y > 2.2 (last bin, unreliable data, too small xsec)
-- At NLO
-Remove the bin with smallest invariant mass
-(due to large C-factors at NNLO)
-* Once SC has modified the code to make the implementation
-of these kinematical cuts possible, JR will run the final NNPDF3.0 fits
-In particular also fits with different datasets
-* SC keeps working on the miniMC
-* JI -> Redo correlation analysis
-At this point this is an important a posteriori checks
-Wait until we have the final fit to data, with jets and so on
-Also on the closure -> This is available, NH+CD prepare everything
-* We agreed to begin to write the various methodology sections of the
-paper. JR will split the draft into three sections
-i) PDF parametrization
-Change of basis
-ii) Fitting methodology
-New Ga
-look-back stopping
-iii) Closure testing
-Validation of fitting methodoloy
-Description of all tests performed, see SF talk at PDF4LHC
-Closure test reweighting
-CD+LDD will draft a first version of these three sections
-Next phone conf
-Thu 29th May, 12.45 CERN time
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/source/contributing/python-tools.md b/doc/sphinx/source/contributing/python-tools.md
index c6f52bf585..fe9fc93180 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/source/contributing/python-tools.md
+++ b/doc/sphinx/source/contributing/python-tools.md
@@ -60,14 +60,20 @@ See also [*Reviewing pull requests*](reviews). Note that these can typically be
integrated with your editor of choice.
- The [`pylint`](https://www.pylint.org/) tool allows for the catching of
- common problems in Python code. The top level
- [`.pylintrc` file](https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/blob/master/.pylintrc)
- comes with a useful and not overly noisy configuration.
- - The [`black` code formatter](https://github.com/psf/black) runs almost
- without configuration and produces typically good results. It is good to run
- it by default, to avoid spending time on formatting (or arguing about it).
- - The [`isort`](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/) library sorts imports
+ common problems in Python code. The top level
+ [`.pylintrc` file](https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/blob/master/.pylintrc)
+ comes with a useful and not overly noisy configuration.
+ - New Python code should come formatted with
+ [`black` tool](https://github.com/psf/black) with [our default
+ configuration](https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/blob/master/pyproject.toml)
+ - The [`isort`](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/) library sorts imports
alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections and by type.
+ - [`pre-commit`](https://pre-commit.com/) is a tool that, can automatically
+ check for stylistic problems in code such as trailing whitespaces or
+ forgotten debug statements. Our configuration can be found in
+ [`.pre-commit-configuration.yaml`](https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/blob/master/.pre-commit-configuration.yaml)
+ and also ensures that `black` and `isort` are run.
## Debugging
@@ -80,6 +86,7 @@ places in the code. A few alternatives exists when that is not enough:
arbitrary point in the code. Write
import IPython
at the location of the code you want to debug. You will then be able to
@@ -150,10 +157,10 @@ for example a function which tests the `plot_pdfs` provider:
def test_plotpdfs():
- pdfs = ['NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118']
+ pdfs = ["NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118"]
Q = 10
- flavours = ['g']
- #plot_pdfs returns a generator with (figure, name_hint)
+ flavours = ["g"]
+ # plot_pdfs returns a generator with (figure, name_hint)
return next(API.plot_pdfs(pdfs=pdfs, Q=Q, flavours=flavours))[0]
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/source/contributing/rules.md b/doc/sphinx/source/contributing/rules.md
index c0be0f6b04..7f37cca83b 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/source/contributing/rules.md
+++ b/doc/sphinx/source/contributing/rules.md
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ linked in the PR.
* The PR should have **at least one developer assigned to it**, whose task it is to [review](reviews) the
code. The PR cannot be merged into master before the reviewer has approved it.
-* Before a PR can be merged into master, the **Travis build for it must pass** (see [here](../ci/index.md)).
+* Before a PR can be merged into master, the **Travis build for it must pass** (see [here](../ci/index.md)).
Practically, this means that you should find a green tick next to your PR on the relevant [PR
page](https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/pulls). If you instead find a red cross next to your PR, the
reason for the failure must be investigated and dealt with appropriately.
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ at least two). The expected benefits of the policy are:
- It should improve the overall quality of the code.
- It should provide the author of the change with a reasonably quick feedback
- loop to discuss the technical details involved in the changes.
+ loop to discuss the technical details involved in the changes.
- It should make at least two people (the author and the reviewer) familiar
- with the changes. It should also ensure that the changes are easy to read
- and maintain in the future, and conform to the structure of the rest of the
- project.
+ with the changes. It should also ensure that the changes are easy to read
+ and maintain in the future, and conform to the structure of the rest of the
+ project.
### Guidelines for reviewing
@@ -71,56 +71,43 @@ The following approach has been found helpful for reviewers, when reviewing pull
- Make sure you actually understand what the changes are about. Unclear
- details should not pass code review. Ask for clarifications, documentation,
- and changes in the code that make it more clear. If you are not in the
- position of taking the time, consider asking somebody else to help reviewing
- the changes. If the changes are big and difficult to comprehend at once,
- consider requesting that the author breaks them down in easier to
- understand, self contained, pull requests. Note that it is for the authors
- to proactively discuss the proposed changes before they become too difficult
- for anyone else to follow, and, failing that, it is fair to ask them to go
- through the work of making them intelligible.
+ details should not pass code review. Ask for clarifications, documentation,
+ and changes in the code that make it more clear. If you are not in the
+ position of taking the time, consider asking somebody else to help reviewing
+ the changes. If the changes are big and difficult to comprehend at once,
+ consider requesting that the author breaks them down in easier to
+ understand, self contained, pull requests. Note that it is for the authors
+ to proactively discuss the proposed changes before they become too difficult
+ for anyone else to follow, and, failing that, it is fair to ask them to go
+ through the work of making them intelligible.
- Look at the big picture first. Think about whether the overall idea and
- implementation is sound or instead could benefit from going in a different
- direction. Ideally before a lot of work has gone into fine tuning details.
+ implementation is sound or instead could benefit from going in a different
+ direction. Ideally before a lot of work has gone into fine tuning details.
- Review the code in detail. Try to identify areas where the changes
- could be clearly improved in terms of clarity, speed or style. Consider
- implementing minor changes yourself, although note that there are
- trade-offs: People are more likely to assimilate good patterns if they
- implement them a few times, which may be a win long term, even if it takes
- longer to ship this particular code change.
+ could be clearly improved in terms of clarity, speed or style. Consider
+ implementing minor changes yourself, although note that there are
+ trade-offs: People are more likely to assimilate good patterns if they
+ implement them a few times, which may be a win long term, even if it takes
+ longer to ship this particular code change.
- Ideally changes should come with automatic tests supporting their
- correctness.
- - Use [automated tools](pytoolsqa) which could catch a few extra
- problems. In particular
- * Do look at the automated tests that run with the PR.
- New code should not break them.
- * Use [`pylint`](https://www.pylint.org/) with [our default
- configuration](https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/blob/master/.pylintrc) to
- catch common problems with Python code.
- * New Python code should come formatted with
- [`black` tool](https://github.com/psf/black) with [our default
- configuration](https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/blob/master/pyproject.toml)
- * The imports in Python code should be sorted using the
- [`isort`](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/) tool with [our default
- configuration](https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/blob/master/pyproject.toml)
- * Changes in compiled code should be tested in debug mode, with
- the address sanitizer enabled. This is done with the
- `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DENABLE_ASAN=ON` options in `cmake`.
- Some commits corresponding to major cosmetic changes have been collected in
- [`.git-blame-ignore-revs`](
- https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/working-with-files/using-files/viewing-a-file#ignore-commits-in-the-blame-view
- ). It is possible to configure the local git to ignore these commits when
- running `git blame`:
- ```
- git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs
- ```
+ correctness.
+ - Use [automated tools](pytoolsqa) which could catch a few extra problems.
+ Also don't forget to look at the automated tests that run with the PR. New
+ code should not break them.
+ Some commits corresponding to major cosmetic changes have been collected in
+ [`.git-blame-ignore-revs`](
+ https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/working-with-files/using-files/viewing-a-file#ignore-commits-in-the-blame-view
+ ). It is possible to configure the local git to ignore these commits when
+ running `git blame`:
+ ```
+ git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs
+ ```
- Regardless of automated tests, always run code with the new changes
@@ -128,8 +115,8 @@ requests:
- Make sure the changes are appropriately documented: Interface functions
- should come with rich docstrings, ideally with examples, larger pieces of
- functionality should come with some prose explaining what they are for.
+ should come with rich docstrings, ideally with examples, larger pieces of
+ functionality should come with some prose explaining what they are for.
- Consider the effects on the larger system: Did this change make some example
or piece of documentation obsolete and therefore mean needs to be updated?
diff --git a/doc/validphys2/.gitignore b/doc/validphys2/.gitignore
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index b364f074fd..0000000000
--- a/doc/validphys2/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index b9be7f94b7..0000000000
--- a/doc/validphys2/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-%.html: %.md
- pandoc -f markdown-markdown_in_html_blocks+raw_html+smart --to html5 -s --toc $< --template report.html5 --css report.css -o $@
-%.png: %.dot
- dot -Tpng $< -o $@
-.PHONY: all
-DOTS = $(wildcard *.dot)
-MDS = $(wildcard *.md)
-all: $(patsubst %.md, %.html, $(MDS)) $(patsubst %.dot, %.png, $(DOTS))
-.PHONY: rsync
- rsync -avz ./ nnpdf@vp.nnpdf.science:WEB/validphys-docs/
diff --git a/doc/validphys2/README.md b/doc/validphys2/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dd9a73bd3..0000000000
--- a/doc/validphys2/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Validphys2 guide
-To compile the guide
-To upload the guide
-make rsync
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- * AnchorJS - v1.1.1 - 2015-05-23
- * https://github.com/bryanbraun/anchorjs
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Bryan Braun; Licensed MIT
- */
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diff --git a/doc/validphys2/guide.md b/doc/validphys2/guide.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 730d3e6628..0000000000
--- a/doc/validphys2/guide.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3580 +0,0 @@
-% Validphys 2 guide
-% Zahari Kassabov, SC
-The immediate aim of `validphys2` is to serve as a both very agile and
-highly reliable analysis framework for NNPDF, but the goal extends
-beyond. When the time comes, this framework should become the common
-gateway that all the NNPDF code uses, providing features ranging from
-from automated report generation to automatic detection of problems
-with the fits.
-The project is separated in two codes with well defined and separated
- ~ It is a compiler of user-entered configuration (in the YAML
- format) into directed acyclic graphs of Python executable functions,
- which are defined by client applications. One such function that
- comes with `reportengine` is `report`, which processes a template in
- the Markdown format, with special tags that signify the resources
- requested by the user, and produces an HTML report (See [Reports]).
- Apart from the *compiler* functionality, `reportengine` also
- provides general application utilities such as crash handlers and
- a help system.
- ~ It is a set of higher level tools operating on the NNPDF resources,
- which can be used either within a `reportengine` application or
- standalone. It is based on the `libnnpdf` Python wrappers, and
- extends them with extra functionality (related to error checking,
- loading and downloading among others). The NNPDF objects are then
- used in functions producing plots, tables and other outputs (such as
- reweighted PDF sets).
-What is working
-Right now the following features are implemented:
- - Processing of libnnpdf resources.
- - Data-Theory plotting specification.
- - PDF comparisons.
- - A framework for fitting parameters such as $\alpha_S$ bases on
- series of fits.
- - Plots and tables showing statistical estimators.
- - Generation of reweighted sets.
- - Report generation from templates.
- - Automatic downloading of PDFs, fits and theories.
- - Automatic uploading of reports and other outputs.
- - Standalone executables implementing functionality such as `postfit` or
- uploading and downloading resources.
-These features are documented in more detail in [Usage].
-Design considerations
-Look before you leap
-A scientific program usually requires a large set of complex input
-parameters and can take a very long time to produce results. Results
-tend to be frequently unexpected even if everything is working
-correctly. It is essential to check that the inputs are correct and
-make sense. Thus good error reporting capabilities are an important
-design consideration.
-Also, the inputs of a given function should be checked as
-early as possible, which is not necessarily at the point of the
-program where the function is to be called. For example, something
-like this:
-def check_parameter_is_correct(parameter):
- ...
-def plot(complex_calculation, parameter):
- check_parameter_is_correct(parameter)
- #make plot
- ...
-has the disadvantage that in order to get to the check, we presumably
-need to compute `complex_calculation` first, and that could be
-a waste of time if it turns out that `parameter` is not correct for
-some reason and we can’t do the plot anyway. Instead we should arrange
-to call `check_parameter_is_correct(parameter)` as early as
-possible (outside the plotting function) and show the user an
-informative error message.
-> All inputs should be checked as early as possible. If the checks
-> pass, the program should not fail.
-Of course it is impossible to guarantee that this is always going to
-happen. For example it is possible that we check that a folder exists
-and we have permissions to write to it, but by the time we actually
-need to write, the folder has been deleted. However in such cases the
-state of the program can be considered broken and it’s OK to make it
-fail completely.
-There is an API for early checks in `reportengine`. We would write
-something like:
-def check_parameter_is_correct(parameter):
- ...
-def plot(complex_calculation, parameter):
- #make plot
- ...
-The checking function will now be called as soon as the program
-realizes that the plot function will be required eventually (at
-“compile time”). The user would be shown immediately an error message
-explaining why the parameter is wrong.
-The fancy term for this style of coding is *Contract Programming*.
-Declarative input
-It is extremely convenient to be able to specify the *what* the program
-should only without any regard of knowledge of *how* that is achieved
-by the underlying
-implementation. The current n3fit input files are a good example of
-this. The primary input of validphys are YAML run cards. A very simple
-one looks like this:
- - NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- - NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0118
- - CT14nlo
- normalize_to: NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- Q: 1
- flavours: [up, down, gluon]
- Q: 100
- xgrid: linear
- - first::norm plot_pdfreplicas
- - first plot_pdfs
- - second plot_pdfreplicas
-Correct by definition
-: A declarative input specifies what you want. It is up to the
-underlying code to try to provide it (or fail with an informative
-Obvious meaning
-: It is easy for a human to verify that the input is indeed what it
-was intended. Even without any explanation it should be easy enough to
-guess what the runcard above does.
-Implementation independent
-: The input is very loosely coupled with the underlying
-implementation, and therefore it is likely to remain valid even after
-big changes in the code are made. For example, in the runcard above,
-we didn't have to concern ourselves with how LHAPDF grids are loaded,
-and how the values of the PDFs are reused to produce the different
-plots. Therefore the underlying mechanism could change easily without
-breaking the runcard.
-- The primary input mechanism should be an easy to read input with
- an obvious meaning and independent of implementation details.
-Usage as a programmatic API
-While the goal of reportengine is to allow simple and easily
-repeatable bach actions, sometimes it is far simpler to get the work
-done with a raw (Python) script, or it is needed to explore the
-outcomes using something like an Jupyter notebook. It would be good to
-be able to use all the tools that already exist in validphys for that,
-without needing to reinvent the wheel or to alter functions so that
-for example they don’t write data to some preconfigured path.
-- The various computing and plotting tools should work well when
- included in a normal script that doesn't use the reportengine
- graph compiler.
-This is implemented by making sure that as much as possible all the
-validphys functions are *pure.* That is, the output is a deterministic
-function of the inputs, and the function has no side effects (e.g. no
-global state of the program is altered, nothing is written to disk).
-There are some exceptions to this though. For example the function
-that produces a reweighted PDF set needs to write the result to disk.
-The paths and side effects for other more common results like figures
-are managed by `reportengine`. For example, the `@figure` decorator
-applied to a function that returns a Python (`matplotlib`) figure will
-make sure that the figure is saved in the output path, with a nice
-filename, while having no effect at all outside the `reportengine`
-loop. The same goes for the check functions described above.
-Easy to loop
-Very frequently there is the need to compare. It is easy enough to
-write simple scripts that loop over the required configurations, but
-that cannot scale well when requirements change rapidly (and is also
-easy to make trivial mistakes). Therefore reportengine allows
-configurations to easily loop over different sets of inputs. For
-example the following runcard:
- - id: 160502-r82cacd2-jr-001
- label: Baseline
- - id: 160502-r82cacd2-jr-008
- label: HERA+LHCb
- - id: 160603-r654e559-jr-003
- label: baseline+LHCb and Tev legacy
-fit: 160603-r654e559-jr-003
- - 52
- - 53
-use_cuts : nocuts
- - experiment: LHCb
- datasets:
- - { dataset: LHCBWZMU7TEV, cfac: [NRM] }
- - { dataset: LHCBWZMU8TEV, cfac: [NRM] }
- - experiment: ATLAS
- datasets:
- - { dataset: ATLASWZRAP36PB}
- - theoryids::pdfs::experiments::experiment plot_fancy
-Will produce a separate plot for each combination of the two theories
-(52 and 53), the three pdfs at the top, and each dataset in the two
-experiments (so 18 plots in total). This syntax is discussed in more
-detail in the [Usage] section.
- - It should be trivial to repeat an action for different sets of
- inputs.
-Lazy processing
-The requirements above (in particular the combination of early
-checking and arbitrary looping) lead to the condition that the value
-of the resources depends on the other resources involved. For example,
-a dataset requires a theoryid in order to locate the FKTables and
-cfactors, and we want to check that these paths exist early on.
-Therefore the processing always
-starts from the user requirement (i.e. the requested actions) and
-processes each requirement for that action within the correct context,
-trying to avoid duplicating work.
-Conversely we ignore everything that is not required to process the
-A lot of work has gone into producing a usable installer that works on
-both Linux and Mac. Currently the installation for both platforms
-boils down to executing a script.
-Producing installers is a difficult (and boring) problem since a lot
-of dependencies need to be set up to work properly together. In
-practice, it is hard to produce a set of instructions that work
-reliably on all platforms and with all compilers. This is further
-complicated by the fact that the Python deployment tools are
-substandard in several ways (such as avoiding unwanted interaction
-between libraries for Python 2 and Python 3). Furthermore, on Mac gcc
-and clang interact poorly when it comes to including the C++ standard
-library, and a lot of care has to be taken to include the correct one.
-The solution to all that is to provide precompiled versions of all the
-dependencies, that are generated automatically when new commits are
-pushed to the CERN Gitlab server (for Linux) and the Travis CI server
-(for Mac).
-The compiled binaries are subsequently packaged (using conda) and
-uploaded to a remote server where they are accessible. These packages
-are known to compile on clean default environments (namely those of
-the CI servers used to produce the packages), and the Python packages
-are known to be importable. Everything that an user has to do is to
-configure `conda` correctly and ask it to install the `nnpdf`. This
-results in an environment that contains not only an usable version of
-validphys, but also of the nnpdf code and all its dependencies
-(including for example LHAPDF and APFEL). Therefore an user who
-doesn't need to modify the code should not need to compile anything to
-work with the NNPDF related programs. This should be useful in
-clusters where we don’t completely control the environment and
-frequently need to deal with outdated compilers.
-### Installation steps
-A helper script exists to aid the configuration. All you need to do
- #Obtain the helper script
- git clone git@github.com:NNPDF/binary-bootstrap.git
- #Execute the script
- ./binary-bootstrap/bootstrap.sh
-The script will ask for the password of the NNPDF private
-repositories. You can find it here:
-The conda installer will ask to add the conda bin path to the default
-`$PATH` environment variable (by editing your `.bashrc` file). Confirm
-this unless you know that you have a specific reason not to. Note that
-newer versions of conda give the option of having `conda` available,
-but not any environment (which you have to enable explicitly by either
-having `conda activate` in `.bashrc` or typing it each time you want
-to use the environment). On remote machines, the addition to `.bashrc`
-should read as follows:
-if shopt -q login_shell; then
- . /home/zaharik/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
- conda activate
-the if condition is important because `conda activate` prints to the
-standard output, which interferes with commands like `scp` and
-Not that the script may ask you to perform some actions manually (e.g.
-it will not overwrite your existing conda configuration). Please
-pay attention to the output text of the script.
-Once everything is configured, you can install the code running:
- conda install nnpdf
-This will provide functioning C++ and Python executables.
-#### Linking existing LHAPDF grids
-The installer will set up it's own version of the LHAPDF code, with
-its own path for storing PDFs, which can be seen running `lhapdf
---help`. If you have an exiting folder with LHAPDF grids, you may want
-to either move, symlink or copy them to the new path (depending on
-whether you want to keep around the older installation). The command
-for symlinking would be something like:
-ln -s /share/LHAPDF/* /miniconda3/share/LHAPDF
-This will avoid symlinking the existing LHAPDF configuration, which
-may be corrupted or incompatible. You should make sure only the grid
-folders are transferred if you copy or move instead.
-### Troubleshooting
-After several iterations on the install system most issues have been
-resolved. There could be problems derived from interactions with hacks
-targeted at solving environment problems manually. In particular, see
-that you don’t have any `PYTHONPATH` environment variable (for example
-pointing at some version of LHAPDF) since that will overwrite the
-default conda configuration. This is easily solved by removing said
-hacks from `.bashrc` or similar files.
-A different source of problems is the priority order of the conda
-*channels*: We use dependency packages from the official Anaconda
-`defaults` channel, as well as from the community `conda-forge`
-channel. If a package exists in both channels, the one from the
-channel declared first `.condarc` file is the one that gets selected.
-Unfortunately the packages are not always binary compatible and
-therefore the wrong priority causes various sorts of compiler errors.
-Also unfortunately, what the wrong priority is changes over time,
-depending on the features that both channels provide. Currently we use
-the compilers from the `defaults` channel, and therefore it has to be
-declared first.
-If you include conda in your default PATH, the default Python version
-will be the conda Python 3. This could cause problems if you use code
-that expects `/usr/bin/env python` to point to Python 2. In such cases
-you will need to conditionally enable or disable conda. You can save
-a helper executable script (called for example `use-conda`) to some
-location in your PATH containing:
-export PATH= /your/conda/folder/bin:$PATH
-Remember to `chmod +x use-conda`. Now typing:
-source use-conda
-will set your PATH environment variable to point to the conda
-In any case this tends to not be a problem for newer software as
-Python 3 gains support.
-### Development installs
-Installing the `nnpdf` conda package is sufficient for running the
-NNPDF tools. In addition it is possible to set up a development
-environment in a way that it can be modified and then rebuilt. In
-general, you can install all the runtime dependencies of a package
-(like) `nnpdf` with `conda install --only-deps`. Note that
-you still need to obtain the build dependencies.
-The development environment as described here works for developing the
-NNPDF code. Other external projects might work within the development
-environment in a similar way, but configuring them may prove more
-difficult (for example due to build scripts with hard coded paths).
-Thus contributing conda recipes for those is highly encouraged when
-they can be generally useful.
-#### Setting up a C++ development environment
-The easiest way to work with C++ code that depends on `nnpdf` or
-other C++ packages (or indeed to develop `nnpdf` itself) is to set
-up a development `conda` environment. While the existing packages
-should run on any relevant Linux or Mac system, linking to them is
-a different matter: The most straightforward way of doing so is using
-the same compiler toolchain that was used to generate the packages.
-You may find some relevant documentation [here][COMPILERS]. You need
-to create a conda environment that has the required dependencies of
-your project, including the relevant build toolchain (including things
-like a C++ compiler). For example here is how we would set up a
-development environment for `nnpdf`.
- 1. Find out the C++ (or C or FORTRAN) compiler package name for your
- platform [here][COMPILERS]. For example, the C++ compilers for
- Linux and macOS are `gxx_linux-64` and `clangxx_osx-64` respectively.
- 2. Create an environment with all the build and runtime
- dependencies. We start off with:
- ```bash
- $ conda create -n nnpdf-dev
- #Install the runtime dependencies of nnpdf
- $ conda install --only-deps nnpdf
- #Install the c++ compiler for Linux (see above)
- $ conda install gxx_linux-64
- ```
- Note that when the environment is activated, many environment
- variables pointing to the compiler paths are activated for us:
- ```
- $ source activate nnpdf-dev
- INFO: activate-binutils_linux-64.sh made the following
- environmental changes:
- +ADDR2LINE=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-addr2line
- +AR=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-ar
- +AS=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-as
- +CXXFILT=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-c++filt
- +ELFEDIT=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-elfedit
- +GPROF=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gprof
- +HOST=x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu
- +LD_GOLD=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-ld.gold
- +LD=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-ld
- +NM=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-nm
- +OBJCOPY=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-objcopy
- +OBJDUMP=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-objdump
- +RANLIB=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-ranlib
- +READELF=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-readelf
- +SIZE=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-size
- +STRINGS=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-strings
- +STRIP=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-strip
- INFO: activate-gcc_linux-64.sh made the following environmental
- changes:
- +CC=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-cc
- +CFLAGS=-march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC
- -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe
- +CPP=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-cpp
- +DEBUG_CFLAGS=-march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC
- -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe -Og -g -Wall -Wextra
- -fcheck=all -fbacktrace -fimplicit-none -fvar-tracking-assignments
- +GCC_AR=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc-ar
- +GCC=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc
- +GCC_NM=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc-nm
- +GCC_RANLIB=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib
- +LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O2 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro
- -Wl,-z,now
- +_PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME=_sysconfigdata_x86_64_conda_cos6_linux_gnu
- INFO: activate-gxx_linux-64.sh made the following environmental
- changes:
- +CXXFLAGS=-fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++17
- -fmessage-length=0 -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize
- -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe
- +CXX=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-c++
- +DEBUG_CXXFLAGS=-fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++17
- -fmessage-length=0 -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize
- -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe -Og -g -Wall
- -Wextra -fcheck=all -fbacktrace -fimplicit-none
- -fvar-tracking-assignments
- +GXX=/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-g++
- ```
- These environment variables are read and interpreted by build
- systems such as `cmake`, so that building a project normally will
- use the conda compilers, when the build system has been configured
- with this environment. Note that for `cmake` this means that the
- environment has to be activated at the moment you run the `cmake`
- executable.
-3. Obtain the dependencies of the code you want to build. Where to
- find those depends on the particular cod. For example, something
- linking to `libnnpdf` will likely require `pkg-config`. Projects
- based on `autotools` (those that have a `./configure` script) will
- additionally require `automake` and `libtool`. Similarly projects
- based on `cmake` will require installing the `cmake` package. In
- the case of `nnpdf` itself, the build dependencies can be found in
- `/conda-recipe/meta.yaml`. We have to install the
- remaining ones manually:
- ```
- $ conda install pkg-config swig=3.0.10 cmake
- ```
- Where we also installed the C++ compiler in the previous step.
- Note that you should not have the `nnpdf` package installed in the
- conda environment used for development. You can remove it with
- `conda remove nnpdf`.
- 4. Build the project: Assuming the environment is set, the only
- remaining requirement is setting the installation prefix to point
- to the `conda` environment. This is conveniently stored in the
- `$CONDA_PREFIX` environment variable. We would build the nnpdf
- project like this:
- ```bash
- nnpdf$ mkdir conda-bld
- nnpdf$ cd conda-bld
- #We have something like $CONDA_PREFIX==~/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/
- nnpdf/conda-bld$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CONDA_PREFIX
- ```
- Note that you need to execute this while the environment created
- above is activated. Both the compilers and all dependencies are now found
- inside the environment. The output of the `cmake` command above
- is:
- ```
- -- Setting build type to 'Release' as none was specified.
- -- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.2.0
- -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.2.0
- -- Check for working C compiler: /home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-cc
- -- Check for working C compiler: /home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-cc -- works
- -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
- -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
- -- Detecting C compile features
- -- Detecting C compile features - done
- -- Check for working CXX compiler: /home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-c++
- -- Check for working CXX compiler: /home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-c++ -- works
- -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
- -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
- -- Detecting CXX compile features
- -- Detecting CXX compile features - done
- -- Found PkgConfig: /home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.29.2")
- -- Checking for one of the modules 'libarchive'
- -- Checking for one of the modules 'sqlite3'
- -- Checking for one of the modules 'gsl'
- -- Checking for one of the modules 'yaml-cpp'
- -- Configuring done
- -- Generating done
- -- Build files have been written to: /home/zah/nngit/libnnpdf/conda-bld
- ```
- We can now proceed normally:
- ```
- $ make
- $ make install
- ```
- This should result in a working installation, both for the C++ and
- Python parts of the code.
- 5. Use the result. For example, we can now compile `buildmaster`
- linking with the `libnnpdf` library we just created. Since the
- conda environment is all set and `buildmaster` installs in a fixed location
- by default, no additional configuration is necessary:
- ```
- buildmaster$ mkdir bld && cd bld
- buildmaster/bld$ cmake ..
- buildmaster/bld$ make -j && make install
- ```
-[COMPILERS]: https://conda.io/projects/conda-build/en/latest/source/resources/compiler-tools.html#compiler-packages
-#### Developing Python projects
-Python code should be installed in the specific folder of the conda
-environment. This is handled automatically when the environment is
-activated. Like with C++ projects we need to make sure to have the
-correct dependencies in our environment, and that varies by project.
-In addition since we do not need to compile Python we would
-like that the changes we make to the code are reflected automatically
-when we run it. To that end, we can run the following command for
-projects containing a `setup.py` file.
-pip install --ignore-installed -e .
-This command will symlink the relevant files to our conda prefix and
-allow the modules to me imported from the conda version of python.
-Note that the validphys2 works like this by default when you install
-the `nnpdf` project with `make install`, and so does not require any
-additional configuration.
-### Updating
-In most cases running `conda update ` will do the right
-thing, and update the package with the requested dependencies.
-If you are interested in a specific version (not necessarily the
-latest one), you can run `conda install =`.
-Note that, in case you are doing [Development installs], the process
-is somewhat more manual, and you might need to update each dependency
-of the package you are developing. A convenient shortcut might be to
-install the desired version of the development package with conda, so
-it takes care of the dependencies, and the conda version and setting
-up the development version again.
-Seeing what actions are available
-A help command is generated automatically by reportengine. The command
-validphys --help
-will show you the modules that contain the actions (as well as the
-usual description of the command line flags). For example,
-validphys --help validphys.plots
-will list all the actions defined in the plots module together with
-a brief description of each of them. Asking for the
-help of one of the actions, like for example:
-validphys --help plot_fancy
-will list all the inputs that are required for this action. For
-example the command below results currently in the following output:
-Defined in: validphys.dataplots
-Generates: figuregen
-plot_fancy(one_or_more_results, commondata, cuts, normalize_to:
- (, , ) = None)
-Read the PLOTTING configuration for the dataset and generate the
-corrspondig data theory plot.
-The input results are assumed to be such that the first one is the
-data, and the subsequent ones are the predictions for the PDFfs. See
-``one_or_more_results``. The labelling of the predictions can be
-influenced by setting ``label`` attribute of theories and pdfs.
-normalize_to: should be either 'data', a pdf id or an index of the
-result (0 for the data, and i for the ith pdf). None means plotting
-absolute values.
-See docs/plotting_format.md for details on the format of the PLOTTING
-The following resources are read from the configuration:
- dataset_input: The mapping that corresponds to the dataset
- specifications in the fit files
- [Used by commondata]
- theoryid: A number corresponding to the database theory ID where
- the corresponding theory folder is installed in te data directory.
- Either just an id (str or int), or a mapping with 'id' and 'label'.
- [Used by cuts]
- use_cuts(bool or str): Whether to filter the points based on the
- cuts applied in the fit, or the whole data in the dataset. The
- possible options are:
- - internal: Calculate the cuts based on the existing rules. This
- is
- the default.
- - fromfit: Read the cuts stored in the fit.
- - nocuts: Use the whole dataset.
- [Used by cuts]
- fit: A fit in the results folder, containing at least a valid
- filter result. Either just an id (str), or a mapping with 'id' and
- 'label'.
- [Used by commondata]
- use_fitcommondata(bool): Use the commondata files in the fit
- instead of those in the data directory.
- [Used by commondata]
- pdfs(list): A list of pdf objects.
- [Used by one_or_more_results]
- pdf: A PDF set installed in LHAPDF. Either just an id (str), or a
- mapping with 'id' and 'label'.
- [Used by one_or_more_results]
- use_t0(bool): Whether to use the t0 PDF set to generate
- covariance matrices.
- [Used by t0set]
- t0pdfset: PDF set used to generate the t0 covmat.
- [Used by t0set]
-The following additionl arguments can be used to control the
-behaviour. They are set by default to sensible values:
- normalize_to(int or str or NoneType) = None
- q2min(Number or NoneType) = None [Used by cuts]
- w2min(Number or NoneType) = None [Used by cuts]
- check_plotting(bool) = False [Used by dataset]
-We can see which keys have a special meaning in the configuration file
-validphys --help config
-All other keys are interpreted literally (although they could be
-further processed by specific actions).
-Writing input cards
-Input cards are YAML files that describe the input resources, together
-with the actions we want to perform on them.
-Let's begin with a simple example:
-pdf: NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
-theoryid: 52
-use_cuts: "nocuts"
- dataset: ATLASWZRAP36PB
- cfac: [EWK]
- - plot_fancy
- - plot_chi2dist
-We are specifying one PDF (by the LHAPDF id), one dataset and one
-theory. Note that the dataset specification is identical to that of
-the n3fit configuration files.
-We are saying that we do not want to use the cuts of the data
-(so we don't have to specify a fit containing the cut data).
-The special `actions_` key is used to declare the actions we want to
-have executed. The syntax is the same as for the targets inside the
-report, and discussed in detail in the [Report template
-specification]. We want a data/theory comparison (plot_fancy) and to
-plot the distribution of the chi² for each replica (plot_chi2dist). If
-we save the above runcard to a file called `runcard.yaml` we can
-produce the plots with:
-validphys runcard.yaml
-### Multiple inputs and namespaces
-Resources can be declared at top level, like in the example above,
-inside a mapping (with an arbitrary key), or inside an element of
-a list of mappings.
-#### Arbitrary namespaces
-For example, we can modify the example as follows:
-pdf: NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
-theoryid: 52
-fit: 161222-jr-004
- use_cuts: "fromfit"
- use_cuts: "nocuts"
- dataset: ATLASWZRAP36PB
- cfac: [EWK]
- - with_cuts plot_fancy
- - without_cuts plot_chi2dist
-Here `with_cuts` and `without_cuts` are *arbitrary* strings that
-specify *namespaces*. Now we are asking for one action (`plot_fancy`)
-to be executed taking into account the cuts (note that we have also
-specified the fit where we read them from) and another
-(`plot_chi2dist`) to be executed without the cuts. Similar to
-a programming language like C, the inner namespaces has priority with
-respect to the outer. For example if we add a PDF specification to the
-"with_cuts" namespace like this:
-pdf: NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
-theoryid: 52
-fit: 161222-jr-004
- use_cuts: "fromfit"
- pdf: CT14nlo
- use_cuts: "nocuts"
- dataset: ATLASWZRAP36PB
- cfac: [EWK]
- - with_cuts plot_fancy
- - without_cuts plot_chi2dist
-The `plot_fancy` action will ignore the outer pdf
-(NNPDF30\_nlo\_as\_0118) and use the one defined in the innermost
-namespace (CT14nlo). Because we have not specified `plot_chi2dist` to
-be executed within the `with_cuts` namespace, it will continue to use
-#### Lists of namespaces
-We can also have lists of mapping acting as namespaces. The action
-will then be repeated inside each of the namespaces generating one
-result for each. For example:
-pdf: NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
-theoryid: 52
-fit: 161222-jr-004
-- use_cuts: "fromfit"
- pdf: CT14nlo
-- use_cuts: "nocuts"
- dataset: ATLASWZRAP36PB
- cfac: [EWK]
- - specifications plot_fancy
-Now a different `plot_fancy` action will be executed for each of the
-two mappings of the list "*specifications*": One will use the CT PDF
-and use the cuts, and the other will plot all points in the dataset.
-Some keys are appropriately interpreted either as lists of objects or
-list or namespaces depending on the context. They are documented in
-`validphys --help config`. For example, the `pdfs` key is entered as
-a list of LHAPDF ids:
- - NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- - CT14nlo
-Because the `plot_fancy` action takes a list of pdfs as input,
-something like this:
- - NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- - CT14nlo
-theoryid: 52
-use_cuts: "nocuts"
- dataset: ATLASWZRAP36PB
- cfac: [EWK]
- - plot_fancy
-will produce plots where the two pdfs appear together. However
-we can also produce individual plots for each pdf, by simply
-specifying that we want to loop over the pdfs:
- - NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- - CT14nlo
-theoryid: 52
-use_cuts: "nocuts"
- dataset: ATLASWZRAP36PB
- cfac: [EWK]
- - pdfs plot_fancy
-In this case the value of the `pdfs` key is seen as equivalent to:
- - {pdf: NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118}
- - {pdf: CT14nlo}
-However the special treatment allows us to simplify both the input
-file and the programmatic interface of the functions (see
-[Automatic Lists]).
-### Nesting namespaces
-Namespace specifications like those described above can be arbitrarily
-nested. Values will be searched from inner to outer namespace. When
-the namespace specifications represent lists of mappings, all possible
-combinations will be produced.
-Consider the example:
- - 160502-r82cacd2-jr-001
- - 160502-r82cacd2-jr-008
- - 160603-r654e559-jr-003
-fit: 160603-r654e559-jr-003
- - 52
- - 53
- use_cuts : "nocuts"
- - experiment: LHCb
- datasets:
- - { dataset: LHCBWZMU7TEV, cfac: [NRM] }
- - { dataset: LHCBWZMU8TEV, cfac: [NRM] }
- - experiment: ATLAS
- datasets:
- - { dataset: ATLASWZRAP36PB}
- - with_cuts::theoryids::pdfs::experiments::experiment plot_fancy
-This will first enter the "*with_cuts*" namespace (thus setting
-`use_cuts="nocuts"` for the action), and then loop over all the
-theories, pdfs, experiments and datasets inside each experiment (note
-that when used as a namespace specification, `experiment` refers to
-the list of datasets it contains).
-The order over which the looping is done is significative: For one the
-outer specifications must set all the variables required for the inner
-to be fully resolved (so `with_cuts` must go before `experiment`).
-other, the caching mechanism works by grouping together the namespace
-specifications from the beginning. For example, suppose we where to
-add another action to the example above:
- - with_cuts:
- theoryids:
- pdfs:
- experiments:
- experiment:
- - plot_chi2dist
-both of these require to compute the same convolutions. Validphys will
-realize this as long as both actions are iterated in the same way.
-However permuting "pdfs" and "theoryids" would result in the
-convolutions computed twice, since the code cannot prove that they
-would be identical.
- - Always loop from more general to more specific.
- - Always loop in the same way.
-### Action arguments
-Action arguments are syntactic sugar for specifying arguments visible
-to a single actions. They are subject to being verified by the action
-defined checks. For example, in the PDF plotting example above:
- - NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- - NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0118
- - CT14nlo
- Q: 1
- flavours: [up, down, gluon]
- Q: 100
- xgrid: linear
- - first::plot_pdfreplicas (normalize_to=NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118)
- - first plot_pdfs
- - second plot_pdfreplicas
-The `normalize_to` key only affects the `plot_pdfreplicas` action.
-Note that defining it inside the `first` mapping would have had the
-same effect in this case.
-### The `from_` special key
-The `from_` specifies that the value of a resource is to be taken from
-a container. This is useful for working with fits (but not limited to
-that). For example:
-fit: 161208-jr-003
-use_cuts: "nocuts"
- from_: fit
- from_: fit
- from_: theory
-Q: 10
-template: report.md
- normalize_to: 1
- normalize_to: data
- - from_: fit
- - NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- from_: fit
- - report(out_filename=index.md)
-Here the `from_` key is used multiple times:
- - To obtain the description string from the report input card.
- - To obtain the theory mapping from the fit input card.
- - To obtain the theoryid key from the theory mapping.
- - To obtain a single PDF produced in the fit (as an element of the
- list/namespaces of pdfs). Note that the keyword is also allowed
- inside nested elements.
- - To obtain a set of all the experiments of the fit.
-The `from_` key respects lazy processing, and therefore something like
-this will do what you expect:
- - 161208-jr-003
- - 161222-jr-004
-use_cuts: "nocuts"
- from_: fit
- from_: theory
-Q: 10
- from_: fit
-template: report.md
- normalize_to: 1
- normalize_to: data
- - from_: fit
- - NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- from_: fit
- - fits report
-This will work exactly as the example above, except that a new action
-(with its corresponding different set of resources) will be generated
-for each of the two fits.
-For fits, there is a shortcut to set `experiments`, `pdf` and
-`theoryid` to the values obtained from the fit. This can be done with
-the `fitcontext` rule. The above example can be simplified like this:
- - 161208-jr-003
- - 161222-jr-004
-use_cuts: "nocuts"
-Q: 10
- from_: fit
-template: report.md
- normalize_to: 1
- normalize_to: data
- - from_: fit
- - NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- - fits::fitcontext report
-Note that one still needs to set manually other keys like `description` and `pdfs`.
-#### from_: Null
-As a special case, `from_: Null` will retrieve the variable from the
-current namespace. This comes handy to transform lists of items into
-other items. Consider for example:
- fit: NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_1000
- fits:
- - from_: base
- - from_: null
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_30dataset
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_collider
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_noAWZrap11
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_nojets
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_noLHCb
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_noLHC
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_nonuclear
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_notop
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_noZpt
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_proton
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_wAZPT7TEV
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_wCMSDY12
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_wEMC
-use_cuts: "fromfit"
- print_common: False
- from_: fit
- author: Zahari Kassabov
- keywords: [nn31final, gallery]
-template_text: |
- % Non-default datasets
- The datasets are compared to the default `{@base fit@}` fit.
- {@with fits::fitcontext@}
- {@fit@}
- ======
- {@description@}
- {@with pairs@}
- {@printopts print_dataset_differences @}
- {@print_different_cuts@}
- {@endwith@}
- {@endwith@}
- - report(main=True, mathjax=True)
-At the beginning, we are printing the name of the fit contained in
-`base`. Then we are iterating over each of the `fits` (that we
-defined explicitly in the config), and using `fitcontext` to set some
-variables inside the `with` block. In the inner block `{@with
-pairs@}`, we are making use of the definition of `pairs` to set the
-`fits` variable to contain two fits: the one defined in `base` and the
-one that changes with each iteration. Because the actions
-`print_dataset_differences` and `print_different_cuts` are inside that
-`with` block, the value of the variable `fits` they see is precisely
-this pair, which supersedes our original definition, inside that
-### The `namespaces_` special key
-The `namespaces_` key can be used to form a list of namespaces in
-a similar way as with the `{@with@}` block in the report(see [Report
-template specification]). A key difference is that the `namespaces_`
-block allows the list to be names, and in this way it can interact
-with providers expecting a complex input structure (see in particular
-[General data specification: The dataspec API]). The namespace
-elements are separated by `::` and have the same meaning as in the
-report. Consider the following example:
- - fitdeclarations:
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0117_uncorr
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_uncorr
- fits_computed_psedorreplicas_chi2_output: new-alldata/fits_matched_pseudorreplicas_chi2_table.csv
- fits_chi2_paramfits_output: new-alldata/central_global.csv
- badspecs:
- - badcurves: discard
- speclabel: "Global, discard"
- - badcurves: allminimum
- speclabel: "Global, allminimum"
- - fitdeclarations:
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0117_uncorr_collider
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_uncorr_collider
- fits_computed_psedorreplicas_chi2_output: new-alldata/collider.csv
- fits_chi2_paramfits_output: new-alldata/collider_central.csv
- badspecs:
- - badcurves: discard
- speclabel: "Collider, discard"
- - badcurves: allminimum
- speclabel: "Collider, allminimum"
- namespaces_: "dataspec_input::badspecs
- ::fits_as_from_fitdeclarations::fits_name_from_fitdeclarations
- ::use_fits_computed_psedorreplicas_chi2_output::use_fits_chi2_paramfits_output"
- author: Zahari Kassabov
- title: Summary of the allminimum and discard for global and collider only fits
- keywords: [as]
-template_text: |
- We compare the results of the determinations with `allminimum`
- and `discard` on the global and collider only fits.
- # Table
- {@dataspecs_as_value_error_table@}
- # Plot
- {@plot_dataspecs_as_value_error@}
- - report(main=True)
-Here we are generating a list of namespaces called `dataspecs` which
-the actions `dataspecs_as_valie_error_table` and
-`plot_dataspecs_as_value_error` expect as an input, starting from the
-product of each of the two elements in the `dataspec_input` list and
-its corresponding `badspecs` inner namespace, so that we have four
-namespaces in total, labeled "Global, discard", "Global, allminimum",
-"Collider, discard" and "Collider, allminimum". We are further
-applying production rules (see [Configuration]) to extract the
-information we need from the fit names and input files, producing the
-corresponding values inside the correct `dataspecs` entry.
-The whole list namespace is then passed as input to the actions (which
-are implemented using [the collect function]).
-This advanced functionality allows us to generate almost arbitrary
-inputs in a declarative way and using very few primitives, at the cost
-of a bit of learning curvature.
-Currently the `namespaces_` functionality is restricted to generating
-namespaces that are used at top level.
-### Plotting labels
-Several resources (PDFs, theories, fits) support a short form where
-one specifies the ID required to recover the resource (e.g. LHAPDF ID,
-theory ID and fit folder respectively) and also form where a plotting
-layer is specified together with the ID. For example:
- - id: 160502-r82cacd2-jr-001
- label: Baseline
- - id: 160502-r82cacd2-jr-008
- label: HERA+LHCb
- - id: 160603-r654e559-jr-003
- label: baseline+LHCb and Tev legacy
-In all plots the label will be used everywhere the PDF name needs to
-be displayed (like in legends and axes).
-The plotting labels for datasets are read from the `dataset_label` key
-in the plotting files (See [Plotting
-format specification](plotting_format.html)).
-Reports are implemented as an action of `reportengine` (admittedly a
-little hacky at the moment). The `report` action takes a `template`
-argument, corresponding to the filename of a template in the [Pandoc
-Markdown format](http://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#pandocs-markdown), with
-the actions defined with a special syntax discussed below. The actions
-will be resolve as if they where directly specified in the
-configuration file and when all of them are completed, their value
-will be substituted in the template (the `jinja2` library is used for
-the intermediate rendering).
-### Report template specification
-`reportengine` will interpret strings between `{@` and `@}` inside the
-templates. There are currently **target** and **with**/**endwith**
-Target tags
-~ Specify an action to be executed. The possible syntax is:
-{@[spec] action_name[(arg1=value, arg2=value)]@}
-where `[]` stands for optional syntax. A few conforming examples are:
-{@ plot_fancy @}
-{@theory::pdfs plot_fancy@}
-The optional namespace specification works as described in [Multiple
-inputs and namespaces]. The different parts of the specification,
-naming mapping, lists of mappings (or special tags implementing that
-behaviour) are separated with the `::` operator (resembling the C++
-scope resolution operator). Actions will be repeated if the
-specification results in multiple namespaces (e.g. one plot per pdf in
-the second example above). The optional argument specification works
-as described in [Action arguments].
-With/endwith tags
-~ Repeat the content between the tags for each namespace in the
-specifications. Targets inside the block are repeated and searched
-within each namespace. The syntax of the `with` tag is:
-{@with spec@}
-and it must be closed by an `endwith` tag
-Like in the **target** tag, the spec is separated by `::`.
-### The report action
-As always, see `validphys --help report` for the most complete
-information. The options allow customizing the CSS style or the
-template that contains the report itself.
-Here we only discuss a couple of interesting flags.
-#### The `main` flag
-The `main: True` flag can only affect one report per run. It has the
-effect of setting the name `index.html`, which comes handy for
-visualizing the uploaded result in the server (see [Uploading the
-The main flag also tries to open the web browser when the report finishes. The
-browser will be chosen according to internal heuristics, by queering system
-preferences. These can be overridden by setting the `BROWSER` environment
-variable. For example in text-only environments such as remote clusters, it may
-be preferable to just print the URL. This can be achieved by setting the
-environment variable to `echo` (for example in the `.bashrc` file):
-export BROWSER=echo
-#### Displaying math (the `mathjax` flag)
-Displaying math on browsers is painful and not without trouble. Pandoc
-tries to render the LaTeX math using utf8-characters. This doesn't
-require external dependencies and allows to work with the text
-normally, but is extremely limited (little more than subindexes and
-greek letters).
-It is possible to set `mathjax:True` to use the
-[Mathjax](https://www.mathjax.org/) library. This supports many more
-symbols, but is rather slow and requires an external connection in
-order to render the math.
-### Example report template
-A template that could correspond to the example above is:
-NNPDF Report
-{@ description @}
-PDF plots
-{@ plot_pdfs @}
-{@normalize plot_pdfs @}
-Train-valid split
-{@ plot_training_validation @}
-{@ with pdfs @}
-### {@ pdf @}
-{@ experiments_chi2_table @}
-{@ endwith@}
-Experiment plots
-{@ with pdfs @}
-###Experiment results for {@pdf@}
-{@with datanorm::experiments@}
-#### {@experiment@}
-{@experiment plot_fancy @}
-{@ endwith @}
-{@ endwith @}
-First we are writing a verbatim Markdown title. Next we are asking for
-a variable named "`description`" to be computed and later substituted
-right below (it is obtained from the fit config file, as seen in the
-template). Then we are computing absolute and normalized PDF plots
-(`normalize` is an arbitrary string that is defined in the config file
-to normalize to the first PDF). We then plot the training and
-validation $\chi^2$ of each replica in the fit. Next we compute the
-$\chi^2$ for each experiment, and produce a separate table and heading
-for each PDF in `pdfs` (note that LaTeX math syntax is allowed).
-Finally we produce, for each pdf and for each experiment, a set of
-data-theory comparison plots (which in turn are repeated for each
-dataset in the experiment).
-Information on selected tools
-There are too many tools that are still evolving too rapidly to
-completely document in here. Refer to the automatically generated
-command line help ([Seeing what actions are available]) for more
-up to date documentation. Here we only cover the complex tools that
-require more specific documentation.
-### Specifying data cuts
-The experimental `CommonData` files contain more data points than we
-actually fit. Some data points are excluded for reasons such as the
-instability of the perturbative expansion in their corresponding
-kinematic regions.
-There are four possibilities for handling the experimental cuts
-within validphys, which are controlled with the `use_cuts`
-configuration setting:
-`use_cuts: 'nocuts'`
- ~ This causes the content of the data files to be taken unmodified.
- Note that some theory predictions may be ill defined in this
- situation.
-`use_cuts: 'fromfit'`
- ~ The cuts are read from the masks given as input to the fitting code, and
- generated by `vp-setupfit`. An existing fit is required, to load the
- cuts, and must contain the masks for all the datasets analyzed in
- the active namespace.
-`use_cuts: 'internal'`
- ~ Compute the cut masks as `vp-setupfit` would do. Currently the
- parameters `q2min` and `w2min` must be given. These can in turn be
- set to the same as the fit values by loading the `datacuts`
- namespace from the fit. In this case, the cuts will normally
- coincide with the ones loaded with the `fromfit` setting.
-`use_cuts: 'fromintersection'`
- ~ Compute the internal cuts as per `use_cuts: 'internal'`
- within each namespace in a [namespace list](#multiple-inputs-and-namespaces) called
- `cuts_intersection_spec` and take the intersection of the results as
- the cuts for the given dataset. This is useful for example for
- requiring the common subset of points that pass the cuts at NLO and
-`use_cuts: 'fromsimilarpredictions'`
- ~ Compute the intersection between two namespaces (similar to for
- `fromintersection`) but additionally require that the predictions computed for
- each dataset across the namespaces are *similar*, specifically that the ratio
- between the absolute difference in the predictions and the total experimental
- uncertainty is smaller than a given value, `cut_similarity_threshold` that
- must be provided. Note that for this to work with different cfactors across
- the namespaces, one must provide a different `dataset_inputs` list for each.
- This mechanism can be sidetracked selectively for specific datasets. To do
- that, add their names to a list called `do_not_require_similarity_for`. The
- datasets in the list do not need to appear in the `cuts_intersection_spec`
- name space and will be filtered according to the internal cuts unconditionally.
-The following example demonstrates the first three options:
- title: Test the various options for CutsPolicy
- author: Zahari Kassabov
- keywords: [test, debug]
-fit: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_1000
- from_: fit
- from_: theory
-#Load q2min and w2min from the fit
- from_: fit
-# Used for intersection cuts
- - theoryid: 52
- - theoryid: 53
-dataset_input: {dataset: ATLAS1JET11}
- - speclabel: "No cuts"
- use_cuts: "nocuts"
- - speclabel: "Fit cuts"
- use_cuts: "fromfit"
- - speclabel: "Internal cuts"
- use_cuts: "internal"
- - speclabel: "Intersected cuts"
- use_cuts: "fromintersection"
-template_text: |
- {@with fitpdf::datacuts@}
- # Plot
- {@fitpdf::datacuts plot_fancy_dataspecs@}
- # χ² plots
- {@with dataspecs@}
- ## {@speclabel@}
- {@plot_chi2dist@}
- {@endwith@}
- {@endwith@}
- - report(main=True)
-Here we put together the results with the different filtering policies
-in a [Data theory comparison] plot and then plot the χ² distribution
-for each one individually. With these settings the later three
-[dataspecs](#general-data-specification-the-dataspec-api) give the
-same result.
-The following example demonstrates the use of `fromsimilarpredictions`:
- title: "Test similarity cuts: Threshold 1,2"
- author: Zahari Kassabov
- keywords: [test]
-show_total: True
-NNLODatasts: &NNLODatasts
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_R_7TEV, frac: 1.0, cfac: [QCD]} # N
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_R_13TEV, frac: 1.0, cfac: [QCD]} # N
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_DIFF_7TEV_T_RAP_NORM, frac: 1.0, cfac: [QCD]} # N
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_DIFF_7TEV_TBAR_RAP_NORM, frac: 1.0, cfac: [QCD]} # N
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_DIFF_8TEV_T_RAP_NORM, frac: 0.75, cfac: [QCD]} # N
-NLODatasts: &NLODatasts
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_R_7TEV, frac: 1.0, cfac: []} # N
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_R_13TEV, frac: 1.0, cfac: []} # N
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_DIFF_7TEV_T_RAP_NORM, frac: 1.0, cfac: []} # N
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_DIFF_7TEV_TBAR_RAP_NORM, frac: 1.0, cfac: []} # N
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_DIFF_8TEV_T_RAP_NORM, frac: 0.75, cfac: []} # N
-- {dataset: ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_DIFF_8TEV_TBAR_RAP_NORM, frac: 0.75, cfac: []} # N
-do_not_require_similarity_for: [ATLAS_SINGLETOP_TCH_DIFF_8TEV_TBAR_RAP_NORM]
-dataset_inputs: *NLODatasts
- - theoryid: 52
- pdf: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118
- dataset_inputs: *NLODatasts
- - theoryid: 53
- pdf: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118
- dataset_inputs: *NNLODatasts
-theoryid: 52
-pdf: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118
- - use_cuts: internal
- speclabel: "No cuts"
- - cut_similarity_threshold: 2
- speclabel: "Threshold 2"
- use_cuts: fromsimilarpredictions
- - cut_similarity_threshold: 1
- speclabel: "Threshold 1"
- use_cuts: fromsimilarpredictions
-template_text: |
- {@dataspecs_chi2_table@}
- - report(main=True)
-### Data theory comparison
-The name of the data-theory comparison tool is `plot_fancy`. You can
-see what parameters in the runcard influence it by typing:
-validphys --help plot_fancy
-The basic inputs are a dataset and one or more PDFs. The way a dataset
-is to be plotted is controlled by one or more PLOTTING files in the
-`commondata` format. These are simple YAML files and ideally each
-dataset should have them. It is possible to specify how to transform
-the kinematics stored in the commondata, what to use as `x` axis or
-how to group the plots. The format is described in detail in [Plotting
-format specification](plotting_format.html). The plotting
-specifications are supported by small amounts of Python (defining the
-various transformations), which are declared in the
-`validphys.plotoptions` package.
-Note that PLOTTING files are considered part of `nnpdfcpp`, and as
-such they are assumed to be correct, so in principle they have not
-guarantee of failing early with a good error message. However, you can
-set `check_plotting: True` in the input configurations to cause the
-PLOTTING files to be processed as soon as the dataset is loaded. This
-can be useful while debugging the plotting files, but will cause
-a noticeable delay to the startup (because the C++ DataSet objects
-need to be loaded in memory). This will warn of missing plotting files
-and produce early nice error messages if the configuration is not
-processed correctly.
-### General data specification: The dataspec API
-Specifying exactly which data we want to compare is an inherently
-complex problem. For example, a simple data theory-comparison plot
-depends on the following variable options:
- - The name of the dataset (the `commndata` file).
- - The systematics specification (the `systype` file).
- - The theory used (the fktables and fkset files).
- - [The cuts](#specifying-data-cuts).
- - The PDF(s) entering the comparison.
-Ideally we want to be able to compare arbitrary aggregates of
-variations of these options. Even though there is some functionality
-implemented for some specific pipelines (e.g. `fits_chi2_table`
-compares the chi² of all the fitted datasets in each fit with their
-corresponding PDFs and theories) it is clearly not possible to foresee
-all combinations that will be needed eventually. Instead, we rely on
-the capabilities offered by `reportengine` and a *convention* to
-specify arbitrary inputs.
-The user provides a list of *namespaces* (see [Multiple inputs and
-namespaces]) called *dataspecs* and dedicated functions in `validphys`
-know how to interpret it appropriately. One such function is
-`plot_fancy_dataspecs`: It takes a list of `dataspecs` where all the
-datasets must have the same name. For example, imagine we
-want to compare the NMC dataset at NLO and NNLO using the cuts of the
-NNPDF 3.1 NLO fit, with the corresponding compressed hessian 3.1 PDFs
-for each theory. We would write:
-fit: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_1000
-use_cuts: "fromfit"
- dataset: NMC
- - theoryid: 52
- pdf: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_hessian
- - theoryid: 53
- pdf: NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_hessian
-template_text: |
- % NLO vs NNLO comparison for {@dataset_input@}
- {@plot_fancy_dataspecs@}
- - report(main=True)
-This would show a comparison between the data and the PDFs convolved
-with the matching fktables.
-We may be interested in automatizing this comparison for all the
-datasets including in both fits. This is what the production rule
-`matched_datasets_from_dataspecs` is for. Essentially, it resolves
-`experiments` in each of the `dataspecs` and puts the datasets with
-the same name together by taking the intersection, so that actions
-such as `plot_fancy_dataspecs` can act on it (it output an inner
-`dataspec` list containing the appropriate keys). While the mechanism
-is complicated (you can see more details with `valdiphys --help
-config`), the resulting input cards are simple and powerful. It boils
-down to:
-use_cuts: "fromfit"
- from_: fit
- - theoryid: 52
- pdf: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_hessian
- speclabel: "NLO"
- fit: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_1000
- - theoryid: 53
- pdf: NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_hessian
- speclabel: "NNLO"
- fit: NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_1000
- title: NLO vs NNLO results for all NLO datasets in 3.1
- keywords: [test, nn31final]
- author: Zahari Kassabov
-template_text: |
- {@with matched_datasets_from_dataspecs@}
- # {@dataset_name@}
- {@plot_fancy_dataspecs@}
- {@endwith@}
- - report(main=True)
-Here we are taking the experiments and cuts from a different fit,
-using the appropriate cfactors (the `dataspecs` list provides the fits
-from which the variables are taken), putting the datasets with the
-same name together (the `matched_datasets_from_dataspecs` production
-rule) and writing a title and the data-theory comparison plots for
-each dataset in the intersection (the actions inside the `with`
-### Processing closure test data
-When analyzing closure tests (see the [NNPDF 3.0] paper), we typically want to
-refer to the *fake* closure data, rather at the original experimental
-data. The configuration option `use_fitcommondata: True` serves this
-When starting a fit (with `vp-setupfit`) currently CommonData
-files are copied to the output folder. For normal fits,
-these correspond to the usual CommonData files stored in the data
-folder. For closure test fits, the CommonData files correspond to the
-fake data, generated based on the underlying PDF.
-Setting the `use_fitcommondata` key to `True` causes the actions
-declared within some [namespace] causes the actions in that namespace
-to look for CommonData files in the fit output folder (it is thus
-required that a fit is specified that contains the desired
-CommonData). For closure test fits, this will have the effect of
-making actions data-theory comparisons or chi² (and indeed everything
-that uses experimental data) compare with the fake data rather than
-the experimental data. It should make no difference for the normal
-fits, unless the CommonData files have changed between the installed
-version of the code and the fit. This is typically discouraged.
-For example, the following runcard takes a closure test fit and its
-corresponding reference fit and produces a plot of the experimental
-χ². In both cases the CommonData files are read from the corresponding
-fit folder (because we set `use_fitcommondata: True` at the top
-level). For the reference fit, this will cause the theory predictions
-to be compared with the original experimental data, while in the
-closure test data, predictions will be compared to the fake data. This
-is typically the relevant comparison.
- title: Example using use_fitcommondata
- author: Zahari Kassanov
- keywords: test
-use_fitcommondata: True
-use_cuts: "fromfit"
- - {id: 180501-nh-004, label: "Closure fit"}
- - {id: 180307-nh-001, label: "Reference fit"}
- - plot_fits_datasets_chi2
-[NNPDF 3.0]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1410.8849
-[namespace]: #multiple-inputs-and-namespaces
-### The vp-comparefits application
-While `validphys` provides the flexibility to produce analyses that
-are specific for the task at hand, it is sometimes useful to run a
-standardized set of comparisons, which can be easily integrated in a
-production workflow.
-The script `vp-comparefits` produces a comparison between a *base fit*
-that we are mainly interested in analyzing and a *reference fit* we
-want to compare it with. The script will produce a report detailing
-the statistical estimators, display PDF comparisons at various scales
-or compare the theory predictions.
-The basic usage is:
-vp-comparefits -i
-Where the `-i` option stands for `--interactive` and it will cause the
-script to ask the user for the parameters of the comparison.
-Specifically users need to provide the base and reference fits, as
-well as the metadata parameters required to index the report
-(including author, title and keywords); see [Metadata Indexing]. All
-these options can be set via command line parameters, and this must be
-done for non interactive usage (without the `-i` option). Additionally
-all the relevant command line arguments of `validphys` work in the
-same way. See `vp-comparefits --help` for details.
-The `vp-comparefits` script is a thin wrapper around a `validphys`
-runcard stored under `comparefittemplates/comparecard.yaml` in the
-source code. That runcard (and its associated templates) can be
-modified to improve the default comparison.
-### Fit renaming
-Fits can be renamed from the command line application `fitrename` that comes installed
-with validphys. Basic usage requires the user to enter the path to the fit along with the desired
-new name for the fit.
-For example, suppose one wishes to locally rename the fit `181109-si-nlo-central_DISonly`
-located in the current directory's parent. Then one can rename this fit to `new_name` using
-$ fitrename ../181109-si-nlo-central_DISonly new_name
-If the user wishes to retain a copy of the original fit, they can do so with the optional
-`-c` flag. For example:
-$ fitrename -c ../181109-si-nlo-central_DISonly new_name
-Will result in a fit named `181109-si-nlo-central_DISonly` and a copy named `new_name` in the
-original directory.
-However, by default, fits that are download with `vp-get fit` will be located in the NNPDF results
-directory. This is usually located in `~/miniconda3/envs//share/NNPDF/results`. Fits
-located in this directory can be renamed with the `-r` flag.
-As an example, suppose the fit `181109-si-nlo-central_DISonly` is located in the NNPDF results directory.
-It can be renamed, irrespective of the current working directory, using
-$ fitrename -r 181109-si-nlo-central_DISonly new_name
-A copy of the original fit can be created in the results directory using the `-rc` flag. It is important to
-note if the `-r` flag is used, then the input fit should not be a path, but simply the fit name; otherwise an
-error is raised.
-In addition, errors will be raised if the input directory is not a valid fit (for example, if it is missing the
-`filter.yml` runcard) or if the requested new fit name already exists.
-If the user wishes to add their own, non-standard files, then it is advisable to avoid using the fit name in these
-files as the `fitrename` command will also rename these files.
-### Fits with a Theory Covariance Matrix
-Fits can be ran with a contribution to the covarince matrix obtained from
-performing scale variations. `validphys` also has flags which control the how
-whether the covariance matrix used to calculate statistical estimators should
-include a contribution from the theory covariance matrix. Getting the various
-flags that control these behaviours correct in both fit and `validphys` runcards
-is critical to getting sensible results. Examples with explanation will be
-provided here to demonstrate how to run a fit with a theory covariance matrix
-and then use the various `validphys` analysis tools on the fit.
-#### Running a fit with Theory Covariance Matrix
-In order to run a fit with a theory covariance the user must first specify that
-`datasets` are all part of the same `experiment`. An example of how this is done
-in practise is provided with the `experiments` section of a DIS only fit
-- experiment: BIGEXP
- datasets:
- - {dataset: NMCPD, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: NMC, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: SLACP, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: SLACD, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: BCDMSP, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: BCDMSD, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: CHORUSNU, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: CHORUSNB, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: NTVNUDMN, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: NTVNBDMN, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: HERACOMBNCEM, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: HERACOMBNCEP460, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: HERACOMBNCEP575, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: HERACOMBNCEP820, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: HERACOMBNCEP920, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: HERACOMBCCEM, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: HERACOMBCCEP, frac: 0.5}
- - {dataset: HERAF2CHARM, frac: 0.5}
-The `datasets` must be part of the same single `experiment` for the theory
-covariance matrix which is generated when the user runs `vp-setupfit` to be
-compatible with the fitting infrastructure.
-The next step is to specify the `theorycovmatconfig`. This namespace controls
-which point prescription is used to generate the theory covariance matrix, and
-whether the theory covariance matrix will be used in the sampling of the
-pseudodata, the fitting of the data or both.
-The different prescriptions for scale variation are 3-point, 5-point,
-5bar-point, 7-point and 9-point, depending on which presciption the user decides
-to use, they must provide the correct number and combination of `theoryids`. In
-addition to this if 5 or 5bar is being used then the user must specify which of
-these prescriptions to use with the `fivetheories` flag. There are also two
-options for the 7-point presciption, the default is 'Gavin's' prescription but
-the user can also specify `seventheories: original`.
-The various configuration options might seem overwhelming, so for each of the
-presciptions the appropriate `theoryids` and additional flags required are
-provided below, ready to be pasted into a report runcard.
-##### 3-point
- theoryids:
- - 163
- - 180
- - 173
-##### 5-point
- theoryids:
- - 163
- - 177
- - 176
- - 179
- - 174
- fivetheories: nobar
-##### 5bar-point
- theoryids:
- - 163
- - 180
- - 173
- - 175
- - 178
- fivetheories: bar
-##### 7-point original
- theoryids:
- - 163
- - 177
- - 176
- - 179
- - 174
- - 180
- - 173
- seventheories: original
-##### 7-point Gavin (default)
- theoryids:
- - 163
- - 177
- - 176
- - 179
- - 174
- - 180
- - 173
-##### 9-point
- theoryids:
- - 163
- - 177
- - 176
- - 179
- - 174
- - 180
- - 173
- - 175
- - 178
-Once the user has correctly specified the `theoryids` and additional flags for
-their chosen prescription then the user must specify which PDF will be used to
-generate the theory 'points' required to construct the theory covariance matrix.
-The user must additionally specify where the theory covariance is to be used.
-The theory covariance can be used to sample the pseudodata by setting
-`use_thcovmat_in_sampling: true`, likewise the theory covariance can be included
-in covariance matrix used in the fit by specifying
-`use_thcovmat_in_fitting: true`.
-The user can choose what kind of theory covariance matrix should be used in the
-fit, by setting the flag `thcovmat_type ` to be one among
-`full, blockdiagonal, diagonal`. If the flag does not appear in the runcard
-the full theory covariance matrix is used by default.
-Combining all of the above information, if one wanted to run a fit using the
-theory covariance, calculated using the 9-point prescription, in both the
-fitting and sampling with `NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118` used to generate the
-covariance matrix then the complete `theorycovmatconfig` would be:
- theoryids:
- - 163
- - 177
- - 176
- - 179
- - 174
- - 180
- - 173
- - 175
- - 178
- pdf: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118
- use_thcovmat_in_fitting: true
- use_thcovmat_in_sampling: true
-#### Using `validphys` statistical estimators with theory covariance
-Once a fit has been ran with the theory covariance, it is necessary to use the
-theory covariance matrix in estimators such as calculating the chi² in order to
-get meaningful values. This behaviour is controlled by the flag
-`use_thcovmat_if_present`, which by default the flag is set to `False`.
-If the user specifies `use_thcovmat_if_present: True` then they must also
-specify a corresponding `fit`. The configuration file for that `fit` will be
-read. If `use_thcovmat_in_fitting: True` then validphys will locate the theory
-covariance matrix used during the fit and add it to the experimental
-covariance matrix, for use in statistical estimators such as chi². A simple
-example of this would be
-dataset_input: {dataset: HERAF2CHARM}
-use_thcovmat_if_present: True
-fit: 190310-tg-nlo-global-7pts
-use_cuts: "fromfit"
- from_: fit
- from_: fit
- from_: theory
- - dataset_chi2_table
-It should be noted that any `dataset_input` specified in the same runcard that
-`use_thcovmat_if_present: True` must have been fitted in the corresponding
-`fit`. If the corresponding fit has `use_thcovmat_if_present: False` then the
-user will be warned and there will be no contribution from the theory covariance
-matrix used in calculating statistical estimators for that runcard.
-When using the `vp-comparefits` application, the user **must** either specify
-the commandline flag `--thcovmat_if_present` or `--no-thcovmat_if_present`
-which set `use_thcovmat_if_present` to `True` or `False` respectively.
-If the user uses the interactive mode, `vp-comparefits -i`, then they will be
-prompted to select whether or not to use the theory covariance matrix, if
-available, in the report if they have not already specified on the command line.
-Parallel mode
-It is possible to run validphys using all the available cores in the
-system. This is done simply using the `--parallel` flag. This will
-result in a performance gain for many run configurations. The parallel
-mode will be eventually enabled by default, and you can disable it
-explicitly with the `--no-parrallel` flag.
-The environment variable `MAX_WORKER_PROCESSES` can be used to
-control the maximum number of workers, which defaults to the total cpu
-Downloading resources
-By default theories, fits and PDFs that are required will be
-downloaded automatically. PDFs are searched both in LHAPDF and in our
-custom fits, as well as in a specific location in the server.
-The remote downloading functionality can
-be controlled with the `--net` (no effect by default) and `--no-net`
-(disable all remote downloading) options. Because defaults could
-change in the future, it is useful that scripts calling validphys
-specify this behaviour explicitly.
-Additionally there is the `vp-get` utility, that can by itself download
-resources in the same way `validphys` would do. The basic syntax is:
-The available options for `` can be seen with `vp-get --list`.
-Currently they are:
- $ vp-get --list (nnpdf-
-Available resource types:
- - fit
- - pdf
- - theoryID
- - vp_output_file
-For example to download the fit `NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_1000` we would write
-$ vp-get fit NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_1000
-If the resource is already installed, the tool will display some information on
-it and bail out:
-$ vp-get fit NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_1000
-FitSpec(name='NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_1000', path=PosixPath('/home/zah/anaconda3/envs/nnpdf-dev/share/NNPDF/results/NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_1000'))
-Uploading the result
-### Uploading to the server
-When the `--upload` flag is set, the contents of the output folder
-will be uploaded to the NNPDF data server, after validphys is done. An
-authorized ssh key and the `rsync` program are required to use this
-feature. A URL will be displayed from which the contents are
-accessible (currently password protected).
-Alternatively, there is the command `vp-upload `, which
-comes installed with validphys2. This works exactly the same as
-`--upload`, but you run it on an existing output.
-### Metadata indexing
-All the uploaded results are automatically indexed in the server. The
-metadata to index it is obtained from the following sources in order
-of priority:
- - A `meta.yaml` file in the top level folder of the report. For
- example:
- ```yaml
- ---
- title: PDF comparisons
- author: NNPDF Collaboration
- keywords: [gallery]
- ...
- ```
- the keys are the same as in the [pandoc-markdown
- syntax](http://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#metadata-blocks), and this
- metadata will also be used within the report (e.g. to set the
- title and the author fields). This is the recommended option for
- top level metadata. The `meta.yaml` file can be generated
- verbatim from a `meta` mapping in the `validphys` runcard.
- For example:
- ```yaml
- meta:
- title: PDF comparisons
- author: NNPDF Collaboration
- keywords: [gallery]
- ```
- would yield the same file as above.
- - An `index.html` file in the uploaded output folder. To automatically
- generate an `index.html` file from a `report` action, one may set the
- option `main:True` (alternatively there is the `out_filename` option,
- which may be used to specify the filename). In the template, use
- the [pandoc-markdown
- syntax](http://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#metadata-blocks) to set the
- metadata at the top of the file. In the runcard you would write:
- ~~~yaml
- template: mytemplate.md
- actions_:
- - report(main=True)
- ~~~
- and you would begin `mytemplate.md`, using YAML syntax, like:
- ```yaml
- ---
- title: Testing the fit {@fit@}
- author: Zahari Kassabov
- keywords: [nnpdf31, nolhc]
- ...
- ```
- Note that you can use the report syntax to get the parameters from the
- runcard. If you only want to set title or author, you can also
- prefix the two first lines of the markdown templates with `%`:
- ```markdown
- % Template title
- % Myself, the template author
- Content...
- ```
- This is mostly useful for sub-reports not at the top level, in
- more complicated documents.
-The keywords are used for indexing and filtering. It is important to
-set them properly, to aid the discoverability of the result. Some tags
-may be used to display the report in a prominent place in the index
-page. The source of the report index page is
-inside the `validphys2` repository. This page can be edited to reflect
-the current interests (the Makefile directly uploads to the
-server). See [Web Scripts] in the [Developer Documentation] for more
-### Uploading fits
-To upload fits use:
-Note there are [plans](https://github.com/NNPDF/nnpdf/issues/162) to change this
-### Uploading arbitrary files
-The command `wiki-upload` is a more interactive version of
-`vp-upload`, allowing to upload arbitrary files and asking the user
-for the metadata for indexing. While `vp-upload` is faster and more
-suitable for usage in scripts, casual users might find `wiki-upload`
-easier to use.
-Seeing the input
-By default, validphys will copy the input YAML configuration, as well
-as any processed templates to a `input` folder inside the target
-output folder. The goal is to make any result reproducible by typing
-`validphys /input/runcard.yaml`. For the fits uploaded
-to the server, it is possible to access the input files by appending
-`/input` to the URL.
-Figure formats
-The output figure formats can be controlled with the `--formats`
-option. The available formas depend on the underlying implementation.
-On Linux with Anaconda, they are:
-png: Portable Network Graphics
-pdf: Portable Document Format
-ps: Postscript
-jpg: Joint Photographic Experts Group
-rgba: Raw RGBA bitmap
-eps: Encapsulated Postscript
-tiff: Tagged Image File Format
-raw: Raw RGBA bitmap
-svg: Scalable Vector Graphics
-pgf: PGF code for LaTeX
-tif: Tagged Image File Format
-svgz: Scalable Vector Graphics
-jpeg: Joint Photographic Experts Group
-The `--formats` option accepts more than one format. However if an
-HTML report is desired, one should make sure that the *first* format
-is browser friendly and can be displayed nicely without plugins (from
-the formats above, the browser friendly ones would be png, jpg, and
-Plotting style
-Many of the options of matplotlib (the library we for plotting) can be
-controlled with a plotting style file. To customize (or "*improve*")
-the looks of the plots, you can edit the validphys style
-`src/validphys/small.mplstlye` or pass your own style file with the
-`--style` option.
-Controlling displayed messages
-By default we try to only display useful information that the user
-should definitively read. In case something is not working correctly,
-debug messages can be enabled with the `-d` (or `--debug`) flag. More
-messages can be suppressed using the `-q` (or `--quiet`) flags.
-Additionally the messages from libnnpdf can be controlled with the
-`--cout`/`--no-cout` flags (by default the output is displayed only
-when the debug flag is enabled).
-Developer documentation
-`validphys2` aims to be as simple to understand and extend as
-possible. The code is based on self contained Python functions with
-a couple of magic decorators that make `reportengine` work as
-expected. Based on that, there is a large and ever growing set of
-tools to interact with NNPDF resources, that are spread across several
-modules in the codebase. Some of the most important are:
-: Core data structures that represent objects such as PDFs and data
- sets. Several of them map to `libnnpdf` objects. In that case they
- have a `.load()` method that produces the corresponding `C++`
- object.
-: Tools to obtain NNPDF resources locally or remotely. See [Validphys
- Loaders].
-: Defines how resources are to be parsed from the configuration
- file. This is largely using `validphys.loader`.
-: Implements tools to store and manipulate results from data and
- theory predictions.
-`validphys.gridvalues`, `validphys.bases`, `validphys.pdfgrids`
-: These contain tools to evaluate PDFs over grids of points.
- `validphys.gridvalues` contains low level functionality that uses
- `libnnpdf`, `validphys.pdfbases` contain several different bases
- over PDF flavour space and functionality to manipulate them, and
- `validphys.pdfgrids` contains high level providers suitable for
- using for plotting and as an input to other computations.
-: Tools for interpreting the dataset PLOTTING files, including the
- transformations on the kinematics and the data.
-: Contains parsers for various files produced by `n3fit` along with
- tools to manipulate and display them.
-: Contains `reportengine`-style checks that are used in several
- places. See [Checking providers].
-These are used as a basis for doing everything else. We discuss how to
-implement new functionality, along with many features of the framework
-in [Defining custom pipelines].
-Unfortunately the objective of making `validphys` easy means that the
-complexity of getting things to just work is translated into
-`reportengine`, which instead uses many advanced python features, and
-results in a codebase that is not particularly simple.
-Reportengine namespaces specifications
-A central concept to how reportengine works is namespaces and
-namespace specifications.
-A namespace is
-a [stack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_(abstract_data_type)) of
-python dictionaries indexed by a tuple called *namespace specification
-(nsspec)*. Nsspecs are generated from user input given in terms of
-*fuzzyspecs*. This is mostly an advanced internal implementation
-detail, but it is important in order to understand how several
-features work. Also the abstraction leaks into user facing features
-such as [The collect function].
-### Namespace specifications
-An nsspec is a tuple of an arbitrary number of elements. Each element
-in the tuple corresponds to one extra stack layer in depth (*"stack
-frame"*). The elements of the tuple can be either:
- - Names of mappings.
- - Names of objects that have an [`as_namespace`
- method](#the-as_namespace-method).
- - Tuples of the form (name of list of mappings, index).
-The scope rules are similar to those of C: The lookup of a value is
-done first looking at the inner frame and then at the outer ones,
-until a match is found.
-Consider the example:
- pdf: NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- normalize_to: None
- use_cuts: "nocuts"
- pdf: CT14nlo
- normalize_to: CT14nlo
- - {use_cuts: "nocuts"}
- - {use_cuts: "fromfit"}
-Given the input above, we could form the following `nsspec`.
-('second', ('cutspecs', 0))
-This would correspond to a namespace where we have the following
-symbols available:
-- `use_cuts` (set to `"nocuts"`) from `cutspecs`.
-- `pdf` and `normalize_to` (set to CT) from `second`.
-- `first`, `second` and `cutspecs` from the root namespace.
-We could also form the specification:
-(('cutspecs', 1), 'first')
-Because the innermost specification is last, the value of `use_cuts`
-is `"nocuts"`.
-The function `reportengine.namespaces.resolve(ns, nsspec)` returns
-a mapping (in particular it is a modified version of
-`collections.ChainMap`) that implements exactly this behaviour. It is
-used extensively thorough `reportengine`.
-### Fuzzyspecs
-The namespace specifications as described above is not what
-the user typically enters. Instead the typical user input is what in
-the code is labeled *fuzzyspec*. A fuzzyspec is like a nsspec except
-that the lists of mappings are entered by name and not by a tuple
-(name, index). A fuzzyspec resolves to one or more nsspecs. For
-example, given the fuzzyspec:
-('second', 'cutspecs')
-and the input above, it gets expanded into two nsspecs:
-('second', ('cutspecs', 0))
-('second', ('cutspecs', 1))
-corresponding to each of the two mappings in cutspecs.
-### The `as_namespace` method
-An object can customize how to be viewed as a reportengine namespace.
-This is done by defining a method called `as_namespace`, that takes no
-arguments and should return either a mapping or a list of mappings.
-This is used to implement [Automatically parsing lists].
-Resolving dependencies
-Dependencies are resolved automatically by `reportengine` when the
-client applications follow a certain convention.
-A few things that Validphys needs to do (see [Design considerations])
- - Provide a declarative interface where the user specifies only the
- amount of information needed to specify the requirements.
- - Be usable as a normal Python library.
- - Reuse the computations that are common to several actions.
-In order to do all that, one declares "provider modules" (which is
-done in `validphys.app`), which are nothing but normal Python files
-containing functions (and thus can be used as a library). The
-convention in `reportengine` is that a parameter with the same name as
-a provider function specifies that that function is a dependency.
-Imagine we want to have two plotting tools `plot1` and `plot2`, each
-of which takes as an argument the result of the same computation,
-`results`, which in turn need a PDF set entered by the user to be
-computed. One would declare the functions as follows:
-def results(pdf):
- #Compute the results
- ...
-def plot1(results):
- #Take the result and produce a plot of type 1.
- ...
-def plot2(results):
- #Take the result and produce a plot of type 2.
- ...
-Then, an input card like the following:
-pdf: NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- - plot1
- - plot2
-Would result in the following DAG:
-![Simple dependency resolution](simplegraph.png)
-The important point to note is that parameter names determine the
-dependencies by default.
-To address the inflexibility that results from the way we choose to
-automatically assign dependency, each action is assigned a unique
-[Namespace specification](#namespace-specifications). This allows to
-specify actions with several different parameters. Let's make the
-example above more complicated:
-def results(pdf):
- #Compute the results
- ...
-def plot1(results, parameter):
- #Take the result and produce a plot of type 1.
- ...
-def plot2(results, parameter):
- #Take the result and produce a plot of type 2.
- ...
-We can request a parameter scan like this:
-pdf: NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- - parameter: 5
- - parameter: 10
- - parameter: 20
- - scan_params plot1
- - scan_params plot2
-which would result in the following computation:
-![Parameter scan](params.png)
-We have requested the two plots to be computed once in each of the
-three namespaces spanned by `scan_params`. The actions are in general
-**not** computed in the requested namespace, but rather in the
-*outermost one that satisfies all the dependencies* (there is also
-a unique private stack frame per action not shown in the figures
-above). That's why, in the graph above, `results` appears only once:
-Since it doesn't depend on the value of `parameter` (it doesn't appear
-in its signature), it is computed in the root namespace, rather than
-once in each of the `scan_params` namespaces. If we instead had this:
- - NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
- - CT14nlo
- - parameter: 5
- - parameter: 10
- - pdfs::scan_params plot1
-The corresponding graph would be:
-![Dependency levels](twoparams.png)
-since `results` does depend on the pdf.
-Defining custom pipelines
-Here we discuss what needs to go from user entered strings in the YAML
-file plots and reports.
-The basic code flow is as follows:
- 1. The `actions_` key is parsed to obtain a list of requirements with
- their associated [fuzzyspec](#fuzzyspecs).
- 2. Each requirement spans other requirements. These can be:
- - Providers: Other functions with requirements on their own.
- - User input processed by the [Configuration], which is
- immediately tested for correctness.
- - Production rules, also derived from the configuration.
- 3. Once the requirements are satisfied for a given provider, the
- [checks](#checking-providers) of the provider are executed.
- 4. If all the checks pass, all the runtime requirements are executed
- in such an order that the dependencies are resolved.
-### Configuration
-A configuration class derived from `reportengine.ConfigParser` is used to parse the
-user input. In validphys, it is defined in `validphys.Config`.
-The parsing in reportengine is *context dependent*. Because we want to
-specify resources as much as possible before computing anything (at
-"*compile time*"), we need to have some information about other
-resources (e.g. theory folders) in order to do any meaningful
-The `Config` class takes the user input and the dependencies and:
- - Returns a valid resource if the user input is valid.
- - Raises a `ConfigError` if the user input is invalid.
-To parse a given user entered key (e.g. `posdataset`), simply define
-a `parse_posdataset` function. The first argument (i.e. second after
-`self`) will be the raw value in the configuration file. Any other
-arguments correspond to dependencies that are already resolved at the
-point where they are passed to the function (`reportengine` takes care
-of that).
-For example, we might have:
-def parse_posdataset(self, posset:dict, * ,theoryid):
- ...
-The type specification (`:dict` above) makes sure that the user input
-is of that type before it is seen by the function (which avoids
-a bunch of repetitive error checking). A positivity dataset requires
-a theory ID in order to be meaningfully processed (i.e. to find the
-folder where the fktables are) and therefore the theoryid will be
-looked for and processed first.
-We need to document what the
-resource we are providing does. The docstring will be seen in
-`validphys --help config`:
-def parse_posdataset(self, posset:dict, * ,theoryid):
- """An observable used as positivity constrain in the fit.
- It is a mapping containing 'dataset' and 'maxlambda'."""
- ...
-#### Production rules
-Apart from `parse_` functions, which take an explicit user input from
-the corresponding key (and optionally a set of dependencies), there
-are the `produce_` functions, which take only the dependencies. Other
-than not taking the user input, the `produce_` functions work in
-a very similar way to the `parse_` functions: They are resolved at
-*"compile time"*, before any procider function is executed, and they
-should raise a `ConfigError` if they fail.
-In general production rules should be preferred to parse functions
-that bundle together various dependencies (e.g. data, cuts and
-theory), because by having more granular elements, we can iterate over
-them in different ways: For examples we might want to generate
-a separate report page for each of the positivity datasets, where they
-are compared for multiple theories. We could break the parse function
-above into:
-def parse_posdataset_input(self, posset:dict):
- ...
-def produce_posdataset(posdataset_input, *, theoryid):
- ...
-Now the user has to enter a key called "posdataset_input", from which
-some Python object will be obtained as the return value of
-`parse_posdataset_inout`. Then, `produce_posdataset` is used to an
-object representing the positivity set and the corresponding FKTables
-in a given theory is obtained from the output of
-`parse_posdataser_input` and a theory ID.
-#### Automatically parsing lists
-It is possible to easily process list of elements once the parsing for
-a single element has been defined. Simply add an `eleement_of`
-decorator to the parsing function defined in the Config class:
-def parse_posdataset(self, posset:dict, * ,theoryid):
-Now `posdatasets` is parsed as a list of positivity datasets, which
-can be passed together to a provider, or iterated over, (for example
-with a `with` tag in the report, see [Report template specification]).
-Note that you can also put together results from evaluating providers
-using [the collect function], which can be used to map computations
-over the lists described here.
-#### Validphys loaders
-In `validphys`, we use a `Loader` class to load resources from various
-folders. It is good to have a common interface, since it is used to
-list the available resources of a given type or even download
-a missing resource. The functions of type `check_` should
-take the information processed by the Config class anf verify that
-a given resources is correct. If so they should return a "Resouce
-specification" (something typically containing metadata information
-such as paths, and a `load()` method to get the C++ object from
-`libnnpdf`). We also define a `get` method that returns the C++ object
-directly (although I am not sure it's very useful anymore).
-In the case of the positivity set, this is entirely given in terms of
-existing check functions:
-def check_posset(self, theiryID, setname, postlambda):
- cd = self.check_commondata(setname, 0)
- fk = self.check_fktable(theiryID, setname, [])
- th = self.check_theoryID(theiryID)
- return PositivitySetSpec(cd, fk, postlambda, th)
-def get_posset(self, theiryID, setname, postlambda):
- return self.check_posset(theiryID, setname, postlambda).load()
-A more complicated example should raise the appropriate loader
-errors (see the other examples in the class).
-The `PositivytySetSpec` could be defined roughly like:
- class PositivitySetSpec():
- def __init__(self, commondataspec, fkspec, maxlambda, thspec):
- self.commondataspec = commondataspec
- self.fkspec = fkspec
- self.maxlambda = maxlambda
- self.thspec = thspec
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self.commondataspec.name
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- @functools.lru_cache()
- def load(self):
- cd = self.commondataspec.load()
- fk = self.fkspec.load()
- return PositivitySet(cd, fk, self.maxlambda)
-Here `PositivitySet` is the `libnnpdf` object. It is generally better
-to pass around the spec objects because they are lighter and have more
-information (e.g. the theory in the above example).
-With this, our parser method could look like this:
-def parse_posdataset(self, posset:dict, * ,theoryid):
- """An observable used as positivity constrain in the fit.
- It is a mapping containing 'dataset' and 'maxlambda'."""
- bad_msg = ("posset must be a mapping with a name ('dataset') and "
- "a float multiplier(maxlambda)")
- theoryno, theopath = theoryid
- try:
- name = posset['dataset']
- maxlambda = float(posset['maxlambda'])
- except KeyError as e:
- raise ConfigError(bad_msg, e.args[0], posset.keys()) from e
- except ValueError as e:
- raise ConfigError(bad_msg) from e
- try:
- return self.loader.check_posset(theoryno, name, maxlambda)
- except FileNotFoundError as e:
- raise ConfigError(e) from e
-The first part makes sure that the user input is of the expected form
-(a mapping with a string and a number). The `ConfigError` has support
-for suggesting that something could be mistyped. The syntax is
-`ConfigError(message, bad_key, available_keys)`. For example, if the
-user enters "poslanda" instead of "postlambda", the error message
-would suggest the correct key.
-Note that all possible error paths must end by raising
-a `ConfigError`.
-### Computing PDF dependent quantities
-Now that we can receive positivity sets as input, let's do something
-with them. The SWIG wrappers allow us to call the C++ methods of
-`libnnpdf` from Python. These things go in the `validphys.results`
-module. We can start by defining a class to produce and hold the
-class PositivityResult(StatsResult):
- @classmethod
- def from_convolution(cls, pdf, posset):
- loaded_pdf = pdf.load()
- loaded_pos = posset.load()
- data = loaded_pos.GetPredictions(loaded_pdf)
- stats = pdf.stats_class(data.T)
- return cls(stats)
- @property
- def rawdata(self):
- return self.stats.data
-`pdf.stats_class` allows to interpret the results of the convolution
-as a function of the PDF error type (e.g. to use the different
-formulas for the uncertainty of Hessian and Monte Carlo sets). In that
-way it allows to abstract away the different error types. One
-constructs an object inheriting from `validphys.core.Stats` that is
-appropriate for a given error type by calling `pdf.stats_class(data)`
-where data is an array where the entries along the first dimension are
-the results from each member computed from `libnnpdf` (and the other
-dimensions are arbitrary). `Stats` has methods that appropriately
-collapse along the first axis. For example `central_value` computes
-the mean along the first axis for Monte Carlo PDFs and yields the
-first member for Hesssian PDFs.
-And then define a simple provider function:
-def positivity_predictions(pdf, positivityset):
- return PositivityResult.from_convolution(pdf, positivityset)
-### The collect function
-In the user interface we have the possibility to perform a computation
-looping over a list of namespaces. In the code, we can define
-providers that collect the results of such computations with the
-`collect` function.
-The signature is:
-collect('provider_name', fuzzyspec)
-This will expand the `fuzzyspec` relative to the current namespace and
-compute the function once for each frame. Then it will put all the
-results in a list (to be iterated in the same order as the fuzzyspec)
-and set that list as the result of the provider. The provider in the
-first argument is found following the standard `reportengine` rules.
-It can be a function defined in a provider module, a configuration
-input or a production rule, as well as another `collect` provider. As
-a special case, one can pass directly functions
-(defined with the `def` keyword). For example
-possets_predictionsa = collect(positivity_predictions, ('posdatasets',))
-Compared to a simple `for` loop, the collect function has the
-advantages that the computations are appropriately reused and several
-results could be computed simultaneously in the parallel mode.
-We can use the output of `collect` as input to other providers. For
-def count_negative_points(possets_predictions):
- return np.sum([(r.rawdata < 0).sum(axis=1) for r in
- possets_predictions], axis=0)
-`collect` can be used to appropriately group nested inputs. For
-example here is how to obtain a list of the experiments for each fit.
-fits_experiments = collect('experiments', ('fits',))
-Note that `collect` always returns a flat list with the provider
-evaluated for each of the namespaces spanned by the fuzzyspec. For
-fits_experiments_chi2_flat = collect(abs_chi2_data_experiment,
- ('fits', 'fitcontext', 'experiments',))
-results in a flat list
-containing the result of `abs_chi2_data_experiment` resolved for each
-experiment in each fit. One can instead retain the structure by
-chaining several `collect` providers. For instance, the code
-experiments_chi2 = collect(abs_chi2_data_experiment, ('experiments',))
-fits_experiment_chi2_data = collect('experiments_chi2', ('fits', 'fitcontext'))
-will result in `fits_experiment_chi2_data` producing one result for
-each fit, where each of them is itself list where each item result of
-`abs_chi2_data_experiment` evaluated for each experiment in a given
-Standard iteration techniques can be used to process the results of
-collect. For example here is how we would print the χ² for each
-experiment in each fit:
-def print_fits_experiments_chi2(
- fits, fits_experiments, fits_experiment_chi2_data):
- for fit, fit_experiments, experiments_data in zip(
- fits, fits_experiments, fits_experiment_chi2_data):
- print(f"Printing results for {fit}")
- for experiment, chi2data in zip(fit_experiments, experiments_data):
- print(f"χ² for {experiment} is ",
- f"{chi2data.central_result}/{chi2data.ndata}")
-A minimal runcard to use the action above is:
- - NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118
- - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118
-use_cuts: "fromfit"
- - print_fits_experiments_chi2
-### Checking providers
-Providers can checks that verify that all the required preconditions
-are met. Checks are executed at the time at which the call node is
-just created and all its required dependencies are either in the
-namespace or scheduled to be produced. Checking functions take the
-current state of the namespace, as well as an unspecified set of other
-parameters (because I haven't decided on the interface yet!).
-Therefore check functions should accept `**kwargs` arguments. Checks
-are decorated with the `reportengine.checks.make_argcheck` function.
-If checks don't pass, they must raise
-a `reportengine.checks.CheckError` exception.
-For example, given a reweighting function, we may want to check that
-the current PDF (the value that will be passed to the function) has
-a Monte Carlo error type, we might define a check like:
-def check_pdf_is_montecarlo(ns, **kwargs):
- pdf = ns['pdf']
- etype = pdf.ErrorType
- if etype != 'replicas':
- raise CheckError("Error type of PDF %s must be 'replicas' and not %s"
- % (pdf, etype))
-Checks can be used (abused) to modify the namespace before the action
-function sees it. This can be used for some advanced context dependent
-argument default setting (for example setting default file names based
-on the nsspec).
-The check is associated to the provider function by simply applying it
-as a decorator:
-def chi2_data_for_reweighting_experiments(pdf, args):
- ...
-A slightly higher level interface to checks is implemented by the
-`make_argcheck` decorator. Instead of receiving a namespace and other
-unspecified arguments, like the functions decorated with `make_check`,
-it simply takes the arguments we want to test. The function can return
-a dictionary that will be used to update the namespace (but that is
-not required, it can also not return anything).
-For example the `check_pdf_is_montecarlo` above could be more easily
-implemented like:
-def check_pdf_is_montecarlo(pdf):
- etype = pdf.ErrorType
- if etype != 'replicas':
- raise CheckError("Error type of PDF %s must be 'replicas' and not %s"
- % (pdf, etype))
-`make_argcheck` should be preferred, since it is more explicit, and
-could be extended with more functionality later on. However it is
-newer and not very used currently in the code.
-Checks have no effect outside of reportengine (unless you call them
-Ideally, the checks should be sufficient to guarantee that the
-actions will not fail at runtime.
-### Producing figures
-In order to produce figures, just decorate your functions returning
-`matplotlib` `Figure` objects with the `reportengine.figure.figure`
-function, e.g.:
-def plot_p_alpha(p_alpha_study):
- fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- #Plot something
- ...
- return fig
-This will take care of the following:
- - Saving the figures with a nice, unique name to the output folder,
- in the formats specified by the user.
- - Closing the figures to save memory.
- - Making sure figures are properly displayed in reports.
-There is also the `figuregen` decorator for providers that are
-implemented as generators that yield several figures (see e.g. the
-implementation of `plot_fancy`). Apart from just the figure, yield
-a tuple (prefix, figure) where the prefix will be used in the
-### Producing tables
-These work similarly to [figures](#producing-figures), as described
-above. Instead use the `@table` and `@tablegen` decorators.
-Tables will be saved in the CSV formats.
-### Customizing how things look in the report
-By default, the `str()` method will be applied to objects that appear
-in the report. If you want a custom behaviour, declare a declare
-a custom `as_markdown` property for your objects. It should return
-a string in Pandoc Markdown describing your object. Raw HTML is
-also allowed (although that decreases the compatibility, e.g. if we
-decide to output LaTeX instead of HTML in the future).
-Python static checks and code style
-We use [Pylint](https://www.pylint.org/) to provide static checking (e.g.
-finding basic errors that a compiler would catch in compiled languages) such as
-uses of unknown variable names, as well as to provide basic guidelines on the
-structure of the code (e.g. avoid functions that are too complicated). Because
-Pylint is way too pendantic by default, we limit the checks to only those
-considered useful. The `.pylintrc` file at the top level configures Pylint to
-only mind those checks. Most Python IDEs and editors have some kind of support
-for pylint. It is strongly recommended to configure the editor to show the
-problematic pieces of code proactively.
-New code should use the [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) tool to
-format the code. This tool should not be used to aggressively reformat existing
-Example pull request
-You may find instructive to go though this pull request that
-implements arc-length computation:
-It demonstrates how to leverage existing functionality to perform new
-computations and then present those as plots and tables.
-Matplotlib Image Comparison Tests
-It is possible to create tests which perform an image comparison between a
-generated plot and a preexisting baseline plot. Clearly this allows one to check
-consistency in figure generation.
-Before beginning you will need to ensure that you have the tests dependencies,
-which can be checked in `nnpdf/conda-recipe/meta.yml`.
-The next step is to write the test function. It is highly recommended to use the
-validphys API for this, both to simplify the code and to make it agnostic to the
-structure of backend providers - provided that they produce the same results. See
-for example a function which tests the `plot_pdfs` provider:
-def test_plotpdfs():
- pdfs = ['NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118']
- Q = 10
- flavours = ['g']
- #plot_pdfs returns a generator with (figure, name_hint)
- return next(API.plot_pdfs(pdfs=pdfs, Q=Q, flavours=flavours))[0]
-we see that the function needs to return a valid matplotlib figure, and should
-be decorated with `@pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare`.
-Now the baseline figure needs to be generated, this can be achieved by running
-pytest -k --mpl-generate-path=baseline
-which will generated a PNG of the figure in the `src/validphys/tests/baseline`
-directory. It is recommended to put all baseline plots in this directory so that
-they are automatically installed, and so will be in the correct location when
-the CI runs the test suite.
-Now that the baseline figure exists you can check that your test works:
-pytest -k --mpl
-Also you can check that the test has been added to the full test suite:
-pytest --pyargs --mpl validphys
-just note that if you do not put the `--mpl` flag then the test will just check
-that the function runs without error, and won't check that the output matches to
-Server configuration
-The NNPDF server is a virtual machine (VM) maintained by
-the Centro Calcolo at the physics department of the
-University of Milan. The machine has 2 CPUs, 4GB of RAM,
-1 TB of disk and it is running CentOS7.
-The full disk is backed up every week by the Centro Calcolo.
-We perform every Sunday a `rsync` from the `/home/nnpdf` folder
-to the `nnpdf@lxplus` account at CERN.
-The URLs served by this VM are:
- - : contain **public**
- NNPDF data such as PDF fits, releases etc.
- - : contains the
- `validphys` reports.
- - : with
- the github wiki version.
- - : The `conda` binary packages.
-The domain is hosted by [Namecheap](www.namecheap.com), which also manages the
-DNS entries. For each subdomain there is an A record always pointing to the same
-server IP, currently The subdomains are then handled as described
-in [Web server]. For example, a DNS query for `packages.nnpdf.science` returns
- $ dig packages.nnpdf.science
-; <<>> DiG 9.11.3-1ubuntu1.7-Ubuntu <<>> packages.nnpdf.science
-;; global options: +cmd
-;; Got answer:
-;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 26766
-;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
-; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 65494
-;packages.nnpdf.science. IN A
-packages.nnpdf.science. 1799 IN A
-;; Query time: 170 msec
-;; WHEN: Tue May 28 14:26:53 BST 2019
-;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 67
-The access to the server is provided by
-`ssh`/[`vp-upload`](#uploading-the-result) with the following restrictions:
-- `ssh` access to `root` is forbidden.
-- there is a shared `nnpdf` user with low privileges. In order to login
-the user must send his public ssh key (usually in `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`) to SC.
-The `nnpdf` is not allowed to login with password.
-The `nnpdf` user shares a common `/home/nnpdf` folder
-where all NNPDF material is stored. Public access to data is
-available for all files in the `/home/nnpdf/WEB` folder. The
-`validphys` reports are stored in `/home/nnpdf/validphys-reports`
-and the wiki in `/home/nnpdf/WEB/wiki`.
-The [`conda` packages](#installing) are automatically uploaded to the server
-by the Continous Integration service (Travis), through an user called `dummy`
-which has further reduction in privileges (it uses the [`rssh`
-shell](https://linux.die.net/man/1/rssh)) and it is only allowed to run the
-`scp` command. An accepted private key is stored securely in the [Travis
-configuration](https://travis-ci.com/NNPDF/nnpdf) under the `NNPDF_SSH_KEY`
-variable. It is encoded using `base64` because Travis does not easily accept
-multiline variables. To use it, do something like `echo "$NNPDF_SSH_KEY" |
-base64 --decode`. The packages are uploaded to `/home/nnpdf/packages`.
-Web server
-We are using `nginx` as a lightweight and simple web server engine. The
-`nginx` initial configuration depends on the linux distribution in
-use. Usually debian packages provide a ready-to-go version where the
-`/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` is already set to work with server blocks
-Other distributions like CentOS7 requires more gymnastics, here some tricks:
-- make sure the `/home/nnpdf` folder can be accessed by the `nginx` user
-- folders served by `nginx` must have permission 755
-- create 2 folders in `/etc/nginx`: `sites-available` and `sites-enabled`.
-- in the `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` file indicate the new include path with `include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;` and remove all location statements.
-- for each server block create a new file in `/etc/nginx/sites-available` and build a symbolic link in `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled`.
-- remember to perform a `sudo service nginx restart` or `sudo nginx -s reload` to update the server block configuration.
-Finally, here an example of `nginx` configuration for the `vp.nnpdf.science` server block without ssl encryption:
-server {
- listen 80;
- listen [::]:80;
- server_name vp.nnpdf.science;
- root /home/nnpdf/validphys-reports;
- location / {
- try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
- auth_basic "Restricted";
- auth_basic_user_file /home/nnpdf/validphys-reports/.htpasswd;
- }
- location /thumbnails {
- alias /home/nnpdf/thumbnails;
- try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
- auth_basic "Restricted";
- auth_basic_user_file /home/nnpdf/validphys-reports/.htpasswd;
- }
-Some URLs are password protected using the HTTP `basic_auth` mechanism. This is
-implemented by setting the corresponding configuration in nginx, as shown above
-(specifically with the `auth_basic` and `auth_basic_user_file` keys). The
-`.htpasswd` files mentioned in the configuration are generated with the
-`htpasswd` tool.
-SSL encryption
-SSL encription is provided by [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org).
-The certificates are created using the `certbot` program with the `nginx` module.
-In order to create new ssl certificates, first prepare the `nginx` server block
-configuration file and then run the interactive command:
-sudo certbot --nginx -d
-This will ask you several questions, including if you would like to automatically
-update the `nginx` server block file. We fully recommend this approach.
-The certificate is automatically renewed by a [cron job](#cron-jobs).
-Cron jobs
-The following cron jobs are registered for the `nnpdf` user:
-- every day at 4 AM run the `index-email.py` script.
-- at every reboot run `index-reports.py`, `index-fits.py`,
- `index-packahes-public.sh` and `index-packages-private.sh`, which monitor
- contiguously the respective folders and create indexes that can be used by
- various applications. The first two are homegrown scripts (see [Web Scripts])
- and the later two use
- [`conda-index`](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda-build/en/latest/resources/commands/conda-index.html).
-The following cron jobs are registered for the `root` user:
-- perform backup of `/home/nnpdf` in lxplus every Saturday at noon.
-- perform a certbot renew every Monday.
-- reboot every Sunday at 6am (in order to use new kernels).
-- perform system update every day.
-Web Scripts
-Validphys2 interacts with the NNPDF server by [Downloading Resources]
-and [Uploading the result].
-The server scripts live in the validphys2
-repository under the `serverscripts` folder.
-The server side
-infrastructure that makes this possible currently aims to be
-minimalistic. The only thing that is done is maintaining some index
-files (currently for theories, fits, reports and LHAPDF sets)
-which essentially list the files in a given directory. The indexes are
-regenerated automatically when their correspondent folders are
-modified. This is achieved by waiting for changes using the Linux
-`inotify` API and my
-[`asynwatch`](https://github.com/Zaharid/asyncwatch) module.
-The report index is used to display a webpage indexing the reports. It
-retrieves extra information from a `meta.yaml` file in the top level
-output directory, and (with lower priority) by parsing an `index.html`
-page contained in the report folder. Properties like title, author and tags
-are retrieved from the HTML header of this file, and are expected to
-be in the same format that Pandoc would have used to write them when
-`meta.yaml` is passed as a input. To produce it, the most convenient
-way is setting the `main` flag of a report, as described in [Uploading
-the result].
-Additionally information from the mailing list is added to the index
-page. Specifically we query the list for links to validphys reports
-and add links to the emails next to the entries of the reports that
-are mentioned. This is achieved with the `index-email.py` script. It
-needs some authentication credentials to access the mailing list. The
-password is stored in a file called `EMAIL_BOT_PASSWORD`, which is not
-tracked by git. The script outputs two files in the root folder,
-`email_mentions.json` which should be used by other applications (such
-as the report indexer) and `seen_emails_cache.pkl`, which is there to
-avoid downloading emails that are already indexes. These files need to
-be deleted when the format of the index is updated. Currently this
-script needs to be run manually or as a `cron` job.
-The report index uses the
-[DataTables](https://datatables.net/) JS library. It provides
-filtering and sorting capabilities to the indexes tables. The source
-file is:
-in the validphys2 directory. It should be updated from time to time to
-highlight the most interesting reports at a given moment. This can be
-done by for example displaying in a separate table at the beginning
-the reports marked with some keyword (for example 'nnpdf31').
-The Makefile inside will synchronize them with
-the server.
-The report indexing script generates thumbnails in the
-`WEB/thumbnails` which are then associated to each report. This is
-done by looking at the image files inside the `figures` folder of each
-uploaded report (see the source of the script for more details). It is
-expected that the server redirects the requests for
-`vp.nnpdf.science/thumbnails` to this folder.
-Editing this guide
-The source of this document can be found in the main NNPDF repository as the
-file `guide.md`, under
-There is a Makefile which will build the HTML document (`pandoc` and `graphviz`
-are required), and `make rsync` will upload it to the server, if the user has
-sufficient permissions. Of course, changes to the guide should also be commited
-to the repository, and if necessary, discussed in a pull request.
diff --git a/doc/validphys2/params.dot b/doc/validphys2/params.dot
deleted file mode 100644
index ba416ed29f..0000000000
--- a/doc/validphys2/params.dot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-digraph G {
- graph[dpi=300];
- results->"(scan_params, 0) plot1";
- results->"(scan_params, 0) plot2";
- results->"(scan_params, 1) plot1";
- results->"(scan_params, 1) plot2";
- results->"(scan_params, 2) plot1";
- results->"(scan_params, 2) plot2";
diff --git a/doc/validphys2/plotting_format.md b/doc/validphys2/plotting_format.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c965556f4..0000000000
--- a/doc/validphys2/plotting_format.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-%NNPDF plottng format
-%Zahari Kassabov
-A *plotting file* defines a set of options that are used for analysis
-and representation purposes, particularly to determine how datasets
-should be represented in plots and how should they be grouped
-together according to various criteria. The plotting files should be
-considered part of the implementation of the dataset, and should be
-read by various tools that want to sensibly represent the data.
-Naming convention
-Given a dataset labeled ``, a file found in the
-`commondata` folder (`nnpdfcpp/data/commondata`) that matches the
-regular expression
-(that is, the string `"PLOTTING_"` followed by the name of the
-and ending in `.yaml` or `.yml`) is to be considering a plotting file
-for that dataset.
-For example, given the dataset "HERA1CCEP", the corresponding
-plotting file name is:
-Additionally, the configuration is loaded from a per-process-type file
-See [Kinamatic labels] below for a list of defined types. When a key
-is present both in the dataset-specific and the process type level file, the
-dataset-specific one always takes precedence.
-The plot file specifies the variable as a function of which the data
-is to be plotted (in the *x* axis) as well as the variables as
-a function of which the data will be split in different lines in the
-same figure or in different figures. The possible variables
-('*kinematic labels*') are described below.
-The format also allows to control several plotting properties, such
-that whether to use log scale, or the axes labels.
-## Data label
-A key called `dataset_label` can be used to specify a nice plotting
-and display label for each dataset. LaTeX math is allowed between
-dollar signs.
-## Kinamatic labels
-The default kinematic variables are inferred from the *process type*
-declared in the commondata files (more specifically from
-a substring). Currently they are:
-'DIS': ('$x$', '$Q^2 (GeV^2)$', '$y$'),
-'DYP': ('$y$', '$M^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWJ_JPT': ('$p_T (GeV)$', '$M^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWJ_JRAP': ('$\\eta/y$', '$M^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWJ_MLL': ('$M_{ll} (GeV)$', '$M_{ll}^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWJ_PT': ('$p_T (GeV)$', '$M^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWJ_PTRAP': ('$\\eta/y$', '$p_T^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWJ_RAP': ('$\\eta/y$', '$M^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWK_MLL': ('$M_{ll} (GeV)$', '$M_{ll}^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWK_PT': ('$p_T$ (GeV)', '$M^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWK_PTRAP': ('$\\eta/y$', '$p_T^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'EWK_RAP': ('$\\eta/y$', '$M^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'HIG_RAP': ('$y$', '$M_H^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'HQP_MQQ': ('$M^{QQ} (GeV)$', '$\\mu^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'HQP_PTQ': ('$p_T^Q (GeV)$', '$\\mu^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'HQP_PTQQ': ('$p_T^{QQ} (GeV)$', '$\\mu^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'HQP_YQ': ('$y^Q$', '$\\mu^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'HQP_YQQ': ('$y^{QQ} (GeV)$', '$\\mu^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'INC': ('$0$', '$\\mu^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'JET': ('$\\eta$', '$p_T^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'PHT': ('$\\eta_\\gamma$', '$E_{T,\\gamma}^2 (GeV^2)$', '$\\sqrt{s} (GeV)$'),
-'SIA': ('$z$', '$Q^2 (GeV^2)$', '$y$')
-This mapping is declared as `CommonData.kinLabel_latex` in the C++
-code (and accessible as `validphys.plotoptions.core.kinlabels_latex`
-in the Python code).
-The three kinematic variables are referred to as 'k1', 'k2' and 'k3'
-in the plot files. For example, for DIS processes, 'k1' refers to 'x',
-'k2' to 'Q', and 'k3 to 'y'.
-These kinematic values can be overridden by some transformation of
-them. For that purpose, it is possible to define
-a **kinematics_override** key. The value must be a class defined
-The class must have a `__call__` method that takes three parameters:
-`(k1, k2 k3)` as defined in the dataset implementation, and return
-three new values `(k1', k2', k3')` which are the "transformed"
-kinematical variables, which will be used for plotting purposes every
-time the kinematic variables k1, k2 and k3 are referred to.
-Additionally, the class must implement a `new_labels` method, that
-takes the old labels and returns the new ones, and an `xq2map`
-function that takes the kinematic variables and returns a tuple of (x,
-Q²) with some approximate values. An example of such transform is:
-class dis_sqrt_scale:
- def __call__(self, k1, k2, k3):
- ecm = sqrt(k2/(k1*k3))
- return k1, sqrt(k2), ceil(ecm)
- def new_labels(self, *old_labels):
- return ('$x$', '$Q$ (GeV)', r'$\sqrt{s} (GeV)$')
- def xq2map(self, k1, k2, k3, **extra_labels):
- return k1, k2*k2
-Additional labels can be specified by declaring an **extra_labels**
-key in the plotting file, and specifying for each new label a value
-for each point in the dataset.
-For example:
- idat2bin: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 300, 300, 300, 400, 400, 400, 500, 500, 600, 600, 700, 700, 800, 800, 900, 1000, 1000, 1100]
-defines one label where the values for each of the datapoints are
-given in the list. Note that the name of the extra_label (in this case
-`idat2bin` is completely arbitrary, and will be used for plotting
-purposes (LaTeX math syntax is allowed as well). However adding labels
-manually for each point can be tedious. This should only be reserved
-for information that cannot be recovered from the kinematics as
-defined in the CommonData file. Instead, new labels can be generated
-programmatically: Every function defined in:
-is a valid label. These functions take as keyword arguments the
-(possibly transformed) kinematical variables, as well as any extra
-label declared in the plotting file. For example, one might declare:
-def high_xq(k1, k2, k3, **kwargs):
- return k1 > 1e-2 and k2 > 1000
-Note that it is convenient to always declare the '\*\*kwargs'
-parameter so that the code doesn't crash when the function is called
-with extra arguments. Similarly to the kinematics transforms, it is
-possible to decorate them with a `@label` describing a nicer latex
-label than the function name. For example:
-@label(r"$I(x>10^{-2})\times I(Q > 1000 GeV)$")
-def high_xq(k1, k2, k3, **kwargs):
- return (k1 > 1e-2) & (k2 > 1000)
-## Plotting and grouping
-The variable as function of which the data is plotted, is simply
-declared as