Converts NVDB in Sweden to OSM file with tagging.
Order the relevant municipality data from Lastkajen at Trafikverket.
- You need to register first (it is free).
- Choose the Homogeniserad format.
- Choose the municipality.
- Check for all attributes.
- Download the GeoDB folder when it is ready (you get a mail).
Convert to geojson format.
- Open the GeoDB folder in QGIS and export it to geosjon file.
- Alternatively, convert using ogr2ogr or similar tools.
Run program:
python3 <municipality.geojson> [-segment]
- This will produce an .osm file.
- The
option includes all NVDB attributes and does not combine segments into longer ways.
- The current implementation is for testing.
- Some NVDB attributes are currently not supported, for example not all access restrictions are supported.
- Highways are combined into longer ways. There are three different methods to choose from in the program.
- Highways are split at sharp turns.
- Way polygons are simplified with a factor of 0.20 meters.
- Most municipalities are generated in a few seconds. The largest municipalities in Sweden run in a couple of minutes.