diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/features/validate.feature b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/features/validate.feature
index d5264724..9951cf80 100644
--- a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/features/validate.feature
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/features/validate.feature
@@ -13,15 +13,17 @@ Feature: pds4_information_model_integration
# NOTE: The following flags are prepended to the execution by default: --disable-context-mismatch-warnings --report-style json --skip-content-validation --report-file {reportDir}/
+#note: 'mvn test' choks if problem enum is blank or "" even if 0 messages
- | testId | testName | testDir | messageCount | messageText | problemEnum | commandArgs | ingestLDDFileName |
- | "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#795a" | "Expected reference_type Failures for all Data Types" | "github795" | 9 | "9 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "--rule pds4.bundle --target {resourceDir}/github795/" | "" |
- | "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#795b"| "Expected reference_type Failure for Product_External" | "github795b" | 1 | "1 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "--target {resourceDir}/github795b/" | "" |
- | "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#797" | "Expected schematron failure for kernel_type values" | "github797" | 3 | "3 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "--target {resourceDir}/github797/test_label1_FAIL.xml {resourceDir}/github797/u5.xml" | "PDS4_GEOM_IngestLDD.xml" |
- | "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#816" | "Expected failure for Product_External LID formation rule" | "github816" | 1 | "1 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "--target {resourceDir}/github816/" | "" |
+| testId | testName | testDir | messageCount | messageText | problemEnum | commandArgs | ingestLDDFileName |
+| "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#753" | "new Current units nA microA" | "github753" | 0 | "0 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "-t {resourceDir}/github753/pc__d139.xml" | "PDS4_MARS2020_IngestLDD.xml" |
+| "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#784a" | "Encoded_Video for Product_Ancillary" | "github784a" | 0 | "0 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "-t {resourceDir}/github784/FUV2017032anc.xml" | "" |
+| "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#784b" | "Encoded_Video for Product_Browse" | "github784b" | 0 | "0 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "-t {resourceDir}/github784/FUV2017032brw.xml" | "" |
+| "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#794" | "new namespace vikinglander" | "github794" | 0 | "0 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "-t {resourceDir}/github794/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml" | "PDS4_VIKINGLANDER_IngestLDD.xml" |
+| "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#795a" | "reference_type Failures for all Data Types" | "github795" | 10 | "10 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR,INTERNAL_ERROR" | "-R pds4.bundle -t {resourceDir}/github795" | "" |
+| "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#795b" | "reference_type Failures for Product_External" | "github795b" | 2 | "2 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "-t {resourceDir}/github795b/occultation_prediction_som_manifest.xml" | "" |
+| "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#797" | "test schematron for kernel_type checks" | "github797" | 3 | "3 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "-t {resourceDir}/github797/test_label1_FAIL.xml {resourceDir}/github797/u5.xml" | "PDS4_GEOM_IngestLDD.xml" |
+| "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#829" | "new unit mrad/pixels" | "github829" | 0 | "0 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "-t {resourceDir}/github829/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml" | "PDS4_HST_IngestLDD.xml" |
+| "NASA-PDS/pds4-information-model#831" | "add Array_1D_Spectrum" | "github831" | 0 | "0 errors expected" | "SCHEMATRON_ERROR" | "-t {resourceDir}/github831/" | "" |
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/00notes.txt b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/00notes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d97aa402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/00notes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+I assume I should get the IngestLDD file from
+% validate -x *xsd -S *sch -t ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
+ Version 3.6.0-SNAPSHOT
+ Date 2024-10-14T21:11:53Z
+ Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/794/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml]
+ Severity Level WARNING
+ Recurse Directories true
+ File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML]
+ Data Content Validation on
+ Product Level Validation on
+ Max Errors 100000
+ Registered Contexts File /Users/rchen/PDS4tools/validate/resources/registered_context_products.json
+Product Level Validation Results
+ PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/794/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
+ 1 product validation(s) completed
+ 1 product(s)
+ 0 error(s)
+ 0 warning(s)
+ Product Validation Summary:
+ 1 product(s) passed
+ 0 product(s) failed
+ 0 product(s) skipped
+ 1 product(s) total
+ Referential Integrity Check Summary:
+ 0 check(s) passed
+ 0 check(s) failed
+ 0 check(s) skipped
+ 0 check(s) total
+End of Report
+Completed execution in 2379 ms
+% grep vikinglander: ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
+ testtesttesttest
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/PDS4_MARS2020_IngestLDD.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/PDS4_MARS2020_IngestLDD.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d14a818a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/PDS4_MARS2020_IngestLDD.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7445 @@
+ Mars 2020 Mission Dictionary
+ Mission
+ Susan Slavney
+ geo
+ mars2020
+ The Mars 2020 mission dictionary contains classes and attributes specific to
+ the Mars 2020 (Perseverance Rover) mission and its instruments.
+ Mars 2020 version
+ PDS Build
+ LDDTool version 13.0.2
+ Built with LDDTool -plJ PDS4_IMG_Ingest_LDD.xml PDS4_MARS2020_IngestLDD.xml
+ 2020-07-29 Confirmed spacecraft clock count notation (Bob Deen)
+ 2020-08-11 Revised some attribute names to be consistent with msn discipline dictionary, for efficient searches:
+ product_type_name replaces product_type
+ release_number replaces release_id (but it is still an ASCII string)
+ spacecraft_clock_start replaces spacecraft_clock_start_count
+ spacecraft_clock_stop replaces spacecraft_clock_stop_count
+ spacecraft_clock_partition replaces spacecraft_clock_count_partition
+ start_local_true_solar_time_sol and stop_local_true_solar_time_sol replace local_true_solar_time_sol
+ 2020-08-19 Removed enumerated values list for product_type_name, until we know what values to use, if any
+ 2020-08-20 Changed mars2020:error:sclk_rule_0 to allow spacecraft_clock_start and stop to be evaluated independently
+ 2020-08-25 Added container class Mars2020_Parameters
+ 2020-08-28 Added classes PIXL_Illumination and SuperCam_RMI_Mini_Header and their attributes, from Bob Deen
+ 2020-10-21 Built with IM Added RIMFAX_Parameters classes and attributes.
+ 2020-10-28 Made a few adjustments for RIMFAX (removed second delay parameters and removed number in the name of the
+ remaining delay parameters). Moved position of rfax_setup_file to match its location in the ODL labels. Added
+ attribute active_flight_computer to Observation_Information class.
+ 2020-12-29 Changed max occurrences of PIXL_Illumination class from 1 to 2. Corrected pattern for rules
+ mars2020:error:ltst_rule_0 and mars2020:error:ltst_rule_1.
+ 2020-12-30 Add MOXIE_Parameters classes and attributes
+ 2021-01-20 Added SHERLOC Calibration_Target class
+ 2021-01-22 Added more PIXL_Parameters classes and attributes
+ 2021-01-26 Made PIXL attributes both nillable and optional
+ 2021-03-10 Changed attribute mars2020:unit to optional in MOXIE classes Run_Control_Table_Field,
+ Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Field, Safety_Parameter_Table_Field, and Run_Parameter_Table_Field.
+ Added start_mars_year and stop_mars_year to mars2020:Observation_Information to support MOXIE.
+ Changed MOXIE attribute names *_enable to *_en.
+ 2021-03-30 Changed spacecraft_clock_start and spacecraft_clock_stop to allow a fraction up to 9 digits (was 6)
+ 2021-04-07 Added classes SuperCam_Generic_Packet_Header, SuperCam_Ancillary_Header, and their attributes
+ 2021-04-27 Added pixl_rtt to class PIXL_Parameters.
+ Added enumerated value definitions for attribute SuperCam_Parameters/SuperCam_Ancillary_Header/scam_type.
+ 2021-05-06 Added Digital_Number_to_Calibrated_Unit_Conversions class, subclasses, and attributes to MOXIE_Parameters.
+ Added file_name_binary attribute to MOXIE_Parameters subclasses. Revised definitions of some MOXIE subclasses.
+ 2021-05-25 Changed the class MOXIE_Parameters/.../Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Conversions and its subclasses
+ from required to optional. They should appear only for calibrated products, but the MOXIE team will do that check.
+ Corrected error in the definitions of MOXIE_Parameters/.../Ancillary_Data_*/Internal_Reference/.
+ 2021-06-08 Changed attribute Mars2020_Parameters/Observation_Information/release_number minimum_occurrences from 1 to 0.
+ 2021-07-15 Added attributes start/stop_utc, start/stop_jdate, start/stop_sounding_counter, min/max rover_lat,
+ min/max_rover_lon, and min/max_rover_elev to RIMFAX_Parameters class.
+ Changed RIMFAX_Parameters/config_id maximum_occurrences from 1 to *.
+ Added missing definitions for RIMFAX_Parameters decimation, sinetable, and time_cut_samples.
+ Commented out time_cut_samples because it is not used in any class.
+ Changed sinetable data type from ASCII_Integer to ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed.
+ Built for IM 1G00 (
+ 2021-07-23 Changed definitions of MOXIE_Parameters/.../Ancillary_Data_*/ classes back to using DD_Association
+ instead of DD_Associate_External_Class due to a bug in LDDTool.
+ Corrected rule_context in rules for validating MOXIE_Parameters/.../Ancillary_Data_*/Internal_Reference/.
+ Changed minimum_occurrences from 1 to 0 for all MOXIE_Parameters/.../Algorithm_Parameter_Table calibrated attributes.
+ 2021-08-13 Added attribute number_of_soundings to RIMFAX_Parameters class.
+ 2022-05-25 Version Added values for SuperCam_Parameters/SuperCam_Ancillary_Header/scam_type.
+ 2022-05-25T18:13Z
+ active_flight_computer
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.active_flight_computer
+ false
+ Ed Guinness
+ The active_flight_computer indicates which flight computer "string" (separate sets
+ of electronics) was active when a product was acquired. For Mars 2020 there are two
+ redundant flight computers called "strings", also known as Rover Compute Elements
+ (RCEs). Either string, A or B, may be active at any given time.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ A
+ The value "A" indicates flight computer A.
+ B
+ The value "B" indicates flight computer B.
+ mission_phase_name
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.mission_phase_name
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ The mission_phase_name identifies a time period within the mission.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
+ The ATLO mission phase (Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations) is the
+ time of spacecraft and instrument assembly and test. During this phase data products
+ are generated using flight hardware. They are usually not part of the final PDS
+ archive but may be used for testing and peer review.
+ Cruise
+ The cruise mission phase is from the time of escape from Earth's orbit
+ through the time of entry into Mars' orbit. Some data products may be generated
+ during this time, including instrument checkout data.
+ Development
+ The development mission phase refers to the period of data processing
+ software development and testing, before instruments are integrated with the spacecraft.
+ Data products generated during this phase are usually not part of the final PDS archive
+ but may be used for testing and peer review.
+ Surface Mission
+ The surface mission phase is the time from arrival at Mars through the
+ end of surface operations, including the primary mission and any extended missions
+ that may take place.
+ Test
+ The test mission phase is not a time period but a placeholder for the
+ mission_phase_name value, used for test data products.
+ product_type_name
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.product_type_name
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ The product_type_name identifies a group of data products within a collection that have
+ some property in common, such as processing level, resolution, or instrument-specific setting.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ release_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.release_number
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ release_number is the identifier of a scheduled release of Mars 2020 data from PDS. The
+ first Mars 2020 data release has release_number "01". The release_number for a given product is always the
+ first release in which it appears, and does not change if the product is revised
+ later.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ 1
+ sol_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.sol_number
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ Sol_number is the number of the Mars day on which an observation was acquired.
+ Landing day is Sol 0.
+ See comment for start_sol_number.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ spacecraft_clock_partition
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.spacecraft_clock_partition
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ The spacecraft_clock_partition provides the clock partition active for the
+ spacecraft_clock_start and spacecraft_clock_stop attributes.
+ This attribute may be used when the spacecraft_clock values do not include a partition number.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 1
+ spacecraft_clock_start
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.spacecraft_clock_start
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ The spacecraft_clock_start is the value of the spacecraft clock at the
+ beginning of an observation, in seconds. Values are formed
+ according to the pattern [p/]dddddddddd[.fffffffff], where p is an optional
+ partition number, dddddddddd is a whole number of seconds up to 10 digits,
+ and .fffffffff is an optional fraction of a second up to 9 digits. The whole
+ number and fraction are separated by a period. If a partition number and
+ slash are not present, then the attribute spacecraft_clock_partition must be used.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ [p/]dddddddddd[.fffffffff] - The spacecraft clock value is an integer with no more than 10 digits, optionally
+ preceded by a clock partition number and forward slash, and optionally followed by a fractional value. If the fractional
+ value is present, it must be separated from the whole number by a period, and may have up to 9 digits. If a partition number
+ and slash are not present, then the attribute spacecraft_clock_partition must be used.
+ 1
+ 19
+ ([1-9]/)?[0-9]{1,10}(\.[0-9]{1,9})?
+ spacecraft_clock_stop
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.spacecraft_clock_stop
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ The spacecraft_clock_stop is the value of the spacecraft clock at the
+ end of an observation, in seconds. Values are formed
+ according to the pattern [p/]dddddddddd[.fffffffff], where p is an optional
+ partition number, dddddddddd is a whole number of seconds up to 10 digits,
+ and .fffffffff is an optional fraction of a second up to 9 digits. The whole
+ number and fraction are separated by a period. If a partition number and
+ slash are not present, then the attribute spacecraft_clock_partition must be used.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ [p/]dddddddddd[.fffffffff] - The spacecraft clock value is an integer with no more than 10 digits, optionally
+ preceded by a clock partition number and forward slash, and optionally followed by a fractional value. If the fractional
+ value is present, it must be separated from the whole number by a period, and may have up to 9 digits. If a partition number
+ and slash are not present, then the attribute spacecraft_clock_partition must be used.
+ 1
+ 19
+ ([1-9]/)?[0-9]{1,10}(\.[0-9]{1,9})?
+ start_local_mean_solar_time
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.start_local_mean_solar_time
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ Start_local_mean_solar_time is the local mean solar time, as defined in the main
+ PDS4 data dictionary, at the beginning of an observation.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ [Sol-]nnnnnMhh:mm:ss[.fffff] - Local mean solar time is given as a sol number with no more than 5 digits,
+ optionally preceded by "Sol-", followed by a time in hours, minutes, and seconds, which is optionally followed by a
+ decimal point and fractional seconds. The sol number and time are separated by an uppercase M.
+ 10
+ 24
+ (Sol\-)?[0-9]{1,5}M[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](\.[0-9]{1,5})?
+ start_local_true_solar_time
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.start_local_true_solar_time
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ Start_local_true_solar_time is the local true solar time, as defined in the main
+ PDS4 data dictionary, at the beginning of an observation.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ [[Sol-]nnnnn ]hh:mm:ss[.fffff] - Local true solar time is given in hours, minutes and seconds, optionally
+ followed by a decimal point and fractional seconds. The time may be preceded by "nnnnn " or "Sol-nnnnn " where nnnnn is
+ the sol number, separated from the time by a space character. If no sol number is present, the attribute
+ start_local_true_solar_time_sol should be used to specify the sol number.
+ 8
+ 24
+ ((Sol\-)?[0-9]{1,5} )?[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](\.[0-9]{1,5})?
+ start_local_true_solar_time_sol
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.start_local_true_solar_time_sol
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ The start_local_true_solar_time_sol element specifies the number of solar days elapsed
+ since a reference day (e.g. the day on which a landing vehicle set down) for local true solar
+ time (LTST). Days are measured in rotations of the planet in question from midnight to
+ midnight. The reference day is '0', as Landing day is Sol 0. If before Landing day, then value
+ will be less than or equal to '0' and can be negative. Start_local_true_solar_time_sol
+ should accompany the attribute start_local_true_solar_time if that attribute's value does not
+ include a sol number prefix.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ start_mars_year
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.start_mars_year
+ false
+ Lyle Huber
+ The start_mars_year element gives the Mars year at the beginning of the observation.
+ Mars Year 1 began on April 11, 1955. The year number is incremented by 1 for each Martian
+ spring equinox (solar longitude 0 degrees).
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ start_sol_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.start_sol_number
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ Start_sol_number is the number of the Mars day on which a multiple-day observation
+ was begun. Landing day is Sol 0.
+ Start/stop_sol_number are provided as an alternative to sol_number for observations
+ that cross one or more sol boundaries.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ start_solar_longitude
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.start_solar_longitude
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ Start_solar_longitude is the solar longitude, as defined in the main PDS4 data
+ dictionary, at the beginning of an observation.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ 0
+ 360
+ Units_of_Angle
+ stop_local_mean_solar_time
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.stop_local_mean_solar_time
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ Stop_local_mean_solar_time is the local mean solar time, as defined in the main PDS4
+ data dictionary, at the end of an observation.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ [Sol-]nnnnnMhh:mm:ss[.fffff] - Local mean solar time is given as a sol number with no more than 5 digits,
+ optionally preceded by "Sol-", followed by a time in hours, minutes, and seconds, which is optionally followed by a
+ decimal point and fractional seconds. The sol number and time are separated by an uppercase M.
+ 10
+ 24
+ (Sol\-)?[0-9]{1,5}M[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](\.[0-9]{1,5})?
+ stop_local_true_solar_time
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.stop_local_true_solar_time
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ Stop_local_true_solar_time is the local true solar time, as defined in the main PDS4
+ data dictionary, at the end of an observation.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ [[Sol-]nnnnn ]hh:mm:ss[.fffff] - Local true solar time is given in hours, minutes and seconds, optionally
+ followed by a decimal point and fractional seconds. The time may be preceded by "nnnnn " or "Sol-nnnnn " where nnnnn is
+ the sol number, separated from the time by a space character. If no sol number is present, the attribute
+ stop_local_true_solar_time_sol should be used to specify the sol number.
+ 8
+ 24
+ ((Sol\-)?[0-9]{1,5} )?[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](\.[0-9]{1,5})?
+ stop_local_true_solar_time_sol
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.stop_local_true_solar_time_sol
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ The stop_local_true_solar_time_sol element specifies the number of solar days elapsed
+ since a reference day (e.g. the day on which a landing vehicle set down) for local true solar
+ time (LTST). Days are measured in rotations of the planet in question from midnight to
+ midnight. The reference day is '0', as Landing day is Sol 0. If before Landing day, then value
+ will be less than or equal to '0' and can be negative. Stop_local_true_solar_time_sol
+ should accompany the attribute stop_local_true_solar_time if that attribute's value does not
+ include a sol number prefix.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ stop_mars_year
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.stop_mars_year
+ false
+ Lyle Huber
+ The stop_mars_year element gives the Mars year at the end of the observation.
+ Mars Year 1 began on April 11, 1955. The year number is incremented by 1 for each Martian
+ spring equinox (solar longitude 0 degrees).
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ stop_sol_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.stop_sol_number
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ Stop_sol_number is the number of the Mars day on which a multiple-day observation
+ was ended. Landing day is Sol 0.
+ Start/stop_sol_number are provided as an alternative to sol_number for observations
+ that cross one or more sol boundaries.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ stop_solar_longitude
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.stop_solar_longitude
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ Stop_solar_longitude is the solar longitude, as defined in the main PDS4 data
+ dictionary, at the end of an observation.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ 0
+ 360
+ Units_of_Angle
+ cl_ics123_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics123_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensors CS1, CS2 and CS3 upper current limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Current
+ cl_ics123_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics123_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensors CS1, CS2 and CS3 upper current limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ cl_ics123_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics123_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensors CS1, CS2 and CS3 current limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ cl_ics4_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics4_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensor CS4 upper current limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Current
+ cl_ics4_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics4_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensor CS4 upper current limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ cl_ics4_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics4_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensor CS4 current limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ comments
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.comments
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Comments associated with MOXIE_Parameters/Run_Control_Table_Step
+ or with MOXIE_Parameters/.../Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Equations.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
+ cs123_en
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.cs123_en
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensors 1, 2 and 3 enable bit
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ cs4_en
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.cs4_en
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensor 4 enable bit
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ digital_number_to_calibrated_unit_conversion_software_version
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.digital_number_to_calibrated_unit_conversion_software_version
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Version number of the software used to convert digital numbers to calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ equation
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.equation
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Digital number to calibrated unit equation
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ experiment_name
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.experiment_name
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Name of a MOXIE_Parameters experiment configuration
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ file_name_binary
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_binary
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Name of the Run Parameter Table binary file, as uplinked to the rover
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ file_name_calibration_table
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_calibration_table
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Name of the calibration table file containing the digital number to calibrated unit conversions
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ file_name_derived_parameters
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_derived_parameters
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Name of the file containing the mapping from parameters to digital number to calibrated unit conversions, for parameters not in telemetry
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ file_name_digital_numbers
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_digital_numbers
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Name of a MOXIE_Parameters table comma-separated value file containing the experiment intent, after conversion into digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ file_name_experiment_intent
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_experiment_intent
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Name of a MOXIE_Parameters table comma-separated value file containing the experiment intent
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ file_name_extended_parameters
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_extended_parameters
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Name of the file containing the mapping from parameters to digital number to calibrated unit conversions, for parameters in extended telemetry
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ file_name_standard_parameters
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_standard_parameters
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Name of the file containing the mapping from parameters to digital number to calibrated unit conversions, for parameters in standard telemetry
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ file_name_stem
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_stem
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Stem of the file names used when creating the experiment configuration
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ hb_vbh_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.hb_vbh_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack heater temperature control loop heater PWM duty cycle upper limit when SOXE bottom half-stack power supply is on in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ hb_vbh_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.hb_vbh_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack heater temperature control loop heater PWM duty cycle upper limit when SOXE bottom half-stack power supply is on in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ hb_vbl_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.hb_vbl_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack heater temperature control loop heater PWM duty cycle upper limit when SOXE bottom half-stack power supply is off in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ hb_vbl_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.hb_vbl_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack heater temperature control loop heater PWM duty cycle upper limit when SOXE bottom half-stack power supply is off in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ hs_en
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.hs_en
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE heater enable bit
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ ht_vth_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ht_vth_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack heater temperature control loop heater PWM duty cycle upper limit when SOXE top half-stack power supply is on in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ht_vth_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ht_vth_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack heater temperature control loop heater PWM duty cycle upper limit when SOXE top half-stack power supply is on in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ht_vtl_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ht_vtl_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack heater temperature control loop heater PWM duty cycle upper limit when SOXE top half-stack power supply is off in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ht_vtl_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ht_vtl_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack heater temperature control loop heater PWM duty cycle upper limit when SOXE top half-stack power supply is off in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ m1_en
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.m1_en
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Scroll compressor motor enable bit
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ major_version_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.major_version_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Major version number of the experiment configuration
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ minor_version_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.minor_version_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Minor version number of the experiment configuration
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_p4_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure upper operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Pressure
+ ol_p4_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure upper operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_p4_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure lower operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Pressure
+ ol_p4_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure lower operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_p4_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure operational limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ ol_tb_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature upper operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ ol_tb_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature upper operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_tb_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature lower operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ ol_tb_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature lower operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_tb_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature operational limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ ol_tt_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature upper operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ ol_tt_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature upper operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_tt_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature lower operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ ol_tt_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature lower operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_tt_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature operational limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ ol_xibp4_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE bottom half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure upper operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ol_xibp4_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE bottom half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure upper operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_xibp4_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE bottom half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure lower operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ol_xibp4_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE bottom half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure lower operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_xibp4_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE bottom half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure operational limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ ol_xitp4_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE top half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure upper operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ol_xitp4_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE top half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure upper operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_xitp4_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE top half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure lower operational limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ol_xitp4_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE top half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure lower operational limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ol_xitp4_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Ratio of SOXE top half-stack current to SOXE cathode pressure operational limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ parameter
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.parameter
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Name of the field to which the digital number to calibrated unit equation applies
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ persistence_en
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.persistence_en
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: MOXIE_Parameters persistence time enable flag
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ primary_objective
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.primary_objective
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Primary objective of the experiment configuration
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
+ run_id
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.run_id
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Unique identifier for the experiment configuration
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ secondary_objective
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.secondary_objective
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Secondary objective of the experiment configuration
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
+ sl_ib_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_ib_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Current
+ sl_ib_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_ib_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_ib_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_ib_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_it_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_it_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Current
+ sl_it_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_it_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_it_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_it_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_p2_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p2_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure between check valve and flow sensor upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Pressure
+ sl_p2_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p2_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure between check valve and flow sensor upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_p2_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p2_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure between check valve and flow sensor safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_p3_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p3_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure between flow sensor and SOXE upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Pressure
+ sl_p3_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p3_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure between flow sensor and SOXE upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_p3_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p3_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure between flow sensor and SOXE safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_p4_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p4_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure at CO/CO2 VFCD inlet (SOXE cathode pressure) upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Pressure
+ sl_p4_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p4_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure at CO/CO2 VFCD inlet (SOXE cathode pressure) upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_p4_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p4_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure at CO/CO2 VFCD inlet (SOXE cathode pressure) safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_p5_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p5_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure at O2 VFCD inlet (SOXE anode pressure) upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Pressure
+ sl_p5_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p5_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure at O2 VFCD inlet (SOXE anode pressure) upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_p5_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p5_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Pressure at O2 VFCD inlet (SOXE anode pressure) safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_t1_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t1_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at sensor panel upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ sl_t1_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t1_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at sensor panel upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_t1_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t1_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at sensor panel safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_t22_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t22_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at electronics control board upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ sl_t22_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t22_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at electronics control board upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_t22_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t22_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at electronics control board safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_t3_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t3_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at compressor housing upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ sl_t3_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t3_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at compressor housing upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_t3_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t3_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at compressor housing safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_t4_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t4_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at compressor motor upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ sl_t4_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t4_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at compressor motor upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_t4_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t4_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at compressor motor safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_t7_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at baseplate upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ sl_t7_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at baseplate upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_t7_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at baseplate lower safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ sl_t7_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at baseplate lower safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_t7_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Temperature at baseplate safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_tb_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tb_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ sl_tb_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tb_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_tb_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tb_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_tt_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tt_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ sl_tt_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tt_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_tt_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tt_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_v28vm_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Main 28 V power supply upper voltage safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ sl_v28vm_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Main 28 V power supply upper voltage safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_v28vm_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Main 28 V power supply lower voltage safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ sl_v28vm_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Main 28 V power supply lower voltage safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_v28vm_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Main 28 V power supply voltage safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_v28vs_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE heaters 28 V power supply upper voltage safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ sl_v28vs_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE heaters 28 V power supply upper voltage safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_v28vs_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE heaters 28 V power supply lower voltage safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ sl_v28vs_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE heaters 28 V power supply lower voltage safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_v28vs_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE heaters 28 V power supply voltage safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_vb_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vb_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack voltage upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ sl_vb_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vb_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack voltage upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_vb_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vb_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack voltage safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ sl_vt_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vt_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack voltage upper safety limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ sl_vt_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vt_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack voltage upper safety limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ sl_vt_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vt_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack voltage safety limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ step_duration
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.step_duration
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Step duration
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ s
+ step_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.step_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Step number
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ symbol
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.symbol
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Symbol of the constant in the digital number to calibrated unit equation
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ tl_ics1234_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.tl_ics1234_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensors CS1, CS2, CS3 and CS4 upper temperature limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ tl_ics1234_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.tl_ics1234_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensors CS1, CS2, CS3 and CS4 upper temperature limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ tl_ics1234_t
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.tl_ics1234_t
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: Gas composition sensors CS1, CS2, CS3 and CS4 temperature limit persistence time
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ value
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.value
+ false
+ John McClean
+ Numerical value of the constant in the digital number to calibrated unit equation
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ vb_en
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.vb_en
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack power supply enable bit
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ vt_en
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.vt_en
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack power supply enable bit
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ zib_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop voltage output upper limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ zib_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop voltage output upper limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zib_i_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_i_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop integral gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ zib_i_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_i_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop integral gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zib_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop voltage output lower limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ zib_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop voltage output lower limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zib_os_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_os_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop voltage offset in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ zib_os_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_os_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop voltage offset in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zib_p_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_p_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop proportional gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ zib_p_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_p_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop proportional gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zib_sp_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_sp_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop setpoint in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Current
+ zib_sp_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_sp_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack current control loop setpoint in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zit_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop voltage output upper limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ zit_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop voltage output upper limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zit_i_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_i_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop integral gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ zit_i_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_i_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop integral gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zit_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop voltage output lower limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ zit_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop voltage output lower limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zit_os_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_os_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop voltage offset in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ zit_os_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_os_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop voltage offset in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zit_p_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_p_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop proportional gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ zit_p_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_p_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop proportional gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zit_sp_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_sp_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop setpoint in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Current
+ zit_sp_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_sp_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack current control loop setpoint in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zp4_h_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_h_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop scroll compressor RPM output upper limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ zp4_h_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_h_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop scroll compressor RPM output upper limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zp4_i_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_i_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop integral gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ zp4_i_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_i_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop integral gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zp4_l_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_l_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop scroll compressor RPM output lower limit in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ zp4_l_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_l_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop scroll compressor RPM output lower limit in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zp4_os_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_os_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop scroll compressor RPM offset in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ zp4_os_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_os_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop scroll compressor RPM offset in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zp4_p_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_p_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop proportional gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ zp4_p_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_p_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop proportional gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ zp4_sp_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_sp_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop setpoint in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Pressure
+ zp4_sp_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_sp_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE cathode pressure control loop setpoint in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ztb_i_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_i_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack heater temperature control loop integral gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ztb_i_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_i_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack heater temperature control loop integral gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ztb_p_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_p_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature control loop proportional gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ztb_p_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_p_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature control loop proportional gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ztb_sp_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_sp_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature control loop setpoint in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ ztb_sp_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_sp_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE bottom half-stack temperature control loop setpoint in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ztt_i_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_i_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack heater temperature control loop integral gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ztt_i_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_i_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack heater temperature control loop integral gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ztt_p_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_p_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature control loop proportional gain in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ ztt_p_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_p_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature control loop proportional gain in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ ztt_sp_calibrated
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_sp_calibrated
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature control loop setpoint in calibrated units
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ ztt_sp_digital_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_sp_digital_number
+ false
+ John McClean
+ For MOXIE: SOXE top half-stack temperature control loop setpoint in digital numbers
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ current_value
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.current_value
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ The current_value attribute provides provides the current, in the specified units, of an
+ imaging instrument or some part of the imaging instrument.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Current
+ device_name
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.device_name
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ The device_name attribute supplies the formal
+ name for an imaging instrument, an imaging instrument device, or some point on the instrument or device.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ Units_of_None
+ flash_duration
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.flash_duration
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ The flash_duration attribute provides the duration of a single component
+ of the flash for the PIXL MCC illumination.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Time
+ inst_compression_mode
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.inst_compression_mode
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The inst_compression_mode identifies the type of compression applied to a data product.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ inst_compression_name
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.inst_compression_name
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The inst_compression_name gives the name of the compression algorithm applied to a data product.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ pdp_category
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_category
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The pdp_category identifies the PIXL data product category number.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ pdp_category_name
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_category_name
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The pdp_category_name identifies the PIXL data product category name.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ pdp_nvm_block
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_nvm_block
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The pdp_nvm_block identifies the Non Volatile Memory block from which Anomalous Retrieved data was read.
+ Applies only to anomalous data.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ pdp_nvm_chunks
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_nvm_chunks
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The pdp_nvm_chunks gives the number of Non Volatile Memory chunks that make up a PIXL data product.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ pdp_nvm_page
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_nvm_page
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The pdp_nvm_page identifies the page in Non Volatile Memory from which Anomalous Retrieved Data was read.
+ Applies only to anomalous data.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ pdp_nvm_usn
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_nvm_usn
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The pdp_nvm_usn gives the Universal Sequence Number of the data product as it was stored in Non-Volatile Memory.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ pdp_size
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_size
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The pdp_size gives the size of the PIXL data product as it was stored in Non-Volatile Memory.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ pixl_motion_counter
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.pixl_motion_counter
+ true
+ Payam Zamani
+ The PIXL Motion Counter is a counter representing a change to the PIXL Hexapod position.
+ The counter starts at 0 when PIXL is powered on (presumably with the hexapod in the "homed"
+ position) and increases by 1 each time the hexapod is moved.
+ false
+ ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
+ pixl_rtt
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.pixl.pixl_rtt
+ true
+ Kate Crombie
+ The pixl_rtt attribute is the PIXL-specific 9-character Round-Trip Tracking code.
+ A specific pixl_rtt value is assigned to all products collected during
+ the same PIXL observation set. The pixl_rtt value also appears in characters
+ 36-44 of the PIXL data file name. The code is typically a string of digits
+ with leading zeroes.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ 9
+ 9
+ temperature_value
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.temperature_value
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ The temperature_value attribute provides the temperature, in the specified
+ units, of some point on an imaging instrument or other imaging instrument device.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ voltage_value
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.voltage_value
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ The voltage_value attribute provides provides the voltage, in the specified units, of an
+ imaging instrument or some part of the imaging instrument.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Voltage
+ calibration
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.calibration
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ True if the radar is connected to the calibration cable,
+ false if it is connected to the antenna cable.
+ Allowable values are 'true' or 'false' for Boolean types
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ config_id
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.config_id
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Identifier of current RIMFAX configuration mode
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ decimation
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.decimation
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Onboard decimation of acquired soundings, in number of soundings removed per each sounding downlinked.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ gate_frequency
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.gate_frequency
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Frequency of the gate signal
+ Values should be in MHz.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Frequency
+ group_spacing
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.group_spacing
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Distance between sounding groups (i.e. distance between
+ soundings of a given mode) as set in activity uplink
+ (actual distance may deviate slightly); 0 if not a
+ Traverse sounding
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ lis_soundings
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.lis_soundings
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ The number of soundings in a Long Integration Sounding (LIS) observation.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ max_rover_elev
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.max_rover_elev
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ The maximum value of rover_elev, the planetary elevation of the rover RNAV frame origin
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ max_rover_lat
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.max_rover_lat
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ The maximum value of rover_lat, the planetocentric latitude of the rover RNAV frame origin
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ max_rover_lon
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.max_rover_lon
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ The maximum value of rover_lon, the east longitude of the rover RNAV frame
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ min_rover_elev
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.min_rover_elev
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ The minimum value of rover_elev, the planetary elevation of the rover RNAV frame origin
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ min_rover_lat
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.min_rover_lat
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ The minimum value of rover_lat, the planetocentric latitude of the rover RNAV frame origin
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ min_rover_lon
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.min_rover_lon
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ The minimum value of rover_lon, the east longitude of the rover RNAV frame
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ note
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.note
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ This note field can be used to indicate that the attenuation values are in dB
+ because there is no unit_of_measure for such units.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ number_of_samples
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.number_of_samples
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Number of samples in each sounding.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ number_of_soundings
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.number_of_soundings
+ true
+ Patrick Russell
+ Number of radar soundings in a RIMFAX data product.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ number_of_sweeps
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.number_of_sweeps
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Number of sweeps that are integrated internally in the radar.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ receive_only
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.receive_only
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ True if the radar is in passive mode, false if it is in active (normal radar) mode.
+ Allowable values are 'true' or 'false' for Boolean types
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ rx_attenuation
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.rx_attenuation
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Attenuation in the receive path; higher values represent
+ more dampening of the received signal
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ rx_delay
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.rx_delay
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Time delay of receiver gate
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ setup_file
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.setup_file
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Name of the setup file.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ sinetable
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.sinetable
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Sine table used to create the radar bandwidth sweep.
+ Mats: I'm not sure what the value should be here. A hash of the sinetable? A date?
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ start_frequency
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.start_frequency
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Start frequency of recorded bandwidth range (same as
+ stop_frequency for single-frequency Passive Meas)
+ The value is in MHz.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Frequency
+ start_jdate
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.start_jdate
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Start time in Julian date of first activity in the data product
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ start_sounding_counter
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.start_sounding_counter
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Start value of sounding counter of first activity in the data product.
+ The sounding counter records absolute total count of soundings since
+ start of M2020 mission.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ start_utc
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.start_utc
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Start time in UTC of first activity in the data product
+ false
+ stop_frequency
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.stop_frequency
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Stop frequency of recorded bandwidth range (same as
+ start_frequency for single-frequency Passive Meas)
+ The value is in MHz.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Frequency
+ stop_jdate
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.stop_jdate
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Stop time in Julian date of last activity in the data product.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ stop_sounding_counter
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.stop_sounding_counter
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Stop value of sounding counter of last activity in the data product.
+ The sounding counter records absolute total count of soundings since start of M2020 mission.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ stop_utc
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.stop_utc
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Stop time in UTC of last activity in the data product
+ false
+ sweep_time
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.sweep_time
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Duration of radar-signal generation sweep through
+ frequency bandwidth, for Active Meas; Duration of
+ receive-only sweep through frequency bandwidth, for
+ Passive Meas
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Time
+ tx_attenuation
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.tx_attenuation
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Attenuation in the transmit path, higher values represent
+ lower output power
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ tx_delay
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rfax.tx_delay
+ true
+ Mark Sullivan
+ Time delay of transmitter gate
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Units_of_Time
+ calibration_target_name
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.srlc.calibration_target_name
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The calibration_target_name gives the name of the calibration target as
+ defined in the SHERLOC instrument paper, Bhartia et al., SSR, 2020.
+ Each calibration target name is associated with a calibration target number:
+ (0) NA
+ (1) AlGaN on Sapphire 264 nm
+ (2) Diffusil Diffuser
+ (3) Mars Meteorite SAU 008
+ (4) Intensity Target
+ (5) AlGaN on Sapphire 340 nm
+ (6) Polycarbonate/opal glass
+ (7) Vectran
+ (8) Orthofabric
+ (9) Teflon
+ (10) nGimat Coated Teflon
+ Should these be enumerated values?
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ calibration_target_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.srlc.calibration_target_number
+ true
+ Susan Slavney
+ The calibration_target_name gives the number of the calibration target as
+ defined in the SHERLOC instrument paper, Bhartia et al., SSR, 2020.
+ Each calibration target number is associated with a calibration target name:
+ (0) Not Applicable
+ (1) AlGaN on Sapphire 264 nm
+ (2) Diffusil Diffuser
+ (3) Mars Meteorite SAU 008
+ (4) Intensity Target
+ (5) AlGaN on Sapphire 340 nm
+ (6) Polycarbonate/opal glass)
+ (7) Vectran
+ (8) Orthofabric
+ (9) Teflon
+ (10) nGimat Coated Teflon
+ false
+ ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
+ 0
+ 10
+ sherloc_config_file
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.srlc.sherloc_config_file
+ false
+ Susan Slavney
+ The sherloc_config_file provides the name of the configuration file used to process a SHERLOC data product.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ bu_hardware_identifier
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.bu_hardware_identifier
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Hardware identifier for a specific BU CNDH board.
+ Used to know which SOH engineering unit conversion factors to apply to the data.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ bu_software_version
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.bu_software_version
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Unique identifier for the software version. Is a unix timestamp of
+ when the software was built.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ cndh_firmware_version
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.cndh_firmware_version
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Unique identifier for the CNDH firmware version. Is a unix timestamp
+ of when the firmware was built.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ data_definition_version
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.data_definition_version
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Version number of the instrument command dictionary, which
+ defines specifics of each command parameter, and the structure
+ of individual data products like SOH.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ data_length
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.data_length
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ Specifies the size of the image (in the telemetry stream) in bytes for SuperCam RMI.
+ false
+ ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
+ generic_data_buffer_size
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.generic_data_buffer_size
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ The number of bytes of the entire generic buffer. Includes commands,
+ data, header, and trailer, every byte from the packet header marker
+ through the Fletcher checksum.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ marker_pad
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.marker_pad
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ Static value used by the SuperCam RMI Body Unit (BU).
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ memory_bank
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.memory_bank
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ For SuperCam RMI this specifies the Mast Unit (MU) memory bank used
+ to hold image before transfer to RCE. There are 64 memory banks in the MU.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ milliseconds_count
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.milliseconds_count
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ Millisecond count from RCE time sync when image received from mast unit by SuperCam RMI.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ mu_hardware_identifier
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.mu_hardware_identifier
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Hardware identifier for a specific MU board.
+ Used to know which housekeeping engineering unit
+ conversion factors to apply to the data.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ mu_version_identifier
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.mu_version_identifier
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Version of the MU, response from the MU send version command.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ num_images_transmitted
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.num_images_transmitted
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ For SuperCam RMI, this is the number of images transmitted to the RCE.
+ false
+ ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
+ number_of_sections
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.number_of_sections
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Number of command or data sections contained in this buffer.
+ Does not include the header section or the trailer section.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ nv_xmit_buffer_count
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.nv_xmit_buffer_count
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Non-volatile count of the number of times the generic buffer
+ has been transmitted to the RCE. Acts as a unique identifier for the buffer.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ rce_time_sync
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rce_time_sync
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ Last time sync value received from RCE by SuperCam RMI
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ reserved_1
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.reserved_1
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ Reserved field for SuperCam RMI mini-header
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ reserved_2
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.reserved_2
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ Reserved field for SuperCam RMI mini-header
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ rmi_cmos_registers
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rmi_cmos_registers
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ Dump of SuperCam RMI hardware registers
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ rmi_fpga_registers
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rmi_fpga_registers
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ Dump of all SuperCam RMI FPGA registers
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ rmi_header_size
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.rmi_header_size
+ false
+ Bob Deen
+ For SuperCam RMI this is the total number of bytes in MU and BU headers
+ false
+ ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
+ scam_lastats_flag
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.scam_lastats_flag
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Logical to indicate if LIBS active are statistics
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ scam_ldark
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.scam_ldark
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Indicates whether darks were collected after LIBS active, before LIBS active, or both
+ true
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ No darks collected
+ 1
+ Darks collected after LIBS active
+ 2
+ Darks collected before LIBS active
+ 3
+ Darks collected both before and after LIBS active
+ scam_ldstats_flag
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.scam_ldstats_flag
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Logical to indicate if LIBS dark are statistics
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ scam_point_number
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.scam_point_number
+ false
+ Dot Delapp
+ Point number in the raster
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ scam_rastats_flag
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.scam_rastats_flag
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Logical to indicate if Raman active are statistics
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ scam_rdark
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.scam_rdark
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Indicates whether darks were collected after Raman active, before Raman active, or both
+ true
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ No darks collected
+ 1
+ Darks collected after Raman active
+ 2
+ Darks collected before Raman active
+ 3
+ Darks collected both before and after Raman active
+ scam_rdstats_flag
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.scam_rdstats_flag
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Logical to indicate if Raman darks are statistics
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ scam_two_d_flag
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.scam_two_d_flag
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Flag indicating a 2D collect
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ scam_type
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.scam_type
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Bit mask indicating technique type
+ true
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ A scam_type value of 0 indicates SOH activity type
+ 1
+ A scam_type value of 1 indicates MICRO activity type
+ 2
+ A scam_type value of 2 indicates VISIR, VIS-only activity type
+ 3
+ A scam_type value of 3 indicates VISIR, MIC activity type
+ 4
+ A scam_type value of 4 indicates RAMAN activity type
+ 5
+ A scam_type value of 5 indicates RAMAN, MIC activity type
+ 6
+ A scam_type value of 6 indicates RAMAN, VISIR activity type
+ 7
+ A scam_type value of 7 indicates RAMAN, VISIR, MIC activity type
+ 8
+ A scam_type value of 8 indicates LIBS activity type
+ 9
+ A scam_type value of 9 indicates LIBSMIC activity type
+ 10
+ A scam_type value of 10 indicates LIBS, VIS activity type
+ 11
+ A scam_type value of 11 indicates LIBS, VIS, MIC activity type
+ 12
+ A scam_type value of 12 indicates LIBS, RAMAN activity type
+ 13
+ A scam_type value of 13 indicates LIBS, RAMAN, MIC activity type
+ 14
+ A scam_type value of 14 indicates LIBS, RAMAN, VIS activity type
+ 15
+ A scam_type value of 15 indicates LIBS, RAMAN, VIS, MIC activity type
+ 16
+ A scam_type value of 16 indicates IRSpec, IR-only activity type
+ 17
+ A scam_type value of 17 indicates IR, MIC activity type
+ 18
+ A scam_type value of 18 indicates VISIR, VIS+IR activity type
+ 19
+ A scam_type value of 19 indicates TRL, VISIR, MIC activity type
+ 20
+ A scam_type value of 20 indicates IR, RAMAN activity type
+ 21
+ A scam_type value of 21 indicates IR, RAMAN, MIC activity type
+ 22
+ A scam_type value of 22 indicates IR, RAMAN, VIS activity type
+ 23
+ A scam_type value of 23 indicates IR, RAMAN, VIS, MIC activity type
+ 24
+ A scam_type value of 24 indicates IR, LIBS activity type
+ 25
+ A scam_type value of 25 indicates IR, LIBS, MIC activity type
+ 26
+ A scam_type value of 26 indicates IR, LIBS, VIS activity type
+ 27
+ A scam_type value of 27 indicates IR, LIBS, VIS, MIC activity type
+ 28
+ A scam_type value of 28 indicates IR, LIBS, RAMAN activity type
+ 29
+ A scam_type value of 29 indicates IR, LIBS, RAMAN, MIC activity type
+ 30
+ A scam_type value of 30 indicates IR, LIBS, RAMAN, VIS activity type
+ 31
+ A scam_type value of 31 indicates IR, LIBS, RAMAN, VIS, MIC activity type
+ 32
+ A scam_type value of 32 indicates MISC activity type
+ 33
+ A scam_type value of 33 indicates MISC, MIC activity type
+ 36
+ A scam_type value of 36 indicates TRLS activity type
+ 48
+ A scam_type value of 48 indicates IRraster activity type
+ 49
+ A scam_type value of 49 indicates IRraster, MIC activity type
+ se_firmware_version
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.se_firmware_version
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Unique identifier for the SE firmware version. Is a unix timestamp
+ of when the firmware was built.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ se_hardware_identifier
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.se_hardware_identifier
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ Hardware identifier for a specific SE board. Used to know
+ which SOH engineering unit conversion factors to apply to the data.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ xmit_data_id
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.xmit_data_id
+ false
+ Dot DeLapp
+ The data_id parameter sent with the XMIT_DATA command
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ Observation_Information
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.Observation_Information
+ Susan Slavney
+ The Observation_Information class provides information about a science
+ observation.
+ mars2020.release_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.mission_phase_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.product_type_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.spacecraft_clock_start
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.spacecraft_clock_stop
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.spacecraft_clock_partition
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.sol_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.start_sol_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.stop_sol_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.start_local_mean_solar_time
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.stop_local_mean_solar_time
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.start_local_true_solar_time
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.start_local_true_solar_time_sol
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.stop_local_true_solar_time
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.stop_local_true_solar_time_sol
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.start_solar_longitude
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.stop_solar_longitude
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.active_flight_computer
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.start_mars_year
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.stop_mars_year
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Run_Control_Table_Metadata
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Metadata
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Control Table metadata
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_experiment_intent
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_digital_numbers
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_binary
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Run_Control_Table_Field
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Field
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Control Table field
+ pds.name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ pds.description
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ pds.unit
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Run_Control_Table_Fields
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Fields
+ John_McClean
+ MOXIE Run Control Table Fields
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Field
+ component_of
+ 1
+ *
+ Run_Control_Table_Step
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Step
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Control Table step
+ mars2020.moxie.step_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.step_duration
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_sp_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_sp_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_sp_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_sp_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_sp_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_sp_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_os_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_os_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_sp_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_sp_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_os_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_os_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_sp_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_sp_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_os_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_os_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.hs_en
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.cs123_en
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.cs4_en
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.m1_en
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.vt_en
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.vb_en
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.comments
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Run_Control_Table_Values
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Values
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Control Table Values
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Step
+ component_of
+ 1
+ *
+ Run_Control_Table
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Control Table
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Metadata
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Fields
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table_Values
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Metadata
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Metadata
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Algorithm Parameter Table Metadata
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_experiment_intent
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_digital_numbers
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_binary
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Field
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Field
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Algorithm Parameter Table Field
+ pds.name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ pds.description
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ pds.unit
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Fields
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Fields
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Algorithm Parameter Table Fields
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Field
+ component_of
+ 1
+ *
+ Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Values
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Values
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Algorithm Parameter Table Values
+ mars2020.moxie.persistence_en
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_p_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_p_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_p_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_p_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_i_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztt_i_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_i_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ztb_i_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_p_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_p_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_i_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_i_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zp4_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_p_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_p_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_p_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_p_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_i_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_i_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_i_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_i_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zib_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.zit_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ht_vtl_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ht_vtl_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ht_vth_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ht_vth_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.hb_vbl_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.hb_vbl_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.hb_vbh_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.hb_vbh_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tt_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_tb_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_p4_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xitp4_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.ol_xibp4_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Algorithm_Parameter_Table
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Algorithm Parameter Table
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Metadata
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Fields
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table_Values
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Safety_Parameter_Table_Metadata
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table_Metadata
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Safety Parameter Table Metadata
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_experiment_intent
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_digital_numbers
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_binary
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Safety_Parameter_Table_Field
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table_Field
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Safety Parameter Table Field
+ pds.name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ pds.description
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ pds.unit
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Safety_Parameter_Table_Fields
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table_Fields
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Safety Parameter Table Fields
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table_Field
+ component_of
+ 1
+ *
+ Safety_Parameter_Table_Values
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table_Values
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Safety Parameter Table Values
+ mars2020.moxie.persistence_en
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p2_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p2_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p3_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p3_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p4_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p4_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p5_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p5_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vt_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vt_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vb_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vb_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_it_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_it_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_ib_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_ib_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tt_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tt_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tb_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tb_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t3_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t3_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t4_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t4_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t1_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t1_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t22_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t22_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_l_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_l_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p2_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p3_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p4_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_p5_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vt_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_vb_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vm_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_v28vs_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_it_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_ib_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tt_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_tb_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t3_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t4_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t1_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t22_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.sl_t7_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Safety_Parameter_Table
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Safety Parameter Table
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table_Metadata
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table_Fields
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table_Values
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Run_Parameter_Table_Metadata
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table_Metadata
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Parameter Table Metadata
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_experiment_intent
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_digital_numbers
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_binary
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Run_Parameter_Table_Field
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table_Field
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Parameter Table Field
+ pds.name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ pds.description
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ pds.unit
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Run_Parameter_Table_Fields
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table_Fields
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Parameter Table Fields
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table_Field
+ component_of
+ 1
+ *
+ Run_Parameter_Table_Values
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table_Values
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Parameter Table Values
+ mars2020.moxie.persistence_en
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.tl_ics1234_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.tl_ics1234_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics123_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics123_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics4_h_calibrated
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics4_h_digital_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.tl_ics1234_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics123_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.cl_ics4_t
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Run_Parameter_Table
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Run Parameter Table
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table_Metadata
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table_Fields
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table_Values
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Experiment_Configuration_Metadata
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Experiment_Configuration_Metadata
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Experiment Configuration Metadata
+ mars2020.moxie.run_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.experiment_name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.major_version_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.minor_version_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_stem
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.primary_objective
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.secondary_objective
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 9
+ Experiment_Configuration
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Experiment_Configuration
+ John McClean
+ MOXIE Experiment Configuration
+ mars2020.moxie.Experiment_Configuration_Metadata
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Control_Table
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Algorithm_Parameter_Table
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Safety_Parameter_Table
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Run_Parameter_Table
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Constant
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Constant
+ John McClean
+ Digital number to calibrated unit constant
+ mars2020.moxie.symbol
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.value
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Equation
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Equation
+ John McClean
+ Digital number to calibrated unit equation
+ mars2020.moxie.parameter
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.equation
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Constant
+ component_of
+ 1
+ *
+ Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Equations
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Equations
+ John McClean
+ Digital number to calibrated unit equations
+ mars2020.moxie.comments
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Equation
+ component_of
+ 1
+ *
+ Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Conversions_Metadata
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Conversions_Metadata
+ John McClean
+ Digital number to calibrated unit conversions metadata
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_calibration_table
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_standard_parameters
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_extended_parameters
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.file_name_derived_parameters
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.digital_number_to_calibrated_unit_conversion_software_version
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Conversions
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Conversions
+ John McClean
+ Digital number to calibrated unit conversions
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Conversions_Metadata
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Equations
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Ancillary_Data_MEDA
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data_MEDA
+ John McClean
+ References to ancillary data acquired by the MEDA instrument
+ pds.Internal_Reference
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Ancillary_Data_Supercam
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data_Supercam
+ John McClean
+ References to ancillary data acquired by the Supercam instrument microphone
+ pds.Internal_Reference
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Ancillary_Data_EDLCAM
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data_EDLCAM
+ John McClean
+ References to ancillary data acquired by the EDLCam instrument microphone
+ pds.Internal_Reference
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Ancillary_Data_Rover
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data_Rover
+ John McClean
+ References to ancillary data acquired by the rover
+ pds.Internal_Reference
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Ancillary_Data
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data
+ John McClean
+ References to ancillary data acquired by other instruments and/or the rover
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data_MEDA
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 99
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data_Supercam
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 99
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data_EDLCAM
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 99
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data_Rover
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 99
+ MOXIE_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.MOXIE_Parameters
+ Susan Slavney
+ The MOXIE_Parameters class provides metadata specific to MOXIE observations.
+ mars2020.moxie.Experiment_Configuration
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Digital_Number_To_Calibrated_Unit_Conversions
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.moxie.Ancillary_Data
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Device_Current
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.Device_Current
+ Bob Deen
+ The Device_Current class provides the current of some point
+ on an imaging instrument or other imaging device.
+ mars2020.device_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.current_value
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Device_Currents
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.Device_Currents
+ Bob Deen
+ The Device_Currents class provides a container for the set of
+ currents of an imaging instrument or other imaging device.
+ mars2020.Device_Current
+ component_of
+ 0
+ *
+ Device_Flash
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.Device_Flash
+ Bob Deen
+ The Device_Flash class provides the duration of a single
+ identified component of the flash for the PIXL MCC illumination.
+ mars2020.device_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.flash_duration
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Device_Flashes
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.Device_Flashes
+ Bob Deen
+ The Device_Flashes class provides a container for
+ the set of flash durations for the PIXL MCC illumination.
+ mars2020.Device_Flash
+ component_of
+ 0
+ *
+ Device_Temperature
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.Device_Temperature
+ Bob Deen
+ The Device_Temperature class provides a container for the
+ temperature of some point on an imaging instrument or other imaging device.
+ mars2020.device_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.temperature_value
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Device_Temperatures
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.Device_Temperatures
+ Bob Deen
+ The Device_Temperatures class provides a container for the set of
+ temperatures of an imaging instrument or other imaging device.
+ mars2020.Device_Temperature
+ component_of
+ 0
+ *
+ Device_Voltage
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.Device_Voltage
+ Bob Deen
+ The Device_Voltage class provides the voltage of some point
+ on an imaging instrument or other imaging device.
+ mars2020.device_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.voltage_value
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Device_Voltages
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.Device_Voltages
+ Bob Deen
+ The Device_Voltage class provides a container for the set of
+ voltages of an imaging instrument or other imaging device.
+ mars2020.Device_Voltage
+ component_of
+ 0
+ *
+ PIXL_Illumination
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.PIXL_Illumination
+ Bob Deen
+ Container class containing information related to the illumination
+ devices on PIXL. There are two, flood light and structured light. Note
+ that some of the illumination is in the img:Illumination class; the
+ information here is instrument-specific information that does not
+ fit into the img: framework.
+ mars2020.Device_Currents
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.Device_Flashes
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.Device_Temperatures
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.Device_Voltages
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ PIXL_Compression
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.PIXL_Compression
+ Susan Slavney
+ The PIXL Compression class provides information about the compression applied to the data product.
+ mars2020.pixl.inst_compression_mode
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.pixl.inst_compression_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ PIXL_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.PIXL_Parameters
+ Susan Slavney
+ The PIXL Parameters class provides metadata specific to PIXL observations.
+ mars2020.PIXL_Illumination
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 2
+ mars2020.pixl.pixl_motion_counter
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.pixl.pixl_rtt
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_category
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_category_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_size
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_nvm_usn
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_nvm_chunks
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_nvm_block
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.pixl.pdp_nvm_page
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.PIXL_Compression
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ RIMFAX_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.RIMFAX_Parameters
+ Ed Guinness
+ Container for the attributes describing a RIMFAX observation
+ mars2020.rfax.config_id
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ *
+ mars2020.rfax.decimation
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.setup_file
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.calibration
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.gate_frequency
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.number_of_samples
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.number_of_sweeps
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.receive_only
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.rx_delay
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.rx_attenuation
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.start_frequency
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.stop_frequency
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.sweep_time
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.tx_delay
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.tx_attenuation
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.group_spacing
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.sinetable
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.lis_soundings
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.number_of_soundings
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.note
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.start_utc
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.stop_utc
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.start_jdate
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.stop_jdate
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.start_sounding_counter
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.stop_sounding_counter
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.min_rover_lat
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.max_rover_lat
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.min_rover_lon
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.max_rover_lon
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.min_rover_elev
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rfax.max_rover_elev
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Calibration_Target
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.srlc.calibration_target
+ Susan Slavney
+ The Calibration_Target class contains information about the
+ target of a calibration measurement.
+ mars2020.srlc.calibration_target_number
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ mars2020.srlc.calibration_target_name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ SHERLOC_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.SHERLOC_Parameters
+ Susan Slavney
+ Container for the attributes describing a SHERLOC observation
+ mars2020.srlc.sherloc_config_file
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.srlc.calibration_target
+ component_of
+ 0
+ *
+ SuperCam_RMI_Mini_Header
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.SuperCam_RMI_Mini_Header
+ Bob Deen
+ This class contains the "mini-header" for the SuperCam RMI camera on Mars 2020.
+ The mini- header is a set of information that is tightly tied to the
+ camera hardware, and the instrument team finds value in keeping the
+ set of mini- header information together. Much (but not all) of the
+ information is also included in appropriate sections of the
+ discipline dictionaries, which is where general users should go.
+ mars2020.rmi_header_size
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.memory_bank
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rmi_cmos_registers
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rmi_fpga_registers
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.marker_pad
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.rce_time_sync
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.milliseconds_count
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.num_images_transmitted
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.reserved_1
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.reserved_2
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.data_length
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ img.Exposure
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ img.Subframe
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ img.High_Dynamic_Range
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ SuperCam_Ancillary_Header
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.SuperCam_Ancillary_Header
+ Dot DeLapp
+ The SuperCam_Ancillary_Header class provides ancillary metadata specific to SuperCam observations.
+ mars2020.scam_point_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.scam_type
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.scam_two_d_flag
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.scam_ldark
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.scam_rdark
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.scam_rdstats_flag
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.scam_rastats_flag
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.scam_ldstats_flag
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.scam_lastats_flag
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ SuperCam_Generic_Packet_Header
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.SuperCam_Generic_Packet_Header
+ Dot DeLapp
+ The SuperCam Generic_Packet_Header class provides metadata from the SuperCam product generic packet header.
+ mars2020.rce_time_sync
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.data_definition_version
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.nv_xmit_buffer_count
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.bu_software_version
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.cndh_firmware_version
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.bu_hardware_identifier
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.se_firmware_version
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.se_hardware_identifier
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.mu_version_identifier
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.mu_hardware_identifier
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.xmit_data_id
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.reserved_1
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.number_of_sections
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.generic_data_buffer_size
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ SuperCam_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ mars2020.SuperCam_Parameters
+ Susan Slavney
+ The SuperCam_Parameters class provides metadata specific to SuperCam observations.
+ mars2020.SuperCam_RMI_Mini_Header
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.SuperCam_Ancillary_Header
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.SuperCam_Generic_Packet_Header
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Mars2020_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Mars2020_Parameters
+ Susan Slavney
+ The Mars2020_Parameters class is a superclass containing all Mars2020 mission classes.
+ true
+ mars2020.Observation_Information
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.MOXIE_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.PIXL_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.RIMFAX_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.SHERLOC_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020.SuperCam_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mars2020_time_rules
+ /pds:Product_Observational/pds:Observation_Area/pds:Mission_Area/mars2020:Observation_Information
+ Assert
+ if ( (mars2020:spacecraft_clock_partition)
+ or (contains(mars2020:spacecraft_clock_start, '/'))
+ or ( (not (mars2020:spacecraft_clock_partition)) and (not (mars2020:spacecraft_clock_start)) ) )
+ then true() else false()
+ mars2020:error:sclk_rule_0: If mars2020:spacecraft_clock_start is
+ present, it must begin with a partition number followed by a forward slash, OR the partition number must be given by
+ mars2020:spacecraft_clock_partition.
+ If spacecraft_clock_start is present, it must begin with a
+ partition number followed by a forward slash, OR the partition number must be given by spacecraft_clock_partition.
+ Assert
+ if ( (mars2020:spacecraft_clock_partition)
+ or (contains(mars2020:spacecraft_clock_stop, '/'))
+ or ( (not (mars2020:spacecraft_clock_partition)) and (not (mars2020:spacecraft_clock_stop)) ) )
+ then true() else false()
+ mars2020:error:sclk_rule_1: If mars2020:spacecraft_clock_stop is
+ present, it must begin with a partition number followed by a forward slash, OR the partition number must be given by
+ mars2020:spacecraft_clock_partition.
+ If spacecraft_clock_stop is present, it must begin with a
+ partition number followed by a forward slash, OR the partition number must be given by spacecraft_clock_partition.
+ Assert
+ if (
+ (mars2020:start_local_true_solar_time_sol)
+ or
+ ( matches(mars2020:start_local_true_solar_time, '^(Sol\-)?[0-9]{1,5} [0-2][0-9]:.*$'))
+ or
+ ( (not(mars2020:start_local_true_solar_time_sol))
+ and
+ (not (mars2020:start_local_true_solar_time))
+ )
+ ) then true() else false()
+ mars2020:error:ltst_rule_0: If mars2020:start_local_true_solar_time is
+ present, it must include a sol number as in 'Sol-nnnnn hh:mm:ss[.fffff]', OR the sol number must be given by
+ mars2020:start_local_true_solar_time_sol.
+ If start_local_true_solar_time is present, it must include a sol number, or the sol number
+ must be given by start_local_true_solar_time_sol. [[Sol-]nnnnn ]hh:mm:ss[.fffff]
+ Assert
+ if (
+ (mars2020:stop_local_true_solar_time_sol)
+ or
+ ( matches(mars2020:stop_local_true_solar_time, '^(Sol\-)?[0-9]{1,5} [0-2][0-9]:.*$'))
+ or
+ ( (not(mars2020:stop_local_true_solar_time_sol))
+ and
+ (not (mars2020:stop_local_true_solar_time))
+ )
+ ) then true() else false()
+ mars2020:error:ltst_rule_1: If mars2020:stop_local_true_solar_time is
+ present, it must include a sol number as in 'Sol-nnnnn hh:mm:ss[.fffff]', OR the sol number must be given by
+ mars2020:stop_local_true_solar_time_sol.
+ If stop_local_true_solar_time is present, it must include a sol number, or the sol number
+ must be given by stop_local_true_solar_time_sol. [[Sol-]nnnnn ]hh:mm:ss[.fffff]
+ Assert
+ if (
+ (mars2020:sol_number and (mars2020:start_sol_number or mars2020:stop_sol_number))
+ or
+ (not(mars2020:sol_number)
+ and not(mars2020:start_sol_number)
+ and not(mars2020:stop_sol_number)
+ )
+ ) then false() else true()
+ mars2020:error:solnumber_rule_0: The mars2020:Observation_Information class must include either the attribute
+ mars2020:sol_number or the pair of attributes mars2020:start_sol_number and mars2020:stop_sol_number.
+ Either sol_number or the pair start_sol_number and stop_sol_number must be present.
+ Assert
+ if (
+ ( (mars2020:start_sol_number) and (not(mars2020:stop_sol_number)) )
+ or
+ ( (mars2020:stop_sol_number) and (not(mars2020:start_sol_number)) )
+ ) then false() else true()
+ mars2020:error:solnumber_rule_1: If either of the pair mars2020:start_sol_number and mars2020:stop_sol_number is
+ present, then both must be present.
+ If either of the pair start_sol_number and stop_sol_number is present, then both must be
+ present.
+ moxie_meda_internal_reference_rule
+ mars2020:Ancillary_Data_MEDA/pds:Internal_Reference
+ Assert
+ pds:reference_type = ('data_to_ancillary_data')
+ In the mars2020:MOXIE_Parameters/mars2020:Ancillary_Data/mars2020:Ancillary_Data_MEDA class, the attribute pds:reference_type must be equal to 'data_to_ancillary_data'.
+ moxie_supercam_internal_reference_rule
+ mars2020:Ancillary_Data_Supercam/pds:Internal_Reference
+ Assert
+ pds:reference_type = ('data_to_ancillary_data')
+ In the mars2020:MOXIE_Parameters/mars2020:Ancillary_Data/mars2020:Ancillary_Data_Supercam class, the attribute pds:reference_type must be equal to 'data_to_ancillary_data'.
+ moxie_edlcam_internal_reference_rule
+ mars2020:Ancillary_Data_EDLCAM/pds:Internal_Reference
+ Assert
+ pds:reference_type = ('data_to_ancillary_data')
+ In the mars2020:MOXIE_Parameters/mars2020:Ancillary_Data/mars2020:Ancillary_Data_EDLCAM class, the attribute pds:reference_type must be equal to 'data_to_ancillary_data'.
+ moxie_rover_internal_reference_rule
+ mars2020:Ancillary_Data_Rover/pds:Internal_Reference
+ Assert
+ pds:reference_type = ('data_to_ancillary_data')
+ In the mars2020:MOXIE_Parameters/mars2020:Ancillary_Data/mars2020:Ancillary_Data_Rover class, the attribute pds:reference_type must be equal to 'data_to_ancillary_data'.
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/pc__d139.csv b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/pc__d139.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4af26f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/pc__d139.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+plane_ref_y, 0.3219720
+plane_ref_z, 0.9461035
+plane_ref_dist, 53.1450000
+plane_curr_x, 0.0405445
+plane_curr_y, 0.2953841
+plane_curr_z, 0.9545178
+plane_curr_dist, 53.2490000
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/pc__d139.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/pc__d139.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12d4340f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github753/pc__d139.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ urn:nasa:pds:mars2020_pixl:data_raw_ancillary:pc__d139t0654668483_000eso_n001000000000045301100__j01
+ 1.0
+ Mars 2020 PIXL Raw Data Product: pc__d139t0654668483_000eso_n001000000000045301100__j01
+ Product_Observational
+ 2021-01-29
+ 1.0
+ Initial version
+ 2020-09-29T16:20:13.816Z
+ Mars 2020
+ Mission
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.mars2020
+ data_to_investigation
+ Mars 2020
+ Perseverance
+ Host
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.mars2020
+ is_instrument_host
+ Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL)
+ Instrument
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:mars2020.pixl
+ is_instrument
+ Mars
+ Planet
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet.mars
+ data_to_target
+ 1
+ Surface Mission
+ 654668483
+ 1
+ 139
+ A
+ 666
+ 777
+ 7111
+ 0
+ 110
+ 56
+ 80
+ 2042704
+ 1
+ 5220
+ 120
+ 0
+ pc__d139.csv
+ 2021-01-29
+ 0
+ 19
+ Carriage-Return Line-Feed
+ Comma
+ 2
+ 0
+ Metadata_Name
+ 1
+ ASCII_String
+ Metadata_Value
+ 2
+ ASCII_String
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github784/FUV2017032.mp4 b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github784/FUV2017032.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b31b5bab
Binary files /dev/null and b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github784/FUV2017032.mp4 differ
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github784/FUV2017032anc.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github784/FUV2017032anc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0be70ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github784/FUV2017032anc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ urn:nasa:pds:cassini-uvis_titan-library:document:fuv2017_032_13_13_02_uvis_259ti_cloud001_iss__animation
+ 1.0
+ animation of the geometry for observation FUV2017_032_13_13_02_UVIS_259TI_CLOUD001_ISS_combined
+ Product_Ancillary
+ 2023
+ Cassini, UVIS, Titan
+ This file is an MP4 animation of something
+ 2023-02-10Z
+ 1.0
+ Initial Label Setup
+ 2017-02-01T13:13:04.4270Z
+ 2017-02-01T13:21:04.4270Z
+ Cassini-Huygens
+ Mission
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.cassini-huygens
+ ancillary_to_investigation
+ Cassini
+ Cassini Orbiter
+ Host
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.co
+ is_instrument_host
+ Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph
+ Instrument
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:uvis.co
+ is_instrument
+ Titan
+ Satellite
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:target:satellite.saturn.titan
+ ancillary_to_target
+ FUV2017032.mp4
+ 2002-03-29Z
+ Version in process_ir.pdf = temp_rad_v4
+ 0
+ MP4/H.264
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github784/FUV2017032brw.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github784/FUV2017032brw.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..452c112f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github784/FUV2017032brw.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ urn:nasa:pds:cassini-uvis_titan-library:document:fuv2017_032_13_13_02_uvis_259ti_cloud001_iss__animation
+ 1.0
+ animation of the geometry for observation FUV2017_032_13_13_02_UVIS_259TI_CLOUD001_ISS_combined
+ Product_Browse
+ 2023
+ Cassini, UVIS, Titan
+ This file is an MP4 animation of something
+ 2023-02-10Z
+ 1.0
+ Initial Label Setup
+ 2017-02-01T13:13:04.4270Z
+ 2017-02-01T13:21:04.4270Z
+ Cassini-Huygens
+ Mission
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.cassini-huygens
+ ancillary_to_investigation
+ Cassini
+ Cassini Orbiter
+ Host
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.co
+ is_instrument_host
+ Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph
+ Instrument
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:uvis.co
+ is_instrument
+ Titan
+ Satellite
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:target:satellite.saturn.titan
+ browse_to_target
+ FUV2017032.mp4
+ 2002-03-29Z
+ Version in process_ir.pdf = temp_rad_v4
+ 0
+ MP4/H.264
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/00notes.txt b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/00notes.txt
index cfdd0e5a..27f69e4b 100644
--- a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/00notes.txt
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/00notes.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-validate recognizes vikinglander: as legit. No errors. What used to happen?
+I assume I should get the IngestLDD file from
% validate -x *xsd -S *sch -t ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
index 358da586..96a1fbe0 100644
--- a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
Galileo SSD Derived Electron Flux at Jupiter and Jupiter Data for Orbit 35 2003-09-18 - 2003-09-21
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/PDS4_VIKINGLANDER_IngestLDD.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/PDS4_VIKINGLANDER_IngestLDD.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bfe8746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github794/PDS4_VIKINGLANDER_IngestLDD.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
+ Viking Lander
+ Mission
+ E Guinness
+ geo
+ vikinglander
+ The Viking Lander mission dictionary contains classes and attributes specific
+ to the Viking Lander mission and its instruments.
+ Viking Lander version
+ PDS Build
+ Built with LDDTool -plJ -V xxxx PDS4_VIKINGLANDER_IngestLDD.xml
+ xxxx is the model version, for example 1L00
+ 2024-07-05 GEO/JGW Minor typo fixes.
+ 2024-06-30 GEO/EAG Initial version with classes for general observation attributes and specific lander
+ image attributes.
+ 2024-07-05
+ local_hour
+ 1.0
+ local_hour
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The hour and fraction hour within a sol that an observation
+ began assuming a sol has 24 hours.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ 0.0
+ 24.0
+ mission_phase_name
+ 1.0
+ mission_phase_name
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The mission_phase_name identifies a time period
+ within the mission.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
+ Primary_Mission
+ The Viking Lander 1 spacecraft separated from the VO1 orbiter and
+ descended to the Martian surface on July 20, 1976. The Viking Lander 2 spacecraft
+ separated from the VO2 orbiter and descended to the Martian surface on
+ September 3, 1976. The Primary Mission
+ ended at the start of the solar conjunction in November 15, 1976.
+ Extended_Mission
+ The Viking Extended Mission began after solar conjunction. The
+ two lander spacecraft analyzed additional soil samples and dug three
+ deep holes in the surface. All four spacecraft monitored the planet
+ through the cycle of seasons. During the winter season, the landers
+ operated in an automatic manner designed to allow the spacecraft to
+ survive the cold temperatures and still return some data. Dates: 1976-11-15
+ to 1978-05-31.
+ Continuation_Mission
+ Lander activities consisted of measurements by the imaging,
+ meteorology, and XRFS instruments operating in a fully automated manner.
+ Dates: 1978-05-31 to 1979-02-26.
+ Interim_Period
+ The Interim Period mission phase occurred during the time of the Voyager
+ 2 encounter with Jupiter. Thus, communications to and from the Viking
+ spacecraft were limited. The landers continued to operate in an
+ automated manner making imaging and meteorology observations. A final
+ VL2 surface sampler sequence was conducted during this mission phase as
+ an engineering test in the cold temperatures of mid winter.
+ Dates: 1979-02-26 to 1979-07-19.
+ Survey_Mission
+ The plan for the landers was to collect image and
+ meteorology data for as long as possible. Because VL2 no longer had a
+ direct downlink capability, it meant that VL2 could return data only
+ as long as VO1 provided a relay link, once every seven weeks.
+ Communications with VL2 ended on April 11, 1980 after its batteries
+ could no longer hold a charge. VL2 operated on the surface of Mars
+ for 1281 sols. Dates: 1979-07-19 to 1980-08-07.
+ Completion_Mission
+ Viking Lander 1 continued to operated in its automatic mode during the
+ Completion Mission. The observation sequences were cyclic. VL1 returned
+ via direct downlink image and meteorology data about once a week with
+ image sequences repeating every 37 sols. The VL1 high-gain antenna was
+ programmed to track the Earth until December, 1994. However,
+ communications were lost in November 1982 after a command sequence
+ uplink. Dates: 1980-08-07 to 1982-11-19.
+ native_time
+ 1.0
+ native_time
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ Native time is the local lander time given
+ as a sol number followed by hours, minutes, and seconds past
+ local midnight on that sol. Sol 0 is day of landing. The Viking project
+ used the format of sol number, hour, minute, and second for local lander time
+ with times in a sol extending beyond 24 hours. This usage is different from the
+ usage by recent Mars rover missions and PDS standard for local time.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ observation_name
+ 1.0
+ observation_name
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ A short note that describes the observation.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ product_type_name
+ 1.0
+ product_type_name
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The product_type_name identifies a group of data products within
+ a collection that have some property in common, such as processing level,
+ resolution, or instrument-specific setting.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ event_mode
+ The seismometer acquired data in event mode.
+ high_rate
+ The seismometer acquired data in high rate mode.
+ detector_temperature
+ Temperature of Labeled Release beta detector
+ given in degrees celsius.
+ head-end_temperature
+ Temperature of Labeled Release head-end assembly
+ sensor given in degrees celsius.
+ radioactivity_counts
+ Radioactivity counts of a Labeled Release cycle.
+ high_resolution_singlet
+ Single image sequence acquired with the high resolution pixel spacing (0.04 deg.)
+ low_resolution_singlet
+ Single image sequence acquired with the low resolution pixel spacing (0.12 deg.)
+ color_triplet
+ Image is part of a three image sequence acquired with one of the
+ color diodes.
+ infrared_triplet
+ Image is part of a three image sequence acquired with one of the
+ infrared diodes.
+ calibration_level_3
+ Calibration data acquired with an internal light source at level 3 (highest).
+ calibration_level_2
+ Calibration data acquired with an internal light source at level 2.
+ calibration_level_1
+ Calibration data acquired with an internal light source at level 1.
+ calibration_level_0
+ Calibration data acquired with an internal light source at level 0 (lowest).
+ scan_verification
+ Calibration data acquired to test the scanning of the VL camera.
+ sol_number
+ 1.0
+ sol_number
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ Sol_number is the number of the Mars day on which an observation was
+ acquired. Landing day is Sol 0.
+ See comment for start_sol_number.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ 2238
+ start_sol_number
+ 1.0
+ start_sol_number
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ Start_sol_number is the number of the Mars day on which a
+ multiple-day observation was begun. Landing day is Sol 0.
+ Start/stop_sol_number are provided as an alternative
+ to sol_number for observations
+ that cross one or more sol boundaries.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ 2238
+ stop_sol_number
+ 1.0
+ stop_sol_number
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ Stop_sol_number is the number of the Mars day on which a
+ multiple-day observation was ended. Landing day is Sol 0.
+ Start/stop_sol_number are provided as an alternative
+ to sol_number for observations
+ that cross one or more sol boundaries.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ 2238
+ diode_name
+ 1.0
+ diode_name
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ Name for one of the twelve photodiode in a VL camera.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
+ bb1
+ One of four broadband high-resolution diodes. BB1 had the shortest
+ in focus distance. It was used for imaging close to the lander.
+ bb2
+ One of four broadband high-resolution diodes. BB2 had an intermediate
+ in focus distance.
+ bb3
+ One of four broadband high-resolution diodes. BB3 had an intermediate
+ in focus distance.
+ bb4
+ One of four broadband high-resolution diodes. BB4 had the longest
+ in focus distance. It was used for imaging objects further from the lander.
+ survey
+ A broadband low-resolution diode. The Survey diode was used
+ to take images that covered a large area at low resolution.
+ blue
+ A low-resolution diode with a passband centered at blue wavelengths.
+ green
+ A low-resolution diode with a passband centered at green wavelengths.
+ red
+ A low-resolution diode with a passband centered at red wavelengths.
+ ir1
+ One of three low-resolution diodes with a passband centered at Infrared wavelengths.
+ ir2
+ One of three low-resolution diodes with a passband centered at Infrared wavelengths.
+ ir3
+ One of three low-resolution diodes with a passband centered at Infrared wavelengths.
+ sun
+ A broadband high-resolution diode with a filter designed for
+ imaging the Sun without saturating the DN range.
+ undefined
+ This value indicates a calibration sequence was collected using
+ all the diodes.
+ scan_start_azimuth
+ 1.0
+ start_scan_azimuth
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ Beginning azimuth of an image scan. Values are in the camera-aligned camera coordinate
+ system (CACCS). This zero azimuth for each camera generally points towards the other camera.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ 0.0
+ 360.0
+ Units_of_Angle
+ degree
+ scan_stop_azimuth
+ 1.0
+ stop_scan_azimuth
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ Ending azimuth of an image scan. Values are in the camera-aligned camera coordinate
+ system (CACCS). This zero azimuth for each camera generally points towards the other camera.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ 0.0
+ 360.0
+ Units_of_Angle
+ degree
+ mirror_center_elevation
+ 1.0
+ mirror_center_elevation
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The commanded center elevation of the scanning mirror used for an image. Zero
+ elevation is generally pointed toward the horizon with negative values below and positive values above.
+ Note that actual center elevation may be different for some non-nominal imaging
+ modes.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ -60.0
+ 40.0
+ Units_of_Angle
+ degree
+ sampling_interval
+ 1.0
+ sampling_interval
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The spacing in degrees between pixels within a scan line and between scan lines.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ 0.00
+ 0.12
+ Units_of_Angle
+ degree
+ offset_number
+ 1.0
+ offset_number
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ One of 32 offset settings used in the conversion of photodiode voltage to DN.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ 31
+ gain_number
+ 1.0
+ gain_number
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ One of six gain settings used in the conversion of photodiode voltage to DN.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ 5
+ psa_temperature
+ 1.0
+ psa_temperature
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The temperature of the photosensor array (PSA) measured during the acquisition
+ of an VL image.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Temperature
+ degC
+ scan_rate
+ 1.0
+ scan_rate
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The VL camera system has two rates of data collection - 16,000 or 250 bps.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 250
+ 16000
+ rescan_start_sample
+ 1.0
+ start_rescan_sample
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The VL camera could collect data without advancing the azimuth. This was called rescan,
+ i.e., repeating the same vertical scan of data. This sometimes happened at the end of image
+ and sometimes was commanded to repeat vertical scans.
+ Start_rescan_sample is the sample value where rescan starts in an image. This value is zero
+ if there was no rescan.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ 10000
+ rescan_total_samples
+ 1.0
+ total_rescan_samples
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The VL camera could collect data without advancing the azimuth. This was called rescan,
+ i.e., repeating the same vertical scan of data. This sometimes happened at the end of image
+ and sometimes was commanded to repeat vertical scans.
+ Total_rescan_samples is the total number of rescan scans in an image. This value is zero
+ if there was no rescan.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ missing_scans
+ 1.0
+ missing_scans
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ Sometimes vertical scans of data were lost in transmission to Earth or there were
+ errors in the telemetry such that scans could not be extracted from the downlink.
+ Missing_scans is the number of vertical lines that are missing from an image. A value of zero
+ means no scans were lost.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 0
+ downlink_path
+ 1.0
+ downlink_path
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ The data transmission path from the cameras to Earth. The path could be
+ recorded for later transmission or transmitted in realtime as the camera scanned.
+ The data could be sent either by a UHF link to an orbiter or S-band link directly
+ to Earth.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
+ recorded_uhf_link
+ Image recorded to Lander tape and transmitted by UHF relay to Earth.
+ recorded_s-band_link
+ Image recorded to Lander tape and transmitted directly to Earth on S-Band link.
+ realtime_uhf_link
+ Image transmitted by UHF relay to Earth while being acquired.
+ realtime_s-band_link
+ Image transmitted direcly to Earth on S-Band link while being acquired.
+ dust_flag
+ 1.0
+ dust_flag
+ false
+ E Guinness
+ A flag indicating whether a dust sequence was done with an image.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
+ true
+ A dust sequence was done.
+ false
+ No dust sequence was done.
+ Observation_Information
+ 1.0
+ Observation_Information
+ E Guinness
+ The Observation_Information class provides information about a
+ Viking Lander science observation.
+ false
+ false
+ product_type_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mission_phase_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ *
+ native_time
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ sol_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ start_sol_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ stop_sol_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ local_hour
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ observation_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Image_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Image_Parameters
+ E Guinness
+ This class provides a set of parameters that describe a Viking Lander
+ image.
+ false
+ false
+ diode_name
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ start_scan_azimuth
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ stop_scan_azimuth
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ mirror_center_elevation
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ sampling_interval
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ offset_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ gain_number
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ psa_temperature
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ scan_rate
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ start_rescan_sample
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ total_rescan_samples
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ missing_scans
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ downlink_path
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ dust_flag
+ attribute_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ Viking_Lander_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Viking_Lander_Parameters
+ E Guinness
+ The Viking_Lander_Parameters class is a superclass containing
+ all Viking Lander mission classes.
+ false
+ true
+ Observation_Information
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Image_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 0
+ 1
+ vl_time_rules
+ /pds:Product_Observational/pds:Observation_Area/pds:Mission_Area/vikinglander:Observation_Information
+ Assert
+ if (
+ (vikinglander:sol_number and (vikinglander:start_sol_number or vikinglander:stop_sol_number))
+ or
+ (not(vikinglander:sol_number)
+ and not(vikinglander:start_sol_number)
+ and not(vikinglander:stop_sol_number)
+ )
+ ) then false() else true()
+ vikinglander:error:solnumber_rule_0: The vikinglander:Observation_Information class must include either the attribute
+ vikinglander:sol_number or the pair of attributes vikinglander:start_sol_number and vikinglander:stop_sol_number.
+ Either sol_number or the pair start_sol_number and stop_sol_number must be present.
+ Assert
+ if (
+ ( (vikinglander:start_sol_number) and (not(vikinglander:stop_sol_number)) )
+ or
+ ( (vikinglander:stop_sol_number) and (not(vikinglander:start_sol_number)) )
+ ) then false() else true()
+ vikinglander:error:solnumber_rule_1: If either of the pair vikinglander:start_sol_number and vikinglander:stop_sol_number is
+ present, then both must be present.
+ If either of the pair start_sol_number and stop_sol_number is present, then both must be
+ present.
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/00notes.txt b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/00notes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 74fbc1d7..00000000
--- a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/00notes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- There should be one ERROR per xml file, so 11 errors in the bundle.
-However, validate incorrectly complains about "encoding parameter 'SEED 2.4'"
-% validate -x 795/xml_schema/*xsd -S 795/xml_schema/*sch -R pds4.bundle -t 795
-PDS Validate Tool Report
- Version 3.6.0-SNAPSHOT
- Date 2024-10-14T20:23:39Z
- Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/]
- Rule Type pds4.bundle
- User Specified Schemas [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1N00.xsd]
- User Specified Schematrons [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1N00.sch]
- Severity Level WARNING
- Recurse Directories true
- File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML]
- Data Content Validation on
- Product Level Validation on
- Allow Unlabeled Files false
- Max Errors 100000
- Registered Contexts File /Users/rchen/PDS4tools/validate/resources/registered_context_products.json
-Product Level Validation Results
- FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/bundle.xml
- ERROR [error.label.schematron] line 86, 33: The attribute reference_type must be set to one of the following values 'bundle_to_target'.
- 1 product validation(s) completed
- FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/calibration_spk/collection_gwe_spk.xml
- ERROR [error.label.schematron] line 104, 33: The attribute reference_type must be set to one of the following values 'collection_to_target'.
- 2 product validation(s) completed
- FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/calibration_spk/c32easc2002_160_2002_186.xml
- ERROR [error.label.schematron] line 105, 38: The attribute reference_type must be set to one of the following values 'data_to_target'.
- 3 product validation(s) completed
- 4 product validation(s) completed
- FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/xml_schema/collection_erp_xml_schema.xml
- ERROR [error.label.schematron] line 76, 33: The attribute reference_type must be set to one of the following values 'collection_to_target'.
- 5 product validation(s) completed
- 6 product validation(s) completed
- FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/miscellaneous/collection.xml
- ERROR [error.label.schematron] line 175, 33: The attribute reference_type must be set to one of the following values 'collection_to_target'.
- 7 product validation(s) completed
- FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/browse/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
- ERROR [error.label.schematron] line 97, 33: The attribute reference_type must be set to one of the following values 'browse_to_target'.
- 8 product validation(s) completed
- FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/browse/collection_browse-star-sensor_1.0.xml
- ERROR [error.label.schematron] line 95, 33: The attribute reference_type must be set to one of the following values 'collection_to_target'.
- 9 product validation(s) completed
- FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/data/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
- ERROR [error.label.schematron] line 100, 33: The attribute reference_type must be set to one of the following values 'data_to_target'.
- 10 product validation(s) completed
- FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/data/collection_data-star-sensor_1.0.xml
- ERROR [error.label.schematron] line 97, 33: The attribute reference_type must be set to one of the following values 'collection_to_target'.
- 11 product validation(s) completed
-PDS4 Bundle Level Validation Results
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/calibration_spk/collection_gwe_spk.xml
- 1 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/browse/collection_browse-star-sensor_1.0.xml
- 2 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/miscellaneous/collection.xml
- 3 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/xml_schema/collection_erp_xml_schema.xml
- 4 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/data/collection_data-star-sensor_1.0.xml
- 5 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/bundle.xml
- 6 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/calibration_spk/c32easc2002_160_2002_186.xml
- 7 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/data/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
- 8 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/browse/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
- 9 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/miscellaneous/xa.s16..shz.1976.070.0.xml
- 10 integrity check(s) completed
- PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/795/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1N00.xml
- 11 integrity check(s) completed
- 11 product(s)
- 12 error(s)
- 0 warning(s)
- Product Validation Summary:
- 0 product(s) passed
- 11 product(s) failed
- 0 product(s) skipped
- 11 product(s) total
- Referential Integrity Check Summary:
- 11 check(s) passed
- 0 check(s) failed
- 0 check(s) skipped
- 11 check(s) total
- Message Types:
- 9 error.label.schematron
- 1 error.validation.internal_error
-End of Report
-Completed execution in 3977 ms
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/bundle.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/bundle.xml
index 04c1f79e..11b95d17 100644
--- a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/bundle.xml
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/bundle.xml
@@ -95,6 +95,18 @@
energetic electron flux derived data from the attitude
control system star scanner in the Jovian environment.
+ readme_notes.txt
+ 2024-01-01
+ ReadMe
+ 0
+ UTF-8 Text
+ Carriage-Return Line-Feed
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/miscellaneous/xa.s16..shz.1976.070.0.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/miscellaneous/xa.s16..shz.1976.070.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7800bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/miscellaneous/xa.s16..shz.1976.070.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ urn:nasa:pds:im795:misc:xa.s16..shz.1976.070.0
+ 1.0
+ Apollo Passive Seismic Experiment data in MiniSEED format
+ Product_Native
+ 2021-10-05Z
+ 1.0
+ First release to Planetary Data System
+ 1976-03-10T00:00:00.034000Z
+ 1976-03-11T00:00:05.449094Z
+ Mission
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.apollo_16
+ data_to_investigation
+ Host
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.a16a
+ is_instrument_host
+ Apollo 16 Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE)
+ Instrument
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:pse.a16a
+ is_instrument
+ Jupiter
+ Planet
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet.jupiter
+ native_to_target
+ Io
+ Satellite
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:target:satellite.jupiter.io
+ data_to_target
+ urn:nasa:pds:apollo_pse:document:apollo_pse_description
+ native_to_archival
+ xa.s16..shz.1976.070.0.mseed
+ 2021-10-05T18:00:07.111859Z
+ Apollo PSE MiniSEED Data
+ 0
+ SEED 2.4
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/readme_notes.txt b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/readme_notes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25a68b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795/readme_notes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+There should be one ERROR per xml file, so 11 errors in the bundle.
+However, validate incorrectly complains about "encoding parameter 'SEED 2.4'"
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795b/occultation_prediction_som_manifest.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795b/occultation_prediction_som_manifest.xml
index 2ccb4b04..baf16b3e 100644
--- a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795b/occultation_prediction_som_manifest.xml
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github795b/occultation_prediction_som_manifest.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- urn:bull:shiite:ha:ha:french23_occult_pred
+ urn:bull:shiite:french23_occult_pred
Occultation Predictions from R. G. French and D. Souami (2023)
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github829/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.TAB b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github829/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.TAB
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bad3093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github829/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.TAB
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+2003-09-18T12:50:00.000,"07256388:54:4:0","",261.5347290,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.626,-0.402,334.978,48.328,-6.927,227.475,"Some data below is listed as 'reconstructed'."
+2003-09-18T12:53:40.068,"07256392:20:5:0","0xfc7",261.5372620,133.810,111,35,-50,-73.180,-50,-50,-50,47.601,-0.402,337.191,48.359,-7.194,225.261,"This is data that was not queried through"
+2003-09-18T13:00:00.000,"07256398:44:4:0","",261.5416565,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.559,-0.402,341.011,48.413,-7.631,221.434,"the usual system but had to be "
+2003-09-18T13:00:20.068,"07256398:74:5:0","0xfc7",261.5419006,164.460,151,32,-1.000,-1.490,-9.100,7.280,-50,47.557,-0.402,341.213,48.415,-7.653,221.231,"'bit-picked' out of a corrupted"
+2003-09-18T13:07:00.068,"07256405:37:5:0","0xfc7",261.5465393,195.130,184,12,-2.000,-2.940,-7.940,4.150,-50,47.512,-0.402,345.236,48.469,-8.077,217.193,"data stream. This data should still"
+2003-09-18T13:10:00.000,"07256408:34:4:0","",261.5486145,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.492,-0.402,347.045,48.492,-8.256,215.375,"be reliable."
+2003-09-18T13:20:00.000,"07256418:24:4:0","",261.5555420,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.425,-0.402,353.079,48.560,-8.794,209.298,"There are additional notations for"
+2003-09-18T13:20:20.068,"07256418:54:5:0","0xfc7",261.5557861,256.450,1243,33,3.000,4.330,-6.270,13.320,215742,47.423,-0.402,353.280,48.562,-8.810,209.094,"some data on the source;"
+2003-09-18T13:30:00.000,"07256428:14:4:0","",261.5625000,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.358,-0.402,359.112,48.611,-9.239,203.206,"e.g. Star 1 cone. This provides"
+2003-09-18T13:40:00.000,"07256438:04:4:0","",261.5694580,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.291,-0.402,5.146,48.640,-9.586,197.100,"pointing information. The star scanner"
+2003-09-18T13:50:00.000,"07256447:85:4:0","",261.5763855,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.224,-0.402,11.179,48.642,-9.830,190.984,"took a data sample either pointed at"
+2003-09-18T14:00:00.000,"07256457:75:4:0","",261.5833435,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.157,-0.402,17.213,48.614,-9.968,184.861,"Vega with one of the two closely"
+2003-09-18T14:10:00.000,"07256467:65:4:0","",261.5902710,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.090,-0.402,23.246,48.554,-10.000,178.735,"spaced slits (six degrees separation)"
+2003-09-18T14:20:00.000,"07256477:55:4:0","",261.5972290,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,47.023,-0.403,29.279,48.463,-9.924,172.610,"or were pointed at Saturn. This data"
+2003-09-18T14:30:00.000,"07256487:45:4:0","",261.6041565,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,46.956,-0.403,35.313,48.340,-9.742,166.489,"is relevant to determining the "
+2003-09-18T14:40:00.000,"07256497:35:4:0","",261.6111145,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,46.889,-0.403,41.346,48.189,-9.455,160.377,"omnidirectionality of the instrument."
+2003-09-21T05:06:59.993,"07260203:19:5:6","0xfd5",264.2131958,248.280,1240,17,6.000,8.670,-0.030,12.720,431982,14.919,-0.510,133.823,14.962,3.050,68.376,"OSAD START"
+2003-09-21T05:53:39.992,"07260249:33:5:6","0x4d5",264.2456055,103.580,1250,17,6.000,8.670,-0.030,12.720,431982,14.341,-0.515,161.455,14.543,6.769,40.888,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T06:00:19.992,"07260255:87:5:6","0x4d5",264.2502441,134.320,1207,38,27.000,39.000,22.040,35.100,1943175,14.257,-0.515,165.398,14.484,7.181,36.937,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T06:06:59.991,"07260262:50:5:6","0x4d5",264.2548523,165.080,1191,27,16.000,23.140,10.480,23.370,1152950,14.173,-0.516,169.341,14.423,7.557,32.980,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T06:13:39.991,"07260269:13:5:6","0x4d5",264.2594910,195.830,1205,18,7.000,10.120,1.020,13.780,504229,14.089,-0.517,173.282,14.360,7.895,29.017,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T06:20:19.991,"07260275:67:5:6","0x4d5",264.2641296,284.250,1278,18,7.000,10.120,1.020,13.780,504229,14.005,-0.517,177.223,14.295,8.193,25.049,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T06:26:59.991,"07260282:30:5:6","0xfd5",264.2687378,257.350,1221,23,12.000,17.360,6.270,19.110,864962,13.921,-0.518,181.162,14.228,8.450,21.076,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T06:33:39.991,"07260288:84:5:6","0x4d5",264.2733765,288.090,1254,17,6.000,8.670,-0.030,12.720,431982,13.836,-0.519,185.100,14.157,8.664,17.100,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T06:40:19.991,"07260295:47:5:6","0x4d5",264.2780151,318.850,1224,38,27.000,39.000,22.040,35.100,1943175,13.751,-0.519,189.038,14.083,8.834,13.120,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T06:46:59.991,"07260302:10:5:6","0x4d5",264.2826538,349.610,1219,28,17.000,24.590,11.530,24.430,1225196,13.665,-0.520,192.973,14.005,8.960,9.139,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T06:53:39.991,"07260308:64:5:6","0x4d5",264.2872620,20.360,1233,20,9.000,13.020,3.120,15.910,648721,13.580,-0.521,196.908,13.924,9.041,5.156,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T07:00:19.099,"07260315:26:2:3","0x4d5",264.2919006,51.120,1217,44,33.000,47.630,28.350,41.510,2373164,13.494,-0.521,200.833,13.839,9.077,1.182,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T07:06:59.099,"07260321:80:2:3","0x4d5",264.2965393,81.870,1243,33,22.000,31.800,16.780,29.760,1584435,13.408,-0.522,204.765,13.750,9.067,357.200,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T07:13:39.099,"07260328:43:2:3","0x4d5",264.3011475,112.630,1201,21,10.000,14.470,4.170,16.980,720967,13.322,-0.523,208.696,13.657,9.011,353.220,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T07:20:19.099,"07260335:06:2:3","0x4d5",264.3057861,143.360,1235,47,36.000,51.930,31.500,44.710,2587412,13.235,-0.523,212.626,13.561,8.911,349.243,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T07:26:59.099,"07260341:60:2:3","0x4d5",264.3104248,174.140,1226,37,26.000,37.560,20.990,34.030,1871427,13.148,-0.524,216.555,13.461,8.765,345.270,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T07:33:39.099,"07260348:23:2:4","",264.3150330,204.890,1244,26,15.000,21.700,9.420,22.300,1081202,13.061,-0.525,220.482,13.358,8.576,341.302,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T07:46:59.099,"07260361:40:2:4","0x4d5",264.3243103,266.400,1179,35,24.000,34.680,18.880,31.900,1727931,12.886,-0.526,228.332,13.145,8.071,333.386,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T08:00:19.989,"07260374:58:5:6","0x4d5",264.3335571,327.900,1187,49,38.000,54.800,33.610,46.850,2730410,12.709,-0.528,236.184,12.924,7.404,325.489,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T08:06:59.989,"07260381:21:5:6","0x4d5",264.3381958,358.660,1194,37,26.000,37.560,20.990,34.030,1871427,12.621,-0.529,240.104,12.812,7.015,321.558,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T08:13:39.989,"07260387:75:5:6","0x4d5",264.3428345,29.390,1248,33,22.000,31.800,16.780,29.760,1584435,12.532,-0.530,244.022,12.699,6.590,317.635,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T08:20:19.989,"07260394:38:5:6","0x4d5",264.3474426,60.160,1233,0,-11.000,-16.040,-17.890,-5.330,-50,12.443,-0.530,247.939,12.586,6.133,313.722,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T08:26:59.989,"07260401:01:5:7","0x4d5",264.3520813,90.900,1231,0,-11.000,-16.040,-17.890,-5.330,-50,12.353,-0.531,251.854,12.474,5.646,309.817,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T08:33:39.989,"07260407:55:5:7","0x4d5",264.3567200,121.650,1215,37,26.000,37.560,20.990,34.030,1871427,12.263,-0.532,255.767,12.362,5.130,305.921,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T08:40:19.988,"07260414:18:5:6","0x4d5",264.3613281,152.430,1252,58,47.000,67.680,43.070,56.480,3372156,12.173,-0.533,259.679,12.251,4.588,302.033,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T08:46:59.988,"07260420:72:5:6","0x4d5",264.3659668,183.160,1238,45,34.000,49.060,29.400,42.570,2444414,12.083,-0.534,263.589,12.142,4.023,298.153,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T08:53:39.988,"07260427:35:5:7","0x4d5",264.3706055,213.920,1180,73,62.000,89.070,58.860,72.550,4437912,11.992,-0.535,267.497,12.035,3.438,294.281,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T09:00:19.988,"07260433:89:5:7","0xfd5",264.3752441,244.670,1255,51,40.000,57.670,35.710,48.990,2873407,11.901,-0.535,271.403,11.930,2.835,290.417,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T09:40:19.987,"07260473:49:5:7","0x4d5",264.4030151,69.180,1163,63,52.000,74.820,48.330,61.830,3727906,11.346,-0.541,294.797,11.350,-1.000,267.332,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T09:46:59.987,"07260480:12:5:7","0x4d5",264.4076538,99.930,1250,87,76.000,108.920,73.600,87.580,5426939,11.253,-0.542,298.688,11.262,-1.647,263.494,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T09:53:39.987,"07260486:66:5:7","0x4d5",264.4122620,130.620,1220,78,67.000,96.170,64.120,77.920,4791670,11.159,-0.543,302.578,11.177,-2.290,259.656,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T10:00:19.987,"07260493:29:5:7","0x4d5",264.4169006,161.430,-50,0,-11.000,-16.040,-17.890,-5.330,-50,11.065,-0.544,306.464,11.093,-2.924,255.818,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T10:06:59.987,"07260499:83:5:7","0x4d5",264.4215393,192.180,1163,91,80.000,114.580,77.810,91.880,5708948,10.970,-0.545,310.349,11.012,-3.547,251.978,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T10:20:19.987,"07260513:09:5:7","0xf45",264.4307861,256.330,1211,97,86.000,123.050,84.140,98.330,6130966,10.779,-0.547,318.109,10.854,-4.749,244.291,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T10:26:59.986,"07260519:63:5:7","0x4d5",264.4354248,284.430,1232,84,73.000,104.680,70.440,84.360,5215681,10.683,-0.548,321.986,10.776,-5.323,240.443,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T10:46:59.986,"07260539:43:5:7","",264.4493103,-50,1158,93,82.000,117.400,79.920,94.030,5849455,10.393,-0.551,333.598,10.545,-6.903,228.873,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T10:53:39.986,"07260546:06:5:7","0x4d5",264.4539490,47.420,1157,112,101.000,144.140,99.940,114.480,7181775,10.295,-0.552,337.462,10.468,-7.375,225.007,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T11:00:19.986,"07260552:60:5:7","0x4d5",264.4585571,78.180,1239,104,93.000,132.900,91.510,105.870,6621742,10.197,-0.553,341.324,10.390,-7.816,221.137,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T11:06:59.986,"07260559:23:5:7","0x4d5",264.4631958,108.920,1258,0,-11.000,-16.040,-17.890,-5.330,-50,10.099,-0.554,345.182,10.310,-8.224,217.263,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T11:00:19.985,"07260552:60:5:7","0x4d5",264.4724426,170.420,1202,105,94.000,134.310,92.570,106.940,6691995,10.197,-0.553,341.324,10.390,-7.816,221.137,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T11:26:59.985,"07260579:03:5:7","0x4d5",264.4770813,201.170,1241,135,124.000,176.270,124.200,139.280,8782652,9.801,-0.558,356.736,10.060,-9.231,205.618,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T11:33:39.985,"07260585:57:5:7","0xfd5",264.4817200,231.920,1255,130,119.000,169.310,118.920,133.880,8435870,9.700,-0.559,0.580,9.971,-9.489,201.731,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T11:40:19.985,"07260592:20:5:7","0x4d5",264.4863281,262.660,1257,149,138.000,195.700,138.970,154.400,9750752,9.600,-0.560,4.420,9.881,-9.707,197.843,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T11:53:39.985,"07260605:37:5:7","0x4c5",264.4956055,324.180,1322,140,129.000,183.220,129.470,144.680,9128936,9.397,-0.563,12.087,9.690,-10.018,190.067,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T12:00:19.985,"07260612:00:5:7","0x4d5",264.5002441,354.920,1211,166,155.000,219.160,156.910,172.770,10919647,9.294,-0.564,15.915,9.590,-10.109,186.181,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T12:06:59.984,"07260618:54:5:7","0x4d5",264.5048523,25.660,1285,159,148.000,209.520,149.520,165.200,10439334,9.191,-0.565,19.737,9.486,-10.158,182.299,"reconstructed data"
+2003-09-21T13:40:19.982,"07260710:82:5:7","0x4d5",264.5696716,96.180,1138,556,545.000,719.310,570.900,598.060,35839620,7.690,-0.586,72.660,7.795,-6.649,128.868,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T13:46:59.982,"07260717:45:5:7","0x4d5",264.5743103,126.920,1117,624,613.000,799.270,643.570,672.810,39823627,7.578,-0.587,76.386,7.666,-6.155,125.152,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T13:53:39.982,"07260724:08:5:7","0x4d5",264.5789490,157.680,1154,686,675.000,870.400,709.990,741.130,43367680,7.465,-0.589,80.103,7.538,-5.639,121.451,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T14:00:19.982,"07260730:62:5:7","0x4d5",264.5835571,188.420,1129,770,759.000,964.120,800.290,834.020,48037279,7.351,-0.591,83.810,7.410,-5.103,117.767,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T14:06:59.982,"07260737:25:5:7","0x4d5",264.5881958,219.180,1144,839,828.000,1038.900,874.770,910.640,51763192,7.237,-0.593,87.508,7.283,-4.550,114.099,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T14:13:39.982,"07260743:79:5:7","0xfd5",264.5928345,249.920,1080,914,903.000,1118.030,956.120,994.310,55705844,7.122,-0.595,91.194,7.156,-3.983,110.446,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T14:20:19.982,"07260750:42:5:7","0x4d5",264.5974426,280.680,1094,1011,1000.000,1217.160,1062.040,1103.250,60644997,7.005,-0.596,94.869,7.030,-3.404,106.809,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T14:26:59.982,"07260757:05:5:7","0x4d5",264.6020813,311.420,1100,1125,1114.000,1329.350,1187.780,1232.550,66234863,6.888,-0.598,98.532,6.905,-2.816,103.189,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T15:20:19.098,"07260809:72:2:5","0x4d5",264.6391296,197.390,172,1853,1842.000,1965.550,2048.200,2115.780,97933528,5.919,-0.615,127.295,5.926,1.914,74.810,"noise pulse"
+2003-09-21T15:26:59.098,"07260816:35:2:5","0x4d5",264.6437378,228.160,1049,1968,1957.000,2059.210,2198.120,2269.320,102600138,5.793,-0.617,130.809,5.804,2.472,71.339,"star 1 clock"
+2003-09-21T15:33:39.098,"07260822:89:2:5","0xfd1",264.6483765,258.890,1014,2301,2290.000,2333.320,2665.050,2746.720,116257669,5.666,-0.620,134.299,5.682,3.016,67.887,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T15:40:19.098,"07260829:52:2:5","0x4d5",264.6530151,289.650,210,2729,2718.000,2718.560,3359.110,3454.250,135452252,5.538,-0.622,137.765,5.559,3.542,64.456,"noise pulse"
+2003-09-21T15:46:59.098,"07260836:15:2:5","0x4d5",264.6576538,320.420,900,2976,2965.000,2975.410,3822.630,3925.550,148249803,5.408,-0.625,141.204,5.435,4.049,61.048,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T15:53:39.098,"07260842:69:2:5","0x3c0",264.6622620,351.200,382,3018,3007.000,3022.610,3906.890,4011.130,150601543,5.277,-0.627,144.613,5.311,4.536,57.664,"Hibernation start"
+2003-09-21T16:00:19.098,"07260849:32:2:5","0x3c0",264.6669006,21.980,320,3339,3328.000,3426.180,4610.420,4724.780,170709418,5.145,-0.630,147.991,5.185,5.000,54.307,"saturn; by intensity"
+2003-09-21T16:06:59.098,"07260855:86:2:5","0x3c0",264.6715393,52.770,276,3527,3516.000,3704.860,5076.960,5197.240,184594649,5.012,-0.632,151.334,5.057,5.441,50.979,"saturn; by intensity"
+2003-09-21T16:13:39.979,"07260862:50:5:7","0x3c0",264.6761475,83.560,330,3815,3804.000,4208.110,5880.430,6009.790,209669080,4.876,-0.635,154.646,4.928,5.857,47.677,"saturn; by intensity"
+2003-09-21T16:20:19.979,"07260869:13:5:7","0x3c0",264.6807861,114.350,292,4068,4057.000,4741.920,6682.150,6819.480,236266164,4.740,-0.638,157.910,4.797,6.246,44.419,"saturn; by intensity"
+2003-09-21T16:26:59.979,"07260875:67:5:7","0x3c0",264.6854248,145.130,251,4363,4352.000,5495.050,7732.350,7878.980,273790866,4.602,-0.640,161.128,4.664,6.608,41.201,"saturn; by intensity"
+2003-09-21T16:33:39.979,"07260882:30:5:7","0x3c0",264.6900330,175.930,275,4689,4678.000,6522.480,9019.040,9175.950,324982566,4.462,-0.643,164.295,4.528,6.942,38.030,"saturn; by intensity"
+2003-09-21T16:40:19.979,"07260888:84:5:7","0x3c0",264.6946716,206.730,471,5107,5096.000,8201.510,10756.990,10927.080,408640235,4.321,-0.646,167.407,4.391,7.248,34.910,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T16:46:59.979,"07260895:47:5:7","0x3c0",264.6993103,237.500,337,5526,5515.000,10376.680,12331.760,12515.060,517018081,4.177,-0.649,170.455,4.250,7.525,31.848,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T16:53:39.979,"07260902:10:5:7","0x3c0",264.7039490,268.290,338,5891,5880.000,12749.660,13257.150,13451.970,635251809,4.032,-0.651,173.434,4.107,7.773,28.854,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:00:00.000,"07260908:34:6:2","",264.7083435,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,3.893,-0.654,176.190,3.969,7.982,26.079,"star 1 cone; Bright Body Vector - No effect"
+2003-09-21T17:00:19.978,"07260908:64:5:7","0x3c0",264.7085571,299.070,284,6208,6197.000,15228.580,13541.560,13746.380,758763998,3.885,-0.654,176.333,3.962,7.993,25.935,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:10:00.000,"07260918:24:6:2","",264.7152710,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,3.668,-0.658,180.375,3.746,8.262,21.862,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:20:00.000,"07260928:14:6:2","",264.7222290,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,3.439,-0.662,184.314,3.516,8.482,17.887,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:20:19.978,"07260928:44:5:7","0x3c0",264.7224426,31.420,234,6768,6757.000,20713.461,12826.000,13048.470,1032048145,3.431,-0.662,184.440,3.508,8.488,17.759,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:30:00.000,"07260938:04:6:2","",264.7291565,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,3.205,-0.665,187.948,3.279,8.646,14.216,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:40:00.000,"07260947:85:6:2","",264.7361145,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,2.964,-0.667,191.197,3.035,8.762,10.932,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:40:19.978,"07260948:24:5:7","0x3c0",264.7363281,123.760,258,6203,6192.000,15186.200,13541.200,13745.860,756652415,2.956,-0.667,191.297,3.027,8.765,10.830,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:50:00.000,"07260957:75:6:2","",264.7430420,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,2.718,-0.667,193.945,2.784,8.838,8.152,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:53:39.977,"07260961:41:5:7","0x3c0",264.7456055,185.400,426,5107,5096.000,8201.510,10756.990,10927.080,408640235,2.627,-0.667,194.797,2.690,8.857,7.290,"star 1 cone"
+2003-09-21T17:54:59.977,"07260962:70:5:7","0x3c0",264.7465210,263.530,515,4783,4772.000,6862.100,9407.380,9567.260,341904132,2.593,-0.666,195.082,2.656,8.863,7.001,"saturn; by intensity"
+2003-09-21T17:56:19.977,"07260964:08:5:7","0x3c0",264.7474670,341.690,251,4610,4599.000,6252.720,8697.440,8851.860,311541774,2.559,-0.666,195.354,2.622,8.869,6.726,"saturn; by intensity"
+2003-09-21T18:20:00.000,"07260987:45:6:2","",264.7638855,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,1.943,-0.640,197.043,1.991,8.923,5.018,"Bright Body Vector - No effect"
+2003-09-21T18:30:00.000,"07260997:35:6:2","",264.7708435,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,1.675,-0.607,194.926,1.717,8.919,7.161,"Bright Body Vector - No effect"
+2003-09-21T18:40:00.000,"07261007:25:6:2","",264.7777710,-50,-50,0,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,1.409,-0.541,189.705,1.443,8.837,12.445,"Bright Body Vector - No effect"
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github829/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github829/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c50d9778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github829/ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+ urn:nasa:pds:im795:data:orb_35_star_scanner
+ 1.0
+ Galileo SSD Derived Electron Flux at Jupiter and Jupiter Data for Orbit 35 2003-09-18 - 2003-09-21
+ Product_Observational
+ 2024
+ This file contains a measure of the
+ energetic electron flux derived from the attitude control system star
+ scanner. The data were acquired at Jupiter between
+ 2003-09-18T12:50 and 2003-09-21T18:40 (orbit 35).
+ Star Scanner data relate to instantaneous flux of electrons in the
+ Jovian environment. A more complete description of the data can be
+ found in the document data description
+ Paul D.
+ Fieseler
+ 1
+ California Institute of Technology
+ https://ror.org/05dxps055
+ 1
+ 2024-06-21
+ 1.0
+ This product, ORB_35_STAR_SCANNER, was originally released as part
+ of the PDS3 GO-J-SSD-5-DDR-STAR-SENSOR-V1.0 data set. The metadata
+ have been migrated to PDS4. The data themselves are unchanged.
+ 2003-09-18T12:50:00.000Z
+ 2003-09-21T18:40:00.000Z
+ Science
+ Derived
+ Particles
+ Electrons
+ Energetic
+ Galileo
+ Mission
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.galileo
+ data_to_investigation
+ Galileo Orbiter Star Scanner
+ Instrument
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:go.ssd
+ is_instrument
+ Galileo Orbiter
+ Host
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.go
+ is_instrument_host
+ Jupiter
+ Planet
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet.jupiter
+ data_to_target
+ n4wl01xqq
+ 7885
+ Hammel, Heidi B.
+ 01
+ NIC1
+ NIC1
+ true
+ NIC1
+ 3
+ 191.896
+ F170M
+ false
+ 1
+ 1
+ false
+ 1
+ 4.2e-05 .
+ OPUS 2008_5c
+ OK
+ urn:nasa:pds:galileo-ssd-jup-derived:document:data-desc
+ data_to_document
+ data_to_derived_source_product
+ 10.17189/1519686
+ PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions Node
+ This is the first version of this product converted to PDS4. The DOI provided
+ references the PDS3 source data set.
+ 2004-02-03T00:00:00.000Z
+ 28315
+ 1eda831e0fd34f7a63bdf97fa14d411f
+ This data file is unmodified from the PDS3 version.
+ 0
+ 168
+ Carriage-Return Line-Feed
+ Comma
+ 19
+ 0
+ 357
+ Time
+ 1
+ ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
+ 23
+ %23s
+ Spacecraft event time (UTC) in PDS time
+ format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss
+ Spacecraft Clock
+ 2
+ ASCII_String
+ 15
+ %15s
+ Spacecracft Clock field, use
+ in the form rim:mod91:mod10:mod8
+ Star Code
+ 3
+ ASCII_String
+ 6
+ %6s
+ Star Scanner instrument status
+ Day of Year
+ 4
+ ASCII_Real
+ 11
+ %11.7f
+ day
+ Decimal day of year (DOY.%%%%%%%)
+ Twist
+ 5
+ ASCII_Real
+ 7
+ %7f
+ deg
+ Spacecraft rotor twist angle in degrees
+ -50
+ Raw Star Intensity
+ 6
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 6
+ %6d
+ count
+ The intensity of the most recently
+ recognized star in counts
+ -50
+ Raw Background
+ 7
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 6
+ %6d
+ count
+ Average Brightness of Sky
+ -50
+ Filtered Data
+ 8
+ ASCII_Real
+ 8
+ %8f
+ count
+ Filtered data derived from raw data
+ -50
+ Compensated Data
+ 9
+ ASCII_Real
+ 9
+ %9f
+ count
+ Compensated data derived from filtered data
+ -50
+ Error, Low
+ 10
+ ASCII_Real
+ 9
+ %9f
+ Error limit in the compenstated data,
+ lower end
+ -50
+ Error, High
+ 11
+ ASCII_Real
+ 9
+ %9f
+ Error limit in the compensated data,
+ high end
+ -50
+ flux
+ 12
+ ASCII_Real
+ 13
+ %13f
+ Omnidirectional flux of electrons in
+ particles cm**-2 sec**-1
+ -50
+ R
+ 13
+ ASCII_Real
+ 9
+ %9.3f
+ Jupiter Radii
+ Spacecraft range from the Jupiter center of
+ mass in units of Rj where Rj = 71492 km.
+ Latitude
+ 14
+ ASCII_Real
+ 9
+ %9.3f
+ deg
+ Planetographic latitude of
+ the spacecraft in degrees.
+ West Longitude
+ 15
+ ASCII_Real
+ 9
+ %9.3f
+ deg
+ Planetographic (West) longitude of
+ the spacecraft in degrees.
+ L
+ 13
+ ASCII_Real
+ 9
+ %9.3f
+ Jupiter Radii
+ Distance at which a dipole field line
+ crosses the dipole equator. L is given
+ by L = R sin*2(Magnetic Latitude) where
+ R is the distance from the center of
+ Jupiter.
+ 14
+ ASCII_Real
+ 9
+ %9.3f
+ deg
+ Angle with respect to the dipole equator
+ where the dipole axis tilts 9.6 degrees
+ towards system III (1965.0) West Longitude.
+ Magnetic Longitude
+ 15
+ ASCII_Real
+ 9
+ %9.3f
+ deg
+ Angle around the dipole axis with respect to
+ the prime meridian. The prime meridian can
+ be considered to intersect with 202 degrees
+ west longitude of System III (1965.0).
+ Notes
+ 19
+ ASCII_String
+ 160
+ %160s
+ Note regarding the data at that specific
+ time.
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github829/PDS4_HST_IngestLDD.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github829/PDS4_HST_IngestLDD.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e116a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github829/PDS4_HST_IngestLDD.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1685 @@
+ Hubble Space Telescope Mission Dictionary
+ 1.1.0
+ Mission
+ Matthew S. Tiscareno
+ rings
+ hst
+ Note: Several pre-release versions are tagged within the ldd-hst repo
+ on GitHub. These were written between 2020 and 2024 by Mark Showalter
+ and Mitch Gordon.
+ version 1.0 2024-04-15
+ - Initial release version
+ version 1.0.1 2024-05-31
+ - Update ldd_version_id value, pds4_versions, and current IM version
+ version 1.1.0 2024-09-19
+ - Add units to plate_scale (although this is backwards-incompatible,
+ we are not incrementing a major version because this LDD is still
+ under development)
+ 2024-09-19
+ mast_observation_id
+ 1.0
+ mast_observation_id
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ A 9-character identifier used to specify data products, or sometimes sets of
+ associated data products, in MAST (the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes).
+ In HST data files, this is the value of FITS keyword ROOTNAME. The name ASN_ID,
+ for "association identifier" is also sometimes used. Values are always converted
+ to lower case, if necessary.
+ In MAST, you can find these products by entering this ID into the search box on
+ this page:
+ archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dataset_lookup/
+ The nine characters can generally be interpreted as follows:
+ - the first letter indicates the instrument, 'u' for WFPC2, 'j', for ACS, etc.;
+ - the next three characters are unique to each HST program;
+ - the next two characters indicate the HST visit within the program;
+ - two characters generally increment for successive observations during the
+ visit, using "base 36" where the characters used are digits 0-9 plus letters
+ a-z;
+ - the last character indicates a transmission method, and is generally not
+ important for scientific purposes. However, if it is a digit, this indicates
+ that this particular file is the result of merging two or more other HST
+ observations from this visit.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ hst_proposal_id
+ 1.0
+ hst_proposal_id
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The numeric identifier of the proposal or observing program, as assigned by
+ the Space Telescope Science Institute. In HST data files, this is the value of
+ FITS keyword PROPOSID.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ hst_pi_name
+ 1.0
+ hst_pi_name
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The name of the principal investigator for this HST program, in the form "last,
+ name, first name, optional middle initial".
+ false
+ UTF8_Text_Preserved
+ visit_id
+ 1.0
+ visit_id
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The two-digit "base 36" code identifying the visit number for this observations.
+ An individual visit can comprise one or more orbits of HST around the Earth.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ instrument_id
+ 1.0
+ instrument_id
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ An acronym for the HST instrument. This is the value of FITS keyword INSTRUME.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ Advanced Camera for Surveys
+ Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
+ Fine Guidance Sensors
+ Faint Object Camera
+ Faint Object Spectrograph
+ Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph
+ High Speed Photometer
+ Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer
+ Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
+ WFC3
+ Wide Field Camera 3
+ Wide Field/Planetary Camera
+ Wide Field/Planetary Camera 2
+ channel_id
+ 1.0
+ channel_id
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ An abbreviated name or acronym for the specific channel of the HST instrument
+ used for this observation. Here, "channel" refers to a distinct optical path
+ used by one or more of the instrument's detectors.
+ For HST instruments that do not have multiple channels, such as WFPC2, this
+ attribute has the same value as the instrument_id attribute.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ High Resolution Channel of ACS
+ Solar Blind Channel of ACS
+ Wide Field Channel of either ACS
+ The far-ultraviolet channel on COS.
+ The near-ultraviolet channel on COS.
+ Fine Guidance Sensor
+ Faint Object Camera
+ The red or "amber" detector channel of FOS
+ The blue detector channel of FOS
+ D1
+ Detector 1, the short-wavelength channel of GHRS
+ D2
+ Detector 2, the longer-wavelength channel of GHRS
+ High Speed Photometer
+ NIC1
+ The highest spatial resolution camera of NICMOS, with an 11 x 11 arcsec
+ field of view and 43 mas pixels. It covers the spectral range 0.8 to 1.8
+ microns.
+ NIC2
+ The intermediate spatial resolution camera of NICMOS, with a 19.2 x 19.2
+ arcsec field of view and 75 mas pixels. It covers the spectral range 0.8
+ to 2.45 microns.
+ NIC3
+ The lowest spatial resolution camera of NICMOS, with a large 51.2 x 51.2
+ arcsec field of view and 200 mas pixels. It covers the spectral range
+ 0.8 to 2.5 microns.
+ The Far-Ultraviolet Multi-Anode Microchannel Array detector channel on STIS,
+ which covers the wavelength range 1150 to 1700 Angstroms.
+ The Near-Ultraviolet Multi-Anode Microchannel Array detector channel on STIS,
+ which covers the wavelength range 1600 to 3100 Angstroms.
+ The Charge Coupled Device imager on STIS.
+ Ultraviolet and Visual channel of WFC3
+ IR
+ Infrared channel of WFC3
+ PC
+ Planetary Camera channel of WFPC
+ WF
+ Wide Field channel of WFPC
+ Wide Field/Planetary Camera 2
+ detector_id
+ 1.0
+ detector_id
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ This identifier specifies which of the detectors of this instrument and channel
+ obtained the data found in this HST product. This parameter is repeated if
+ multiple detectors were used.
+ For instruments that do not have multiple detectors, this attribute occurs just
+ once and has the same value as the channel_id attribute.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ Detector for ACS/HRC
+ Detector for ACS/SBC
+ WFC1
+ Dectector 1 of ACS/WFC
+ WFC2
+ Dectector 2 of ACS/WFC
+ Detector A of COS/FUV
+ Detector B of COS/FUV
+ Detector for COS/NUV
+ FGS1
+ Find Guidance Sensor 1
+ Find Guidance Sensor 1R, which replaced FGS1 in February 1997.
+ FGS2
+ Find Guidance Sensor 2
+ Find Guidance Sensor 2R, which replaced FGS2 in December 1999.
+ FGS3
+ Find Guidance Sensor 3
+ Detector for the Faint Object Camera
+ Red or "amber" detector of FOS
+ Blue detector of FOS
+ D1
+ GHRS detector side 1
+ D2
+ GHRS detector side 2
+ UV1
+ Ultraviolet detector 1 for HSP
+ UV2
+ Ultraviolet detector 2 for HSP
+ Visual detector for HSP
+ Polarimeter for HSP
+ Photomultiplier for HSP
+ NIC1
+ Detector for the NICMOS/NIC1
+ NIC2
+ Detector for the NICMOS/NIC2
+ NIC3
+ Detector for the NICMOS/NIC3
+ Detector for the STIS/FUV-MAMA
+ Detector for the STIS/NUV-MAMA
+ Detector for the STIS/CCD
+ Detector 1 of WFC3/UVIS
+ Detector 2 of WFC3/UVIS
+ IR
+ Detector for the WFC3/IR
+ PC1
+ Detector PC1 of WFPC2
+ PC5
+ Detector PC5 of WFPC
+ PC6
+ Detector PC6 of WFPC
+ PC7
+ Detector PC7 of WFPC
+ PC8
+ Detector PC8 of WFPC
+ WF1
+ Detector WF1 of WFPC
+ WF2
+ Detector WF2 of either WFPC or WFPC2
+ WF3
+ Detector WF3 of either WFPC or WFPC2
+ WF4
+ Detector WF4 of either WFPC or WFPC2
+ observation_type
+ 1.0
+ observation_type
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The type of the observation: one of IMAGING, SPECTROSCOPIC, or TIME-SERIES.
+ IMAGING indicates that a 2-D image with two spatial axes was obtained.
+ SPECTROSCOPIC indicates that one of the axes of the data array is related to
+ wavelength. TIME-SERIES indicates that one of the axes is sampling time.
+ For many HST data files, this is the value of FITS keyword OBSTYPE. Where
+ OBSTYPE does not appear, this value depends on other information.
+ - All ACS, NICMOS, WFC3, WFPC, and WFPC2 observations are IMAGING.
+ - All COS, FOS, and GHRS observations are SPECTROSCOPIC.
+ - All HSP observations are TIME-SERIES.
+ - For FOC, the observation_type depends on the value of FITS keyword OPMODE:
+ Note that, for ACS/HRC, the FITS keyword OBSTYPE can have a value of
+ CORONAGRAPHIC. In such cases, the value of this attribute is IMAGING and the
+ coronagraph_flag attribute indicates whether the coronagraph was used.
+ true
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ This product contains 2-D image with two spatial axes.
+ One of the axes of the data array is related to wavelength.
+ One of the axes of the data array is related to time.
+ hst_target_name
+ 1.0
+ hst_target_name
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The target of the observation as defined by the principal investigator. In HST
+ data files, this is the value of FITS keyword TARGNAME. Note that targets can be
+ named arbitrarily in HST observing programs, so the meaning of this character
+ string might not be obvious to the user.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ moving_target_flag
+ 1.0
+ moving_target_flag
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ A Boolean flag (true, false) indicating whether or not the telescope pointing
+ was based on tracking a moving target. For HST data files, this is derived from
+ the value of FITS keyword MTFLAG, which can have values of 1 or "T" for true or
+ 0, "F", or "" for false.
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ moving_target_keyword
+ 1.0
+ moving_target_keyword
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Keyword values used in the HST planning software to define a moving target. These
+ often provide easier-to-interpret information about a solar system target.
+ "ASTEROID 216".
+ These values are obtained from the FITS header of the _shf.fits or _spt.fits
+ file, given as values of keywords TARKEY1, TARKEY2, etc.
+ If no TARKEY keywords appear in the FITS header, this attribute should be nil
+ with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ moving_target_description
+ 1.0
+ moving_target_description
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The detailed information used for targeting HST. This includes information about
+ standard targets such as planets, satellites, and larger asteroids. It can also
+ include information used to determine offsets from the center of these bodies.
+ Here are some sample values of this attribute:
+ TYPE=TORUS, LONG=90, LAT=0, RAD-3.98E05
+ They are obtained from the FITS header of an observation's associated _shf.fits
+ or _spt.fits file. They are the values of FITS keywords MT_LV_1, MT_LV_2, etc.
+ Consult with HST documentation for detailed interpretations.
+ If no MT_LV keywords appear in the FITS header, this attribute should be nil
+ with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_String
+ aperture_name
+ 1.0
+ aperture_name
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The name of the aperture used for the observation. For HST data files, this is
+ generally the value of FITS keyword APERTURE. Note that these values are
+ instrument-specific; see the relevant HST Instrument Handbooks and Data
+ Handbooks for further details.
+ For FOC data, this attribute should be nil with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ proposed_aperture_name
+ 1.0
+ proposed_aperture_name
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The name of the proposed aperture used for the observation. For some data files,
+ this is the value of FITS keyword PROPAPER. It is needed because the proposed
+ aperture need not be the same as the aperture actually used. If the FITS keyword
+ PROPAPER is missing or has a blank value, the value of FITS keyword APERTURE is
+ used instead.
+ For FOC data, this attribute should be nil with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ targeted_detector_id
+ 1.0
+ targeted_detector_id
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The identifier of the detector(s) used to define the targeting of this
+ observation. For instruments with multiple detectors, this attribute
+ indicates the one that is most likely to contain the intended target. When
+ an observation was planned to employ more than one detector to encompass the
+ target, this attribute will have multiple values. For instruments that do not
+ have multiple detectors, this attribute will have a single value equal to that
+ of channel_id and detector_id.
+ For WFPC2, this attribute is derived from the value of the aperture:
+ - PC1 for apertures PC1, PC1-FIX, POLQP15P, FQCH4P15;
+ - WF2 for apertures WF2, WF2-FIX, FQUVN33, POLQN33, POLQN18, POLQP15W, FQCH4NW2,
+ FQCH4N33;
+ - WF3 for apertures WF3, WF3-FIX, FQCH4NW3, F160BN15;
+ - WF4 for apertures WF4, WF4-FIX, FQCH4NW4;
+ - All four for apertures WFALL, WFALL-FIX;
+ - PC1 and WF3 for aperture FQCH4N15.**
+ These are found in in Table 3.14 of the WFPC2 Instrument Handbook, Version 10.0.
+ Note that they often appear in FITS lab
+ (**Note: aperture FQCH4N15 was targeted relative to PC1, but was often used to
+ position the methane 0.89 micron quad filter atop the WF3 chip as well.)
+ For ACS/WFC, most aperture values begin with either "WFC1" or "WFC2", which
+ indicates which of the detectors was used for targeting. Apertures WFCM, WFC,
+ WFC-FIX, and WFCENTER are associated with both.
+ For WFC3/UVIS, most aperture values begin with either "UVIS1" or "UVIS2", which
+ indicates which of the detectors was used for targeting. Apertures UVIS,
+ UVIS-CENTER, UVIS-FIX, UVIS-IR-FIX, G280, and G280-REF are associated with both
+ detectors. The targeting of the UVIS-QUAD, UVIS-QUAD-FIX, and UVIS-QUAD-SUB
+ apertures is are determined based on the value of the selected quad filter:
+ UVIS1 for filters FQ378N, FQ387N, FQ437N, FQ492N, FQ508N, FQ619N, FQ674N, FQ750N,
+ FQ889N, and FQ937N; UVIS2 for filters FQ232N, FQ243N, FQ422M, FQ436N, FQ575N,
+ FQ634N, FQ672N, FQ727N, FQ906N, and FQ924N. (See Table 6.4 of the WFC3
+ Instrument Handbook.)
+ For WFPC, this is derived from the aperture value:
+ - WF1 for aperture W1; WF2 for aperture W2, etc.
+ - PC5 for aperture P5; PC6 for aperture P6, etc.
+ For COS/FUV, this attribute will always match the value(s) of detector_id.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ fine_guidance_sensor_lock_type
+ 1.0
+ fine_guidance_sensor_lock_type
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The commanded lock of the Fine Guidance Sensor during the observation. For HST
+ data files, this is the value of FITS keyword FGSLOCK.
+ Common values are:
+ - FINE: Fine lock on guide stars using two Fine Guidance Sensors. This is the
+ most accurate pointing option, within 0.2 to 1 arcsec.
+ - COARSE: Until new flight software (version 9.6) came online in September 1995,
+ if the guide star acquisition failed, the guiding dropped to COARSE track.
+ - GYRO: This mode produces the least accurate absolute and relative pointing.
+ Absolute pointing accuracy is about 2-50 arcsec and drift is 1-5 mas/sec.
+ - FINE/GYRO: Fine lock on a guide star using one FGS to control the pitch/yaw of
+ the spacecraft, while roll control is handled by the gyros. Absolute
+ accuracies can range from 0.5-5 arcseconds, while error due to roll drift
+ about the guide star would be ~ 1-2 mas/sec.
+ - UNKNOWN: Check the jitter files to find out what happened during the
+ observation.
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ gyroscope_mode
+ 1.0
+ gyroscope_mode
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The number of gyros scheduled for the observation, 2 or 3. For HST data files,
+ this is derived from the value of FITS keyword GYROMODE. A value of "3" or "T"
+ indicates that three gyroscopes were used; a value of "2" indicates that two
+ gyroscopes were used. However, some earlier HST products do not contain the
+ keyword GYROMODE; these observations were all obtained using three gyroscopes.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 2
+ 3
+ exposure_duration
+ 1.0
+ exposure_duration
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The total duration of the instrument's light integration time, in seconds. For
+ most HST data files, this is the value of FITS keyword EXPTIME; however, for
+ some data files, it is the value of keyword TEXPTIME.
+ Note that, for HST products that are the result of merging multiple exposures,
+ this is the sum of the exposure times of the individual source products.
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Time
+ exposure_type
+ 1.0
+ exposure_type
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ This keyword indicates how exposure time was calculated and whether it was
+ interrupted. For HST data files, this is the value of FITS keyword EXPFLAG.
+ Common values are NORMAL (the observation completed as requested), INTERRUPTED,
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ filter_name
+ 1.0
+ filter_name
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The name of the filter(s), grating(s), polarizer(s), or other optical elements
+ used for the observation. If two or more are combined, then both names are
+ given, separated by a plus sign "+".
+ For WFPC2 products, this is the name of either FITS keyword FILTNAM1 or FILTNAM2,
+ whichever is not blank. If neither is blank, the two values are combined using
+ "+", with the shorter-wavelength filter (the filter name containing the smaller
+ three-digit number) appearing first.
+ For ACS products:
+ - if FILTER1 is CLEAR1S or CLEAR1L and FILTER2 is CLEAR2S or CLEAR2L, the value
+ is "CLEAR";
+ - otherwise, if FILTER1 is CLEAR1S or CLEAR1L, the value of FILTER2 is used;
+ - otherwise, if FILTER2 is CLEAR2S or CLEAR2L, the value of FILTER1 is used;
+ - otherwise, the values of the two filters are combined with "+". If a polarizer
+ is used (FILTER1 or FILTER2 starts with "POL"), the name of the polarizer
+ appears second; otherwise, the filter with the shorter center wavelength (the
+ three-digit number inside the filter name) appears first.
+ For STIS products, wavelength response is defined by a grating (FITS keyword
+ OPT_ELEM) and the filter (FITS keyword FILTER). If the FILTER name is "Clear", the
+ grating name appears alone; otherwise, the two values are appended, separated by a
+ "+".
+ For FOC products, this is constructed from the values of the FITS keywords FILTNAM1,
+ FILTNAM2, FILTNAM3, and FILTNAM4. After omitting "CLEAR" values, the remaining
+ values are sorted and concatenated with "+".
+ For FOS products, this is the value of FITS keyword SPEC_1, which is found in the
+ _shf.fits file.
+ For GHRS products, this is the value of FITS keyword GRATING.
+ For other HST instruments, this is the value of FITS keyword FILTER. For instruments
+ that do not use filters, the value is "Not applicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ center_filter_wavelength
+ 1.0
+ center_filter_wavelength
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The approximate central wavelength of the filter bandpass, in microns. For WFPC2
+ and STIS data files, this is the value of FITS keyword CENTRWV, divided by
+ 10,000 to convert units from Angstroms to microns. The value is not provided for
+ other HST instruments.
+ For other HST instruments, this attribute should be nil with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Length
+ bandwidth
+ 1.0
+ bandwidth
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The approximate full width of the spectral bandpass, in microns. For WFPC2 and
+ STIS data files, this is the value of FITS keyword BANDWID, divided by 10,000 to
+ convert units from Angstroms to microns. The value is not provided for other HST
+ instruments.
+ For other HST instruments, this attribute should be nil with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Length
+ spectral_resolution
+ 1.0
+ spectral_resolution
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The approximate spectral resolution of this data product, in microns. For STIS
+ data files, this is the value of FITS keyword SPECRES, divided by 10,000 to
+ convert units from Angstroms to microns.
+ For other HST instruments, this attribute should be nil with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Length
+ instrument_mode_id
+ 1.0
+ instrument_mode_id
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The operating mode of the instrument. For most HST data products, this is the
+ value of FITS keyword OBSMODE. Consult the relevant HST handbooks for details
+ about each mode.
+ For FGS data files, this attribute should be nil with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ gain_setting
+ 1.0
+ gain_setting
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The commanded gain of the CCD, typically in units of electrons per DN.
+ For WFPC2 data products, this is the value of FITS keyword ATODGAIN, either
+ 7 or 15.
+ For ACS, STIS, and WFC3, it is the value of FITS keyword CCDGAIN.
+ For FGS data files and for HST instruments that do not have gain settings,
+ this attribute should be nil with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ coronagraph_flag
+ 1.0
+ coronagraph_flag
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ A Boolean flag (true, false) indicating whether a coronagraph was used for this
+ observation. For HST products, this attribute is generally derived from the value
+ of the FITS keyword APERTURE.
+ For ACS/HRC products, the coronagraph is in use if APERTURE is HRC-CORON1.8,
+ HRC-CORON3.0, or HRC-OCCULT0.8. This also corresponds to the FITS keyword OBSTYPE
+ being set to CORONAGRAPHIC.
+ For STIS products, a coronagraph is in use if APERTURE is 52X0.2F1, 52X0.2F1-R,
+ 50CORON, or begins with either "BAR" or "WEDGE".
+ For NICMOS/NIC2 products, a coronagraph is in use if APERTURE is NIC2-CORON.
+ This attribute is always false for HST instruments that do not have a
+ coronagraph.
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ cosmic_ray_split_count
+ 1.0
+ cosmic_ray_split_count
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ This is the number of "cosmic ray split" or "CR-split" exposures. CR-split
+ exposures are used because otherwise identical images can be used to filter out
+ the frequent but random bright spots in images associated with cosmic rays
+ hitting the detector. In HST products, this is the value of FITS keyword
+ For HST products that do not have a value of CRSPLIT, then the value of this
+ attribute is 1.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ repeat_exposure_count
+ 1.0
+ repeat_exposure_count
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ This is the number of repeated exposures as commanded for the HST instrument. For
+ HST products, this is the value of FITS keyword NRPTEXP. For instruments that do not
+ support repeated exposures, this attribute has a value of 1.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 1
+ subarray_flag
+ 1.0
+ subarray_flag
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ A Boolean flag (true, false) indicating whether or not this data product was
+ obtained using a subarray of the detector. For HST data files, this is derived
+ from the value of FITS keyword SUBARRAY, which can have values of "T" or 1 for
+ true or "F" or 0 for false.
+ For instruments that do not support subarrays, the value of this attribute is
+ always false.
+ false
+ ASCII_Boolean
+ binning_mode
+ 1.0
+ binning_mode
+ false
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ This attribute indicates how pixels have been combined on the detector during
+ readout. A value of 2 indicates that pixels have been combined in 2x2 squares;
+ A value of 1 indicates that the detector was read out at full resolution.
+ For many HST products this is the value of BINAXIS1 or BINAXIS2, whichever is
+ larger. (HST binning modes need not be square, so this attribute cannot fully
+ capture all the possibilities. Nevertheless, in practice, BINAXIS1 and BINAXIS2
+ are almost always equal.) Note that, for some HST products, the values of
+ BINAXIS1 and BINAXIS2 can be found in the global FITS header; for others, it is
+ found in the second header, which is the first data header.
+ For WFPC and WFPC2, this attribute is derived from the value of MODE:
+ - MODE = FULL -> binning_mode = 1
+ - MODE = AREA -> binning_mode = 2
+ For instruments that do not support binning options, the value of this attribute
+ is always 1.
+ false
+ ASCII_Integer
+ 1
+ 4
+ plate_scale
+ 1.0
+ plate_scale
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ This attribute indicates approximate spatial size of one pixel in the data
+ product, in units of arcseconds per pixel. For a few HST data products, this is
+ the value of FITS keyword PLATESC. For other HST instruments, we provide the
+ value if it can be readily determined. In cases where a product contains data
+ from detectors with different plate scales, it is the smallest value.
+ For non-imaging instruments, this attribute should be nil with nilReason = "inapplicable".
+ false
+ ASCII_Real
+ Units_of_Pixel_Resolution_Angular
+ mast_pipeline_version_id
+ 1.0
+ mast_pipeline_version_id
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ The value of keyword "OPUS_VER" found in the FITS header, if any. It is updated
+ when data files are re-calibrated.
+ This attribute is often missing from older data products. In such cases, this
+ attribute should be nil with nilReason = "missing".
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ hst_quality_id
+ 1.0
+ hst_quality_id
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Data quality summary found in the FITS header of the data product, which can
+ be populated by the HST pipeline if there are problems with the exposure.
+ Possible values include "OK", "GSFAIL", "EXPSHORT", and "TDF-DOWN". If multiple
+ values are provided, they are separated by semicolons.
+ This attribute may be missing from older data products. In such cases, this
+ attribute should be nil with nilReason = "missing".
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ hst_quality_comment
+ 1.0
+ hst_quality_comment
+ true
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Data quality comments found in the FITS header of the data product. This
+ attribute is filled in by the HST pipeline is populated if there are problems
+ with the exposure.
+ This attribute may be missing from older data products. In such cases, this
+ attribute should be nil with nilReason = "missing".
+ false
+ ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ Program_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Program_Parameters
+ Mitchell K. Gordon
+ Contains attributes describing the HST observing program.
+ false
+ mast_observation_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ hst_proposal_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ hst_pi_name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ visit_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Instrument_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Instrument_Parameters
+ Mitchell K. Gordon
+ Contains attributes related to the HST instrument(s) used.
+ false
+ instrument_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ channel_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ detector_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 4
+ observation_type
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Pointing_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Pointing_Parameters
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Contains attributes related to pointing and the observation target.
+ false
+ hst_target_name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ moving_target_flag
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ moving_target_keyword
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 4
+ moving_target_description
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 4
+ aperture_name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ proposed_aperture_name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ targeted_detector_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 4
+ Tracking_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Tracking_Parameters
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Contains attributes related to the instrument tracking.
+ false
+ fine_guidance_sensor_lock_type
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ gyroscope_mode
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Exposure_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Exposure_Parameters
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Contains attributes related to the observation exposure.
+ false
+ exposure_duration
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ exposure_type
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Wavelength_Filter_Grating_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Wavelength_Filter_Grating_Parameters
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Contains attributes related to wavelengths, filters, and gratings.
+ false
+ filter_name
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ center_filter_wavelength
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ bandwidth
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ spectral_resolution
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Operational_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Operational_Parameters
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Contains attributes related to the commanding and operations of an instrument.
+ false
+ instrument_mode_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ gain_setting
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ coronagraph_flag
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ cosmic_ray_split_count
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ repeat_exposure_count
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ subarray_flag
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ binning_mode
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ plate_scale
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Processing_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ Processing_Parameters
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Contains attributes related to the processing of the data after receipt.
+ false
+ mast_pipeline_version_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ hst_quality_id
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ hst_quality_comment
+ attribute_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ HST_Parameters
+ 1.0
+ HST_Parameters
+ Mark R. Showalter
+ Contains parameters specific to the Hubble Space Telescope.
+ false
+ true
+ Program_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Instrument_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Pointing_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Tracking_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Exposure_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Wavelength_Filter_Grating_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Operational_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
+ Processing_Parameters
+ component_of
+ 1
+ 1
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesAnc.hdf b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesAnc.hdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50beb506
Binary files /dev/null and b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesAnc.hdf differ
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesAnc.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesAnc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13621585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesAnc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_dinkinesh_raw:tes_0752123018_02097_eng_anc
+ 1.0
+ LTES Raw Data Product: tes_0752123018_02097_eng
+ Product_Ancillary
+ 2024
+ LTES observational science data product
+ 2024-08-19
+ 1.0
+ Initial version for Dinkinesh data delivery (August 2024).
+ urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:document:ltes_sis
+ ancillary_to_document
+ 10.1007/s11214-023-01029-y
+ Christensen, P. R., Hamilton, V. E., Mehall, G. L. et al. The Lucy Thermal Emission Spectrometer (L'TES) Instrument. Space Sci Rev 220, 1 (2024).
+ tesAnc.hdf
+ data_file
+ 2024-08-15T21:00:24Z
+ 263023
+ 8e942db1708f8914a518108240af7b50
+ ifgm
+ 36101
+ 1
+ Last Index Fastest
+ Interferogram
+ IEEE754MSBSingle
+ observation
+ 53732
+ 1
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesBrw.hdf b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesBrw.hdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50beb506
Binary files /dev/null and b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesBrw.hdf differ
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesBrw.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesBrw.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71956701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesBrw.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_dinkinesh_raw:tes_0752123018_02097_eng_brw
+ 1.0
+ LTES Raw Data Product: tes_0752123018_02097_eng
+ Product_Browse
+ 2024
+ LTES observational science data product
+ 2024-08-19
+ 1.0
+ Initial version for Dinkinesh data delivery (August 2024).
+ urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:document:ltes_sis
+ browse_to_document
+ 10.1007/s11214-023-01029-y
+ Christensen, P. R., Hamilton, V. E., Mehall, G. L. et al. The Lucy Thermal Emission Spectrometer (L'TES) Instrument. Space Sci Rev 220, 1 (2024).
+ tesBrw.hdf
+ data_file
+ 2024-08-15T21:00:24Z
+ 263023
+ 8e942db1708f8914a518108240af7b50
+ ifgm
+ 36101
+ 1
+ Last Index Fastest
+ Interferogram
+ IEEE754MSBSingle
+ observation
+ 53732
+ 1
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesObs.hdf b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesObs.hdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50beb506
Binary files /dev/null and b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesObs.hdf differ
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesObs.xml b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesObs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..192c8ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesObs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_dinkinesh_raw:tes_0752123018_02097_eng
+ 1.0
+ LTES Raw Data Product: tes_0752123018_02097_eng
+ Product_Observational
+ 2024
+ LTES observational science data product
+ 2024-08-19
+ 1.0
+ Initial version for Dinkinesh data delivery (August 2024).
+ LTES observations
+ 2023-11-01T15:04:39.318Z
+ 2023-11-01T15:05:39.329Z
+ Science
+ Raw
+ Infrared
+ Surface
+ Spectroscopy
+ Lucy
+ Mission
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.lucy
+ data_to_investigation
+ Lucy
+ Host
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.lucy
+ is_instrument_host
+ Lucy Thermal Emission Spectrometer (L'TES)
+ Instrument
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lucy.ltes
+ is_instrument
+ Space
+ Calibration Field
+ urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibration_field.space
+ data_to_target
+ urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:document:ltes_sis
+ data_to_document
+ 10.1007/s11214-023-01029-y
+ Christensen, P. R., Hamilton, V. E., Mehall, G. L. et al. The Lucy Thermal Emission Spectrometer (L'TES) Instrument. Space Sci Rev 220, 1 (2024).
+ tesObs.hdf
+ data_file
+ 2024-08-15T21:00:24Z
+ 263023
+ 8e942db1708f8914a518108240af7b50
+ ifgm
+ 36101
+ 1
+ Last Index Fastest
+ Interferogram
+ IEEE754MSBSingle
+ observation
+ 53732
+ 1
+ tesSup.jpg
+ 2024-08-15T21:00:24Z
+ 222947
+ junk
+ 0
+ 1
+ Last Index Fastest
+ Interferogram
+ IEEE754MSBSingle
+ observation
+ 55736
+ 1
diff --git a/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesSup.jpg b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesSup.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ee50396
Binary files /dev/null and b/model-lddtool/src/test/resources/github831/tesSup.jpg differ