Thanatos is a Windows and Linux C2 agent written in rust.
To install Thanatos, you will need Mythic set up on a machine.
In the Mythic root directory, use mythic-cli
to install the agent.
sudo ./mythic-cli install github
sudo ./mythic-cli payload start thanatos
Thanatos supports the http C2 profile:
sudo ./mythic-cli install github
sudo ./mythic-cli c2 start http
- Background job management
- Built-in ssh client
- Connect to a machine and download/upload files between that machine and Mythic
- Get directory listings from machines using sftp
- Spawn agents on machines using ssh
- ssh-agent hijacking
- Streaming portscan
- Stand up TCP redirectors
- v0.2.0
- Socks proxying
- Windows token manipulation
- More browser script integration
- DNS C2 profile
- p2p capabilities
- In memory shellcode execution
Command | Syntax | Description |
cat | cat [file] |
Output the contents of a file. |
cd | cd [new directory] |
Change directory. |
cp | cp [source] [destination] |
Copy a file from [source] to [destination]. |
download | download [path] |
Download a file from the target system (supports relative paths). |
exit | exit |
Exit the agent. |
getenv | getenv |
Get the current environment variables. |
getprivs | getprivs |
Get the privileges of the agent session. |
jobkill | jobkill [job id] |
Shutdown a running background job. |
jobs | jobs |
List currently running background jobs. |
ls | ls [directory] |
List files or directories (supports relative paths). |
mkdir | mkdir [directory] |
Make a new directory. |
mv | mv [source] [destination] |
Move a file from [source] to [destination] (supports relative paths). |
portscan | portscan [popup] |
Scan a list of IPs for open ports. |
ps | ps |
Get a list of currently running processes. |
pwd | pwd |
Print working directory. |
redirect | redirect [<bindhost>:<bindport>:<connecthost>:<connectport>] |
Setup a TCP redirector on the remote system. |
rm | rm [path] |
Remove a file or directory (supports relative paths). |
setenv | setenv [name] [value] |
Set environment variable [name] to [value]. |
shell | shell [command] |
Run a shell command with bash -c on Linux or cmd.exe /c on Windows in a new thread. |
sleep | sleep [interval][units] [jitter] |
Set the sleep interval and jitter (supports unit suffixing). |
ssh | ssh [popup] |
Use ssh to execute commands, download/upload files or grab directory listings. |
ssh-agent | ssh-agent [-c <socket>] [-d] [-l] |
Connect to running ssh agent sockets on the host or list identities. |
ssh-spawn | ssh-spawn [popup] |
Spawn a Mythic agent on a remote host using ssh. |
unsetenv | unsetenv [var] |
Unset an environment variable. |
upload | upload [popup] |
Upload a file to the host machine. |
Command | Syntax | Description |
powershell | powershell [command] |
Run a command using powershell.exe /c in a new thread. |