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This repository proposes a solution for the Inv-MR-Sort and Inv-NCS problems using linear programming

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This is a project for decision systems

Please feel free to read the file MR-Sort-NCS.pdf to understand the case. Inside the python files, you can also find references to some papers used.


MR-Sort is a decision system that sorts the items into classes based on their evaluation on each criteria using some parameters. The goal of Inverse MR-Sort is to learn those parameters from decisions that have been made. Please refere to the paper for more details.

File structure

        ├──                  # data generation and model testing
        ├──                  # executes `` and saves its log
        ├──                  # evaluate the model performance
        ├──                   # Gurobi solver
        ├──        # generates data to output/data.csv
        ├──    # generates instances with MR-sort
        ├──                 # helper functions
        └──                # configuration file 


The Classes are given as integers from 1 to MaxClasses, where MaxClasses is the maximum number of classes in the data. 0 is reserved for instances that can't be in any Class.

Data Structure

Each instance of the problems should be stroed in a csv file with the following format:

id mark_1 mark_2 mark_3 mark_4 class
0 12 16 12 15 2
1 12 2 10 8 0
2 12 10 13 14 1


  • Please refer to to change the configuration that we have used.
  • To generate data, go inside the folder, and run It is possible to change default_params in to generate different data, or data_saving_path to save the data to a different file.
cd Inv-MR-Sort
  • To Use the model with a generated dataset with the default parameters and test its performance, use the following command, and all the outputs will be saved to Inv-MR-Sort/output/.
cd Inv-MR-Sort
default_params = {
    "n": 6,  # Number of criteria
    "p": 1,  # number of profiles (the classe "no classe" is not counted)
    "profiles": [[10, 12, 10, 12, 8, 13]],  # b^h_j , h=1..p , j=1..n
    "weights": [0.15, 0.25, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1, 0.25],  # w_j , j=1..n
    "lmbda": 0.7,
    "n_generated": 1000,
  • It is possible to ignore the Analysis code (heavy) by adding -l to activate the light mode.
python -l
  • To use a different dataset architecture (e.g. different number of classes), please change the default_params in or change the code of Otherwise, you can provide the 3 arguments -n number of criteria, -p number of profiles and -g number of generated instances.
python -n 4 -p 2 -g 1000 -l
  • To Use the model with a specific dataset, use the following command, and the solution will be saved to Inv-MR-Sort/output/solution.sol and also printed at the end of the program.
python -d data_path
  • To use the model with a noisy Decision Maker, use the following command to generate a noisy dataset and to test its generalization performance. It possible to provide the 4 arguments -N to specify decision error probability -n number of criteria, -p number of profiles and -g number of generated instances. The noisy mode enables light mode automatically.
python -N 0.05 -g 1000 -n 4 -p 2


Let's look at the performance of the Gurobi solver. In figures below, we show the prediction performance (accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score) of the model on the test dataset. And we also show the duration of Inference.

The effect of variating n_generated the number of instances to be trained on is shown in the following figure.

Performance Duration(in s)
image imsage

The effect of variating n the number of criteria is shown in the following figure.

Performance Duration(in s)
image imsage


Non-compensentary sorting relies on the notions of satisfactory values of the criteria and sufficient coalitions of criteria. it combines into defining the fitness of an alternative: an alternative is deemed fit if it has satisfactory values on a sufficient coalition of criteria.

File structure

        │                       # input parameters to generate data
        │               # generates data to output/data.csv
        │                        # model testing
        │                         # data generation and model testing
        │                          # SATSolver class
        ├───gophersat                       # SAT solver files
        │   ├───linux64
        │   │       gophersat-1.1.6
        │   ├───macos64
        │   │       gophersat-1.1.6
        │   └───win64
        │           gophersat-1.1.6.exe
        │       solution.sol                # final solution with boolean values of each clause
        │       workingfile.cnf             # the cnf file containing clauses
        ├── data
            ├── learning_data.csv
            └── test_data.csv


The Classes are given as integers from 0 to len(profiles), where len(profiles) is the maximum number of classes in the data.

Data Structure

Data have the same structure as in Inv-MR-sort:

instance id criterion_0 criterion_1 criterion_2 criterion_3 class
0 12 16 12 15 1
1 12 2 10 8 0
2 12 10 13 14 1

After running the code (see next section), you could see the generated data in Inv-NCS/data/learning_data.csv and Inv-NCS/data/test_data.csv


First start by adding the gophersat solver folder in the Inv-NCS folder, just like the structure shown above. Then head to Inv-NCS/ to modify the configuration we used.

params = {
    "criteria": list(range(3)),  # list of criterias
    "coalitions": [[0, 1], [2]],  # list of sufficient coalitions
    "profiles": [[10, 6, 11.2], [12.3, 15, 15]],  # list of profiles (p=2)
    "n_ground_truth": 1000, # size of test set
    "n_learning_set": 50, # size of learning set
    "mu": 0.1,  # pourcentage of misclassified instances (of learning set)
  • To solve an Inv-NCS problem:
python Inv-NCS/
  • To generate data for an Inv-NCS problem:
python Inv-NCS/
  • To learn an NCS model from the data in the Inv-NCS/data folder:
python Inv-NCS/


This is how your output should look like after running the Inv-NCS model:

{'coalitions': [[0], [1], [2]],
 'criteria': [0, 1, 2],
 'mu': 0.1,
 'n_ground_truth': 1000,
 'n_learning_set': 256,
 'profiles': array([[13,  2,  9],
       [14,  5, 19]])}

## Restoration rate :   98.828125%
## Generalization Indexes :
=> Confusion Matrix :
 [[323   9   0]
  [ 32 302   0]
  [  0   0 334]]
=> Accuracy :  0.96
=> Precision :  0.96
=> Recall :  0.96
=> F1 :  0.96


  • restoration rate: pourcentage of alternatives properly restored from the learning set
  • generalization indexes: set of metrics to measure how much the learnt model can generalize upon unseen data (the test_data)

For evaluations please check the notebook Inv-NCS/eval.ipynb

Let's look at the performance of the MaxSAT solver. In figures below, we show the prediction performance (accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score) of the model on the test dataset, as well as the computing duration.

The effect of variating n_learning_set the number of instances to be trained on is shown in the following figures.

Performance Duration(in s)
image imsage

The effect of variating n the number of criteria is shown in the following figures.

Performance Duration(in s)
image imsage

The effect of variating mu the pourcentage of misclassified alternatives.

Performance Duration(in s)
image imsage


We also extended the usage of Inv-NCS for single-peaked criterion, a.k.a where the "accepted" evaluations reside in an interval of values

You can use that by modifying the profiles parameters in Inv-NCS-single-peaked/

params = {
    "criteria": list(range(3)),  # list of criterias
    "coalitions": [[0, 1], [2]],  # list of sufficient coalitions
    "profiles": [[10, 10, 10], [15, 15, 15]],  # only evaluations 10 and 15 for each critierion are admitted
    "n_ground_truth": 1000, # size of test set
    "n_learning_set": 50, # size of learning set
    "mu": 0.1,  # pourcentage of misclassified instances (of learning set)

and run Inv-NCS the same way as before:

python Inv-NCS-single-peaked/


This repository proposes a solution for the Inv-MR-Sort and Inv-NCS problems using linear programming






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Contributors 3
