DocumentCloud was created in 2009 through generous funding from the Knight Foundation. The following is a work-in-progress list of the people who've built, maintained and/or contributed to the platform and its components:
- Adam Hooper, @adamhooper
- Al Shaw, @ashaw
- Alan McLean, @amclean
- Allan Lasser, @allanlasser
- Amanda Hickman, @amandabee
- Anthony DeBarros, @anthonydb
- Ben Koski, @bkoski
- Ben Welsh, @palewire
- Chris Amico, @eyeseast
- Clay Selby, @cometman
- Dan Nguyen, @dannguyen
- Danny DeBelius, @dannydb
- Danny Povolotski, @israelidanny
- David Lemayian, @DavidLemayian
- Dylan Freedman, @freedmand
- Emily Yount, @emilyyount
- Ivar Vong, @ivarvong
- Jérémie Parker, @p-j
- Jeremy Ashkenas, @jashkenas
- Justin Reese, @reefdog
- Lauren Grandestaff, @lgrandestaff
- Mike Adler, @adler
- Mitchell Kotler, @mitchelljkotler
- Nathan Stitt, @nathanstitt
- Nick Loadholtes, @nloadholtes
- Samantha Sunne, @samanthasunne
- Samuel Clay, @samuelclay
- Sanjin @duckduckgrayduck
- Ted Han, @knowtheory
- Tim Caswell, @creationix