- Copy the raw code from Importcode.md and import it in to Streamer.bot, there should be 9 new Actions now.
- Example:
- Firstly we need to create two new text files for the Giveaway actions to use - where you save them is ultimately up to you, but for example's sake and my choice I'll do so in the H:\Streamer.bot x64\data\ folder.
- You can do so by right clicking empty space in the folder and going to New and selecting New Text Document. Now you can call the one ListEntries and the other one ListWinners.
- Example:
- Now that our file system is ready we can head over to Streamer.bot and finish up our setup with a few more steps.
- Under "Giveaway - Setup : !giveawaysetup" Sub-Actions you will see two file locations we need to point to our newly created files.
- Example:
- Next we create some Chat Commands and link them to their actions.
- Giveaway - Setup : !giveawaysetup, Recommended Allow user only "The streamer".
- Giveaway - Set Info : !setinfo, Recommended Allow Mods only.
- Giveaway - Set Duration : !setduration, Recommended Allow Mods only.
- Giveaway - Set Allowed Entries : !setentries, Recommended Allow Mods only.
- Giveaway - Run : !rungiveaway, Recommended Allow Mods only.
- Giveaway - Pick Winner : !pickwinner, Recommended Allow Mods only.
- Giveaway - Clear : !clear, Recommended Allow Mods only.
- Giveaway - Enter : !enter, Recommended Allow Everyone.
- Giveaway : !giveaway, Recommended Allow Everyone.
- Example:
- Finally we can run the !giveawaysetup in twitch chat to Complete our setup.
- The Setup is now complete and you ready to learn how to use the Actions/Commands.
- Now for the Admin to get the Giveaway ready, would recommend to do so before stream but can be done while streaming.
- Using the !setinfo allows you or a mod to set the info for the giveaway keeping in mind twitch's 500 character limit in chat.
- Example:
- Using the !setduration "Number" allows you or a mod to set the duration the giveaway will run for in minutes with a minimum of 5 minutes. This means you can run the giveaway for 60 min or for an entire 3 hour (180 minute) stream.
- Example:
- Sets the duration of the giveaway for 10 minutes, once the duration is over viewers are unable to enter regardless of the entries they have left.
- Using the !setentries allows you or a mod to specify the amount of times a Viewer is allowed to enter the giveaway.
- Example:
- Sets the Limit of entries to 5, giving our viewers more of a chance to win. The limit can be raised during a giveaway, but lowering it is not recommended as this will put new entries at a disadvantage.
- Using the !rungiveaway allows you or a mod to start the giveaway, this will run for the previously set duration. While the giveaway is running viewers able to enter the giveaway until their entries are up.
- Example:
- You are also able to run the giveaway multiple times, incase you feel like giving chat another chance to get their entries in. Each time you use the the !rungiveaway command it will run for the the previously set duration unless you have set a new duration.
- Using the !pickwinner allows you or a mod to randomly pick a Winner from the Entries.
- Example:
- You are also able to pick multiple winners by adding a space with a number to the end of the !pickwinner command, as in the example it will pick 2 winners from the entry list and add them to the winners list for later review. It will also notify them in chat with a message to let them know they won.
- Using the !clear allows you or a mod to clear the entry list, this allows the viewers to re-enter until their entries are up again.
- Example:
- Using the !entry allows your viewers to enter the Giveaway, they can enter one entry at a time or enter all their available entries at once by by adding the appropriate number with a space after the !enter command as in the Example.
- Example:
- Using the !giveaway command allows your viewers to get the info of the giveaway that you previously set.
- Example: