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File metadata and controls

66 lines (46 loc) · 2.42 KB


Ban stans from your server automatically.


Put the plugin in your server's plugin files.



When a player joins, the plugin reads their username and searhes it for string matches that are set in the config.
If there is a match:

  • The plugin kicks them
  • A ban is added
  • Message sent in chat
  • If you have commands to be run enabled in config, they will be run
  • Their username is added to banned.txt for use later with the /unbanallstans command if you would like


stanban.reload - gives permisson to reload the plugin's config file, duh!
stanban.unbanall - gives permisson to run the command /unbanallstans.


/stanbanreload (alias: /sbreload) - reloads the plugin's config file, duh!
/unbannallstans - unban all players that the plugin has banned for being a stan (the players are stored in banned.txt).


The config.yml is pretty self-explanatory but here is a basic rundown:

Using %player% throughout the config will replace it with the banned players name!

# StanBan by MrRazamataz. This config file was generated for v1.1.1 but should work on older/newer versions.
# Using %player%, you can represent the username of the player whos being banned.

  names: # here is a list of strings that a username should contain in order to be detected as a stan
    - Dream
    - NotFound
  ban-message: "&cYou have been detected as a Dream or GeorgeNotFound stan!"
  chat-broadcast-message: "[&cStanBan&r] &a&l%player% was detected as a stan and was banned from the server!"
    - "say hello there guys, %player% just got banned for being a stan!"
    - "discord action command or something %player%"
  enabled: false

Under names you can add as many strings that you would like stan usernames to contain. For example, in the above config, the name "TestingNotFound" would be detected as a stan.

ban-message is the message that the stan is banned with.
chat-broadcast-message is the message in chat that is broadcast when a stan is banned.


You can set actions (just console commands atm) that run when a player is banned. You can add as many as you wish in the list.



I am trying to help other peoples pain.