VisualFire is a Plugin for IntelliJ that allows you to view and update your Firebase Realtime Database. Further you can copy paste your database (your selected node including all its children) via simple ctrl +c (depending on your OS) or paste any JSON and make it part of your Firebase DB (soon).
Compile the Project ( Gradle Task -> RunIDE ), got Views -> Tools -> VisualFire. Now you'll see on the right side of your IDE a tab "VisualFire". Open it, switch to the tab "Configs" and select your Firebase configs .JSON File. If you have selected a valid JSON File, your database should be loaded now. You can edit your nodes via double clicking on them. Have fun coding
You'll need a Firebase Account and your credentials JSON File.
As Test-Engine JUnit and Mockito is used.
- Firebase Admin SDK Java - That domain code wraps around that SDK.
- Gradle - Dependency Management
- Mockito - Mocking and Testing
- Swing - GUI
Write engine for reading and updating dataCreate Swing UIReal time updatesIntegrate swing UI into IDECopy to JSON- Import from JSON
UI LayoutInsert / delete a node from tree- Unit Tests (yeah, I was too fast on this one. In progress..)
- UI Improvement (correct alignments, drag & drop within the tree and maybe a little logo)
- Add Auto Complete
- Search through tree
- Add more Firebase Services (Storage, Security Rules, Cloud Functions, ...)
- Martin Nowosad - Creator - MrIceman
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Nobody yet :(