A personal moduling library, to explore modularity after using AngularJS.
100 lines of code trying to achieve a module and mvvm framework with some DI support written for mobile js apps
// data-app attribute maps to a root application
<!html data-app>
<!html data-app='a.namespaced.app'>
// bind a viewmodel to a element
<div data-viewmodel='index'>
// can use knockout
<span data-bind="timeAndDay: updatedAt"></span>
// then value from data-app attribute is the name of our app, with fallback to '$Application' as the default.
$hit.Application( function(){
return {
activate: function($map){
// app wide dependencies can be injected. $map is the same as this.cache which is a js hash
$map.il8nData = {DEMO_STRING: { value: 'reloj', lang:'es'}};
// map a third party library for injection
$map.$moment = moment;
databind: function(vm, element){
//databind is a app level callback for all views
// plugin knockout, or handlebars, or whatever
ko.applyBindings(vm, element)
// define a viewmodel, depend on l8nService, and the app scope by using '$scope'
$hit.ViewModel('index', function( il8nService, $scope ){
this.title = il8nService.label('DEMO_STRING') + 'demo';
// Define a service to inject
// either syntax can be used, depending on use case
// $hit.Service for global
// or
someApp.Service('il8nService', function(il8nData, $scope){
// argument '$scope' injects the app scope from caller should you need it
this.data = il8nData;
this.label: function(key){
// data was injected app wide
return this.data[key];