diff --git a/src/SUMMARY.md b/src/SUMMARY.md
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--- a/src/SUMMARY.md
+++ b/src/SUMMARY.md
@@ -70,9 +70,6 @@
- [Other](tools/other/intro.md)
- [Ruler Tool](tools/other/ruler.md)
- [Path Tool](tools/other/path.md)
-- [Multiplayer](multiplayer/intro.md)
- - [Commercial Usage](multiplayer/commercial.md)
- - [Permissions](multiplayer/permissions.md)
- [Advanced](advanced/intro.md)
- [Commands](advanced/commands.md)
- [Config](advanced/configuration.md)
diff --git a/src/advanced/commands.md b/src/advanced/commands.md
index 9e16abf..2580e36 100644
--- a/src/advanced/commands.md
+++ b/src/advanced/commands.md
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Commands are essential for management and debugging.
### /axiomenablecheats
-- Forces the world to have cheats enabled, even if they are disabled. This is not available in [Multiplayer](/multiplayer/intro.md).
+- Forces the world to have cheats enabled, even if they are disabled. This is not available in Multiplayer.
### /axiomhandshake
-- Tests the connection by emulating a player join on a server. This only works on [Multiplayer](/multiplayer/intro.md).
+- Tests the connection by emulating a player join on a server.
### /axiomintro
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Commands are essential for management and debugging.
## Axiom Gamerule Commands
-These are some extra commands for controlling the world and its properties. These are not available in [Multiplayer](/multiplayer/intro.md).
+These are some extra commands for controlling the world and its properties. These are not available when playing on a paper server.
### axiomDoBlockDrops
@@ -48,10 +48,4 @@ These are some extra commands for controlling the world and its properties. Thes
## Compatible commands
-`//pos1` and `//pos2` are part of Axiom, but are intended to be used alongside WorldEdit.
-## Multiplayer Commands
-### /axiompaperdebug [permission]
-- Used to check whether the player has the provided [permission](/multiplayer/permissions.md) and returns true/false.
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+`//pos1` and `//pos2` are part of Axiom, but are intended to be used alongside WorldEdit. They expand the provided corner point to the player's position.
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diff --git a/src/builder/blockattributes.md b/src/builder/blockattributes.md
index 63780b2..779f651 100644
--- a/src/builder/blockattributes.md
+++ b/src/builder/blockattributes.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The Edit Block Attributes menu can be used to configure multiple settings that a
| Setting | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| Show Collision Mesh | Creates a red outline for every block with a transparent hitbox like leaves or fences. |
+| Show Collision Mesh | Creates a red outline for every block with a transparent hitbox like barriers or fences. |
| Show Light Blocks | Adds a texture[^note1] for light blocks and enables interactions with them. |
| Show Structure Void Blocks | Adds a texture[^note2] for structure void blocks. |
| Expand Hitboxes to Full Cube | Sets all hitboxes to a full block. Affects blocks like slabs or buttons. |
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ The Edit Block Attributes menu can be used to configure multiple settings that a
[^note1]: ![Light Block Texture](/img/light_block_15.png)
-[^note2]: ![Light Block Texture](/img/structure_void.png)
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+[^note2]: ![Structure Void Texture](/img/structure_void.png)
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diff --git a/src/editor/mainmenubar.md b/src/editor/mainmenubar.md
index daa3490..c9e5c52 100644
--- a/src/editor/mainmenubar.md
+++ b/src/editor/mainmenubar.md
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ The main menu bar gives users access to crucial functionality of the mod. Here y
| Function | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Import Schematic | Imports schematic files to your clipboard. |
-| Export Schematic | Exports clipboard as a schematic file. With the [Commercial License](/multiplayer/commercial.md), you can set what version the schematic should be. This can go all the way back to 1.7. |
+| Export Schematic | Exports clipboard as a schematic file. With the [Commercial License](https://axiom.moulberry.com/commercial), you can set what version the schematic should be. This can go all the way back to 1.7. |
| Open Reference Image | Adds a window with an image of your choice. |
-| Load Bedrock Packs | Allows you to import Bedrock Edition textures or models. (Requires [Commercial License](/multiplayer/commercial.md)) |
+| Load Bedrock Packs | Allows you to import Bedrock Edition textures or models. (Requires [Commercial License](https://axiom.moulberry.com/commercial)) |
| Save Selection as CSV | Exports a selection to a CSV[^note1] format. |
| Save Clipboard as JSON Model | This allows you to take blocks and convert them to an item model. Models can be used in resource packs or imported into Blockbench. |
diff --git a/src/editor/windows/blueprints.md b/src/editor/windows/blueprints.md
index 481a9cd..a4c1aaa 100644
--- a/src/editor/windows/blueprints.md
+++ b/src/editor/windows/blueprints.md
@@ -22,14 +22,6 @@ Once you have blueprints, you can view them in the **Blueprint Browser**. You'll
> Tip: You can go back and refresh by clicking the appropriate button next to the seach box.
-## File Format
-Blueprints are stored as `.bp` files in the [Configuration](/advanced/configuration.md). The blueprint file itself is a GZ[^note1] and can be opened in programs such as 7zip to reveal the NBT file inside. The thumbnail, author and tags are also stored within the `.bp` file.
## Multiplayer
-On [Multiplayer](/multiplayer/intro.md), blueprints can be saved to and downloaded from the server rather than saving to your device. This means everyone on the server can use your saved blueprint.
-## Notes
-[^note1]: [GZ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzip) is a compressed file format.
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+On multiplayer, blueprints can be saved to and downloaded from the server rather than saving to your device. This means everyone on the server can use your saved blueprint.
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diff --git a/src/intro.md b/src/intro.md
index d45c75c..9421388 100644
--- a/src/intro.md
+++ b/src/intro.md
@@ -16,16 +16,5 @@ To open/close the [Editor Mode](editor/intro.md), press Right Shift
These keybinds can be adjusted in Minecraft's controls menu (Esc > Options > Controls)
-## Latest Update
-Update 3.0.0 introduced the [Script Brush](tools/painting/scriptbrush.md). This tool has been on the todo list for months but it's finally here! This unique tool introduces many new possibilities as it allows users to create their own brush with its own unique functionality.
-There is another new operation called 'Export Clipboard to JSON Model' and it can be found under the Operations menu in the [Main Menu Bar](editor/mainmenubar.md). Alongside this, some smaller features such as the '/axiomtogglecapability' [Command](advanced/commands.md) and some bug fixes.
-###### Last Documentation Update: 29/05/24
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+###### Last Documentation Update: 03/06/24
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index c62988b..0000000
--- a/src/multiplayer/commercial.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Commercial Usage
-## How It Works
-If you make any profit[^note1] by selling your Axiom builds, you'll need to purchase a Commercial License.
-Even if Axiom was used for a few minutes, you must purchase a commercial license.
-### Where To Buy
-You can purchase commercial licenses from [here](https://axiom.moulberry.com/commercial).
-If you haven't already, you'll need to sign in with Google by pressing the purple 'Sign In' button. Now you'll be able to agree to the EULA[^note2] located at the bottom of the page. After agreeing to the EULA, you'll be presented with the licenses
-## Commercial Features
-With a Commercial License, you'll be able to use multiple exclusive features.
-- History Persistence
-History Persistance keeps your history between worlds, allowing you to leave the server knowing your history hasn't been lost. For servers, the history is stored on the server itself rather than the client.
-- Blueprint sharing on servers
-[Shared Blueprints](/editor/windows/blueprints.md#Multiplayer) are used to share blueprints with other players on the server.
-- Schematic Version Exporting (1.7 to 1.20)
-Allows [Exporting Schematics](/editor/mainmenubar.md) for different verions all the way back to 1.7.
-- Custom Server APIs
-Leverage powerful server APIs like serverside custom blocks to accelerate development.
-## Whitelists
-Whitelists are used when playing on servers for non-commercial[^note1] purposes. For example, playing with friends to build a house with Axiom.
-You cannot use a whitelist for selling your houses made with Axiom.
-Whitelists must be requested and last for 30 days each. You can request multiple but cannot request for a whitelist in advance.
-You can request a whitelist from the [Discord](). You should read the #whitelist-request channel as it provides you with the information on how to request a whitelist.
-After you've requested your whitelist, it will take less than 24 hours to be reviewed. This is due to the process being manual and there are many requests to go through at a time.
-Now you should be able to use axiom on multiplayer.
-After 30 days you'll be prompted to renew your whitelist with a message in the chat.
-## Notes
-[^note1]: In this context, commercial means the server itself makes money. For example, selling your worlds made with Axiom on Patreon. However, this doesn't include profiting from YouTube by showcasing your Axiom builds.
-[^note2]: You can find the EULA [here](https://axiom.moulberry.com/eula).
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--- a/src/multiplayer/intro.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Multiplayer
-With multiplayer, you can access multiple exclusive features such as the ability to teleport to other players using the [Editor UI](/editor/intro.md).
-Axiom is available for Paper and Fabric servers. To use Axiom on a Paper server, you'll need to have the plugin on the server. You can download the plugin from [here](https://modrinth.com/plugin/axiom-paper-plugin). To use Axiom on a Fabric server, you can use the base mod from [here](https://modrinth.com/mod/axiom) and place it in the plugins folder.
-If you're using Axiom for commercial purposes, you'll need to purchase a [Commercial License](commercial.md).
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--- a/src/multiplayer/permissions.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Permissions
-Permissions can be used to control what a player can and cannot do with Axiom. Below are all server permissions and their effects.
-> Tip: Using a permissions plugin such as luckperms is essential for managing player permissions.
-| Permission | Effect |
-| ------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| axiom.* | Provides the player with all Axiom permissions. |
-| axiom.allow_copying_other_plots | Used for plot-based servers when you don't want players copying other player's plots[^note1]. |
-| axiom.can_import_blocks | Determines whether the player can import [blueprints](/editor/windows/blueprints.md) or schematics. Generally used for building competitions where you don't want players to use pre-existing structures. |
-| axiom.debug | Determines whether the player can run [Debug Commands](/advanced/commands.md#Multiplayer_Commands). |
-| axiom.entity.* | Provides the player with all entity permissions. |
-| axiom.entity.delete | Determines whether players can delete [Display Entities](/builder/displayentities.md) and [Marker Entities](/builder/marker.md). |
-| axiom.entity.manipulate | Determines whether players can move and modify [Display Entities](/builder/displayentities.md) and [Marker Entities](/builder/marker.md). |
-| axiom.entity.spawn | Determines whether players can create [Display Entities](/builder/displayentities.md) and [Marker Entities](/builder/marker.md). |
-## Notes
-[^note1]: Axiom requires the [Plotsquared plugin](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/plotsquared) for the permission to correctly function.
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