- Clone the repository. if you have an old version of git, you may need to pass
to git. - Download Microchip XC16 compiler from http://microchipdeveloper.com/xc16:installation
- Download the Peripheral Libraries (PLIBS) for "PIC24/dsPIC® DSCs" from http://www.microchip.com/mplab/compilers#pic24 and install them in the same folder
- Make sure the directory of the xc16-gcc compiler in in the PATH
- make sure you have a recent version of CMake - 3.5 or better.
- You will also have the master branch of aseba cloned
- Create a build directory
mkdir build && cd build
- invoke cmake :
cmake -D<path/to/aseba> ..
- build:
I recommend you use ninja
instead of make.
The mast 2 steps then become
- invoke cmake:
cmake -D<path/to/aseba> -GNinja ..
- build:
To upload the .hex to the robot, use the Thymio firmware upgrader and not a program such as icd3 or pickit3.