Before we start to show you how to setup every system and config files, you need to have installed the following programs on your PC:
As we make use of GitLab to store our project's code, you will need to have git
installed, which doesn't come prepackaged with Windows. You can install from From now on, we will assume you run all your commands from the Git bash that comes with it, as it supports all the POSIX commands.
You can use either WinSCP, Filezilla or a direct ssh
connection through your terminal.
In order to access our MongoDB development and production databases you will need a GUI client. We use Robo 3T (which is available for Windows, macOS and Linux), which you can install from here.
We use Java 8, so you will need to have an up-to-date JDK. Please ensure you've it by running echo $JAVA_HOME
on your terminal.
All our projects use Maven to manage their dependencies, you can install it from the official Apache page.