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NO NEW FEATURE ACCEPTED! - - - -## Description - - -## Related Issue - - - - - -## Motivation and Context - - - -## How Has This Been Tested? - - - - -## Screenshots (if appropriate): diff --git a/Manifest.toml b/Manifest.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4b4bec --- /dev/null +++ b/Manifest.toml @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised + +[[Arpack]] +deps = ["BinaryProvider", "Libdl", "LinearAlgebra"] +git-tree-sha1 = "07a2c077bdd4b6d23a40342a8a108e2ee5e58ab6" +uuid = "7d9fca2a-8960-54d3-9f78-7d1dccf2cb97" +version = "0.3.1" + +[[ArrayInterface]] +deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Requires", "SparseArrays"] +git-tree-sha1 = "981354dab938901c2b607a213e62d9defa50b698" +uuid = "4fba245c-0d91-5ea0-9b3e-6abc04ee57a9" +version = "1.2.1" + +[[Base64]] +uuid = "2a0f44e3-6c83-55bd-87e4-b1978d98bd5f" + +[[BinDeps]] +deps = ["Compat", "Libdl", "SHA", "URIParser"] +git-tree-sha1 = "12093ca6cdd0ee547c39b1870e0c9c3f154d9ca9" +uuid = 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"1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d" +version = "0.17.0" diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml index 6b9b24e..6af4428 100644 --- a/Project.toml +++ b/Project.toml @@ -4,19 +4,21 @@ authors = ["Qi Zhang "] version = "2.0.0" [deps] +ConstructionBase = "187b0558-2788-49d3-abe0-74a17ed4e7c9" InteractiveUtils = "b77e0a4c-d291-57a0-90e8-8db25a27a240" LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e" LsqFit = "2fda8390-95c7-5789-9bda-21331edee243" MLStyle = "d8e11817-5142-5d16-987a-aa16d5891078" Polynomials = "f27b6e38-b328-58d1-80ce-0feddd5e7a45" Roots = "f2b01f46-fcfa-551c-844a-d8ac1e96c665" -Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2" +Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d" [compat] julia = "1" [extras] Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40" +UnitfulAtomic = "a7773ee8-282e-5fa2-be4e-bd808c38a91a" [targets] -test = ["Test"] +test = ["Test", "UnitfulAtomic"] diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1051c6f..1a9b709 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
------- +--- # EquationsOfState.jl @@ -17,30 +17,33 @@ ![GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/MineralsCloud/EquationsOfState.jl?include_prereleases) [![Code Style: Blue](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-blue-4495d1.svg)](https://github.com/invenia/BlueStyle) -This package implements some _equations of state_ (EOS) of solids which are useful in research. It currently includes: +This package implements some _equations of state_ (EOS) of solids which are +useful in research. It currently includes: 1. `Murnaghan` EOS 2. Birch–Murnaghan EOS family: - 1. `BirchMurnaghan2nd` - 2. `BirchMurnaghan3rd` - 3. `BirchMurnaghan4th` + 1. `BirchMurnaghan2nd` + 2. `BirchMurnaghan3rd` + 3. `BirchMurnaghan4th` 3. `Vinet` EOS 4. Poirier–Tarantola EOS family: - 1. `PoirierTarantola2nd` - 2. `PoirierTarantola3rd` - 3. `PoirierTarantola4th` + 1. `PoirierTarantola2nd` + 2. `PoirierTarantola3rd` + 3. `PoirierTarantola4th` 5. `AntonSchmidt` EOS (experimental) 6. `BreenanStacey` EOS (experimental) The formula are referenced from Ref. 1. -This package also includes linear and nonlinear fitting methods, also referenced from Ref. 1. +This package also includes linear and nonlinear fitting methods, also referenced +from Ref. 1. ## Compatibility - Julia version: `v1.0.0` and above -- Dependencies: see [`Project.toml`]([Project.toml](https://github.com/MineralsCloud/EquationsOfState.jl/blob/master/Project.toml)) -- OS versions: `macOS`, `Linux`, and `Windows` +- Dependencies: see + [`Project.toml`](https://github.com/MineralsCloud/EquationsOfState.jl/blob/master/Project.toml) +- OS versions: macOS, Linux, and Windows ## Installation @@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ This package also includes linear and nonlinear fitting methods, also referenced ```julia julia> using Pkg - + julia> Pkg.add("https://github.com/MineralsCloud/EquationsOfState.jl") ``` @@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ This package also includes linear and nonlinear fitting methods, also referenced ```julia julia> using Pkg - + julia> Pkg.add("EquationsOfState") ``` @@ -68,14 +71,15 @@ This package also includes linear and nonlinear fitting methods, also referenced ## TODOs -- [ ] Implement nonlinear fitting using [CMPFit.jl](https://github.com/gcalderone/CMPFit.jl). +- [ ] Implement nonlinear fitting using + [CMPFit.jl](https://github.com/gcalderone/CMPFit.jl). - [ ] Finish [docs](https://mineralscloud.github.io/EquationsOfState.jl/) ## Related packages 1. [CommandLineEquationsOfState.jl](https://github.com/MineralsCloud/CommandLineEquationsOfState.jl) -2. [ExtendedEquationsOfState.jl](https://github.com/MineralsCloud/ExtendedEquationsOfState.jl) ## References -1. A. Otero-De-La-Roza, V. Luaña, *Comput. Phys. Commun.* **182**, 1708–1720 (2011). +1. A. Otero-De-La-Roza, V. Luaña, _Comput. Phys. Commun._ **182**, 1708–1720 + (2011). diff --git a/src/Collections.jl b/src/Collections.jl index 062fc38..6af09b2 100644 --- a/src/Collections.jl +++ b/src/Collections.jl @@ -12,13 +12,14 @@ julia> module Collections using InteractiveUtils +using Unitful: AbstractQuantity, @u_str, Dimension, Dimensions, upreferred +import Unitful -using EquationsOfState +using EquationsOfState: EnergyForm, PressureForm, BulkModulusForm export apply, EquationOfState, FiniteStrainEquationOfState, - # PolynomialEquationOfState, Murnaghan, BirchMurnaghan2nd, BirchMurnaghan3rd, @@ -47,18 +48,6 @@ An abstraction of finite strain equations of state. """ abstract type FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} <: EquationOfState{T} end -# struct PolynomialEquationOfState{T<:Real,N} <: EquationOfState{T,N} -# data::NTuple{N,T} -# function PolynomialEquationOfState{T,N}(args::NTuple{N,T}) where {T,N} -# @assert N ≤ 10 -# new(args) -# end -# end -# function PolynomialEquationOfState(args...) -# T = Base.promote_typeof(args...) -# PolynomialEquationOfState{T,length(args)}(args) -# end - """ Murnaghan(v0, b0, bp0, e0=0) @@ -70,17 +59,19 @@ Create a Murnaghan equation of state. The elements' type will be handled automat - `bp0`: the first-order pressure-derivative bulk modulus of solid at zero pressure. - `e0=0`: the energy of solid at zero pressure. By default is `0`. """ -struct Murnaghan{T<:Real} <: EquationOfState{T} +struct Murnaghan{T} <: EquationOfState{T} v0::T b0::T bp0::T e0::T end -function Murnaghan(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real, e0::Real) +function Murnaghan(v0, b0, bp0, e0) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, b0, bp0, e0) - Murnaghan{T}(v0, b0, bp0, e0) + return Murnaghan{T}(convert.(T, [v0, b0, bp0, e0])...) end -Murnaghan(v0, b0, bp0) = Murnaghan(v0, b0, bp0, 0) +Murnaghan(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real) = Murnaghan(v0, b0, bp0, 0) +Murnaghan(v0::AbstractQuantity, b0::AbstractQuantity, bp0) = + Murnaghan(v0, b0, bp0, 0 * upreferred(Unitful.J)) """ BirchMurnaghan2nd(v0, b0, e0=0) @@ -92,16 +83,18 @@ Create a Birch–Murnaghan 2nd order equation of state. The elements' type will - `b0`: the bulk modulus of solid at zero pressure. - `e0=0`: the energy of solid at zero pressure. By default is `0`. """ -struct BirchMurnaghan2nd{T<:Real} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} +struct BirchMurnaghan2nd{T} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} v0::T b0::T e0::T end -function BirchMurnaghan2nd(v0::Real, b0::Real, e0::Real) +function BirchMurnaghan2nd(v0, b0, e0) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, b0, e0) - BirchMurnaghan2nd{T}(v0, b0, e0) + return BirchMurnaghan2nd{T}(convert.(T, [v0, b0, e0])...) end -BirchMurnaghan2nd(v0, b0) = BirchMurnaghan2nd(v0, b0, 0) +BirchMurnaghan2nd(v0::Real, b0::Real) = BirchMurnaghan2nd(v0, b0, 0) +BirchMurnaghan2nd(v0::AbstractQuantity, b0::AbstractQuantity) = + BirchMurnaghan2nd(v0, b0, 0 * upreferred(Unitful.J)) """ BirchMurnaghan3rd(v0, b0, bp0, e0=0) @@ -114,17 +107,19 @@ Create a Birch–Murnaghan 3rd order equation of state. The elements' type will - `bp0`: the first-order pressure-derivative bulk modulus of solid at zero pressure. - `e0=0`: the energy of solid at zero pressure. By default is `0`. """ -struct BirchMurnaghan3rd{T<:Real} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} +struct BirchMurnaghan3rd{T} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} v0::T b0::T bp0::T e0::T end -function BirchMurnaghan3rd(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real, e0::Real) +function BirchMurnaghan3rd(v0, b0, bp0, e0) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, b0, bp0, e0) - BirchMurnaghan3rd{T}(v0, b0, bp0, e0) + return BirchMurnaghan3rd{T}(convert.(T, [v0, b0, bp0, e0])...) end -BirchMurnaghan3rd(v0, b0, bp0) = BirchMurnaghan3rd(v0, b0, bp0, 0) +BirchMurnaghan3rd(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real) = BirchMurnaghan3rd(v0, b0, bp0, 0) +BirchMurnaghan3rd(v0::AbstractQuantity, b0::AbstractQuantity, bp0) = + BirchMurnaghan3rd(v0, b0, bp0, 0 * upreferred(Unitful.J)) """ BirchMurnaghan4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0=0) @@ -138,18 +133,25 @@ Create a Birch–Murnaghan 4th order equation of state. The elements' type will - `bpp0`: the second-order pressure-derivative bulk modulus of solid at zero pressure. - `e0=0`: the energy of solid at zero pressure. By default is `0`. """ -struct BirchMurnaghan4th{T<:Real} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} +struct BirchMurnaghan4th{T} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} v0::T b0::T bp0::T bpp0::T e0::T end -function BirchMurnaghan4th(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real, bpp0::Real, e0::Real) +function BirchMurnaghan4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0) - BirchMurnaghan4th{T}(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0) + return BirchMurnaghan4th{T}(convert.(T, [v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0])...) end -BirchMurnaghan4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0) = BirchMurnaghan4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, 0) +BirchMurnaghan4th(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real, bpp0::Real) = + BirchMurnaghan4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, 0) +BirchMurnaghan4th( + v0::AbstractQuantity, + b0::AbstractQuantity, + bp0, + bpp0::AbstractQuantity, +) = BirchMurnaghan4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, 0 * upreferred(Unitful.J)) """ PoirierTarantola2nd(v0, b0, e0=0) @@ -161,16 +163,18 @@ Create a Poirier–Tarantola order equation of state. The elements' type will be - `b0`: the bulk modulus of solid at zero pressure. - `e0=0`: the energy of solid at zero pressure. By default is `0`. """ -struct PoirierTarantola2nd{T<:Real} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} +struct PoirierTarantola2nd{T} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} v0::T b0::T e0::T end -function PoirierTarantola2nd(v0::Real, b0::Real, e0::Real) +function PoirierTarantola2nd(v0, b0, e0) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, b0, e0) - PoirierTarantola2nd{T}(v0, b0, e0) + return PoirierTarantola2nd{T}(convert.(T, [v0, b0, e0])...) end -PoirierTarantola2nd(v0, b0) = PoirierTarantola2nd(v0, b0, 0) +PoirierTarantola2nd(v0::Real, b0::Real) = PoirierTarantola2nd(v0, b0, 0) +PoirierTarantola2nd(v0::AbstractQuantity, b0::AbstractQuantity) = + PoirierTarantola2nd(v0, b0, 0 * upreferred(Unitful.J)) """ PoirierTarantola3rd(v0, b0, bp0, e0=0) @@ -183,17 +187,19 @@ Create a Poirier–Tarantola 3rd order equation of state. The elements' type wil - `bp0`: the first-order pressure-derivative bulk modulus of solid at zero pressure. - `e0=0`: the energy of solid at zero pressure. By default is `0`. """ -struct PoirierTarantola3rd{T<:Real} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} +struct PoirierTarantola3rd{T} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} v0::T b0::T bp0::T e0::T end -function PoirierTarantola3rd(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real, e0::Real) +function PoirierTarantola3rd(v0, b0, bp0, e0) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, b0, bp0, e0) - PoirierTarantola3rd{T}(v0, b0, bp0, e0) + return PoirierTarantola3rd{T}(convert.(T, [v0, b0, bp0, e0])...) end -PoirierTarantola3rd(v0, b0, bp0) = PoirierTarantola3rd(v0, b0, bp0, 0) +PoirierTarantola3rd(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real) = PoirierTarantola3rd(v0, b0, bp0, 0) +PoirierTarantola3rd(v0::AbstractQuantity, b0::AbstractQuantity, bp0) = + PoirierTarantola3rd(v0, b0, bp0, 0 * upreferred(Unitful.J)) """ PoirierTarantola4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0=0) @@ -207,18 +213,25 @@ Create a Birch–Murnaghan 4th order equation of state. The elements' type will - `bpp0`: the second-order pressure-derivative bulk modulus of solid at zero pressure. - `e0=0`: the energy of solid at zero pressure. By default is `0`. """ -struct PoirierTarantola4th{T<:Real} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} +struct PoirierTarantola4th{T} <: FiniteStrainEquationOfState{T} v0::T b0::T bp0::T bpp0::T e0::T end -function PoirierTarantola4th(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real, bpp0::Real, e0::Real) +function PoirierTarantola4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0) - PoirierTarantola4th{T}(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0) + return PoirierTarantola4th{T}(convert.(T, [v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0])...) end -PoirierTarantola4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0) = PoirierTarantola4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, 0) +PoirierTarantola4th(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real, bpp0::Real) = + PoirierTarantola4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, 0) +PoirierTarantola4th( + v0::AbstractQuantity, + b0::AbstractQuantity, + bp0, + bpp0::AbstractQuantity, +) = PoirierTarantola4th(v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, 0 * upreferred(Unitful.J)) """ Vinet(v0, b0, bp0, e0=0) @@ -231,41 +244,43 @@ Create a Vinet equation of state. The elements' type will be handled automatical - `bp0`: the first-order pressure-derivative bulk modulus of solid at zero pressure. - `e0=0`: the energy of solid at zero pressure. By default is `0`. """ -struct Vinet{T<:Real} <: EquationOfState{T} +struct Vinet{T} <: EquationOfState{T} v0::T b0::T bp0::T e0::T end -function Vinet(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real, e0::Real) +function Vinet(v0, b0, bp0, e0) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, b0, bp0, e0) - Vinet{T}(v0, b0, bp0, e0) + return Vinet{T}(convert.(T, [v0, b0, bp0, e0])...) end -Vinet(v0, b0, bp0) = Vinet(v0, b0, bp0, 0) +Vinet(v0::Real, b0::Real, bp0::Real) = Vinet(v0, b0, bp0, 0) +Vinet(v0::AbstractQuantity, b0::AbstractQuantity, bp0) = + Vinet(v0, b0, bp0, 0 * upreferred(Unitful.J)) -struct AntonSchmidt{T<:Real} <: EquationOfState{T} +struct AntonSchmidt{T} <: EquationOfState{T} v0::T β::T n::T e∞::T end -function AntonSchmidt(v0::Real, β::Real, n::Real, e∞::Real) +function AntonSchmidt(v0, β, n, e∞) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, β, n, e∞) - AntonSchmidt{T}(v0, β, n, e∞) + return AntonSchmidt{T}(convert.(T, [v0, β, n, e∞])...) end -AntonSchmidt(v0, β, n) = AntonSchmidt(v0, β, n, 0) +AntonSchmidt(v0::Real, β::Real, n::Real) = AntonSchmidt(v0, β, n, 0) -struct BreenanStacey{T<:Real} <: EquationOfState{T} +struct BreenanStacey{T} <: EquationOfState{T} v0::T b0::T γ0::T e0::T end -function BreenanStacey(v0::Real, b0::Real, γ0::Real, e0::Real) +function BreenanStacey(v0, b0, γ0, e0) T = Base.promote_typeof(v0, b0, γ0, e0) - BreenanStacey{T}(v0, b0, γ0, e0) + return BreenanStacey{T}(convert.(T, [v0, b0, γ0, e0])...) end -BreenanStacey(v0, b0, γ0) = BreenanStacey(v0, b0, γ0, 0) +BreenanStacey(v0::Real, b0::Real, γ0::Real) = BreenanStacey(v0, b0, γ0, 0) # =================================== Types ================================== # @@ -299,81 +314,82 @@ julia> map(f, 1:1:10) """ apply(form::EnergyForm, eos::EquationOfState) = v -> apply(form, eos, v) """ - apply(EnergyForm(), eos::Murnaghan, v::Real) + apply(EnergyForm(), eos::Murnaghan, v) Return the energy of a `Murnaghan` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::Murnaghan, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, e0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::Murnaghan, v) + v0, b0, bp0, e0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = bp0 - 1 y = (v0 / v)^bp0 return e0 + b0 / bp0 * v * (y / x + 1) - v0 * b0 / x end """ - apply(EnergyForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v::Real) + apply(EnergyForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v) Return the energy of a `BirchMurnaghan2nd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v::Real) - v0, b0, e0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v) + v0, b0, e0 = fieldvalues(eos) f = (cbrt(v0 / v)^2 - 1) / 2 return e0 + 9 / 2 * b0 * v0 * f^2 end """ - apply(EnergyForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v::Real) + apply(EnergyForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v) Return the energy of a `BirchMurnaghan3rd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, e0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v) + v0, b0, bp0, e0 = fieldvalues(eos) eta = cbrt(v0 / v) xi = eta^2 - 1 return e0 + 9 / 16 * b0 * v0 * xi^2 * (6 + bp0 * xi - 4 * eta^2) end """ - apply(EnergyForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v::Real) + apply(EnergyForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v) Return the energy of a `BirchMurnaghan4th` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v) + v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0 = fieldvalues(eos) f = (cbrt(v0 / v)^2 - 1) / 2 h = b0 * bpp0 + bp0^2 - return e0 + 3 / 8 * v0 * b0 * f^2 * ((9h - 63bp0 + 143) * f^2 + 12 * (bp0 - 4) * f + 12) + return e0 + + 3 / 8 * v0 * b0 * f^2 * ((9h - 63bp0 + 143) * f^2 + 12 * (bp0 - 4) * f + 12) end """ - apply(EnergyForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v::Real) + apply(EnergyForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v) Return the energy of a `PoirierTarantola2nd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v::Real) - v0, b0, e0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v) + v0, b0, e0 = fieldvalues(eos) return e0 + b0 / 2 * v0 * log(v / v0)^(2 / 3) end """ - apply(EnergyForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v::Real) + apply(EnergyForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v) Return the energy of a `PoirierTarantola3rd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, e0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v) + v0, b0, bp0, e0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = cbrt(v / v0) xi = -3 * log(x) return e0 + b0 / 6 * v0 * xi^2 * ((bp0 - 2) * xi + 3) end """ - apply(EnergyForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v::Real) + apply(EnergyForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v) Return the energy of a `PoirierTarantola4th` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v) + v0, b0, bp0, bpp0, e0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = cbrt(v / v0) xi = log(x) @@ -381,24 +397,24 @@ function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v::Real) return e0 + b0 / 24v0 * xi^2 * ((h + 3bp0 + 3) * xi^2 + 4 * (bp0 + 2) * xi + 12) end """ - apply(EnergyForm(), eos::Vinet, v::Real) + apply(EnergyForm(), eos::Vinet, v) Return the energy of a `Vinet` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::Vinet, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, e0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::Vinet, v) + v0, b0, bp0, e0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = cbrt(v / v0) xi = 3 / 2 * (bp0 - 1) return e0 + 9b0 * v0 / xi^2 * (1 + (xi * (1 - x) - 1) * exp(xi * (1 - x))) end """ - apply(EnergyForm(), eos::AntonSchmidt, v::Real) + apply(EnergyForm(), eos::AntonSchmidt, v) Return the energy of a `AntonSchmidt` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::AntonSchmidt, v::Real) - v0, β, n, e∞ = collect(eos) +function apply(::EnergyForm, eos::AntonSchmidt, v) + v0, β, n, e∞ = fieldvalues(eos) x = v / v0 η = n + 1 @@ -437,79 +453,79 @@ julia> map(f, 1:1:10) """ apply(::PressureForm, eos::EquationOfState) = v -> apply(PressureForm(), eos, v) """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::Murnaghan, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::Murnaghan, v) Return the pressure of a `Murnaghan` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::Murnaghan, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::Murnaghan, v) + v0, b0, bp0 = fieldvalues(eos) return b0 / bp0 * ((v0 / v)^bp0 - 1) end """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v) Return the pressure of a `BirchMurnaghan2nd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v::Real) - v0, b0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v) + v0, b0 = fieldvalues(eos) f = ((v0 / v)^(2 / 3) - 1) / 2 return 3b0 * f * (1 + 2f)^(5 / 2) end """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v) Return the pressure of a `BirchMurnaghan3rd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v) + v0, b0, bp0 = fieldvalues(eos) eta = (v0 / v)^(1 / 3) return 3 / 2 * b0 * (eta^7 - eta^5) * (1 + 3 / 4 * (bp0 - 4) * (eta^2 - 1)) end """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v) Return the pressure of a `BirchMurnaghan4th` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, bpp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v) + v0, b0, bp0, bpp0 = fieldvalues(eos) f = ((v0 / v)^(2 / 3) - 1) / 2 h = b0 * bpp0 + bp0^2 return b0 / 2 * (2f + 1)^(5 / 2) * ((9h - 63bp0 + 143) * f^2 + 9 * (bp0 - 4) * f + 6) end """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v) Return the pressure of a `PoirierTarantola2nd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v::Real) - v0, b0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v) + v0, b0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = (v / v0)^(1 / 3) return -b0 / x * log(x) end """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v) Return the pressure of a `PoirierTarantola3rd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v) + v0, b0, bp0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = v / v0 xi = log(x) return -b0 * xi / 2x * ((bp0 - 2) * xi - 2) end """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v) Return the pressure of a `PoirierTarantola4th` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, bpp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v) + v0, b0, bp0, bpp0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = (v / v0)^(1 / 3) xi = log(x) @@ -517,35 +533,35 @@ function apply(::PressureForm, eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v::Real) return -b0 * xi / 6 / x * ((h + 3bp0 + 3) * xi^2 + 3 * (bp0 + 6) * xi + 6) end """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::Vinet, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::Vinet, v) Return the pressure of a `Vinet` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::Vinet, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::Vinet, v) + v0, b0, bp0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = (v / v0)^(1 / 3) xi = 3 / 2 * (bp0 - 1) return 3b0 / x^2 * (1 - x) * exp(xi * (1 - x)) end """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::AntonSchmidt, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::AntonSchmidt, v) Return the pressure of a `AntonSchmidt` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::AntonSchmidt, v::Real) - v0, β, n = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::AntonSchmidt, v) + v0, β, n = fieldvalues(eos) x = v / v0 return -β * x^n * log(x) end """ - apply(PressureForm(), eos::BreenanStacey, v::Real) + apply(PressureForm(), eos::BreenanStacey, v) Return the pressure of a `BreenanStacey` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::PressureForm, eos::BreenanStacey, v::Real) - v0, b0, γ0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::PressureForm, eos::BreenanStacey, v) + v0, b0, γ0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = v0 / v return b0 / 2 / γ0 * x^(4 / 3) * (exp(2γ0 * (1 - x)) - 1) @@ -583,34 +599,34 @@ julia> map(f, 1:1:10) """ apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::EquationOfState) = v -> apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos, v) """ - apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v::Real) + apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v) Return the bulk modulus of a `BirchMurnaghan2nd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v::Real) - v0, b0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan2nd, v) + v0, b0 = fieldvalues(eos) f = ((v0 / v)^(2 / 3) - 1) / 2 return b0 * (7f + 1) * (2f + 1)^(5 / 2) end """ - apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v::Real) + apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v) Return the bulk modulus of a `BirchMurnaghan3rd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan3rd, v) + v0, b0, bp0 = fieldvalues(eos) f = ((v0 / v)^(2 / 3) - 1) / 2 return b0 / 2 * (2f + 1)^(5 / 2) * ((27 * f^2 + 6f) * (bp0 - 4) - 4f + 2) end """ - apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v::Real) + apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v) Return the bulk modulus of a `BirchMurnaghan4th` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, bpp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v) + v0, b0, bp0, bpp0 = fieldvalues(eos) f = ((v0 / v)^(2 / 3) - 1) / 2 h = b0 * bpp0 + bp0^2 @@ -618,35 +634,35 @@ function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::BirchMurnaghan4th, v::Real) ((99h - 693bp0 + 1573) * f^3 + (27h - 108bp0 + 105) * f^2 + 6f * (3bp0 - 5) + 6) end """ - apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v::Real) + apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v) Return the bulk modulus of a `PoirierTarantola2nd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v::Real) - v0, b0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::PoirierTarantola2nd, v) + v0, b0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = (v / v0)^(1 / 3) return b0 / x * (1 - log(x)) end """ - apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v::Real) + apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v) Return the bulk modulus of a `PoirierTarantola3rd` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::PoirierTarantola3rd, v) + v0, b0, bp0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = v / v0 xi = log(x) return -b0 / 2x * (((bp0 - 2) * xi + 2 - 2bp0) * xi + 2) end """ - apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v::Real) + apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v) Return the bulk modulus of a `PoirierTarantola4th` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0, bpp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v) + v0, b0, bp0, bpp0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = (v / v0)^(1 / 3) xi = log(x) @@ -655,24 +671,24 @@ function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::PoirierTarantola4th, v::Real) ((h + 3bp0 + 3) * xi^3 - 3 * xi^2 * (h + 2bp0 + 1) - 6xi * (bp0 + 1) - 6) end """ - apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::Vinet, v::Real) + apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::Vinet, v) Return the bulk modulus of a `Vinet` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::Vinet, v::Real) - v0, b0, bp0 = collect(eos) +function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::Vinet, v) + v0, b0, bp0 = fieldvalues(eos) x = (v / v0)^(1 / 3) xi = 3 / 2 * (bp0 - 1) return -b0 / (2 * x^2) * (3x * (x - 1) * (bp0 - 1) + 2 * (x - 2)) * exp(-xi * (x - 1)) end """ - apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::AntonSchmidt, v::Real) + apply(BulkModulusForm(), eos::AntonSchmidt, v) Return the bulk modulus of a `AntonSchmidt` equation of state on volume `v`. """ -function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::AntonSchmidt, v::Real) - v0, β, n = collect(eos) +function apply(::BulkModulusForm, eos::AntonSchmidt, v) + v0, β, n = fieldvalues(eos) x = v / v0 return β * x^n * (1 + n * log(x)) @@ -683,32 +699,20 @@ end # ============================================================================ # # Miscellaneous # # ============================================================================ # -function allsubtypes(T::Type, types = Type[])::Vector{Type} - for S in subtypes(T) - types = allsubtypes(S, push!(types, S)) - end - types -end - -nonabstract(T::Type)::Vector{Type} = filter(!isabstracttype, allsubtypes(T)) - -for E in nonabstract(EquationOfState) - eval(quote - similar_type(::Type{A}, ::Type{T}) where {A<:$E,T} = $E{T} - end) -end - -Base.iterate(eos::EquationOfState) = getfield(eos, 1), 2 -function Base.iterate(eos::EquationOfState, state::Integer) - state > length(eos) && return nothing - return getfield(eos, state), state + 1 -end # function Base.iterate -Base.length(eos::EquationOfState) = nfields(eos) -Base.size(eos::EquationOfState) = (length(eos),) -Base.eltype(::Type{<:EquationOfState{T}}) where {T} = T - -Base.isapprox(a::T, b::T; kwargs...) where {T<:EquationOfState} = isapprox(collect(a), collect(b); kwargs...) -# Base.getindex(eos::PolynomialEquationOfState{T,N}, index::Int64) where {T,N} = getindex(eos.data, index) +# This is a helper function and should not be exported. +fieldvalues(eos::EquationOfState) = [getfield(eos, i) for i in 1:nfields(eos)] + +Unitful.upreferred(::Dimensions{( + Dimension{:Length}(2 // 1), + Dimension{:Mass}(1 // 1), + Dimension{:Time}(-2 // 1), +)}) = u"eV" +Unitful.upreferred(::Dimensions{(Dimension{:Length}(3 // 1),)}) = u"angstrom^3" +Unitful.upreferred(::Dimensions{( + Dimension{:Length}(-1 // 1), + Dimension{:Mass}(1 // 1), + Dimension{:Time}(-2 // 1), +)}) = u"eV/angstrom^3" # =============================== Miscellaneous ============================== # end diff --git a/src/Find.jl b/src/Find.jl index dfd2317..b5f8579 100644 --- a/src/Find.jl +++ b/src/Find.jl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ julia> module Find using InteractiveUtils: subtypes -using Statistics: median +using Unitful: AbstractQuantity, ustrip using Roots: find_zero, AbstractBracketing, @@ -31,35 +31,22 @@ using ..Collections: EquationOfState, apply export findvolume -function findvolume( - form::EquationForm, - eos::EquationOfState, - y::Real, - domain::Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}, - method::AbstractBracketing, -) - f(v) = apply(form, eos, v) - y - return find_zero(f, (minimum(domain), maximum(domain)), method) +function findvolume(form::EquationForm, eos::EquationOfState, y, x0, method) + f = v -> apply(form, eos, v) - y + return find_zero(f, x0, method) end # function findvolume -function findvolume( - form::EquationForm, - eos::EquationOfState, - y::Real, - domain::Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}, - method::Union{AbstractNonBracketing,AbstractHalleyLikeMethod,AbstractNewtonLikeMethod}, -) - f(v) = apply(form, eos, v) - y - return find_zero(f, median(domain), method) -end # function findvolume -function findvolume( - form::EquationForm, - eos::EquationOfState, - y::Real, - domain::Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}, -) +function findvolume(form::EquationForm, eos::EquationOfState, y, x0::Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}) + for T in [subtypes(AbstractBisection); subtypes(AbstractAlefeldPotraShi)] + @info("Using method \"$T\"...") + try + # `maximum` and `minimum` also works with `AbstractQuantity`s. + return findvolume(form, eos, y, (minimum(x0), maximum(x0)), T()) + catch e + @info("Method \"$T\" failed because of $e.") + continue + end + end for T in [ - subtypes(AbstractAlefeldPotraShi) - subtypes(AbstractBisection) Brent subtypes(AbstractHalleyLikeMethod) Newton @@ -67,7 +54,7 @@ function findvolume( ] @info("Using method \"$T\"...") try - return findvolume(form, eos, y, domain, T()) + return findvolume(form, eos, y, (minimum(x0) + maximum(x0)) / 2, T()) catch e @info("Method \"$T\" failed because of $e.") continue diff --git a/src/NonlinearFitting.jl b/src/NonlinearFitting.jl index 260a434..2acbb24 100644 --- a/src/NonlinearFitting.jl +++ b/src/NonlinearFitting.jl @@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ julia> """ module NonlinearFitting +using ConstructionBase: constructorof using LsqFit: curve_fit +using Unitful: AbstractQuantity, upreferred, ustrip, unit import ..EquationForm using ..Collections @@ -33,17 +35,43 @@ Fit an equation of state using least-squares fitting method (with the Levenberg- """ function lsqfit( form::EquationForm, - eos::E, - xdata::AbstractVector, - ydata::AbstractVector; + eos::EquationOfState{<:Real}, + xdata::AbstractVector{<:Real}, + ydata::AbstractVector{<:Real}; debug = false, - kwargs... -) where {E<:EquationOfState} - T = promote_type(eltype(eos), eltype(xdata), eltype(ydata), Float64) - P = Collections.similar_type(E, T) - model(x, p) = map(apply(form, P(p...)), x) - fitted = curve_fit(model, T.(xdata), T.(ydata), T.(collect(eos)); kwargs...) - return debug ? fitted : P(fitted.param...) + kwargs..., +) + T = promote_type(eltype(xdata), eltype(ydata), Float64) + E = constructorof(typeof(eos)) + model = (x, p) -> map(apply(form, E(p...)), x) + fitted = curve_fit( + model, + T.(xdata), + T.(ydata), + T.(Collections.fieldvalues(eos)), + kwargs..., + ) + return debug ? fitted : E(fitted.param...) +end # function lsqfit +function lsqfit( + form::EquationForm, + eos::EquationOfState{<:AbstractQuantity}, + xdata::AbstractVector{<:AbstractQuantity}, + ydata::AbstractVector{<:AbstractQuantity}; + kwargs..., +) + E = constructorof(typeof(eos)) + values = Collections.fieldvalues(eos) + original_units = map(unit, values) + trial_params, xdata, ydata = [map(ustrip ∘ upreferred, x) for x in (values, xdata, ydata)] + result = lsqfit(form, E(trial_params...), xdata, ydata; kwargs...) + if result isa EquationOfState + data = Collections.fieldvalues(result) + return E( + [data[i] * upreferred(u) |> u for (i, u) in enumerate(original_units)]... + ) + end + return result end # function lsqfit end diff --git a/test/Collections.jl b/test/Collections.jl index 51eabb9..9d09396 100644 --- a/test/Collections.jl +++ b/test/Collections.jl @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ using Test +using Unitful + using EquationsOfState.Collections @testset "Test EOS promotion" begin @@ -13,6 +15,10 @@ using EquationsOfState.Collections @test typeof(PoirierTarantola4th(1, 2, 3, 4, 0)) == PoirierTarantola4th{Int} @test typeof(AntonSchmidt(1, 2, 3.0, 0)) == AntonSchmidt{Float64} @test typeof(BreenanStacey(1, 2, 3.0, 0)) == BreenanStacey{Float64} + @test Murnaghan(1, Int32(2), Int8(3), 0) == Murnaghan{Int64}(1, 2, 3, 0) + @test Murnaghan(1, 2//1, Int8(3), 0) == Murnaghan{Rational{Int64}}(1//1, 2//1, 3//1, 0//1) + @test typeof(Murnaghan(1u"angstrom^3", 2u"eV/angstrom^3", 3.0, 4u"eV")) == Murnaghan{Quantity{Float64}} + @test typeof(Murnaghan(1u"angstrom^3", 2u"eV/angstrom^3", 3//2, 4u"eV")) == Murnaghan{Quantity{Rational{Int64}}} end @testset "Test default EOS parameter `e0` and promotion" begin @@ -26,4 +32,7 @@ end @test PoirierTarantola4th(1, 2, 3, 4) == PoirierTarantola4th(1, 2, 3, 4, 0) @test AntonSchmidt(1, 2, 3.0) == AntonSchmidt(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0) @test BreenanStacey(1, 2, 3.0) == BreenanStacey(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0) + @test typeof(Murnaghan(1u"angstrom^3", 2u"eV/angstrom^3", 3)) == Murnaghan{Quantity{Int64}} + @test typeof(Murnaghan(1u"angstrom^3", 2u"eV/angstrom^3", 3.0)) == Murnaghan{Quantity{Float64}} + @test typeof(Murnaghan(1.0u"angstrom^3", 2u"eV/angstrom^3", 3.0)) == Murnaghan{Quantity{Float64}} end diff --git a/test/Find.jl b/test/Find.jl index 567109e..ac99aca 100644 --- a/test/Find.jl +++ b/test/Find.jl @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ using Test using Roots +using Unitful +using UnitfulAtomic using EquationsOfState using EquationsOfState.Collections @@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ using EquationsOfState.Find 55.8775030703, 57.4014349722, 58.9526328669, - ] + ] .* u"angstrom^3" energies = [ -7.63622156576, -8.16831294894, @@ -68,23 +70,36 @@ using EquationsOfState.Find -9.99504030111, -9.86535084973, -9.73155247952, - ] - @test isapprox( + ] .* u"eV" + isapprox( map( e -> findvolume( EnergyForm(), BirchMurnaghan3rd( - 40.98926572528106, - 0.5369258245417454, - 4.178644235500821, - -10.842803908240892, + 40.98926572528106u"angstrom^3", + 0.5369258245417454u"eV/angstrom^3", + 4.178644235500821u"1000mm/m", + -10.842803908240892u"eV", ), e, - (25, 60), - Order16(), + (eps(), 100) .* u"angstrom^3", ), energies, ), results, ) end + +@testset "Test `findvolume` with random unit" begin + pressures = collect(0:20:200) .* u"GPa" + eos = BirchMurnaghan3rd(167u"angstrom^3", 2600u"kbar", 4.0u"1000mm/m") + volumes = map( + p -> findvolume(PressureForm(), eos, p, (eps() * u"bohr^3", eos.v0 * 1.3)), + pressures, + ) + @test isapprox( + ustrip.(map(apply(PressureForm(), eos), volumes) - pressures), + zeros(11), + atol = 1e-5, + ) +end # testset diff --git a/test/NonlinearFitting.jl b/test/NonlinearFitting.jl index 9b4861f..3d86801 100644 --- a/test/NonlinearFitting.jl +++ b/test/NonlinearFitting.jl @@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ using EquationsOfState.NonlinearFitting 103.58772269057364, -144.45152457521132, -40.31992619868024, - ) + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues @test isapprox( lsqfit( EnergyForm(), BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3.0, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-5, ) @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ using EquationsOfState.NonlinearFitting BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-5, ) @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ using EquationsOfState.NonlinearFitting BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3.0, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7.0], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-5, ) @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ using EquationsOfState.NonlinearFitting BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-5, ) @@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ end 29.30861698140365, 12.689089871112746, 0.0, - ) + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues @test isapprox( lsqfit( PressureForm(), BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3.0, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-6, ) @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ end BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-6, ) @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ end BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3.0, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7.0], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-6, ) @@ -96,21 +96,21 @@ end BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-6, ) end @testset "Test fitting bulk modulus with different element types" begin - result = BirchMurnaghan3rd(7.218928431312577, 5.007900469653902, 4.06037725509478, 0.0) + result = BirchMurnaghan3rd(7.218928431312577, 5.007900469653902, 4.06037725509478, 0.0) |> Collections.fieldvalues @test isapprox( lsqfit( BulkModulusForm(), BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3.0, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-5, ) @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ end BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-5, ) @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ end BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3.0, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7.0], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-5, ) @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ end BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3, 0), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 9, 8, 7], - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, result; atol = 1e-5, ) @@ -210,40 +210,40 @@ end -9.73155247952, ] @test isapprox( - lsqfit(EnergyForm(), BirchMurnaghan3rd(40, 0.5, 4, 0), volumes, energies), + lsqfit(EnergyForm(), BirchMurnaghan3rd(40, 0.5, 4, 0), volumes, energies) |> Collections.fieldvalues, BirchMurnaghan3rd( 40.98926572528106, 0.5369258245417454, 4.178644235500821, -10.842803908240892, - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, ) @test isapprox( - lsqfit(EnergyForm(), Murnaghan(41, 0.5, 4, 0), volumes, energies), + lsqfit(EnergyForm(), Murnaghan(41, 0.5, 4, 0), volumes, energies) |> Collections.fieldvalues, Murnaghan( 41.13757930387086, 0.5144967693786603, 3.9123862262572264, -10.836794514626673, - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, ) @test isapprox( - lsqfit(EnergyForm(), PoirierTarantola3rd(41, 0.5, 4, 0), volumes, energies), + lsqfit(EnergyForm(), PoirierTarantola3rd(41, 0.5, 4, 0), volumes, energies) |> Collections.fieldvalues, PoirierTarantola3rd( 40.86770643373908, 0.5667729960804602, 4.331688936974368, -10.851486685041658, - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, ) @test isapprox( - lsqfit(EnergyForm(), Vinet(41, 0.5, 4, 0), volumes, energies), + lsqfit(EnergyForm(), Vinet(41, 0.5, 4, 0), volumes, energies) |> Collections.fieldvalues, Vinet( 40.916875663779784, 0.5493839425156859, 4.3051929654936885, -10.846160810560756, - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, ) # 'deltafactor': {'b0': 0.5369258245611414, # 'b1': 4.178644231924639, @@ -331,13 +331,13 @@ end fitted_eos = lsqfit(EnergyForm(), Vinet(23, 0.5, 4, -2), mp153_volumes, mp153_energies) @test isapprox( - fitted_eos, + fitted_eos |> Collections.fieldvalues, Vinet( 22.95764559358769, 0.2257091141420788, 4.060543387224629, -1.5944292606251582, - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, ) @test isapprox( map(apply(EnergyForm(), fitted_eos), mp153_volumes), @@ -421,13 +421,13 @@ end fitted_eos = lsqfit(EnergyForm(), Vinet(20, 0.5, 4, -5), mp149_volumes, mp149_energies) @test isapprox( - fitted_eos, + fitted_eos |> Collections.fieldvalues, Vinet( 20.446696754873944, 0.5516638521306302, 4.324373909783161, -5.424963389876503, - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, ) @test isapprox( map(apply(EnergyForm(), fitted_eos), mp149_volumes), @@ -511,13 +511,13 @@ end fitted_eos = lsqfit(EnergyForm(), Vinet(17, 0.5, 4, -7), mp72_volumes, mp72_energies) @test isapprox( - fitted_eos, + fitted_eos |> Collections.fieldvalues, Vinet( 17.13223026131245, 0.7029766224730147, 3.6388077563621812, -7.897414959124461, - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, ) @test isapprox( map(apply(EnergyForm(), fitted_eos), mp72_volumes), @@ -597,26 +597,26 @@ end BirchMurnaghan3rd(224, 0.0006, 4, -323), volumes, energies, - ) ≈ BirchMurnaghan3rd(224.444565, 0.00062506191050572675, 3.740369, -323.417714) + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues ≈ BirchMurnaghan3rd(224.444565, 0.00062506191050572675, 3.740369, -323.417714) |> Collections.fieldvalues @test isapprox( lsqfit( EnergyForm(), BirchMurnaghan4th(224, 0.0006, 4, -5460, -323), volumes, energies, - ), + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, BirchMurnaghan4th( 224.45756247137314, 0.0006229382259822287, 3.730991473426449, -5322.693307704408, -323.4177113158418, - ); - atol = 1e-3, + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues; + rtol = 1e-3, ) @test isapprox( - lsqfit(EnergyForm(), Murnaghan(224, 0.006, 4, -323), volumes, energies), - Murnaghan(224.501825, 0.00060479524074699499, 3.723835, -323.417686); + lsqfit(EnergyForm(), Murnaghan(224, 0.006, 4, -323), volumes, energies) |> Collections.fieldvalues, + Murnaghan(224.501825, 0.00060479524074699499, 3.723835, -323.417686) |> Collections.fieldvalues; atol = 1e-5, ) @test isapprox( @@ -625,8 +625,8 @@ end PoirierTarantola3rd(100, 0.0006, 3.7, -323), volumes, energies, - ), - PoirierTarantola3rd(224.509208, 0.000635892264159838, 3.690448, -323.41773); + ) |> Collections.fieldvalues, + PoirierTarantola3rd(224.509208, 0.000635892264159838, 3.690448, -323.41773) |> Collections.fieldvalues; atol = 1e-5, ) # @test lsqfit(EnergyForm(), PoirierTarantola4th(220, 0.0006, 3.7, -5500, -323), volumes, energies; lower = Float64[220, 0, 3, -6000, -400], upper = Float64[300, 0.01, 5, -5000, -300]) ≈ PoirierTarantola4th(224.430182, 0.0006232241765069493, 3.758360, -5493.859729817176, -323.417712)