Class | Summary |
Animator<T> | Base class for Animator objects |
BoolAnimator | Animator that handles bool properties. |
ByteAnimator | Animator that handles byte properties. |
ColorAnimator | Animator that interpolates Color through gamma sRGB color space for better visual result. |
CornerRadiusAnimator | Animator that handles CornerRadius properties. |
DecimalAnimator | Animator that handles System.Decimal properties. |
DoubleAnimator | Animator that handles double properties. |
FloatAnimator | Animator that handles float properties. |
Int16Animator | Animator that handles System.Int16 properties. |
Int32Animator | Animator that handles int properties. |
Int64Animator | Animator that handles long properties. |
PointAnimator | Animator that handles Point properties. |
RectAnimator | Animator that handles Rect properties. |
SizeAnimator | Animator that handles Size properties. |
SolidColorBrushAnimator | Animator that handles SolidColorBrush . |
ThicknessAnimator | Animator that handles Thickness properties. |
TransformAnimator | Animator that handles Transform properties. |
UInt16Animator | Animator that handles ushort properties. |
UInt32Animator | Animator that handles System.UInt32 properties. |
UInt64Animator | Animator that handles ulong properties. |
VectorAnimator | Animator that handles Vector properties. |