Limit identifier | Limit | Comments |
Maximum number of streaming units per subscription per region | 83 | To request an increase in streaming units for your subscription beyond 83, contact Microsoft Support. |
Maximum number of inputs per job | 60 | There's a hard limit of 60 inputs per Azure Stream Analytics job. |
Maximum number of outputs per job | 60 | There's a hard limit of 60 outputs per Stream Analytics job. |
Maximum number of functions per job | 60 | There's a hard limit of 60 functions per Stream Analytics job. |
Maximum number of streaming units per job | 66 | There's a hard limit of 66 streaming units per Stream Analytics job. |
Maximum number of jobs per region | 1,500 | Each subscription can have up to 1,500 jobs per geographical region. |
Reference data blob MB | 5 GB | Up to 5 GB when using 1 or more SUs. |
Maximum number of characters in a query | 512000 | There's a hard limit of 512k characters in an Azure Stream Analytics job query. |