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tamram |
storage |
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03/09/2020 |
tamram |
The following table describes capacity, scalability, and performance targets for Table storage.
Resource | Target |
Number of tables in an Azure storage account | Limited only by the capacity of the storage account |
Number of partitions in a table | Limited only by the capacity of the storage account |
Number of entities in a partition | Limited only by the capacity of the storage account |
Maximum size of a single table | 500 TiB |
Maximum size of a single entity, including all property values | 1 MiB |
Maximum number of properties in a table entity | 255 (including the three system properties, PartitionKey, RowKey, and Timestamp) |
Maximum total size of an individual property in an entity | Varies by property type. For more information, see Property Types in Understanding the Table Service Data Model. |
Size of the PartitionKey | A string up to 1 KiB in size |
Size of the RowKey | A string up to 1 KiB in size |
Size of an entity group transaction | A transaction can include at most 100 entities and the payload must be less than 4 MiB in size. An entity group transaction can include an update to an entity only once. |
Maximum number of stored access policies per table | 5 |
Maximum request rate per storage account | 20,000 transactions per second, which assumes a 1-KiB entity size |
Target throughput for a single table partition (1 KiB-entities) | Up to 2,000 entities per second |