Windows Community Toolkit Documentation Setup Getting Started with the Windows Community Toolkit Community Toolkit NuGet Packages Adding the Windows Community Toolkit to your Visual Studio Toolbox Known Issues .NET Community Toolkit Documentation MVVM Introduction ComponentModel ObservableObject ObservableRecipient ObservableValidator Input RelayCommand and RelayCommand<T> AsyncRelayCommand and AsyncRelayCommand<T> Messenger Ioc Putting things together Migrating to the MVVM Toolkit Migrating from MvvmLight Migrating from MvvmBasic High performance Introduction Buffers MemoryOwner<T> SpanOwner<T> StringPool Memory Memory2D<T> Span2D<T> ParallelHelper Ref<T> and ReadOnlyRef<T> Diagnostics Introduction Guard ThrowHelper Microsoft Graph Overview Getting Started Authentication Authentication Overview ProviderManager MSAL provider Windows provider Custom provider Helpers Microsoft Graph Extensions Roaming Settings Controls GraphPresenter (Experimental) LoginButton PeoplePicker PersonView Universal Windows Platform (UWP) / WinUI 3 Notes on using the Toolkit with WindowsAppSDK / WinUI 3 Controls AdaptiveGridView BladeView CameraPreview Carousel ColorPicker ColorPickerButton ConstrainedBox DataGrid Introduction How to: Add a DataGrid control to a page How to: Customize the DataGrid control using styling and formatting options How to: Display and configure Row Details How to: Configure Auto-generated columns in the DataGrid control How to: Group, sort and filter data using LINQ and the DataGrid control How to: Edit and perform input validation in the DataGrid control Sizing options in the DataGrid control Default keyboard navigation and selection patterns DockPanel DropShadowPanel Expander Eyedropper GridSplitter HeaderedContentControl HeaderedItemsControl HeaderedTextBlock ImageCropper ImageEx InAppNotification InfiniteCanvas LayoutTransformControl Loading MarkdownTextBlock MasterDetailsView MetadataControl OrbitView RadialGauge RangeSelector RemoteDevicePicker RichSuggestBox RotatorTile StaggeredLayout StaggeredPanel SwitchPresenter TabbedCommandBar TextToolbar TileControl TokenizingTextBox UniformGrid WrapLayout WrapPanel Animations AnimationBuilder AnimationSet ImplicitAnimationSet Connected Animations ExpressionBuilder FadeHeader ItemsReorderAnimation Lottie Introduction Getting Started with Lottie-Windows Using Codegen JSON versus Codegen Configuring Animation Playback Interactive Segments on an Animation Timeline The Asynchronous Play Method Handling Failure and Down-level Offset ReorderGridAnimation Rotate Saturation Scale ScrollViewerExtensions Brushes AcrylicBrush BackdropBlurBrush BackdropGammaTransferBrush BackdropInvertBrush BackdropSaturationBrush BackdropSepiaBrush ImageBlendBrush PipelineBrush PipelineVisualFactory TilesBrush Helpers AdvancedCollectionView Attached Shadows BackgroundTaskHelper BindableValueHolder BluetoothLEHelper CameraHelper Colors Converters DeepLinkParser AutoSelect Behavior Focus Behaviors Header Behaviors Key Down Trigger Behavior ImageCache IncrementalLoadingCollection NetworkHelper ObjectStorage ObjectSerializer PrintHelper RemoteDeviceHelper StorageFileHelper Streams Helper SystemInformation ThemeListener Triggers WeakEventListener Win2D Path Mini Language Parser Win2D Path Mini Language ViewportBehavior Extensions Composition Visual Layer Extensions FrameworkElementExtensions DependencyObjectExtensions DispatcherQueueExtensions HyperlinkExtensions EnumValuesExtensions IconMarkupExtensions ListViewExtensions NullableBoolExtension OnDeviceExtension ScrollViewerExtensions TextBoxExtensions UIElementExtensions ViewExtensions WebViewExtensions Collections Observable Groups Developer tools AlignmentGrid FocusTracker GazeInteractionLibrary Notifications Archive Animations ParallaxService ReorderGridAnimation Blur Composition Animations Fade Implicit Animations Light Offset Rotate Saturation Scale Brushes RadialGradientBrush Controls HamburgerMenu Menu PullToRefreshListView RadialProgressBar ScrollHeader SlidableListItem TabView Controls for WPF and Windows Forms InkCanvas InkToolbar MapControl MediaPlayerElement WebView WebView known issues WebViewCompatible WindowsXamlHost Extensions ArrayExtensions Logical Tree Matrix Extensions Extra Matrix Helpers Transform Extensions Mouse Cursor Visual Tree VisualEx SurfaceDialTextboxHelper TextBoxMask TextBoxRegex Helpers DispatcherHelper HttpHelper HttpHelperRequest HttpHelperResponse Platform Specific Analyzer Microsoft Graph Controls AadLogin PeoplePicker PlannerTaskList PowerBIEmbedded ProfileCard SharePointFileList InteractiveProviderBehavior MockProviderBehavior Parsers MarkdownParser RSSParser Services Bing Service Facebook Service LinkedIn Service Microsoft Graph Service GraphLogin (WinForms) Microsoft Translator Service OneDrive Service Twitter Service Weibo Service