A PERN Stack App (Auth + Todo List).
Link to the application: Coming soon...
This is my first PERN stack application.
This is a Crud App. You can log in, log out, register and
delete account (this will remove all todos -
ON DELETE CASCADE Constraint) is used. When you are
logged in you can add, update, delete your tasks and read your tasks and those of other users if they are not private.
Automatic logout is after 10 minutes of inactivity. There are axios interceptors to refresh the access token.
App is build thanks to these tutorials and these one.
The .env file is not hosted on the GitHub.com.
I have some packages installed globally (e.g. TypeScript, Nodemon) so you have to install them manually.
- The App is written in TypeScript.
- React-Bootstrap, Sass and Styled-Components are used to customize the UI.
- CRUD operations are performed using Axios.
- Client-side routing is done using React Router.
- Global state of the App is maintained by Redux.
- React is used to build client-side.
- Express is used to build server-side.
- Node-Postgres is used as a PostgreSQL client for Node.js.
- JsonWebToken is used to to decode, verify and generate JWT.
- JWT-decode is used for decoding JWTs token which are Base64Url encoded.
- Bcrypt is used to hash passwords.
- Some icons were taken from IconFinder.