diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 5f122f278..a02478323 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -27,3 +27,4 @@ coverage.xml
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Classes/VSTeamPermissionInheritance.ps1 b/Source/Classes/VSTeamPermissionInheritance.ps1
index ac3b96be0..dd09de128 100644
--- a/Source/Classes/VSTeamPermissionInheritance.ps1
+++ b/Source/Classes/VSTeamPermissionInheritance.ps1
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class VSTeamPermissionInheritance {
$this.Token = "repoV2/$($this.ProjectID)/$repositoryID"
- $this.Version = "$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)"
+ $this.Version = "$(_getApiVersion Git)"
"BuildDefinition" {
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class VSTeamPermissionInheritance {
$this.Token = "$($this.ProjectID)/$buildDefinitionID"
- $this.Version = "$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
+ $this.Version = "$(_getApiVersion Build)"
"ReleaseDefinition" {
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class VSTeamPermissionInheritance {
$this.Token = "$($this.ProjectID)" + "$($releaseDefinition.path -replace "\\","/")" + "/$($releaseDefinition.id)"
- $this.Version = "$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
+ $this.Version = "$(_getApiVersion Release)"
diff --git a/Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1 b/Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1
index 95580b2ec..c7e1ac984 100644
--- a/Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1
+++ b/Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1
@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ class VSTeamVersions {
static [string] $ServiceFabricEndpoint = ''
static [string] $ModuleVersion = $null
static [string] $Graph = ''
+ static [string] $Policy = ''
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Private/callMembershipAPI.ps1 b/Source/Private/callMembershipAPI.ps1
index a458b466d..a17c2845e 100644
--- a/Source/Private/callMembershipAPI.ps1
+++ b/Source/Private/callMembershipAPI.ps1
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function _callMembershipAPI {
-Id $Id `
-SubDomain "vssps" `
-Method $Method `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Graph) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Graph) `
-QueryString $query
return $resp
diff --git a/Source/Private/common.ps1 b/Source/Private/common.ps1
index 6949b303b..109fea36e 100644
--- a/Source/Private/common.ps1
+++ b/Source/Private/common.ps1
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function _supportsGraph {
function _testGraphSupport {
- if (-not [VSTeamVersions]::Graph) {
+ if (-not $(_getApiVersion Graph)) {
return $false
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ function _supportsFeeds {
function _testFeedSupport {
- if (-not [VSTeamVersions]::Packaging) {
+ if (-not $(_getApiVersion Packaging)) {
return $false
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function _supportsSecurityNamespace {
function _supportsMemberEntitlementManagement {
- if (-not [VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement) {
+ if (-not $(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement)) {
throw 'This account does not support Member Entitlement.'
@@ -56,6 +56,74 @@ function _testAdministrator {
(New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)
+# When you mock this in tests be sure to add a Parameter Filter that matches
+# the Service that should be used.
+# Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-gitUnitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Git' }
+# Also test in the Assert-MockCalled that the correct version was used in the URL that was
+# built for the API call.
+function _getApiVersion {
+ [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Service')]
+ param (
+ [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Service', Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
+ [ValidateSet('Build', 'Release', 'Core', 'Git', 'DistributedTask', 'VariableGroups', 'Tfvc', 'Packaging', 'MemberEntitlementManagement', 'ExtensionsManagement', 'ServiceFabricEndpoint', 'Graph', 'TaskGroups', 'Policy')]
+ [string] $Service,
+ [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Target')]
+ [switch] $Target
+ )
+ if ($Target.IsPresent) {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::Version
+ }
+ else {
+ switch ($Service) {
+ 'Build' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::Build
+ }
+ 'Release' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::Release
+ }
+ 'Core' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::Core
+ }
+ 'Git' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::Git
+ }
+ 'DistributedTask' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask
+ }
+ 'VariableGroups' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups
+ }
+ 'Tfvc' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc
+ }
+ 'Packaging' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::Packaging
+ }
+ 'MemberEntitlementManagement' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement
+ }
+ 'ExtensionsManagement' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement
+ }
+ 'ServiceFabricEndpoint' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::ServiceFabricEndpoint
+ }
+ 'Graph' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::Graph
+ }
+ 'TaskGroups' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups
+ }
+ 'Policy' {
+ return [VSTeamVersions]::Policy
+ }
+ }
+ }
function _getInstance {
return [VSTeamVersions]::Account
@@ -76,7 +144,8 @@ function _buildRequestURI {
- [switch]$UseProjectId
+ [switch]$UseProjectId,
+ [switch]$NoProject
DynamicParam {
_buildProjectNameDynamicParam -Mandatory $false
@@ -92,7 +161,12 @@ function _buildRequestURI {
$sb.Append($(_addSubDomain -subDomain $subDomain -instance $(_getInstance))) | Out-Null
- if ($ProjectName) {
+ # There are some APIs that must not have the project added to the URI.
+ # However, if they caller set the default project it will be passed in
+ # here and added to the URI by mistake. Functions that need the URI
+ # created without the project even if the default project is set needs
+ # to pass the -NoProject switch.
+ if ($ProjectName -and $NoProject.IsPresent -eq $false) {
if ($UseProjectId.IsPresent) {
$projectId = (Get-VSTeamProject -Name $ProjectName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id)
$sb.Append("/$projectId") | Out-Null
@@ -278,7 +352,7 @@ function _getWorkItemTypes {
# Call the REST API
try {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -area 'wit' -resource 'workitemtypes' -version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core)
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -area 'wit' -resource 'workitemtypes' -version $(_getApiVersion Core)
# This call returns JSON with "": which causes the ConvertFrom-Json to fail.
# To replace all the "": with "_end":
@@ -294,6 +368,14 @@ function _getWorkItemTypes {
+# When writing unit tests mock this and return false.
+# This will prevent the dynamic project name parameter
+# from trying to call the getProject function.
+# Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+function _hasProjectCacheExpired {
+ return $([VSTeamProjectCache]::timestamp) -ne (Get-Date).Minute
function _getProjects {
if (-not $(_getInstance)) {
Write-Output @()
@@ -302,7 +384,7 @@ function _getProjects {
$resource = "/projects"
$instance = $(_getInstance)
- $version = [VSTeamVersions]::Core
+ $version = $(_getApiVersion Core)
# Build the url to list the projects
# You CANNOT use _buildRequestURI here or you will end up
@@ -358,7 +440,7 @@ function _buildProjectNameDynamicParam {
# Generate and set the ValidateSet
- if ($([VSTeamProjectCache]::timestamp) -ne (Get-Date).Minute) {
+ if (_hasProjectCacheExpired) {
$arrSet = _getProjects
[VSTeamProjectCache]::projects = $arrSet
[VSTeamProjectCache]::timestamp = (Get-Date).Minute
@@ -413,10 +495,10 @@ function _getProcesses {
# Call the REST API
try {
- $query = @{}
+ $query = @{ }
$query['stateFilter'] = 'All'
$query['$top'] = '9999'
- $resp = _callAPI -area 'process' -resource 'processes' -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) -QueryString $query
+ $resp = _callAPI -area 'process' -resource 'processes' -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -QueryString $query
if ($resp.count -gt 0) {
Write-Output ($resp.value).name
@@ -620,7 +702,18 @@ function _callAPI {
- [switch]$UseProjectId
+ # Some API calls require the Project ID and not the project name.
+ # However, the dynamic project name parameter only shows you names
+ # and not the Project IDs. Using this flag the project name provided
+ # will be converted to the Project ID when building the URI for the API
+ # call.
+ [switch]$UseProjectId,
+ # This flag makes sure that even if a default project is set that it is
+ # not used to build the URI for the API call. Not all API require or
+ # allow the project to be used. Setting a default project would cause
+ # that project name to be used in building the URI that would lead to
+ # 404 because the URI would not be correct.
+ [switch]$NoProject
# If the caller did not provide a Url build it.
@@ -648,7 +741,7 @@ function _callAPI {
if (_useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise) {
$params.Add('UseDefaultCredentials', $true)
- $params.Add('Headers', @{})
+ $params.Add('Headers', @{ })
elseif (_useBearerToken) {
$params.Add('Headers', @{Authorization = "Bearer $env:TEAM_TOKEN" })
@@ -664,7 +757,7 @@ function _callAPI {
# We have to remove any extra parameters not used by Invoke-RestMethod
- $extra = 'UseProjectId', 'Area', 'Resource', 'SubDomain', 'Id', 'Version', 'JSON', 'ProjectName', 'Team', 'Url', 'QueryString', 'AdditionalHeaders'
+ $extra = 'NoProject', 'UseProjectId', 'Area', 'Resource', 'SubDomain', 'Id', 'Version', 'JSON', 'ProjectName', 'Team', 'Url', 'QueryString', 'AdditionalHeaders'
foreach ($e in $extra) { $params.Remove($e) | Out-Null }
try {
@@ -737,7 +830,7 @@ function _trackServiceEndpointProgress {
# Track status
while (-not $isReady) {
$statusTracking = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'serviceendpoints' -Id $resp.id `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
$isReady = $statusTracking.isReady;
@@ -760,7 +853,7 @@ function _trackServiceEndpointProgress {
function _supportsServiceFabricEndpoint {
- if (-not [VSTeamVersions]::ServiceFabricEndpoint) {
+ if (-not $(_getApiVersion ServiceFabricEndpoint)) {
throw 'This account does not support Service Fabric endpoints.'
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeam.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeam.ps1
index 527f3409f..4cc88abe9 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeam.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeam.ps1
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ function Add-VSTeam {
$body = '{ "name": "' + $Name + '", "description": "' + $Description + '" }'
# Call the REST API
- $resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -Resource "$ProjectName/teams" `
- -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core)
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -Resource "$ProjectName/teams" -NoProject `
+ -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Core)
$team = [VSTeamTeam]::new($resp, $ProjectName)
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1
index 5a7ad37f6..5ebf4fb9d 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1
@@ -5,15 +5,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry {
[VSTeamSecurityNamespace] $SecurityNamespace,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespaceId', Mandatory = $true)]
- [ValidateScript({
- try {
- [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null
- $true
- } catch {
- $false
- }
- })]
- [string] $SecurityNamespaceId,
+ [guid] $SecurityNamespaceId,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespace', Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespaceId', Mandatory = $true)]
@@ -35,13 +27,12 @@ function Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry {
process {
- if ($SecurityNamespace)
- {
+ if ($SecurityNamespace) {
$SecurityNamespaceId = $SecurityNamespace.ID
-$body =
+ $body =
+ @"
"token": "$Token",
"merge": true,
@@ -57,11 +48,10 @@ $body =
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'accesscontrolentries' -id $SecurityNamespaceId -method POST -body $body `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -NoProject `
-ContentType "application/json"
- if ($resp.count -ne 1)
- {
+ if ($resp.count -ne 1) {
throw "Expected 1 result, but got $($rep.count)"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuild.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuild.ps1
index a6e4555c1..428456b6c 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuild.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuild.ps1
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ function Add-VSTeamBuild {
else {
# Find the BuildDefinition id from the name
$id = Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -ProjectName "$ProjectName" -Type All |
- Where-Object { $_.name -eq $BuildDefinition } |
- Select-Object -ExpandProperty id
+ Where-Object { $_.name -eq $BuildDefinition } |
+ Select-Object -ExpandProperty id
$body = @{
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamBuild {
if ($QueueName) {
$queueId = Get-VSTeamQueue -ProjectName "$ProjectName" -queueName "$QueueName" |
- Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
+ Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
$body.Add('queue', @{ id = $queueId })
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamBuild {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'build' -Resource 'builds' `
-Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Build)
_applyTypesToBuild -item $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
index 33b69ec82..7d6557153 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
# Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
$ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]
- $resp = _callAPI -Method Post -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area build -Resource definitions -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) -infile $InFile -ContentType 'application/json'
+ $resp = _callAPI -Method Post -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area build -Resource definitions -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) -infile $InFile -ContentType 'application/json'
return $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
index 16ac325b4..2dde4817f 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamBuildTag {
foreach ($tag in $tags) {
# Call the REST API
_callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'build' -Resource "builds/$Id/tags" `
- -Method Put -Querystring @{tag = $tag} -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) | Out-Null
+ -Method Put -Querystring @{tag = $tag} -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) | Out-Null
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamExtension.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamExtension.ps1
index eb30b1025..ffaf958d5 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamExtension.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamExtension.ps1
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamExtension {
$resource += '/' + $Version
- $resp = _callAPI -Method Post -SubDomain 'extmgmt' -Resource $resource -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement) -ContentType "application/json"
+ $resp = _callAPI -Method Post -SubDomain 'extmgmt' -Resource $resource -Version $(_getApiVersion ExtensionsManagement) -ContentType "application/json"
$item = [VSTeamExtension]::new($resp)
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamFeed.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamFeed.ps1
index 7aa28f612..227f751cb 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamFeed.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamFeed.ps1
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamFeed {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -subDomain feeds -Area packaging -Resource feeds `
- -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -body $bodyAsJson -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Packaging)
+ -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -body $bodyAsJson -Version $(_getApiVersion Packaging)
return [VSTeamFeed]::new($resp)
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
index 8fd3d721e..174fc0c91 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamGitRepository {
try {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'git' -Resource 'repositories' `
- -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
# When I just write the object from the constructor each property
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission.ps1
index f51bcb214..498229350 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission.ps1
@@ -15,15 +15,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission {
- [ValidateScript({
- try {
- [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null
- $true
- } catch {
- $false
- }
- })]
- [string]$RepositoryId,
+ [guid]$RepositoryId,
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamPolicy.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
index 330e4fd6d..718bee0be 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamPolicy {
try {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'policy' -Resource 'configurations' `
- -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
Write-Output $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamProject.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamProject.ps1
index 841a0e441..01449539a 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamProject.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamProject.ps1
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamProject {
try {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' `
- -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core)
+ -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Core)
_trackProjectProgress -resp $resp -title 'Creating team project' -msg "Name: $($ProjectName), Template: $($processTemplate), Src: $($srcCtrl)"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
index 6ae63c428..c637f529c 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamPullRequest {
try {
Write-Debug 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest Call the REST API'
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'git' -Resource 'repositories' -Id "$RepositoryId/pullrequests" `
- -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json;charset=utf-8' -Body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
+ -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json;charset=utf-8' -Body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
_applyTypesToPullRequests -item $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamRelease.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamRelease.ps1
index 984dc8a1b..b9127f86c 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamRelease.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamRelease.ps1
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamRelease {
try {
Write-Debug 'Add-VSTeamRelease Call the REST API'
$resp = _callAPI -SubDomain 'vsrm' -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'release' -Resource 'releases' `
- -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
+ -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Release)
_applyTypesToRelease $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
index c9cecfb2e..5311e0399 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition {
$ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]
$resp = _callAPI -Method Post -subDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource definitions -ProjectName $ProjectName `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) -inFile $inFile -ContentType 'application/json'
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Release) -inFile $inFile -ContentType 'application/json'
Write-Output $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
index 3c8b78fd5..16374818e 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'serviceendpoints' `
- -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
_trackServiceEndpointProgress -projectName $projectName -resp $resp -title 'Creating Service Endpoint' -msg "Creating $endpointName"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
index 5fbc0d475..0788b9aa1 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ function Add-VSTeamTaskGroup {
$ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]
if ($InFile) {
- $resp = _callAPI -Method Post -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups) -InFile $InFile -ContentType 'application/json'
+ $resp = _callAPI -Method Post -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $(_getApiVersion TaskGroups) -InFile $InFile -ContentType 'application/json'
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -Method Post -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups) -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $Body
+ $resp = _callAPI -Method Post -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $(_getApiVersion TaskGroups) -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $Body
return $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
index dcd753e92..e654911ae 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ function Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement {
$body = $obj | ConvertTo-Json
# Call the REST API
- _callAPI -Method Post -Body $body -SubDomain 'vsaex' -Resource 'userentitlements' -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement) -ContentType "application/json"
+ _callAPI -Method Post -Body $body -SubDomain 'vsaex' -Resource 'userentitlements' -Version $(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement) -ContentType "application/json"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
index cc0c76e75..6b1d14e5f 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamVariableGroup {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'variablegroups' `
- -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)
+ -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)
return Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -ProjectName $ProjectName -id $resp.id
diff --git a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1 b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
index 459fd93e8..f2459cca2 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Add-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ function Add-VSTeamWorkItem {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'wit' -Resource 'workitems' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) -id $WorkItemType -Method Post `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -id $WorkItemType -Method Post `
-ContentType 'application/json-patch+json' -Body $json
_applyTypesToWorkItem -item $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Disable-VSTeamAgent.ps1 b/Source/Public/Disable-VSTeamAgent.ps1
index b2e6f6c92..cf048c75f 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Disable-VSTeamAgent.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Disable-VSTeamAgent.ps1
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function Disable-VSTeamAgent {
process {
foreach ($item in $Id) {
try {
- _callAPI -Method Patch -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -Resource agents -Id $item -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask) -ContentType "application/json" -Body "{'enabled':false,'id':$item,'maxParallelism':1}" | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Patch -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -NoProject -Resource agents -Id $item -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask) -ContentType "application/json" -Body "{'enabled':false,'id':$item,'maxParallelism':1}" | Out-Null
Write-Output "Disabled agent $item"
catch {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Enable-VSTeamAgent.ps1 b/Source/Public/Enable-VSTeamAgent.ps1
index f162140bf..99c8df0f8 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Enable-VSTeamAgent.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Enable-VSTeamAgent.ps1
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function Enable-VSTeamAgent {
process {
foreach ($item in $Id) {
try {
- _callAPI -Method Patch -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -Resource agents -Id $item -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask) -ContentType "application/json" -Body "{'enabled':true,'id':$item,'maxParallelism':1}" | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Patch -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -NoProject -Resource agents -Id $item -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask) -ContentType "application/json" -Body "{'enabled':true,'id':$item,'maxParallelism':1}" | Out-Null
Write-Output "Enabled agent $item"
catch {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeam.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeam.ps1
index 4bf472a1e..79642b746 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeam.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeam.ps1
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function Get-VSTeam {
foreach ($item in $Id) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -Resource "$ProjectName/teams" -id $item `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core)
$team = [VSTeamTeam]::new($resp, $ProjectName)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ function Get-VSTeam {
foreach ($item in $Name) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -Resource "$ProjectName/teams" -id $item `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core)
$team = [VSTeamTeam]::new($resp, $ProjectName)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function Get-VSTeam {
else {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -Resource "$ProjectName/teams" `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-QueryString @{
'$top' = $top
'$skip' = $skip
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1
index e84066996..f9fb5dd53 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1
@@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ function Get-VSTeamAPIVersion {
DistributedTask = $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
VariableGroups = $([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)
Tfvc = $([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)
- Packaging = $([VSTeamVersions]::Packaging)
+ Packaging = $(_getApiVersion Packaging)
TaskGroups = $([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)
MemberEntitlementManagement = $([VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement)
ExtensionsManagement = $([VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement)
ServiceFabricEndpoint = $([VSTeamVersions]::ServiceFabricEndpoint)
Graph = $([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)
+ Policy = $([VSTeamVersions]::Policy)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1
index 6baad16d5..dd0e0f912 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1
@@ -6,15 +6,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamAccessControlList {
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespaceId', Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
- [ValidateScript({
- try {
- [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null
- $true
- } catch {
- $false
- }
- })]
- [string] $SecurityNamespaceId,
+ [guid] $SecurityNamespaceId,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespace', Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespaceId', Mandatory = $false)]
@@ -62,7 +54,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamAccessControlList {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'accesscontrollists' -id $SecurityNamespaceId -method GET `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -NoProject `
-QueryString $queryString
try {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAgent.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAgent.ps1
index 7fee4b41a..0ed489316 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAgent.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAgent.ps1
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamAgent {
process {
if ($id) {
- $resp = _callAPI -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -Resource agents -Id $id `
- -Body @{includeCapabilities = 'true'} -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -Resource agents -Id $id -NoProject `
+ -Body @{includeCapabilities = 'true'} -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
# When I just write the object from the constructor each property
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamAgent {
Write-Output $item
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -Resource agents `
- -Body @{includeCapabilities = 'true'} -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -Resource agents -NoProject `
+ -Body @{includeCapabilities = 'true'} -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
$objs = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamApproval.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamApproval.ps1
index 3815880e3..18857acc1 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamApproval.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamApproval.ps1
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamApproval {
# Call the REST API
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area release -Resource approvals -SubDomain vsrm -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) -QueryString $queryString
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area release -Resource approvals -SubDomain vsrm -Version $(_getApiVersion Release) -QueryString $queryString
# Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions
foreach ($item in $resp.value) {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1
index 2e45bdcde..39c4968fd 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamBuild {
foreach ($item in $id) {
# Build the url to return the single build
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'build' -Resource 'builds' -id $item `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Build)
_applyTypesToBuild -item $resp
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamBuild {
else {
# Build the url to list the builds
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'build' -Resource 'builds' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) `
-Querystring @{
'$top' = $top
'type' = $type
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact.ps1
index a67b24fb0..2f2f35e13 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact.ps1
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact {
$ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'build' -Resource "builds/$Id/artifacts" `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Build)
foreach ($item in $resp.value) {
_applyArtifactTypes -item $item
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
index f649f9cd2..ddea8063b 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
if ($id) {
foreach ($item in $id) {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area build -Resource definitions -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) `
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area build -Resource definitions -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) `
-QueryString @{revision = $revision }
if ($JSON.IsPresent) {
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area build -Resource definitions -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) `
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area build -Resource definitions -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) `
-QueryString @{type = $type; name = $filter; includeAllProperties = $true }
$objs = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildLog.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildLog.ps1
index 85f4f2681..31858a0e0 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildLog.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildLog.ps1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamBuildLog {
# Build the url to return the logs of the build
# Call the REST API to get the number of logs for the build
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'build' -Resource "builds/$item/logs" `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Build)
$fullLogIndex = $($resp.count - 1)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamBuildLog {
# Build the url to return the single build
# Call the REST API to get the number of logs for the build
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'build' -Resource "builds/$item/logs" -id $fullLogIndex `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Build)
Write-Output $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
index a82aca5f9..ee828741e 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamBuildTag {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'build' -Resource "builds/$Id/tags" `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Build)
return $resp.value
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamClassificationNode.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamClassificationNode.ps1
index 961740c18..ff00dbee7 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamClassificationNode.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamClassificationNode.ps1
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ function Get-VSTeamClassificationNode {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'wit' -Resource "classificationnodes" -id $id `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-QueryString $queryString
} else {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'wit' -Resource "classificationnodes" -id $id `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
if ([bool]($resp.PSobject.Properties.name -match "value"))
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription.ps1
index e4fb30f2c..29451ddbe 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription.ps1
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'serviceendpointproxy/azurermsubscriptions' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask) -NoProject
# Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions
foreach ($item in $resp.value) {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamDescriptor.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamDescriptor.ps1
index 557c7c26f..0a8e7aff4 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamDescriptor.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamDescriptor.ps1
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamDescriptor {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'graph' -Resource 'descriptors' -id $StorageKey `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Graph) `
- -SubDomain 'vssps'
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Graph) `
+ -SubDomain 'vssps' -NoProject
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
# When I just write the object from the constructor each property
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamExtension.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamExtension.ps1
index bc93d3020..6f68c9edc 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamExtension.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamExtension.ps1
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ function Get-VSTeamExtension {
if ($PublisherId -and $ExtensionId) {
$resource = "extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/$PublisherId/$ExtensionId"
- $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain 'extmgmt' -Resource $resource -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement)
+ $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain 'extmgmt' -Resource $resource -Version $(_getApiVersion ExtensionsManagement)
$item = [VSTeamExtension]::new($resp)
Write-Output $item
else {
- $queryString = @{}
+ $queryString = @{ }
if ($IncludeInstallationIssues.IsPresent) {
$queryString.includeCapabilities = $true
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamExtension {
$queryString.includeErrors = $true
- $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain 'extmgmt' -Resource 'extensionmanagement/installedextensions' -QueryString $queryString -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement)
+ $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain 'extmgmt' -Resource 'extensionmanagement/installedextensions' -QueryString $queryString -Version $(_getApiVersion ExtensionsManagement)
$objs = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamFeed.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamFeed.ps1
index e3607ab5c..2548fd130 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamFeed.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamFeed.ps1
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamFeed {
if ($id) {
foreach ($item in $id) {
- $resp = _callAPI -subDomain feeds -Id $item -Area packaging -Resource feeds -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Packaging)
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -subDomain feeds -Id $item -Area packaging -Resource feeds -Version $(_getApiVersion Packaging)
Write-Verbose $resp
$item = [VSTeamFeed]::new($resp)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamFeed {
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -subDomain feeds -Area packaging -Resource feeds -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Packaging)
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -subDomain feeds -Area packaging -Resource feeds -Version $(_getApiVersion Packaging)
$objs = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitCommit.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitCommit.ps1
index 1dd53a095..466a2afe4 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitCommit.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitCommit.ps1
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamGitCommit {
'searchCriteria.user' = $User
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id "$RepositoryID/commits" -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) -QueryString $queryString
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id "$RepositoryID/commits" -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) -QueryString $queryString
$obj = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRef.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRef.ps1
index b542c2f0e..f04543290 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRef.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRef.ps1
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamGitRef {
'continuationToken' = $continuationToken
- $url = _buildRequestURI -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id "$RepositoryID/refs"
+ $url = _buildRequestURI -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id "$RepositoryID/refs"
$resp = _callAPI -url $url -QueryString $queryString
$obj = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
index 723448185..dda6af3d6 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamGitRepository {
if ($id) {
foreach ($item in $id) {
try {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
# When I just write the object from the constructor each property
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamGitRepository {
elseif ($Name) {
foreach ($item in $Name) {
try {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
# When I just write the object from the constructor each property
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ function Get-VSTeamGitRepository {
else {
if($ProjectName) {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
} else {
- $resp = _callAPI -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
$objs = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitStat.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitStat.ps1
index b369419c4..f2adb880b 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitStat.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitStat.ps1
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamGitStat {
'baseVersionDescriptor.versionOptions' = $VersionOptions
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id "$RepositoryID/stats/branches" -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) -QueryString $queryString
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id "$RepositoryID/stats/branches" -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) -QueryString $queryString
$hasValueProp = $resp.PSObject.Properties.Match('value')
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGroup.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGroup.ps1
index e6f88a3bc..11dbbf5e9 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGroup.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGroup.ps1
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamGroup {
if ($Descriptor) {
# Call the REST API
- $resp = _callAPI -Area 'graph' -Resource 'groups' -id $Descriptor `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Graph) `
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -Area 'graph' -Resource 'groups' -id $Descriptor `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Graph) `
-SubDomain 'vssps'
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamGroup {
try {
# Call the REST API
- $resp = _callAPI -Area 'graph' -id 'groups' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Graph) `
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -Area 'graph' -id 'groups' `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Graph) `
-QueryString $queryString `
-SubDomain 'vssps'
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamJobRequest.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamJobRequest.ps1
index c2ec5c25c..0e0f271cd 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamJobRequest.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamJobRequest.ps1
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamJobRequest {
$resp = _callAPI -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -Resource "jobrequests" `
- -QueryString $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ -QueryString $body -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
$objs = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamMember.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamMember.ps1
index 7d9daeb9e..e2c44a52c 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamMember.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamMember.ps1
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamMember {
# Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
$ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]
- $resp = _callAPI -Id "$TeamId/members" -Area 'projects' -Resource "$ProjectName/teams" -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ $resp = _callAPI -Id "$TeamId/members" -Area 'projects' -Resource "$ProjectName/teams" -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-QueryString @{'$top' = $top; '$skip' = $skip}
# Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPolicy.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
index 666ff636e..3dffae7c6 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamPolicy {
if ($id) {
foreach ($item in $id) {
try {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area policy -Resource configurations -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area policy -Resource configurations -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
_applyTypesToPolicy -item $resp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamPolicy {
else {
try {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area policy -Resource configurations -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area policy -Resource configurations -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
# Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions
foreach ($item in $resp.value) {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPolicyType.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPolicyType.ps1
index ec0a5ac39..d7f8e004a 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPolicyType.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPolicyType.ps1
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamPolicyType {
if ($id) {
foreach ($item in $id) {
try {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area policy -Resource types -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $item -Area policy -Resource types -Version $(_getApiVersion Policy)
_applyTypesToPolicyType -item $resp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamPolicyType {
else {
try {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area policy -Resource types -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area policy -Resource types -Version $(_getApiVersion Policy)
# Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions
foreach ($item in $resp.value) {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPool.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPool.ps1
index 6f1bce9b8..02017e8ae 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPool.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPool.ps1
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamPool {
process {
if ($id) {
- $resp = _callAPI -Area distributedtask -Resource pools -Id $id -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -Area distributedtask -Resource pools -Id $id -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
# When I just write the object from the constructor each property
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamPool {
Write-Output $item
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -Area distributedtask -Resource pools -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -Area distributedtask -Resource pools -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
$objs = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProcess.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProcess.ps1
index d5c5980ed..d78235c84 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProcess.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProcess.ps1
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ function Get-VSTeamProcess {
$ProcessName = $PSBoundParameters["Name"]
if ($id) {
- $queryString = @{}
+ $queryString = @{ }
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'process/processes' -id $id `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-QueryString $queryString
$project = [VSTeamProcess]::new($resp)
@@ -36,15 +36,14 @@ function Get-VSTeamProcess {
elseif ($ProcessName) {
# Lookup Process ID by Name
- Get-VSTeamProcess | where-object {$_.name -eq $ProcessName}
+ Get-VSTeamProcess | where-object { $_.name -eq $ProcessName }
else {
# Return list of processes
try {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'process/processes' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-QueryString @{
'$top' = $top
'$skip' = $skip
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1
index ac521ab69..5e7940794 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamProject {
# Call the REST API
- $resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -id $ProjectName `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -NoProject -id $ProjectName `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-QueryString $queryString
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamProject {
else {
try {
# Call the REST API
- $resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -NoProject `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-QueryString @{
stateFilter = $stateFilter
'$top' = $top
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
index df44155b8..af09cda73 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
@@ -4,36 +4,36 @@ function Get-VSTeamPullRequest {
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ById")]
[string] $Id,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithStatus")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithAll")]
[Guid] $RepositoryId,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithAll")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithStatus")]
[Guid] $SourceRepositoryId,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithAll")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithStatus")]
[string] $SourceBranchRef,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithAll")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithStatus")]
[string] $TargetBranchRef,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithStatus")]
[ValidateSet("abandoned", "active", "all", "completed", "notSet")]
[string] $Status,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithAll")]
[switch] $All,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithAll")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithStatus")]
[int] $Top,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithAll")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SearchCriteriaWithStatus")]
[int] $Skip
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ function Get-VSTeamPullRequest {
try {
if ($Id) {
if ($ProjectName) {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area git -Resource pullRequests -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) -Id $Id
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area git -Resource pullRequests -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) -Id $Id
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -Area git -Resource pullRequests -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) -Id $Id
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area git -Resource pullRequests -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) -Id $Id
else {
@@ -68,18 +68,18 @@ function Get-VSTeamPullRequest {
if ($RepositoryId) {
if ($ProjectName) {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id "$RepositoryId/pullRequests" -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) -QueryString $queryString
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id "$RepositoryId/pullRequests" -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) -QueryString $queryString
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -Id "$RepositoryId/pullRequests" -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) -QueryString $queryString
+ $resp = _callAPI -Id "$RepositoryId/pullRequests" -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) -QueryString $queryString
else {
if ($ProjectName) {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area git -Resource pullRequests -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) -QueryString $queryString
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area git -Resource pullRequests -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) -QueryString $queryString
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -Area git -Resource pullRequests -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) -QueryString $queryString
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area git -Resource pullRequests -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) -QueryString $queryString
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1
index 63f51bde1..d7823b950 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamQueue {
if ($id) {
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Id $id -Area distributedtask -Resource queues `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
$item = [VSTeamQueue]::new($resp, $ProjectName)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamQueue {
else {
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area distributedtask -Resource queues `
- -QueryString @{ queueName = $queueName; actionFilter = $actionFilter } -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ -QueryString @{ queueName = $queueName; actionFilter = $actionFilter } -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
$objs = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamRelease.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamRelease.ps1
index d79c5430d..46ea7e40f 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamRelease.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamRelease.ps1
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamRelease {
if ($id) {
foreach ($item in $id) {
- $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain vsrm -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area release -id $item -Resource releases -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
+ $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain vsrm -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area release -id $item -Resource releases -Version $(_getApiVersion Release)
if ($JSON.IsPresent) {
$resp | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ function Get-VSTeamRelease {
else {
if ($ProjectName) {
- $listurl = _buildRequestURI -SubDomain vsrm -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area release -Resource releases -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
+ $listurl = _buildRequestURI -SubDomain vsrm -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area release -Resource releases -Version $(_getApiVersion Release)
else {
- $listurl = _buildRequestURI -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource releases -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
+ $listurl = _buildRequestURI -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource releases -Version $(_getApiVersion Release)
$QueryString = @{
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
index a3bc8cbe1..ea245de97 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition {
if ($id) {
foreach ($item in $id) {
- $resp = _callAPI -subDomain vsrm -Area release -resource definitions -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) -projectName $projectName -id $item
+ $resp = _callAPI -subDomain vsrm -Area release -resource definitions -Version $(_getApiVersion Release) -projectName $projectName -id $item
if ($JSON.IsPresent) {
$resp | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition {
else {
- $listurl = _buildRequestURI -subDomain vsrm -Area release -resource 'definitions' -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) -projectName $ProjectName
+ $listurl = _buildRequestURI -subDomain vsrm -Area release -resource 'definitions' -Version $(_getApiVersion Release) -projectName $ProjectName
if ($expand -ne 'none') {
$listurl += "&`$expand=$($expand)"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1
index fa850f475..41e8748cd 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1
@@ -5,15 +5,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace {
[string] $Name,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespaceId', Mandatory = $true)]
- [ValidateScript({
- try {
- [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null
- $true
- } catch {
- $false
- }
- })]
- [string] $Id,
+ [guid] $Id,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List', Mandatory = $false)]
[switch] $LocalOnly
@@ -25,7 +17,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace {
if ($Id) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'securitynamespaces' -id $Id `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -NoProject `
} else {
$queryString = @{}
if ($LocalOnly.IsPresent)
@@ -34,7 +26,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace {
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'securitynamespaces' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -NoProject `
-QueryString $queryString
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
index 38583af39..d35952a72 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint {
if ($id) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'serviceendpoints' -Id $id `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask) -ProjectName $ProjectName
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask) -ProjectName $ProjectName
_applyTypesToServiceEndpoint -item $resp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint {
else {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'serviceendpoints' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
# Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions
foreach ($item in $resp.value) {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType.ps1
index 86dbeb97d..e8e9afdc9 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType.ps1
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ function Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'serviceendpointtypes' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask) -body $body
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask) -body $body
else {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'serviceendpointtypes' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
index 6f37aaa2e..1e955a4ca 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ function Get-VSTeamTaskGroup {
$ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]
if ($Id) {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups) -Id $Id -Method Get
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $(_getApiVersion TaskGroups) -Id $Id -Method Get
Write-Output $resp.value
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups) -Method Get
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $(_getApiVersion TaskGroups) -Method Get
if ($Name) {
if ($resp.value) {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch.ps1
index 2009c1bd9..237e27dc3 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch.ps1
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch {
includeDeleted = $IncludeDeleted;
- $resp = _callAPI -Area tfvc -Resource branches -Id $item -QueryString $queryString -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area tfvc -Resource branches -Id $item -QueryString $queryString -Version $(_getApiVersion Tfvc)
_applyTypesToTfvcBranch -item $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch.ps1
index e21af1a52..d21cb6a94 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch.ps1
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch {
includeDeleted = $IncludeDeleted;
- $resp = _callAPI -Area tfvc -Resource branches -QueryString $queryString -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area tfvc -Resource branches -QueryString $queryString -Version $(_getApiVersion Tfvc)
if ($resp | Get-Member -Name value -MemberType Properties) {
foreach ($item in $resp.value) {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUser.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUser.ps1
index 4786f432e..250fa517e 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUser.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUser.ps1
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamUser {
if ($Descriptor) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'graph' -Resource 'users' -id $Descriptor `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Graph) `
- -SubDomain 'vssps'
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Graph) `
+ -SubDomain 'vssps' -NoProject
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
# When I just write the object from the constructor each property
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ function Get-VSTeamUser {
try {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'graph' -id 'users' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Graph) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Graph) `
-QueryString $queryString `
- -SubDomain 'vssps'
+ -SubDomain 'vssps' -NoProject
$objs = @()
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
index c0768ff87..c396a6788 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement {
foreach ($item in $Id) {
# Build the url to return the single build
# Call the REST API
- $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain 'vsaex' -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement) -Resource 'userentitlements' -id $item
+ $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain 'vsaex' -Version $(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement) -Resource 'userentitlements' -id $item
_applyTypesToUser -item $resp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement {
# Build the url to list the teams
# $listurl = _buildUserURL
$listurl = _buildRequestURI -SubDomain 'vsaex' -Resource 'userentitlements' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement)
$listurl += _appendQueryString -name "top" -value $top -retainZero
$listurl += _appendQueryString -name "skip" -value $skip -retainZero
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
index 33643f8c2..39ff56daa 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamVariableGroup {
if ($Id) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'variablegroups' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups) -Id $Id
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion VariableGroups) -Id $Id
_applyTypesToVariableGroup -item $resp
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamVariableGroup {
else {
if ($Name) {
- $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'variablegroups' -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups) -Method Get `
- -QueryString @{groupName = $Name}
+ $resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'variablegroups' -Version $(_getApiVersion VariableGroups) -Method Get `
+ -QueryString @{groupName = $Name }
_applyTypesToVariableGroup -item $resp.value
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamVariableGroup {
else {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'variablegroups' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)
# Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions
foreach ($item in $resp.value) {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWiql.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWiql.ps1
index 3603a018d..8506c6d6a 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWiql.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWiql.ps1
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ function Get-VSTeamWiql {
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Team $Team -Area 'wit' -Resource 'wiql' `
-method "POST" -ContentType "application/json" `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-Querystring $QueryString `
-Body $body
else {
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Team $Team -Area 'wit' -Resource 'wiql' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) -id "$Id" `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -id "$Id" `
-Querystring $QueryString
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
index 2bcae76b6..0f92c5b8c 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamWorkItem {
Process {
# Call the REST API
if ($Id.Length -gt 1) {
- $resp = _callAPI -Area 'wit' -Resource 'workitems' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -Area 'wit' -Resource 'workitems' `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-Querystring @{
'$Expand' = $Expand
fields = ($Fields -join ',')
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ function Get-VSTeamWorkItem {
else {
$a = $Id[0]
- $resp = _callAPI -Area 'wit' -Resource 'workitems' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) -id "$a" `
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -Area 'wit' -Resource 'workitems' `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -id "$a" `
-Querystring @{
'$Expand' = $Expand
fields = ($Fields -join ',')
diff --git a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWorkItemType.ps1 b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWorkItemType.ps1
index a0938f301..62818e521 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWorkItemType.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWorkItemType.ps1
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamWorkItemType {
# Call the REST API
if ($WorkItemType) {
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'wit' -Resource 'workitemtypes' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) -id $WorkItemType
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -id $WorkItemType
# This call returns JSON with "": which causes the ConvertFrom-Json to fail.
# To replace all the "": with "_end":
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function Get-VSTeamWorkItemType {
else {
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'wit' -Resource 'workitemtypes' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core)
# This call returns JSON with "": which causes the ConvertFrom-Json to fail.
# To replace all the "": with "_end":
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeam.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeam.ps1
index 1ac277344..8b90df0cd 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeam.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeam.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeam {
if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id, "Delete team")) {
# Call the REST API
_callAPI -Area 'projects' -Resource "$ProjectName/teams" -Id $Id `
- -Method Delete -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) | Out-Null
+ -Method Delete -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted team $Id"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1
index 71b0ce660..64001e89e 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1
@@ -5,15 +5,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamAccessControlList {
[VSTeamSecurityNamespace] $SecurityNamespace,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespaceId', Mandatory = $true)]
- [ValidateScript({
- try {
- [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null
- $true
- } catch {
- $false
- }
- })]
- [string] $SecurityNamespaceId,
+ [guid] $SecurityNamespaceId,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespace', Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByNamespaceId', Mandatory = $true)]
@@ -46,7 +38,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamAccessControlList {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($queryString.tokens, "Delete ACL")) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'accesscontrollists' -id $SecurityNamespaceId -method DELETE `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) `
-QueryString $queryString
Write-Output $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAgent.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAgent.ps1
index dfebafe34..34a5a098d 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAgent.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAgent.ps1
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamAgent {
foreach ($item in $Id) {
if ($force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item,"Delete agent")) {
try {
- _callAPI -Method Delete -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -Resource agents -Id $item -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask) | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Delete -Area "distributedtask/pools/$PoolId" -Resource agents -Id $item -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted agent $item"
catch {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuild.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuild.ps1
index 91e9924f6..fa5fce366 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuild.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuild.ps1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamBuild {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Build")) {
try {
_callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'build' -Resource 'builds' -id $item `
- -Method Delete -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) | Out-Null
+ -Method Delete -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted build $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
index cb1f32168..cc34659ad 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
foreach ($item in $id) {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Build Definition")) {
# Call the REST API
- _callAPI -Method Delete -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area build -Resource definitions -Id $item -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Delete -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area build -Resource definitions -Id $item -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted build definition $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
index 62868a58b..be4d2f31f 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamBuildTag {
foreach ($tag in $tags) {
# Call the REST API
_callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'build' -Resource "builds/$Id/tags" `
- -Method Delete -Querystring @{tag = $tag} -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) | Out-Null
+ -Method Delete -Querystring @{tag = $tag} -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) | Out-Null
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamExtension.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamExtension.ps1
index cbc7649d3..a0a056d44 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamExtension.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamExtension.ps1
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamExtension {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($ExtensionId, "Remove extension")) {
$resource = "extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/$PublisherId/$ExtensionId"
- $resp = _callAPI -Method Delete -SubDomain 'extmgmt' -Resource $resource -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement)
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -Method Delete -SubDomain 'extmgmt' -Resource $resource -Version $(_getApiVersion ExtensionsManagement)
Write-Output $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamFeed.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamFeed.ps1
index f9deeaeda..ff4dd67d7 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamFeed.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamFeed.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamFeed {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Package Feed")) {
# Call the REST API
- _callAPI -subDomain feeds -Method Delete -Id $item -Area packaging -Resource feeds -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Packaging) | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -NoProject -subDomain feeds -Method Delete -Id $item -Area packaging -Resource feeds -Version $(_getApiVersion Packaging) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted Feed $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
index 73aa3f986..3fbdb5281 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamGitRepository {
foreach ($item in $id) {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Repository")) {
try {
- _callAPI -Method Delete -Id $item -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Delete -Id $item -Area git -Resource repositories -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted repository $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamPolicy.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
index eaaf79b09..d1bb59100 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamPolicy {
foreach ($item in $id) {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Policy")) {
try {
- _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Method Delete -Id $item -Area policy -Resource configurations -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git) | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Method Delete -Id $item -Area policy -Resource configurations -Version $(_getApiVersion Git) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted policy $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamProject.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamProject.ps1
index da7c86d5b..b4e918afd 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamProject.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamProject.ps1
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamProject {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($ProjectName, "Delete Project")) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -Id (Get-VSTeamProject $ProjectName).id `
- -Method Delete -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core)
+ -Method Delete -Version $(_getApiVersion Core)
_trackProjectProgress -resp $resp -title 'Deleting team project' -msg "Deleting $ProjectName"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamRelease.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamRelease.ps1
index 6f9714f8e..99922877a 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamRelease.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamRelease.ps1
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamRelease {
try {
# Call the REST API
- _callAPI -Method Delete -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource releases -ProjectName $ProjectName -id $item -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Delete -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource releases -ProjectName $ProjectName -id $item -Version $(_getApiVersion Release) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted release $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
index af67a9ab1..39f10002a 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition {
foreach ($item in $id) {
if ($force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Release Definition")) {
- _callAPI -Method Delete -subDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource definitions -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) -projectName $ProjectName -id $item | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Delete -subDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource definitions -Version $(_getApiVersion Release) -projectName $ProjectName -id $item | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted release definition $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
index fd716c9f6..21f64daed 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamServiceEndpoint {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Service Endpoint")) {
# Call the REST API
_callAPI -projectName $projectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'serviceendpoints' -Id $item `
- -Method Delete -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask) | Out-Null
+ -Method Delete -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted service endpoint $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
index 4cf4321fc..4a8cba9d1 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup {
foreach ($item in $Id) {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Task Group")) {
# Call the REST API
- _callAPI -Method Delete -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups) -Id $item | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Delete -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $(_getApiVersion TaskGroups) -Id $item | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted task group $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
index e60a7f8bc..cf4a6466b 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement {
if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($user.userName) ($($user.email))", "Delete user")) {
# Call the REST API
- _callAPI -Method Delete -SubDomain 'vsaex' -Resource 'userentitlements' -Id $Id -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement) | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Delete -SubDomain 'vsaex' -Resource 'userentitlements' -Id $Id -Version $(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted user $($user.userName) ($($user.email))"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
index 609f24fa3..999a11d6f 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Variable Group")) {
# Call the REST API
_callAPI -projectName $projectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'variablegroups' -Id $item `
- -Method Delete -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups) | Out-Null
+ -Method Delete -Version $(_getApiVersion VariableGroups) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Deleted variable group $item"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1 b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
index e2b73cc7f..d449e1e0a 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function Remove-VSTeamWorkItem {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Work Item")) {
try {
_callAPI -Method Delete -Area wit -Resource workitems `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) -id $item `
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -id $item `
-Querystring @{
destroy = $Destroy
} | Out-Null
diff --git a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1 b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1
index e3bf5fb92..4175a6ace 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function Set-VSTeamAPIVersion {
[string] $Target = 'TFS2017',
[parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Service', Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
- [ValidateSet('Build', 'Release', 'Core', 'Git', 'DistributedTask', 'VariableGroups', 'Tfvc', 'Packaging', 'MemberEntitlementManagement', 'ExtensionsManagement', 'ServiceFabricEndpoint', 'Graph', 'TaskGroups')]
+ [ValidateSet('Build', 'Release', 'Core', 'Git', 'DistributedTask', 'VariableGroups', 'Tfvc', 'Packaging', 'MemberEntitlementManagement', 'ExtensionsManagement', 'ServiceFabricEndpoint', 'Graph', 'TaskGroups', 'Policy')]
[string] $Service,
[parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Service', Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ function Set-VSTeamAPIVersion {
'TaskGroups' {
[VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups = $Version
+ 'Policy' {
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Policy = $Version
+ }
else {
@@ -75,6 +78,7 @@ function Set-VSTeamAPIVersion {
[VSTeamVersions]::ServiceFabricEndpoint = '5.0'
[VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement = '5.0'
[VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Policy = '5.0'
'TFS2018' {
[VSTeamVersions]::Version = 'TFS2018'
@@ -91,6 +95,7 @@ function Set-VSTeamAPIVersion {
[VSTeamVersions]::ServiceFabricEndpoint = '3.2'
[VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement = '3.2-preview'
[VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Policy = ''
'TFS2017' {
[VSTeamVersions]::Version = 'TFS2017'
@@ -107,6 +112,7 @@ function Set-VSTeamAPIVersion {
[VSTeamVersions]::ServiceFabricEndpoint = ''
[VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement = '3.0-preview'
[VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Policy = ''
Default {
[VSTeamVersions]::Version = $Target
@@ -126,6 +132,7 @@ function Set-VSTeamAPIVersion {
[VSTeamVersions]::ServiceFabricEndpoint = '5.0-preview'
[VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement = '5.1-preview'
[VSTeamVersions]::Graph = '5.1-preview'
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Policy = '5.1'
@@ -139,10 +146,11 @@ function Set-VSTeamAPIVersion {
Write-Verbose "DistributedTask: $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
Write-Verbose "VariableGroups: $([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)"
Write-Verbose "Tfvc: $([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
- Write-Verbose "Packaging: $([VSTeamVersions]::Packaging)"
+ Write-Verbose "Packaging: $(_getApiVersion Packaging)"
Write-Verbose "TaskGroups: $([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)"
Write-Verbose "MemberEntitlementManagement: $([VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement)"
Write-Verbose "ServiceFabricEndpoint: $([VSTeamVersions]::ServiceFabricEndpoint)"
Write-Verbose "ExtensionsManagement: $([VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement)"
Write-Verbose "Graph: $([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)"
+ Write-Verbose "Policy: $([VSTeamVersions]::Policy)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamApproval.ps1 b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamApproval.ps1
index 44084e846..a3c53a04f 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamApproval.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamApproval.ps1
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function Set-VSTeamApproval {
try {
# Call the REST API
_callAPI -Method Patch -SubDomain vsrm -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area release -Resource approvals `
- -Id $item -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) -body $body -ContentType 'application/json' | Out-Null
+ -Id $item -Version $(_getApiVersion Release) -body $body -ContentType 'application/json' | Out-Null
Write-Output "Approval $item status changed to $status"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus.ps1 b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus.ps1
index 1efd4c20e..9dd7967ff 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus.ps1
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus {
try {
# Call the REST API
_callAPI -Method Patch -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource "releases/$ReleaseId/environments" -projectName $ProjectName -id $item `
- -body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) | Out-Null
+ -body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -Version $(_getApiVersion Release) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Environment $item status changed to $status"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.ps1 b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.ps1
index 77b476265..36f8700af 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.ps1
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
# Call the REST API to change the inheritance state
- $resp = _callAPI -method POST -area "Contribution" -resource "HierarchyQuery" -id $projectID -Version $version -ContentType "application/json" -Body $body
+ $resp = _callAPI -NoProject -method POST -area "Contribution" -resource "HierarchyQuery" -id $projectID -Version $version -ContentType "application/json" -Body $body
Write-Verbose "Result: $(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $resp -Depth 100)"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus.ps1 b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus.ps1
index c4f864f70..41c2e8128 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus.ps1
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ function Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus {
try {
# Call the REST API
_callAPI -Method Patch -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource releases -projectName $ProjectName -id $item `
- -body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) | Out-Null
+ -body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -Version $(_getApiVersion Release) | Out-Null
Write-Output "Release $item status changed to $status"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline.ps1 b/Source/Public/Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline.ps1
index eaf6bc585..555eb9f73 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline.ps1
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'pipelines' -Resource "$PipelineId" -id "runs" `
-Method Post -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Build)
catch {
if ($PSItem -match 'PipelineValidationException') {
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeam.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeam.ps1
index 3772005bb..338b81ecd 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeam.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeam.ps1
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function Update-VSTeam {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -Resource "$ProjectName/teams" -Id $Name `
- -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core)
+ -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Core)
# Storing the object before you return it cleaned up the pipeline.
# When I just write the object from the constructor each property
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamBuild.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamBuild.ps1
index 065b623cb..d96c62221 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamBuild.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamBuild.ps1
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamBuild {
# Call the REST API
_callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'build' -Resource 'builds' -Id $Id `
- -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) | Out-Null
+ -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) | Out-Null
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
index bb3dfba4c..3864f156d 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
# Call the REST API
if ($InFile) {
- _callAPI -Method Put -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area build -Resource definitions -Id $Id -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) -InFile $InFile -ContentType 'application/json' | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Put -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area build -Resource definitions -Id $Id -Version $(_getApiVersion Build) -InFile $InFile -ContentType 'application/json' | Out-Null
else {
_callAPI -Method Put -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area build -Resource definitions -Id $Id -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Build) -Body $BuildDefinition -ContentType 'application/json' | Out-Null
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamPolicy.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
index 7f4fc8d60..e80ec37c0 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamPolicy {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($id, "Update Policy")) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'policy' -id $id -Resource 'configurations' `
- -Method Put -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ -Method Put -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
Write-Output $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamProject.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamProject.ps1
index 1fd4c7e18..d30fbf05e 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamProject.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamProject.ps1
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ function Update-VSTeamProject {
# Call the REST API
- $resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -id $id `
- -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core)
+ $resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -id $id -NoProject `
+ -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Core)
_trackProjectProgress -resp $resp -title 'Updating team project' -msg $msg
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
index adc6b8c7e..213e9ab3f 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamPullRequest {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -Area git -Resource repositories -iD "$RepositoryId/pullrequests/$PullRequestId" `
- -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Git)
_applyTypesToPullRequests -item $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamRelease.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamRelease.ps1
index e72685e15..e26aba8d5 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamRelease.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamRelease.ps1
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamRelease {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id, "Update Release")) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource releases -Id $id `
- -Method Put -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
+ -Method Put -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion Release)
Write-Output $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
index ef93be04b..1275cc5fa 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($id, "Update Service Endpoint")) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'serviceendpoints' -Id $id `
- -Method Put -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)
+ -Method Put -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)
_trackServiceEndpointProgress -projectName $projectName -resp $resp -title 'Updating Service Endpoint' -msg "Updating $id"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
index 236105f90..f7dcf5b40 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ function Update-VSTeamTaskGroup {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update Task Group")) {
if ($InFile) {
- $resp = _callAPI -Method Put -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups) -InFile $InFile -ContentType 'application/json' -Id $Id
+ $resp = _callAPI -Method Put -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $(_getApiVersion TaskGroups) -InFile $InFile -ContentType 'application/json' -Id $Id
else {
- $resp = _callAPI -Method Put -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups) -Body $Body -ContentType 'application/json' -Id $Id
+ $resp = _callAPI -Method Put -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area distributedtask -Resource taskgroups -Version $(_getApiVersion TaskGroups) -Body $Body -ContentType 'application/json' -Id $Id
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
index 75229e579..579ed3d9e 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement
# We have to go find the id
$user = Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Top 10000 | Where-Object email -eq $email
- if (-not$user)
+ if (-not $user)
throw "Could not find user with an email equal to $email"
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement
if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$( $user.userName ) ($( $user.email ))", "Update user"))
# Call the REST API
- _callAPI -Method Patch -Body $body -SubDomain 'vsaex' -Resource 'userentitlements' -Id $id -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement) -ContentType 'application/json-patch+json' | Out-Null
+ _callAPI -Method Patch -NoProject -Body $body -SubDomain 'vsaex' -Resource 'userentitlements' -Id $id -Version $(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement) -ContentType 'application/json-patch+json' | Out-Null
Write-Output "Updated user license for $( $user.userName ) ($( $user.email )) from LicenseType: ($licenseTypeOriginal) to ($newLicenseType)"
Write-Output "Updated user license for $( $user.userName ) ($( $user.email )) from LicenseSource: ($licenseSourceOriginal) to ($newLicenseSource)"
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
index 85d7d9561..8af2e2ffa 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamVariableGroup {
DynamicParam {
$dp = _buildProjectNameDynamicParam
- if ([VSTeamVersions]::Version -ne "TFS2017" -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByHashtable") {
+ if ($(_getApiVersion -Target) -ne "TFS2017" -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByHashtable") {
$ParameterName = 'Type'
$rp = _buildDynamicParam -ParameterName $ParameterName -arrSet ('Vsts', 'AzureKeyVault') -Mandatory $true
$dp.Add($ParameterName, $rp)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamVariableGroup {
description = $Description
variables = $Variables
- if ([VSTeamVersions]::Version -ne "TFS2017") {
+ if ($(_getApiVersion -Target) -ne "TFS2017") {
$Type = $PSBoundParameters['Type']
$bodyAsHashtable.Add("type", $Type)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function Update-VSTeamVariableGroup {
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id, "Update Variable Group")) {
# Call the REST API
$resp = _callAPI -ProjectName $projectName -Area 'distributedtask' -Resource 'variablegroups' -Id $Id `
- -Method Put -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)
+ -Method Put -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)
Write-Verbose $resp
diff --git a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1 b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
index bab1366f1..a7d938c24 100644
--- a/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
+++ b/Source/Public/Update-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ function Update-VSTeamWorkItem {
# Call the REST API
if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id, "Update-WorkItem")) {
$resp = _callAPI -Area 'wit' -Resource 'workitems' `
- -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) -id $Id -Method Patch `
- -ContentType 'application/json-patch+json' -Body $json
+ -Version $(_getApiVersion Core) -id $Id -Method Patch `
+ -ContentType 'application/json-patch+json' -Body $json -NoProject
_applyTypesToWorkItem -item $resp
diff --git a/Source/formats/Team.ResourceArea.TableView.ps1xml b/Source/formats/Team.ResourceArea.TableView.ps1xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56ff1209f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/formats/Team.ResourceArea.TableView.ps1xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ Team.ResourceArea.TableView
+ Team.ResourceArea
+ VSTeamResourceArea
+ Name
+ locationUrl
diff --git a/Source/formats/_formats.json b/Source/formats/_formats.json
index 0a26e9a2d..cb480b8dd 100644
--- a/Source/formats/_formats.json
+++ b/Source/formats/_formats.json
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
- "Team.GitUserDate.TableView.ps1xml"
+ "Team.GitUserDate.TableView.ps1xml",
+ "Team.ResourceArea.TableView.ps1xml"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/credscan-supression.json b/build/credscan-supression.json
index 5440f1af2..0c074e265 100644
--- a/build/credscan-supression.json
+++ b/build/credscan-supression.json
@@ -1,30 +1,33 @@
"tool": "Credential Scanner",
"suppressions": [
- {
- "file": "profile.Tests.ps1",
- "_justification": "Fake credentials only used for unit tests."
- },
- {
- "file": "Set-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1",
- "_justification": "Fake credentials only used for unit tests."
- },
- {
- "file": "serviceendpoints.Tests.ps1",
- "_justification": "Fake credentials only used for unit tests."
- },
- {
- "file": "VSTeam-Help.xml",
- "_justification": "Fake credentials which are part of PS documentation examples."
- },
- {
- "file": "Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint.md",
- "_justification": "Fake credentials which are part of PS documentation examples."
- },
- {
- "file": "buildDefyaml.json",
- "_justification": "Fake credentials only used for unit tests."
- }
+ {
+ "placeholder": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
+ "_justification": "This is the secret place holder used by my team"
+ },
+ {
+ "file": "Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint.md",
+ "_justification": "Fake credentials only used for unit tests."
+ },
+ {
+ "file": "Set-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1",
+ "_justification": "Fake credentials only used for unit tests."
+ },
+ {
+ "file": "Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint.Tests.ps1",
+ "_justification": "Fake credentials only used for unit tests."
+ },
+ {
+ "file": "VSTeam-Help.xml",
+ "_justification": "Fake credentials which are part of PS documentation examples."
+ },
+ {
+ "file": "Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint.md",
+ "_justification": "Fake credentials which are part of PS documentation examples."
+ },
+ {
+ "file": "buildDefyaml.json",
+ "_justification": "Fake credentials only used for unit tests."
+ }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeam.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeam.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b971cfbc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeam.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeam.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeam" {
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
+ name = 'refs/heads/master'
+ description = 'team description'
+ }
+ Context "Add-VSTeam" {
+ Context "Services" {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Context 'Add-VSTeam with team name only' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should create a team' {
+ Add-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamName "TestTeam"
+ $expectedBody = '{ "name": "TestTeam", "description": "" }'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post" -and
+ $Body -eq $expectedBody
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeam with team name and description' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should create a team' {
+ Add-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamName "TestTeam" -Description "Test Description"
+ $expectedBody = '{ "name": "TestTeam", "description": "Test Description" }'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post" -and
+ $Body -eq $expectedBody
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context "Server" {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'with team name only on TFS local Auth should create a team' {
+ Add-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamName "TestTeam"
+ $expectedBody = '{ "name": "TestTeam", "description": "" }'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post" -and
+ $Body -eq $expectedBody
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.Tests.ps1
index 54b7f7f9c..980a9aa1d 100644
--- a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -9,104 +12,49 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamDefaultProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
-$accessControlEntryResult =
- "count": 1,
- "value": [
- {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
- "allow": 8,
- "deny": 0,
- "extendedInfo": {}
- }
- ]
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
-$securityNamespace =
- "count": 1,
- "value": [
- {
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531",
- "name": "Analytics",
- "displayName": "Analytics",
- "separatorValue": "/",
- "elementLength": -1,
- "writePermission": 2,
- "readPermission": 1,
- "dataspaceCategory": "Default",
- "actions": [
- {
- "bit": 1,
- "name": "Read",
- "displayName": "View analytics",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- },
- {
- "bit": 2,
- "name": "Administer",
- "displayName": "Manage analytics permissions",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- },
- {
- "bit": 4,
- "name": "Stage",
- "displayName": "Push the data to staging area",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- },
- {
- "bit": 8,
- "name": "ExecuteUnrestrictedQuery",
- "displayName": "Execute query without any restrictions on the query form",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- },
- {
- "bit": 16,
- "name": "ReadEuii",
- "displayName": "Read EUII data",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- }
- ],
- "structureValue": 1,
- "extensionType": null,
- "isRemotable": false,
- "useTokenTranslator": false,
- "systemBitMask": 30
- }
- ]
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
-$securityNamespaceObject = [VSTeamSecurityNamespace]::new($securityNamespace.value)
-Describe 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Core = '5.0'
- Context 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry by SecurityNamespaceId' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $accessControlEntryResult
- } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId 5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866 -Descriptor abc -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
+Describe 'VSTeamAccessControlEntry' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Load sample files you need for mocks below
+ $securityNamespace = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\securityNamespace.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $accessControlEntryResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\accessControlEntryResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # Some of the functions return VSTeam classes so turn the PSCustomeObject
+ # into the correct type.
+ $securityNamespaceObject = [VSTeamSecurityNamespace]::new($securityNamespace.value[0])
+ ## Arrange
+ # This value being left around can cause other tests to fail.
+ AfterAll { $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName") }
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this using the
+ # Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '5.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core'}
+ # This is only called when you need to test that the function can handle an
+ # exception. To make sure this mock is called make sure the descriptor in
+ # the body of your call has the value of 'boom'.
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' } -ParameterFilter { $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"boom`",*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult }
+ It 'by SecurityNamespace (pipeline) should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ $securityNamespaceObject | Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -Descriptor abc -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ # The write-host below is great for seeing how many ways the mock is called.
+ # Write-Host "Assert Mock $Uri"
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
$Body -like "*`"token`": `"xyz`",*" -and
$Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"abc`",*" -and
$Body -like "*`"allow`": 12,*" -and
@@ -115,19 +63,23 @@ Describe 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry' {
$Method -eq "Post"
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry by SecurityNamespace' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace { return $securityNamespaceObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
+ It 'by SecurityNamespaceId should return ACEs' {
+ # Even with a default set this URI should not have the project added.
+ # So set the default project to Testing here and test below that the
+ # project is NOT added to the Uri.
+ ## Arange
+ Set-VSTeamDefaultProject -Project Testing
- $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Descriptor abc -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId 5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866 -Descriptor abc -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ # The write-host below is great for seeing how many ways the mock is called.
+ # Write-Host "Assert Mock $Uri"
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
$Body -like "*`"token`": `"xyz`",*" -and
$Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"abc`",*" -and
$Body -like "*`"allow`": 12,*" -and
@@ -136,19 +88,17 @@ Describe 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry' {
$Method -eq "Post"
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry by SecurityNamespace (pipeline)' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace { return $securityNamespaceObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531" | `
- Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -Descriptor abc -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15
+ It 'by SecurityNamespace should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespaceObject -Descriptor abc -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ # The write-host below is great for seeing how many ways the mock is called.
+ # Write-Host "Assert Mock $Uri"
$Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
$Body -like "*`"token`": `"xyz`",*" -and
$Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"abc`",*" -and
$Body -like "*`"allow`": 12,*" -and
@@ -157,24 +107,15 @@ Describe 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry' {
$Method -eq "Post"
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry by securityNamespaceId throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId 5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866 -Descriptor abc -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15 } | Should Throw
+ It 'by securityNamespaceId throws should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId 5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866 -Descriptor boom -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15 } | Should Throw
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry by SecurityNamespace throws' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace { return $securityNamespaceObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Descriptor abc -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15 } | Should Throw
+ It 'by SecurityNamespace should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespaceObject -Descriptor boom -Token xyz -AllowMask 12 -DenyMask 15 } | Should Throw
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f29a81eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamBuild' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamBuild' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $resultsVSTS = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $singleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildSingleResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Build' }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ BeforeAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ }
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return $resultsVSTS.value }
+ It 'by name should add build' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -BuildDefinitionName 'aspdemo-CI'
+ ## Assert
+ # Call to queue build.
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 699 -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by id should add build' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2
+ ## Assert
+ # Call to queue build.
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with source branch should add build' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -SourceBranch 'refs/heads/dev'
+ ## Assert
+ # Call to queue build.
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).sourceBranch -eq 'refs/heads/dev' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with parameters should add build' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -BuildParameters @{'system.debug' = 'true' }
+ ## Assert
+ # Call to queue build.
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
+ (($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).parameters | ConvertFrom-Json).'system.debug' -eq 'true' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ AfterAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $singleResult
+ }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamQueue { return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = "MyQueue"
+ id = 3
+ }
+ }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return @{ name = "MyBuildDef" } }
+ It 'by id on TFS local Auth should add build' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'Project'
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -QueueName MyQueue
+ ## Assert
+ # Call to queue build.
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ # The write-host below is great for seeing how many ways the mock is called.
+ # Write-Host "Assert Mock $Uri"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" -and
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).queue.id -eq 3
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with parameters on TFS local Auth should add build' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'Project'
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -QueueName MyQueue -BuildParameters @{'system.debug' = 'true' }
+ ## Assert
+ # Call to queue build.
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ # The write-host below is great for seeing how many ways the mock is called.
+ # Write-Host "Assert Mock $Uri"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" -and
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).queue.id -eq 3 -and
+ $Body -like "*system.debug*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with source branch on TFS local auth should add build' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'Project'
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -QueueName MyQueue -SourceBranch refs/heads/dev
+ ## Assert
+ # Call to queue build.
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ # The write-host below is great for seeing how many ways the mock is called.
+ # Write-Host "Assert Mock $Uri"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" -and
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).queue.id -eq 3 -and
+ ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).sourceBranch -eq 'refs/heads/dev'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42ffe628f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamBuildDefinition' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition' {
+ ## Arrange
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $resultsVSTS = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Build' }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ it 'Should add build' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -inFile 'sampleFiles/builddef.json'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $InFile -eq 'sampleFiles/builddef.json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ it 'Should add build' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -inFile 'sampleFiles/builddef.json'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $InFile -eq 'sampleFiles/builddef.json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamBuildTag.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamBuildTag.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e5e8c997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamBuildTag.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Add-VSTeamBuildTag' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamBuildTag' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $inputTags = "Test1", "Test2", "Test3"
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Build' }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ It 'should add tags to Build' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuildTag -ProjectName project -id 2 -Tags $inputTags
+ ## Assert
+ foreach ($inputTag in $inputTags) {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Put' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" + "&tag=$inputTag"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ It 'should add tags to Build' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamBuildTag -ProjectName project -id 2 -Tags $inputTags
+ ## Assert
+ foreach ($inputTag in $inputTags) {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Put' -and
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" + "&tag=$inputTag"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21ac3cc5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamInstallState.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamExtension.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamExtension' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamExtension' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'ExtensionsManagement' }
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ extensionId = 'test'
+ extensionName = 'test'
+ publisherId = 'test'
+ publisherName = 'test'
+ version = '1.0.0'
+ registrationId = '12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012'
+ manifestVersion = 1
+ baseUri = ''
+ fallbackBaseUri = ''
+ scopes = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ installState = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ flags = 'none'
+ lastUpdated = '2018-10-09T11:26:47.187Z'
+ }
+ }
+ BeforeAll {
+ $env:Team_TOKEN = '1234'
+ }
+ AfterAll {
+ $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
+ }
+ Mock _callAPI { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should add an extension without version' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId 'test' -ExtensionId 'test'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Get' -and
+ $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
+ $version -eq $(_getApiVersion ExtensionsManagement) -and
+ $uri
+ $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Should add an extension with version' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId 'test' -ExtensionId 'test' -Version '1.0.0'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Get' -and
+ $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
+ $version -eq $(_getApiVersion ExtensionsManagement)
+ $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test/1.0.0*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a47b4001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamFeed' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamFeed' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $results = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\feeds.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results.value[0] }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Packaging' }
+ it 'with description should add feed' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamFeed -Name 'module' -Description 'Test Module'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Packaging)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Body -like '*"name": *"module"*'
+ }
+ }
+ it 'with upstream sources should add feed' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamFeed -Name 'module' -EnableUpstreamSources -showDeletedPackageVersions
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion packaging)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Body -like '*"upstreamEnabled":*true*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"hideDeletedPackageVersions":*false*'
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d55bd1ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamGitRepository" {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepository' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = ''
+ url = ''
+ sshUrl = ''
+ remoteUrl = ''
+ defaultBranch = ''
+ size = 0
+ name = 'testRepo'
+ project = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Project'
+ id = 1
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ state = ''
+ revision = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ }
+ }
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-gitUnitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Git' }
+ It 'by name should add Git repo' {
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepository -Name 'testRepo' -ProjectName 'test'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq "Post" -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/git/repositories?api-version=1.0-gitUnitTests" -and
+ $Body -like "*testRepo*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54737e77a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGroup.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUser.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $userSingleResultObject = [VSTeamUser]::new($userSingleResult)
+ $groupSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groupsSingle.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $groupSingleResultObject = [VSTeamGroup]::new($groupSingleResult)
+ $projectResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\projectResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $projectResultObject = [VSTeamProject]::new($projectResult)
+ $accessControlEntryResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\accessControlEntryResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $accessControlEntryResult
+ } -Verifiable
+ It 'by ProjectUser should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by ProjectGroup should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by ProjectDescriptor should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ # The S-1-9 number is on digit off from the calls above so the same mock can be used
+ # as above with the exactly 1 parameter. If you don't use different S-1-9 the count
+ # of calls will be off.
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-2551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-2551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by RepositoryUser should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by RepositoryGroup should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by RepositoryDescriptor should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by RepositoryBranchUser should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -BranchName "master" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012/refs/heads/6d0061007300740065007200`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by RepositoryBranchGroup should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -BranchName "master" -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012/refs/heads/6d0061007300740065007200`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by RepositoryBranchDescriptor should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789015" -BranchName "master" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789015/refs/heads/6d0061007300740065007200`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7216b425b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint' {
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'ServiceFabricEndpoint' }
+ Mock Write-Progress
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342' } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ isReady = $true
+ operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready' }
+ }
+ }
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ isReady = $false
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ data = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress' }
+ }
+ }
+ It 'not accepting untrusted certs and not generating a pfx should create a new Kubernetes Serviceendpoint' {
+ Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'KubTest' `
+ -kubernetesUrl 'http://myK8s.local' -clientKeyData '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' `
+ -kubeconfig '{name: "myConfig"}' -clientCertificateData 'someClientCertData'
+ # On PowerShell 5 the JSON has two spaces but on PowerShell 6 it only has one so
+ # test for both.
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ ($Body -like '*"acceptUntrustedCerts": false*' -or $Body -like '*"acceptUntrustedCerts": false*') -and
+ ($Body -like '*"generatePfx": false*' -or $Body -like '*"generatePfx": false*')
+ }
+ }
+ It 'accepting untrusted certs and generating a pfx should create a new Kubernetes Serviceendpoint' {
+ Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'KubTest' `
+ -kubernetesUrl 'http://myK8s.local' -clientKeyData '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' `
+ -kubeconfig '{name: "myConfig"}' -clientCertificateData 'someClientCertData' -acceptUntrustedCerts -generatePfx
+ # On PowerShell 5 the JSON has two spaces but on PowerShell 6 it only has one so
+ # test for both.
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ ($Body -like '*"acceptUntrustedCerts": true*' -or $Body -like '*"acceptUntrustedCerts": true*') -and
+ ($Body -like '*"generatePfx": true*' -or $Body -like '*"generatePfx": true*')
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0fa178cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/callMembershipAPI.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamMembership' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' }
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ Mock _supportsGraph
+ $UserDescriptor = 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
+ $GroupDescriptor = 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamMembership' {
+ It 'Should add membership' {
+ ## Act
+ $null = Add-VSTeamMembership -MemberDescriptor $UserDescriptor -ContainerDescriptor $GroupDescriptor
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq "Put" -and
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$UserDescriptor/$GroupDescriptor*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a12d2956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamNuGetEndpoint' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint' {
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'DistributedTask' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'ServiceFabricEndpoint' }
+ Mock Write-Progress
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342' } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
+ # we can see it
+ if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ isReady = $true
+ operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready' }
+ }
+ }
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ isReady = $false
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ data = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress' }
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with ApiKey should create a new NuGet Serviceendpoint' {
+ Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint -ProjectName 'project' -EndpointName 'PowerShell Gallery' -NuGetUrl 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package' -ApiKey '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpoints?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Body -like '*"nugetkey": *"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"scheme": *"None"*'
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with Username and Password should create a new NuGet Serviceendpoint' {
+ $password = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
+ Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint -ProjectName 'project' -EndpointName 'PowerShell Gallery' -NuGetUrl 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package' -Username 'testUser' -SecurePassword $password
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpoints?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Body -like '*"username": *"testUser"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"password": *"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"scheme": *"UsernamePassword"*'
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with Token should create a new NuGet Serviceendpoint' {
+ Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint -ProjectName 'project' -EndpointName 'PowerShell Gallery' -NuGetUrl 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package' -PersonalAccessToken '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpoints?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Body -like '*"apitoken":*"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"scheme":*"Token"*'
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f402edc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamPolicy' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*boom*" }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-gitUnitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Git' }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamPolicy' {
+ It 'should add the policy' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -type babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
+ MinimumApproverCount = 1
+ scope = @(
+ @{
+ refName = 'refs/heads/master'
+ matchKind = 'Exact'
+ repositoryId = '10000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000001'
+ })
+ }
+ ## Assert
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the boty string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # '{"isBlocking":true,"isEnabled":true,"type":{"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"},"settings":{"scope":[{"repositoryId":"10000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000001","matchKind":"Exact","refName":"refs/heads/master"}],"MinimumApproverCount":1}}'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)" -and
+ $Body -like '*"isBlocking":true*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"isEnabled":true*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"type":{"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"}*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"MinimumApproverCount":1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"settings":*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"scope":*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"repositoryId":"10000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000001"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"matchKind":"Exact"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"refName":"refs/heads/master"*'
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Add-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName boom -type babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
+ MinimumApproverCount = 1
+ scope = @(
+ @{
+ refName = 'refs/heads/master'
+ matchKind = 'Exact'
+ repositoryId = '10000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000001'
+ })
+ }
+ } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d81ed6ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProfile"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProfile' {
+ $expectedPath = "$HOME/vsteam_profiles.json"
+ Mock Set-Content
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile' {
+ Mock Write-Error
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
+ Mock _convertSecureStringTo_PlainText { return '' }
+ It 'on Windows no data provided should save profile to disk' {
+ $emptySecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString 'does not matter because mock is going to return empty string' -AsPlainText -Force
+ Add-VSTeamProfile -Account testing -SecurePersonalAccessToken $emptySecureString
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope It -Times 0
+ Assert-MockCalled Write-Error -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Message -eq 'Personal Access Token must be provided if you are not using Windows Authentication; please see the help.'
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with PAT to empty file should save profile to disk' {
+ Add-VSTeamProfile -Account demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/demos*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with PAT to empty array should save profile to disk' {
+ Add-VSTeamProfile -Account demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345 -Version VSTS
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/demos*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with OAuth to empty array should save profile to disk' {
+ Add-VSTeamProfile -Account demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345 -Version VSTS -UseBearerToken
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/demos*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile with PAT exisiting entry' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ It 'Should save profile to disk' {
+ Add-VSTeamProfile -Account demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345 -Version TFS2018
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/demos*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*TFS2018*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile TFS default to TFS2017 with Windows Auth' {
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ It 'Should save profile to disk' {
+ Add-VSTeamProfile -Account http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection -UseWindowsAuthentication
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OnPremise*" -and $Value -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection*" -and $Value -like "*TFS2017*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile TFS default to TFS2017' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ It 'Should save profile to disk' {
+ Add-VSTeamProfile -Account http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection -PersonalAccessToken 678910
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection*" -and $Value -like "*TFS2017*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile with PAT replace exisiting entry' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ It 'Should save profile to disk' {
+ Add-VSTeamProfile -Account test -PersonalAccessToken 678910
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile with existing old URL' {
+ Mock Test-Path { return $true }
+ Mock Get-Content { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://test.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' }
+ It 'Should save profile with new URL to disk' {
+ Add-VSTeamProfile -Account test -PersonalAccessToken 678910
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb68586ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProcessCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProject' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProcessNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '123-5464-dee43'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProject' {
+ Mock Write-Progress
+ # Add Project
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; id = '123-5464-dee43'; url = 'https://someplace.com' } } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ # Track Progress
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
+ # we can see it
+ if ($i -gt 9) {
+ return @{status = 'succeeded' }
+ }
+ return @{status = 'inProgress' }
+ } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq 'https://someplace.com'
+ }
+ # Get-VSTeamProject
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ It 'with tfvc should create project with tfvc' {
+ Add-VSTeamProject -Name Test -tfvc
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Body -eq '{"name": "Test", "description": "", "capabilities": {"versioncontrol": { "sourceControlType": "Tfvc"}, "processTemplate":{"templateTypeId": "6b724908-ef14-45cf-84f8-768b5384da45"}}}'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProject with Agile' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; id = 1; url = 'https://someplace.com' } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Mock _trackProjectProgress
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProcess { return @{name = 'Agile'; id = 1 } }
+ It 'Should create project with Agile' {
+ Add-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -processTemplate Agile
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProject with CMMI' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; id = 1; url = 'https://someplace.com' } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Mock _trackProjectProgress
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProcess { return @{name = 'CMMI'; id = 1 } }
+ It 'Should create project with CMMI' {
+ Add-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -processTemplate CMMI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProject throws error' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; id = 1; url = 'https://someplace.com' } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Mock Write-Error
+ Mock _trackProjectProgress { throw 'Test error' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ It '_trackProjectProgress errors should throw' { { Add-VSTeamProject -projectName Test -processTemplate CMMI } | Should throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamProjectPermission.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamProjectPermission.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e563c311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamProjectPermission.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGroup.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUser.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectPermissions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProjectPermission' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ $userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $userSingleResultObject = [VSTeamUser]::new($userSingleResult)
+ $groupSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groupsSingle.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $groupSingleResultObject = [VSTeamGroup]::new($groupSingleResult)
+ $projectResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test Project Public'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ $projectResultObject = [VSTeamProject]::new($projectResult)
+ $accessControlEntryResult =
+ @"
+ "count": 1,
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
+ "allow": 8,
+ "deny": 0,
+ "extendedInfo": {}
+ }
+ ]
+"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamProjectPermission by ProjectUser' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $accessControlEntryResult
+ } -Verifiable
+ It 'by ProjectUser should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamProjectPermission -Project $projectResultObject -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,GENERIC_WRITE,WORK_ITEM_DELETE,RENAME') -Deny ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'CHANGE_PROCESS,VIEW_TEST_RESULTS')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/52d39943-cb85-4d7f-8fa8-c6baac873819*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"`$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 73731,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8389120,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by ProjectGroup should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamProjectPermission -Project $projectResultObject -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,GENERIC_WRITE,WORK_ITEM_DELETE,RENAME') -Deny ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'CHANGE_PROCESS,VIEW_TEST_RESULTS')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/52d39943-cb85-4d7f-8fa8-c6baac873819*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"`$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 73731,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8389120,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by ProjectDescriptor should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamProjectPermission -Project $projectResultObject -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,GENERIC_WRITE,WORK_ITEM_DELETE,RENAME') -Deny ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'CHANGE_PROCESS,VIEW_TEST_RESULTS')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/52d39943-cb85-4d7f-8fa8-c6baac873819*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"`$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 73731,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8389120,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
index f4ff47585..1e31e6de9 100644
--- a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,70 +1,79 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
- Describe 'Pull Requests' {
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+Describe 'VSTeamPullRequest' {
+ ## Arrange
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Git = '5.1-preview'
- [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = '5.0'
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- $result = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\updatePullRequestResponse.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-gitUnitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Git' }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest' {
+ $result = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\updatePullRequestResponse.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- It 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest as Draft' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
- Add-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -ProjectName "Sandbox" `
- -Title "PR Title" -Description "PR Description" `
- -SourceRefName "refs/heads/test" -TargetRefName "refs/heads/master" `
- -Draft -Force
+ It 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest as Draft' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -ProjectName "Sandbox" `
+ -Title "PR Title" -Description "PR Description" `
+ -SourceRefName "refs/heads/test" -TargetRefName "refs/heads/master" `
+ -Draft -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
- $Uri -like "*pullrequests*" -and
- $Body -eq '{"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/test", "targetRefName": "refs/heads/master", "title": "PR Title", "description": "PR Description", "isDraft": true}'
- }
- }
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*pullrequests*" -and
+ $Body -eq '{"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/test", "targetRefName": "refs/heads/master", "title": "PR Title", "description": "PR Description", "isDraft": true}'
+ }
+ }
- It 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest as Published' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
+ It 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest as Published' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -ProjectName "Sandbox" `
+ -Title "PR Title" -Description "PR Description" `
+ -SourceRefName "refs/heads/test" -TargetRefName "refs/heads/master" `
+ -Force
- Add-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -ProjectName "Sandbox" `
- -Title "PR Title" -Description "PR Description" `
- -SourceRefName "refs/heads/test" -TargetRefName "refs/heads/master" `
- -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*pullrequests*" -and
+ $Body -eq '{"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/test", "targetRefName": "refs/heads/master", "title": "PR Title", "description": "PR Description", "isDraft": false}'
+ }
+ }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
- $Uri -like "*pullrequests*" -and
- $Body -eq '{"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/test", "targetRefName": "refs/heads/master", "title": "PR Title", "description": "PR Description", "isDraft": false}'
- }
- }
+ It 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest with wrong -SourceRefName throws' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ {
+ Add-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -ProjectName "Sandbox" `
+ -Title "PR Title" -Description "PR Description" `
+ -SourceRefName "garbage" -TargetRefName "refs/heads/master" `
+ -Draft -Force
+ } | Should Throw
+ }
- It 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest with wrong -SourceRefName throws' {
- {
- Add-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -ProjectName "Sandbox" `
- -Title "PR Title" -Description "PR Description" `
- -SourceRefName "garbage" -TargetRefName "refs/heads/master" `
- -Draft -Force
- } | Should Throw
- }
- It 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest with wrong -TargetRefName throws' {
- {
- Add-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -ProjectName "Sandbox" `
- -Title "PR Title" -Description "PR Description" `
- -SourceRefName "refs/heads/test" -TargetRefName "garbage" `
- -Draft -Force
- } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
+ It 'Add-VSTeamPullRequest with wrong -TargetRefName throws' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ {
+ Add-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -ProjectName "Sandbox" `
+ -Title "PR Title" -Description "PR Description" `
+ -SourceRefName "refs/heads/test" -TargetRefName "garbage" `
+ -Draft -Force
+ } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8858aaba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamRelease' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Release' }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ environments = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ variables = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ BrowserToUse = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = "phantomjs"
+ }
+ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ self = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ web = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ }
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamRelease' {
+ ## Arrange
+ BeforeAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'project'
+ }
+ AfterAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition {
+ $def1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{name = 'Test1'; id = 1; artifacts = @(@{alias = 'drop' }) }
+ $def2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{name = 'Tests'; id = 2; artifacts = @(@{alias = 'drop' }) }
+ return @(
+ $def1,
+ $def2
+ )
+ }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamBuild {
+ $bld1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{name = "Bld1"; id = 1 }
+ $bld2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{name = "Bld2"; id = 2 }
+ return @(
+ $bld1,
+ $bld2
+ )
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error' } -ParameterFilter { $Body -like "*101*" }
+ Mock _buildDynamicParam {
+ param(
+ [string] $ParameterName = 'QueueName',
+ [array] $arrSet,
+ [bool] $Mandatory = $false,
+ [string] $ParameterSetName
+ )
+ # Create the collection of attributes
+ $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
+ # Create and set the parameters' attributes
+ $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
+ $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $Mandatory
+ $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
+ if ($ParameterSetName) {
+ $ParameterAttribute.ParameterSetName = $ParameterSetName
+ }
+ # Add the attributes to the attributes collection
+ $AttributeCollection.Add($ParameterAttribute)
+ if ($arrSet) {
+ # Generate and set the ValidateSet
+ $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)
+ # Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection
+ $AttributeCollection.Add($ValidateSetAttribute)
+ }
+ # Create and return the dynamic parameter
+ return New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
+ }
+ It 'by name should add a release' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -BuildNumber 'Bld1' -DefinitionName 'Test1'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '*"definitionId": 1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"description": ""*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"alias": "drop"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"id": "1"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"sourceBranch": ""*' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should add a release' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -DefinitionId 1 -ArtifactAlias drop -BuildId 2
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '*"definitionId": 1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"description": ""*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"alias": "drop"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"id": "2"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"sourceBranch": ""*' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Add-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -DefinitionId 101 -ArtifactAlias drop -BuildId 101 } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9206b620e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Release' }
+ $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ queue = [PSCustomObject]@{ name = 'Default' }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ self = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ web = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ retentionPolicy = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ lastRelease = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ artifacts = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ modifiedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ name = 'project' }
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ name = 'test' }
+ }
+ }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ it 'should add release' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -inFile 'Releasedef.json'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $InFile -eq 'Releasedef.json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ it 'local Auth should add release' {
+ ## Act
+ Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -inFile 'Releasedef.json'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $InFile -eq 'Releasedef.json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5014f62c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint' {
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'ServiceFabricEndpoint' }
+ Mock Write-Progress
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342' } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
+ # we can see it
+ if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ isReady = $true
+ operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready' }
+ }
+ }
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ isReady = $false
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ data = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress' }
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should create a new Service Fabric Serviceendpoint' {
+ Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -url "tcp://" -useWindowsSecurity $false
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
+ }
+ It 'with AzureAD authentication should create a new Service Fabric Serviceendpoint' {
+ $password = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
+ $username = "Test User"
+ $serverCertThumbprint = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+ Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -url "tcp://" -username $username -password $password -serverCertThumbprint $serverCertThumbprint
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
+ }
+ It 'with Certificate authentication should create a new Service Fabric Serviceendpoint' {
+ $password = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
+ $base64Cert = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+ $serverCertThumbprint = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+ Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -url "tcp://" -serverCertThumbprint $serverCertThumbprint -certificate $base64Cert -certificatePassword $password
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'TFS2017' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'ServiceFabricEndpoint' }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint' {
+ Mock ConvertTo-Json { throw 'Should not be called' }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ { Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint -projectName 'project' `
+ -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -url "tcp://" `
+ -useWindowsSecurity $false } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It 'ConvertTo-Json should not be called' {
+ Assert-MockCalled ConvertTo-Json -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope Context
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..058966a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint' {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint' {
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'ServiceFabricEndpoint' }
+ Mock Write-Warning
+ Mock Write-Error -Verifiable
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ $e = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new(
+ [System.Net.WebException]::new("Endpoint type couldn't be recognized 'sonarqube'", [System.Net.WebExceptionStatus]::ProtocolError),
+ "Endpoint type couldn't be recognized 'sonarqube'",
+ [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ProtocolError,
+ $null)
+ # The error message is different on TFS and VSTS
+ $msg = ConvertTo-Json @{
+ '$id' = 1
+ message = "Unable to find service endpoint type 'sonarqube' using authentication scheme 'UsernamePassword'."
+ }
+ $e.ErrorDetails = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorDetails]::new($msg)
+ $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($e)
+ }
+ It 'should not create SonarQube Serviceendpoint' {
+ Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -sonarqubeUrl 'http://mysonarserver.local' -personalAccessToken '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
+ ## Verify that Write-Error was called
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e6773f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$taskGroupsJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroups.json"
+$taskGroupJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroup.json"
+Describe 'VSTeamTaskGroup' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'TaskGroups' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/project*" }
+ BeforeAll {
+ $projectName = "project"
+ $taskGroupJsonAsString = Get-Content $taskGroupJson -Raw
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamTaskGroup' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return Get-Content $taskGroupJson | ConvertFrom-Json
+ }
+ It 'should create a task group using body param' {
+ Add-VSTeamTaskGroup -ProjectName $projectName -Body $taskGroupJsonAsString
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion TaskGroups)" -and
+ $Body -eq $taskGroupJsonAsString -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should create a task group using infile param' {
+ Add-VSTeamTaskGroup -ProjectName $projectName -InFile $taskGroupJson
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion TaskGroups)" -and
+ $InFile -eq $taskGroupJson -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a03915981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamUserEntitlement" {
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement' {
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'VSTS' }
+ # This will cause the call the _getProject to be skipped
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'MemberEntitlementManagement' }
+ $obj = @{
+ accessLevel = @{
+ accountLicenseType = 'earlyAdopter'
+ licensingSource = 'msdn'
+ msdnLicenseType = 'enterprise'
+ }
+ user = @{
+ principalName = 'test@user.com'
+ subjectKind = 'user'
+ }
+ projectEntitlements = @{
+ group = @{
+ groupType = 'ProjectContributor'
+ }
+ projectRef = @{
+ id = $null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $expected = $obj | ConvertTo-Json
+ Mock _callAPI -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -eq $expected
+ }
+ Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement -License earlyAdopter -LicensingSource msdn -MSDNLicenseType enterprise -Email 'test@user.com'
+ It 'Should add a user' {
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ac55e56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamVariableGroup' {
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'VariableGroups' }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $sampleFileVSTS = $(Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\variableGroupSamples.json" | ConvertFrom-Json)
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ BeforeAll {
+ Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Target VSTS
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $sampleFileVSTS.value[0] }
+ It 'should create a new AzureRM Key Vault Variable Group' {
+ $testParameters = @{
+ ProjectName = "project"
+ Name = "TestVariableGroup2"
+ Description = "A test variable group linked to an Azure KeyVault"
+ Type = "AzureKeyVault"
+ Variables = @{
+ key3 = @{
+ enabled = $true
+ contentType = ""
+ value = ""
+ isSecret = $true
+ }
+ }
+ ProviderData = @{
+ serviceEndpointId = "0228e842-65a7-4c64-90f7-0f07f3aa4e10"
+ vault = "keyVaultName"
+ }
+ }
+ Add-VSTeamVariableGroup @testParameters
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
+ }
+ It "should create a new var group when passing the json as the body" {
+ $body = $sampleFileVSTS
+ $projName = "project"
+ Add-VSTeamVariableGroup -Body $body -ProjectName $projName
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projName/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Post'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $sampleFile2017 = $(Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\variableGroupSamples2017.json" | ConvertFrom-Json)
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ BeforeAll {
+ Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Target TFS2017
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $sampleFile2017.value[0] }
+ It 'should create a new Variable Group' {
+ $testParameters = @{
+ ProjectName = "project"
+ Name = "TestVariableGroup2"
+ Description = "A test variable group linked to an Azure KeyVault"
+ Variables = @{
+ key1 = @{
+ value = "value"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Add-VSTeamVariableGroup @testParameters
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18aa16900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamWorkItem' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ $obj = @{
+ id = 47
+ rev = 1
+ url = "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workItems/47"
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $obj
+ }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItem' {
+ It 'Without Default Project should add work item' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should add work item' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should add work item with parent' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing -ParentId 25
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/relations/-*' -and
+ $Body -like '*_apis/wit/workitems/25*' -and
+ $Body -like '*System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse*' -and
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should add work item only with additional properties and parent id' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing -ParentId 25 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/relations/-*' -and
+ $Body -like '*_apis/wit/workitems/25*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should add work item only with additional properties' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should throw exception when adding existing parameters to additional properties and parent id' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ $additionalFields = @{"System.Title" = "Test1"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\TestPath" }
+ { Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing -ParentId 25 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab28e9e03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamClassificationNode.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGroup.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUser.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamClassificationNode.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+$userSingleResultObject = [VSTeamUser]::new($userSingleResult)
+$groupSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groupsSingle.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+$groupSingleResultObject = [VSTeamGroup]::new($groupSingleResult)
+$projectResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test Project Public'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+$projectResultObject = [VSTeamProject]::new($projectResult)
+$accessControlEntryResult =
+ "count": 1,
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
+ "allow": 8,
+ "deny": 0,
+ "extendedInfo": {}
+ }
+ ]
+"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
+$classificationNodeById =
+ "count": 1,
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "identifier": "90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a",
+ "name": "Child 1 Level 2",
+ "structureType": "area",
+ "hasChildren": false,
+ "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area\\Child 1 Level 1\\Child 1 Level 2",
+ "_links": {
+ "self": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201/Child%201%20Level%202"
+ },
+ "parent": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201/Child%201%20Level%202"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+"@ | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
+$classificationNodeByIdObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($classificationNodeById, "test")
+$parentClassificationNode =
+ "count": 1,
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 43,
+ "identifier": "38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b",
+ "name": "Child 1 Level 1",
+ "structureType": "area",
+ "hasChildren": true,
+ "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area\\Child 1 Level 1",
+ "_links": {
+ "self": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
+ },
+ "parent": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+"@ | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
+$parentClassificationNodeObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($parentClassificationNode, "test")
+$areaRootNode =
+ "id": 24,
+ "identifier": "b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99",
+ "name": "Demo Public",
+ "structureType": "area",
+ "hasChildren": true,
+ "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area",
+ "_links": {
+ "self": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas"
+ }
+"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
+$areaRootNodeObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($areaRootNode, "test")
+Describe 'VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission' {
+ # Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" }
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $areaRootNodeObject }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $parentClassificationNodeObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child%201%20Level%201" }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeByIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 -or $Path -eq "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $accessControlEntryResult
+ }
+ It 'by AreaID and User should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaID 44 -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by AreaID and Group should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaID 44 -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by AreaID and Descriptor should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaID 44 -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by AreaPath and User should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaPath "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by AreaPath and Group should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaPath "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by AreaPath and Descriptor should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaPath "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationID and User' {
+ # Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
+ # Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # # Write-Host $args
+ # return $accessControlEntryResult
+ # } -Verifiable
+ # Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationID 44 -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ # It 'Should return ACEs' {
+ # Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ # $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ # $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ # $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ # $Method -eq "Post"
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationID and Group' {
+ # Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
+ # Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
+ # Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationID 44 -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ # It 'Should return ACEs' {
+ # Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ # $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ # $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ # $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ # $Method -eq "Post"
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationID and Descriptor' {
+ # Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
+ # Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
+ # Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationID 44 -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ # It 'Should return ACEs' {
+ # Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ # $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ # $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ # $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ # $Method -eq "Post"
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationPath and User' {
+ # Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Sprint 1" } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
+ # Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # # Write-Host $args
+ # return $accessControlEntryResult
+ # } -Verifiable
+ # Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Sprint 1" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ # It 'Should return ACEs' {
+ # Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ # $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ # $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ # $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ # $Method -eq "Post"
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationPath and Group' {
+ # Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Sprint 1" } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
+ # Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
+ # Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Sprint 1" -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ # It 'Should return ACEs' {
+ # Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ # $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ # $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ # $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ # $Method -eq "Post"
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationPath and Descriptor' {
+ # Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Sprint 1" } -Verifiable
+ # Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
+ # Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
+ # Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Sprint 1" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ # It 'Should return ACEs' {
+ # Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ # $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ # $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ # $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ # $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ # $Method -eq "Post"
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationPath and Descritpor throws' {
+ # Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
+ # It 'Should throw' {
+ # { Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE') } | Should Throw
+ # }
+ # }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1bef0cbf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamClassificationNode.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGroup.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUser.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamClassificationNode.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Add-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+$userSingleResultObject = [VSTeamUser]::new($userSingleResult)
+$groupSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groupsSingle.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+$groupSingleResultObject = [VSTeamGroup]::new($groupSingleResult)
+$projectResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test Project Public'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+$projectResultObject = [VSTeamProject]::new($projectResult)
+$accessControlEntryResult =
+ "count": 1,
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
+ "allow": 8,
+ "deny": 0,
+ "extendedInfo": {}
+ }
+ ]
+"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
+$classificationNodeIterationId =
+ "count": 1,
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 20,
+ "identifier": "18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5",
+ "name": "Sprint 3",
+ "structureType": "iteration",
+ "hasChildren": false,
+ "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration\\Sprint 3",
+ "_links": {
+ "self": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%203"
+ },
+ "parent": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%203"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+"@ | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
+$classificationNodeIterationIdObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($classificationNodeIterationId, "test")
+$iterationRootNode =
+ "id": 16,
+ "identifier": "dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b",
+ "name": "Demo Public",
+ "structureType": "iteration",
+ "hasChildren": true,
+ "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration",
+ "_links": {
+ "self": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations"
+ }
+"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
+$iterationRootNodeObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($iterationRootNode, "test")
+Describe 'VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $true }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission' {
+ # Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 -or $Path -eq "Sprint 1" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $accessControlEntryResult
+ }
+ It 'by IterationID and User should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationID 44 -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by IterationID and Group should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationID 44 -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by IterationID and Descriptor should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationID 44 -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by IterationPath and User should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Sprint 1" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by IterationPath and Group should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Sprint 1" -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by IterationPath and Descriptor should return ACEs' {
+ Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Sprint 1" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
+ $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
+ $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
+ $Method -eq "Post"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Approvals.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Approvals.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index b6e617e34..000000000
--- a/unit/test/Approvals.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-# The InModuleScope command allows you to perform white-box unit testing on the
-# internal (non-exported) code of a Script Module.
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Approvals' -Tag 'unit', 'approvals' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamApproval' {
- # Arrange
- Mock _handleException -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'testing error handling' }
- It 'should pass exception to _handleException' {
- # Act
- Get-VSTeamApproval -ProjectName project
- # Assert
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamApproval' {
- # Arrange
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return @{
- count = 1
- value = @(
- @{
- id = 1
- revision = 1
- approver = @{
- id = 'c1f4b9a6-aee1-41f9-a2e0-070a79973ae9'
- displayName = 'Test User'
- }
- }
- )
- }
- }
- It 'should return approvals' {
- # Act
- Get-VSTeamApproval -projectName project
- # Assert
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
- -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamApproval with AssignedToFilter' {
- # Arrange
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return @{
- count = 1
- value = @(
- @{
- id = 1
- revision = 1
- approver = @{
- id = 'c1f4b9a6-aee1-41f9-a2e0-070a79973ae9'
- displayName = 'Test User'
- }
- }
- )
- }
- }
- It 'should return approvals only for value passed into AssignedToFilter' {
- # Act
- Get-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -AssignedToFilter 'Chuck Reinhart'
- # Assert
- # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals/?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)&assignedtoFilter=Chuck%20Reinhart&includeMyGroupApprovals=true"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
- -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*assignedtoFilter=Chuck Reinhart*" -and
- $Uri -like "*includeMyGroupApprovals=true*"
- }
- }
- }
- # This makes sure the alias is working
- Context 'Get-VSTeamApproval' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
- count = 1
- value = @(
- @{
- id = 1
- revision = 1
- approver = @{
- id = 'c1f4b9a6-aee1-41f9-a2e0-070a79973ae9'
- displayName = 'Test User'
- }
- }
- )
- }}
- Get-VSTeamApproval -projectName project
- It 'should return approvals' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
- -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamApproval' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
- id = 1
- revision = 1
- approver = @{
- id = 'c1f4b9a6-aee1-41f9-a2e0-070a79973ae9'
- displayName = 'Test User'
- }
- }}
- Set-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -Id 1 -Status Rejected -Force
- It 'should set approval' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
- -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamApproval handles exception' {
- Mock _handleException -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'testing error handling' }
- Set-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -Id 1 -Status Rejected -Force
- It 'should set approval' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
- -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamApproval' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
- id = 1
- revision = 1
- approver = @{
- id = 'c1f4b9a6-aee1-41f9-a2e0-070a79973ae9'
- displayName = 'Test User'
- }
- }}
- Set-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -Id 1 -Status Rejected -Force
- It 'should set approval' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
- -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamApproval' {
- Mock Show-Browser -Verifiable
- Show-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -ReleaseDefinitionId 1
- It 'should open in browser' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamApproval TFS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return @{
- count = 1
- value = @(
- @{
- id = 1
- revision = 1
- approver = @{
- id = 'c1f4b9a6-aee1-41f9-a2e0-070a79973ae9'
- displayName = 'Test User'
- }
- }
- )
- }}
- Get-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -ReleaseIdsFilter 1 -AssignedToFilter 'Test User' -StatusFilter Pending
- It 'should return approvals' {
- # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/release/approvals/?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)&statusFilter=Pending&assignedtoFilter=Test User&includeMyGroupApprovals=true&releaseIdsFilter=1"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
- -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/release/approvals*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*statusFilter=Pending*" -and
- $Uri -like "*assignedtoFilter=Test User*" -and
- $Uri -like "*includeMyGroupApprovals=true*" -and
- $Uri -like "*releaseIdsFilter=1*"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a0d7013e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProcessCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProject' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProcessNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Context 'Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject on Non Windows' {
+ AfterAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ }
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ It 'should clear default project' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] = 'MyProject'
+ Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject as Non-Admin on Windows' {
+ AfterAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ }
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
+ Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
+ It 'should clear default project' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] = 'MyProject'
+ Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject as Admin on Windows' {
+ AfterAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ }
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
+ Mock _testAdministrator { return $true }
+ It 'should clear default project' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] = 'MyProject'
+ Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Disable-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Disable-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b3f4b29c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Disable-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamAgent' {
+ Context 'Disable-VSTeamAgent' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'DistributedTask' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*950*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'boom' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
+ It 'should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Disable-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 101 } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It 'by Id should disable the agent with passed in Id' {
+ ## Act
+ Disable-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ # The write-host below is great for seeing how many ways the mock is called.
+ # Write-Host "Assert Mock $Uri"
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/36/agents/950?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Enable-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Enable-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b356c8bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Enable-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamAgent' {
+ Context 'Enable-VSTeamAgent' {
+ ## Arrnage
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'DistributedTask' }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*950*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'boom' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
+ It 'by Id should enable the agent with passed in Id' {
+ ## Act
+ Enable-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/36/agents/950?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should throw' {
+ ## Act / ## Assert
+ { Enable-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 101 } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeam.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeam.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18cf9e567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeam.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeam.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
+ name = 'refs/heads/master'
+ description = 'team description'
+ }
+$singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
+ name = 'refs/heads/master'
+ description = 'team description'
+Describe "VSTeam" {
+ Context "Get-VSTeam" {
+ Context "services" {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with top' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Top 10
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)&`$top=10"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=10*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with skip' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Skip 10
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$skip=10*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with top and skip' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Top 10 -Skip 5
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=10*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$skip=5*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with specific project and specific team id' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamId TestTeamId
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeamId?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with specific project and specific team Name' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamName TestTeamName
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeamName?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context "Server" {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name on TFS local Auth' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with top on TFS local Auth' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Top 10
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams?*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=10*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with skip on TFS local Auth' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Skip 10
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$skip=10*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with top and skip on TFS local Auth' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Top 10 -Skip 5
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=10*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$skip=5*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with specific project and specific team Name on TFS local Auth' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Name TestTeamName
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeamName?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeam with specific project and specific team ID on TFS local Auth' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should return teams' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamId TestTeamId
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeamId?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.Tests.ps1
index 608ac79c5..8ef9e6e3c 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -10,178 +13,41 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAccessControlEntry.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamDefaultProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamAccessControlList' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ $accessControlListResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\accessControlListResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $securityNamespace = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\securityNamespace.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $securityNamespaceObject = [VSTeamSecurityNamespace]::new($securityNamespace.value[0])
-$accessControlListResult =
- "count": 5,
- "value": [
- {
- "inheritPermissions": true,
- "token": "1ba198c0-7a12-46ed-a96b-f4e77554c6d4",
- "acesDictionary": {
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
- "allow": 31,
- "deny": 0
- },
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-2": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-2",
- "allow": 31,
- "deny": 0
- },
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-3": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-3",
- "allow": 1,
- "deny": 0
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "inheritPermissions": true,
- "token": "1ba198c0-7a12-46ed-a96b-f4e77554c6d4\\846cd9c3-56ba-4158-b6d2-23a3a73244e5",
- "acesDictionary": {
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-1-2": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-1-2",
- "allow": 8,
- "deny": 0
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "inheritPermissions": true,
- "token": "28b9bb88-a513-4115-9b5c-8be39ce1f1ba",
- "acesDictionary": {
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-2294004008-329585985-2606533603-2632053178-0-0-0-0-1": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-2294004008-329585985-2606533603-2632053178-0-0-0-0-1",
- "allow": 31,
- "deny": 0
- },
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-2294004008-329585985-2606533603-2632053178-0-0-0-0-2": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-2294004008-329585985-2606533603-2632053178-0-0-0-0-2",
- "allow": 31,
- "deny": 0
- },
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-2294004008-329585985-2606533603-2632053178-0-0-0-0-3": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-2294004008-329585985-2606533603-2632053178-0-0-0-0-3",
- "allow": 1,
- "deny": 0
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "inheritPermissions": false,
- "token": "token1",
- "acesDictionary": {
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
- "allow": 31,
- "deny": 0
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "inheritPermissions": false,
- "token": "token2",
- "acesDictionary": {
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
- "allow": 1,
- "deny": 0
- },
- "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-2": {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-2",
- "allow": 8,
- "deny": 0
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
-$securityNamespace =
- "count": 1,
- "value": [
- {
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531",
- "name": "Analytics",
- "displayName": "Analytics",
- "separatorValue": "/",
- "elementLength": -1,
- "writePermission": 2,
- "readPermission": 1,
- "dataspaceCategory": "Default",
- "actions": [
- {
- "bit": 1,
- "name": "Read",
- "displayName": "View analytics",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- },
- {
- "bit": 2,
- "name": "Administer",
- "displayName": "Manage analytics permissions",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- },
- {
- "bit": 4,
- "name": "Stage",
- "displayName": "Push the data to staging area",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- },
- {
- "bit": 8,
- "name": "ExecuteUnrestrictedQuery",
- "displayName": "Execute query without any restrictions on the query form",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- },
- {
- "bit": 16,
- "name": "ReadEuii",
- "displayName": "Read EUII data",
- "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- }
- ],
- "structureValue": 1,
- "extensionType": null,
- "isRemotable": false,
- "useTokenTranslator": false,
- "systemBitMask": 30
- }
- ]
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
-$securityNamespaceObject = [VSTeamSecurityNamespace]::new($securityNamespace.value)
-Describe 'Get-VSTeamAccessControlList' {
# Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
# using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Core = '5.0'
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamAccessControlList by SecurityNamespaceId' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamAccessControlList' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlListResult }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*token=boom*" }
- return $accessControlListResult
- } -Verifiable
+ It 'by SecurityNamespaceId should return ACLs' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Even with a default set this URI should not have the project added.
+ Set-VSTeamDefaultProject -Project Testing
- Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -SecurityNamespaceId 5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866 -Token "SomeToken" -Descriptors "SomeDescriptor" -IncludeExtendedInfo -Recurse
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -SecurityNamespaceId 5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866 -Token "SomeToken" -Descriptors "SomeDescriptor" -IncludeExtendedInfo -Recurse
- It 'Should return ACLs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrollists/5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
$Uri -like "*descriptors=SomeDescriptor*" -and
$Uri -like "*includeExtendedInfo=True*" -and
$Uri -like "*token=SomeToken*" -and
@@ -189,61 +55,45 @@ Describe 'Get-VSTeamAccessControlList' {
$Method -eq "Get"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamAccessControlList by SecurityNamespace' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace { return $securityNamespaceObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlListResult } -Verifiable
+ It 'by SecurityNamespace should return ACLs' {
+ ## Act
+ # I use $securityNamespace.value[0] here because using securityNamespaceObject was leading to issues
+ Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -SecurityNamespace $($securityNamespace.value[0]) -Token "SomeToken" -Descriptors "SomeDescriptor"
- $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
- Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Token "SomeToken" -Descriptors "SomeDescriptor"
- It 'Should return ACLs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrollists/58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
$Uri -like "*descriptors=SomeDescriptor*" -and
$Uri -like "*token=SomeToken*" -and
$Method -eq "Get"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamAccessControlList by SecurityNamespace (pipeline)' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace { return $securityNamespaceObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlListResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531" | `
- Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -Token "SomeToken" -Descriptors "SomeDescriptor"
+ It 'by SecurityNamespace (pipeline) should return ACEs' {
+ ## Act
+ $securityNamespaceObject | Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -Token "AcesToken" -Descriptors "AcesDescriptor"
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrollists/58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*descriptors=SomeDescriptor*" -and
- $Uri -like "*token=SomeToken*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*descriptors=AcesDescriptor*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*token=AcesToken*" -and
$Method -eq "Get"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamAccessControlList by securityNamespaceId throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -SecurityNamespaceId 5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866 -Token "SomeToken" -Descriptors "SomeDescriptor" -IncludeExtendedInfo -Recurse } | Should Throw
+ It 'by SecurityNamespaceId should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -SecurityNamespaceId 5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866 -Token "boom" -Descriptors "SomeDescriptor" -IncludeExtendedInfo -Recurse } | Should Throw
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamAccessControlList by SecurityNamespace throws' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace { return $securityNamespaceObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "5a27515b-ccd7-42c9-84f1-54c998f03866"
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Token "SomeToken" -Descriptors "SomeDescriptor" -IncludeExtendedInfo -Recurse } | Should Throw
+ It 'by SecurityNamespace should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespaceObject -Token "boom" -Descriptors "SomeDescriptor" -IncludeExtendedInfo -Recurse } | Should Throw
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..818232090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAgent.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamDefaultProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamAgent' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'DistributedTask' }
+ $testAgent = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\agentSingleResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ # Even with a default set this URI should not have the project added.
+ Set-VSTeamDefaultProject -Project Testing
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamAgent' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ count = 1
+ value = $testAgent
+ }
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $testAgent } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*"}
+ it 'by pool id should return all the agents' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamAgent -PoolId 1
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1/agents?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ it 'with agent id parameter should return on agent' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamAgent -PoolId 1 -id 101
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1/agents/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ it 'PoolID from pipeline by value should return all the agents' {
+ ## Act
+ 1 | Get-VSTeamAgent
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1/agents?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamApproval.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamApproval.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2c0fa924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamApproval.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamApproval' -Tag 'unit', 'approvals' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Release' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*boom*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return @{
+ count = 1
+ value = @(
+ @{
+ id = 1
+ revision = 1
+ approver = @{
+ id = 'c1f4b9a6-aee1-41f9-a2e0-070a79973ae9'
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamApproval' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ # Arrange
+ Mock _handleException -Verifiable
+ It 'should return approvals' {
+ # Act
+ Get-VSTeamApproval -projectName project
+ # Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It `
+ -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should pass exception to _handleException' {
+ # Act
+ Get-VSTeamApproval -ProjectName "boom"
+ # Assert
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ It 'with AssignedToFilter should return approvals only for value passed into AssignedToFilter' {
+ # Act
+ Get-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -AssignedToFilter 'Chuck Reinhart'
+ # Assert
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals/?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)&assignedtoFilter=Chuck%20Reinhart&includeMyGroupApprovals=true"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It `
+ -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*assignedtoFilter=Chuck Reinhart*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*includeMyGroupApprovals=true*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ It 'should return approvals' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -ReleaseIdsFilter 1 -AssignedToFilter 'Test User' -StatusFilter Pending
+ ## Assert
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/release/approvals/?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)&statusFilter=Pending&assignedtoFilter=Test User&includeMyGroupApprovals=true&releaseIdsFilter=1"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It `
+ -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/release/approvals*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*statusFilter=Pending*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*assignedtoFilter=Test User*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*includeMyGroupApprovals=true*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*releaseIdsFilter=1*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec2f1d80e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+Describe 'VSTeamBuild' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Sample result of a single build
+ $singleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildSingleResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # Sample result for list of builds
+ $results = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildResults.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Build' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamBuild' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ It 'with no parameters should return builds' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with Top parameter should return top builds' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -top 1
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)&`$top=1"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by id should return top builds' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 101
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ It 'with no parameters on TFS local Auth should return builds' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should return builds' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 101
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09b7198b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamBuildArtifact' {
+ Context "Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact" {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Build' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = 150
+ name = "Drop"
+ resource = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ type = "filepath"
+ data = "C:\Test"
+ properties = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*1*"
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = 150
+ name = "Drop"
+ resource = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ type = "filepath"
+ data = "C:\Test"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*2*"
+ }
+ Context "Services" {
+ It 'calls correct Url should return the build artifact data' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact -projectName project -id 1
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1/artifacts?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'result without properties should return the build artifact data' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact -projectName project -id 2
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2/artifacts?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ It 'calls correct Url on TFS local Auth should return the build artifact data' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact -projectName project -id 1
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/1/artifacts?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
index 8d27a693d..577f3ae28 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,256 +1,207 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-# Loading System.Web avoids issues finding System.Web.HttpUtility
-Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $resultsVSTS = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $resultsAzD = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $results2017 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDef2017.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $results2018 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDef2018.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- Describe 'BuildDefinitions' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamBuildDefinition' {
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition' {
+ $resultsAzD = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $resultsVSTS = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $results2017 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDef2017.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $results2018 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDef2018.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
. "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with no parameters 2017' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Build' }
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- # Write-Host $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
- # Write-Host $([VSTeamVersions]::Account)
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results2017 } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*2017Project*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results2018 } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*2018Project*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsAzD } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*azd*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*vsts*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS.value } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
- return $results2017
- }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
- It 'should return build definitions' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project
+ It 'TFS 2017 with no parameters should return build definitions' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName "2017Project"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/2017Project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Uri -like "*type=All*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with no parameters 2018' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $results2018
- }
- It 'should return build definitions' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project
+ It 'TFS 2018 with no parameters should return build definitions' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName "2018Project"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/2018Project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Uri -like "*type=All*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with no parameters AzD v5.0 of API' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $resultsAzD
- }
- It 'should return build definitions' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project
+ It 'by ID local auth should return build definition' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 101
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*type=All*"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with no parameters VSTS' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $resultsVSTS
- }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
- It 'should return build definitions' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project
+ It 'AzD v5.0 of API with no parameters should return build definitions' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName azd
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/azd/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Uri -like "*type=All*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with no parameters VSTS yaml ' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $resultsVSTS
- }
It 'should return build definitions' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName vsts
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/vsts/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Uri -like "*type=All*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with type parameter' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $resultsVSTS
- }
- It 'should return build definitions by type' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -type build
+ It 'with type parameter should return build definitions by type' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName vsts -type build
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/vsts/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Uri -like "*type=build*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with filter parameter' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS }
- It 'should return build definitions by filter' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -filter 'click*'
+ It 'with filter parameter should return build definitions by filter' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName vsts -filter 'click*'
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/vsts/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Uri -like "*name=click*" -and
$Uri -like "*type=All*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with both parameters' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS }
- It 'should return build definitions by filter' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -filter 'click*' -type build
+ It 'with both parameters should return build definitions by filter' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName vsts -filter 'click*' -type build
+ ## Asset
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/vsts/_apis/build/definitions*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Uri -like "*name=click*" -and
$Uri -like "*type=build*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition by ID' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS.value }
- It 'should return build definition' {
- $b = Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 15
+ It 'by id should return build definition' {
+ ## Act
+ $b = Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 101
+ ## Assert
$b | Get-Member | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty TypeName | Should be 'Team.BuildDefinition'
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition by ID -Raw' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS.value }
- It 'should return build definition' {
- $raw = Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 15 -Raw
+ It 'by ID -Raw should return build definition' {
+ ## Act
+ $raw = Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 101 -Raw
+ ## Assert
$raw | Get-Member | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty TypeName | Should be 'System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject'
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition by ID -Json' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS.value }
- It 'should return build definition' {
- $b = Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 15 -Json
+ It 'by ID -Json should return build definition' {
+ ## Act
+ $b = Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 101 -Json
+ ## Assert
$b | Get-Member | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty TypeName | Should be 'System.String'
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition by ID local auth' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS.value }
- It 'should return build definition' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 15
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with revision parameter' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS.value }
- It 'should return build definitions by revision' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 16 -revision 1
+ It 'with revision parameter should return build definitions by revision' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 101 -revision 1
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/16?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)&revision=1"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)&revision=1"
- # Make sure these test run last as the need differnt
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Account values
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition with no account' {
- [VSTeamVersions]::Account = $null
- It 'should return build definitions' {
- { Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project } | Should Throw
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildLog.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildLog.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfa32eefa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildLog.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamBuildLog' {
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildLog' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
+ count = 4
+ value = @{ }
+ }
+ }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Build' }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ It 'with build id should return full log' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildLog -projectName project -Id 1
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs/3?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with build id and index should return full log' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildLog -projectName project -Id 1 -Index 2
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ It 'with index on TFS local Auth Should return full log' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildLog -projectName project -Id 1 -Index 2
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'on TFS local Auth should return full log' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamBuildLog -projectName project -Id 1
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs/3?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildTag.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildTag.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c07bdbda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamBuildTag.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamBuildTag' {
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Build' }
+ $tags = 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return @{ value = $tags }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildTag' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ $returndata = Get-VSTeamBuildTag -projectName project -id 2
+ It 'should create correct URL.' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should return correct data.' {
+ Compare-Object $tags $returndata | Should Be $null
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ $returndata = Get-VSTeamBuildTag -projectName project -id 2
+ It 'should create correct URL.' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should return correct data.' {
+ Compare-Object $tags $returndata | Should Be $null
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamClassificationNode.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamClassificationNode.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64e26e734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamClassificationNode.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamClassificationNode.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Get-VSTeamClassificationNode' {
+ $withoutChildNode = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\withoutChildNode.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $classificationNodeResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\classificationNodeResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '5.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'simplest call' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $classificationNodeResult }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $withoutChildNode } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*Ids=43,44*" }
+ It 'with StructureGroup should return Nodes' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -StructureGroup "Iterations"
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/Iterations*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with depth should return Nodes' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -StructureGroup "Iterations" -Depth 10
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/Iterations*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$Depth=10*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Path should return Nodes' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -StructureGroup "Iterations" -Path "test/test/test"
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/Iterations/test/test/test*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by ids should return Nodes' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -Ids @(1, 2, 3, 4)
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*Ids=1,2,3,4*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should handle when there is no child nodes' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -Ids @(43, 44)
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*Ids=43,44*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5f39c733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamCloudSubscription' {
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'subs' } }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'DistributedTask' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ It 'should return all AzureRM Subscriptions' {
+ Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointproxy/azurermsubscriptions?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ It 'should return all AzureRM Subscriptions' {
+ Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointproxy/azurermsubscriptions?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamDescriptor.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamDescriptor.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e9b2c208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamDescriptor.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDescriptor.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+Describe "VSTeamDescriptor" {
+ ## Arrange
+ $result = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\descriptor.scope.TestProject.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamDescriptor' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' }
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _supportsGraph
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
+ It 'by StorageKey Should return groups' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamDescriptor -StorageKey '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/descriptors/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # TFS 2017 does not support this feature
+ Mock _callAPI { throw 'Should not be called' } -Verifiable
+ # It is not supported on 2017
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'TFS2017' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamDescriptor -StorageKey '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876' } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It '_callAPI should not be called' {
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19ddd28c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region inclucde
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamInstallState.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamExtension.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamExtension' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'ExtensionsManagement' }
+ $results = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\extensionResults.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $singleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\singleExtensionResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamExtension' {
+ ## Arrange
+ BeforeAll {
+ $env:Team_TOKEN = '1234'
+ }
+ AfterAll {
+ $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
+ }
+ Mock _callAPI { return $results }
+ Mock _callAPI { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $resource -eq "extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test" }
+ It 'Should return extensions' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamExtension
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Get' -and
+ $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
+ $version -eq $(_getApiVersion ExtensionsManagement)
+ $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensions*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Should return extensions with optional parameters' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamExtension -IncludeInstallationIssues -IncludeDisabledExtensions -IncludeErrors
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Get' -and
+ $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
+ $version -eq $(_getApiVersion ExtensionsManagement)
+ $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensions*" -and
+ $Url -like "*includeInstallationIssues*" -and
+ $Url -like "*includeDisabledExtensions*" -and
+ $Url -like "*includeErrors*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Should return the extension' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId test -ExtensionId test
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Get' -and
+ $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
+ $version -eq $(_getApiVersion ExtensionsManagement)
+ $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a42f84f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamFeed' {
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamFeed' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Packaging' }
+ $results = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\feeds.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Mock _supportsFeeds { return $true }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results.value[0] } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000*" }
+ it 'with no parameters should return all the Feeds' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamFeed
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds?api-version=$(_getApiVersion packaging)"
+ }
+ }
+ it 'by id should return one feed' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamFeed -id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$(_getApiVersion packaging)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _supportsFeeds { return $false }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'TFS2017' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Packaging' }
+ it 'is not supported and should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamFeed } | Should throw
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitCommit.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitCommit.Tests.ps1
index 6df754692..55d1d7384 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitCommit.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitCommit.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,80 +1,51 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- count = 2
- value = @(
- [PSCustomObject]@{
- author = [PSCustomObject]@{
- date = '2020-02-19T15:12:01Z'
- email = 'test@test.com'
- name = 'Test User'
- }
- changeCounts = [PSCustomObject]@{
- Add = 2
- Delete = 0
- Edit = 1
- }
- comment = 'Just a test commit'
- commitId = '1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef'
- committer = [PSCustomObject]@{
- date = '2020-02-19T15:12:01Z'
- email = 'test@test.com'
- name = 'Test User'
- }
- remoteUrl = 'https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_git/test/commit/1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef'
- url = 'https://dev.azure.com/test/21AF684D-AFFB-4F9A-9D49-866EF24D6A4A/_apid/git/repositories/06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B/commits/1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef'
- },
- [PSCustomObject]@{
- author = [PSCustomObject]@{
- date = '2020-02-20T01:00:01Z'
- email = 'eample@example.com'
- name = 'Example User'
- }
- changeCounts = [PSCustomObject]@{
- Add = 8
- Delete = 1
- Edit = 0
- }
- comment = 'Just another test commit'
- commitId = 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890'
- committer = [PSCustomObject]@{
- date = '2020-02-20T01:00:01Z'
- email = 'eample@example.com'
- name = 'Example User'
- }
- remoteUrl = 'https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_git/test/commit/abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890'
- url = 'https://dev.azure.com/test/21AF684D-AFFB-4F9A-9D49-866EF24D6A4A/_apid/git/repositories/06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B/commits/abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890'
- }
- )
- }
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
- Describe "Git VSTS" {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitUserDate.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitCommitRef.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitCommit' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*repositories/06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B/commits*"
- }
+Describe "VSTeamGitCommit" {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Get-VSTeamGitCommit -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B
+ $results = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\gitCommitResults.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- It 'Should return all commits for the repo' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Git' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamGitCommit' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ It 'should return all commits for the repo' {
+ Get-VSTeamGitCommit -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B/commits*"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitCommit with many Parameters' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
+ It 'with many Parameters should return all commits for the repo' {
+ Get-VSTeamGitCommit -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId '06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B' `
+ -FromDate '2020-01-01' -ToDate '2020-03-01' `
+ -ItemVersionVersionType 'commit' -ItemVersionVersion 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890' -ItemVersionVersionOptions 'previousChange' `
+ -CompareVersionVersionType 'commit' -CompareVersionVersion 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890' -CompareVersionVersionOptions 'previousChange' `
+ -FromCommitId 'abcdef' -ToCommitId 'fedcba' `
+ -Author "Test" `
+ -Top 100 -Skip 50 `
+ -User "Test"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*repositories/06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B/commits*" -and
$Uri -like "*searchCriteria.fromDate=2020-01-01T00:00:00Z*" -and
$Uri -like "*searchCriteria.toDate=2020-03-01T00:00:00Z*" -and
@@ -91,23 +62,17 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
$Uri -like "*searchCriteria.`$top=100*" -and
$Uri -like "*searchCriteria.`$skip=50*"
+ }
+ It 'with ItemPath parameters should return all commits for the repo' {
Get-VSTeamGitCommit -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId '06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B' `
- -FromDate '2020-01-01' -ToDate '2020-03-01' `
- -ItemVersionVersionType 'commit' -ItemVersionVersion 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890' -ItemVersionVersionOptions 'previousChange' `
- -CompareVersionVersionType 'commit' -CompareVersionVersion 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890' -CompareVersionVersionOptions 'previousChange' `
- -FromCommitId 'abcdef' -ToCommitId 'fedcba' `
- -Author "Test" `
+ -ItemPath 'test' `
+ -ExcludeDeletes `
+ -HistoryMode 'fullHistory' `
-Top 100 -Skip 50 `
-User "Test"
- It 'Should return all commits for the repo' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitCommit with ItemPath parameters' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*repositories/06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B/commits*" -and
$Uri -like "*searchCriteria.itemPath=test*" -and
$Uri -like "*searchCriteria.excludeDeletes=true*" -and
@@ -115,25 +80,6 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
$Uri -like "*searchCriteria.`$top=100*" -and
$Uri -like "*searchCriteria.`$skip=50*"
- Get-VSTeamGitCommit -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId '06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B' `
- -ItemPath 'test' `
- -ExcludeDeletes `
- -HistoryMode 'fullHistory' `
- -Top 100 -Skip 50 `
- -User "Test"
- It 'Should return all commits for the repo' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitCommit by id throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw [System.Net.WebException] "Test Exception." }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamGitCommit -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 06E176BE-D3D2-41C2-AB34-5F4D79AEC86B } | Should Throw
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitRef.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitRef.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5975fa318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitRef.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRef.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamGitRef" {
+ ## Arrange
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Git' }
+ $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ objectId = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
+ name = 'refs/heads/master'
+ creator = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayName = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TFS'
+ id = '1'
+ uniqueName = 'some@email.com'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw [System.Net.WebException] "Test Exception." } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001*"
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRef' {
+ It 'Should return a single ref by id' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Test/_apis/git/repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/refs?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with Filter should return a single ref with filter' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Filter "refs/heads"
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*filter=refs*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with FilterContains should return a single ref' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -FilterContains "test"
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*filterContains=test"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Should return a single ref' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Top 100
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=100"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with ContinuationToken should return a single ref' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -ContinuationToken "myToken"
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*continuationToken=myToken"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with Filter, FilterContains, Top should return a single ref' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Filter "/refs/heads" -FilterContains "test" -Top 500
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*filter=/refs/heads*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=500*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*filterContains=test*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by id throws should return a single repo by id' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..715387cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamGitRepository" {
+ $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = ''
+ url = ''
+ sshUrl = ''
+ remoteUrl = ''
+ defaultBranch = ''
+ size = 0
+ name = ''
+ project = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Project'
+ id = 1
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ state = ''
+ revision = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = ''
+ url = ''
+ sshUrl = ''
+ remoteUrl = ''
+ defaultBranch = ''
+ size = 0
+ name = ''
+ project = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Project'
+ id = 1
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ state = ''
+ revision = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ }
+ }
+ ## Arrange
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Git' }
+ ## If you don't call this and there is a default project in scope
+ ## these tests will fail. The API can be called with or without
+ ## a project and these tests are written to test without one.
+ Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Write-Host "results $Uri"
+ return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Write-Host "Single $Uri"
+ return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000*" -or
+ $Uri -like "*testRepo*"
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Write-Host "boom $Uri"
+ throw [System.Net.WebException] } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000101*" -or
+ $Uri -like "*boom*"
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ It 'no parameters should return all repos for all projects' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRepository
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/git/repositories?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should return a single repo by id' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/git/repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by name should return a single repo by name' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRepository -Name 'testRepo'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/git/repositories/testRepo?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by id should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000101 } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It 'by name should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamGitRepository -Name 'boom' } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ It 'no parameters Should return Git repo' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRepository
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/git/repositories?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should return a single repo by id' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/git/repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by name should return a single repo by name' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitRepository -Name 'testRepo'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/git/repositories/testRepo?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitStat.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitStat.Tests.ps1
index 77f2f9372..e77e8b5a6 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitStat.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGitStat.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,185 +1,86 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- commit = [PSCustomObject]@{
- commitId = '67cae2b029dff7eb3dc062b49403aaedca5bad8d'
- author = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = '"Chuck Reinhart'
- email = 'fabrikamfiber3@hotmail.com'
- date = '2014-01-29T23:52:56Z'
- }
- committer = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = '"Chuck Reinhart'
- email = 'fabrikamfiber3@hotmail.com'
- date = '2014-01-29T23:52:56Z'
- }
- comment = 'home page'
- url = 'https://dev.azure.com/fabrikam/_apis/git/repositories/278d5cd2-584d-4b63-824a-2ba458937249/commits/67cae2b029dff7eb3dc062b49403aaedca5bad8d'
- }
- name = 'develop'
- aheadCount = 1
- behindCount = 17
- isBaseVersion = $false
- }
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
- $multipleResults = [PSCustomObject]@{
- count = 3
- value = @(
- [PSCustomObject]@{
- commit = [PSCustomObject]@{
- commitId = '67cae2b029dff7eb3dc062b49403aaedca5bad8d'
- author = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = '"Chuck Reinhart'
- email = 'fabrikamfiber3@hotmail.com'
- date = '2014-01-29T23:52:56Z'
- }
- committer = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = '"Chuck Reinhart'
- email = 'fabrikamfiber3@hotmail.com'
- date = '2014-01-29T23:52:56Z'
- }
- comment = 'home page'
- url = 'https://dev.azure.com/fabrikam/_apis/git/repositories/278d5cd2-584d-4b63-824a-2ba458937249/commits/67cae2b029dff7eb3dc062b49403aaedca5bad8d'
- }
- name = 'develop'
- aheadCount = 1
- behindCount = 17
- isBaseVersion = $false
- },
- [PSCustomObject]@{
- commit = [PSCustomObject]@{
- parents = @('fe17a84cc2dfe0ea3a2202ab4dbac0706058e41f')
- treeId = '8263e7232a2331c563d737e4fc4e9c66a8286c63'
- commitId = '23d0bc5b128a10056dc68afece360d8a0fabb014'
- author = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Norman Paulk'
- email = 'Fabrikamfiber16@hotmail.com'
- date = '2014-06-30T18:10:55Z'
- }
- committer = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Norman Paulk'
- email = 'Fabrikamfiber16@hotmail.com'
- date = '2014-06-30T18:10:55Z'
- }
- comment = 'Better description for hello world\n'
- url = 'https://dev.azure.com/fabrikam/_apis/git/repositories/278d5cd2-584d-4b63-824a-2ba458937249/commits/23d0bc5b128a10056dc68afece360d8a0fabb014'
- }
- name = 'master'
- aheadCount = 0
- behindCount = 0
- isBaseVersion = $true
- },
- [PSCustomObject]@{
- commit = [PSCustomObject]@{
- parents = @('fe17a84cc2dfe0ea3a2202ab4dbac0706058e41f')
- treeId = '8263e7232a2331c563d737e4fc4e9c66a8286c63'
- commitId = '23d0bc5b128a10056dc68afece360d8a0fabb014'
- author = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Norman Paulk'
- email = 'Fabrikamfiber16@hotmail.com'
- date = '2014-06-30T18:10:55Z'
- }
- committer = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Norman Paulk'
- email = 'Fabrikamfiber16@hotmail.com'
- date = '2014-06-30T18:10:55Z'
- }
- comment = 'Better description for hello world\n'
- url = 'https://dev.azure.com/fabrikam/_apis/git/repositories/278d5cd2-584d-4b63-824a-2ba458937249/commits/23d0bc5b128a10056dc68afece360d8a0fabb014'
- }
- name = 'npaulk/feature'
- aheadCount = 0
- behindCount = 0
- isBaseVersion = $true
- }
- )
- }
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
- Describe "Git VSTS" {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+Describe "TeamGitStat" {
+ ## Arrange
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitStat' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $multipleResults } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*/Test/*" -and
- $Uri -like "*repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/stats/branches*"
- }
+ $singleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\gitStatSingleResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should return multiple results' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamGitStat' {
+ It 'should return multiple results' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*/Test/*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/stats/branches*"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitStat by name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
+ It 'by branch name should return multiple results' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -BranchName develop
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*/Test/*" -and
$Uri -like "*repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/stats/branches*" -and
$Uri -like "*name=develop*"
- Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -BranchName develop
- It 'Should return multiple results' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitStat by tag' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
+ It 'by tag should return multiple results' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -BranchName "develop" -VersionType "tag" -Version "test"
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*/Test/*" -and
$Uri -like "*repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/stats/branches*" -and
$Uri -like "*baseVersionDescriptor.versionType=tag*" -and
$Uri -like "*baseVersionDescriptor.version=test*"
- Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -BranchName "develop" -VersionType "tag" -Version "test"
- It 'Should return multiple results' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitStat by tag with options' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
+ It 'by tag with options should return multiple results' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -BranchName "develop" -VersionType "tag" -Version "test" -VersionOptions previousChange
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*/Test/*" -and
$Uri -like "*repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/stats/branches*" -and
$Uri -like "*baseVersionDescriptor.versionType=tag*" -and
$Uri -like "*baseVersionDescriptor.version=test*" -and
$Uri -like "*baseVersionDescriptor.versionOptions=previousChange*"
- Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -BranchName "develop" -VersionType "tag" -Version "test" -VersionOptions previousChange
- It 'Should return multiple results' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitStat by commit throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should throw because of invalid parameters' {
- { Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -VersionType commit -Version '' } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitStat by id throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw [System.Net.WebException] "Test Exception." }
- It 'Should return a single repo by id' {
- { Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 } | Should Throw
- }
+ It 'by commit should throw because of invalid parameters' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamGitStat -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -VersionType commit -Version '' } | Should Throw
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGroup.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGroup.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9677f4dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamGroup.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGroup.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDescriptor.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamDescriptor.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamGroup" {
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamGroup' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ $groupListResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groups.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $projectResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\projectResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $groupSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groupsSingle.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $scopeResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\descriptor.scope.TestProject.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' }
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ Mock _supportsGraph
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $groupListResult }
+ It 'by project should return groups' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return $projectResult } -Verifiable
+ Mock Get-VSTeamDescriptor { return [VSTeamDescriptor]::new($scopeResult) } -Verifiable
+ Get-VSTeamGroup -ProjectName "Test Project Public"
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)&scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by scopeDescriptor should return groups' {
+ Get-VSTeamGroup -ScopeDescriptor scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by subjectTypes should return groups' {
+ Get-VSTeamGroup -SubjectTypes vssgp, aadgp
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*subjectTypes=vssgp,aadgp*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by subjectTypes and scopeDescriptor should return groups' {
+ Get-VSTeamGroup -ScopeDescriptor scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2 -SubjectTypes vssgp, aadgp
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*subjectTypes=vssgp,aadgp*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by descriptor should return the group' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $groupSingleResult } -Verifiable
+ Get-VSTeamGroup -GroupDescriptor 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups/vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
+ { Get-VSTeamGroup -ProjectName Demo } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
+ { Get-VSTeamGroup -GroupDescriptor } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Mock _callAPI
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ # if you don't _callAPI will be called for this an throw off the count
+ # below.
+ Mock _getProjects { return @() }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'TFS2017' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' }
+ # The Graph API is not supported on TFS
+ Mock _supportsGraph { throw 'This account does not support the graph API.' }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ { Get-VSTeamGroup } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It '_callAPI should not be called' {
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope Context
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamInfo.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamInfo.Tests.ps1
index fd0edbef3..c8ee60e92 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamInfo.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamInfo.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -7,26 +8,25 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
-Describe 'Get-VSTeamInfo' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
+Describe 'VSTeamInfo' {
+ ## Arrange
. "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectDynamicParamMandatoryFalse.ps1"
Context 'Get-VSTeamInfo' {
AfterAll {
It 'should return account and default project' {
[VSTeamVersions]::Account = "mydemos"
$Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] = 'TestProject'
+ ## Act
$info = Get-VSTeamInfo
+ ## Assert
$info.Account | Should Be "mydemos"
$info.DefaultProject | Should Be "TestProject"
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamJobRequest.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamJobRequest.Tests.ps1
index c8bbc3643..255255670 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamJobRequest.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamJobRequest.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Import-Module SHiPS
+#region include
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -9,34 +10,29 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamJobRequest.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
-$resultsAzD = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot/sampleFiles/jobrequestsAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
-$results2017 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot/sampleFiles/jobrequests2017.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
Describe "Get-VSTeamJobRequest" {
- Context "2017" {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Remove-VSTeamAccount
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $results2017
- }
+ ## Arrange
+ $resultsAzD = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot/sampleFiles/jobrequestsAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $results2017 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot/sampleFiles/jobrequests2017.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- It "return all jobs" {
- # This should stop the call to cache projects
- [VSTeamProjectCache]::timestamp = (Get-Date).Minute
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'DistributedTask' }
+ Context "Server" {
+ ## Arrnage
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results2017 }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ It "return all jobs" {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamJobRequest -PoolId 5 -AgentID 4
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/distributedtask/pools/5/jobrequests*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*agentid=4*"
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*agentid=4*"
@@ -48,25 +44,16 @@ Describe "Get-VSTeamJobRequest" {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/distributedtask/pools/5/jobrequests*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)*" -and
$Uri -like "*agentid=4*" -and
$Uri -like "*completedRequestCount=2*"
- Context "AzD" {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Remove-VSTeamAccount
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $resultsAzD
- }
+ Context "Services" {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsAzD }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
It "return all jobs" {
# This should stop the call to cache projects
@@ -76,20 +63,20 @@ Describe "Get-VSTeamJobRequest" {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/5/jobrequests*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*agentid=4*"
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*agentid=4*"
It "return 2 jobs" {
# This should stop the call to cache projects
[VSTeamProjectCache]::timestamp = (Get-Date).Minute
Get-VSTeamJobRequest -PoolId 5 -AgentID 4 -completedRequestCount 2
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/5/jobrequests*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)*" -and
$Uri -like "*agentid=4*" -and
$Uri -like "*completedRequestCount=2*"
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamMember.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamMember.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6eec9d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamMember.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamMember" {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific project and team' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teams' } }
+ It 'Should return teammembers' {
+ Get-VSTeamMember -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId TestTeam
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific project and team, with top' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teams' } }
+ It 'Should return teammembers' {
+ Get-VSTeamMember -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId TestTeam -Top 10
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=10*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific project and team, with skip' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teams' } }
+ It 'Should return teammembers' {
+ Get-VSTeamMember -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId TestTeam -Skip 5
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$skip=5*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific project and team, with top and skip' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teams' } }
+ It 'Should return teammembers' {
+ Get-VSTeamMember -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId TestTeam -Top 10 -Skip 5
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=10*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$skip=5*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific team, fed through pipeline' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teammembers' } }
+ It 'Should return teammembers' {
+ New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{projectname = "TestProject"; name = "TestTeam" } | Get-VSTeamMember
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Must be last because it sets [VSTeamVersions]::Account to $null
+ Context '_buildURL handles exception' {
+ # Arrange
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Account = $null
+ It 'should return approvals' {
+ # Act
+ { _buildURL -ProjectName project -TeamId 1 } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66849226a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/callMembershipAPI.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamMembership' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
+ Mock _supportsGraph
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' }
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ $UserDescriptor = 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
+ $GroupDescriptor = 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamMembership' {
+ It "for member should get a container's members" {
+ ## Act
+ $null = Get-VSTeamMembership -MemberDescriptor $UserDescriptor
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq "Get" -and
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$MemberDescriptor*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*"
+ }
+ }
+ It "for Group should get a container's members" {
+ ## Act
+ $null = Get-VSTeamMembership -ContainerDescriptor $GroupDescriptor
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq "Get" -and
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$GroupDescriptor*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*direction=Down*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamOption.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamOption.Tests.ps1
index ae5e5a3aa..fbf5133dd 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamOption.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamOption.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -8,9 +9,11 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
Describe 'Get-VSTeamOption' {
Context 'Get-VSTeamOption' {
+ ## Arrange
# Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
# using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
@@ -28,14 +31,20 @@ Describe 'Get-VSTeamOption' {
It 'Should return all options' {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamOption | Should Not Be $null
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis"
It 'Should return release options' {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamOption -subDomain vsrm | Should Not Be $null
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/_apis"
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.Tests.ps1
index c7999c34b..54de5ff97 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
Import-Module SHiPS
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
@@ -17,97 +18,74 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $singleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\projectResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $buildDefresults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $gitRepoResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\singleGitRepo.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $releaseDefresults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $buildDefHierarchyResults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefHierarchyQuery.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $accesscontrollistsResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\repoAccesscontrollists.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $releaseDefHierarchyResults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseDefHierarchyQuery.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Service -eq 'Build' -or
+ $Service -eq 'Release' -or
+ $Service -eq 'Git'
+ }
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
-# Loading System.Web avoids issues finding System.Web.HttpUtility
-Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
-$buildDefresults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
-$releaseDefresults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
-$gitRepoResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\singleGitRepo.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
-$buildDefHierarchyResults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefHierarchyQuery.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
-$accesscontrollistsResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\repoAccesscontrollists.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
-$releaseDefHierarchyResults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseDefHierarchyQuery.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
-$singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Project'
- description = ''
- url = ''
- id = '123-5464-dee43'
- state = ''
- visibility = ''
- revision = 0
- defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
-Describe 'Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
- Remove-VSTeamAccount
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance buildDef' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return $singleResult }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamGitRepository { return $gitRepoResult }
Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return $buildDefresults.value }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- # Write-Host $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
- return $buildDefHierarchyResults
+ Mock Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition { return $releaseDefresults.value }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamAccessControlList { return $accesscontrollistsResult.value }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $releaseDefHierarchyResults } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Body -like '*c788c23e-1b46-4162-8f5e-d7585343b5de*'
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $buildDefHierarchyResults } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Body -like '*010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/1432*'
- It 'should return true' {
- Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance -projectName project -Name dynamTest-Docker-CI -resourceType BuildDefinition | Should be $true
+ It 'buildDef should return true' {
+ ## Act
+ $actual = Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance -projectName Project -Name dynamTest-Docker-CI -resourceType BuildDefinition
+ ## Assert
+ $actual | Should be $true
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '*123-5464-dee43/1432*' -and
+ $Body -like '*010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/1432*' -and
$Body -like '*33344d9c-fc72-4d6f-aba5-fa317101a7e9*' -and
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/Contribution/HierarchyQuery/project/123-5464-dee43*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*"
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/Contribution/HierarchyQuery/Project/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance releaseDef' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return $singleResult }
- Mock Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition { return $releaseDefresults.value }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- # Write-Host $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
- return $releaseDefHierarchyResults
- }
- It 'should return true' {
+ It 'releaseDef should return true' {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance -projectName project -Name PTracker-CD -resourceType ReleaseDefinition | Should be $true
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Method -eq 'Post' -and
$Body -like '*c788c23e-1b46-4162-8f5e-d7585343b5de*' -and
- $Body -like '*123-5464-dee43//2*' -and
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/Contribution/HierarchyQuery/project/123-5464-dee43*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)*"
+ $Body -like '*010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876//2*' -and
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/Contribution/HierarchyQuery/project/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance repository' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return $singleResult }
- Mock Get-VSTeamGitRepository { return $gitRepoResult }
- Mock Get-VSTeamAccessControlList { return $accesscontrollistsResult.value } -Verifiable
- It 'should return true' {
+ It 'repository should return true' {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamPermissionInheritance -projectName project -Name project -resourceType Repository | Should be $true
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Get-VSTeamAccessControlList -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94c53a172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamPolicy' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*boom*" }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicy' {
+ It 'by project should return policies' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by project and id should return the policy' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -Id 4
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations/4?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by project should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName boom } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It 'by project and id throws should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName boom -Id 4 } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPolicyType.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPolicyType.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ec750786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPolicyType.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamPolicyType" {
+ ## Arrnage
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Policy' }
+ $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*boom*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*90a51335-0c53-4a5f-b6ce-d9aff3ea60e0*" }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicyType' {
+ It 'by project should return policies' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamPolicyType -ProjectName Demo
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/types?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Policy)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by project throws should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamPolicyType -ProjectName boom } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It 'Should return policies' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamPolicyType -ProjectName Demo -id 90a51335-0c53-4a5f-b6ce-d9aff3ea60e0
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/types/90a51335-0c53-4a5f-b6ce-d9aff3ea60e0?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Policy)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Should return policies' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Get-VSTeamPolicyType -ProjectName boom -id 90a51335-0c53-4a5f-b6ce-d9aff3ea60e1 } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPool.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPool.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1202bd102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPool.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamPool' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'DistributedTask' }
+ $hostedPool = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ owner = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ id = '1'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ id = '1'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ id = 1
+ size = 1
+ isHosted = $true
+ Name = 'Hosted'
+ }
+ $privatePool = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ owner = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ id = '1'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ id = '1'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ id = 1
+ size = 1
+ isHosted = $false
+ Name = 'Default'
+ }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamPool with no parameters' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ count = 1
+ value = $privatePool
+ }
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $hostedPool } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
+ it 'with no parameters should return all the pools' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamPool
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ it 'with id parameter should return all the pools' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamPool -id 101
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProcess.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProcess.Tests.ps1
index 43f723012..674c9a539 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProcess.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProcess.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -9,11 +10,15 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProcessCache.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
-Describe 'Get-VSTeamProcess' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+Describe 'VSTeamProcess' {
. "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProcessNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
$results = [PSCustomObject]@{
value = [PSCustomObject]@{
name = 'Test'
@@ -34,84 +39,68 @@ Describe 'Get-VSTeamProcess' {
type = 'Agile'
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProcess with no parameters using BearerToken' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*123-5464-dee43*"
+ }
- It 'Should return process' {
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamProcess' {
+ It 'with no parameters using BearerToken should return process' {
+ ## Act
+ ## Assert
# Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/process/processes*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
$Uri -like "*`$top=100*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProcess with top 10' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- #Write-Host $args
- return $results
- }
- It 'Should return top 10 process' {
+ It 'with top 10 should return top 10 process' {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamProcess -top 10
+ ## Assert
# Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/process/processes*" -and
$Uri -like "*`$top=10*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProcess with skip 1' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should skip first process' {
+ It 'with skip 1 should skip first process' {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamProcess -skip 1
+ ## Assert
# Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/process/processes*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
$Uri -like "*`$skip=1*" -and
$Uri -like "*`$top=100*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProcess by Name' {
- #Although this returns a single VSTeamProcess instance, the REST call returns multiple results
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return Process by Name' {
+ It 'by Name should return Process by Name' {
Get-VSTeamProcess -Name Agile
# Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/process/processes*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*"
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProcess by Id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should return Process by Id' {
+ It 'by Id should return Process by Id' {
Get-VSTeamProcess -Id '123-5464-dee43'
# Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/process/processes*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/process/processes/123-5464-dee43*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*"
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae3e5c8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProfile' {
+ $contents = @"
+ [
+ {
+ "Name": "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection",
+ "URL": "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection",
+ "Pat": "",
+ "Type": "OnPremise",
+ "Version": "TFS2017"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "",
+ "URL": "",
+ "Pat": "OnE2cXpseHk0YXp3dHpz",
+ "Type": "Pat",
+ "Version": "TFS2017"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "test",
+ "URL": "https://dev.azure.com/test",
+ "Pat": "OndrejR0ZHpwbDM3bXUycGt5c3hm",
+ "Type": "Pat",
+ "Version": "VSTS"
+ }
+ ]
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile' {
+ Mock Get-Content { return '' }
+ Mock Test-Path { return $true }
+ It 'empty profiles file should return 0 profiles' {
+ $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
+ $actual | Should BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile invalid profiles file' {
+ Mock Test-Path { return $true }
+ Mock Write-Error { } -Verifiable
+ Mock Get-Content { return 'Not Valid JSON. This might happen if someone touches the file.' }
+ It 'invalid profiles file should return 0 profiles' {
+ $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
+ $actual | Should BeNullOrEmpty
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile no profiles' {
+ Mock Test-Path { return $false }
+ $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
+ It 'no profiles should return 0 profiles' {
+ $actual | Should BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile by name' {
+ Mock Test-Path { return $true }
+ Mock Get-Content { return $contents }
+ $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile test
+ It 'by name should return 1 profile' {
+ $actual.URL | Should be 'https://dev.azure.com/test'
+ }
+ It 'by name profile Should by Pat' {
+ $actual.Type | Should be 'Pat'
+ }
+ It 'by name token Should be empty string' {
+ # This is testing that the Token property is added
+ # to existing profiles loaded from file created before
+ # the bearer token support was added.
+ $actual.Token | Should be ''
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile' {
+ Mock Test-Path { return $true }
+ Mock Get-Content { return $contents }
+ $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
+ It 'Should return 3 profiles' {
+ $actual.Length | Should be 3
+ }
+ It '1st profile Should by OnPremise' {
+ $actual[0].Type | Should be 'OnPremise'
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile with old URL' {
+ Mock Test-Path { return $true }
+ Mock Get-Content { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://test.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' }
+ $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
+ It 'Should return new URL' {
+ $actual.URL | Should Be "https://dev.azure.com/test"
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile with old URL and multiple entries' {
+ Mock Test-Path { return $true }
+ Mock Get-Content { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://test.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"},{"Name":"demo","URL":"https://demo.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' }
+ $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile -Name "test"
+ It 'Should return new URL' {
+ $actual.URL | Should Be "https://dev.azure.com/test"
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e8dca3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProject' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProcessNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '123-5464-dee43'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ }
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '123-5464-dee43'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamProject' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ $env:TEAM_TOKEN = '1234'
+ }
+ AfterAll {
+ $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*TestProject*" }
+ It 'with no parameters using BearerToken should return projects' {
+ Get-VSTeamProject
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=100*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*stateFilter=WellFormed*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with top 10 should return top 10 projects' {
+ Get-VSTeamProject -top 10
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=10*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*stateFilter=WellFormed*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with skip 1 should skip first project' {
+ Get-VSTeamProject -skip 1
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$skip=1*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=100*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*stateFilter=WellFormed*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with stateFilter All should return All projects' {
+ Get-VSTeamProject -stateFilter 'All'
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=100*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*stateFilter=All*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with no Capabilities by name should return the project' {
+ Get-VSTeamProject -Name TestProject
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with Capabilities by name should return the project with capabilities' {
+ Get-VSTeamProject -projectId TestProject -includeCapabilities
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*includeCapabilities=True*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..390a05ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProcessCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamPullRequest' {
+ # You have to manually load the type file so the property reviewStatus
+ # can be tested.
+ Update-TypeData -AppendPath "$here/../../Source/types/Team.PullRequest.ps1xml" -ErrorAction Ignore
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Git' }
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Git = '5.1-preview'
+ $singleResult = @{
+ pullRequestId = 1
+ repositoryName = "testreponame"
+ repository = @{
+ project = @{
+ name = "testproject"
+ }
+ }
+ reviewers = @{
+ vote = 0
+ }
+ }
+ $collection = @{
+ value = @($singleResult)
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $collection }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ $result = $singleResult
+ $result.reviewers.vote = 0
+ return $result
+ } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*101*"
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ $result = $singleResult
+ $result.reviewers.vote = 10
+ return $result
+ } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*110*"
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ $result = $singleResult
+ $result.reviewers.vote = -10
+ return $result
+ } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*100*"
+ }
+ It 'with no parameters' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:ProjectName")
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/git/pullRequests?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with default project name' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:ProjectName"] = 'testproject'
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName testproject
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/testproject/_apis/git/pullRequests?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'By ProjectName' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:ProjectName")
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName testproject
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/testproject/_apis/git/pullRequests?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'By ID' {
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 101
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/git/pullRequests/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with All' {
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -All
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*status=all*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with Status abandoned' {
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -Status abandoned
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*status=abandoned*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with source branch' {
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -SourceBranchRef "refs/heads/mybranch"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*searchCriteria.sourceRefName=refs/heads/mybranch*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with target branch' {
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -TargetBranchRef "refs/heads/mybranch"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*searchCriteria.targetRefName=refs/heads/mybranch*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with repository id' {
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId "93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with source repository id' {
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -SourceRepositoryId "93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*searchCriteria.sourceRepositoryId=93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with top and skip' {
+ Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -SourceRepositoryId "93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF" -Top 100 -Skip 200
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*searchCriteria.sourceRepositoryId=93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=100*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$skip=200*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with source branch in wrong format throws' {
+ { Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -SourceBranchRef "garbage" } | should throw
+ }
+ It 'with target branch in wrong format throws' {
+ { Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -TargetBranchRef "garbage" } | should throw
+ }
+ It 'No Votes should be Pending Status' {
+ $pr = Get-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 101
+ $pr.reviewStatus | Should be "Pending"
+ }
+ It 'Postivite Votes should be Approved Status' {
+ $pr = Get-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 110
+ $pr.reviewStatus | Should be "Approved"
+ }
+ It 'Negative Votes should be Rejected Status' {
+ $pr = Get-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 100
+ $pr.reviewStatus | Should be "Rejected"
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamQueue.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamQueue.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9304dc49a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamQueue.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamQueue' {
+ ## Arrange
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'DistributedTask' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{ value = @{ id = 3; name = 'Hosted'; pool = @{ } } } }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{ id = 101; name = 'Hosted'; pool = @{ } } } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*101*"
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamQueue' {
+ It 'should return requested queue' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamQueue -projectName project -queueId 101
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues/101?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ it 'with actionFilter & queueName parameter should return all the queues' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamQueue -projectName project -actionFilter 'None' -queueName 'Hosted'
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues/?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)&actionFilter=None&queueName=Hosted"
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*actionFilter=None*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*queueName=Hosted*"
+ }
+ }
+ it 'with no parameters should return all the queues' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamQueue -ProjectName project
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ it 'with queueName parameter should return all the queues' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamQueue -projectName project -queueName 'Hosted'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)&queueName=Hosted"
+ }
+ }
+ it 'with actionFilter parameter should return all the queues' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamQueue -projectName project -actionFilter 'None'
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)&actionFilter=None"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
index c39135c52..399bb746d 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,136 +1,100 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-# Loading System.Web avoids issues finding System.Web.HttpUtility
-Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- environments = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{
- self = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- web = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- }
- }
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- environments = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- variables = [PSCustomObject]@{
- BrowserToUse = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = "phantomjs"
- }
- }
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{
- self = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- web = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- }
- Describe 'Releases' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamRelease' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
+ $results = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseResults.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $singleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseSingleReult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Release' }
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*15*"
+ }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamRelease by ID -Raw' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $singleResult
- }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamRelease' {
- It 'should return release as Raw' {
- $raw = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15 -Raw
+ It 'by Id -Raw should return release as Raw' {
+ ## Act
+ $raw = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15 -Raw
- $raw | Get-Member | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty TypeName | Should be 'System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject'
+ ## Assert
+ $raw | Get-Member | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty TypeName | Should be 'System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamRelease by ID' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $singleResult
- }
- It 'should return release as Object' {
- $r = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15
+ It 'by Id should return release as Object' {
+ ## Act
+ $r = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15
- $r | Get-Member | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty TypeName | Should be 'Team.Release'
+ ## Assert
+ $r | Get-Member | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty TypeName | Should be 'Team.Release'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamRelease by ID -JSON' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $singleResult
- }
- It 'should return release as JSON' {
- $r = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15 -JSON
+ It 'by Id -JSON should return release as JSON' {
+ ## Act
+ $r = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15 -JSON
- $r | Get-Member | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty TypeName | Should be 'System.String'
+ ## Assert
+ $r | Get-Member | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty TypeName | Should be 'System.String'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamRelease with no parameters' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $results
- }
- It 'should return releases' {
- Get-VSTeamRelease -projectName project
+ It 'with no parameters should return releases' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamRelease -projectName project
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamRelease with expand environments' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $results
- }
- It 'should return releases' {
- Get-VSTeamRelease -projectName project -expand environments
+ It 'with expand environments should return releases' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamRelease -projectName project -expand environments
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)&`$expand=environments"
- }
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)&`$expand=environments"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamRelease with no parameters & no project' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $results
- }
- It 'should return releases' {
- Get-VSTeamRelease
+ It 'with no parameters & no project should return releases' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamRelease
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1
index 40bb9e760..7d23a9b04 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -11,72 +12,49 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
-# Loading System.Web avoids issues finding System.Web.HttpUtility
-Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
-$results = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
-Describe 'Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
+Describe 'VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
. "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Context 'no parameters' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $results
- }
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
- It 'should return Release definitions' {
+ $results = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results.value[0] } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*15*" }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Release' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
+ It 'no parameters should return Release definitions' {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
- }
- Context 'expand environments' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $results
- }
- It 'should return Release definitions' {
+ It 'expand environments should return Release definitions' {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -expand environments
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)&`$expand=environments"
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)&`$expand=environments"
- }
- Context 'by ID' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results.value[0] }
- It 'should return Release definition' {
+ It 'by Id should return Release definition' {
+ ## Act
Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -id 15
+ ## Assert
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions/15?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
- # Make sure these test run last as the need differnt
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Account values
- Context 'no account' {
- [VSTeamVersions]::Account = $null
- It 'should return Release definitions' {
- { Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project } | Should Throw
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamResourceArea.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamResourceArea.Tests.ps1
index edb950306..6864db3e4 100644
--- a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamResourceArea.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamResourceArea.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -8,17 +9,18 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
-Describe 'Get-VSTeamResourceArea' {
+Describe 'VSTeamResourceArea' {
Context 'Get-VSTeamResourceArea' {
- Mock _callAPI { return @{
- value = @{ }
- }
- }
- $actual = Get-VSTeamResourceArea
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _callAPI { return @{ value = @{ } } }
It 'Should return resources' {
+ ## Act
+ $actual = Get-VSTeamResourceArea
+ ## Assert
$actual | Should Not Be $null
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9ab8742b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamSecurityNamespace" {
+ Context "Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace" {
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ # to avoid the
+ # Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ProjectName'.
+ # error when using test project names that do not really exist.
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _supportsSecurityNamespace { return $true }
+ $securityNamespaceListResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\securityNamespaces.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $securityNamespaceSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\securityNamespace.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'AzD' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $securityNamespaceListResult }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $securityNamespaceSingleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531*" }
+ It 'list should return namespaces' {
+ Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)&scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/securitynamespaces*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by id should return a single namespace' {
+ Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id 58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/securitynamespaces/58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by name should return namespace' {
+ Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Name "WorkItemTracking"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/securitynamespaces*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by list and localOnly should return namespaces' {
+ Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -LocalOnly
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)&scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/securitynamespaces*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*localOnly=true*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context "Server" {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Mock _callAPI { throw 'Should not be called' } -Verifiable
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'TFS2017' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ It 'should throw' {
+ { Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It '_callAPI should not be called' {
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a68e15fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamServiceEndpointType' {
+ $sampleFile = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\serviceEndpointTypeSample.json"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return Get-Content $sampleFile | ConvertFrom-Json
+ }
+ It 'Should return all service endpoints types' {
+ Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointtypes?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType by Type' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return Get-Content $sampleFile | ConvertFrom-Json
+ }
+ It 'Should return all service endpoints types' {
+ Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType -Type azurerm
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointtypes?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)" -and
+ $Body.type -eq 'azurerm'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType by Type and scheme' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return Get-Content $sampleFile | ConvertFrom-Json
+ }
+ It 'Should return all service endpoints types' {
+ Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType -Type azurerm -Scheme Basic
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointtypes?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)" -and
+ $Body.type -eq 'azurerm' -and
+ $Body.scheme -eq 'Basic'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType by scheme' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return Get-Content $sampleFile | ConvertFrom-Json
+ }
+ It 'Should return all service endpoints types' {
+ Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType -Scheme Basic
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointtypes?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)" -and
+ $Body.scheme -eq 'Basic'
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d8453071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$taskGroupsJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroups.json"
+$taskGroupJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroup.json"
+Describe 'VSTeamTaskGroup' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'TaskGroups' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/project*" }
+ BeforeAll {
+ $projectName = "project"
+ $taskGroupJsonAsString = Get-Content $taskGroupJson -Raw
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTaskGroup list' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return Get-Content $taskGroupsJson | ConvertFrom-Json
+ }
+ It 'Should return all task groups' {
+ Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -projectName $projectName
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion TaskGroups)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTaskGroup Id' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return Get-Content $taskGroupJson | ConvertFrom-Json
+ }
+ It 'Should return one task group' {
+ $projectID = "d30f8b85-6b13-41a9-bb77-2e1a9c611def"
+ Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -projectName $projectName -id $projectID
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion TaskGroups)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTaskGroup Name' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Return multiple task groups, because the function filters by name after getting the list from the server.
+ return Get-Content $taskGroupsJson | ConvertFrom-Json
+ }
+ It 'Should return one task group' {
+ $taskGroupName = "For Unit Tests 2"
+ $taskGroup = Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -projectName $projectName -Name $taskGroupName
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion TaskGroups)"
+ }
+ # Ensure that we only have one task group, in other words, that the name filter was applied.
+ $taskGroup.name | Should Be $taskGroupName
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/tfvc.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch.Tests.ps1
similarity index 51%
rename from unit/test/tfvc.Tests.ps1
rename to unit/test/Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch.Tests.ps1
index 5e6e635b4..5594644c3 100644
--- a/unit/test/tfvc.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamTfvcBranch' -Tag 'unit', 'tfvc' {
$singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
path = "$/TfvcProject/Master";
@@ -23,171 +35,9 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch VSTS' -Tag 'unit', 'tfvc', 'vsts' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with no parameters and single result' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $singleResult
- } -Verifiable
- $res = Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch
- It 'should get 1 branch' {
- $res.path | Should -Be $singleResult.path
- }
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with no parameters and multiple results' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $multipleResults } -Verifiable
- $res = Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch
- It 'should get 2 branches' {
- $res.Count | Should -Be 2
- $multipleResults.value[0] | Should -BeIn $res
- $multipleResults.value[1] | Should -BeIn $res
- }
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with IncludeChildren' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeChildren
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeChildren=True"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with IncludeDeleted' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeDeleted
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeDeleted=True"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with all switches' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeChildren -IncludeDeleted
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeChildren=True&includeDeleted=True"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch TFS' -Tag 'unit', 'tfvc', 'tfs' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with no parameters and single result' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- $res = Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch
- It 'should get 1 branch' {
- $res.path | Should -Be $singleResult.path
- }
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with no parameters and multiple results' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $multipleResults } -Verifiable
- $res = Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch
- It 'should get 2 branches' {
- $res.Count | Should -Be 2
- $multipleResults.value[0] | Should -BeIn $res
- $multipleResults.value[1] | Should -BeIn $res
- }
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with IncludeChildren' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeChildren
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeChildren=True"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with IncludeDeleted' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeDeleted
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeDeleted=True"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with all switches' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeChildren -IncludeDeleted
- It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeChildren=True&includeDeleted=True"
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Tfvc' }
- Describe 'Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch' -Tag 'unit', 'multi' {
+ Describe 'Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch' {
# Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
@@ -213,12 +63,12 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch -Path $/TfvcProject/Master
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "$a/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
+ $Uri -eq "$a/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
- Describe 'Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch VSTS' -Tag 'unit', 'tfvc', 'vsts' {
+ Describe 'Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch VSTS' {
# Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
@@ -233,7 +83,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
@@ -245,7 +95,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
@@ -257,10 +107,10 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Feature?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Feature?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
@@ -272,7 +122,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeChildren=True"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeChildren=True"
@@ -284,7 +134,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeParent=True"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeParent=True"
@@ -296,7 +146,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeDeleted=True"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeDeleted=True"
@@ -308,13 +158,13 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeChildren=True&includeParent=True&includeDeleted=True"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeChildren=True&includeParent=True&includeDeleted=True"
- Describe 'Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch TFS' -Tag 'unit', 'tfvc', 'tfs' {
+ Describe 'Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch TFS' {
# Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
@@ -330,7 +180,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
@@ -342,7 +192,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
@@ -354,10 +204,10 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Feature?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Feature?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
@@ -369,7 +219,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeChildren=True"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeChildren=True"
@@ -381,7 +231,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeParent=True"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeParent=True"
@@ -393,7 +243,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeDeleted=True"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeDeleted=True"
@@ -405,7 +255,7 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Tfvc)&includeChildren=True&includeParent=True&includeDeleted=True"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches/$/TfvcProject/Master?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeChildren=True&includeParent=True&includeDeleted=True"
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e82db21d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamTfvcRootBranch' -Tag 'unit', 'tfvc' {
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ path = "$/TfvcProject/Master";
+ description = 'desc';
+ children = @();
+ }
+ $multipleResults = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = @(
+ [PSCustomObject]@{
+ path = '$/TfvcProject/Master';
+ description = 'desc';
+ children = @();
+ },
+ [PSCustomObject]@{
+ path = '$/AnotherProject/Master';
+ description = 'desc';
+ children = @();
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Tfvc' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with no parameters and single result' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $singleResult
+ } -Verifiable
+ $res = Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch
+ It 'should get 1 branch' {
+ $res.path | Should -Be $singleResult.path
+ }
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with no parameters and multiple results' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $multipleResults } -Verifiable
+ $res = Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch
+ It 'should get 2 branches' {
+ $res.Count | Should -Be 2
+ $multipleResults.value[0] | Should -BeIn $res
+ $multipleResults.value[1] | Should -BeIn $res
+ }
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with IncludeChildren' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
+ Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeChildren
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeChildren=True"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with IncludeDeleted' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
+ Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeDeleted
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeDeleted=True"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with all switches' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
+ Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeChildren -IncludeDeleted
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeChildren=True&includeDeleted=True"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with no parameters and single result' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
+ $res = Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch
+ It 'should get 1 branch' {
+ $res.path | Should -Be $singleResult.path
+ }
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with no parameters and multiple results' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $multipleResults } -Verifiable
+ $res = Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch
+ It 'should get 2 branches' {
+ $res.Count | Should -Be 2
+ $multipleResults.value[0] | Should -BeIn $res
+ $multipleResults.value[1] | Should -BeIn $res
+ }
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with IncludeChildren' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
+ Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeChildren
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeChildren=True"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with IncludeDeleted' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
+ Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeDeleted
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeDeleted=True"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch with all switches' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
+ Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch -IncludeChildren -IncludeDeleted
+ It 'should call the REST endpoint with correct parameters' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope Context -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/tfvc/branches?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Tfvc)&includeChildren=True&includeDeleted=True"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamUser.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamUser.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6bb39294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamUser.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUser.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamUser' {
+ Context "Get-VSTeamUser" {
+ $userListResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # The Graph API is not supported on TFS
+ Context "Server" {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamUser' {
+ Mock _callAPI { throw 'Should not be called' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'TFS2017' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ { Get-VSTeamUser } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamUser list' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $userListResult
+ }
+ Get-VSTeamUser
+ It 'Should return users' {
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/users?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)"
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/users*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamUser by subjectTypes' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $userListResult } -Verifiable
+ Get-VSTeamUser -SubjectTypes vss, aad
+ It 'Should return users' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/users*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*subjectTypes=vss,aad*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamUser by descriptor' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $userSingleResult
+ }
+ It 'Should return the user' {
+ Get-VSTeamUser -UserDescriptor 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/users/aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamUser list throws' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ { Get-VSTeamUser } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamUser by descriptor throws' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ { Get-VSTeamUser -UserDescriptor } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f78602be1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamUserEntitlement" {
+ Context "Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement" {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context "Server" {
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'TFS2017' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'MemberEntitlementManagement' }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement' {
+ Mock _callAPI { throw 'Should not be called' }
+ It 'not supported should throw' {
+ { Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It '_callAPI should not be called' {
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope Context
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context "Services" {
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'VSTS' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'MemberEntitlementManagement' }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectDynamicParamMandatoryFalse.ps1"
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{ members = [PSCustomObject]@{ accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ } } } }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{ accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }; email = 'fake@email.com' } } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000*"
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{ members = [PSCustomObject]@{ accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }; email = 'fake@email.com' } } } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*select=Projects*"
+ }
+ It 'no parameters should return users' {
+ Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement
+ # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsaex.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/userentitlements?api-version=$(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement)&top=100&skip=0"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should return users with projects' {
+ Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsaex.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/userentitlements/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'with select for projects should return users with projects' {
+ Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Select Projects
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsaex.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/userentitlements?api-version=$(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement)&top=100&skip=0&select=Projects"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cccd39003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamVariableGroup' {
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/project*" }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'VariableGroups' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $sampleFileVSTS = $(Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\variableGroupSamples.json" | ConvertFrom-Json)
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'VSTS' }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $sampleFileVSTS }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $sampleFileVSTS.value[0] } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
+ It 'list should return all variable groups' {
+ Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should return one variable group' {
+ $projectID = 101
+ Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -id $projectID
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $sampleFile2017 = $(Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\variableGroupSamples2017.json" | ConvertFrom-Json)
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'TFS2017' }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $sampleFile2017 }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $sampleFile2017.value[0] } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
+ It 'list should return all variable groups' {
+ Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should return one variable group' {
+ $projectID = 101
+ Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -id $projectID
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by name should return one variable group' {
+ $varGroupName = "TestVariableGroup1"
+ Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -Name $varGroupName
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)&groupName=$varGroupName"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamWiql.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamWiql.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88122f939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamWiql.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamWiql' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ $workItem = @{
+ id = 47
+ url = "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workItems/47"
+ }
+ $column = @{
+ referenceName = "System.Id"
+ name = "ID"
+ url = "https://dev.azure.com/razorspoint-test/_apis/wit/fields/System.Id"
+ }
+ $sortColumn = @{
+ field = $column
+ descending = $false
+ }
+ $wiqlResult = @{
+ querytype = "flat"
+ queryTypeResult = "worItem"
+ asOf = "2019-10-03T18:35:09.117Z"
+ columns = @($column)
+ sortColumns = @($sortColumn)
+ workItems = @($workItem, $workItem)
+ }
+ $expandedWorkItems = @{
+ count = 1
+ value = @($workItem, $workItem)
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamWiql' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $wiqlResult
+ }
+ # function is mocked because it is used when switch 'Expanded' is being used.
+ Mock Get-VSTeamWorkItem {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $expandedWorkItems
+ }
+ It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
+ Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
+ $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)&`$top=100"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query with -Top 250' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
+ Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery -Top 250
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
+ $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)&`$top=250"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query with -Top 0' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
+ Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery -Top 0
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
+ $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query with expanded work items' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
+ Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery -Expand
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
+ $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)&`$top=100"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query with time precision' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
+ Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery -TimePrecision
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
+ $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
+ $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
+ $Uri -like "*timePrecision=True*"
+ $Uri -like "*`$top=100*"
+ $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Get work items with query ID query' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Id 1
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)&`$top=100"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Get work items with query ID query with expanded work items' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Id 1 -Expand
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)&`$top=100"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5901d1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamWorkItem' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $obj = @{
+ id = 47
+ rev = 1
+ url = "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workItems/47"
+ }
+ $collection = @{
+ count = 1
+ value = @($obj)
+ }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamWorkItem' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $obj }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $collection } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*ids=47,48*" }
+ It 'by id should return work items' {
+ Get-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47, 48
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ # https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)&ids=47,48&`$Expand=None&errorPolicy=omit
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*ids=47,48*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*`$Expand=None*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*errorPolicy=omit*"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id with Default Project should return single work item' {
+ Get-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/47?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)&`$Expand=None"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Get-VSTeamWorkItemType.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamWorkItemType.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c68d871b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Get-VSTeamWorkItemType.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamWorkItemType' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ Context 'Get-VSTeamWorkItemType' {
+ $testSuite = @{
+ count = 1
+ value = @{
+ name = "Test Suite"
+ referenceName = "Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.TestSuite"
+ description = "Tracks test activites for a specific feature, requirement, or user story."
+ color = "004B50"
+ }
+ }
+ $bug = @{
+ name = "Bug"
+ referenceName = "Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug"
+ description = "Describes a divergence between required and actual behavior, and tracks the work done to correct the defect and verify the correction."
+ color = "CC293D"
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return ConvertTo-Json $testSuite }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return ConvertTo-Json $bug } -ParameterFilter{ $Uri -like "*bug*" }
+ It 'with project only should return all work item types' {
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamWorkItemType -ProjectName test
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitemtypes?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by type with default project should return 1 work item type' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamWorkItemType -WorkItemType bug
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitemtypes/bug?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by type with explicit project should return 1 work item type' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ ## Act
+ Get-VSTeamWorkItemType -ProjectName test -WorkItemType bug
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitemtypes/bug?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Invoke-VSTeamRequest.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Invoke-VSTeamRequest.Tests.ps1
index 2a20cdd32..536c1480f 100644
--- a/unit/test/Invoke-VSTeamRequest.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Invoke-VSTeamRequest.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,77 +1,59 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
Describe 'Invoke-VSTeamRequest' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @()
- } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Mock Write-Host
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
Context 'Invoke-VSTeamRequest Options' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # Write-Host $args
- }
- Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Method Options
- It 'Should call API' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- Context 'Invoke-VSTeamRequest Release' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # Write-Host $args
- } -Verifiable
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
- Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Area release -Resource releases -Id 1 -SubDomain vsrm -Version '4.1-preview' -ProjectName testproject -JSON
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
- It 'Should call API' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
+ # Called to convert from ProjectName to ProjectID
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return [PSCustomObject]@{ id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' } } -Verifiable
+ It 'options should call API' {
+ Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Method Options
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq "Options" -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis"
+ }
- }
- Context 'Invoke-VSTeamRequest AdditionalHeaders' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Headers["Test"] -eq 'Test'
+ It 'release should call API' {
+ Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Area release -Resource releases -Id 1 -SubDomain vsrm -Version '4.1-preview' -ProjectName testproject -JSON
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/testproject/_apis/release/releases/1?api-version=4.1-preview"
+ }
- Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Area release -Resource releases -Id 1 -SubDomain vsrm -Version '4.1-preview' -ProjectName testproject -JSON -AdditionalHeaders @{Test = "Test" }
- It 'Should call API' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Invoke-VSTeamRequest By Product ID' {
- # Called to convert from ProjectName to ProjectID
- Mock Get-VSTeamProject {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- } } -Verifiable
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000*"
+ It 'AdditionalHeaders should call API' {
+ Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Area release -Resource releases -Id 1 -SubDomain vsrm -Version '4.1-preview' -ProjectName testproject -JSON -AdditionalHeaders @{Test = "Test" }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Headers["Test"] -eq 'Test' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/testproject/_apis/release/releases/1?api-version=4.1-preview"
+ }
- Invoke-VSTeamRequest -ProjectName testproject -UseProjectId -Area release -Resource releases -Id 1 -SubDomain vsrm -Version '4.1-preview'
+ It 'by Product Id should call API with product id instead of name' {
+ Invoke-VSTeamRequest -ProjectName testproject -UseProjectId -Area release -Resource releases -Id 1 -SubDomain vsrm -Version '4.1-preview'
- It 'Should call API' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/_apis/release/releases/1?api-version=4.1-preview"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeam.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeam.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..832814a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeam.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeam.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeam.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
+ name = 'refs/heads/master'
+ description = 'team description'
+ }
+$singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
+ name = 'refs/heads/master'
+ description = 'team description'
+Describe "VSTeam" {
+ Context "Get-VSTeam" {
+ Context "services" {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeam' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should remove the team' {
+ Remove-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamId "TestTeam" -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeam?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Delete"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeam, fed through pipeline' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeam { return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{projectname = "TestProject"; name = "TestTeam" } }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should remove the team' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId "TestTeam" | Remove-VSTeam -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Delete"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context "Server" {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeam on TFS local Auth' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should remove the team' {
+ Remove-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamId "TestTeam" -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeam?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Delete"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.Tests.ps1
index 2d43ca7e1..b53d67d92 100644
--- a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,8 +1,22 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $securityNamespace =
- @"
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$securityNamespace =
"namespaceId": "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87",
"name": "Git Repositories",
@@ -102,68 +116,66 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
- Describe 'AccessControlEntry VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+Describe 'VSTeamSecurityNamespace' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be Removed when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Core = '5.1'
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be Removed when
+ # versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
- Mock Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace { return $securityNamespace }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace { return $securityNamespace }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry by SecurityNamespaceId' {
- It 'Should succeed with a properly formatted descriptor if descriptor is on ACL' {
- Mock _callAPI { return $true } -Verifiable
- Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false | Should be "Removal of ACE from ACL succeeded."
- }
- It 'Should fail with a properly formatted descriptor if descriptor is not on ACL already' {
- Mock _callAPI { return $false } -Verifiable
- Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- $err.count | should be 1
- $err[0].Exception.Message | Should Be "Removal of ACE from ACL failed. Ensure descriptor and token are correct."
- $err
- }
- It 'Should fail with an improperly formatted descriptor' {
- Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.NotARealDescriptor") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- $err.count | should be 2
- $err[1].Exception.Message | Should Be "Could not convert base64 string to string."
- }
- It 'Should fail if the REST API gives a non true/false response' {
- Mock _callAPI { return "Not a valid return" } -Verifiable
- Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- $err.count | should be 1
- $err[0].Exception.Message | Should Be "Unexpected response from REST API."
- }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry by SecurityNamespaceId' {
+ It 'Should succeed with a properly formatted descriptor if descriptor is on ACL' {
+ Mock _callAPI { return $true } -Verifiable
+ Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false | Should be "Removal of ACE from ACL succeeded."
+ }
+ It 'Should fail with a properly formatted descriptor if descriptor is not on ACL already' {
+ Mock _callAPI { return $false } -Verifiable
+ Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ $err.count | should be 1
+ $err[0].Exception.Message | Should Be "Removal of ACE from ACL failed. Ensure descriptor and token are correct."
+ $err
+ }
+ It 'Should fail with an improperly formatted descriptor' {
+ Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.NotARealDescriptor") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ $err.count | should be 2
+ $err[1].Exception.Message | Should Be "Could not convert base64 string to string."
+ It 'Should fail if the REST API gives a non true/false response' {
+ Mock _callAPI { return "Not a valid return" } -Verifiable
+ Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ $err.count | should be 1
+ $err[0].Exception.Message | Should Be "Unexpected response from REST API."
+ }
+ }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry by SecurityNamespace' {
- It 'Should succeed with a properly formatted descriptor if descriptor is on ACL' {
- $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
- Mock _callAPI { return $true } -Verifiable
- Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false | Should be "Removal of ACE from ACL succeeded."
- }
- It 'Should fail with a properly formatted descriptor if descriptor is not on ACL already' {
- $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
- Mock _callAPI { return $false } -Verifiable
- Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- $err.count | should be 1
- $err[0].Exception.Message | Should Be "Removal of ACE from ACL failed. Ensure descriptor and token are correct."
- }
- It 'Should fail with an improperly formatted descriptor' {
- $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
- Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Descriptor @("vssgp.NotARealDescriptor") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- $err.count | should be 2
- $err[1].Exception.Message | Should Be "Could not convert base64 string to string."
- }
- It 'Should fail if the REST API gives a non true/false response' {
- Mock _callAPI { return "Not a valid return" } -Verifiable
- Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- $err.count | should be 1
- $err[0].Exception.Message | Should Be "Unexpected response from REST API."
- }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry by SecurityNamespace' {
+ It 'Should succeed with a properly formatted descriptor if descriptor is on ACL' {
+ $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
+ Mock _callAPI { return $true } -Verifiable
+ Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false | Should be "Removal of ACE from ACL succeeded."
+ }
+ It 'Should fail with a properly formatted descriptor if descriptor is not on ACL already' {
+ $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
+ Mock _callAPI { return $false } -Verifiable
+ Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ $err.count | should be 1
+ $err[0].Exception.Message | Should Be "Removal of ACE from ACL failed. Ensure descriptor and token are correct."
+ }
+ It 'Should fail with an improperly formatted descriptor' {
+ $securityNamespace = Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87"
+ Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespace $securityNamespace -Descriptor @("vssgp.NotARealDescriptor") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ $err.count | should be 2
+ $err[1].Exception.Message | Should Be "Could not convert base64 string to string."
+ }
+ It 'Should fail if the REST API gives a non true/false response' {
+ Mock _callAPI { return "Not a valid return" } -Verifiable
+ Remove-VSTeamAccessControlEntry -SecurityNamespaceId "2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87" -Descriptor @("vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMTkxNDc4NTk1LTU1MDM1MzIxOC0yNDM3MjM2NDgzLTQyMjkyNzUyNDktMC0wLTAtOC04") -Token xyz -confirm:$false -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ $err.count | should be 1
+ $err[0].Exception.Message | Should Be "Unexpected response from REST API."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1
index 12f3bcbe6..8216101ac 100644
--- a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
Describe 'Remove-VSTeamAccount' {
# Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6dd78c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Remove-VSTeamAgent' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ [VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask = '1.0-unitTest'
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamAgent by ID' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ It 'should remove the agent with passed in Id' {
+ Remove-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950 -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/36/agents/950?api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamAgent throws' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'boom' }
+ It 'should remove the agent with passed in Id' {
+ { Remove-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950 -Force } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98fa15e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Remove-VSTeamBuild' {
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Context 'Service' {
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ # Arrange
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ # Act
+ Remove-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 2 -Force
+ It 'should delete build' {
+ # Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server local Auth' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ It 'should delete build' {
+ Remove-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 2 -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server local Auth handles exception' {
+ # Arrange
+ Mock _handleException -Verifiable
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Testing error handling.' }
+ # Act
+ Remove-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -id 2 -Force
+ It 'should add tags to Build' {
+ # Assert
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae125ea67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$resultsVSTS = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+Describe 'Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Context 'Succeeds' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS }
+ It 'should delete build definition' {
+ Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 2 -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Succeeds on TFS local Auth' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS }
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 2 -Force
+ It 'should delete build definition' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamBuildTag.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamBuildTag.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54bf019b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamBuildTag.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Remove-VSTeamBuildTag' {
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamBuildTag' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return @{ value = $null }
+ }
+ [string[]] $inputTags = "Test1", "Test2", "Test3"
+ It 'should add tags to Build' {
+ Remove-VSTeamBuildTag -ProjectName project -id 2 -Tags $inputTags
+ foreach ($inputTag in $inputTags) {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" + "&tag=$inputTag"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Describe 'Remove-VSTeamBuildTag' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamBuildTag' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return @{ value = $null }
+ }
+ [string[]] $inputTags = "Test1", "Test2", "Test3"
+ It 'should add tags to Build' {
+ Remove-VSTeamBuildTag -ProjectName project -id 2 -Tags $inputTags
+ foreach ($inputTag in $inputTags) {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" + "&tag=$inputTag"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8c5ebd4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamInstallState.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamExtension.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$singleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\singleExtensionResult.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+Describe 'VSTeamExtension' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamExtension' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ $env:Team_TOKEN = '1234'
+ }
+ AfterAll {
+ $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
+ }
+ Mock _callAPI { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should remove an extension' {
+ Remove-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId 'test' -ExtensionId 'test' -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
+ $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement
+ $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0f3cd67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Feeds' {
+ Mock _supportsFeeds { return $true }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamFeed' {
+ It 'should delete feed' {
+ Remove-VSTeamFeed -id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Packaging)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ab1a06a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = ''
+ url = ''
+ sshUrl = ''
+ remoteUrl = ''
+ defaultBranch = ''
+ size = 0
+ name = ''
+ project = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Project'
+ id = 1
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ state = ''
+ revision = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ }
+Describe "VSTeamGitRepository" {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Write-Host "Single $Uri"
+ return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000*" -or
+ $Uri -like "*testRepo*"
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Write-Host "boom $Uri"
+ throw [System.Net.WebException] } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000101*" -or
+ $Uri -like "*boom*"
+ }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamGitRepository' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ It 'by id should remove Git repo' {
+ ## Act
+ Remove-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/git/repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should throw' {
+ { Remove-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000101 -Force } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ It 'by id should remove Git repo' {
+ ## Act
+ Remove-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/git/repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c79bd38c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/callMembershipAPI.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamMembership' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' }
+ Mock _supportsGraph
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ $UserDescriptor = 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
+ $GroupDescriptor = 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamMembership' {
+ It 'Should remove a membership' {
+ ## Act
+ $null = Remove-VSTeamMembership -MemberDescriptor $UserDescriptor -ContainerDescriptor $GroupDescriptor -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq "Delete" -and
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$UserDescriptor/$GroupDescriptor*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92b55c340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamPolicy' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*boom*" }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamPolicy' {
+ It 'by id should delete the policy' {
+ ## Act
+ Remove-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -id 4 -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations/4?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Remove-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName boom -id 4 -Force } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c158eaaf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProfile.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProfile' {
+ ## Arrange
+ $expectedPath = "$HOME/vsteam_profiles.json"
+ Mock Set-Content { }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamProfile' {
+ It 'should save remaining profiles to disk' {
+ ## Act
+ Remove-VSTeamProfile test
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and ([string]$Value -eq '')
+ }
+ }
+ It 'entry does not exist should save original profiles to disk' {
+ ## Act
+ Remove-VSTeamProfile demos
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..598127790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProject' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProcessNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '123-5464-dee43'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Write-Progress
+ Mock _trackProjectProgress
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; url = 'https://someplace.com' } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Delete' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/123-5464-dee43?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamProject with Force' {
+ It 'Should not call Invoke-RestMethod' {
+ ## Act
+ Remove-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Delete' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/123-5464-dee43?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5db48470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamRelease' {
+ ## Arrange
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamRelease' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
+ It 'by Id should remove release' {
+ ## Act
+ Remove-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15 -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Remove-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 101 -Force } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88256164f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
+ ## Arrange
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ queue = [PSCustomObject]@{ name = 'Default' }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ self = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ web = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ retentionPolicy = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ lastRelease = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ artifacts = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ modifiedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ name = 'project' }
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ name = 'test' }
+ }
+ }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ It 'should delete release definition' {
+ ## Act
+ Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -id 2 -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ It 'local Auth should delete release definition' {
+ ## Act
+ Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -id 2 -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/release/definitions/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99a28295b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$taskGroupsJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroups.json"
+$taskGroupJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroup.json"
+Describe 'VSTeamTaskGroup' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'TaskGroups' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/project*" }
+ BeforeAll {
+ $projectName = "project"
+ $taskGroupJsonAsString = Get-Content $taskGroupJson -Raw
+ }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ It 'should delete Task group' {
+ $projectID = "d30f8b85-6b13-41a9-bb77-2e1a9c611def"
+ Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup -projectName $projectName -Id $projectID -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion TaskGroups)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Delete'
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4180b88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamUserEntitlement" {
+ Context "Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement" {
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'VSTS' }
+ # This will cause the call the _getProject to be skipped
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'MemberEntitlementManagement' }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement' {
+ # Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement by Id
+ Mock _callAPI {
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ email = 'test@user.com'
+ userName = 'Test User'
+ id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
+ }
+ } -ParameterFilter { $Id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' }
+ # Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement by email
+ Mock _callAPI {
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ members = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ email = 'test@user.com'
+ userName = 'Test User'
+ id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Remove Call
+ Mock _callAPI -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Delete' }
+ It 'by Id should remove user' {
+ Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement -UserId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $subDomain -eq 'vsaex' -and
+ $id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -and
+ $resource -eq 'userentitlements' -and
+ $method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $version -eq $(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement)
+ }
+ }
+ It 'bye email should remove user' {
+ Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Email 'test@user.com' -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
+ $subDomain -eq 'vsaex' -and
+ $id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -and
+ $resource -eq 'userentitlements' -and
+ $version -eq $(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement)
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by invalid email should throw' {
+ { Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Email 'not@found.com' -Force } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fab421193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamVariableGroup' {
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/project*" }
+ Context 'Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ [VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups = '5.0-preview.1'
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ BeforeAll {
+ Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Target VSTS
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ It 'should delete variable group' {
+ $projectID = 1
+ Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -Id $projectID -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Delete'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ [VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups = '3.2-preview.1'
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ BeforeAll {
+ Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Target TFS2017
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ It 'should delete variable group' {
+ $projectID = 1
+ Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -id $projectID -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Delete'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
index 7e8635546..76f32e73e 100644
--- a/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Remove-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,92 +1,100 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
- Describe 'workitems' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+Describe 'VSTeamWorkItem' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- $obj = @{
- id = 47
- rev = 1
- url = "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workItems/47"
- }
+ $obj = @{
+ id = 47
+ rev = 1
+ url = "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workItems/47"
+ }
- $objDeleted = @{
- id = 47
- name = "Test Work Item 47"
- deletedBy = "Theobald Test "
- deletedDate = "10/19/2019 9:08:48 PM"
- code = 200
- resource = $obj
- }
+ $objDeleted = @{
+ id = 47
+ name = "Test Work Item 47"
+ deletedBy = "Theobald Test "
+ deletedDate = "10/19/2019 9:08:48 PM"
+ code = 200
+ resource = $obj
+ }
- $collectionDeleted = @(
- $objDeleted
- )
+ $collectionDeleted = @(
+ $objDeleted
+ )
- Context 'Remove-WorkItem' {
+ Context 'Remove-WorkItem' {
- It 'Should delete single work item' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- #Write-Host $args
+ It 'Should delete single work item' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ #Write-Host $args
- return $collectionDeleted
- }
+ return $collectionDeleted
+ }
- Remove-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47 -Force
+ Remove-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*workitems/47*"
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*workitems/47*"
+ }
- It 'Should throw single work item with id equals $null' {
- { Remove-VSTeamWorkItem -Id $null } | Should -Throw
- }
+ It 'Should throw single work item with id equals $null' {
+ { Remove-VSTeamWorkItem -Id $null } | Should -Throw
+ }
- It 'Should delete multipe work items' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- #Write-Host $args
+ It 'Should delete multipe work items' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ #Write-Host $args
- return $collectionDeleted
- }
+ return $collectionDeleted
+ }
- Remove-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47, 48 -Force
+ Remove-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47, 48 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 2 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- ($Uri -like "*workitems/47*" -or $Uri -like "*workitems/48*")
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 2 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ ($Uri -like "*workitems/47*" -or $Uri -like "*workitems/48*")
+ }
- It 'Single Work Item Should be deleted permanently' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- #Write-Host $args
+ It 'Single Work Item Should be deleted permanently' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ #Write-Host $args
- return $collectionDeleted
- }
+ return $collectionDeleted
+ }
- Remove-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47, 48 -Destroy -Force
+ Remove-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47, 48 -Destroy -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 2 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- ($Uri -like "*workitems/47*" -or $Uri -like "*workitems/48*") -and
- $Uri -like "*destroy=True*"
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 2 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)*" -and
+ ($Uri -like "*workitems/47*" -or $Uri -like "*workitems/48*") -and
+ $Uri -like "*destroy=True*"
diff --git a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.Tests.ps1
index afce47c1b..c5293cce2 100644
--- a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
@@ -7,14 +8,10 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
-Describe 'Set-VSTeamAPIVersion' {
+Describe 'VSTeamAPIVersion' {
Context 'Set-VSTeamAPIVersion' {
- BeforeEach {
- [VSTeamVersions]::Version = ''
- }
It 'Should default to TFS2017' {
[VSTeamVersions]::Version | Should Be 'TFS2017'
diff --git a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1
index 6f7ac6bd5..4d47cc3c9 100644
--- a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,8 +1,22 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Set-VSTeamAccount' {
- $contents = @"
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProfile.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamAccount' {
+ $contents = @"
"Name": "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection",
@@ -31,286 +45,285 @@ InModuleScope VSTeam {
- AfterAll {
- Remove-VSTeamAccount
- }
+ AfterAll {
+ Remove-VSTeamAccount
+ }
- Context 'You cannot use -UseWindowsAuthentication with Azd' {
- # This is only supported on a Windows machine. So we have
- # to Mock the call to _isOnWindows so you can develop on a
- # Mac or Linux machine.
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
+ Context 'You cannot use -UseWindowsAuthentication with Azd' {
+ # This is only supported on a Windows machine. So we have
+ # to Mock the call to _isOnWindows so you can develop on a
+ # Mac or Linux machine.
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
- # Have to Mock this because you can't call
- # [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
- # on Mac and Linux
- Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
+ # Have to Mock this because you can't call
+ # [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
+ # on Mac and Linux
+ Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
- Mock Write-Error { } -Verifiable
+ Mock Write-Error { } -Verifiable
- It 'Should return error' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -Account test -UseWindowsAuthentication
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
+ It 'Should return error' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -Account test -UseWindowsAuthentication
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount invalid profile' {
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
- Mock Write-Error -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return "[]" | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount invalid profile' {
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ Mock Write-Error -Verifiable
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return "[]" | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- Set-VSTeamAccount -Profile notFound
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -Profile notFound
- It 'should write error' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
+ It 'should write error' {
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount profile' {
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return $contents | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount profile' {
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return $contents | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -Profile mydemos
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -Profile mydemos
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'VSTS'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'VSTS'
+ }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
- }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount profile and drive' {
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- Mock Write-Output -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return $contents | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount profile and drive' {
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Mock Write-Output -Verifiable
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return $contents | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -Profile mydemos -Drive mydemos
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -Profile mydemos -Drive mydemos
- Assert-VerifiableMock
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'VSTS'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'VSTS'
+ }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
- }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount vsts' {
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount vsts' {
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345 -Version VSTS
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345 -Version VSTS
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'VSTS'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'VSTS'
+ }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
- }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount vsts (old URL)' {
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount vsts (old URL)' {
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -a https://mydemos.visualstudio.com -pe 12345 -Version VSTS
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -a https://mydemos.visualstudio.com -pe 12345 -Version VSTS
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'VSTS'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'VSTS'
+ }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
- }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount vsts OAuth' {
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount vsts OAuth' {
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345 -Version VSTS -UseBearerToken
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345 -Version VSTS -UseBearerToken
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'VSTS'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'VSTS'
+ }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq '' -and $BearerToken -eq 12345 -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
- }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq '' -and $BearerToken -eq 12345 -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount vsts with securePersonalAccessToken' {
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount vsts with securePersonalAccessToken' {
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- $password = '12345' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ $password = '12345' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
- Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -SecurePersonalAccessToken $password -Version VSTS
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -SecurePersonalAccessToken $password -Version VSTS
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'VSTS'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'VSTS'
+ }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
- }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount run as administrator' {
- # I have to write both test just in case the actually
- # start the PowerShell window as Admin or not. If I
- # don't write both of these I will get different code
- # coverage depending on if I started the PowerShell session
- # as admin or not.
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
- Mock _testAdministrator { return $true }
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'VSTS'
- }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
- }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount run as administrator' {
+ # I have to write both test just in case the actually
+ # start the PowerShell window as Admin or not. If I
+ # don't write both of these I will get different code
+ # coverage depending on if I started the PowerShell session
+ # as admin or not.
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
+ Mock _testAdministrator { return $true }
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'VSTS'
+ }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
+ }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount run as normal user' {
+ # I have to write both test just in case the actually
+ # start the PowerShell window as Admin or not. If I
+ # don't write both of these I will get different code
+ # coverage depending on if I started the PowerShell session
+ # as admin or not.
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'VSTS'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount run as normal user' {
- # I have to write both test just in case the actually
- # start the PowerShell window as Admin or not. If I
- # don't write both of these I will get different code
- # coverage depending on if I started the PowerShell session
- # as admin or not.
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
- Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'VSTS'
- }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
- }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
+ }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount TFS from windows' {
+ # I have to write both test just in case the actually
+ # start the PowerShell window as Admin or not. If I
+ # don't write both of these I will get different code
+ # coverage depending on if I started the PowerShell session
+ # as admin or not.
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
+ Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -a http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection -UseWindowsAuthentication
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'TFS2017'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount TFS from windows' {
- # I have to write both test just in case the actually
- # start the PowerShell window as Admin or not. If I
- # don't write both of these I will get different code
- # coverage depending on if I started the PowerShell session
- # as admin or not.
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
- Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -a http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection -UseWindowsAuthentication
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'TFS2017'
- }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Acct -eq 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection'
- }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Acct -eq 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount TFS' {
- # I have to write both test just in case the actually
- # start the PowerShell window as Admin or not. If I
- # don't write both of these I will get different code
- # coverage depending on if I started the PowerShell session
- # as admin or not.
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
- Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- It 'should set env at process level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -a http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection -pe 12345
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'TFS2017'
- }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection'
- }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount TFS' {
+ # I have to write both test just in case the actually
+ # start the PowerShell window as Admin or not. If I
+ # don't write both of these I will get different code
+ # coverage depending on if I started the PowerShell session
+ # as admin or not.
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false }
+ Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ It 'should set env at process level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -a http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection -pe 12345
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'TFS2017'
+ }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'Process' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection'
+ }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount at user level on Windows machine' {
+ # This is only supported on a Windows machine. So we have
+ # to Mock the call to _isOnWindows so you can develop on a
+ # Mac or Linux machine.
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
+ # Have to Mock this because you can't call
+ # [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
+ # on Mac and Linux
+ Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
+ Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
+ Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
+ It 'should set env at user level' {
+ Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345 -Level User
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Target -eq 'VSTS'
+ }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamAccount at user level on Windows machine' {
- # This is only supported on a Windows machine. So we have
- # to Mock the call to _isOnWindows so you can develop on a
- # Mac or Linux machine.
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
- # Have to Mock this because you can't call
- # [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
- # on Mac and Linux
- Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
- Mock _setEnvironmentVariables
- Mock Set-VSTeamAPIVersion
- It 'should set env at user level' {
- Set-VSTeamAccount -a mydemos -pe 12345 -Level User
- Assert-MockCalled Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Target -eq 'VSTS'
- }
- # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
- Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Level -eq 'User' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
- }
+ # Make sure set env vars was called with the correct parameters
+ Assert-MockCalled _setEnvironmentVariables -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Level -eq 'User' -and $Pat -eq 'OjEyMzQ1' -and $Acct -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/mydemos'
diff --git a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamApproval.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamApproval.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70531dbb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamApproval.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Set-VSTeamApproval' -Tag 'unit', 'approvals' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamApproval' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
+ id = 1
+ revision = 1
+ approver = @{
+ id = 'c1f4b9a6-aee1-41f9-a2e0-070a79973ae9'
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ }
+ } }
+ Set-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -Id 1 -Status Rejected -Force
+ It 'should set approval' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
+ -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamApproval handles exception' {
+ Mock _handleException -Verifiable
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'testing error handling' }
+ Set-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -Id 1 -Status Rejected -Force
+ It 'should set approval' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
+ -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamApproval' {
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
+ id = 1
+ revision = 1
+ approver = @{
+ id = 'c1f4b9a6-aee1-41f9-a2e0-070a79973ae9'
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ }
+ } }
+ Set-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -Id 1 -Status Rejected -Force
+ It 'should set approval' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
+ -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/approvals/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamDefaultProject.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamDefaultProject.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5789c066c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamDefaultProject.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProcessCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProject' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProcessNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamDefaultProject' {
+ AfterAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ }
+ It 'should set default project' {
+ Set-VSTeamDefaultProject 'DefaultProject'
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should be 'DefaultProject'
+ }
+ It 'should update default project' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] = 'DefaultProject'
+ Set-VSTeamDefaultProject -Project 'NextProject'
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should be 'NextProject'
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamDefaultProject on Non Windows' {
+ AfterAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ }
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $false } -Verifiable
+ It 'should set default project' {
+ Set-VSTeamDefaultProject 'MyProject'
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should be 'MyProject'
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamDefaultProject As Admin on Windows' {
+ AfterAll {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ }
+ Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
+ Mock _testAdministrator { return $true } -Verifiable
+ It 'should set default project' {
+ Set-VSTeamDefaultProject 'MyProject'
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should be 'MyProject'
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6cb2d9711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamReleaseStatus' {
+ ## Arrange
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus by ID' {
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $false }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
+ $expectedBody = ConvertTo-Json ([PSCustomObject]@{status = 'inProgress'; comment = ''; scheduledDeploymentTime = $null })
+ It 'should set environments' {
+ ## Act
+ Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus -ProjectName project -ReleaseId 1 -Id 15 -Status inProgress -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Body -eq $expectedBody -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/1/environments/15?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus -ProjectName project -ReleaseId 101 -Id 101 -Status inProgress -Force } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.Tests.ps1
index 5c55b79ae..57739d199 100644
--- a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance.Tests.ps1
@@ -18,18 +18,13 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAccessControlList.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
-# Loading System.Web avoids issues finding System.Web.HttpUtility
-Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
Describe 'Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ $gitRepoResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\singleGitRepo.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$buildDefresults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$releaseDefresults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $gitRepoResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\singleGitRepo.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $accesscontrollistsResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\repoAccesscontrollists.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$gitRepoHierarchyUpdateResults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\gitReopHierarchyQuery_Update.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$buildDefHierarchyUpdateResults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefHierarchyQuery_Update.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $accesscontrollistsResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\repoAccesscontrollists.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$releaseDefHierarchyUpdateResults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\releaseDefHierarchyQuery_Update.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
@@ -40,24 +35,24 @@ Describe 'Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
state = ''
visibility = ''
revision = 0
- defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Build' -or $Service -eq 'Release' -or $Service -eq 'Git' }
# Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
Context 'Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance buildDef' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return $singleResult }
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return $buildDefresults.value }
Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
# If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
# Write-Host $args
- # Write-Host $([VSTeamVersions]::Build)
+ # Write-Host $(_getApiVersion Build)
return $buildDefHierarchyUpdateResults
@@ -70,7 +65,7 @@ Describe 'Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
$Body -like '*123-5464-dee43/1432*' -and
$Body -like '*33344d9c-fc72-4d6f-aba5-fa317101a7e9*' -and
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/Contribution/HierarchyQuery/123-5464-dee43*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*"
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*"
@@ -82,7 +77,7 @@ Describe 'Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
# If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
# Write-Host $args
- # Write-Host $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
+ # Write-Host $(_getApiVersion Release)
return $releaseDefHierarchyUpdateResults
@@ -95,7 +90,7 @@ Describe 'Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
$Body -like '*c788c23e-1b46-4162-8f5e-d7585343b5de*' -and
$Body -like '*123-5464-dee43//2*' -and
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/Contribution/HierarchyQuery/123-5464-dee43*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)*"
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)*"
@@ -104,12 +99,12 @@ Describe 'Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return $singleResult }
Mock Get-VSTeamGitRepository { return $gitRepoResult }
- Mock Get-VSTeamAccessControlList { return $accesscontrollistsResult.value } -Verifiable
+ Mock Get-VSTeamAccessControlList { return $accesscontrollistsResult.value }
Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
# If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
#Write-Host $args
- #Write-Host $([VSTeamVersions]::Git)
+ #Write-Host $(_getApiVersion Git)
return $gitRepoHierarchyUpdateResults
@@ -122,7 +117,7 @@ Describe 'Set-VSTeamPermissionInheritance' {
$Body -like '*2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*' -and
$Body -like '*repoV2/123-5464-dee43/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001*' -and
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/Contribution/HierarchyQuery/123-5464-dee43*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)*"
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)*"
diff --git a/unit/test/Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f44727a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamReleaseStatus' {
+ ## Arrange
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*101*" }
+ It 'by Id should set release status' {
+ ## Act
+ Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus -ProjectName project -Id 15 -Status Abandoned -Force
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Body -eq '{ "id": 15, "status": "Abandoned" }' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by Id should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus -ProjectName project -Id 101 -Status Abandoned -Force } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamApproval.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamApproval.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d10d86fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamApproval.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Show-VSTeamApproval' -Tag 'unit', 'approvals' {
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Context 'Succeeds' {
+ Mock Show-Browser -Verifiable
+ Show-VSTeamApproval -projectName project -ReleaseDefinitionId 1
+ It 'should open in browser' {
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f182df38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Show-VSTeamBuild' {
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Context 'By ID' {
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ it 'should return url for mine' {
+ Show-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -Id 15
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/index?buildId=15' }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d64c1dc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition by ID' {
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ it 'should return url for mine' {
+ Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -Id 15
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/index?definitionId=15'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition Mine' {
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ it 'should return url for mine' {
+ Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -Type Mine
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/index?_a=mine&path=%5c'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition XAML' {
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ it 'should return url for XAML' {
+ Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -Type XAML
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/xaml&path=%5c'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition Queued' {
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ it 'should return url for Queued' {
+ Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -Type Queued
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/index?_a=queued&path=%5c'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition Mine with path' {
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ it 'should return url for mine' {
+ Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -path '\test'
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -like 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_Build/index?_a=allDefinitions&path=%5Ctest'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition Mine with path missing \' {
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ it 'should return url for mine with \ added' {
+ Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -path 'test'
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -like 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_Build/index?_a=allDefinitions&path=%5Ctest'
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0c08cd8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamFeed.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Feeds' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamFeed by name' {
+ Mock Show-Browser
+ It 'Show call start' {
+ Show-VSTeamFeed -Name module
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamFeed by id' {
+ Mock Show-Browser
+ It 'Show call start' {
+ Show-VSTeamFeed -Id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96654369b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamGitRepository.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamGitRepository" {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamGitRepository' {
+ Mock Show-Browser
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ it 'by project should return url for mine' {
+ Show-VSTeamGitRepository -projectName project
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/_git/project'
+ }
+ }
+ it 'by remote url should return url for mine' {
+ Show-VSTeamGitRepository -RemoteUrl 'https://dev.azure.com/test/_git/project'
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/_git/project'
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01c012817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProject' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamProject' {
+ Mock Show-Browser
+ It 'by ID should call start' {
+ Show-VSTeamProject -Id 123456
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Url -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/123456"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by nameed ProjectName parameter should call open' {
+ Show-VSTeamProject -ProjectName ShowProject
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Url -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/ShowProject"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'by postion projectName parameter should call open' {
+ Show-VSTeamProject ShowProject
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Url -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/ShowProject"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6d4bdc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProcessCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamPullRequest' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Git = '5.1-preview'
+ $singleResult = @{
+ pullRequestId = 1
+ repositoryName = "testreponame"
+ repository = @{
+ project = @{
+ name = "testproject"
+ }
+ }
+ reviewers = @{
+ vote = 0
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamPullRequest' {
+ It 'Show-VSTeamPullRequest by Id' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ Mock Show-Browser
+ Show-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 1
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/testproject/_git/testreponame/pullrequest/1"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Show-VSTeamPullRequest with invalid ID' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ Mock Show-Browser { throw }
+ { Show-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 999999 } | Should throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19361e19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamRelease' {
+ ## Arrange
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamRelease' {
+ ## Arrange
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ it 'by Id should show release' {
+ ## Act
+ Show-VSTeamRelease -projectName project -Id 15
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_release?releaseId=15'
+ }
+ }
+ ## Act / Assert
+ it 'with invalid Id should throw' {
+ { Show-VSTeamRelease -projectName project -Id 0 } | Should throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0b34b482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
+ ## Arrange
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ it 'by Id should return release definitions' {
+ Show-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -Id 15
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_release?definitionId=15'
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Show-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8910a7c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Show-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamWorkItem' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context 'Show-VSTeamWorkItem' {
+ Mock Show-Browser { }
+ it 'should return url for mine' {
+ Show-VSTeamWorkItem -projectName project -Id 15
+ Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_workitems/edit/15' }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Test-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Test-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a85cc3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Test-VSTeamMembership.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/callMembershipAPI.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamMembership' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
+ [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = '5.0'
+ Mock _supportsGraph
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ $UserDescriptor = 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
+ $GroupDescriptor = 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
+ Context 'Test-VSTeamMembership' {
+ It 'Should test membership' {
+ ## Act
+ $result = Test-VSTeamMembership -MemberDescriptor $UserDescriptor -ContainerDescriptor $GroupDescriptor
+ ## Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq "Head" -and
+ $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$UserDescriptor/$GroupDescriptor*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Graph)*"
+ }
+ $result | Should Be $true
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline.Tests.ps1
index cdcaa48f7..b59b28d2b 100644
--- a/unit/test/Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline.Tests.ps1
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Describe 'Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/pipelines/24/runs*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Body -like '*"PreviewRun":*true*' -and
$Body -notlike '*YamlOverride*'
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Describe 'Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/pipelines/24/runs*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Body -like '*"PreviewRun":*true*' -and
$Body -like '*YamlOverride*'
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Describe 'Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/pipelines/24/runs*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*" -and
$Body -like '*"PreviewRun":*true*' -and
$Body -like '*YamlOverride*'
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeam.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeam.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..144f79098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeam.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeam.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeam.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$results = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
+ name = 'refs/heads/master'
+ description = 'team description'
+ }
+$singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
+ name = 'refs/heads/master'
+ description = 'team description'
+Describe "VSTeam" {
+ Context "Get-VSTeam" {
+ Context "services" {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Core' }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Context 'Update-VSTeam without name or description' {
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ { Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeam with new team name' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should update the team' {
+ Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" -NewTeamName "NewTeamName"
+ $expectedBody = '{ "name": "NewTeamName" }'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Patch" -and
+ $Body -eq $expectedBody
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeam with new description' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should update the team' {
+ Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" -Description "New Description"
+ $expectedBody = '{"description": "New Description" }'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Patch" -and
+ $Body -eq $expectedBody
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeam with new team name and description' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should update the team' {
+ Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" -NewTeamName "NewTeamName" -Description "New Description"
+ $expectedBody = '{ "name": "NewTeamName", "description": "New Description" }'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Patch" -and
+ $Body -eq $expectedBody
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeam, fed through pipeline' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeam { return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{projectname = "TestProject"; name = "OldTeamName" } }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should update the team' {
+ Get-VSTeam -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId "OldTeamName" | Update-VSTeam -NewTeamName "NewTeamName" -Description "New Description"
+ $expectedBody = '{ "name": "NewTeamName", "description": "New Description" }'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Patch" -and
+ $Body -eq $expectedBody
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context "Server" {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeam with new team name on TFS local Auth' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should update the team' {
+ Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" -NewTeamName "NewTeamName"
+ $expectedBody = '{ "name": "NewTeamName" }'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" -and
+ $Method -eq "Patch" -and
+ $Body -eq $expectedBody
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
index 46973644f..7e4a8b84b 100644
--- a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamAgent.Tests.ps1
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
Describe 'Update-VSTeamAgent' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
[VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask = '1.0-unitTest'
Context 'Update-VSTeamAgent by ID' {
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Describe 'Update-VSTeamAgent' {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Method -eq 'Post' -and
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/36/messages*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion DistributedTask)*" -and
$Uri -like "*agentId=950*"
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3746cbc48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamBuild.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'Update-VSTeamBuild' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ Context 'Update Build keep forever' {
+ # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ Update-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 1 -KeepForever $true -Force
+ It 'should post changes' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Body -eq '{"keepForever": true}' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update Build number' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Update-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 1 -BuildNumber 'TestNumber' -KeepForever $true -Force
+ It 'should post changes' {
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Body -eq '{"keepForever": true, "buildNumber": "TestNumber"}' -and
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)" }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
index c7b257890..8a57792ba 100644
--- a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition.Tests.ps1
@@ -6,15 +6,18 @@ $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
$resultsAzD = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
Describe "Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition" {
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
Context "AzD" {
# Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
# using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
# If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
@@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ Describe "Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition" {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Method -eq 'Put' -and
$Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/build/definitions/23*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)*"
+ $Uri -like "*api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)*"
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ Describe "Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition" {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Method -eq 'Put' -and
$InFile -eq 'sampleFiles/builddef.json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ Describe "Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition" {
# Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
# using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' }
Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
@@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ Describe "Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition" {
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
$Method -eq 'Put' -and
$InFile -eq 'sampleFiles/builddef.json' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions/2?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Build)"
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8453f164a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamExtension.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamInstallState.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamExtension.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamExtension' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ extensionId = 'test'
+ extensionName = 'test'
+ publisherId = 'test'
+ publisherName = 'test'
+ version = '1.0.0'
+ registrationId = '12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012'
+ manifestVersion = 1
+ baseUri = ''
+ fallbackBaseUri = ''
+ scopes = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ installState = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ flags = 'none'
+ lastUpdated = '2018-10-09T11:26:47.187Z'
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamExtension' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ $env:Team_TOKEN = '1234'
+ }
+ AfterAll {
+ $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
+ }
+ Mock _callAPI { return $singleResult }
+ It 'Should update an extension' {
+ Update-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId 'test' -ExtensionId 'test' -ExtensionState disabled -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
+ $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement
+ $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test*"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..677d3578c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamPolicy.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPolicy.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamPolicy' {
+ ## Arrange
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*boom*" }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamPolicy { return @{ type = @{ id = 'babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0' } } }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamPolicy' {
+ It 'with type should add the policy' {
+ ## Act
+ Update-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -id 1 -type babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
+ MinimumApproverCount = 1
+ scope = @(
+ @{
+ refName = 'refs/heads/release'
+ matchKind = 'Exact'
+ repositoryId = '20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002'
+ })
+ }
+ ## Assert
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the boty string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ #'{"isBlocking":true,"isEnabled":true,"type":{"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"},"settings":{"scope":[{"repositoryId":"20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002","matchKind":"Exact","refName":"refs/heads/release"}],"MinimumApproverCount":1}}'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Put' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)" -and
+ $Body -like '*"isBlocking":true*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"isEnabled":true*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"type":*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"settings":*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"scope":*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"repositoryId":"20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"matchKind":"Exact"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"refName":"refs/heads/release"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"MinimumApproverCount":1*'
+ }
+ }
+ It 'without type should add the policy' {
+ ## Act
+ Update-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -id 1 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
+ MinimumApproverCount = 1
+ scope = @(
+ @{
+ refName = 'refs/heads/release'
+ matchKind = 'Exact'
+ repositoryId = '20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002'
+ })
+ }
+ ## Assert
+ # With PowerShell core the order of the boty string is not the
+ # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
+ # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
+ # assume the order.
+ # The general string should look like this:
+ #'{"isBlocking":true,"isEnabled":true,"type":{"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"},"settings":{"scope":[{"repositoryId":"20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002","matchKind":"Exact","refName":"refs/heads/release"}],"MinimumApproverCount":1}}'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Put' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Git)" -and
+ $Body -like '*"isBlocking":true*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"isEnabled":true*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"type":*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"settings":*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"scope":*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"repositoryId":"20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"matchKind":"Exact"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"refName":"refs/heads/release"*' -and
+ $Body -like '*"MinimumApproverCount":1*'
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should throw' {
+ ## Act / Assert
+ { Update-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName boom -id 1 -type babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
+ MinimumApproverCount = 1
+ scope = @(
+ @{
+ refName = 'refs/heads/release'
+ matchKind = 'Exact'
+ repositoryId = '20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002'
+ })
+ }
+ } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f86616d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamProfile.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProfile.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProfile' {
+ $expectedPath = "$HOME/vsteam_profiles.json"
+ Mock Get-Content { return '' }
+ Mock Test-Path { return $true }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile entry does not exist' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ It 'Should throw' {
+ { Update-VSTeamProfile -Name Testing -PersonalAccessToken 678910 } | Should -Throw
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile with PAT to empty file' {
+ Mock Set-Content { }
+ Mock Write-Warning -Verifiable
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { }
+ Update-VSTeamProfile -name demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345
+ It 'Should save profile to disk' {
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile with securePersonalAccessToken' {
+ Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
+ Mock Set-Content { }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ $password = '678910' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
+ Update-VSTeamProfile -Name test -SecurePersonalAccessToken $password
+ It 'Should update profile' {
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile with PAT' {
+ Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
+ Mock Set-Content { }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
+ Update-VSTeamProfile -Name test -PersonalAccessToken 678910
+ It 'Should update profile' {
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile with old URL' {
+ Mock Test-Path { return $true }
+ Mock Get-Content { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://test.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' }
+ Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
+ Mock Set-Content { }
+ Update-VSTeamProfile -Name test -PersonalAccessToken 678910
+ It 'Should update profile with new URL' {
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7d1d6e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProject' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProcessNameDynamicParam.ps1"
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '123-5464-dee43'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamProject' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $singleResult
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Write-Host "single result $args"
+ return $singleResult
+ } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # Write-Host "in progress $args"
+ return @{status = 'inProgress'; url = 'https://someplace.com' }
+ } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch' }
+ Mock _trackProjectProgress {
+ # Write-Host "in progress $args"
+ }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Testing123?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ It 'with no op by id should not call Invoke-RestMethod' {
+ Update-VSTeamProject -id '123-5464-dee43'
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 0
+ }
+ It 'with newName should change name' {
+ Update-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -newName Testing123 -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch' -and $Body -eq '{"name": "Testing123"}' }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Testing123?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ }
+ It 'with newDescription should change description' {
+ Update-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -newDescription Testing123 -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 2 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch' -and $Body -eq '{"description": "Testing123"}' }
+ }
+ It 'with new name and description should not call Invoke-RestMethod' {
+ Update-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -newName Testing123 -newDescription Testing123 -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch' }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Testing123?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)" }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
index 6693bdc73..37674888b 100644
--- a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamPullRequest.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,87 +1,96 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
- Describe 'Pull Requests' {
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUser.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUser.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
+Describe 'Pull Requests' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Git = '5.1-preview'
- [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = '5.0'
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
- $result = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\updatePullRequestResponse.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when versions = ''
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTest' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Git' -or $Service -eq 'Graph' }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest' {
+ $result = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\updatePullRequestResponse.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to Draft' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest' {
- Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -Draft -Force
+ It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to Draft' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
- $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
- $Body -eq '{"isDraft": true }'
- }
+ Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -Draft -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
+ $Body -eq '{"isDraft": true }'
+ }
- It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to Published' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
+ It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to Published' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
- Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -Force
+ Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
- $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
- $Body -eq '{"isDraft": false }'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
+ $Body -eq '{"isDraft": false }'
+ }
- It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to set status to abandoned' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
+ It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to set status to abandoned' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
- Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -Status abandoned -Force
+ Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -Status abandoned -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
- $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
- $Body -eq '{"status": "abandoned"}'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
+ $Body -eq '{"status": "abandoned"}'
+ }
- It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to set to enable auto complete' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $userSingleResult }
+ It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to set to enable auto complete' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $userSingleResult }
- $user = Get-VSTeamUser -Descriptor "aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj"
+ $user = Get-VSTeamUser -Descriptor "aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj"
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
- Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -EnableAutoComplete -AutoCompleteIdentity $user -Force
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
+ Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -EnableAutoComplete -AutoCompleteIdentity $user -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
- $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
- $Body -eq '{"autoCompleteSetBy": "aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj"}'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
+ $Body -eq '{"autoCompleteSetBy": "aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj"}'
+ }
- It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to set to disable auto complete' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
- Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -DisableAutoComplete -Force
+ It 'Update-VSTeamPullRequest to set to disable auto complete' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $result }
+ Update-VSTeamPullRequest -RepositoryId "45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277" -PullRequestId 19543 -DisableAutoComplete -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
- $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
- $Body -eq '{"autoCompleteSetBy": null}'
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Uri -like "*repositories/45df2d67-e709-4557-a7f9-c6812b449277/*" -and
+ $Uri -like "*pullrequests/19543*" -and
+ $Body -eq '{"autoCompleteSetBy": null}'
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
index bb22b8d96..079a1fa53 100644
--- a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamRelease.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,52 +1,59 @@
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-# Loading System.Web avoids issues finding System.Web.HttpUtility
-Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Releases' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamRelease' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unittest' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Release' }
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- environments = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- variables = [PSCustomObject]@{
- BrowserToUse = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = "phantomjs"
- }
- }
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{
- self = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- web = [PSCustomObject]@{}
+ $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ environments = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ variables = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ BrowserToUse = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ value = "phantomjs"
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ self = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ web = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Context 'Update-VSTeamRelease' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $singleResult
- }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamRelease' {
+ Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return $singleResult
+ }
- It 'should return releases' {
- $r = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15
+ It 'should return releases' {
+ $r = Get-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15
- $r.variables | Add-Member NoteProperty temp(@{value = 'temp'})
+ $r.variables | Add-Member NoteProperty temp(@{value = 'temp' })
- Update-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15 -Release $r
+ Update-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15 -Release $r
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Put' -and
- $Body -ne $null -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Put' -and
+ $Body -ne $null -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Release)"
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ac6521a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamServiceEndpoint' {
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint' {
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'ServiceFabricEndpoint' }
+ Mock Write-Progress
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342' } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Get' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342' } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Put' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
+ # we can see it
+ if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ isReady = $true
+ operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready' }
+ }
+ }
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ isReady = $false
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ data = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress' }
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should update Serviceendpoint' {
+ Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint -projectName 'project' -id '23233-2342' `
+ -object @{ key = 'value' }
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Put'
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9c7fd797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamTaskGroup.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamTaskGroup.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+$taskGroupsJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroups.json"
+$taskGroupJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroup.json"
+Describe 'VSTeamTaskGroup' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
+ # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'TaskGroups' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/project*" }
+ BeforeAll {
+ $projectName = "project"
+ $taskGroupJsonAsString = Get-Content $taskGroupJson -Raw
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamTaskGroup' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ return Get-Content $taskGroupJson | ConvertFrom-Json
+ }
+ It 'should update a task group using body param' {
+ $taskGroupToUpdate = Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -Name "For Unit Tests" -ProjectName $projectName
+ Update-VSTeamTaskGroup -ProjectName $projectName -Body $taskGroupJsonAsString -Id $taskGroupToUpdate.id
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups/$($taskGroupToUpdate.id)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion TaskGroups)" -and
+ $Body -eq $taskGroupJsonAsString -and
+ $Method -eq "Put"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'should update a task group using infile param' {
+ $taskGroupToUpdate = Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -Name "For Unit Tests" -ProjectName $projectName
+ Update-VSTeamTaskGroup -ProjectName $projectName -InFile $taskGroupJson -Id $taskGroupToUpdate.id
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups/$($taskGroupToUpdate.id)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion TaskGroups)" -and
+ $InFile -eq $taskGroupJson -and
+ $Method -eq "Put"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..535d38f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamUserEntitlement" {
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement' {
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'VSTS' }
+ # This will cause the call the _getProject to be skipped
+ Mock _hasProjectCacheExpired { return $false }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'MemberEntitlementManagement' }
+ # Update Call
+ Mock _callAPI -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch' }
+ # Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement by email
+ Mock _callAPI {
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ members = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ accountLicenseType = "Stakeholder"
+ licensingSource = "msdn"
+ msdnLicenseType = "enterprise"
+ }
+ email = 'test@user.com'
+ userName = 'Test User'
+ id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ It 'Should update a user' {
+ Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement -License 'Stakeholder' -LicensingSource msdn -MSDNLicenseType enterprise -Email 'test@user.com' -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $subDomain -eq 'vsaex' -and
+ $id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -and
+ $resource -eq 'userentitlements' -and
+ $version -eq $(_getApiVersion MemberEntitlementManagement)
+ }
+ }
+ It 'update user with invalid email should throw' {
+ { Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Email 'not@found.com' -License 'Express' -Force } | Should Throw
+ }
+ It 'update user with invalid id should throw' {
+ { Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Id '11111111-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -License 'Express' -Force } | Should Throw
+ }
+ # Context 'Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement' {
+ # $obj = @{
+ # accessLevel = @{
+ # accountLicenseType = 'earlyAdopter'
+ # licensingSource = 'msdn'
+ # msdnLicenseType = 'enterprise'
+ # }
+ # user = @{
+ # principalName = 'test@user.com'
+ # subjectKind = 'user'
+ # }
+ # projectEntitlements = @{
+ # group = @{
+ # groupType = 'ProjectContributor'
+ # }
+ # projectRef = @{
+ # id = $null
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # $expected = $obj | ConvertTo-Json
+ # Mock _callAPI -ParameterFilter {
+ # $Method -eq 'Post' -and
+ # $Body -eq $expected
+ # }
+ # Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement -License earlyAdopter -LicensingSource msdn -MSDNLicenseType enterprise -Email 'test@user.com'
+ # It 'Should add a user' {
+ # Assert-VerifiableMock
+ # }
+ # }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c29d0f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamVariableGroup.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamVariableGroup.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamVariableGroup' {
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/project*" }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
+ Context 'Services' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $sampleFileVSTS = $(Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\variableGroupSamples.json" | ConvertFrom-Json)
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'VSTS' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '5.0-preview.1-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'VariableGroups' }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $sampleFileVSTS.value[0] }
+ It 'should update an exisiting Variable Group' {
+ $testParameters = @{
+ ProjectName = "project"
+ Id = 1
+ Name = "TestVariableGroup1"
+ Description = "A test variable group"
+ Type = "Vsts"
+ Variables = @{
+ key1 = @{
+ value = "value"
+ }
+ key2 = @{
+ value = ""
+ isSecret = $true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Update-VSTeamVariableGroup @testParameters
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($testParameters.id)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Put'
+ }
+ }
+ It "should update an existing var group when passing the json as the body" {
+ $body = $sampleFileVSTS
+ $projName = "project"
+ $id = "1"
+ Update-VSTeamVariableGroup -Body $body -ProjectName $projName -Id $id
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projName/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($id)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Put'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server' {
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $sampleFile2017 = $(Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\variableGroupSamples2017.json" | ConvertFrom-Json)
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return 'TFS2017' }
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '3.2-preview.1-unitTests' }
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $sampleFile2017.value[0] }
+ It 'should update an exisiting Variable Group' {
+ $testParameters = @{
+ ProjectName = "project"
+ id = 1
+ Name = "TestVariableGroup1"
+ Description = "A test variable group"
+ Variables = @{
+ key1 = @{
+ value = "value"
+ }
+ key2 = @{
+ value = ""
+ isSecret = $true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Update-VSTeamVariableGroup @testParameters
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($testParameters.id)?api-version=$(_getApiVersion VariableGroups)" -and
+ $Method -eq 'Put'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/unit/test/Update-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e1cf94b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/Update-VSTeamWorkItem.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamWorkItem' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' }
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
+ $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
+ }
+ . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
+ $obj = @{
+ id = 47
+ rev = 1
+ url = "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workItems/47"
+ }
+ Context 'Update-VSTeamWorkItem' {
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
+ # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
+ # Write-Host $args
+ return $obj
+ }
+ It 'Without Default Project should update work item' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
+ Update-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 1 -Title Test -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should update work item' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ Update-VSTeamWorkItem 1 -Title Test1 -Description Testing -Force
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should update work item with 2 parameters and additional properties' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
+ Update-VSTeamWorkItem 1 -Title Test1 -Description Testing -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should update work item only with 1 parameter and additional properties' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
+ Update-VSTeamWorkItem 1 -Title Test1 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should update work item only with additional properties' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
+ Update-VSTeamWorkItem 1 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
+ Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
+ $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
+ $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
+ $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
+ $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
+ $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
+ $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$(_getApiVersion Core)"
+ }
+ }
+ It 'With Default Project should throw exception when adding existing parameters to additional properties' {
+ $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
+ $additionalFields = @{"System.Title" = "Test1"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\TestPath" }
+ { Update-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing -AdditionalFields $additionalFields } | Should Throw
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9e4611da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamAccount.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPools.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamExtensions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeeds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGroups.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUsers.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPermissions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamAccount" {
+ Context 'Constructor' {
+ Mock _getApiVersion { return '1.0-unitTests' } -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq 'Graph' -or $Service -eq 'Packaging' }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return [VSTeamProject]::new([PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'TestProject'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '123 - 5464-dee43'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamPool {
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Default'
+ id = 1
+ size = 1
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ administratorsGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ serviceAccountsGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ }
+ $account = [VSTeamAccount]::new('TestAccount')
+ It 'Should create VSTeamAccount' {
+ $account | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ # Skip 0 because that will be Agent Pools
+ # Skip 1 because that will be Extensions
+ # Skip 2 because that will be Feeds
+ # Skip 3 because that will be Permissions
+ $project = $account.GetChildItem()[4]
+ It 'Should return projects' {
+ $project | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $actual = $project.GetChildItem()
+ It 'Should return builds, releases, repositories and teams' {
+ $actual | Should Not Be $null
+ $actual[0].Name | Should Be 'Build Definitions'
+ $actual[0].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
+ $actual[1].Name | Should Be 'Builds'
+ $actual[1].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
+ $actual[2].Name | Should Be 'Queues'
+ $actual[2].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
+ $actual[3].Name | Should Be 'Release Definitions'
+ $actual[3].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
+ $actual[4].Name | Should Be 'Releases'
+ $actual[4].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
+ $actual[5].Name | Should Be 'Repositories'
+ $actual[5].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
+ $actual[6].Name | Should Be 'Teams'
+ $actual[6].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5ff3d307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1"
+Describe "VSTeamBuildDefinitions" {
+ $buildDefResultsAzD = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $buildDefResults2017 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDef2017.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $buildDefResults2018 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDef2018.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $buildDefResultsVSTS = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $buildDefResultsyaml = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefyaml.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
+ Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*" }
+ Context "Server 2017 Constructor" {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return @([VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResults2017.value[0], 'TestProject')) }
+ $buildDefinitions = [VSTeamBuildDefinitions]::new('Build Definitions', 'TestProject')
+ It 'Should create Build definitions' {
+ $buildDefinitions | Should Not be $null
+ }
+ $hasSteps = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should have Steps' {
+ $hasSteps | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $steps = $hasSteps.GetChildItem()
+ It 'Should parse steps' {
+ $steps.Length | Should Be 10
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Server 2018 Constructor' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return @([VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResults2018.value[0], 'TestProject')) }
+ $buildDefinitions = [VSTeamBuildDefinitions]::new('Build Definitions', 'TestProject')
+ It 'Should create Build definitions' {
+ $buildDefinitions | Should Not be $null
+ }
+ $hasSteps = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should have Steps' {
+ $hasSteps | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $steps = $hasSteps.GetChildItem()
+ It 'Should parse steps' {
+ $steps.Length | Should Be 9
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Services' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
+ return @(
+ [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResultsVSTS.value[0], 'TestProject'),
+ [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResultsyaml.value[0], 'TestProject'),
+ [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResultsAzD.value[0], 'TestProject')
+ )
+ }
+ $buildDefinitions = [VSTeamBuildDefinitions]::new('Build Definitions', 'TestProject')
+ It 'Should create Build definitions' {
+ $buildDefinitions | Should Not be $null
+ }
+ $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should parse phases' {
+ $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases.Process.Phases.Length | Should Be 1
+ }
+ It 'Should show steps in tostring' {
+ $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases.Process.ToString() | Should Be 'Number of phases: 1'
+ }
+ $process = $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return process' {
+ $process | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $steps = $process.GetChildItem()
+ It 'Should parse steps' {
+ $steps.Length | Should Be 9
+ }
+ $yamlBuild = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[1]
+ $yamlFile = $yamlBuild.GetChildItem()
+ It 'Should have yamlFilename' {
+ $yamlFile | Should Be '.vsts-ci.yml'
+ }
+ $version5Build = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[2]
+ It 'Should have jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes' {
+ $version5Build.JobCancelTimeoutInMinutes | Should Be '5'
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'Build Definitions' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return @(
+ [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new(@{ }, 'TestProject'),
+ [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new(@{ }, 'TestProject')
+ )
+ }
+ $buildDefinitions = [VSTeamBuildDefinitions]::new('Build Definitions', 'TestProject')
+ It 'Should create Build definitions' {
+ $buildDefinitions | Should Not be $null
+ }
+ # $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[0]
+ # $yamlBuild = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[1]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamBuilds.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamBuilds.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77a0eb648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamBuilds.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamBuilds" {
+ Context "Constructor" {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamBuild { return @([PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = 1
+ description = ''
+ buildNumber = '1'
+ status = 'completed'
+ result = 'succeeded'
+ startTime = Get-Date
+ lastChangedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = ''
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ requestedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = ''
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ requestedFor = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = ''
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ definition = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test CI'
+ fullname = 'Test CI'
+ }
+ project = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test Project'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ $builds = [VSTeamBuilds]::new('TestBuild', 'TestProject')
+ It 'Should create Builds' {
+ $builds | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $build = $builds.GetChildItem()
+ It 'Should return build' {
+ $build | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamFeeds.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamFeeds.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63c64f649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamFeeds.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamFeed.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamFeeds" {
+ Context 'Constructor' {
+ $feedResults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\feeds.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $singleResult = $feedResults.value[0]
+ Mock Get-VSTeamFeed {
+ return [VSTeamFeed]::new($singleResult)
+ }
+ $target = [VSTeamFeeds]::new('Feeds')
+ It 'Should create Feeds' {
+ $target | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $feed = $target.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return feed' {
+ $feed | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamPermissions.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamPermissions.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7406b309b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamPermissions.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGroups.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUsers.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamUser.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGroup.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamPermissions" {
+ Context "Constructor" {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamUser { return [VSTeamGroup]::new(@{ }) }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamGroup { return [VSTeamGroup]::new(@{ }) }
+ $permissions = [VSTeamPermissions]::new('Permissions')
+ It 'Should create Permissions' {
+ $permissions | Should Not Be $null
+ $permissions.GetChildItem().Count | Should Be 2
+ }
+ $groups = $permissions.GetChildItem()[0]
+ $users = $permissions.GetChildItem()[1]
+ It 'Should return groups' {
+ $groups | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ It 'Should return users' {
+ $users | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamPools.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamPools.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbcf51ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamPools.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAgent.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamAgent.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamPools" {
+ Context 'Constructor' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamPool { return [VSTeamPool]::new(@{
+ owner = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ id = '1'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ id = '1'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ id = 1
+ size = 1
+ isHosted = $false
+ Name = 'Default'
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamAgent { return [VSTeamAgent]::new(@{
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ createdOn = '2018-03-28T16:48:58.317Z'
+ maxParallelism = 1
+ id = 102
+ enabled = $false
+ status = 'Online'
+ version = '1.336.1'
+ osDescription = 'Linux'
+ name = 'Test_Agent'
+ systemCapabilities = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }, 1
+ )
+ }
+ $target = [VSTeamPools]::new('Agent Pools')
+ It 'Should create Agent Pools' {
+ $target | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $pool = $target.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return pool' {
+ $pool | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $agent = $pool.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return agent' {
+ $agent | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58a8368ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamProject.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamProject' -Tag 'Classes', 'Unit' {
+ Context 'ToString' {
+ $obj = @{
+ name = 'Test Project'
+ id = 1
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ state = ''
+ revision = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ }
+ $target = [VSTeamProject]::new($obj)
+ It 'should return name' {
+ $target.ToString() | Should Be 'Test Project'
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamReleases.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamReleases.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebc120a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamReleases.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamReleases" {
+ Context 'Constructor' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamRelease { return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = 1
+ name = 'Release - 007'
+ status = 'active'
+ createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayname = 'Test User'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ id = '1'
+ }
+ modifiedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayname = 'Test User'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ id = '1'
+ }
+ requestedFor = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayname = ''
+ uniqueName = ''
+ id = ''
+ }
+ createdOn = Get-Date
+ releaseDefinition = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Test Release Def'
+ }
+ environments = @([PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = 1
+ name = 'Dev'
+ status = 'Succeeded'
+ deploySteps = @([PSCustomObject]@{
+ id = 963
+ deploymentId = 350
+ attempt = 1
+ reason = 'automated'
+ status = 'succeeded'
+ releaseDeployPhases = @([PSCustomObject]@{
+ deploymentJobs = @([PSCustomObject]@{
+ tasks = @([PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'Initialize Job'
+ status = 'succeeded'
+ id = 1
+ logUrl = ''
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ $releases = [VSTeamReleases]::new('Releases', 'TestProject')
+ It 'Should create Releases directory' {
+ $releases | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ It 'Should be named Releases' {
+ $releases.Name | Should Be 'Releases'
+ }
+ $release = $releases.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return releases' {
+ $release | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $env = $release.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return environments' {
+ $env | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $attempt = $env.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return attempts' {
+ $attempt | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $task = $attempt.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return tasks' {
+ $task | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamRepositories.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamRepositories.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b1b3709c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamRepositories.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRef.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamUserEntitlement.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamPool.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueue.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamQueues.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRepositories.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeams.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleaseDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuild.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuilds.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTask.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamAttempt.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamEnvironment.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamRelease.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamReleases.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProject.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeamGitRef.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamRepositories" {
+ Context 'Constructor' {
+ Mock Get-VSTeamGitRepository { return [VSTeamGitRepository]::new(@{
+ id = "fa7b6ac1-0d4c-46cb-8565-8fd49e2031ad"
+ name = ''
+ url = ''
+ defaultBranch = ''
+ size = ''
+ remoteUrl = ''
+ sshUrl = ''
+ project = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ name = 'TestProject'
+ description = ''
+ url = ''
+ id = '123 - 5464-dee43'
+ state = ''
+ visibility = ''
+ revision = 0
+ defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ _links = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
+ }
+ }, 'TestProject')
+ }
+ Mock Get-VSTeamGitRef { return [VSTeamRef]::new([PSCustomObject]@{
+ objectId = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
+ name = 'refs/heads/master'
+ creator = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayName = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TFS'
+ id = '1'
+ uniqueName = 'some@email.com'
+ }
+ }, 'TestProject')
+ }
+ $repositories = [VSTeamRepositories]::new('Repositories', 'TestProject')
+ It 'Should create Repositories' {
+ $repositories | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $repository = $repositories.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return repository' {
+ $repository | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $ref = $repository.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return ref' {
+ $ref | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamTeams.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamTeams.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a46e61acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamTeams.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamDirectory.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamTeam.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Public/Get-VSTeam.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe "VSTeamTeams" {
+ Context "Constructor" {
+ Mock Get-VSTeam { return [VSTeamTeam]::new(@{
+ name = ''
+ ProjectName = ''
+ description = ''
+ id = 1
+ }, 'TestProject') }
+ $teams = [VSTeamTeams]::new('Teams', 'TestProject')
+ It 'Should create Teams' {
+ $teams | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ $team = $teams.GetChildItem()[0]
+ It 'Should return team' {
+ $team | Should Not Be $null
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ccbd4bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/VSTeamUserEntitlement.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+#region include
+Import-Module SHiPS
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamLeaf.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/applyTypes.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/$sut"
+Describe 'VSTeamUserEntitlement' -Tag 'Classes', 'Unit' {
+ Context 'ToString' {
+ $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ displayName = 'Test User'
+ id = '1'
+ uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
+ }
+ $target = [VSTeamUserEntitlement]::new($obj, 'Test Project')
+ It 'should return displayname' {
+ $target.ToString() | Should Be 'Test User'
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/agents.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/agents.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index eeee864ec..000000000
--- a/unit/test/agents.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $testAgent = [PSCustomObject]@{
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- createdOn = '2018-03-28T16:48:58.317Z'
- maxParallelism = 1
- id = 102
- status = 'Online'
- version = '1.336.1'
- enabled = $true
- osDescription = 'Linux'
- name = 'Test_Agent'
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- systemCapabilities = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- Describe 'agents' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- [VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask = '1.0-unitTest'
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamAgents' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- count = 1
- value = $testAgent
- }
- }
- it 'Should return all the pools' {
- Get-VSTeamAgent -PoolId 1
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1/agents?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamAgents PoolID from pipeline by value' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- count = 1
- value = $testAgent
- }
- }
- it 'Should return all the pools' {
- 1 | Get-VSTeamAgent
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1/agents?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPool with id parameter' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $testAgent }
- it 'Should return all the pools' {
- Get-VSTeamAgent -PoolId 1 -id 1
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1/agents/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamAgent by ID' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should remove the agent with passed in Id' {
- Remove-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/36/agents/950?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamAgent throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'boom' }
- It 'should remove the agent with passed in Id' {
- { Remove-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950 -Force } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Enable-VSTeamAgent by ID' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should enable the agent with passed in Id' {
- Enable-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/36/agents/950?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Enable-VSTeamAgent throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'boom' }
- It 'should enable the agent with passed in Id' {
- { Enable-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Disable-VSTeamAgent by ID' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should disable the agent with passed in Id' {
- Disable-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/36/agents/950?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Disable-VSTeamAgent throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'boom' }
- It 'should disable the agent with passed in Id' {
- { Disable-VSTeamAgent -Pool 36 -Id 950 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/buildDefinitions.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/buildDefinitions.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 99d8fd559..000000000
--- a/unit/test/buildDefinitions.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-# Loading System.Web avoids issues finding System.Web.HttpUtility
-Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $resultsVSTS = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- Describe 'BuildDefinitions' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition by ID' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should return url for mine' {
- Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -Id 15
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/index?definitionId=15'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition Mine' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should return url for mine' {
- Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -Type Mine
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/index?_a=mine&path=%5c'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition XAML' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should return url for XAML' {
- Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -Type XAML
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/xaml&path=%5c'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition Queued' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should return url for Queued' {
- Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -Type Queued
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/index?_a=queued&path=%5c'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition Mine with path' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should return url for mine' {
- Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -path '\test'
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -like 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_Build/index?_a=allDefinitions&path=%5Ctest'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition Mine with path missing \' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should return url for mine with \ added' {
- Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -path 'test'
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -like 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_Build/index?_a=allDefinitions&path=%5Ctest'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS }
- it 'Should add build' {
- Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -inFile 'sampleFiles/builddef.json'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $InFile -eq 'sampleFiles/builddef.json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS }
- It 'should delete build definition' {
- Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 2 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/definitions/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS }
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- it 'Should add build' {
- Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -inFile 'sampleFiles/builddef.json'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $InFile -eq 'sampleFiles/builddef.json' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $resultsVSTS }
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition -projectName project -id 2 -Force
- It 'should delete build definition' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/definitions/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/builds.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/builds.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index cf048cb68..000000000
--- a/unit/test/builds.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-# The InModuleScope command allows you to perform white-box unit testing on the
-# internal (non-exported) code of a Script Module.
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- # Just in case it was loaded. If we don't do
- # this some test may fail
- Remove-VSTeamAccount | Out-Null
- $resultsVSTS = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- # Sample result of a single build
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- logs = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- queue = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- project = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- repository = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- requestedFor = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- orchestrationPlan = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- definition = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- lastChangedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- requestedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- # Sample result for list of builds
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- logs = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- queue = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- project = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- repository = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- requestedFor = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- orchestrationPlan = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- definition = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- lastChangedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- requestedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- }
- # Just a shell for the nested dynamic parameters
- # Used as Mock for calls below. We can't use normal
- # Mock because the module where it lives is not loaded.
- function Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
- return new-object psobject -Property @{
- id = 2
- name = 'MyBuildDef'
- fullName = 'folder\MyBuildDef'
- }
- }
- Describe 'Builds VSTS' {
- # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Update Build keep forever' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- Update-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 1 -KeepForever $true -Force
- It 'should post changes' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Body -eq '{"keepForever": true}' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)" }
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamBuild by ID' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should return url for mine' {
- Show-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -Id 15
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_build/index?buildId=15' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get Build Log with build id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{ count = 4 } } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{ value = @{} } } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs/3?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Invoke-RestMethod called with wrong URL' }
- Get-VSTeamBuildLog -projectName project -Id 1
- It 'Should return full log' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get Build Log with build id and index' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{ value = @{} } } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)" }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Invoke-RestMethod called with wrong URL' }
- Get-VSTeamBuildLog -projectName project -Id 1 -Index 2
- It 'Should return full log' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get Builds with no parameters' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'should return builds' {
- Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get Builds with Top parameter' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'should return top builds' {
- Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -top 1
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)&`$top=1"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get Build build by id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 1
- It 'should return top builds' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuild by name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($resultsVSTS.value[0], 'project') }
- It 'should add build' {
- Add-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -BuildDefinitionName 'aspdemo-CI'
- # Call to queue build.
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 699 -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuild by id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $singleResult
- }
- It 'should add build' {
- Add-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2
- # Call to queue build.
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuild with source branch' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $singleResult
- }
- It 'should add build' {
- Add-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -SourceBranch 'refs/heads/dev'
- # Call to queue build.
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).sourceBranch -eq 'refs/heads/dev' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuild with parameters' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $singleResult
- }
- It 'should add build' {
- Add-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -BuildParameters @{'system.debug' = 'true'}
- # Call to queue build.
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
- (($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).parameters | ConvertFrom-Json).'system.debug' -eq 'true' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamBuild' {
- # Arrange
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- # Act
- Remove-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 2 -Force
- It 'should delete build' {
- # Assert
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuildTag' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- $inputTags = "Test1", "Test2", "Test3"
- It 'should add tags to Build' {
- Add-VSTeamBuildTag -ProjectName project -id 2 -Tags $inputTags
- foreach ($inputTag in $inputTags) {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Put' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)" + "&tag=$inputTag"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamBuildTag' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{ value = $null }
- }
- [string[]] $inputTags = "Test1", "Test2", "Test3"
- It 'should add tags to Build' {
- Remove-VSTeamBuildTag -ProjectName project -id 2 -Tags $inputTags
- foreach ($inputTag in $inputTags) {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)" + "&tag=$inputTag"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildTag calls correct Url' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{ value = 'Tag1', 'Tag2'}
- }
- It 'should get all Build Tags for the Build.' {
- Get-VSTeamBuildTag -projectName project -id 2
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildTag returns correct data' {
- $tags = 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{ value = $tags}
- }
- It 'should get all Build Tags for the Build.' {
- $returndata = Get-VSTeamBuildTag -projectName project -id 2
- Compare-Object $tags $returndata |
- Should Be $null
- }
- }
- Context "Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact calls correct Url" {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = 150
- name = "Drop"
- resource = [PSCustomObject]@{
- type = "filepath"
- data = "C:\Test"
- properties = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact -projectName project -id 2
- It 'should return the build artifact data' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2/artifacts?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context "Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact result without properties" {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = 150
- name = "Drop"
- resource = [PSCustomObject]@{
- type = "filepath"
- data = "C:\Test"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact -projectName project -id 2
- It 'should return the build artifact data' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/build/builds/2/artifacts?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'Builds TFS' {
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- # Remove any previously loaded accounts
- Remove-VSTeamAccount
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- Context 'Get Build Log with index on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{ value = @{} } } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)" }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Invoke-RestMethod called with wrong URL' }
- Get-VSTeamBuildLog -projectName project -Id 1 -Index 2
- It 'Should return full log' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get Builds with no parameters on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'should return builds' {
- Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get Build by id on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'should return builds' {
- Get-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 2
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)" }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get Build Log on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{ count = 4 } } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{ value = @{} } } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/1/logs/3?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Invoke-RestMethod called with wrong URL' }
- Get-VSTeamBuildLog -projectName project -Id 1
- It 'Should return full log' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context "Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact calls correct Url on TFS local Auth" {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = 150
- name = "Drop"
- resource = [PSCustomObject]@{
- type = "filepath"
- data = "C:\Test"
- properties = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact -projectName project -id 2
- It 'should return the build artifact data' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/2/artifacts?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamBuildTag returns correct data on TFS local Auth' {
- $tags = 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{ value = $tags}
- }
- It 'should get all Build Tags for the Build.' {
- $returndata = Get-VSTeamBuildTag -projectName project -id 2
- Compare-Object $tags $returndata |
- Should Be $null
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuildTag on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- $inputTags = "Test1", "Test2", "Test3"
- It 'should add tags to Build' {
- Add-VSTeamBuildTag -ProjectName project -id 2 -Tags $inputTags
- foreach ($inputTag in $inputTags) {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Put' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)" + "&tag=$inputTag"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamBuild on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should delete build' {
- Remove-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 2 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuild by id on TFS local Auth' {
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamQueue {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = "MyQueue"
- id = 3
- }
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
- return @{ name = "MyBuildDef" }
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).queue.id -eq 3 -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Invoke-RestMethod called with wrong URL' }
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'Project'
- Add-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -QueueName MyQueue
- It 'should add build' {
- # Call to queue build.
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuild with parameters on TFS local Auth' {
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamQueue { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = "MyQueue"
- id = 3
- }
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return @{ name = "MyBuildDef" } }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).queue.id -eq 3 -and
- (($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).parameters | ConvertFrom-Json).'system.debug' -eq 'true' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Invoke-RestMethod called with wrong URL' }
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'Project'
- Add-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -QueueName MyQueue -BuildParameters @{'system.debug' = 'true'}
- It 'should add build' {
- # Call to queue build.
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamBuild with source branch on TFS local auth' {
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamQueue { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = "MyQueue"
- id = 3
- }
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return @{ name = "MyBuildDef" } }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).definition.id -eq 2 -and
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).queue.id -eq 3 -and
- ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).sourceBranch -eq 'refs/heads/dev' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)"
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Invoke-RestMethod called with wrong URL' }
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'Project'
- Add-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -BuildDefinitionId 2 -QueueName MyQueue -SourceBranch refs/heads/dev
- It 'should add build' {
- # Call to queue build.
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamBuildTag' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{ value = $null }
- }
- [string[]] $inputTags = "Test1", "Test2", "Test3"
- It 'should add tags to Build' {
- Remove-VSTeamBuildTag -ProjectName project -id 2 -Tags $inputTags
- foreach ($inputTag in $inputTags) {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/2/tags?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)" + "&tag=$inputTag"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamBuild on TFS local Auth handles exception' {
- # Arrange
- Mock _handleException -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Testing error handling.' }
- [string[]] $inputTags = "Test1", "Test2", "Test3"
- # Act
- Remove-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName project -id 2 -Force
- It 'should add tags to Build' {
- # Assert
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Update Build number' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- Update-VSTeamBuild -projectName project -id 1 -BuildNumber 'TestNumber' -KeepForever $true -Force
- It 'should post changes' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch' -and $Body -eq '{"keepForever": true, "buildNumber": "TestNumber"}' -and $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/build/builds/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Build)" }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/classificationNodes.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/classificationNodes.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index bb9cdb2ab..000000000
--- a/unit/test/classificationNodes.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $classificationNodeResult =
- @"
- "id": 16,
- "identifier": "dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b",
- "name": "Demo Public",
- "structureType": "iteration",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "children": [
- {
- "id": 18,
- "identifier": "3d98fd5b-fd0a-4ee0-b7b2-cfdf467014d0",
- "name": "Sprint 1",
- "structureType": "iteration",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration\\Sprint 1",
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/test/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%201"
- },
- {
- "id": 19,
- "identifier": "eee04655-55c2-4712-afa1-9c800c1f1345",
- "name": "Sprint 2",
- "structureType": "iteration",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration\\Sprint 2",
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/test/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%202"
- },
- {
- "id": 20,
- "identifier": "18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5",
- "name": "Sprint 3",
- "structureType": "iteration",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration\\Sprint 3",
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/test/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%203"
- },
- {
- "id": 21,
- "identifier": "4e07ee24-8653-4af6-9df2-2aadc0a1a3d3",
- "name": "Sprint 4",
- "structureType": "iteration",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration\\Sprint 4",
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/test/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%204"
- },
- {
- "id": 22,
- "identifier": "b4be112e-8b7d-4def-a37d-7c1e1dea01e1",
- "name": "Sprint 5",
- "structureType": "iteration",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration\\Sprint 5",
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/test/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%205"
- },
- {
- "id": 23,
- "identifier": "7ee87b38-6c81-4fdf-8fbd-dc996f040823",
- "name": "Sprint 6",
- "structureType": "iteration",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration\\Sprint 6",
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/test/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%206"
- }
- ],
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/test/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations"
- }
- },
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/test/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations"
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
- $withoutChildNode =
- @"
- "count": 2,
- "value": [
- {
- "id": 44,
- "identifier": "90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a",
- "name": "Child 1 Level 2",
- "structureType": "area",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area\\Child 1 Level 1\\Child 1 Level 2",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201/Child%201%20Level%202"
- },
- "parent": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
- }
- },
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201/Child%201%20Level%202"
- },
- {
- "id": 43,
- "identifier": "38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b",
- "name": "Child 1 Level 1",
- "structureType": "area",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area\\Child 1 Level 1",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
- },
- "parent": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas"
- }
- },
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
- }
- ]
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
- Describe 'ClassificationNodes VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Core = '5.0'
- Context 'Get-VSTeamClassificationNode' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $classificationNodeResult
- } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -StructureGroup "Iterations"
- It 'Should return Nodes' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/Iterations*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamClassificationNode with Depth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $classificationNodeResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -StructureGroup "Iterations" -Depth 10
- It 'Should return Nodes' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/Iterations*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$Depth=10*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamClassificationNode by Path' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $classificationNodeResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -StructureGroup "Iterations" -Path "test/test/test"
- It 'Should return Nodes' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/Iterations/test/test/test*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamClassificationNode by Ids' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $classificationNodeResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -Ids @(1, 2, 3, 4)
- It 'Should return Nodes' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*Ids=1,2,3,4*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamClassificationNode by Ids returns no child node' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $withoutChildNode } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "Public Demo" -Ids @(43, 44)
- It 'Should return Nodes' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/Public Demo/_apis/wit/classificationnodes*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*Ids=43,44*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamClassificationNode throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "test" -StructureGroup "Areas" } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamClassificationNode with Depth throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamClassificationNode -ProjectName "test" -StructureGroup "Areas" -Depth 12 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/cloudSubscriptions.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/cloudSubscriptions.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 890ffe046..000000000
--- a/unit/test/cloudSubscriptions.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'CloudSubscriptions vsts' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Context 'Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{value = 'subs'}
- }
- It 'should return all AzureRM Subscriptions' {
- Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointproxy/azurermsubscriptions?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'CloudSubscriptions TFS' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- Context 'Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'subs'}}
- It 'should return all AzureRM Subscriptions' {
- Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointproxy/azurermsubscriptions?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- # Must be last because it sets [VSTeamVersions]::Account to $null
- Context '_buildURL handles exception' {
- # Arrange
- [VSTeamVersions]::Account = $null
- It 'should return approvals' {
- # Act
- { _buildURL } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/common.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/common.Tests.ps1
index 4c296bbb0..24170a3c7 100644
--- a/unit/test/common.Tests.ps1
+++ b/unit/test/common.Tests.ps1
@@ -1,241 +1,244 @@
-#Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
+Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Common' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
+#region include
+$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamVersions.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Classes/VSTeamProjectCache.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/common.ps1"
+. "$here/../../Source/Private/$sut"
- Context '_convertSecureStringTo_PlainText' {
- $emptySecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Test String' -AsPlainText -Force
+Describe 'Common' {
+ Context '_convertSecureStringTo_PlainText' {
+ $emptySecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Test String' -AsPlainText -Force
- $actual = _convertSecureStringTo_PlainText -SecureString $emptySecureString
+ $actual = _convertSecureStringTo_PlainText -SecureString $emptySecureString
- It 'Should return plain text' {
- $actual | Should Be 'Test String'
- }
+ It 'Should return plain text' {
+ $actual | Should Be 'Test String'
+ }
- Context '_buildProjectNameDynamicParam set Alias' {
- Mock _getProjects
+ Context '_buildProjectNameDynamicParam set Alias' {
+ Mock _getProjects
- $actual = _buildProjectNameDynamicParam -AliasName TestAlias
+ $actual = _buildProjectNameDynamicParam -AliasName TestAlias
- It 'Should set the alias of dynamic parameter' {
- $actual["ProjectName"].Attributes[1].AliasNames | Should Be 'TestAlias'
- }
+ It 'Should set the alias of dynamic parameter' {
+ $actual["ProjectName"].Attributes[1].AliasNames | Should Be 'TestAlias'
+ }
- Context '_getUserAgent on Mac' {
- Mock Get-OperatingSystem { return 'macOS' }
- [VSTeamVersions]::ModuleVersion = '0.0.0'
+ Context '_getUserAgent on Mac' {
+ Mock Get-OperatingSystem { return 'macOS' }
+ [VSTeamVersions]::ModuleVersion = '0.0.0'
- $actual = _getUserAgent
+ $actual = _getUserAgent
- It 'Should return User Agent for macOS' {
- $actual | Should BeLike '*macOS*'
- }
+ It 'Should return User Agent for macOS' {
+ $actual | Should BeLike '*macOS*'
+ }
- It 'Should return User Agent for Module Version' {
- $actual | Should BeLike '*0.0.0*'
- }
+ It 'Should return User Agent for Module Version' {
+ $actual | Should BeLike '*0.0.0*'
+ }
- It 'Should return User Agent for PowerShell Version' {
- $actual | Should BeLike "*$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())*"
- }
+ It 'Should return User Agent for PowerShell Version' {
+ $actual | Should BeLike "*$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())*"
+ }
- Context '_getUserAgent on Linux' {
- Mock Get-OperatingSystem { return 'Linux' }
- [VSTeamVersions]::ModuleVersion = '0.0.0'
+ Context '_getUserAgent on Linux' {
+ Mock Get-OperatingSystem { return 'Linux' }
+ [VSTeamVersions]::ModuleVersion = '0.0.0'
- $actual = _getUserAgent
+ $actual = _getUserAgent
- It 'Should return User Agent for Linux' {
- $actual | Should BeLike '*Linux*'
- }
+ It 'Should return User Agent for Linux' {
+ $actual | Should BeLike '*Linux*'
+ }
- It 'Should return User Agent for Module Version' {
- $actual | Should BeLike '*0.0.0*'
- }
+ It 'Should return User Agent for Module Version' {
+ $actual | Should BeLike '*0.0.0*'
+ }
- It 'Should return User Agent for PowerShell Version' {
- $actual | Should BeLike "*$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())*"
- }
+ It 'Should return User Agent for PowerShell Version' {
+ $actual | Should BeLike "*$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())*"
+ }
- Context '_buildProjectNameDynamicParam' {
- Mock _getProjects { return ConvertFrom-Json '["Demo", "Universal"]' }
+ Context '_buildProjectNameDynamicParam' {
+ Mock _getProjects { return ConvertFrom-Json '["Demo", "Universal"]' }
- It 'should return dynamic parameter' {
- _buildProjectNameDynamicParam | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
- }
+ It 'should return dynamic parameter' {
+ _buildProjectNameDynamicParam | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
- Context '_buildDynamicParam no defaults' {
- Mock _getProjects { return ConvertFrom-Json '["Demo", "Universal"]' }
- $testParams = @{
- ParameterName = 'TestParam'
- arrSet = @(@{A = 'A'}, @{B = 'B'})
- Mandatory = $true
- ParameterSetName = "NewTest"
- Position = 0
- ParameterType = ([hashtable])
- ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false
- AliasName = "TestAlieas"
- HelpMessage = "Test Help Message"
- }
- $param = (_buildDynamicParam @testParams)
+ Context '_buildDynamicParam no defaults' {
+ Mock _getProjects { return ConvertFrom-Json '["Demo", "Universal"]' }
+ $testParams = @{
+ ParameterName = 'TestParam'
+ arrSet = @(@{A = 'A' }, @{B = 'B' })
+ Mandatory = $true
+ ParameterSetName = "NewTest"
+ Position = 0
+ ParameterType = ([hashtable])
+ ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false
+ AliasName = "TestAlieas"
+ HelpMessage = "Test Help Message"
+ }
+ $param = (_buildDynamicParam @testParams)
- It 'should return dynamic parameter' {
- $param | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
- }
+ It 'should return dynamic parameter' {
+ $param | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
- It 'should return dynamic parameter name' {
- $param.Name | Should Be $testParams.ParameterName
- }
+ It 'should return dynamic parameter name' {
+ $param.Name | Should Be $testParams.ParameterName
+ }
- It 'should return dynamic parameter type' {
- $param.ParameterType.FullName | Should Be $testParams.ParameterType.FullName
- }
+ It 'should return dynamic parameter type' {
+ $param.ParameterType.FullName | Should Be $testParams.ParameterType.FullName
+ }
- It 'Should set the basic attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
- $param.Attributes[0].Position | Should Be $testParams.Position
- $param.Attributes[0].Mandatory | Should Be $testParams.Mandatory
- $param.Attributes[0].ParameterSetName | Should Be $testParams.ParameterSetName
- $param.Attributes[0].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should Be $testParams.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName
- $param.Attributes[0].HelpMessage | Should Be $testParams.HelpMessage
- }
+ It 'Should set the basic attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
+ $param.Attributes[0].Position | Should Be $testParams.Position
+ $param.Attributes[0].Mandatory | Should Be $testParams.Mandatory
+ $param.Attributes[0].ParameterSetName | Should Be $testParams.ParameterSetName
+ $param.Attributes[0].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should Be $testParams.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName
+ $param.Attributes[0].HelpMessage | Should Be $testParams.HelpMessage
+ }
- It 'Should set the alias attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
- $param.Attributes[1].AliasNames | Should Be $testParams.AliasName
- }
+ It 'Should set the alias attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
+ $param.Attributes[1].AliasNames | Should Be $testParams.AliasName
+ }
- It 'Should set the possible vaule attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
- (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $param.Attributes[2].ValidValues -DifferenceObject $testParams.arrSet) | Should BeNullOrEmpty
- }
+ It 'Should set the possible vaule attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
+ (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $param.Attributes[2].ValidValues -DifferenceObject $testParams.arrSet) | Should BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
- Context '_buildDynamicParam defaults' {
- Mock _getProjects { return ConvertFrom-Json '["Demo", "Universal"]' }
+ Context '_buildDynamicParam defaults' {
+ Mock _getProjects { return ConvertFrom-Json '["Demo", "Universal"]' }
- $param = (_buildDynamicParam)
+ $param = (_buildDynamicParam)
- It 'should return dynamic parameter' {
- $param | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
- }
+ It 'should return dynamic parameter' {
+ $param | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
- It 'should return dynamic parameter name' {
- $param.Name | Should Be 'QueueName'
- }
+ It 'should return dynamic parameter name' {
+ $param.Name | Should Be 'QueueName'
+ }
- It 'should return dynamic parameter type' {
- $param.ParameterType.FullName | Should Be ([string]).FullName
- }
+ It 'should return dynamic parameter type' {
+ $param.ParameterType.FullName | Should Be ([string]).FullName
+ }
- It 'Should set the basic attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
- ($param.Attributes[0].Position -lt 0) | Should Be ($true)
- $param.Attributes[0].Mandatory | Should Be $false
- $param.Attributes[0].ParameterSetName | Should Be '__AllParameterSets'
- $param.Attributes[0].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should Be $true
- $param.Attributes[0].HelpMessage | Should BeNullOrEmpty
- }
+ It 'Should set the basic attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
+ ($param.Attributes[0].Position -lt 0) | Should Be ($true)
+ $param.Attributes[0].Mandatory | Should Be $false
+ $param.Attributes[0].ParameterSetName | Should Be '__AllParameterSets'
+ $param.Attributes[0].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should Be $true
+ $param.Attributes[0].HelpMessage | Should BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
- It 'Should have no additoinal attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
- $param.Attributes.Count | Should Be 1
- }
+ It 'Should have no additoinal attributes of the dynamic parameter' {
+ $param.Attributes.Count | Should Be 1
+ }
- Context '_getWorkItemTypes' {
- Mock _getInstance { return $null } -Verifiable
+ Context '_getWorkItemTypes' {
+ Mock _getInstance { return $null } -Verifiable
- It 'should return empty array' {
- _getWorkItemTypes -ProjectName test | Should be @()
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
+ It 'should return empty array' {
+ _getWorkItemTypes -ProjectName test | Should be @()
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
- Context '_handleException' {
- # Build a proper error
- $obj = "{Value: {Message: 'Top Message'}, Exception: {Message: 'Test Exception', Response: { StatusCode: '401'}}}"
+ Context '_handleException' {
+ # Build a proper error
+ $obj = "{Value: {Message: 'Top Message'}, Exception: {Message: 'Test Exception', Response: { StatusCode: '401'}}}"
- if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {
- $r = [System.Net.HttpWebResponse]::new()
- $e = [System.Net.WebException]::new("Test Exception", $null, [System.Net.WebExceptionStatus]::ProtocolError, $r)
- }
- else {
- $r = [System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage]::new([System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::Unauthorized)
- $e = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException]::new("Test Exception", $r)
- }
- $ex = Write-Error -Exception $e 2>&1 -ErrorAction Continue
- $ex.ErrorDetails = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorDetails]::new($obj)
+ if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {
+ $r = [System.Net.HttpWebResponse]::new()
+ $e = [System.Net.WebException]::new("Test Exception", $null, [System.Net.WebExceptionStatus]::ProtocolError, $r)
+ }
+ else {
+ $r = [System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage]::new([System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::Unauthorized)
+ $e = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException]::new("Test Exception", $r)
+ }
+ $ex = Write-Error -Exception $e 2>&1 -ErrorAction Continue
+ $ex.ErrorDetails = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorDetails]::new($obj)
- It 'Should Write two warnings' {
- Mock Write-Warning -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq 'An error occurred: Test Exception'} -Verifiable
- Mock Write-Warning -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq 'Top Message' } -Verifiable
+ It 'Should Write two warnings' {
+ Mock Write-Warning -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq 'An error occurred: Test Exception' } -Verifiable
+ Mock Write-Warning -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq 'Top Message' } -Verifiable
- _handleException $ex
+ _handleException $ex
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
- Context '_handleException should re-throw' {
- $e = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]::new('You must call Set-VSTeamAccount before calling any other functions in this module.')
- $ex = Write-Error -Exception $e 2>&1 -ErrorAction Continue
+ Context '_handleException should re-throw' {
+ $e = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]::new('You must call Set-VSTeamAccount before calling any other functions in this module.')
+ $ex = Write-Error -Exception $e 2>&1 -ErrorAction Continue
- It 'Should throw' {
+ It 'Should throw' {
- { _handleException $ex } | Should Throw
- }
+ { _handleException $ex } | Should Throw
+ }
- Context '_handleException message only' {
- # Build a proper error
- $obj = "{Value: {Message: 'Test Exception'}, Exception: {Message: 'Test Exception', Response: { StatusCode: '400'}}}"
+ Context '_handleException message only' {
+ # Build a proper error
+ $obj = "{Value: {Message: 'Test Exception'}, Exception: {Message: 'Test Exception', Response: { StatusCode: '400'}}}"
- if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {
- $e = [System.Net.WebException]::new("Test Exception", $null)
- }
- else {
- $r = [System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage]::new([System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::BadRequest)
- $e = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException]::new("Test Exception", $r)
- }
+ if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {
+ $e = [System.Net.WebException]::new("Test Exception", $null)
+ }
+ else {
+ $r = [System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage]::new([System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::BadRequest)
+ $e = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException]::new("Test Exception", $r)
+ }
- $ex = Write-Error -Exception $e 2>&1 -ErrorAction Continue
- $ex.ErrorDetails = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorDetails]::new($obj)
+ $ex = Write-Error -Exception $e 2>&1 -ErrorAction Continue
+ $ex.ErrorDetails = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorDetails]::new($obj)
- It 'Should Write one warnings' {
- Mock Write-Warning -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq 'Test Exception' } -Verifiable
+ It 'Should Write one warnings' {
+ Mock Write-Warning -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq 'Test Exception' } -Verifiable
- _handleException $ex
+ _handleException $ex
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
+ Assert-VerifiableMock
+ }
- Context '_isVSTS' {
- It '.visualstudio.com should return true' {
- _isVSTS 'https://dev.azure.com/test' | Should Be $true
- }
+ Context '_isVSTS' {
+ It '.visualstudio.com should return true' {
+ _isVSTS 'https://dev.azure.com/test' | Should Be $true
+ }
- It '.visualstudio.com with / should return true' {
- _isVSTS 'https://dev.azure.com/test/' | Should Be $true
- }
+ It '.visualstudio.com with / should return true' {
+ _isVSTS 'https://dev.azure.com/test/' | Should Be $true
+ }
- It 'https://dev.azure.com should return true' {
- _isVSTS 'https://dev.azure.com/test' | Should Be $true
- }
+ It 'https://dev.azure.com should return true' {
+ _isVSTS 'https://dev.azure.com/test' | Should Be $true
+ }
- It 'https://dev.azure.com with / should return true' {
- _isVSTS 'https://dev.azure.com/test/' | Should Be $true
- }
+ It 'https://dev.azure.com with / should return true' {
+ _isVSTS 'https://dev.azure.com/test/' | Should Be $true
+ }
- It 'should return false' {
- _isVSTS 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' | Should Be $false
- }
+ It 'should return false' {
+ _isVSTS 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' | Should Be $false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/descriptor.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/descriptor.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 2db845911..000000000
--- a/unit/test/descriptor.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $result = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\descriptor.scope.TestProject.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- Describe "Groups TFS Errors" {
- Context 'Get-VSTeamDescriptor' {
- Mock _callAPI { throw 'Should not be called' } -Verifiable
- It 'Should throw' {
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion TFS2017
- { Get-VSTeamDescriptor -StorageKey '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876' } | Should Throw
- }
- It '_callAPI should not be called' {
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 0
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'Descriptor VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = '5.0'
- Context 'Get-VSTeamDescriptor by StorageKey' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $result
- } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamDescriptor -StorageKey '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876'
- It 'Should return groups' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/descriptors/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamDescriptor by StorageKey throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamDescriptor -StorageKey Demo } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/extensions.tests.ps1 b/unit/test/extensions.tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index a9a28d5d6..000000000
--- a/unit/test/extensions.tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Extension' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- count = 1
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- extensionId = 'test'
- extensionName = 'test'
- publisherId = 'test'
- publisherName = 'test'
- version = '1.0.0'
- registrationId = '12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012'
- manifestVersion = 1
- baseUri = ''
- fallbackBaseUri = ''
- scopes = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- installState = [PSCustomObject]@{
- flags = 'none'
- lastUpdated = '2018-10-09T11:26:47.187Z'
- }
- }
- }
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- extensionId = 'test'
- extensionName = 'test'
- publisherId = 'test'
- publisherName = 'test'
- version = '1.0.0'
- registrationId = '12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012'
- manifestVersion = 1
- baseUri = ''
- fallbackBaseUri = ''
- scopes = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- installState = [PSCustomObject]@{
- flags = 'none'
- lastUpdated = '2018-10-09T11:26:47.187Z'
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamExtension' {
- BeforeAll {
- $env:Team_TOKEN = '1234'
- }
- AfterAll {
- $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
- }
- It 'Should return extensions' {
- Mock _callAPI { return $results }
- Get-VSTeamExtension
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Get' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement
- $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensions*"
- }
- }
- It 'Should return extensions with optional parameters' {
- Mock _callAPI { return $results }
- Get-VSTeamExtension -IncludeInstallationIssues -IncludeDisabledExtensions -IncludeErrors
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Get' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement
- $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensions*" -and
- $Url -like "*includeInstallationIssues*" -and
- $Url -like "*includeDisabledExtensions*" -and
- $Url -like "*includeErrors*"
- }
- }
- It 'Should return the extension' {
- Mock _callAPI { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId test -ExtensionId test
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Get' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement
- $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamExtension without version' {
- BeforeAll {
- $env:Team_TOKEN = '1234'
- }
- AfterAll {
- $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
- }
- Mock _callAPI { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should add an extension without version' {
- Add-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId 'test' -ExtensionId 'test'
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Get' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement -and
- $uri
- $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamExtension with version' {
- BeforeAll {
- $env:Team_TOKEN = '1234'
- }
- AfterAll {
- $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
- }
- Mock _callAPI { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should add an extension with version' {
- Add-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId 'test' -ExtensionId 'test' -Version '1.0.0'
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Get' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement
- $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test/1.0.0*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamExtension' {
- BeforeAll {
- $env:Team_TOKEN = '1234'
- }
- AfterAll {
- $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
- }
- Mock _callAPI { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should add an extension without version' {
- Update-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId 'test' -ExtensionId 'test' -ExtensionState disabled -Force
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement
- $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamExtension' {
- BeforeAll {
- $env:Team_TOKEN = '1234'
- }
- AfterAll {
- $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
- }
- Mock _callAPI { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should remove an extension' {
- Remove-VSTeamExtension -PublisherId 'test' -ExtensionId 'test' -Force
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'extmgmt' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::ExtensionsManagement
- $Url -like "*https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/_apis/extensionmanagement/installedextensionsbyname/test/test*"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/feeds.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/feeds.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index ea6465463..000000000
--- a/unit/test/feeds.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $results = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\feeds.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- Describe 'Feeds' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamFeed' {
- [VSTeamVersions]::Packaging = '4.0'
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should delete feed' {
- Remove-VSTeamFeed -id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::packaging)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamFeed with no parameters' {
- [VSTeamVersions]::Packaging = '4.0'
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- it 'Should return all the Feeds' {
- Get-VSTeamFeed
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::packaging)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamFeed with id parameter' {
- [VSTeamVersions]::Packaging = '4.0'
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results.value[0] }
- it 'Should return one feed' {
- Get-VSTeamFeed -id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::packaging)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamFeed with description' {
- [VSTeamVersions]::Packaging = '4.0'
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # Write-Host "$args"
- return $results.value[0]
- }
- it 'Should add Feed' {
- Add-VSTeamFeed -Name 'module' -Description 'Test Module'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::packaging)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Body -like '*"name": *"module"*'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamFeed with upstream sources' {
- [VSTeamVersions]::Packaging = '4.0'
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # Write-Host "$args"
- return $results.value[0]
- }
- it 'Should add Feed' {
- Add-VSTeamFeed -Name 'module' -EnableUpstreamSources -showDeletedPackageVersions
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://feeds.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/packaging/feeds?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::packaging)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Body -like '*"upstreamEnabled":*true*' -and
- $Body -like '*"hideDeletedPackageVersions":*false*'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamFeed by name' {
- Mock Show-Browser
- It 'Show call start' {
- Show-VSTeamFeed -Name module
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamFeed by id' {
- Mock Show-Browser
- It 'Show call start' {
- Show-VSTeamFeed -Id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamFeed on TFS'{
- [VSTeamVersions]::Packaging = ''
- it 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamFeed } | Should throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/gitRepositoryPermissions.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/gitRepositoryPermissions.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 3055e8f96..000000000
--- a/unit/test/gitRepositoryPermissions.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $userSingleResultObject = [VSTeamUser]::new($userSingleResult)
- $groupSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groupsSingle.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $groupSingleResultObject = [VSTeamGroup]::new($groupSingleResult)
- $projectResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Test Project Public'
- description = ''
- url = ''
- id = '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876'
- state = ''
- visibility = ''
- revision = 0
- defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- $projectResultObject = [VSTeamProject]::new($projectResult)
- $accessControlEntryResult =
- @"
- "count": 1,
- "value": [
- {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
- "allow": 8,
- "deny": 0,
- "extendedInfo": {}
- }
- ]
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
- Describe 'GitRepositoryPermissions VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Core = '5.0'
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by ProjectUser' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $accessControlEntryResult
- } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by ProjectGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by ProjectDescriptor' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by RepositoryUser' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by RepositoryGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by RepositoryDescriptor' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by RepositoryBranchUser' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -BranchName "master" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012/refs/heads/6d0061007300740065007200`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by RepositoryBranchGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -BranchName "master" -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012/refs/heads/6d0061007300740065007200`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by RepositoryBranchDescriptor' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -BranchName "master" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/2e9eb7ed-3c0a-47d4-87c1-0ffdd275fd87*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"repoV2/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012/refs/heads/6d0061007300740065007200`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 34048,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 2056,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission by Project throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Add-VSTeamGitRepositoryPermission -Project $projectResultObject -RepositoryId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'CreateRepository,RenameRepository,PullRequestBypassPolicy') -Deny ([VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions]'EditPolicies,ForcePush') } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/groups.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/groups.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f28d611f..000000000
--- a/unit/test/groups.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $projectResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Test Project Public'
- description = ''
- url = ''
- id = '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876'
- state = ''
- visibility = ''
- revision = 0
- defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- $scopeResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\descriptor.scope.TestProject.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $groupListResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groups.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $groupSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groupsSingle.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- # The Graph API is not supported on TFS
- Describe "Groups TFS Errors" {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGroup' {
- Mock _callAPI { throw 'Should not be called' } -Verifiable
- It 'Should throw' {
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion TFS2017
- { Get-VSTeamGroup } | Should Throw
- }
- It '_callAPI should be called once to get projects' {
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'Groups VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = '5.0'
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGroup by project' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return $projectResult } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamDescriptor { return [VSTeamDescriptor]::new($scopeResult) } -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $groupListResult
- } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGroup -ProjectName "Test Project Public"
- It 'Should return groups' {
- # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)&scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGroup by scopeDescriptor' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $groupListResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGroup -ScopeDescriptor scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2
- It 'Should return groups' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGroup by subjectTypes' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $groupListResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGroup -SubjectTypes vssgp, aadgp
- It 'Should return groups' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*subjectTypes=vssgp,aadgp*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGroup by subjectTypes and scopeDescriptor' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $groupListResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGroup -ScopeDescriptor scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2 -SubjectTypes vssgp, aadgp
- It 'Should return groups' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*subjectTypes=vssgp,aadgp*" -and
- $Uri -like "*scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGroup by descriptor' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $groupSingleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGroup -GroupDescriptor 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
- It 'Should return the group' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups/vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGroup by project throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamGroup -ProjectName Demo } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGroup by descriptor throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamGroup -GroupDescriptor } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/membership.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/membership.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 28dc90128..000000000
--- a/unit/test/membership.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Users VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = '5.0'
- Context 'Test-VSTeamMembership' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { } -Verifiable
- $UserDescriptor = 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
- $GroupDescriptor = 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
- $result = Test-VSTeamMembership -MemberDescriptor $UserDescriptor -ContainerDescriptor $GroupDescriptor
- It 'Should test membership' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq "Head" -and
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$UserDescriptor/$GroupDescriptor*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*"
- }
- $result | Should Be $true
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamMembership' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { } -Verifiable
- $UserDescriptor = 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
- $GroupDescriptor = 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
- $null = Add-VSTeamMembership -MemberDescriptor $UserDescriptor -ContainerDescriptor $GroupDescriptor
- It 'Should add membership' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq "Put" -and
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$UserDescriptor/$GroupDescriptor*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamMembership' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { } -Verifiable
- $UserDescriptor = 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
- $GroupDescriptor = 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
- $null = Remove-VSTeamMembership -MemberDescriptor $UserDescriptor -ContainerDescriptor $GroupDescriptor -Force
- It 'Should remove a membership' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq "Delete" -and
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$UserDescriptor/$GroupDescriptor*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamMembership for Member' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { } -Verifiable
- $UserDescriptor = 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
- $null = Get-VSTeamMembership -MemberDescriptor $UserDescriptor
- It "Should get a container's members" {
- # This should stop the call to cache projects
- [VSTeamProjectCache]::timestamp = (Get-Date).Minute
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq "Get" -and
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$MemberDescriptor*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamMembership for Group' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { } -Verifiable
- $GroupDescriptor = 'vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS04NTYwMDk3MjYtNDE5MzQ0MjExNy0yMzkwNzU2MTEwLTI3NDAxNjE4MjEtMC0wLTAtMC0x'
- $null = Get-VSTeamMembership -ContainerDescriptor $GroupDescriptor
- It "Should get a container's members" {
- # This should stop the call to cache projects
- [VSTeamProjectCache]::timestamp = (Get-Date).Minute
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq "Get" -and
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/memberships/$GroupDescriptor*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*direction=Down*"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/unit/test/permissions.Test.ps1 b/unit/test/permissions.Test.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
diff --git a/unit/test/policies.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/policies.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f0322238..000000000
--- a/unit/test/policies.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Policies VSTS' {
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- }
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicy by project' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo
- It 'Should return policies' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicy by project and id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -Id 4
- It 'Should return the policy' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations/4?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicy by project throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicy by project and id throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -Id 4 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamPolicy by id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- Remove-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -id 4 -Force
- It 'Should delete the policy' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations/4?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamPolicy by id throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Remove-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -id 4 -Force } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamPolicy' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- #Write-Host $args
- }
- Add-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -type babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
- MinimumApproverCount = 1
- scope = @(
- @{
- refName = 'refs/heads/master'
- matchKind = 'Exact'
- repositoryId = '10000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000001'
- })
- }
- It 'Should add the policy' {
- # With PowerShell core the order of the boty string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # '{"isBlocking":true,"isEnabled":true,"type":{"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"},"settings":{"scope":[{"repositoryId":"10000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000001","matchKind":"Exact","refName":"refs/heads/master"}],"MinimumApproverCount":1}}'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Body -like '*"isBlocking":true*' -and
- $Body -like '*"isEnabled":true*' -and
- $Body -like '*"type":{"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"}*' -and
- $Body -like '*"MinimumApproverCount":1*' -and
- $Body -like '*"settings":*' -and
- $Body -like '*"scope":*' -and
- $Body -like '*"repositoryId":"10000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000001"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"matchKind":"Exact"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"refName":"refs/heads/master"*'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamPolicy throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Add-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -type babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
- MinimumApproverCount = 1
- scope = @(
- @{
- refName = 'refs/heads/master'
- matchKind = 'Exact'
- repositoryId = '10000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000001'
- })
- }
- } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamPolicy with type' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- Update-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -id 1 -type babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
- MinimumApproverCount = 1
- scope = @(
- @{
- refName = 'refs/heads/release'
- matchKind = 'Exact'
- repositoryId = '20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002'
- })
- }
- It 'Should add the policy' {
- # With PowerShell core the order of the boty string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- #'{"isBlocking":true,"isEnabled":true,"type":{"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"},"settings":{"scope":[{"repositoryId":"20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002","matchKind":"Exact","refName":"refs/heads/release"}],"MinimumApproverCount":1}}'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Put' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Body -like '*"isBlocking":true*' -and
- $Body -like '*"isEnabled":true*' -and
- $Body -like '*"type":*' -and
- $Body -like '*"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"settings":*' -and
- $Body -like '*"scope":*' -and
- $Body -like '*"repositoryId":"20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"matchKind":"Exact"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"refName":"refs/heads/release"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"MinimumApproverCount":1*'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamPolicy without type' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- Mock Get-VSTeamPolicy {
- return @{
- type = @{
- id = 'babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0'
- }
- }
- }
- Update-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -id 1 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
- MinimumApproverCount = 1
- scope = @(
- @{
- refName = 'refs/heads/release'
- matchKind = 'Exact'
- repositoryId = '20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002'
- })
- }
- It 'Should add the policy' {
- # With PowerShell core the order of the boty string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- #'{"isBlocking":true,"isEnabled":true,"type":{"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"},"settings":{"scope":[{"repositoryId":"20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002","matchKind":"Exact","refName":"refs/heads/release"}],"MinimumApproverCount":1}}'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Put' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/configurations/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Body -like '*"isBlocking":true*' -and
- $Body -like '*"isEnabled":true*' -and
- $Body -like '*"type":*' -and
- $Body -like '*"id":"babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"settings":*' -and
- $Body -like '*"scope":*' -and
- $Body -like '*"repositoryId":"20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"matchKind":"Exact"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"refName":"refs/heads/release"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"MinimumApproverCount":1*'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamPolicy throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should add the policy' {
- { Update-VSTeamPolicy -ProjectName Demo -id 1 -type babcf51f-d853-43a2-9b05-4a64ca577be0 -enabled -blocking -settings @{
- MinimumApproverCount = 1
- scope = @(
- @{
- refName = 'refs/heads/release'
- matchKind = 'Exact'
- repositoryId = '20000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000002'
- })
- }
- } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/policyTypes.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/policyTypes.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index b3e798bac..000000000
--- a/unit/test/policyTypes.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe "Policies VSTS" {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- }
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicyType by project' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamPolicyType -ProjectName Demo
- It 'Should return policies' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/types?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicyType by project throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamPolicyType -ProjectName Demo } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicyType by id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamPolicyType -ProjectName Demo -id 90a51335-0c53-4a5f-b6ce-d9aff3ea60e0
- It 'Should return policies' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/Demo/_apis/policy/types/90a51335-0c53-4a5f-b6ce-d9aff3ea60e0?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPolicyType by id throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should return policies' {
- { Get-VSTeamPolicyType -ProjectName Demo -id 90a51335-0c53-4a5f-b6ce-d9aff3ea60e0 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/pools.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/pools.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d8bc902..000000000
--- a/unit/test/pools.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'pools' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- [VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask = '1.0-unitTest'
- $hostedPool = [PSCustomObject]@{
- owner = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayName = 'Test User'
- id = '1'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayName = 'Test User'
- id = '1'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- id = 1
- size = 1
- isHosted = $true
- Name = 'Hosted'
- }
- $privatePool = [PSCustomObject]@{
- owner = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayName = 'Test User'
- id = '1'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayName = 'Test User'
- id = '1'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- id = 1
- size = 1
- isHosted = $false
- Name = 'Default'
- }
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPool with no parameters' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- count = 1
- value = $privatePool
- }
- }
- it 'Should return all the pools' {
- Get-VSTeamPool
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPool with id parameter' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $hostedPool }
- it 'Should return all the pools' {
- Get-VSTeamPool -id '1'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/profile.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/profile.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 05867fa7e..000000000
--- a/unit/test/profile.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Profile' {
- $expectedPath = "$HOME/vsteam_profiles.json"
- $contents = @"
- [
- {
- "Name": "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection",
- "URL": "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection",
- "Pat": "",
- "Type": "OnPremise",
- "Version": "TFS2017"
- },
- {
- "Name": "",
- "URL": "",
- "Pat": "OnE2cXpseHk0YXp3dHpz",
- "Type": "Pat",
- "Version": "TFS2017"
- },
- {
- "Name": "test",
- "URL": "https://dev.azure.com/test",
- "Pat": "OndrejR0ZHpwbDM3bXUycGt5c3hm",
- "Type": "Pat",
- "Version": "VSTS"
- }
- ]
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamProfile' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and ([string]$Value -eq '')}
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- Remove-VSTeamProfile test
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamProfile entry does not exist' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- Remove-VSTeamProfile demos
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile on Windows no data provided' {
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Write-Error { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { }
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
- Mock _convertSecureStringTo_PlainText { return '' }
- $emptySecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString 'does not matter because mock is going to return empty string' -AsPlainText -Force
- Add-VSTeamProfile -Account testing -SecurePersonalAccessToken $emptySecureString
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 0
- Assert-MockCalled Write-Error -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 `
- -ParameterFilter {
- $Message -eq 'Personal Access Token must be provided if you are not using Windows Authentication; please see the help.'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile with PAT to empty file' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/demos*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { }
- Add-VSTeamProfile -Account demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile with PAT to empty array' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/demos*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { }
- Add-VSTeamProfile -Account demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345 -Version VSTS
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile with OAuth to empty array' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/demos*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { }
- Add-VSTeamProfile -Account demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345 -Version VSTS -UseBearerToken
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile with PAT exisiting entry' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/demos*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*TFS2018*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- Add-VSTeamProfile -Account demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345 -Version TFS2018
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile TFS default to TFS2017 with Windows Auth' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OnPremise*" -and $Value -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection*" -and $Value -like "*TFS2017*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- Add-VSTeamProfile -Account http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection -UseWindowsAuthentication
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile TFS default to TFS2017' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection*" -and $Value -like "*TFS2017*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- Add-VSTeamProfile -Account http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection -PersonalAccessToken 678910
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile with PAT replace exisiting entry' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- Add-VSTeamProfile -Account test -PersonalAccessToken 678910
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProfile with existing old URL' {
- Mock Test-Path { return $true }
- Mock Get-Content { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://test.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' }
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Add-VSTeamProfile -Account test -PersonalAccessToken 678910
- It 'Should save profile with new URL to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile empty profiles file' {
- Mock Test-Path { return $true }
- Mock Get-Content { return '' }
- $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
- It 'Should return 0 profiles' {
- $actual | Should BeNullOrEmpty
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile invalid profiles file' {
- Mock Test-Path { return $true }
- Mock Get-Content { return 'Not Valid JSON. This might happen if someone touches the file.' }
- Mock Write-Error { } -Verifiable
- $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
- It 'Should return 0 profiles' {
- $actual | Should BeNullOrEmpty
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile no profiles' {
- Mock Test-Path { return $false }
- $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
- It 'Should return 0 profiles' {
- $actual | Should BeNullOrEmpty
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile by name' {
- Mock Test-Path { return $true }
- Mock Get-Content { return $contents }
- $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile test
- It 'Should return 1 profile' {
- $actual.URL | Should be 'https://dev.azure.com/test'
- }
- It 'Profile Should by Pat' {
- $actual.Type | Should be 'Pat'
- }
- It 'Token Should be empty string' {
- # This is testing that the Token property is added
- # to existing profiles loaded from file created before
- # the bearer token support was added.
- $actual.Token | Should be ''
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile' {
- Mock Test-Path { return $true }
- Mock Get-Content { return $contents }
- $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
- It 'Should return 3 profiles' {
- $actual.Length | Should be 3
- }
- It '1st profile Should by OnPremise' {
- $actual[0].Type | Should be 'OnPremise'
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile with old URL' {
- Mock Test-Path { return $true }
- Mock Get-Content { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://test.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' }
- $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile
- It 'Should return new URL' {
- $actual.URL | Should Be "https://dev.azure.com/test"
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProfile with old URL and multiple entries' {
- Mock Test-Path { return $true }
- Mock Get-Content { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://test.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"},{"Name":"demo","URL":"https://demo.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' }
- $actual = Get-VSTeamProfile -Name "test"
- It 'Should return new URL' {
- $actual.URL | Should Be "https://dev.azure.com/test"
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile entry does not exist' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Update-VSTeamProfile -Name Testing -PersonalAccessToken 678910 } | Should -Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile with PAT to empty file' {
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Write-Warning -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { }
- Update-VSTeamProfile -name demos -PersonalAccessToken 12345
- It 'Should save profile to disk' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile with securePersonalAccessToken' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- $password = '678910' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
- Update-VSTeamProfile -Name test -SecurePersonalAccessToken $password
- It 'Should update profile' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile with PAT' {
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProfile { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://dev.azure.com/test/","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_ } }
- Update-VSTeamProfile -Name test -PersonalAccessToken 678910
- It 'Should update profile' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamProfile with old URL' {
- Mock Test-Path { return $true }
- Mock Get-Content { return '[{"Name":"test","URL":"https://test.visualstudio.com","Type":"Pat","Pat":"12345","Version":"VSTS"}]' }
- Mock Set-Content { } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath -and $Value -like "*OjY3ODkxMA==*" -and $Value -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test*" -and $Value -like "*VSTS*" }
- Mock Set-Content { }
- Update-VSTeamProfile -Name test -PersonalAccessToken 678910
- It 'Should update profile with new URL' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/projectPermissions.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/projectPermissions.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b80d774..000000000
--- a/unit/test/projectPermissions.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'ProjectPermissions VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- $userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $userSingleResultObject = [VSTeamUser]::new($userSingleResult)
- $groupSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groupsSingle.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $groupSingleResultObject = [VSTeamGroup]::new($groupSingleResult)
- $projectResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Test Project Public'
- description = ''
- url = ''
- id = '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876'
- state = ''
- visibility = ''
- revision = 0
- defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- $projectResultObject = [VSTeamProject]::new($projectResult)
- $accessControlEntryResult =
- @"
- "count": 1,
- "value": [
- {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
- "allow": 8,
- "deny": 0,
- "extendedInfo": {}
- }
- ]
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Core = '5.0'
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProjectPermission by ProjectUser' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $accessControlEntryResult
- } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamProjectPermission -Project $projectResultObject -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,GENERIC_WRITE,WORK_ITEM_DELETE,RENAME') -Deny ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'CHANGE_PROCESS,VIEW_TEST_RESULTS')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/52d39943-cb85-4d7f-8fa8-c6baac873819*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"`$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 73731,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8389120,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProjectPermission by ProjectGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamProjectPermission -Project $projectResultObject -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,GENERIC_WRITE,WORK_ITEM_DELETE,RENAME') -Deny ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'CHANGE_PROCESS,VIEW_TEST_RESULTS')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/52d39943-cb85-4d7f-8fa8-c6baac873819*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"`$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 73731,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8389120,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProjectPermission by ProjectDescriptor' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamProjectPermission -Project $projectResultObject -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,GENERIC_WRITE,WORK_ITEM_DELETE,RENAME') -Deny ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'CHANGE_PROCESS,VIEW_TEST_RESULTS')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/52d39943-cb85-4d7f-8fa8-c6baac873819*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"`$PROJECT:vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 73731,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8389120,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProjectPermission by Project throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Add-VSTeamProjectPermission -Project $projectResultObject -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,GENERIC_WRITE,WORK_ITEM_DELETE,RENAME') -Deny ([VSTeamProjectPermissions]'CHANGE_PROCESS,VIEW_TEST_RESULTS') } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/projects.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/projects.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c0cfb2e..000000000
--- a/unit/test/projects.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Project' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProcessNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Context 'Show-VSTeamProject by ID' {
- Mock Show-Browser
- It 'Show call start' {
- Show-VSTeamProject -Id 123456
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamProject by ProjectName' {
- Mock Show-Browser
- It 'Show call open' {
- Show-VSTeamProject -ProjectName ShowProject
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamProject by default parameter' {
- Mock Show-Browser
- It 'Show call open' {
- Show-VSTeamProject ShowProject
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser
- }
- }
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Test'
- description = ''
- url = ''
- id = '123-5464-dee43'
- state = ''
- visibility = ''
- revision = 0
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- }
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Test'
- description = ''
- url = ''
- id = '123-5464-dee43'
- state = ''
- visibility = ''
- revision = 0
- defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProject with no parameters using BearerToken' {
- BeforeAll {
- $env:TEAM_TOKEN = '1234'
- }
- AfterAll {
- $env:TEAM_TOKEN = $null
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return projects' {
- Get-VSTeamProject
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=100*" -and
- $Uri -like "*stateFilter=WellFormed*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProject with top 10' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return top 10 projects' {
- Get-VSTeamProject -top 10
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=10*" -and
- $Uri -like "*stateFilter=WellFormed*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProject with skip 1' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should skip first project' {
- Get-VSTeamProject -skip 1
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$skip=1*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=100*" -and
- $Uri -like "*stateFilter=WellFormed*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProject with stateFilter All' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return All projects' {
- Get-VSTeamProject -stateFilter 'All'
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=100*" -and
- $Uri -like "*stateFilter=All*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProject with no Capabilities' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should return the project' {
- Get-VSTeamProject -Name Test
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProject with Capabilities' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should return the project with capabilities' {
- Get-VSTeamProject -projectId Test -includeCapabilities
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*includeCapabilities=True*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamProject with no parameters throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error' }
- It 'Should return projects' {
- { Get-VSTeamProject } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamProject with no op by id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should not call Invoke-RestMethod' {
- Update-VSTeamProject -id '123-5464-dee43'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 0
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamProject with newName' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; url = 'https://someplace.com'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch'}
- Mock _trackProjectProgress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Testing123?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- It 'Should change name' {
- Update-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -newName Testing123 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch' -and $Body -eq '{"name": "Testing123"}'}
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Testing123?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamProject with newDescription' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; url = 'https://someplace.com'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch'}
- Mock _trackProjectProgress
- It 'Should change description' {
- Update-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -newDescription Testing123 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 2 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch' -and $Body -eq '{"description": "Testing123"}' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamProject with new name and description' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; url = 'https://someplace.com'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch'}
- Mock _trackProjectProgress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Testing123?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- It 'Should not call Invoke-RestMethod' {
- Update-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -newName Testing123 -newDescription Testing123 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Patch'}
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Testing123?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamProject with Force' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock _trackProjectProgress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; url = 'https://someplace.com'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Delete' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/123-5464-dee43?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"}
- It 'Should not call Invoke-RestMethod' {
- Remove-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Delete' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/123-5464-dee43?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"}
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProject with tfvc' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- # Add Project
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; id = '123-5464-dee43'; url = 'https://someplace.com'} } -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- # Track Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($i -gt 9) {
- return @{status = 'succeeded'}
- }
- return @{status = 'inProgress' }
- } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq 'https://someplace.com'
- }
- # Get-VSTeamProject
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- It 'Should create project with tfvc' {
- Add-VSTeamProject -Name Test -tfvc
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Body -eq '{"name": "Test", "description": "", "capabilities": {"versioncontrol": { "sourceControlType": "Tfvc"}, "processTemplate":{"templateTypeId": "6b724908-ef14-45cf-84f8-768b5384da45"}}}'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProject with Agile' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; id = 1; url = 'https://someplace.com'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"}
- Mock _trackProjectProgress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProcess { return @{name = 'Agile'; id = 1}}
- It 'Should create project with Agile' {
- Add-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -processTemplate Agile
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"}
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProject with CMMI' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; id = 1; url = 'https://someplace.com'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"}
- Mock _trackProjectProgress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Mock Get-VSTeamProcess { return @{name = 'CMMI'; id = 1}}
- It 'Should create project with CMMI' {
- Add-VSTeamProject -ProjectName Test -processTemplate CMMI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"}
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamProject throws error' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{status = 'inProgress'; id = 1; url = 'https://someplace.com'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' -and $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"}
- Mock Write-Error
- Mock _trackProjectProgress { throw 'Test error' }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" }
- It 'Should throw' { { Add-VSTeamProject -projectName Test -processTemplate CMMI } | Should throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamDefaultProject' {
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- It 'should set default project' {
- Set-VSTeamDefaultProject 'DefaultProject'
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should be 'DefaultProject'
- }
- It 'should update default project' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] = 'DefaultProject'
- Set-VSTeamDefaultProject -Project 'NextProject'
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should be 'NextProject'
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamDefaultProject on Non Windows' {
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false } -Verifiable
- It 'should set default project' {
- Set-VSTeamDefaultProject 'MyProject'
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should be 'MyProject'
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamDefaultProject As Admin on Windows' {
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
- Mock _testAdministrator { return $true } -Verifiable
- It 'should set default project' {
- Set-VSTeamDefaultProject 'MyProject'
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should be 'MyProject'
- }
- }
- Context 'Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject on Non Windows' {
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $false } -Verifiable
- It 'should clear default project' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] = 'MyProject'
- Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty
- }
- }
- Context 'Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject as Non-Admin on Windows' {
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
- Mock _testAdministrator { return $false }
- It 'should clear default project' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] = 'MyProject'
- Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty
- }
- }
- Context 'Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject as Admin on Windows' {
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- Mock _isOnWindows { return $true }
- Mock _testAdministrator { return $true } -Verifiable
- It 'should clear default project' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] = 'MyProject'
- Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*:projectName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/pullrequest.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/pullrequest.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index e43b98c54..000000000
--- a/unit/test/pullrequest.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Pull Requests' {
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Git = '5.1-preview'
- $singleResult = @{
- pullRequestId = 1
- repositoryName = "testreponame"
- repository = @{
- project = @{
- name = "testproject"
- }
- }
- reviewers = @{
- vote = 0
- }
- }
- $collection = @{
- value = @($singleResult)
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamPullRequest' {
- It 'Show-VSTeamPullRequest by Id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Mock Show-Browser
- Show-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 1
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/testproject/_git/testreponame/pullrequest/1"
- }
- }
- It 'Show-VSTeamPullRequest with invalid ID' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Mock Show-Browser { throw }
- { Show-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 999999 } | Should throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest' {
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with no parameters' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $collection }
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:ProjectName")
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/git/pullRequests?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with default project name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $collection }
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:ProjectName"] = 'testproject'
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName testproject
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/testproject/_apis/git/pullRequests?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest By ProjectName' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $collection }
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:ProjectName")
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName testproject
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/testproject/_apis/git/pullRequests?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest By ID' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 1
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/git/pullRequests/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with All' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -All
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
- $Uri -like "*status=all*"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with Status abandoned' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -Status abandoned
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
- $Uri -like "*status=abandoned*"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with source branch' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -SourceBranchRef "refs/heads/mybranch"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
- $Uri -like "*searchCriteria.sourceRefName=refs/heads/mybranch*"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with target branch' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -TargetBranchRef "refs/heads/mybranch"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
- $Uri -like "*searchCriteria.targetRefName=refs/heads/mybranch*"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with repository id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId "93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
- $Uri -like "*repositories/93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF*"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with source repository id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -SourceRepositoryId "93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
- $Uri -like "*searchCriteria.sourceRepositoryId=93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF*"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with top and skip' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -SourceRepositoryId "93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF" -Top 100 -Skip 200
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*Test/_apis/git*" -and
- $Uri -like "*searchCriteria.sourceRepositoryId=93BBA613-2729-4158-9217-751E952AB4AF*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=100*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$skip=200*"
- }
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with source branch in wrong format throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- { Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -SourceBranchRef "garbage" } | should throw
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest with target branch in wrong format throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- { Get-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName Test -TargetBranchRef "garbage" } | should throw
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest No Votes should be Pending Status' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- $pr = Get-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 1
- $pr.reviewStatus | Should be "Pending"
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest Postivite Votes should be Approved Status' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- $result = $singleResult
- $result.reviewers.vote = 10
- return $result
- }
- $pr = Get-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 1
- $pr.reviewStatus | Should be "Approved"
- }
- It 'Get-VSTeamPullRequest Negative Votes should be Rejected Status' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- $result = $singleResult
- $result.reviewers.vote = -10
- return $result
- }
- $pr = Get-VSTeamPullRequest -Id 1
- $pr.reviewStatus | Should be "Rejected"
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/queues.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/queues.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f13cbf32..000000000
--- a/unit/test/queues.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Queues' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamQueue with no parameters' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
- value = @{
- id = 3
- name = 'Hosted'
- pool = @{}
- }
- }}
- it 'Should return all the queues' {
- Get-VSTeamQueue -ProjectName project
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamQueue with queueName parameter' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
- value = @{
- id = 3
- name = 'Hosted'
- pool = @{}
- }
- }}
- it 'Should return all the queues' {
- Get-VSTeamQueue -projectName project -queueName 'Hosted'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)&queueName=Hosted"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamQueue with actionFilter parameter' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
- value = @{
- id = 3
- name = 'Hosted'
- pool = @{}
- }
- }}
- it 'Should return all the queues' {
- Get-VSTeamQueue -projectName project -actionFilter 'None'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)&actionFilter=None"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamQueue with actionFilter & queueName parameter' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return @{
- value = @{
- id = 3
- name = 'Hosted'
- pool = @{}
- }
- }}
- it 'Should return all the queues' {
- Get-VSTeamQueue -projectName project -actionFilter 'None' -queueName 'Hosted'
- # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues/?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)&actionFilter=None&queueName=Hosted"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*actionFilter=None*" -and
- $Uri -like "*queueName=Hosted*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamQueue' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{
- id = 3
- name = 'Hosted'
- pool = @{}
- }}
- It 'should return requested queue' {
- Get-VSTeamQueue -projectName project -queueId 3
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/queues/3?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/readme.md b/unit/test/readme.md
index 5512c66c3..b0a838196 100644
--- a/unit/test/readme.md
+++ b/unit/test/readme.md
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
-Helpful links
+# Helpful links
+## Test Structure
+Describe "Noun"
+ Context "Verb-Noun"
+ Context "Services"
+ Context "Server"
+## Mocking
+## Helpful Links
[testing script modules with pester](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2015/12/17/testing-script-modules-with-pester/)
diff --git a/unit/test/refs.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/refs.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 424a7f389..000000000
--- a/unit/test/refs.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe "Git VSTS" {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- objectId = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
- name = 'refs/heads/master'
- creator = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayName = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TFS'
- id = '1'
- uniqueName = 'some@email.com'
- }
- }
- }
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRef' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
- It 'Should return a single ref by id' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRef with Filter' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*filter=refs*"
- }
- Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Filter "refs/heads"
- It 'Should return a single ref with filter' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRef with FilterContains' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*filterContains=test"
- }
- Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -FilterContains "test"
- It 'Should return a single ref' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRef with Top' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*`$top=100"
- }
- Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Top 100
- It 'Should return a single ref' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRef with ContinuationToken' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*continuationToken=myToken"
- }
- Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -ContinuationToken "myToken"
- It 'Should return a single ref' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRef with Filter, FilterContains, Top' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*filter=/refs/heads*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=500*" -and
- $Uri -like "*filterContains=test*"
- }
- Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Filter "/refs/heads" -FilterContains "test" -Top 500
- It 'Should return a single ref' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRef by id throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw [System.Net.WebException] "Test Exception." }
- It 'Should return a single repo by id' {
- { Get-VSTeamGitRef -ProjectName Test -RepositoryId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/release.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/release.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index c1750445e..000000000
--- a/unit/test/release.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-# Loading System.Web avoids issues finding System.Web.HttpUtility
-Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'Releases' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- environments = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- variables = [PSCustomObject]@{
- BrowserToUse = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = "phantomjs"
- }
- }
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{
- self = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- web = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- }
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Context 'Show-VSTeamRelease by ID' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should show release' {
- Show-VSTeamRelease -projectName project -Id 15
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_release?releaseId=15'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamRelease with invalid ID' {
- it 'should show release' {
- { Show-VSTeamRelease -projectName project -Id 0 } | Should throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamRelease by ID' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should return releases' {
- Remove-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 15 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamRelease by ID throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error'}
- It 'should return releases' {
- { Remove-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -Id 150000 -Force } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus by ID' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should set release status' {
- Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus -ProjectName project -Id 15 -Status Abandoned -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Body -eq '{ "id": 15, "status": "Abandoned" }' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus by ID throws' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error' }
- It 'should set release status' {
- { Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus -ProjectName project -Id 15 -Status Abandoned -Force } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus by ID' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $false }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- $expectedBody = ConvertTo-Json ([PSCustomObject]@{status = 'inProgress'; comment = ''; scheduledDeploymentTime = $null})
- It 'should set environments' {
- Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus -ProjectName project -ReleaseId 1 -Id 15 -Status inProgress -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Body -eq $expectedBody -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases/1/environments/15?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus by ID throws' {
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $false }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error' }
- It 'should set environments' {
- { Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus -ProjectName project -ReleaseId 1 -Id 15 -Status inProgress -Force } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamRelease by ID' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $singleResult
- }
- It 'should add a release' {
- Add-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -DefinitionId 1 -ArtifactAlias drop -BuildId 2
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '*"definitionId": 1*' -and
- $Body -like '*"description": ""*' -and
- $Body -like '*"alias": "drop"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"id": "2"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"sourceBranch": ""*' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamRelease by name' {
- BeforeAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'project'
- }
- AfterAll {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition {
- $def1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{name = 'Test1'; id = 1; artifacts = @(@{alias = 'drop'})}
- $def2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{name = 'Tests'; id = 2; artifacts = @(@{alias = 'drop'})}
- return @(
- $def1,
- $def2
- )
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuild {
- $bld1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{name = "Bld1"; id = 1}
- $bld2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{name = "Bld2"; id = 2}
- return @(
- $bld1,
- $bld2
- )
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $singleResult
- }
- Mock _buildDynamicParam {
- param(
- [string] $ParameterName = 'QueueName',
- [array] $arrSet,
- [bool] $Mandatory = $false,
- [string] $ParameterSetName
- )
- # Create the collection of attributes
- $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
- # Create and set the parameters' attributes
- $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
- $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $Mandatory
- $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
- if ($ParameterSetName) {
- $ParameterAttribute.ParameterSetName = $ParameterSetName
- }
- # Add the attributes to the attributes collection
- $AttributeCollection.Add($ParameterAttribute)
- if ($arrSet) {
- # Generate and set the ValidateSet
- $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)
- # Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection
- $AttributeCollection.Add($ValidateSetAttribute)
- }
- # Create and return the dynamic parameter
- return New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
- }
- It 'should add a release' {
- Add-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -BuildNumber 'Bld1' -DefinitionName 'Test1'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '*"definitionId": 1*' -and
- $Body -like '*"description": ""*' -and
- $Body -like '*"alias": "drop"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"id": "1"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"sourceBranch": ""*' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/releases?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamRelease throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'error' }
- It 'should add a release' {
- { Add-VSTeamRelease -ProjectName project -DefinitionId 1 -ArtifactAlias drop -BuildId 2 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/releaseDefinitions.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/releaseDefinitions.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 776b47a41..000000000
--- a/unit/test/releaseDefinitions.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-# Loading System.Web avoids issues finding System.Web.HttpUtility
-Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'ReleaseDefinitions' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- [VSTeamVersions]::Release = '1.0-unittest'
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- queue = [PSCustomObject]@{ name = 'Default' }
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{
- self = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- web = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- retentionPolicy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- lastRelease = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- artifacts = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- modifiedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ name = 'project' }
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{ name = 'test'}
- }
- }
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Context 'Show-VSTeamReleaseDefinition by ID' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should return Release definitions' {
- Show-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -Id 15
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_release?definitionId=15'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return $results
- }
- it 'Should add Release' {
- Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -inFile 'Releasedef.json'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $InFile -eq 'Releasedef.json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'should delete Release definition' {
- Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -id 2 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://vsrm.dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/release/definitions/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- it 'Should add Release' {
- Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -inFile 'Releasedef.json'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $InFile -eq 'Releasedef.json' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -projectName project -id 2 -Force
- It 'should delete Release definition' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/release/definitions/2?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Release)"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/repositories.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/repositories.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 20f35caa9..000000000
--- a/unit/test/repositories.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = ''
- url = ''
- sshUrl = ''
- remoteUrl = ''
- defaultBranch = ''
- size = 0
- name = ''
- project = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Project'
- id = 1
- description = ''
- url = ''
- state = ''
- revision = ''
- visibility = ''
- }
- }
- }
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = ''
- url = ''
- sshUrl = ''
- remoteUrl = ''
- defaultBranch = ''
- size = 0
- name = ''
- project = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Project'
- id = 1
- description = ''
- url = ''
- state = ''
- revision = ''
- visibility = ''
- }
- }
- Describe "Git VSTS" {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Context 'Show-VSTeamGitRepository by project' {
- Mock Show-Browser -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/_git/project' }
- Mock Show-Browser { throw "Show-Browser called incorrectly: $Args" }
- Show-VSTeamGitRepository -projectName project
- it 'should return url for mine' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamGitRepository by remote url' {
- Mock Show-Browser -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/_git/project' }
- Mock Show-Browser { throw "Show-Browser called incorrectly: $Args" }
- Show-VSTeamGitRepository -RemoteUrl 'https://dev.azure.com/test/_git/project'
- it 'should return url for mine' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository no parameters' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGitRepository
- It 'Should return all repos for all projects' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository no parameters throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw [System.Net.WebException] "Test Exception." }
- It 'Should return all repos for all projects' {
- { Get-VSTeamGitRepository } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository by id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
- It 'Should return a single repo by id' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository by id throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw [System.Net.WebException] "Test Exception." }
- It 'Should return a single repo by id' {
- { Get-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository by name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGitRepository -Name 'test'
- It 'Should return a single repo by name' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository by name throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw [System.Net.WebException] "Test Exception." }
- It 'Should return a single repo by name' {
- { Get-VSTeamGitRepository -Name 'test' } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamGitRepository by id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- Remove-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Force
- It 'Should remove Git repo' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/git/repositories/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Git)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamGitRepository throws ' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw [System.Net.WebException] "Test Exception." }
- It 'Should throw trying to remove Git repo' {
- {Remove-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -Force} | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
- Describe "Git TFS" {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository no parameters' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGitRepository
- It 'Should return Git repo' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository by id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGitRepository -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
- It 'Should return Git repo' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamGitRepository by name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamGitRepository -Name 'test'
- It 'Should return Git repo' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepository by name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamGitRepository -Name 'test' -ProjectName 'test'
- It 'Should add Git repo' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamGitRepository throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw [System.Net.WebException] "Test Exception." }
- It 'Should add Git repo' {
- { Add-VSTeamGitRepository -Name 'test' -ProjectName 'test' } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/sampleFiles/accessControlEntryResult.json b/unit/test/sampleFiles/accessControlEntryResult.json
new file mode 100644
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+ "date": "2014-01-29T23:52:56Z"
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+ "name": "\"Chuck Reinhart",
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+ "date": "2014-01-29T23:52:56Z"
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+ "date": "2014-06-30T18:10:55Z"
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+ "name": "Norman Paulk",
+ "email": "Fabrikamfiber16@hotmail.com",
+ "date": "2014-06-30T18:10:55Z"
+ },
+ "comment": "Better description for hello world\\n",
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+ "email": "Fabrikamfiber16@hotmail.com",
+ "date": "2014-06-30T18:10:55Z"
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+ "name": "Norman Paulk",
+ "email": "Fabrikamfiber16@hotmail.com",
+ "date": "2014-06-30T18:10:55Z"
+ },
+ "comment": "Better description for hello world\\n",
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+ "date": "2014-01-29T23:52:56Z"
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+ "name": "\"Chuck Reinhart",
+ "email": "fabrikamfiber3@hotmail.com",
+ "date": "2014-01-29T23:52:56Z"
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diff --git a/unit/test/sampleFiles/releaseSingleReult.json b/unit/test/sampleFiles/releaseSingleReult.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2b7e8882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/sampleFiles/releaseSingleReult.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "environments": {},
+ "variables": {
+ "BrowserToUse": {
+ "value": "phantomjs"
+ }
+ },
+ "_links": {
+ "self": {},
+ "web": {}
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/sampleFiles/securityNamespace.json b/unit/test/sampleFiles/securityNamespace.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c1e39cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/sampleFiles/securityNamespace.json
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ "count": 1,
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531",
+ "name": "Analytics",
+ "displayName": "Analytics",
+ "separatorValue": "/",
+ "elementLength": -1,
+ "writePermission": 2,
+ "readPermission": 1,
+ "dataspaceCategory": "Default",
+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "bit": 1,
+ "name": "Read",
+ "displayName": "View analytics",
+ "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
+ },
+ {
+ "bit": 2,
+ "name": "Administer",
+ "displayName": "Manage analytics permissions",
+ "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
+ },
+ {
+ "bit": 4,
+ "name": "Stage",
+ "displayName": "Push the data to staging area",
+ "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
+ },
+ {
+ "bit": 8,
+ "name": "ExecuteUnrestrictedQuery",
+ "displayName": "Execute query without any restrictions on the query form",
+ "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
+ },
+ {
+ "bit": 16,
+ "name": "ReadEuii",
+ "displayName": "Read EUII data",
+ "namespaceId": "58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531"
+ }
+ ],
+ "structureValue": 1,
+ "extensionType": null,
+ "isRemotable": false,
+ "useTokenTranslator": false,
+ "systemBitMask": 30
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/sampleFiles/singleExtensionResult.json b/unit/test/sampleFiles/singleExtensionResult.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17c26be44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/sampleFiles/singleExtensionResult.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "extensionId": "test",
+ "extensionName": "test",
+ "publisherId": "test",
+ "publisherName": "test",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "registrationId": "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012",
+ "manifestVersion": 1,
+ "baseUri": "",
+ "fallbackBaseUri": "",
+ "scopes": {},
+ "installState": {
+ "flags": "none",
+ "lastUpdated": "2018-10-09T11:26:47.187Z"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/sampleFiles/variableGroupSamples2017.json b/unit/test/sampleFiles/variableGroupSamples2017.json
index 32698d0d1..6da45ebd3 100644
--- a/unit/test/sampleFiles/variableGroupSamples2017.json
+++ b/unit/test/sampleFiles/variableGroupSamples2017.json
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"isSecret": true
- "id": 1,
+ "id": 101,
"name": "TestVariableGroup1",
"description": "A test variable group",
"createdBy": {
diff --git a/unit/test/sampleFiles/withoutChildNode.json b/unit/test/sampleFiles/withoutChildNode.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..422b3109c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/test/sampleFiles/withoutChildNode.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "count": 2,
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "identifier": "90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a",
+ "name": "Child 1 Level 2",
+ "structureType": "area",
+ "hasChildren": true,
+ "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area\\Child 1 Level 1\\Child 1 Level 2",
+ "_links": {
+ "self": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201/Child%201%20Level%202"
+ },
+ "parent": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201/Child%201%20Level%202"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 43,
+ "identifier": "38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b",
+ "name": "Child 1 Level 1",
+ "structureType": "area",
+ "hasChildren": true,
+ "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area\\Child 1 Level 1",
+ "_links": {
+ "self": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
+ },
+ "parent": {
+ "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas"
+ }
+ },
+ "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/securityNamespace.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/securityNamespace.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 444d814b5..000000000
--- a/unit/test/securityNamespace.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe "SecurityNamespace TFS Errors" {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace' {
- Mock _callAPI { throw 'Should not be called' } -Verifiable
- It 'Should throw' {
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion TFS2017
- { Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace } | Should Throw
- }
- It '_callAPI should not be called' {
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 0
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'SecurityNamespace VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- $securityNamespaceListResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\securityNamespaces.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $securityNamespaceSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\securityNamespace.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion AzD
- [VSTeamVersions]::Core = '5.0'
- Context 'Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace list' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $securityNamespaceListResult
- } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace
- It 'Should return namespaces' {
- # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)&scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/securitynamespaces*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace by id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $securityNamespaceSingleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id 58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531
- It 'Should return namespaces' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/securitynamespaces/58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace by name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $securityNamespaceListResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Name "WorkItemTracking"
- It 'Should return namespaces' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/securitynamespaces*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace by list and localOnly' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $securityNamespaceListResult
- } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -LocalOnly
- It 'Should return namespaces' {
- # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/groups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)&scopeDescriptor=scp.ZGU5ODYwOWEtZjRiMC00YWEzLTgzOTEtODI4ZDU2MDI0MjU2"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/securitynamespaces*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*localOnly=true*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace by id throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Id 58450c49-b02d-465a-ab12-59ae512d6531 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace by name throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamSecurityNamespace -Name "WorkItemTracking" } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/serviceendpoints.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/serviceendpoints.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cb3a6112..000000000
--- a/unit/test/serviceendpoints.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'ServiceEndpoints TFS2017 throws' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint' {
- Mock ConvertTo-Json { throw 'Should not be called' } -Verifiable
- It 'Should throw' {
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion TFS2017
- { Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint -projectName 'project' `
- -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -url "tcp://" `
- -useWindowsSecurity $false } | Should Throw
- }
- It 'ConvertTo-Json should not be called' {
- Assert-MockCalled ConvertTo-Json -Exactly 0
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'ServiceEndpoints TFS' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint' {
- Mock Write-Verbose
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{
- state = 'Failed'
- statusMessage = 'Bad things!'
- }
- }
- }}
- It 'Should return all service endpoints' {
- Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint -projectName project -Verbose
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpoints?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamServiceEndpoint' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should delete service endpoint' {
- Remove-VSTeamServiceEndpoint -projectName project -id 5 -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpoints/5?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Delete'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamAzureRMServiceEndpoint' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should create a new AzureRM Serviceendpoint' {
- Add-VSTeamAzureRMServiceEndpoint -projectName 'project' -displayName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -subscriptionId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -subscriptionTenantId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should create a new SonarQube Serviceendpoint' {
- Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -sonarqubeUrl 'http://mysonarserver.local' -personalAccessToken '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint throws on TFS' {
- Mock Write-Warning
- Mock Write-Error -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- $e = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new(
- [System.Net.WebException]::new("Endpoint type couldn't be recognized 'sonarqube'", [System.Net.WebExceptionStatus]::ProtocolError),
- "Endpoint type couldn't be recognized 'sonarqube'",
- [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ProtocolError,
- $null)
- # The error message is different on TFS and VSTS
- $msg = ConvertTo-Json @{
- '$id' = 1
- message = "Endpoint type couldn't be recognized 'sonarqube'`r`nParameter name: endpoint.Type"
- }
- $e.ErrorDetails = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorDetails]::new($msg)
- $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($e)
- }
- It 'should create a new SonarQube Serviceendpoint' {
- Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' `
- -sonarqubeUrl 'http://mysonarserver.local' `
- -personalAccessToken '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint with securePersonalAccessToken' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should create a new SonarQube Serviceendpoint' {
- $password = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
- Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -sonarqubeUrl 'http://mysonarserver.local' -securePersonalAccessToken $password
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamAzureRMServiceEndpoint-With-Failure' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{
- state = 'Failed'
- statusMessage = 'Simulated failed request'
- }
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should not create a new AzureRM Serviceendpoint' {
- {
- Add-VSTeamAzureRMServiceEndpoint -projectName 'project' `
- -displayName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -subscriptionId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' `
- -subscriptionTenantId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -servicePrincipalKey '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -servicePrincipalId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- } | Should Throw
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'ServiceEndpoints VSTS' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- [VSTeamVersions]::ServiceFabricEndpoint = '4.1-preview'
- Context 'Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should create a new Service Fabric Serviceendpoint' {
- Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -url "tcp://" -useWindowsSecurity $false
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint throws on VSTS' {
- Mock Write-Warning
- Mock Write-Error -Verifiable
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- $e = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new(
- [System.Net.WebException]::new("Endpoint type couldn't be recognized 'sonarqube'", [System.Net.WebExceptionStatus]::ProtocolError),
- "Endpoint type couldn't be recognized 'sonarqube'",
- [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ProtocolError,
- $null)
- # The error message is different on TFS and VSTS
- $msg = ConvertTo-Json @{
- '$id' = 1
- message = "Unable to find service endpoint type 'sonarqube' using authentication scheme 'UsernamePassword'."
- }
- $e.ErrorDetails = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorDetails]::new($msg)
- $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($e)
- }
- It 'should create a new SonarQube Serviceendpoint' {
- Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -sonarqubeUrl 'http://mysonarserver.local' -personalAccessToken '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint with AzureAD authentication' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should create a new Service Fabric Serviceendpoint' {
- $password = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
- $username = "Test User"
- $serverCertThumbprint = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
- Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -url "tcp://" -username $username -password $password -serverCertThumbprint $serverCertThumbprint
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint with Certificate authentication' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should create a new Service Fabric Serviceendpoint' {
- $password = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
- $base64Cert = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
- $serverCertThumbprint = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
- Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'PM_DonovanBrown' -url "tcp://" -serverCertThumbprint $serverCertThumbprint -certificate $base64Cert -certificatePassword $password
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint not accepting untrusted certs and not generating a pfx' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{id = '23233-2342'}
- } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should create a new Kubernetes Serviceendpoint' {
- Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'KubTest' `
- -kubernetesUrl 'http://myK8s.local' -clientKeyData '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' `
- -kubeconfig '{name: "myConfig"}' -clientCertificateData 'someClientCertData'
- # On PowerShell 5 the JSON has two spaces but on PowerShell 6 it only has one so
- # test for both.
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- ($Body -like '*"acceptUntrustedCerts": false*' -or $Body -like '*"acceptUntrustedCerts": false*') -and
- ($Body -like '*"generatePfx": false*' -or $Body -like '*"generatePfx": false*')
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint accepting untrusted certs and generating a pfx' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{id = '23233-2342'}
- } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should create a new Kubernetes Serviceendpoint' {
- Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint -projectName 'project' -endpointName 'KubTest' `
- -kubernetesUrl 'http://myK8s.local' -clientKeyData '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' `
- -kubeconfig '{name: "myConfig"}' -clientCertificateData 'someClientCertData' -acceptUntrustedCerts -generatePfx
- # On PowerShell 5 the JSON has two spaces but on PowerShell 6 it only has one so
- # test for both.
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- ($Body -like '*"acceptUntrustedCerts": true*' -or $Body -like '*"acceptUntrustedCerts": true*') -and
- ($Body -like '*"generatePfx": true*' -or $Body -like '*"generatePfx": true*')
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint with ApiKey' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{id = '23233-2342'}
- } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint -ProjectName 'project' -EndpointName 'PowerShell Gallery' -NuGetUrl 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package' -ApiKey '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- It 'should create a new NuGet Serviceendpoint' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpoints?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Body -like '*"nugetkey": *"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"scheme": *"None"*'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint with Username and Password' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return @{id = '23233-2342'}
- } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- $password = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
- Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint -ProjectName 'project' -EndpointName 'PowerShell Gallery' -NuGetUrl 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package' -Username 'testUser' -SecurePassword $password
- It 'should create a new NuGet Serviceendpoint' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpoints?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Body -like '*"username": *"testUser"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"password": *"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"scheme": *"UsernamePassword"*'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint with Token' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # Write-Host "$args"
- return @{id = '23233-2342'}
- } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint -ProjectName 'project' -EndpointName 'PowerShell Gallery' -NuGetUrl 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package' -PersonalAccessToken '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- It 'should create a new NuGet Serviceendpoint' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope Context -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpoints?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Body -like '*"apitoken":*"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"*' -and
- $Body -like '*"scheme":*"Token"*'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint' {
- Mock Write-Progress
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Get'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{id = '23233-2342'} } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Put'}
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # This $i is in the module. Because we use InModuleScope
- # we can see it
- if ($iTracking -gt 9) {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $true
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'Ready'}
- }
- }
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- isReady = $false
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- authorization = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- data = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- operationStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{state = 'InProgress'}
- }
- }
- It 'should update Serviceendpoint' {
- Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint -projectName 'project' -id '23233-2342' `
- -object @{ key = 'value' }
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Put'
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/serviceendpointsTypes.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/serviceendpointsTypes.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aae94c28..000000000
--- a/unit/test/serviceendpointsTypes.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'serviceendpointTypes' {
- $sampleFile = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\serviceEndpointTypeSample.json"
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointTypes' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $sampleFile | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'Should return all service endpoints types' {
- Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointtypes?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointTypes by Type' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $sampleFile | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'Should return all service endpoints types' {
- Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType -Type azurerm
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointtypes?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)" -and
- $Body.type -eq 'azurerm'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointTypes by Type and scheme' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $sampleFile | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'Should return all service endpoints types' {
- Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType -Type azurerm -Scheme Basic
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointtypes?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)" -and
- $Body.type -eq 'azurerm' -and
- $Body.scheme -eq 'Basic'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointTypes by scheme' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $sampleFile | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'Should return all service endpoints types' {
- Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType -Scheme Basic
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/distributedtask/serviceendpointtypes?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::DistributedTask)" -and
- $Body.scheme -eq 'Basic'
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/taskGroups.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/taskGroups.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 59c3bbb43..000000000
--- a/unit/test/taskGroups.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $taskGroupsJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroups.json"
- $taskGroupJson = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\taskGroup.json"
- Describe 'Task Groups VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/project*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- BeforeAll {
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Target VSTS
- $projectName = "project"
- $taskGroupJsonAsString = Get-Content $taskGroupJson -Raw
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTaskGroup list' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $taskGroupsJson | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'Should return all task groups' {
- Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -projectName $projectName
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTaskGroup Id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $taskGroupJson | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'Should return one task group' {
- $projectID = "d30f8b85-6b13-41a9-bb77-2e1a9c611def"
- Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -projectName $projectName -id $projectID
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamTaskGroup Name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # Return multiple task groups, because the function filters by name after getting the list from the server.
- return Get-Content $taskGroupsJson | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'Should return one task group' {
- $taskGroupName = "For Unit Tests 2"
- $taskGroup = Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -projectName $projectName -Name $taskGroupName
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)"
- }
- # Ensure that we only have one task group, in other words, that the name filter was applied.
- $taskGroup.name | Should Be $taskGroupName
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should delete Task group' {
- $projectID = "d30f8b85-6b13-41a9-bb77-2e1a9c611def"
- Remove-VSTeamTaskGroup -projectName $projectName -Id $projectID -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Delete'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamTaskGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $taskGroupJson | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'should create a task group using body param' {
- Add-VSTeamTaskGroup -ProjectName $projectName -Body $taskGroupJsonAsString
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)" -and
- $Body -eq $taskGroupJsonAsString -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- It 'should create a task group using infile param' {
- Add-VSTeamTaskGroup -ProjectName $projectName -InFile $taskGroupJson
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)" -and
- $InFile -eq $taskGroupJson -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamTaskGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $taskGroupJson | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'should update a task group using body param' {
- $taskGroupToUpdate = Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -Name "For Unit Tests" -ProjectName $projectName
- Update-VSTeamTaskGroup -ProjectName $projectName -Body $taskGroupJsonAsString -Id $taskGroupToUpdate.id
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups/$($taskGroupToUpdate.id)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)" -and
- $Body -eq $taskGroupJsonAsString -and
- $Method -eq "Put"
- }
- }
- It 'should update a task group using infile param' {
- $taskGroupToUpdate = Get-VSTeamTaskGroup -Name "For Unit Tests" -ProjectName $projectName
- Update-VSTeamTaskGroup -ProjectName $projectName -InFile $taskGroupJson -Id $taskGroupToUpdate.id
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projectName/_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups/$($taskGroupToUpdate.id)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::TaskGroups)" -and
- $InFile -eq $taskGroupJson -and
- $Method -eq "Put"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/teammembers.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/teammembers.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 32642e942..000000000
--- a/unit/test/teammembers.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe "TeamMembers" {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific project and team' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teams'}}
- It 'Should return teammembers' {
- Get-VSTeamMember -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId TestTeam
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific project and team, with top' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teams'}}
- It 'Should return teammembers' {
- Get-VSTeamMember -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId TestTeam -Top 10
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=10*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific project and team, with skip' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teams'}}
- It 'Should return teammembers' {
- Get-VSTeamMember -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId TestTeam -Skip 5
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$skip=5*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific project and team, with top and skip' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teams'}}
- It 'Should return teammembers' {
- Get-VSTeamMember -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId TestTeam -Top 10 -Skip 5
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=10*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$skip=5*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamMember for specific team, fed through pipeline' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @{value = 'teammembers'}}
- It 'Should return teammembers' {
- New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{projectname = "TestProject"; name = "TestTeam"} | Get-VSTeamMember
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam/members?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- # Must be last because it sets [VSTeamVersions]::Account to $null
- Context '_buildURL handles exception' {
- # Arrange
- [VSTeamVersions]::Account = $null
- It 'should return approvals' {
- # Act
- { _buildURL -ProjectName project -TeamId 1 } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/teams.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/teams.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 396ceb3b7..000000000
--- a/unit/test/teams.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
- value = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
- name = 'refs/heads/master'
- description = 'team description'
- }
- }
- $singleResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
- name = 'refs/heads/master'
- description = 'team description'
- }
- Describe "Teams VSTS" {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with top' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Top 10
- # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)&`$top=10"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=10*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with skip' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Skip 10
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$skip=10*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with top and skip' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Top 10 -Skip 5
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=10*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$skip=5*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with specific project and specific team id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamId TestTeamId
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeamId?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with specific project and specific team Name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamName TestTeamName
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeamName?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeam with team name only' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should create a team' {
- Add-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamName "TestTeam"
- $expectedBody = '{ "name": "TestTeam", "description": "" }'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Post" -and
- $Body -eq $expectedBody
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeam with team name and description' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should create a team' {
- Add-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamName "TestTeam" -Description "Test Description"
- $expectedBody = '{ "name": "TestTeam", "description": "Test Description" }'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Post" -and
- $Body -eq $expectedBody
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeam without name or description' {
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeam with new team name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should update the team' {
- Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" -NewTeamName "NewTeamName"
- $expectedBody = '{ "name": "NewTeamName" }'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Patch" -and
- $Body -eq $expectedBody
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeam with new description' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should update the team' {
- Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" -Description "New Description"
- $expectedBody = '{"description": "New Description" }'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Patch" -and
- $Body -eq $expectedBody
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeam with new team name and description' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should update the team' {
- Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" -NewTeamName "NewTeamName" -Description "New Description"
- $expectedBody = '{ "name": "NewTeamName", "description": "New Description" }'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Patch" -and
- $Body -eq $expectedBody
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeam, fed through pipeline' {
- Mock Get-VSTeam { return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{projectname = "TestProject"; name = "OldTeamName"} }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should update the team' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId "OldTeamName" | Update-VSTeam -NewTeamName "NewTeamName" -Description "New Description"
- $expectedBody = '{ "name": "NewTeamName", "description": "New Description" }'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Patch" -and
- $Body -eq $expectedBody
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeam' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should remove the team' {
- Remove-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamId "TestTeam" -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeam?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Delete"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeam, fed through pipeline' {
- Mock Get-VSTeam { return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{projectname = "TestProject"; name = "TestTeam"} }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should remove the team' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName TestProject -TeamId "TestTeam" | Remove-VSTeam -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/projects/TestProject/teams/TestTeam?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Delete"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Describe "Teams TFS" {
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Mock _useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise { return $true }
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with top on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Top 10
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams?*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=10*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with skip on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Skip 10
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$skip=10*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with project name, with top and skip on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $results }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Top 10 -Skip 5
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$top=10*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$skip=5*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with specific project and specific team Name on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -Name TestTeamName
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeamName?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeam with specific project and specific team ID on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should return teams' {
- Get-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamId TestTeamId
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeamId?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeam with team name only on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should create a team' {
- Add-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamName "TestTeam"
- $expectedBody = '{ "name": "TestTeam", "description": "" }'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Post" -and
- $Body -eq $expectedBody
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeam with new team name on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should update the team' {
- Update-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamToUpdate "OldTeamName" -NewTeamName "NewTeamName"
- $expectedBody = '{ "name": "NewTeamName" }'
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams/OldTeamName?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Patch" -and
- $Body -eq $expectedBody
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeam on TFS local Auth' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $singleResult }
- It 'Should remove the team' {
- Remove-VSTeam -ProjectName Test -TeamId "TestTeam" -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/projects/Test/teams/TestTeam?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)" -and
- $Method -eq "Delete"
- }
- }
- }
- # Must be last because it sets [VSTeamVersions]::Account to $null
- Context '_buildURL handles exception' {
- # Arrange
- [VSTeamVersions]::Account = $null
- It 'should return approvals' {
- # Act
- { _buildURL -ProjectName project } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/teamspsdrive.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/teamspsdrive.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index f804d6e97..000000000
--- a/unit/test/teamspsdrive.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'VSTeam Classes' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- Context 'VSTeamUserEntitlement ToString' {
- $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayName = 'Test User'
- id = '1'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- $target = [VSTeamUserEntitlement]::new($obj, 'Test Project')
- It 'should return displayname' {
- $target.ToString() | Should Be 'Test User'
- }
- }
- Context 'VSTeamProject ToString' {
- $obj = @{
- name = 'Test Project'
- id = 1
- description = ''
- url = ''
- state = ''
- revision = ''
- visibility = ''
- }
- $target = [VSTeamProject]::new($obj)
- It 'should return name' {
- $target.ToString() | Should Be 'Test Project'
- }
- }
- }
- $buildDefResultsVSTS = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefvsts.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $buildDefResults2017 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDef2017.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $buildDefResults2018 = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDef2018.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $buildDefResultsyaml = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefyaml.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $buildDefResultsAzD = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\buildDefAzD.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- Describe 'TFS 2017 Build Definition' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Build Definitions' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
- return @(
- [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResults2017.value[0], 'TestProject')
- )
- }
- $buildDefinitions = [VSTeamBuildDefinitions]::new('Build Definitions', 'TestProject')
- It 'Should create Build definitions' {
- $buildDefinitions | Should Not be $null
- }
- $hasSteps = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should have Steps' {
- $hasSteps | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $steps = $hasSteps.GetChildItem()
- It 'Should parse steps' {
- $steps.Length | Should Be 10
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'TFS 2018 Build Definition' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Build Definitions' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
- return @(
- [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResults2018.value[0], 'TestProject')
- )
- }
- $buildDefinitions = [VSTeamBuildDefinitions]::new('Build Definitions', 'TestProject')
- It 'Should create Build definitions' {
- $buildDefinitions | Should Not be $null
- }
- $hasSteps = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should have Steps' {
- $hasSteps | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $steps = $hasSteps.GetChildItem()
- It 'Should parse steps' {
- $steps.Length | Should Be 9
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'VSTS Build Definition' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Build Definitions' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition {
- return @(
- [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResultsVSTS.value[0], 'TestProject'),
- [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResultsyaml.value[0], 'TestProject'),
- [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new($buildDefResultsAzD.value[0], 'TestProject')
- )
- }
- $buildDefinitions = [VSTeamBuildDefinitions]::new('Build Definitions', 'TestProject')
- It 'Should create Build definitions' {
- $buildDefinitions | Should Not be $null
- }
- $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should parse phases' {
- $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases.Process.Phases.Length | Should Be 1
- }
- It 'Should show steps in tostring' {
- $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases.Process.ToString() | Should Be 'Number of phases: 1'
- }
- $process = $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return process' {
- $process | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $steps = $process.GetChildItem()
- It 'Should parse steps' {
- $steps.Length | Should Be 9
- }
- $yamlBuild = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[1]
- $yamlFile = $yamlBuild.GetChildItem()
- It 'Should have yamlFilename' {
- $yamlFile | Should Be '.vsts-ci.yml'
- }
- $version5Build = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[2]
- It 'Should have jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes' {
- $version5Build.JobCancelTimeoutInMinutes | Should Be '5'
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'TeamsPSDrive' {
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'VSTeamAccount & Projects' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamProject { return [VSTeamProject]::new([PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'TestProject'
- description = ''
- url = ''
- id = '123 - 5464-dee43'
- state = ''
- visibility = ''
- revision = 0
- defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- )
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamPool {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Default'
- id = 1
- size = 1
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- administratorsGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- serviceAccountsGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- }
- $account = [VSTeamAccount]::new('TestAccount')
- It 'Should create VSTeamAccount' {
- $account | Should Not Be $null
- }
- # Skip 0 because that will be Agent Pools
- # Skip 1 because that will be Extensions
- # Skip 2 because that will be Feeds
- # Skip 3 because that will be Permissions
- $project = $account.GetChildItem()[4]
- It 'Should return projects' {
- $project | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $actual = $project.GetChildItem()
- It 'Should return builds, releases, repositories and teams' {
- $actual | Should Not Be $null
- $actual[0].Name | Should Be 'Build Definitions'
- $actual[0].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
- $actual[1].Name | Should Be 'Builds'
- $actual[1].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
- $actual[2].Name | Should Be 'Queues'
- $actual[2].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
- $actual[3].Name | Should Be 'Release Definitions'
- $actual[3].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
- $actual[4].Name | Should Be 'Releases'
- $actual[4].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
- $actual[5].Name | Should Be 'Repositories'
- $actual[5].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
- $actual[6].Name | Should Be 'Teams'
- $actual[6].ProjectName | Should Be 'TestProject'
- }
- }
- Context 'Agent Pools' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamPool { return [VSTeamPool]::new(@{
- owner = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayName = 'Test User'
- id = '1'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayName = 'Test User'
- id = '1'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- id = 1
- size = 1
- isHosted = $false
- Name = 'Default'
- }
- )
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamAgent { return [VSTeamAgent]::new(@{
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- createdOn = '2018-03-28T16:48:58.317Z'
- maxParallelism = 1
- id = 102
- enabled = $false
- status = 'Online'
- version = '1.336.1'
- osDescription = 'Linux'
- name = 'Test_Agent'
- systemCapabilities = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }, 1
- )
- }
- $target = [VSTeamPools]::new('Agent Pools')
- It 'Should create Agent Pools' {
- $target | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $pool = $target.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return pool' {
- $pool | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $agent = $pool.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return agent' {
- $agent | Should Not Be $null
- }
- }
- Context 'Feeds' {
- $feedResults = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\feeds.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $singleResult = $feedResults.value[0]
- Mock Get-VSTeamFeed {
- return [VSTeamFeed]::new($singleResult)
- }
- $target = [VSTeamFeeds]::new('Feeds')
- It 'Should create Feeds' {
- $target | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $feed = $target.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return feed' {
- $feed | Should Not Be $null
- }
- }
- Context 'Builds' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuild { return @([PSCustomObject]@{
- id = 1
- description = ''
- buildNumber = '1'
- status = 'completed'
- result = 'succeeded'
- startTime = Get-Date
- lastChangedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = ''
- displayName = 'Test User'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- requestedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = ''
- displayName = 'Test User'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- requestedFor = [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = ''
- displayName = 'Test User'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- }
- definition = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Test CI'
- fullname = 'Test CI'
- }
- project = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Test Project'
- }
- }
- )
- }
- $builds = [VSTeamBuilds]::new('TestBuild', 'TestProject')
- It 'Should create Builds' {
- $builds | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $build = $builds.GetChildItem()
- It 'Should return build' {
- $build | Should Not Be $null
- }
- }
- Context 'Build Definitions' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition { return @(
- [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new(@{}, 'TestProject'),
- [VSTeamBuildDefinition]::new(@{}, 'TestProject')
- )
- }
- $buildDefinitions = [VSTeamBuildDefinitions]::new('Build Definitions', 'TestProject')
- It 'Should create Build definitions' {
- $buildDefinitions | Should Not be $null
- }
- # $VSTeamBuildDefinitionWithPhases = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[0]
- # $yamlBuild = $buildDefinitions.GetChildItem()[1]
- }
- Context 'Releases' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamRelease { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- id = 1
- name = 'Release - 007'
- status = 'active'
- createdBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayname = 'Test User'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- id = '1'
- }
- modifiedBy = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayname = 'Test User'
- uniqueName = 'test@email.com'
- id = '1'
- }
- requestedFor = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayname = ''
- uniqueName = ''
- id = ''
- }
- createdOn = Get-Date
- releaseDefinition = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Test Release Def'
- }
- environments = @([PSCustomObject]@{
- id = 1
- name = 'Dev'
- status = 'Succeeded'
- deploySteps = @([PSCustomObject]@{
- id = 963
- deploymentId = 350
- attempt = 1
- reason = 'automated'
- status = 'succeeded'
- releaseDeployPhases = @([PSCustomObject]@{
- deploymentJobs = @([PSCustomObject]@{
- tasks = @([PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Initialize Job'
- status = 'succeeded'
- id = 1
- logUrl = ''
- }
- )
- }
- )
- }
- )
- }
- )
- }
- )
- }
- }
- $releases = [VSTeamReleases]::new('Releases', 'TestProject')
- It 'Should create Releases directory' {
- $releases | Should Not Be $null
- }
- It 'Should be named Releases' {
- $releases.Name | Should Be 'Releases'
- }
- $release = $releases.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return releases' {
- $release | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $env = $release.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return environments' {
- $env | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $attempt = $env.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return attempts' {
- $attempt | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $task = $attempt.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return tasks' {
- $task | Should Not Be $null
- }
- }
- Context 'Repositories' {
- Mock Get-VSTeamGitRepository { return [VSTeamGitRepository]::new(@{
- id = "fa7b6ac1-0d4c-46cb-8565-8fd49e2031ad"
- name = ''
- url = ''
- defaultBranch = ''
- size = ''
- remoteUrl = ''
- sshUrl = ''
- project = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'TestProject'
- description = ''
- url = ''
- id = '123 - 5464-dee43'
- state = ''
- visibility = ''
- revision = 0
- defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- }, 'TestProject')
- }
- Mock Get-VSTeamGitRef { return [VSTeamRef]::new([PSCustomObject]@{
- objectId = '6f365a7143e492e911c341451a734401bcacadfd'
- name = 'refs/heads/master'
- creator = [PSCustomObject]@{
- displayName = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TFS'
- id = '1'
- uniqueName = 'some@email.com'
- }
- }, 'TestProject')
- }
- $repositories = [VSTeamRepositories]::new('Repositories', 'TestProject')
- It 'Should create Repositories' {
- $repositories | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $repository = $repositories.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return repository' {
- $repository | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $ref = $repository.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return ref' {
- $ref | Should Not Be $null
- }
- }
- Context 'Teams' {
- Mock Get-VSTeam { return [VSTeamTeam]::new(@{
- name = ''
- ProjectName = ''
- description = ''
- id = 1
- }, 'TestProject') }
- $teams = [VSTeamTeams]::new('Teams', 'TestProject')
- It 'Should create Teams' {
- $teams | Should Not Be $null
- }
- $team = $teams.GetChildItem()[0]
- It 'Should return team' {
- $team | Should Not Be $null
- }
- }
- Context 'Permissions' {
- Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
- Mock Get-VSTeamGroup { return [VSTeamGroup]::new(@{})}
- Mock Get-VSTeamUser { return [VSTeamGroup]::new(@{})}
- $permissions = [VSTeamPermissions]::new('Permissions')
- It 'Should create Permissions' {
- $permissions | Should Not Be $null
- $permissions.GetChildItem().Count | Should Be 2
- }
- $groups = $permissions.GetChildItem()[0]
- $users = $permissions.GetChildItem()[1]
- It 'Should return groups' {
- $groups | Should Not Be $null
- }
- It 'Should return users' {
- $users | Should Not Be $null
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/users.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/users.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bff92de5..000000000
--- a/unit/test/users.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $userListResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- # The Graph API is not supported on TFS
- Describe "Users TFS Errors" {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUser' {
- Mock _callAPI { throw 'Should not be called' } -Verifiable
- It 'Should throw' {
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion TFS2017
- { Get-VSTeamUser } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
- Describe 'Users VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Graph = '5.0'
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUser list' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $userListResult
- } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamUser
- It 'Should return users' {
- # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/users?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)"
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/users*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUser by subjectTypes' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $userListResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamUser -SubjectTypes vss, aad
- It 'Should return users' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/users*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*subjectTypes=vss,aad*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUser by descriptor' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $userSingleResult } -Verifiable
- Get-VSTeamUser -UserDescriptor 'aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj'
- It 'Should return the user' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/graph/users/aad.OTcyOTJkNzYtMjc3Yi03OTgxLWIzNDMtNTkzYmM3ODZkYjlj*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Graph)*"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUser list throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamUser } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUser by descriptor throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Get-VSTeamUser -UserDescriptor } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/usersentitlement.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/usersentitlement.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index fd2dbfd67..000000000
--- a/unit/test/usersentitlement.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe "Users TFS Errors" {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement' {
- Mock _callAPI { throw 'Should not be called' } -Verifiable
- It 'Should throw' {
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion TFS2017
- { Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement } | Should Throw
- }
- It '_callAPI should not be called' {
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 0
- }
- }
- }
- Describe "Users VSTS" {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectDynamicParamMandatoryFalse.ps1"
- # Must be defined or call will throw error
- [VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement = '4.1-preview'
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement no parameters' {
- Mock _callAPI { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- members = [PSCustomObject]@{ accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ } }
- }
- }
- It 'Should return users' {
- Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -eq "https://vsaex.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/userentitlements?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement)&top=100&skip=0"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement By ID' {
- Mock _callAPI {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- email = 'fake@email.com'
- }
- }
- It 'Should return users with projects' {
- Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $subDomain -eq 'vsaex' -and
- $id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -and
- $resource -eq 'userentitlements'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement with select for projects' {
- Mock _callAPI {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- members = [PSCustomObject]@{
- accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- email = 'fake@email.com'
- }
- }
- }
- It 'Should return users with projects' {
- Get-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Select Projects
- # Make sure it was called with the correct URI
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $url -eq "https://vsaex.dev.azure.com/test/_apis/userentitlements?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement)&top=100&skip=0&Select=Projects"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement by Id' {
- Mock _callAPI -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'vsaex' -and
- $id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -and
- $resource -eq 'userentitlements' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement
- }
- Mock _callAPI {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- email = 'test@user.com'
- userName = 'Test User'
- id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- }
- }
- Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement -UserId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -Force
- It 'Should remove user' {
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $subDomain -eq 'vsaex' -and
- $id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -and
- $resource -eq 'userentitlements' -and
- $method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement by email' {
- Mock _callAPI -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'vsaex' -and
- $id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -and
- $resource -eq 'userentitlements' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement
- }
- Mock _callAPI {
- return [PSCustomObject]@{
- members = [PSCustomObject]@{
- accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- email = 'test@user.com'
- userName = 'Test User'
- id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- }
- }
- }
- Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Email 'test@user.com' -Force
- It 'Should remmove user' {
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Delete' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'vsaex' -and
- $id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -and
- $resource -eq 'userentitlements' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement by invalid email' {
- Mock _callAPI { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- members = [PSCustomObject]@{
- accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- email = 'test@user.com'
- id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- }
- }
- }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Remove-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Email 'not@found.com' -Force } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement by invalid email' {
- Mock _callAPI { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- members = [PSCustomObject]@{
- accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- email = 'test@user.com'
- id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- }
- }
- }
- It 'Update User with invalid email should throw' {
- { Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Email 'not@found.com' -License 'Express' -Force } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement by invalid id' {
- Mock _callAPI { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- members = [PSCustomObject]@{
- accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
- email = 'test@user.com'
- id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- }
- }
- }
- It 'Update User with invalid id should throw' {
- { Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement -Id '11111111-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -License 'Express' -Force } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement' {
- $obj = @{
- accessLevel = @{
- accountLicenseType = 'earlyAdopter'
- licensingSource = 'msdn'
- msdnLicenseType = 'enterprise'
- }
- user = @{
- principalName = 'test@user.com'
- subjectKind = 'user'
- }
- projectEntitlements = @{
- group = @{
- groupType = 'ProjectContributor'
- }
- projectRef = @{
- id = $null
- }
- }
- }
- $expected = $obj | ConvertTo-Json
- Mock _callAPI -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -eq $expected
- }
- Add-VSTeamUserEntitlement -License earlyAdopter -LicensingSource msdn -MSDNLicenseType enterprise -Email 'test@user.com'
- It 'Should add a user' {
- Assert-VerifiableMock
- }
- }
- Context 'Update user should update' {
- Mock _callAPI { return [PSCustomObject]@{
- members = [PSCustomObject]@{
- accessLevel = [PSCustomObject]@{
- accountLicenseType = "Stakeholder"
- licensingSource = "msdn"
- msdnLicenseType = "enterprise"
- }
- email = 'test@user.com'
- id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
- }
- }
- }
- Update-VSTeamUserEntitlement -License 'Stakeholder' -LicensingSource msdn -MSDNLicenseType enterprise -Email 'test@user.com' -Force
- It 'Should update a user' {
- Assert-MockCalled _callAPI -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $subDomain -eq 'vsaex' -and
- $id -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -and
- $resource -eq 'userentitlements' -and
- $version -eq [VSTeamVersions]::MemberEntitlementManagement
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/variableGroups.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/variableGroups.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index c73f9542b..000000000
--- a/unit/test/variableGroups.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $sampleFile2017 = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\variableGroupSamples2017.json"
- Describe 'Variable Groups 2017' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/project*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- [VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups = '3.2-preview.1'
- BeforeAll {
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Target TFS2017
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamVariableGroup list' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $sampleFile2017 | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'Should return all variable groups' {
- Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamVariableGroup Id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- #Write-Host $args
- $collection = Get-Content $sampleFile2017 | ConvertFrom-Json
- return $collection.value | Where-Object {$_.id -eq 1}
- }
- It 'Should return one variable group' {
- $projectID = 1
- Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -id $projectID
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamVariableGroup Name' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- $collection = Get-Content $sampleFile2017 | ConvertFrom-Json
- return $collection | Where-Object {$_.value.name -eq "TestVariableGroup1"}
- }
- It 'Should return one variable group' {
- $varGroupName = "TestVariableGroup1"
- Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -Name $varGroupName
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)&groupName=$varGroupName"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should delete variable group' {
- $projectID = 1
- Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -id $projectID -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Delete'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- #Write-Host $args
- $collection = Get-Content $sampleFile2017 | ConvertFrom-Json
- return $collection.value | Where-Object {$_.id -eq 1}
- } -Verifiable
- It 'should create a new Variable Group' {
- $testParameters = @{
- ProjectName = "project"
- Name = "TestVariableGroup2"
- Description = "A test variable group linked to an Azure KeyVault"
- Variables = @{
- key1 = @{
- value = "value"
- }
- }
- }
- Add-VSTeamVariableGroup @testParameters
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- #Write-Host $args
- $collection = Get-Content $sampleFile2017 | ConvertFrom-Json
- return $collection.value | Where-Object {$_.id -eq 1}
- } -Verifiable
- It 'should update an exisiting Variable Group' {
- $testParameters = @{
- ProjectName = "project"
- id = 1
- Name = "TestVariableGroup1"
- Description = "A test variable group"
- Variables = @{
- key1 = @{
- value = "value"
- }
- key2 = @{
- value = ""
- isSecret = $true
- }
- }
- }
- Update-VSTeamVariableGroup @testParameters
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($testParameters.id)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Put'
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $sampleFileVSTS = "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\variableGroupSamples.json"
- Describe 'Variable Groups VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/project*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- [VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups = '5.0-preview.1'
- BeforeAll {
- Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Target VSTS
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamVariableGroup list' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return Get-Content $sampleFileVSTS | ConvertFrom-Json
- }
- It 'Should return all variable groups' {
- Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-VSTeamVariableGroup Id' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- #Write-Host $args
- $collection = Get-Content $sampleFileVSTS | ConvertFrom-Json
- return $collection.value | Where-Object {$_.id -eq 1}
- }
- It 'Should return one variable group' {
- $projectID = 1
- Get-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -id $projectID
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod
- It 'should delete variable group' {
- $projectID = 1
- Remove-VSTeamVariableGroup -projectName project -Id $projectID -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($projectID)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Delete'
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- #Write-Host $args
- $collection = Get-Content $sampleFileVSTS | ConvertFrom-Json
- return $collection.value | Where-Object {$_.id -eq 2}
- } -Verifiable
- It 'should create a new AzureRM Key Vault Variable Group' {
- $testParameters = @{
- ProjectName = "project"
- Name = "TestVariableGroup2"
- Description = "A test variable group linked to an Azure KeyVault"
- Type = "AzureKeyVault"
- Variables = @{
- key3 = @{
- enabled = $true
- contentType = ""
- value = ""
- isSecret = $true
- }
- }
- ProviderData = @{
- serviceEndpointId = "0228e842-65a7-4c64-90f7-0f07f3aa4e10"
- vault = "keyVaultName"
- }
- }
- Add-VSTeamVariableGroup @testParameters
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- It "should create a new var group when passing the json as the body" {
- $body = Get-Content $sampleFileVSTS -Raw
- $projName = "project"
- Add-VSTeamVariableGroup -Body $body -ProjectName $projName
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projName/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Post' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-VSTeamVariableGroup' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- #Write-Host $args
- $collection = Get-Content $sampleFileVSTS | ConvertFrom-Json
- return $collection.value | Where-Object {$_.id -eq 1}
- } -Verifiable
- It 'should update an exisiting Variable Group' {
- $testParameters = @{
- ProjectName = "project"
- Id = 1
- Name = "TestVariableGroup1"
- Description = "A test variable group"
- Type = "Vsts"
- Variables = @{
- key1 = @{
- value = "value"
- }
- key2 = @{
- value = ""
- isSecret = $true
- }
- }
- }
- Update-VSTeamVariableGroup @testParameters
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($testParameters.id)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Put'
- }
- }
- It "should update an existing var group when passing the json as the body" {
- $body = Get-Content $sampleFileVSTS -Raw
- $projName = "project"
- $id = "1"
- Update-VSTeamVariableGroup -Body $body -ProjectName $projName -Id $id
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/$projName/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($id)?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::VariableGroups)" -and
- $Method -eq 'Put'
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/unit/test/wiql.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/wiql.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index f522cfe4e..000000000
--- a/unit/test/wiql.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'wiql' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- $workItem = @{
- id = 47
- url = "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workItems/47"
- }
- $column = @{
- referenceName = "System.Id"
- name = "ID"
- url = "https://dev.azure.com/razorspoint-test/_apis/wit/fields/System.Id"
- }
- $sortColumn = @{
- field = $column
- descending = $false
- }
- $wiqlResult = @{
- querytype = "flat"
- queryTypeResult = "worItem"
- asOf = "2019-10-03T18:35:09.117Z"
- columns = @($column)
- sortColumns = @($sortColumn)
- workItems = @($workItem, $workItem)
- }
- $expandedWorkItems = @{
- count = 1
- value = @($workItem, $workItem)
- }
- Context 'Get-Wiql' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $wiqlResult
- }
- # function is mocked because it is used when switch 'Expanded' is being used.
- Mock Get-VSTeamWorkItem {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $expandedWorkItems
- }
- It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
- Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
- $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)&`$top=100"
- }
- }
- It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query with -Top 250' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
- Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery -Top 250
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
- $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)&`$top=250"
- }
- }
- It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query with -Top 0' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
- Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery -Top 0
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
- $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query with expanded work items' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
- Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery -Expand
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
- $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)&`$top=100"
- }
- }
- It 'Get work items with custom WIQL query with time precision' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- $wiqlQuery = "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems"
- Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Query $wiqlQuery -TimePrecision
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`{*' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $Body -like "*[System.Id]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.Title]*" -and
- $Body -like "*[System.State]*" -and
- $Body -like '*`}' -and # Make sure the body is an object
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json' -and
- $Uri -like "*timePrecision=True*"
- $Uri -like "*`$top=100*"
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*"
- }
- }
- It 'Get work items with query ID query' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Id 1
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)&`$top=100"
- }
- }
- It 'Get work items with query ID query with expanded work items' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- Get-VSTeamWiql -ProjectName "test" -Team "test team" -Id 1 -Expand
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/test team/_apis/wit/wiql/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)&`$top=100"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/workItemPermissions.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/workItemPermissions.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index bed2bb275..000000000
--- a/unit/test/workItemPermissions.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- $userSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\users.single.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $userSingleResultObject = [VSTeamUser]::new($userSingleResult)
- $groupSingleResult = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\sampleFiles\groupsSingle.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
- $groupSingleResultObject = [VSTeamGroup]::new($groupSingleResult)
- $projectResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
- name = 'Test Project Public'
- description = ''
- url = ''
- id = '010d06f0-00d5-472a-bb47-58947c230876'
- state = ''
- visibility = ''
- revision = 0
- defaultTeam = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- _links = [PSCustomObject]@{}
- }
- $projectResultObject = [VSTeamProject]::new($projectResult)
- $accessControlEntryResult =
- @"
- "count": 1,
- "value": [
- {
- "descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
- "allow": 8,
- "deny": 0,
- "extendedInfo": {}
- }
- ]
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
- $classificationNodeById =
- @"
- "count": 1,
- "value": [
- {
- "id": 44,
- "identifier": "90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a",
- "name": "Child 1 Level 2",
- "structureType": "area",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area\\Child 1 Level 1\\Child 1 Level 2",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201/Child%201%20Level%202"
- },
- "parent": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
- }
- },
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201/Child%201%20Level%202"
- }
- ]
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
- $classificationNodeByIdObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($classificationNodeById, "test")
- $parentClassificationNode =
- @"
- "count": 1,
- "value": [
- {
- "id": 43,
- "identifier": "38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b",
- "name": "Child 1 Level 1",
- "structureType": "area",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area\\Child 1 Level 1",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
- },
- "parent": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas"
- }
- },
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas/Child%201%20Level%201"
- }
- ]
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
- $parentClassificationNodeObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($parentClassificationNode, "test")
- $classificationNodeIterationId =
- @"
- "count": 1,
- "value": [
- {
- "id": 20,
- "identifier": "18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5",
- "name": "Sprint 3",
- "structureType": "iteration",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration\\Sprint 3",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%203"
- },
- "parent": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations"
- }
- },
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations/Sprint%203"
- }
- ]
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
- $classificationNodeIterationIdObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($classificationNodeIterationId, "test")
- $areaRootNode =
- @"
- "id": 24,
- "identifier": "b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99",
- "name": "Demo Public",
- "structureType": "area",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Area",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas"
- }
- },
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas"
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
- $areaRootNodeObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($areaRootNode, "test")
- $iterationRootNode =
- @"
- "id": 16,
- "identifier": "dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b",
- "name": "Demo Public",
- "structureType": "iteration",
- "hasChildren": true,
- "path": "\\Demo Public\\Iteration",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations"
- }
- },
- "url": "https://dev.azure.com/vsteampsmoduletest/53e2997d-3723-4c1c-aa62-a0194cb65a29/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations"
- }
-"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
- $iterationRootNodeObject = [VSTeamClassificationNode]::new($iterationRootNode, "test")
- Describe 'WorkItem Area/Iteration Permissions VSTS' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # You have to set the version or the api-version will not be added when
- # [VSTeamVersions]::Core = ''
- [VSTeamVersions]::Core = '5.0'
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission by AreaID and User' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $parentClassificationNodeObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child%201%20Level%201"} -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeByIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $areaRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $accessControlEntryResult
- } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaID 44 -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission by AreaID and Group' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $parentClassificationNodeObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child%201%20Level%201"} -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeByIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $areaRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaID 44 -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission by AreaID and Descriptor' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $parentClassificationNodeObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child%201%20Level%201"} -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeByIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $areaRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaID 44 -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission by AreaPath and User' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $parentClassificationNodeObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child%201%20Level%201"} -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeByIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $areaRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $accessControlEntryResult
- } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaPath "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission by AreaPath and Group' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $parentClassificationNodeObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child%201%20Level%201"} -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeByIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $areaRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaPath "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission by AreaPath and Descriptor' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $parentClassificationNodeObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child%201%20Level%201"} -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeByIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $areaRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaPath "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/83e28ad4-2d72-4ceb-97b0-c7726d5502c3*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/b33b12d7-6abb-4b7a-b9d6-2092d0933c99:vstfs:///Classification/Node/38de1ce0-0b1b-45f2-b4f9-f32e3a72b78b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/90aa2c42-de51-450a-bfb6-6e264e364d9a`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 65,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 10,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission by AreaPath and Descritpor throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaPath "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE') } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission by AreaID and Descriptor Throws on Iteration ID' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 20 } -Verifiable
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Add-VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermission -Project $projectResultObject -AreaID 20 -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,MANAGE_TEST_PLANS') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions]'GENERIC_WRITE,DELETE') }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationID and User' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $accessControlEntryResult
- } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationID 44 -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationID and Group' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationID 44 -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationID and Descriptor' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Ids -eq 44 } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationID 44 -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationPath and User' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Sprint 1" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $accessControlEntryResult
- } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Sprint 1" -User $userSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;788df857-dcd8-444d-885e-bff359bc1982\\test@testuser.com`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationPath and Group' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Sprint 1" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Sprint 1" -Group $groupSingleResultObject -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationPath and Descriptor' {
- Mock _getProjects { return "Test Project Public" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $classificationNodeIterationIdObject } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "Sprint 1" } -Verifiable
- Mock Get-VSTeamClassificationNode { return $iterationRootNodeObject }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $accessControlEntryResult } -Verifiable
- Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Sprint 1" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE')
- It 'Should return ACEs' {
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/accesscontrolentries/bf7bfa03-b2b7-47db-8113-fa2e002cc5b1*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"token`": `"vstfs:///Classification/Node/dfa90792-403a-4119-a52b-bd142c08291b:vstfs:///Classification/Node/18e7998d-d0c5-4c01-b547-d7d4eb4c97c5`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"descriptor`": `"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1`",*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"allow`": 5,*" -and
- $Body -like "*`"deny`": 8,*" -and
- $ContentType -eq "application/json" -and
- $Method -eq "Post"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission by IterationPath and Descritpor throws' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw 'Error' }
- It 'Should throw' {
- { Add-VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermission -Project $projectResultObject -IterationPath "Child 1 Level 1/Child 1 Level 2" -Descriptor "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-856009726-4193442117-2390756110-2740161821-0-0-0-0-1" -Allow ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'GENERIC_READ,CREATE_CHILDREN') -Deny ([VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions]'DELETE') } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/workitem.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/workitem.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9dd50de..000000000
--- a/unit/test/workitem.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'workitems' {
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParamNoPSet.ps1"
- $obj = @{
- id = 47
- rev = 1
- url = "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workItems/47"
- }
- $collection = @{
- count = 1
- value = @($obj)
- }
- Context 'Add-WorkItem' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $obj
- }
- It 'Without Default Project should add work item' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should add work item' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
- $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should add work item with parent' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing -ParentId 25
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
- $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
- $Body -like '*/relations/-*' -and
- $Body -like '*_apis/wit/workitems/25*' -and
- $Body -like '*System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse*' -and
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should add work item only with additional properties and parent id' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
- Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing -ParentId 25 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
- $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
- $Body -like '*/relations/-*' -and
- $Body -like '*_apis/wit/workitems/25*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should add work item only with additional properties' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
- Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Post' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should throw exception when adding existing parameters to additional properties and parent id' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- $additionalFields = @{"System.Title" = "Test1"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\TestPath" }
- { Add-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing -ParentId 25 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Update-WorkItem' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $obj
- }
- It 'Without Default Project should update work item' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- Update-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 1 -Title Test -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should update work item' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- Update-VSTeamWorkItem 1 -Title Test1 -Description Testing -Force
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
- $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should update work item with 2 parameters and additional properties' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
- Update-VSTeamWorkItem 1 -Title Test1 -Description Testing -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
- $Body -like '*Testing*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Description*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should update work item only with 1 parameter and additional properties' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
- Update-VSTeamWorkItem 1 -Title Test1 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*Test1*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Title*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should update work item only with additional properties' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- $additionalFields = @{"System.Tags" = "TestTag"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\MyPath" }
- Update-VSTeamWorkItem 1 -AdditionalFields $additionalFields
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Method -eq 'Patch' -and
- $Body -like '`[*' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.Tags*' -and
- $Body -like '*/fields/System.AreaPath*' -and
- $Body -like '*`]' -and # Make sure the body is an array
- $ContentType -eq 'application/json-patch+json' -and
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should throw exception when adding existing parameters to additional properties' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- $additionalFields = @{"System.Title" = "Test1"; "System.AreaPath" = "Project\\TestPath" }
- { Update-VSTeamWorkItem -ProjectName test -WorkItemType Task -Title Test1 -Description Testing -AdditionalFields $additionalFields } | Should Throw
- }
- }
- Context 'Show-VSTeamWorkItem' {
- Mock Show-Browser { }
- it 'should return url for mine' {
- Show-VSTeamWorkItem -projectName project -Id 15
- Assert-MockCalled Show-Browser -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $url -eq 'https://dev.azure.com/test/project/_workitems/edit/15' }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-WorkItem' {
- It 'Without Default Project should add work item' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $collection
- }
- Get-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47, 48
- # With PowerShell core the order of the query string is not the
- # same from run to run! So instead of testing the entire string
- # matches I have to search for the portions I expect but can't
- # assume the order.
- # The general string should look like this:
- # https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitems/?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)&ids=47,48&`$Expand=None&errorPolicy=omit
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems*" -and
- $Uri -like "*api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)*" -and
- $Uri -like "*ids=47,48*" -and
- $Uri -like "*`$Expand=None*" -and
- $Uri -like "*errorPolicy=omit*"
- }
- }
- It 'With Default Project should add work item' {
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- # If this test fails uncomment the line below to see how the mock was called.
- # Write-Host $args
- return $obj
- }
- Get-VSTeamWorkItem -Id 47
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/_apis/wit/workitems/47?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)&`$Expand=None"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit/test/workitemTypes.Tests.ps1 b/unit/test/workitemTypes.Tests.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index bb1b9c4eb..000000000
--- a/unit/test/workitemTypes.Tests.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-# The InModuleScope command allows you to perform white-box unit testing on the
-# internal (non-exported) code of a Script Module.
-InModuleScope VSTeam {
- Describe 'workitemTypes' {
- # Set the account to use for testing. A normal user would do this
- # using the Set-VSTeamAccount function.
- Mock _getInstance { return 'https://dev.azure.com/test' } -Verifiable
- # Mock the call to Get-Projects by the dynamic parameter for ProjectName
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return @() } -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -like "*_apis/projects*"
- }
- # Load the mocks to create the project name dynamic parameter
- . "$PSScriptRoot\mocks\mockProjectNameDynamicParam.ps1"
- Context 'Get-WorkItemTypes' {
- $obj = @{
- count = 1
- value = @{
- name = "Test Suite"
- referenceName = "Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.TestSuite"
- description = "Tracks test activites for a specific feature, requirement, or user story."
- color = "004B50"
- }
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return ConvertTo-Json $obj
- }
- It 'Should return all work item types' {
- Get-VSTeamWorkItemType -ProjectName test
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 2 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitemtypes?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-WorkItemTypes By Type with Default Project' {
- $obj = @{
- name = "Bug"
- referenceName = "Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug"
- description = "Describes a divergence between required and actual behavior, and tracks the work done to correct the defect and verify the correction."
- color = "CC293D"
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return ConvertTo-Json $obj
- }
- It 'Should return 1 work item type' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] = 'test'
- Get-VSTeamWorkItemType -ProjectName test -WorkItemType bug
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitemtypes/bug?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- Context 'Get-WorkItemTypes By Type without Default Project' {
- $obj = @{
- name = "Bug"
- referenceName = "Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug"
- description = "Describes a divergence between required and actual behavior, and tracks the work done to correct the defect and verify the correction."
- color = "CC293D"
- }
- Mock Invoke-RestMethod {
- return ConvertTo-Json $obj
- }
- It 'Should return 1 work item type' {
- $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:projectName")
- Get-VSTeamWorkItemType -ProjectName test -WorkItemType bug
- Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Exactly -Scope It -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
- $Uri -eq "https://dev.azure.com/test/test/_apis/wit/workitemtypes/bug?api-version=$([VSTeamVersions]::Core)"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file