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File metadata and controls

401 lines (363 loc) · 11.9 KB

In your notebook:

import pygrib
grib = "gfsanl_3_20190129_1200_000.grb2"# Set the file name of your input GRIB file
grbs =

>>> 1:Visibility:m (instant):regular_ll:surface:level 0:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 2:U component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:unknown:level 0:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 3:V component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:unknown:level 0:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 4:Ventilation Rate:m**2 s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:unknown:level 0:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 5:Wind speed (gust):m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:surface:level 0:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 6:Geopotential Height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 100 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 7:Temperature:K (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 100 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 8:Relative humidity:% (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 100 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 9:U component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 100 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 10:V component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 100 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 11:Ozone mixing ratio:kg kg**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 100 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 12:Geopotential Height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 200 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 13:Temperature:K (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 200 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 14:Relative humidity:% (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 200 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 15:U component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 200 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 16:V component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 200 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 17:Ozone mixing ratio:kg kg**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 200 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 18:Geopotential Height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 300 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 19:Temperature:K (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 300 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 345:Vertical speed shear:s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:potentialVorticity:level 2e-06 K m2 kg-1 s-1:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 346:U component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:potentialVorticity:level 2.147485648 K m2 kg-1 s-1:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 347:V component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:potentialVorticity:level 2.147485648 K m2 kg-1 s-1:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 348:Temperature:K (instant):regular_ll:potentialVorticity:level 2.147485648 K m2 kg-1 s-1:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 349:Geopotential Height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:potentialVorticity:level 2.147485648 K m2 kg-1 s-1:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 350:Pressure:Pa (instant):regular_ll:potentialVorticity:level 2.147485648 K m2 kg-1 s-1:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 351:Vertical speed shear:s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:potentialVorticity:level 2.147485648 K m2 kg-1 s-1:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 352:Pressure reduced to MSL:Pa (instant):regular_ll:meanSea:level 0:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 353:5-wave geopotential height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 50000 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200,
 354:Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1,sea=0]:~ (instant):regular_ll:surface:level 0:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200]

If you want to access a speific entry in the data, you need to remember Python is zeroth index language. So if we wanted the 500mb Geopotential Heights:

142:Geopotential Height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 50000 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200

It appears that the entry is #142, however this is the entry in the gribs data file, not the Python readout, so we would want the 141st entry:

grib = "gfsanl_3_20190129_1200_000.grb2"
grbs =
grb_500 =[141]

>>> 142:Geopotential Height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 50000 Pa:fcst time 0 hrs:from 201901291200


We can also look at the keys for this data:


>>> ['globalDomain',

Now we can declare a variable for the data by calling the values key:

data_500mb = grb_500.values

Let's explore some of the time keys of grb_500:

>>> 20190129

>>> 12

>>> 0
>>> 0

>>> 1200

file_time = str(grb_500['dataDate'])+"_"+str(grb_500['dataTime'])+"Z"
>>> '20190129_1200Z'

When we go to plot, we're going to need the latitudes and longitudes, which we can pull from the keys() as well:

lat,lon = grb_500.latlons()

Lets pull the 500mb vorticity as well so we can generate our plot:

grb_Vort =[147]
data_Vort = grb_Vort.values

# Create new figure
datacrs = ccrs.PlateCarree()
plotcrs = ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-100.0)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(17., 11.))

add_metpy_logo(fig, 30, 940, size='small')
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[1, .02],
        bottom=.02, top=.95, hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01)

ax = plt.subplot(gs[0], projection=plotcrs)
# Add the map and set the extent
#ax = plt.subplot(111, projection=plotcrs)

#Set the lat and lon boundaries
#ax.set_extent(extent, datacrs)
ax.set_extent([-180, 180, 10, 90], ccrs.PlateCarree())

# Add state boundaries to plot
ax.add_feature(states_provinces, edgecolor='blue', linewidth=1)

# Add country borders to plot
ax.add_feature(country_borders, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1)

# Plot Title
plt.title(' ', fontsize=16,loc='left')
vort_levels = np.arange(-.00055,.0007,0.00001)
#data_Vort = < -.00085,data_Vort)
#data_Vort = > .0085,data_Vort)

data_500mb_lev = np.arange(4500,6000,100)

cs = ax.contour(lon, lat, data_500mb,colors='k',

cs2 = ax.contourf(lon, lat, data_Vort,vort_levels,

cbaxes = fig.add_axes(colorbar_axis) # [left, bottom, width, height]

cbar = plt.colorbar(cs2, orientation='horizontal',cax=cbaxes)

500mb Vorticity

We can also grab the variables if we know a little bit about the data

Say we want the 500mb Geopotential Heights:

for grb in selected_grbs:

>>> 1:Geopotential Height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 50000 Pa:fcst time 3 hrs:from 201908111800


* Notice however, we must have some outside knowledge of the shortname. In the actual data it appears it is 'gpm', but the call we need to make is 'gh'