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Add the force (lazy t) evaluation rule to lambda-box
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mattam82 committed Jun 6, 2024
1 parent f55eb7c commit a4cd12c
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Showing 18 changed files with 249 additions and 73 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion erasure-plugin/theories/ETransform.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ Program Definition coinductive_to_inductive_transformation (efl : EEnvFlags)
{has_cstrblocks : cstr_as_blocks = true} :
Transform.t _ _ EAst.term EAst.term _ _
(eval_eprogram_env block_wcbv_flags) (eval_eprogram block_wcbv_flags) :=
{| name := "transforming co-inductive to inductive types";
{| name := "transforming co-inductive to lazy inductive types";
transform p _ := ECoInductiveToInductive.trans_program p ;
pre p := wf_eprogram_env efl p ;
post p := wf_eprogram efl p ;
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions erasure/theories/EAstUtils.v
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Expand Up @@ -318,16 +318,25 @@ Definition is_box c :=
| _ => false

Definition isLazy c :=
match c with
| tLazy _ => true
| _ => false

Definition isFixApp t := isFix (head t).
Definition isConstructApp t := isConstruct (head t).
Definition isPrimApp t := isPrim (head t).
Definition isLazyApp t := isLazy (head t).

Lemma isFixApp_mkApps f l : isFixApp (mkApps f l) = isFixApp f.
Proof. rewrite /isFixApp head_mkApps //. Qed.
Lemma isConstructApp_mkApps f l : isConstructApp (mkApps f l) = isConstructApp f.
Proof. rewrite /isConstructApp head_mkApps //. Qed.
Lemma isPrimApp_mkApps f l : isPrimApp (mkApps f l) = isPrimApp f.
Proof. rewrite /isPrimApp head_mkApps //. Qed.
Lemma isLazyApp_mkApps f l : isLazyApp (mkApps f l) = isLazyApp f.
Proof. rewrite /isLazyApp head_mkApps //. Qed.

Lemma is_box_mkApps f a : is_box (mkApps f a) = is_box f.
Expand All @@ -347,6 +356,8 @@ Lemma nisBox_mkApps f args : ~~ isBox f -> ~~ isBox (mkApps f args).
Proof. destruct args using rev_case => //. rewrite mkApps_app /= //. Qed.
Lemma nisPrim_mkApps f args : ~~ isPrim f -> ~~ isPrim (mkApps f args).
Proof. destruct args using rev_case => //. rewrite mkApps_app /= //. Qed.
Lemma nisLazy_mkApps f args : ~~ isLazy f -> ~~ isLazy (mkApps f args).
Proof. destruct args using rev_case => //. rewrite mkApps_app /= //. Qed.

Definition string_of_def {A : Set} (f : A -> string) (def : def A) :=
"(" ^ string_of_name (dname def) ^ "," ^ f (dbody def) ^ ","
Expand Down
36 changes: 33 additions & 3 deletions erasure/theories/EConstructorsAsBlocks.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -649,6 +649,28 @@ Proof.
eapply IHt1. cbn in Hwf'. rtoProp. intuition.

Lemma transform_blocks_isLazyApp {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} t :
has_cstr_params = false ->
wf_glob Σ -> wellformed Σ 0 t ->
isLazyApp (transform_blocks Σ t) = isLazyApp t.
intros haspars Hwf Hwf'.
induction t; try now cbn; eauto.
eapply transform_blocks_tApp; eauto.
destruct decompose_app.
destruct construct_viewc.
- rewrite GlobalContextMap.lookup_constructor_pars_args_spec.
destruct lookup_constructor_pars_args as [ [[]] | ]; eauto.
cbn. destruct chop. intros (? & ? & ?). subst.
rewrite -[tApp _ _](mkApps_app _ _ [t2]).
rewrite !isLazyApp_mkApps. cbn. reflexivity.
- change (tApp t1 t2) with (mkApps t1 [t2]).
change (tApp (transform_blocks Σ t1) (transform_blocks Σ t2)) with
(mkApps (transform_blocks Σ t1) [transform_blocks Σ t2]).
rewrite !isLazyApp_mkApps.
eapply IHt1. cbn in Hwf'. rtoProp. intuition.

Lemma lookup_env_transform_blocks {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} kn :
lookup_env (transform_blocks_env Σ) kn =
option_map (transform_blocks_decl Σ) (lookup_env Σ kn).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1125,17 +1147,20 @@ Proof.
* rewrite GlobalContextMap.lookup_constructor_pars_args_spec;
destruct lookup_constructor_pars_args as [ [[]] | ] eqn:hpa; eauto.
cbn [plus]. destruct chop eqn:heqch.
intros [hl [ht ha]]. rewrite ht in H1. rewrite isConstructApp_mkApps isPrimApp_mkApps orb_true_r in H1 => //.
intros [hl [ht ha]]. rewrite ht in H1. rewrite isConstructApp_mkApps
isPrimApp_mkApps isLazyApp_mkApps orb_true_r in H1 => //.
* eapply eval_app_cong; eauto.
revert H1.
destruct f'; try now cbn; tauto.
intros H. cbn in H.
rewrite transform_blocks_isConstructApp; eauto.
rewrite transform_blocks_isPrimApp; eauto.
rewrite negb_or in H. move/andP: H => [] ncstr nprim.
rewrite transform_blocks_isLazyApp; eauto.
rewrite !negb_or in H. move/andP: H => [] /andP [] ncstr nprim nlazy.
destruct (isConstructApp (tApp f'1 f'2)) eqn:heq'.
-- cbn in ncstr. congruence.
-- eapply transform_blocks_tApp; eauto. clear -nprim.
-- eapply transform_blocks_tApp; eauto. clear -nprim nlazy.
move/negbTE: nlazy ->. move/negbTE: nprim -> => /=.
destruct decompose_app.
destruct construct_viewc; try now cbn; eauto.
rewrite GlobalContextMap.lookup_constructor_pars_args_spec;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1186,6 +1211,11 @@ Proof.
eapply All2_over_undep in a. eapply All2_Set_All2 in ev. eapply All2_All2_Set. solve_all.
now destruct b.
now destruct a0.
- intros evl evt' [evt wft wflt etat etalt].
intros [evt'' wft' wfv etat' etav].
simp transform_blocks; rewrite -!transform_blocks_equation_1.
econstructor; eauto.
now simp transform_blocks in evt; rewrite -!transform_blocks_equation_1 in evt.
- intros. destruct t; try solve [constructor; cbn in H, H0 |- *; try congruence].
cbn -[lookup_constructor] in H |- *. destruct args => //.
destruct lookup_constructor eqn:hl => //.
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions erasure/theories/EDeps.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -354,6 +354,7 @@ Proof.
- depelim er; depelim X; constructor; eauto.
eapply All2_over_undep in a0. solve_all.
- easy.
- easy.

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion erasure/theories/EEtaExpandedFix.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ Lemma eval_etaexp {fl : WcbvFlags} {efl : EEnvFlags} {wcon : with_constructor_as
intros etaΣ wfΣ.
induction 1 as [ | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IHs | | | | | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IHs | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IHs
| ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IHs | | | | | | | | | | | ] using eval_mkApps_rect; try now congruence.
| ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IHs | | | | | | | | | | | | ] using eval_mkApps_rect; try now congruence.
all:try simp isEtaExp; rewrite -?isEtaExp_equation_1 => //.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1375,6 +1375,7 @@ Proof.
- solve_all.
depelim X; solve_all. eapply All2_over_undep in a. subst a0 a';
depelim H; constructor; solve_all. solve_all.
- simp_eta in IHeval1. eauto.

Lemma isEtaExp_fixapp_mon {mfix idx n n'} : n <= n' -> isEtaExp_fixapp mfix idx n -> isEtaExp_fixapp mfix idx n'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1961,6 +1962,8 @@ Proof.
- intros hexp. simp_eta in hexp. depelim X; repeat constructor; eauto.
eapply All2_over_undep in a. subst a0 a'. solve_all. depelim hexp; cbn in *. destruct p.
eapply All2_All2_Set. solve_all. solve_all. depelim hexp. destruct p. solve_all.
- intros hexp. simp_eta in hexp. econstructor; eauto. apply IHeval2.
specialize (IHeval1 hexp). eapply eval_etaexp in IHeval1. now simp_eta in IHeval1. all:eauto.
- intros hexp. now eapply eval_atom.
Unshelve. all: eauto.
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions erasure/theories/EImplementBox.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -388,6 +388,15 @@ Proof.
rewrite (isPrimApp_mkApps _ [_]). eauto.

Lemma implement_box_isLazyApp {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : global_declarations} t :
isLazyApp (implement_box t) = isLazyApp t.
induction t; try now cbn; eauto.
simp implement_box.
rewrite (isLazyApp_mkApps _ [t2]).
rewrite (isLazyApp_mkApps _ [_]). eauto.

Lemma lookup_env_implement_box {Σ : global_declarations} kn :
lookup_env (implement_box_env Σ) kn =
option_map (implement_box_decl) (lookup_env Σ kn).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -670,6 +679,7 @@ Proof.
intros H. cbn in H.
rewrite implement_box_isConstructApp; eauto.
rewrite implement_box_isPrimApp; eauto.
rewrite implement_box_isLazyApp; eauto.
- intros; repeat match goal with [H : MCProd.and3 _ _ _ |- _] => destruct H end.
simp implement_box in *.
eapply eval_construct_block; tea. eauto.
Expand All @@ -680,6 +690,9 @@ Proof.
- intros wf H; depelim H; simp implement_box; repeat constructor.
destruct a0. eapply All2_over_undep in a. eapply All2_All2_Set, All2_map.
cbn -[implement_box]. solve_all. now destruct H. now destruct a0.
- intros evt evt' [] [].
simp implement_box. simp implement_box in e.
econstructor; eauto.
- intros. destruct t; try solve [constructor; cbn in H, H0 |- *; try congruence].
cbn -[lookup_constructor] in H |- *. destruct args => //.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions erasure/theories/EInlineProjections.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -710,13 +710,14 @@ Proof.
* destruct with_guarded_fix.
+ move: i.
rewrite !negb_or.
rewrite optimize_mkApps !isFixApp_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps !isPrimApp_mkApps.
rewrite optimize_mkApps !isFixApp_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps !isPrimApp_mkApps
destruct args using rev_case => // /=. rewrite map_app !mkApps_app /= //.
rewrite !andb_true_r.
rtoProp; intuition auto; destruct v => /= //.
+ move: i.
rewrite !negb_or.
rewrite optimize_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps !isPrimApp_mkApps.
rewrite optimize_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps !isPrimApp_mkApps !isLazyApp_mkApps.
destruct args using rev_case => // /=. rewrite map_app !mkApps_app /= //.
destruct v => /= //.
- intros; rtoProp; intuition eauto.
Expand All @@ -725,6 +726,8 @@ Proof.
eapply All2_Set_All2 in ev. eapply All2_All2_Set. primProp.
subst a0 a'; cbn in *. depelim H0; cbn in *. intuition auto; solve_all.
primProp; depelim H0; intuition eauto.
- intros wf; econstructor; eauto. eapply IHev2.
eapply eval_wellformed in ev1; tea => //.
- destruct t => //.
all:constructor; eauto.
cbn [atom optimize] in i |- *.
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions erasure/theories/EOptimizePropDiscr.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -715,22 +715,24 @@ Proof.
* destruct with_guarded_fix.
+ move: i.
rewrite !negb_or.
rewrite remove_match_on_box_mkApps !isFixApp_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps !isPrimApp_mkApps.
rewrite remove_match_on_box_mkApps !isFixApp_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps !isPrimApp_mkApps !isLazyApp_mkApps.
destruct args using rev_case => // /=. rewrite map_app !mkApps_app /= //.
rewrite !andb_true_r.
rtoProp; intuition auto.
destruct v => /= //.
destruct v => /= //.
destruct v => /= //.
destruct v => /= //.
+ move: i.
rewrite !negb_or.
rewrite remove_match_on_box_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps !isPrimApp_mkApps.
rewrite remove_match_on_box_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps !isPrimApp_mkApps !isLazyApp_mkApps.
destruct args using rev_case => // /=. rewrite map_app !mkApps_app /= //.
destruct v => /= //.
- depelim X; repeat constructor.
eapply All2_over_undep in a. eapply All2_All2_Set. eapply All2_Set_All2 in ev. subst a0 a'; cbn in *.
rewrite /test_array_model /= in H. rtoProp; intuition auto; solve_all. eapply e.
cbn in H. rewrite /test_array_model /= in H. now move/andP: H => [].
- intros. econstructor; eauto. eapply IHev2. eapply eval_closed in ev1; tea.
- destruct t => //.
all:constructor; eauto. cbn [atom remove_match_on_box] in i |- *.
rewrite -lookup_constructor_remove_match_on_box //. destruct args => //.
Expand Down
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions erasure/theories/ERemoveParams.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -779,6 +779,14 @@ Proof.
all:rewrite !isPrimApp_mkApps //.

Lemma strip_isLazyApp Σ f :
isLazyApp f = isLazyApp (strip Σ f).
funelim (strip Σ f); cbn -[strip] => //.
all:rewrite map_InP_spec.
all:rewrite !isLazyApp_mkApps //.

Lemma lookup_inductive_pars_is_prop_and_pars {Σ ind b pars} :
inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ ind = Some (b, pars) ->
lookup_inductive_pars Σ (inductive_mind ind) = Some pars.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1011,8 +1019,8 @@ Proof.
- rewrite !strip_tApp //.
eapply eval_app_cong; tea.
move: H1. eapply contraNN.
rewrite -strip_isLambda -strip_isConstructApp -strip_isFixApp -strip_isBox -strip_isPrimApp //.
rewrite -strip_isFix //.
rewrite -strip_isLambda -strip_isConstructApp -strip_isFixApp -strip_isBox -strip_isPrimApp
-strip_isLazyApp // -strip_isFix //.

- rewrite !strip_mkApps // /=.
rewrite (lookup_constructor_lookup_inductive_pars H).
Expand All @@ -1030,6 +1038,8 @@ Proof.
eapply All2_over_undep in a. eapply All2_Set_All2 in ev. eapply All2_All2_Set. solve_all. now destruct b.
now destruct a0.

- simp_strip. simp_strip in e0. econstructor; tea.

- destruct t => //.
all:constructor; eauto. simp strip.
cbn [atom strip] in H |- *.
Expand Down
33 changes: 19 additions & 14 deletions erasure/theories/EWcbvEval.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Definition atom `{wfl : WcbvFlags} Σ t :=
| tBox
| tCoFix _ _
| tLambda _ _
| tLazy _
| tFix _ _ => true
| tConstruct ind c [] => negb with_constructor_as_block && isSome (lookup_constructor Σ ind c)
| _ => false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ Section Wcbv.
| eval_app_cong f f' a a' :
eval f f' ->
~~ (isLambda f' || (if with_guarded_fix then isFixApp f' else isFix f') || isBox f' || isConstructApp f'
|| isPrimApp f') ->
|| isPrimApp f' || isLazyApp f') ->
eval a a' ->
eval (tApp f a) (tApp f' a')

Expand All @@ -272,13 +273,12 @@ Section Wcbv.
eval_primitive eval p p' ->
eval (tPrim p) (tPrim p')

| eval_lazy : eval (tLazy t) (tLazy t)
| eval_force t v v' : eval t (tLazy v) ->
| eval_force t v v' :
eval t (tLazy v) ->
eval v v' ->
eval (tForce t) v' *)
eval (tForce t) v'

(** Atoms are values (includes abstractions, cofixpoints and constructors) *)
(** Atoms are values (includes abstractions, cofixpoints, constructors and lazy) *)
| eval_atom t : atom Σ t -> eval t t.

Hint Constructors eval : core.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ Section eval_rect.
isBox f'
isConstructApp f'
|| isPrimApp f'))
|| isPrimApp f' || isLazyApp f'))
(e0 : eval Σ a a'),
P a a' e0
→ P (tApp f16 a)
Expand All @@ -626,14 +626,17 @@ Section eval_rect.

(forall p p' (ev : eval_primitive (eval Σ) p p'),
eval_primitive_ind _ P _ _ ev ->
P (tPrim p) (tPrim p') (eval_prim _ _ _ ev))
P (tPrim p) (tPrim p') (eval_prim _ _ _ ev)) ->
(forall t t' v (ev1 : eval Σ t (tLazy t')) (ev2 : eval Σ t' v),
P _ _ ev1 -> P _ _ ev2 ->
P (tForce t) v (eval_force _ t t' v ev1 ev2))

→ (∀ (t : term) (i : atom Σ t),
→ (∀ (t : term) (i : atom Σ t),
P t t (eval_atom Σ t i))
→ ∀ (t t0 : term) (e : eval Σ t t0),
P t t0 e.
Proof using Type.
intros ?????????????????????? H.
intros ??????????????????????? H.
revert t t0 H.
fix aux 3.
move aux at top.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -785,6 +788,7 @@ Section Wcbv.
+ destruct with_guarded_fix.
now cbn in i1. now cbn in i1.
+ constructor.
+ now destruct with_guarded_fix; cbn in i1.
+ cbn in i. destruct with_guarded_fix; cbn in i; rtoProp; intuition auto.
* destruct b0 as (ind & c & mdecl & idecl & cdecl & args & [H1 H2 H3 H4]).
rewrite -[tApp _ _](mkApps_app _ (firstn n l) [a']).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1058,7 +1062,7 @@ Section Wcbv.
rewrite !mkApps_app /=.
eapply eval_app_cong; tea.
eapply IHargs => //.
rewrite isFixApp_mkApps // /= isConstructApp_mkApps // !negb_or isPrimApp_mkApps.
rewrite isFixApp_mkApps // /= isConstructApp_mkApps // !negb_or isPrimApp_mkApps isLazyApp_mkApps.
rtoProp; intuition auto.
apply nisLambda_mkApps => //.
destruct with_guarded_fix => //; eapply nisFix_mkApps => //.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1304,15 +1308,15 @@ Section Wcbv.
cbn in i. rtoProp; intuition auto.
+ exfalso. rewrite !negb_or in i. specialize (IHev1 _ ev'1); noconf IHev1.
cbn in i. rewrite guarded in i. rtoProp; intuition auto.
rewrite isFixApp_mkApps in H3 => //.
rewrite isFixApp_mkApps in H4 => //.
+ exfalso. rewrite !negb_or in i. specialize (IHev1 _ ev'1); noconf IHev1.
cbn in i. rewrite guarded in i. rtoProp; intuition auto.
rewrite isFixApp_mkApps in H3 => //.
rewrite isFixApp_mkApps in H4 => //.
+ exfalso. rewrite !negb_or in i. specialize (IHev1 _ ev'1); noconf IHev1.
cbn in i. rewrite unguarded in i. now cbn in i.
+ exfalso. rewrite !negb_or in i. specialize (IHev1 _ ev'1); noconf IHev1.
cbn in i. rtoProp; intuition auto.
now rewrite isConstructApp_mkApps in H1.
now rewrite isConstructApp_mkApps in H2.
+ specialize (IHev1 _ ev'1); noconf IHev1.
specialize (IHev2 _ ev'2); noconf IHev2.
now assert (i0 = i) as -> by now apply uip.
Expand All @@ -1329,6 +1333,7 @@ Section Wcbv.
induction ev in a, ev0 |- *; depelim ev0; eauto.
destruct a.
f_equal; eauto. specialize (e0 _ e). now noconf e0.
- depelim ev'; go.
- depelim ev'; try go.
2: now assert (i0 = i) as -> by now apply uip.
exfalso. invs i. rewrite e in H0. destruct args; cbn in H0; invs H0.
Expand Down

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