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User Documentation

matteo-barbieri edited this page Nov 28, 2020 · 13 revisions

A brief overview of the ArtSee Mobile App


Login Page & Sign Up

When the user opens the website they are brought to this page. From here they have 2 options

  1. Login with existing account.
  2. Create an account as an artist, customer or administrator.

Login Login

Signup Window


Signup as Artist example


Navigation Bar

When signed in as a customer the navigation bar will be at the top of the screen with the following buttons

  1. Artwork Gallery - to view available artworks
  2. Artists - to see a list of all artists registered on the application
  3. Cart icon - Access the items in your cart to proceed to checkout
  4. Person icon - brings a drop down menu with the following options
  • Your Orders
  • Your Reviews
  • Settings
  • Logout

These buttons can be pressed at any time from any of the Customer pages.



Upon logging in as a customer the first screen you will be directed to is the Artwork Gallery. From here you can see cards of all available artwork. Each card has 2 buttons.

  1. View Details - Redirects you to a page with details on the artwork
  2. Add to Cart - adds the item to your cart to be purchased

Detailed Artwork

This page shows details of the artwork such as the artist, the artists rating, the price, the artwork and artist descriptions. There are two buttons on this page.

  1. The Artist Name - redirects you to the Artist Profile Page
  2. Add to Cart - adds the item to your cart to be purchased

Artist List

When the customer presses on the Artist button in the navigation bar they are redirected to this page where there is a list of all artists registered on the App. They are displayed as cards with their image, rating and description. There is a button on each card

  1. View Profile - redirects you to the Detailed profile page of the artist.

Detailed Artist

On this page you can fins all the information on an artist, such as their name, description, rating, number of artworks, as well as all of their artworks for sale. The actions from this page are:

  1. Add Review - Allows the customer to place a review for the artist.
  2. View Details - A button on each artwork available which directs you to the Detailed Artwork Page.

Cart & Checkout

When clicking on the Cart icon from the navigation bar, the customer will be directed to their cart. A list of all items added to the cart will appear and, the following buttons are available.

    • / + buttons - Adjust the quantity of an item in the cart.
  1. Trash icon - Removes the artwork from the cart.
  2. Checkout - Proceeds to the checkout page where the customer can put in their payment information.

Cart Page


Checkout Page


Once the customer successfully checks out the following thank you page appears.


If the customer tries to access their cart with no items added to it they are directed to this page.



Accessible through the person icon in the navigation bar, this page shows a list of all previous orders by the customer. It displays the order ID, the total price, of the order, as well as the date ordered and order status. Each order row has a button available:

  1. View details - Opens a window with more details on the Order.

Example of a detailed order view



Both customers and Artists can access the settings from the person icon in the navigation bar to update the information on their account. The page consists of several rows of fillable information to update their profile.



Create Review

From the Artist page, or the order page, a customer can create a review on the artist. The information to be input is

  1. Comment - a brief description of the review.
  2. Rating - a scale of 1-5 stars based on the quality of the artist

Artist Personal Profile

When logging in as an artist, the user is directed to their personal profile page. From here they can view their ratings as well as their listed artworks. For each artwork listed they have the following options.

  1. View Details - directs them to the detailed artwork page.
  2. Update - allows them to update information on the artwork.

The navigation bar is also simplified for the artist, there is only an "Add artwork" and a Dashboard button which returns the artist to their profile. The person logo allows the artist to access their settings or log out.


Add Artwork

When the artist wants to add an artwork listing they are brought to the following page. Where they must fill out:

  1. Artwork Name - the title of the artwork
  2. Description - a brief introduction to the art
  3. Image - an image of the artwork
  4. Price - the price of one unit of art
  5. Quantity - the number in stock
  6. Date created - the date the artwork was made

When the artist is satisfied with the information they put they press post artwork and the artwork will be available for purchase in the Gallery.


Android App


Users must register to the application on the website and existing users can login to the app by inputting their Username and Password.

ArtSee Gallery

Successful login sends the user straight to the ArtSee Gallery where they can view all available artworks for sale. Each artwork listing will have a button to view details of the artwork.

Detailed Artwork

When a user clicks view details on an artwork listing from the gallery, they are brought to this page with a detailed description and artwork price. From there they can

  • Return to Gallery
  • Purchase Item


When a user decides to purchase an artwork they are brought to a checkout page. Here they input their credit card information as well as the delivery method and can finalize their purchase.

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