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Windows build scripts for GDAL

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In this folder contains Powershell and NMake scripts for building Windows runtime packages.


  1. Visual Studio Build Tools (with ATL). Recommended versions - vs16.0(2019) and vs17.0(2022) or greater (nmake and to retarget libpng to v143 toolset)

  2. .NET Core SDK and Nuget.exe - for building and publishing packages respectively.

Building: (in PowerShell)

  1. Call ./install.ps1 to install all required packages and tools.
    Possible options:
     [bool] $cleanGdalBuild = $true,  # clean gdal-build folder (output) before build
     [bool] $cleanGdalIntermediate = $true, # clean gdal-cmake-temp (cache) folder
     [bool] $cleanProjBuild = $true, # clean proj-build folder (output) before build    
     [bool] $cleanProjIntermediate = $true, # clean proj-cmake-temp (cache) folder
     [bool] $bootstrapVcpkg = $true, # bootstrap VCPKG from scratch
     [bool] $installVcpkgPackages = $true, # install VCPKG packages
     [bool] $isDebug = $false # build debug version of packages
    ./install.ps1 -cleanGdalBuild:$true -cleanGdalIntermediate:$true -isDebug:$true

This will install all required VCPKG packages and tools, build GDAL and PROJ, and build runtime and core packages.

  1. Call ./test.ps1 to test runtime and core packages.
    If everything runs smoothly, you can use a local nuget feed to include packages in your project.

Troubleshooting dependencies:

Use dumpbin or dependency walker to check gdal's dependencies. Please ensure the tests are passing before bringing them to prod.

Have fun)

Contact me: Telegram - MaxRev