Solution in Python for the day 7 puzzle of the 2021 edition of the Advent of Code annual programming challenge.
The crab submarines all need to be aligned before they'll have enough power to blast a large enough hole for your submarine to get through. However, it doesn't look like they'll be aligned before the whale catches you! Maybe you can help?
There's one major catch - crab submarines can only move horizontally.
Horizontally they say? Should we be expecting part two to be on in two dimensions?
You quickly make a list of the horizontal position of each crab (your puzzle input). Crab submarines have limited fuel, so you need to find a way to make all of their horizontal positions match while requiring them to spend as little fuel as possible.
Surely it must be harder than just computing the average?!
For example, consider the following horizontal positions:
The content encoding is the same as in day 6.
def load_contents(filename: Path) -> [int]:
"""Load and convert contents from file
:param filename: input filename
:return: list of integers
with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as buffer:
line = next(iter(buffer.readlines()))
tokens = [int(t) for t in line.strip().split(',')]
return tokens
Hoping that pylint
won't complain of code duplication.
First thought was to compute an average. With the example input contents the average is 4.9
which is quite different from the correct answer 2
, meaning this first impression is invalid.
We could use successive guesses with a dichotomy, or some sort of converging offset. The starting point could be the most frequent number, and the initial direction the second most frequent.
The scanning algorithm which strongly looks like a golden-section search will depend on the curve, more precisely if it is an unimodal function. This function which computes the total fuel is easy:
def compute_fuel_cost(h_positions: [int], h_position: int) -> int:
"""Compute fuel cost for a given configuration
:param h_positions: list of initial horizontal positions
:param h_position: final horizontal position
:return: total fuel required for reaching final position
fuel = sum(abs(h_position - pos) for pos in h_positions)
return fuel
On the example contents we obtain:
Position | Fuel |
0 | 49 |
1 | 41 |
2 | 37 |
4 | 41 |
7 | 53 |
14 | 95 |
16 | 111 |
On the full input contents, we can simply sweep through all the positions and index the position by fuel cost:
>>> map_ = {compute_fuel_cost(contents, pos): pos for pos in contents}
>>> map_[min(map_.keys())]
The complete method is straightforward:
def solve_part_one(contents: any) -> int:
"""Solve the first part of the challenge
:param contents: input puzzle contents
:return: expected challenge answer
positions = sorted(set(contents))
min_map = {compute_fuel_cost(contents, pos): pos for pos in positions}
answer = min(min_map.keys())
log.debug(f'Found min in listed positions: {answer}')
return answer
Contents | Command | Answer | Time |
input.txt |
./ input.txt -p 1 |
337488 |
612.9 ms |
As it turns out, crab submarine engines don't burn fuel at a constant rate. Instead, each change of 1 step in horizontal position costs 1 more unit of fuel than the last: the first step costs 1, the second step costs 2, the third step costs 3, and so on.
Meaning that instead of a linear function between the offset and the fuel cost, we now have a polynomial one.
Let's try the minimal effort first. The idea is to change as little as possible the compute_fuel_cost()
method used in part one. The sum of integers from 0 to N is the same as the sum of integers from N to 0. Both have(N+1) members and because the sum N times (N+1) obviously being N*(N+1) we can affirm that the sum of 0 to N is N*(N+1)/2.
def compute_fuel_cost_part_two(h_positions: [int], h_position: int) -> int:
"""Compute fuel cost for a given configuration
:param h_positions: list of initial horizontal positions
:param h_position: final horizontal position
:return: total fuel required for reaching final position
fuel = sum(abs(h_position - pos)*(1+abs(h_position - pos))/2 for pos in h_positions)
return fuel
Contents | Command | Answer | Time |
input.txt |
./ input.txt -p 2 |
89647695 |
1356.6 ms |
We can feel there is quite some room for improvement, since the scanning method is very crude.