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Report bot for Telegram

This repository contains source code of a small yet rather powerful bot for Telegram, which handles reports from users and passes them to admins. Uses aiogram framework.
The main goal is to build a bot with no external database needed. Thus, it may lack some features, but hey, it's open source!

⚠️ Warning: this bot can be used ONLY to notify people (most often, group admins), that someone might violate group's own rules. If you want to report some content to Telegram official support team, please use "Report" button in your app.


Left - main group. Right - group for admins only. If you don't see this image, please check GitHub repo


  • /report command to gather reports from users;
  • Reports will be sent to a separate group chat;
  • /ro command to set user "read-only";
  • [optional] Automatically remove "user joined" service messages;
  • [optional] Automatically ban channels (since December 2021 users can write on behalf of their channels);
  • If message starts with @admin or @admins, admins are notified;
  • A simple interface for admins to choose one of actions on reported message;
  • Use any locale you want, examples for English and Russian languages are included.


  • Python 3.11+ (developed under 3.12);
  • Systemd (you can use it to enable autostart and autorestart), Docker or anything else you prefer.


  1. Go to @BotFather, create a new bot, write down its token, add it to your existing group and make bot an admin. You also need to give it "Delete messages" permission.
  2. Create a separate group where report messages will be sent and add all group admins there. Remember: anyone who is in that group may perform actions like "Delete", "Ban" and so on, so be careful.
  3. Use some bot like @my_id_bot to get IDs of these two groups;
  4. Clone this repo and cd into it;
  5. Copy settings.example.toml to settings.toml.
  6. Replace default values with your own;
  7. Now choose installation method: systemd or Docker
  1. Create a venv (virtual environment): python3.12 -m venv venv (or any other Python 3.11+ version);
  2. source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt;
  3. Rename reportbot.service.example to reportbot.service and move it to /etc/systemd/system;
  4. Open that file and change values for WorkingDirectory, ExecStart and EnvironmentFile providing the correct path values;
  5. Start your bot and enable its autostart: sudo systemctl enable reportbot.service --now;
    6.Check your bot's status and logs: systemctl status reportbot.service.
  1. Copy docker-compose.example.yml as docker-compose.yml.
  2. Open it and edit values
  3. Build and run your container: docker-compose up -d.