⚠️ Currently the package is in the alpha version and the development is in progress.
This README describes the MSA.BuildingBlocks.CosmosDbMigration package designed to simplify Cosmos DB database/container migrations.
This package provides a set of migration operations on Cosmos DB database and container. The sample console with migrations could be found here.
Note: All operations on the data will cost RUs. Make all of these operations carefully.
Install the package using the NuGet Package Manager:
PM> Install-Package MSA.BuildingBlocks.CosmosDbMigration
Optional: Provide a logger where will be logged provided operations with RU costs. For current example console logger is used.
using ILoggerFactory factory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole());
Create a migration for database:
DatabaseMigration databaseMigration = new(
cosmosClient: cosmosClient,
databaseId: databaseId,
containerId: containerId,
logger: factory.CreateLogger<DatabaseMigration>());
for container:
ContainerMigration containerMigration = new(
cosmosClient: cosmosClient,
databaseId: databaseId,
containerId: containerId,
logger: factory.CreateLogger<ContainerMigration>());
Container operations
Operation | Description | Parameters |
GetItems | Retrieves a list of items from the container using a provided SQL query. | -query (Default is "SELECT * FROM c"): The SQL query to execute. |
SwitchToContainer | Switches the target container to a different container within the Cosmos DB. | - containerId: The ID of the new target container. - databaseId: ID of the database containing the new target container. |
UpsertItems | Upserts a list of items into the target container. | - items: The list of items to upsert (type can vary depending on implementation). |
RemoveItemsByQuery | Removes items from the container based on a provided SQL query. | - query: The SQL query to identify items for removal. |
AddPropertyToItems (Root Property) | Adds a new property from a provided list. | - items: The list of items to modify. - propertyName (string): The name of the property to add. - value: The value to assign to the new property. |
AddPropertyToItems (Nested Property) | Adds a new property from a provided list targeting a specific nested location. | - items : The list of items to modify. - propertyPath: Path to a nested property within the object (defaults to root level). - propertyName: The name of the property to add within the specified path. - value: The value to assign to the new property. |
RemovePropertyFromItems (Root Property) | Removes a property from a provided list. | - items: The list of items to modify. - propertyName: The name of the property to remove. |
RemovePropertyFromItems (Nested Property) | Removes a property from a provided list targeting a specific nested location. | - items: The list of items to modify. - propertyPath: The path to the nested property to remove. - propertyName: The name of the property to remove within the specified path. |
Database operations
Operation | Description | Parameters |
CloneContainer | Creates a new container as a clone of the existing target container, including its data and indexing policy. | - containerId: The ID for the new container. - partitionKey: The partition key path for the new container. |
CreateContainer | Creates a new container within the current database with the specified ID and partition key path. | - containerId: The ID for the new container. - partitionKey: The partition key path for the new container. |
DeleteContainer | Deletes the target container. | - None |
RecreateContainerWithNewPartitionKey | Recreates the target container with a new specified partition key path. Data and indexing policy are not preserved. | - partitionKey: The new partition key path for the target container. |
AddIndexingPolicy | Updates the indexing policy for the target container. | - includedPaths : Collection of included paths for indexing. - excludedPaths : Collection of excluded paths for indexing. - compositePaths: Collection of composite paths for indexing. |
ReplaceIndexingPolicy | Replaces the existing indexing policy for the target container. | - includedPaths: Collection of included paths for indexing. - excludedPaths: Collection of excluded paths for indexing. - compositePaths: Collection of composite paths for indexing. |
SwitchToContainer | Switches the target container to a different container within the Cosmos DB. | - containerId: The ID of the new target container. - databaseId: ID of the database containing the new target container. |
- Target database and container should exist before any operation.
- AddPropertyToItems (Nested Property) operation should be provided to a property which is not null.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.