This change log includes the summarized changes. For the full changelog, please go to the Git Hub History instead.
Note: Decorative framed hoppers are moved from decorative mod to a separated mod called Framed Hopper. Please make sure to create a world backup before upgrading the decorative mod!
- Added separated framed hoppers to a new mod called Framed Hopper as requested by several users.
- Refactored code for version 1.20.1-47.0.3
- Refactored code for version 1.20-46.0.14
- Refactored code for version 1.19.4-45.1.0
- Refactored code for version 1.19.3-44.1.8
- Added additional stone panels, plates and half-slabs.
- Fixed panels, plates and slab recipes.
- Re-ordered items for an better overview.
- Fixed child block feature for panels blocks.
- Added water logged version for most of the core blocks.
- Added experimental feature to combine panels with light sources like torches and lanterns.
- Improved existing models and textures.
- Removed duplicated panels, plates and slabs from the decorative mod!
- Improved existing models to align with default blocks.
- Fixed loot tables for multi-face blocks to drop right amount of blocks.
- Fixed achievements for panels, plates and slabs mod.
Note: Decorative panels, plates and slabs are moved from decorative mod to a separated mod. Please make sure to create a world backup before upgrading the decorative mod!
- Added separated panels, plates and slabs mod as requested by several users.
- Added multi-face panels which allows players to place panels with up to 5 faces into a single block spot.
- Added additional panels, plates and slabs variants.
- Fixed recipes and possible null pointers.
- Refactored code for version 1.19.2-43.0.8
- Smaller bug fixes for 1.19.1
- Refactored code for version 1.19.1-42.0.1
- Improved existing slabs to allow multi-placing.
- Added glass slab block.
- Fixed missing loot tables and broken advancements.
- Refactored code for version 1.19-41.0.96
- Refactored code for version 1.19-41.0.64
- Added additional compatibility with Immersive Engineering.
- Added additional leather variants and recipes.
- Added additional advancements for recipes.
- Moved stone cutter recipes for normal items from decoration to core.
- Fixed triangular frames.
- Refactored code for version 1.19-41.0.4
- Added leather knife and leather shears for easier crafting.
- Added additional button recipes for the stone cutter.
- Added raised floor light corner flipped block version.
- Added copper lighter.
- Removed custom renderer for cross-bows which are included with 1.19-41.0.4
- Fixed issue with shaders and other render engines causing bleeding.
- Finalized Raised Floor decorative blocks.
- Added skeleton frames for additional decorative items.
- Optimized models and textures.
- Changed coke refinement to require a blast furnace because of temperature requirement of 1000 °C.
- Added raw blocks blaster recipes to allow blasting of raw blocks to ingots.
- Added additional compatibility for framed hoppers with mods like storage drawers.
- Fixed missing translation texts.
- Added copper tiering and copper armor.
- Added copper armor, tools and weapons with sign of aging effects.
- Migrated 1.18.1 version to 1.18.2
- Reduced loading time and memory consumption for all modules.
- Added
mapping for Material Elements Decorative to support former versions.
- Replaced all missing
"item": "minecraft:stick"
with"tag": "forge:rods/wooden"
within the armor, tools and weapons recipes.
- Restructured block and item renderer.
- Fixed translation text issues.
- Added triangular blocks for testing.
- Added new cloth decoration blocks.
- Added new construction frames
- Optimized file and folder structure
- Added cloth items to core for additional decorative materials.
- Prepared 3.x version for release.
- Migrated Steel Armor, Tools and Weapons into a sub package.
- Added automatic missing block converter from former version to new 3.x version.
- Added automatic missing item converter from former version to new 3.x version.
- Separated decorative objects from core.
- Refactored code for version 1.18.2-40.0.2
- Fixed panel, plate and half-slab rotations.
- Added silver and steel deepslate version.
- Added raw silver and raw steel and block variants.
- Improved loot tables and recipes for silver and steel.
- Updated Forge Tags to match with the latest tag updates.
- Added wool slabs blocks for all colors.
- Added charcoal and coke blocks for better block management.
- Fixed to high burn time value for coke.
- Added advancements for wooden framed hoppers
- Added additional compatibility for the wooden stick variations.
- Added wooden covered hopper blocks.
- Added better change log.
- Added coke to the coals group to allow more recipes to use it.
- Added additional leather strip.
- Added better advancements and item descriptions.
- Added simple connected texture function for copper rod.
- Added leather strip and leather sheet.
- Fixed missing #texture error.
- Optimized textures and fixed smaller issues.
- Added cube frame and cube glass frame for basic constructions blocks.
- Make coke burnable with a burn time between coal and lava bucket.
- Added new light rods mostly for decorations.
- Added crafting recipes and advancements for raw steel from raw iron.
- Added missing tee elbow recipes.
- Added additional advancements and recipes unlocking.
- Added additional wood cutting recipes.
- Added rod tee elbow for all materials.
- Added wooden stick for customized tools and weapons.
- Optimized 3d models to avoid render issues.
- Optimized new images
- Added silver block, nuggets, ore and rods.
- Silver can not be crafted and will not be generated by this mod.
- Unified Voxelshapes to matching the 1.16.4 version.
Note: It could be that existing rods and half-size rods needs to be replaced to be corrected displayed!
- Added advancements steps as crafting guidelines.
- Updated with Steel Armor, Tools and Weapon Mod pointer.
- Updated advancements for recipes and optimized test tube glow recipe.
- Fixed format.
- Added half-size slabs and optimized existing block stats.
- Added missing recipes and loot tables.
- Prepared 1.18 release.
- For 1.17 please take a look at instead.
- Corrected naming for wooden panels to allow wooden panels and wooden plates.
- Added additional recipes to covering wooden panels and wooden plates.
- Fix missing mod id for steel armor materials.
- Updated log constants.
- Added forge tags for better mod support.
- Added missing loot tables for rod_elbow.
- Added rod elbow and fixed smaller model issues.
- Added additional Test Tubes in all dye colors and a glow version.
- Added basic test tube item.
- Added basic documentation page with experimental apng instead of gif files.
- Fixed typo.
- Added Rod category tab for creative.
- Added steel tier and armor definition.
- Added missing loot tables for steel rod cross and star.
- Fixed missing blockState reference.
- Added wood plates which could be place on different positions to create some nice decorations.
- Optimized block states to optimize CPU and memory load.
Note: Blocks before version 0.4.0 could have the wrong block states and look maybe broken. Replace such items and blocks should fix the issue.
- Added Face and Facing options for plate, fixed 3d model and uv mapping.
- Added recipe for recycle rods to a single nugget.
- Fixed rod tee's and translation files.
- Improved Wood Plate Block, but haven't implemented all direction yet (maybe with sneak).
- Added experimental oak plate
- Added rod cross, star and tee for gold, iron, steel and netherite.
- Added additional rods with cross-, star- and t-shape together with wood cutting recipes.
- Added missing steel_block and steel_ore loot table.
- Added full-size and half-size rods, recipes and better block definitions.
- Improved textures and added a better description.
- Fixed language file naming for translations.
- Delete wrongly en_US.json
- Delete wrongly de_DE.json
- Added steel block
- Added steel nugget and improved steel ingot texture.
- Initial check-in for Bo's material elements