Autor: Marius Schmitz
This Reposotory contains Python Scripts to find Patients in the PACS System and to extract Images from a PACS Archive Server. It also provides Scripts to generate Label, for RESIST Markers and a Script to create a Summary of Meta Data information in an Excel Tabel.
Image Extraction
- .txt File with IP and Port of the PACS Server
- .csv File with patient Ids
- output directory
A Directory with subdierctories for each Patient
You can filter the images before extraction with modifications inside the 'copyImagesForPatient' Methode.
Generates Metadata summary
- Folder structure like the output of ''
- output directory
A Excel File with columns for each Series of all Patients
Change used Tags in the 'series_meta_tags' list
A tool to label a Series of MRT images with RESIST markers
- Folder with only .dcm files
- output directory
- A Patient Id as Param when calling the script
- File with Biopsie Data
.txt files with markers
The Biopsie Data is shown in the Tool and can help while labeling the images. To Navigate inside the tool use keys listed inside 'on_press' methode.