./install.sh -t 8
Will install bct using 8 thread for the compilation
Basic usage:
./Bct.py -u reads.fa -o working_directory -t core_number
More agressive filtering:
./Bct.py -u reads.fa -o working_directory -t core_number -S abundance_threshold
With this option the graph will contain less errors but regions seen less than S times may be lost
Disable poly A tail cleaning:
./Bct.py -u reads.fa -o working_directory -t core_number -S abundance_threshold -c 0
Use this option if you do not have polyA tails in your dataset, in meta-genomic for example.
The polyA tail is HIGHLY recommanded for transriptomic data.
Other options are advanced parameters, change them at your own risk
You are lost
Your input reads in fasta/multifasta/fastq file gziped or not
If you have multiple dataset please concatenate them
I assume fastq file will contain ".fq" or ".FQ" or ".fastq" or ".FASTQ" if not please add -q
to the command line
The cleaned graph, the logs and the corrected reads will be put in this directory (default .)
The number of threads we can run in parallel (default 20)
The kmer size used to build the graph (default 31)
kmer seen less than s time will be lost (default 2)
unitig seen less than S time will be lost (default 2)
Index 1 out of i anchors to reduce memory usage (default all)
Anchors seen more than n time are not indexed (default 8)
Will print the command line used by BCT