After websocket connection is established , You will receive message #30001
You must generate random string called symmetricKey with length equal to symmetricKeyLength and encrypt it with publicKey using OpenSSL library (Padding mode is PKCS #1) , next encrypt the result with the following public key using OpenSSL library (Padding mode is PKCS #1)
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Send message #2 with encrypted symmetricKey to server (If you use the aforementioned public key in encryption process , you must set version as 2), depending on your request there are three cases of response
- You send plaintext symmetricKey and we cannot accept this key so you will go back to step 1 (After 3 times , your request will be ignored)
- Your encrypted symmetricKey length is not equal to symmetricKeyLength or security issue is detected , You will receive message #30002 with REJECTED status . Websocket connection shall get closed permanently in this case.
- Your symmetricKey is accepted successfully , You will receive message #30002 with ACCEPTED status
For each request , you must encrypt your request using symmetricKey with symmetricMethod (Padding mode is PKCS #5) and cryptographically strong pseudo-random bytes IV with size equal to symmetricIvSize
See RAND_bytes for more details
Send your request in the flowing format:
"IV" + "Encrypted Request"
Server responses must be decrypted after securing connection. In this case, response format is:
"IV" + "Encrypted Response"
Split response using symmetricIvSize , 0 to symmetricIvSize is IV and symmetricIvSize to end is encrypted response
For each response , you must decrypt it using symmetricKey with symmetricMethod and IV