Please make sure that you have properly installed the Docker and NVIDIA Container Toolkit before installation.
Please prepare the essential data for inference:
To download SMPL body models (Neutral, Female, and Male), you need to register for SMPL and SMPLify. The username and password for both homepages will be used while fetching the demo data.
Next, run the following script to fetch demo data. This script will download all the required dependencies including trained models and demo videos.
bash fetch_demo_data.sh
- Pulling the docker image from docker hub:
docker pull yusun9/wham-vitpose-dpvo-cuda11.3-python3.9:latest
- Run the code with docker environment:
cd /path/to/WHAM
docker run -v .:/code/ --rm yusun9/wham-vitpose-dpvo-cuda11.3-python3.9 python demo.py --video examples/IMG_9732.mov