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File metadata and controls

158 lines (103 loc) · 13.5 KB



Complete user / group / privilege management. Features:

  • Augments the Admin>Users panel.
  • Add / edit / list / filter users as normal, with additional content counts alongside each.
  • Quickly find accounts with certain characteristics (e.g. self-registered spam accounts with 0 articles).
  • Create new user groups (a.k.a. roles) if the default six aren’t enough.
  • Rename existing groups to more suitable names (you cannot delete them).
  • Modify Textpattern’s standard privilege areas to alter what each user group can see/do.
  • Add new priv areas (useful for custom code to save doing it in a plugin).
  • A “who’s online” indicator for admins.

Installation / uninstallation

Requires Txp 4.8.6+

Download the plugin from either the Textpattern plugins repo, GitHub, or my software page, paste the code into the Txp Admin→Plugins panel, install and enable the plugin. The tables will be installed and populated automatically unless you use the plugin from the cache directory; in either case, visiting the Admin→User manager tab will install and populate them.

To uninstall the plugin, first assign all your users to groups in Txp’s first six, then delete the plugin from the Admin→Plugins panel. The tables will be deleted automatically. If you do not reassign users to those default groups, you may have users with ‘dangling’ (i.e. no) privs. The outcome of what happens when such users log in is thus undefined: at the very least you’ll get admin-side errors thrown.

Visit the forum thread for more info or to report on the success or otherwise of the plugin.

Admin side overview

Visit the Admin→User manager tab. The default view (for admins) is a list of users. There are buttons at the top of the screen: Change password, Users, Groups, and Privs. Each of those displays an area for the management of that component.

User management (Users button)

View / search the installed user base as normal. Additional columns on display are:

  • Articles — number of articles authored by this user
  • Images — number of images uploaded by this user
  • Files — number of files uploaded by this user
  • Links — number of links created by this user

Click an article / image / file / link value to see the content owned by that user.

Filter and sort the columns as usual by clicking the headings, using the Column display options or the Search box. Note that:

  • When searching privileges by name, only the first matching group will be returned — the privs are searched in order of their ID.
  • You may search privileges and content counts by specifying an exact value, for example Article count: 0 shows all accounts with no articles (perhaps a self-registered spammer or malicious user?)
  • You may also search these fields using greater-than or less-than symbols to find users with the matching number of assets. For example, Image count: >=50 shows all users with 50 images or more.

A common use is to find any users with 0 articles, and then use the multi-edit tool to delete them all.

Group management (Groups button)

This panel allows you to alter the names of Txp’s built-in 6 groups to suit your application. It changes the Titles in the currently installed language only.

You may also add a new group using the input controls and accompanying Create button at the top of the panel. If you choose to only enter a Title, a name will be automatically generated (lower case, with most non-ASCII characters replaced by safe characters). Alternatively, you can type your own name, though please stick to ‘simple’ letters and numbers to make things easy on yourself later. If you choose an existing group from the based on dropdown, the privs for that group will be copied across to your new group.

Custom groups can be deleted using the ‘x’ button alongside each. Any users that were assigned to that group will have their privileges reduced to ‘None’. Either visit the Users panel and alter their priv level to something suitable, or set their level to something else prior to deleting the group.

If any group contains at least one user, the group ID values are hyperlinked back to the Users panel to show only those users in that group. This is handy for reassigning priv levels before deleting a group. If you hover over the priv ID, a tooltip will display the number of users assigned to that privilege group.

Priv management (Privs button)

From this panel you may alter which user groups can access which parts of the admin side interface or perform certain types of action. You will see a list of ‘area’ headings. Click one to expand it and see the privileges it contains; click it again to collapse it. The open/closed state of the areas is remembered next time you visit the panel.

Each area has a row of checkboxes alongside it. If a checkbox is ticked in a column corresponding to a privilege group, that group has access to that feature of the interface. You may alter who sees what by changing the tick boxes and hitting one of the Save buttons in each area heading; all the buttons do the same thing: they save the entire list of privileges. You must confirm the action, because the change is immediate.

You may change checkboxes in batches by selecting rows/columns and then using a keyboard shortcut to make changes to all highlighted checkboxes. Firstly, choose which checkboxes to apply your changes:

  1. click a column heading to highlight that entire Group
  2. click a row heading to highlight that entire Priv set
  3. click the top left-hand corner of the set to select all checkboxes

You can select multiple columns/rows from multiple areas if you wish. Clicking a row/column/corner heading again will toggle its status.

When you are ready to make changes to the selected checkboxes, you can use the following keys:

  • c to check all selected boxes
  • u to uncheck all selected boxes
  • t to toggle the status of all selected boxes (checked become unchecked, and vice versa)
  • d deselects all rows / columns you have highlighted

The area headings merely group the areas for convenience and make the page look less scary! Any plugins you have installed will be shown under an area heading of the author’s three-letter prefix. Note that altering privs here overrides the privs as set by the plugin so you can customise who sees what, as long as the plugin in question is loaded before smd_user_manager. Check the plugin load order values if things aren’t working as you expect.

The ‘tab’ area heading governs which user groups have access to the primary navigation areas (content, presentation, admin, extensions and any custom tabs such as those created by smd_tabber). Note that giving access to these tabs does not automatically give access to the secondary navigation elements; you must turn those on independently. By contrast, giving a user group access to a secondary navigation item does allow them to use that feature but they won’t be able to navigate to it using the primary navigation button unless they have also been given access to that tab.

For example, if you grant the ‘page’ privilege to Freelancers but don’t give them access to the Presentation tab, they could type ?event=page in the URL to get to the Pages panel but they would have no means of navigating there by clicking the menu. Since the primary ‘Presentation’ tab is missing, the secondary tabs are all missing too, even though some of them may be permitted for that group of users.

If you wish to add your own priv area, type a new one in the box at the top of the panel and hit Create_. Your area will be created under the appropriate heading, e.g. if you specified @smdtest@ it would appear under the smd heading, or if you created a file.trusted privilege area, it would appear under the file heading. Core areas are normally specified by a dotted notation but you are free to choose any notation that makes sense to your application.

Note that:

  1. some plugins may not show up in the list due to factors such as plugin load order or the mechanism by which the plugin is written.
  2. the [R] column is a special Reset indicator. Checking any row in this column will ignore any privilege checkboxes you may have set or altered and will reset the corresponding privs to their defaults after you click Save.
  3. by default you may not add smd_um privs to override the functionality of this plugin, although you can adjust who can edit what so be careful not to open the permissions too widely. A preference setting governs whether smd_um can have its own privs altered.
  4. you can create priv areas that may be tested from the public side using the smd_um_has_privs tag.

Preference management (Prefs button)

Administrators can set global preferences that govern the behaviour of the plugin:

; Assume hierarchical groups
: Textpattern does not normally have the notion of escalating privilege levels. A Copy Editor is not greater than a Staff Writer, for example, they just have different permissions to fulfil the relevant role.
: You may set this preference to yes to force Textpattern to treat your levels as a hierarchy, i.e. lower numbers are “more powerful” than higher numbers (with the exception of 0: None which is always ‘no privs’).
: Once set, logged-in users may not create or edit any other users that are ‘above’ their assigned privs, e.g. Copy Editors cannot modify Publisher or Managing Editor accounts. Further, it is not possible to alter your own privileges, nor can you create a user with a greater priv level than you possess.
: Default: no
; Protected administrator group
: Nominate a group that you wish only administrators to be able to alter/create.
: Once set, the nominated group is off-limits to all users apart from those already in the selected group. In other words, non-admin users cannot create, modify, alter (or mass-alter) any privilege setting using this group.
: Can be used in tandem with or independently of the Assume hierarchical groups setting.
: Default: 1 (a.k.a. Publishers)
; Activity timeout (seconds)
: Number of seconds within which someone has to perform an admin-side action to remain visible on the Active Users list. For high activity sites, you can lower this value and receive a more responsive (accurate) list, at the possible expense of more perceived fluctuations in user activity when the timeout is exceeded. Lengthening the value will keep online users in the list longer, even though they may not actually still be active.
: Default: 60
; Allow smd_um privs to be altered
: Set this to yes to allow smd_um privs to be changed from the Privs panel.
: Default: no

Non-admin users

User accounts without privileges to list users will automatically be shown the Edit screen for their own user account. This is the only account that can be edited. If smd_bio is installed, additional biographical information may also be edited.

Users may also change their password using the button at the top of the screen.

Active users

At the bottom of each back-end panel, admins can see a list of currently active (“online”) users. Each user is hyperlinked to the Users panel to show you the info about just that person, which is a convenient shortcut to find out about a logged-in author.

An active user is one who has performed some admin-side action in the past N seconds, where N is defined in the Activity Timeout plugin preference.

Public side tag

Tag: <txp:smd_um_has_privs>

Use this conditional tag to check if the currently logged-in user has permissions to perform some action. If they have, the contained content is executed. Supports <txp:else />.

Note that the plugin does not have a public-side logging in/out facility, it merely allows you to test whether someone who has logged in via the admin side (or via a third party login plugin) has necessary privileges.


; name
: Check the current logged-in user’s name against this list of names.
: IMPORTANT: Case sensitive.
; group
: Check the current logged-in user’s group (privilege) level is in this list of numbers.
: You can specify > and < symbols before any value to indicate you wish to check if the user has privileges higher or lower than a given number, respectively.
: If checking priv values less than a number, 0 (a.k.a None) is never included: you must add it to the list explicitly if you wish to test for it.
: Example: group="11, <4" means “does the user have privs of 11, 1, 2, or 3?”
; area
: Check the current logged-in user has the ability to access one of the given areas in this list.
: Example: area="sports_hall, chemistry_lab" would only perform the contained content if the logged-in user’s priv level was present in either the sports_hall or chemistry_lab priv areas.


  • You can combine the attributes in any way: the contained content will only be executed if the logged-in user matches all the criteria.
  • Without any attributes, the contained content will be executed if anybody is logged in, regardless of their name, privs or assigned areas.
  • Again: login @name@s are case sensitive

Author / credits

Written by Stef Dawson. Thanks to the beta test team jakob, mrdale, alanfluff, maverick, Destry, redbot, and rsilletti for their willingness to let my code loose on their servers.