🚧 Under Construction 🚧
Hi 👋 I am a german amateur Pizzaiolo 🤌 loving to bake Pizza in my Ooni oven.
Within this repo I am providing everything you will need to build your own high temperature (±450°C) thermometer for your smart home (based on Home Assistant and ESPHome).
Usecase: I am heating up my Ooni Koda 16 on the balcony and dont want to leave the house checking the temperature manually (...its winter in Germany...) - but i also want to see the temperature when i am outside without a mobile/tablet, so I included a 1.3" OLED display. Reaching different temperature thresholds I get notified via Home Assistant to my smart phone.
to be documented:
- notification for SoC below <30%
- max time from fully charged until device turns off
- add pics from device
- pic from temp curve in heat up
Part Name | Link/Info | Price |
Batteryshield for Wemos D1 Mini v1.1.0 (from Ali) | Not available anymore | 3€ |
100k Ohm Resistor | Use any | - |
Wemos D1 Mini | Use any | - |
OLED Display 1.3" | AliExpress Link | - |
3D Print Housing | https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5807062 | - |
Amplifier | Adafruit Verstärker PT1000, MAX31865 | 21€ |
Temperature Sensor | https://www.sensorshop24.de//oberflachenfuehler-mit-anlegeklotz | 16€ |
Jumper cable | AliExpress Link | - |
LiPo | AliExpress Link | 10€ |
Toggle switch | Use any | - |
Added 400c_notification_example.yaml to show how I am triggering the temperature notification automation to my mobile.
To set the threshold for a SoC Notification I collected some Data running the device until the battery shield's discharge protection turned off the device.
Berechnung Faktor für Analogwandlung inkl Spannungsteiler:
Spannungswert mit Faktor 1: 0,07 V Real gemessene Spannung: 0,272 V
Faktor = 0,272/0,07 = 3,886
Korrektur 1:
Spannungswert mit Faktor 3,886: 3.76V Real gemessene SPannung= 4,06V
Faktor neu = Faktor * (4,06/3,886)= 4.19614
How to ESPHome
- Update cli:
pip3 install -U esphome
- Build bin:
esphome compile YOURYAML.yaml
- Flashing via CLI:
esphome upload --device /dev/cu.usbserial-0257B058 pizzatemp.yaml
- Build and Flashing OTA:
esphome run YOURYAML.yaml --device
How to calc SoC (kept really really simple and linear for the complete curve...):
4.2V = 100%
2.75V = 0%
Prozentskala=(Wert−Untere Grenze) / (Obere Grenze−Untere Grenze)×100
percent = (x-2.75)/(4.2-2.75)*100
If you are a lipo expert and do have a more accurate way to calc SoC (which can be done on the D1Mini) - feel free to reach out.
Source Reference:
Batteryshield Infos: https://iotspace.dev/wemos-d1-mini-battery-shield/
Spannungsteiler Info: https://www.nikolaus-lueneburg.de/2016/12/spannungsteiler/
Analogwerte mit ESPHome einlesen: https://esphome.io/components/sensor/adc.html
Info LiPo Akku: https://www.lithium-polymer-akkus.de/wiederaufladbarer-lipo-akku-lp053450-3-7-v-900-mah-3-33wh/ Entladungsabschaltung: 2,75 V Max. Ladespannung: 4,2 V ± 50 mV